HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-03-08, Page 5fi p Ykuir r;: M, > is 0, t9r7 What is Home without Music ? 41=4044,4.44,111411147, •.,.., \ ,ti y :7A fiat -tering to the Original•. But Imitations. Only Dieappeirit Tliory zero rtiany imitations of Ulla great treatment for coughs, colds,. croup, •bronchitis and tvltooriasr, :cough. They uaualiy have caime Palo on the inerite of tho original, but it ebould be .. ernboaaead-= that they are like .it :a Remo •.Iy: •S COLUMBIA. GR FONCLAS $475 to $20 DOUBLE DISC RECOR Made in • 61 • C . Fit Any'. Canada • p Machine ."BEARING IS JSELIEVING" The Columbia dealer nearest to you will gladly. demonstrate. • Very easy, payments ' d>ttlecash req i red> Dealer r thez plain terms. Send for a new free .catalogue. COLUMBIA., GRAPHHOI'HONE : •CO. "Creators' of (be liadustry.' "Pieaesra Glad Leaders is the Art." . . ";Owprers of the Faadameptat Patents.'.. . CANADIAN FACTORY, TORONTO For . Sale by, , • SPENC.E . ucknow HINERYU ►: few: leading- articles we offer •for :sale. -at "this season- ;. .:. :of the. ....year. • Teeswater :aria SehYSleighs o • Louden Feed :.and Litter Carriers • Um? getebEsiiad CapltaF Authorized, $5,000,000 -, Capl:al Pald-up, - $3,000,000. Surplus, - - 43,,500,000.. ,In the.. Beginning HE primary; object, of the Bank lwas to 1 encourage the -habit' of saving, especially - amongst the small wage earners.; The .Bank ' of Hamilton'.has never lestsight of this' ' object: The .small :tlepgsitor . is ..alvatays '""aa'aetredefientrraitealilienta 'moi . �, -•' d'ollajr twill open. a savings account. L,UCKNOW ,BRANCH J. A...Olennie, `Manager. I ar r fir,.• • i • trL1 J • H'URON LOUNT ►NF,WS ' 1 - The unciform promotion oxatirinations for the Public Schools in Huron Coma... ,ty-wili..lie 101d on 11%irireh 29 and; .'30: d W. Hewer, who forthe past " :1 Gi ,years conducted= a .*obeying business in Wingham, has moved' with .his' *tinily .to Galt, where he will open a shop. aa. J. 1l. Proudfobt, superintendent at the Uedpr:cit Elevator Co.'s plant, had tfie misfortune last week to slip on the wharf and .fail to theirs in the harbor. .His ,right arm was broken and, his shoulder dislocated. i'te, however, is Making rapid progress towards recon'- erv. . The Goderiuh own Council is con. ducting negotiations for the sale of the Doty plant, wiiiehcamp into *the pea- session of the town- throughh the grant- ing of a bonus. prospects for a deal Which will enable the towti to recover the money tied up. in the plant, are good, and it is expected that tho•platte will be in operation We ro long. Diva nArr—luau,—A (Idiot wedding of two of r% ingliau's popular young V04147 wits solemnited at the Rteetory 4."1""""-""--"\- in Palmerston at high noon on ^ Wed ttesday :Feb. -21st, - the contracting parties being Gladys, 'Margaret, Reid, student of .the Wingham„ Business College and only daughter of Mrs: 1 Reid, of Drayton, and Charles ]!i. Dickman, of A. J. Nicholls' bakery, The ceremony was :poiformed by Rev. Brett.. The young couple will make their home in Wingham. Tint WEST Sarong Roan. --At aIre. cent meeting of the Hydro Electric Railway Association, representatives w:O e e present fromfa ori h and ,Ash. field to get'information about the Ona and West Shore Read. - Sir Adam Beck stated that a report on the'roasl would lye`ready shortly. An offer' of $40 per ton for tate rails on the road has been received, Which !Sea advance. on: the•previous oii`eh: Sir Adam protu ised that a '4cepresentative of. the. Hydro Commission told be sent to address the 1 arrers,' Clubs 'in the' neighboring townships$, to. "talk 'up 'a plan` for. t lit ropily of eleotrie power, to farmers. A lOG'YEARS' —The oldest resident 'of Huron passed away at the houm of. his son.in kw, M. Rowland;14th Con, et MoIi;illep, on 1'eb, 1,5th,: in the person of Ed :yard Limb. Ile -was b in -Wexford Ireland, in 151.1, and ha ther afore nttaxried the remarkable a of,.1f16 rears He came to :Cana da'a 1E43 and tau years later to Iiuro county; K here be baci`lived ever sin. I3istwo sons .T(rbn f' WV o alton, an.: Stephen, �'t•11 i is in„the 'West, survi hirci. • Mr. Lamb retatiecl�the use his faculties .until wi 'hon a few month of the end df, alis to ng life, and -deatl was due merely. to the w eirini out b the human. .maeh-tnery: - ; RlIN1STLIi yirnys . �IPlF1 i, -I1nir ..11� Knight, of `Hensall, won his nppe ';bFfore;the court` of. Appeal: in , conne tion with the conviction `reistere against him fair tt espass. io :July • last This action ar Osgnodo Hall 'recently is the sequel to a. ease taint has. been matter of. , deep - interest in the St Marys ''district for months. A St Marys police magistrate ".i stied bn Jul 29tH, 191(, a 'varr,tnt'.to 'otrch the 'iioynl'7��lw.ard Tlotol nrl••infermat' 1n.iil`'by''1Ir. Powell.. Rai. Mr: TtnigL agreed to a.sgist the'ehiicaf cif ' police.. in tiro ie.ttcit--an later 'ts .s.:0'i:weeded airm -6, +L y •lata' Maaeah ea'51a -Mr. McLare'n,' who torah the ,position that i1Ii,.l�ili_ht .era:ariot"Lai ailieer of the law and .was guilty . of trespass, Y ]l; nt h tv' Knight a L 9flt cl •• ,n' 0 1 n,. r ii � , � .a 1 r .L3,L„at[1Rt this:08n that the • animate[ ap rn. d ge n n sine vis of ;- f a1'. c- d a Y' t =This is a far sane ' F ' the package b'e4z1na ',portrait troll signaturai of ha `W; Chase; M:D, Rev. Dr. Thomas Eakin ofeiated. The ser vice was entirely choral. Dr. Norrr+arrAnderson was at the organ, The bride looked charming in a simple ivory crepe de Chine gown caught with. a large bunch of violets at the waist. Her. tulle vRii was wreathed ' with orange blossom, She parried a white prayer book. The bride Was 'given away by her brother, Mr. E. F. Garrow, Owing to recent bereavements only the immediate relatives were present.af ter .the ceremony at the weddin;.breakfast at the house. of Mr, and Mre.• E. F. Gareow on Roxborough street, Mr. and Mrs: Macdougall leftfor a short trip1 and will be. in Toronto on .their return. 'Mt' Courcey Macdougall,. of Montreal, brother of the bride room,. was present at'the weddicig:-: • RIPENED A WEEK:EARLIER• - Gii:o W..NEELY, Dorchester Sta., Ont- ark), says: "1 fertilized with Homestead Bone Black Fertilizer purchased from Mr, Fred Howe, Dorchester Sta., Ont ,.seven aeres cats•this Spring. At intervals to the field I omitted the fertilizer a drill: width. The oaas wheie the fertilizer was sown, after the first fewdays"' growth showed in a "marked' degree a more vigorous. growth and maintained t advantage,; over: the unfertilized pore s threlighont. -the season', ripening a Week sooner. and with fuller heads 'of:grain." -. a RIYENED 10"DAYS "EARLIER Tuoat:As.dIEL>,r,....Clipenhagen,' Ontario, "I- have .-nsed Homestead- fertilizer -em nn both corm .and oats,. and -ani well satisfi= ed the corn eared�up bet'ter:and r erred A about ten days' earlier. where the fertiliz= er'Was used,•. it also' gave a•larger-. yield both in corn and straw." hETT.1Il1 THAN,MANURE. . EDii'.Ann Wool), Ethel; dntarIo, says: "1 tested Homestead Bone Blaek Fer= -tiliaer on'oath, coal `and potatoes, ' The results were beyond my expectations.. .fly corn's as•better, •on the ferttlieed part of the' field_than on the other part where I put 12 loads of good.. barnyardinanure per acre with Manure spreader, 60 bash - els per lead.' ;:1' highly•recommend the use of your high -grade:fertilizer.'t • • Write Michigan Carbon Works, De- troit, for free book and particulars about their Homestead Bone' Black 1! ertilizer. ANOTHER. $4001N 'WUQUOR FINES "”' Ins -feet' F Fria;` who, 'in' company. with. Ltwyer IKlcin :and Magistrate Robt. *Ru hrtrityoin, ,jouriloyed to :Lion's .11oad lastewcek to contend with 'abme liquor''I i 'intro;fidif',.reakTigL ::"V"ti ti $day w t n $4OO in fines, -collected from two parties, whoa hid sinned ng:idiot the Prohibition law.- A Walkerton boarder wlio wrote, the Mail and noire as to . whether a roomer. ui a'stii,ndard hotel could:legally keep: boore'. in a trui k in his; room; had •his answor in the. ion's Head episode, 'where Geo.. Willi ins, who boirds in his brother's hotel .0 re, ws $_found guilty=of keeping the tools re for use in his trunk, and was.assessed, y. the court $200 and cost's for•the offence. The. other . case had to do with a Lion's Head'l[very'men,, Ohm, Tyndall, who, while driving a'paity out to a sale, claimed that a bottle sof; bo'ogi3that` had =Mysteriously got into the cutter rolled up againsttheir heela en the - trip, and 'picking it up he sautpled it and set it d'owo on tato seat between them.. The.otlrer fellow then, picked it up and sampled it and sat it back on the seat: They kept picking' it up and• setting it 'down until theMan who hired the -rig, it seems, got full; and at• a: previous c•iurt was linea$10 for being intoxicated. Inspector White decided to go"•after the bcalp of the I•tverymau, who, itseems, imagined he was' immune because he was neither drunk nor 'load handed the bobze to his urate, he merely ,setting it down on the seatand the other gent pick- ing it up. Ile wag fitted WO' and etiats for' keeping liquor in'other than appri• vaso house, the courtholding that - on finding it he should hnvethtewm it away acid not kept it in the.rriig. On return• ing the Inspector mixed three cases of booze at Wiarton, which were addressed tin a party in that. town who ' nobody 1 eeti.ed'tci know. Another else will like.y develop if the claititant appears, as it seeing that is too big it.thipneent for any one than to get, --Brute Wye, ELANNA—CA 1rPli1.LL.•..The wedding took place on Tuesday Feb'.3.0, uthigh .noon tn.:)r.nok -Chttrblt Wri atoe --6£ Esther' Nlar'r;aiet, clan hter of the late Mr Colen Campbell nnrl.,Mrs, Camp bell, of Lansing, Hirt,., and 'Nor. John lliltitiia, of t4=.iitghtun, rhir ceremony being performed, by the Rev. L• B. Gitwon .L 1.D;- .T-htr bide,- who "was' givotn in mai riago .us, her une(o, Mr. Alba Robinson; wore a most becoming suit of J3urgundy bluo broadcloth .with trimmings of `seal, a sinart satin hat of the same shade,' and: white fox furs, with i Jo1neG c f sun yet roses and vi o rota. She w as'atteirdeil by Iter cousin, Miss Margaret 'Robinson, tvho wore a white: broadcloth yown,•With a coat of. putty colored cheviot and earried.pinii roses:, Thi groom•was supported by. mitt R. • lI King, of Wingliant"ilio ceretnon •Y was witnessed' by only 'Mime hate rola. tives and .friends; -and 'Mr anad°, Mrs Hanna left on the 1;Oo train for New 'York. ° After a for>tnight's trip they will make their home in Wingham. MODovaAtt-- PAttraotv.•--.From'The Mail. and Empire:. Miss Beat' fee Mary Garrow,' daughter .of the late Mr: Ju. tic Darrow and of 31i.s. (lat'reAv, was married very quietly on Saturday morning at St. Andrew's. church, To. vonto, to Mr, 'iounstth Macdougall, C,ANAIM'S 0166E0 YEAR The, year 1016 was thennost prosperous Year in the Dominion of Canada. : say' William Lewis E imondu, writing in The Canadian Magazine for March. Mr. Edmonds points out also that the Dom. inion awoken the fact that the had been transformed. from a debtor to a creditor nation. "The balance of trade,," ha observes, "began to take a turn more favorable than wee at one time deemed poeeible. This enabled the Minister of Finance, who had all along been closely=studying._ the situation, , to try? 'the hitherto ,110, heard of experiment of floating a domes- . tic loan. As the banks had promised to subscribe liberally, • be asked for fifty million dollars.- To the surprise of al- most everyone, the amount subscribed was more than double that sought, Of the amount subscribed, onehundred millions was accepted, one-half of which was set aside forthe purpose • of - estab-' Balling a line of credit in the interest of the Imperial -Government. - Later en, in co-operation withthe banks, a, ,further line of credit was established. Last September the Minister of Finance. sought a further domestle'loan, the sum. aimed•at being a hundred million dollars. Again theamount subscribed exceeded by one hundred per cent, the sum asked for. Besides the two hundred millions which bane' been raised by domestic loans, the banks and the Finance` De- partment between them have established credit in the •interest of the Imperial Government to the amount of.$250 000 000." , PREVENTION' !p COAL. SHORTAGE This winter we have had a coal "fam- ine" fant-ine" and that suffering has accompanied the shortage of, this necessity is .iindeni- able. The average _citizen has a notor- iously short •Tillery, but now" is the time to impress upon him that, in many -cases, the suffering was°due . to lack of foresight.: In Canada many people 'buy insmall quantities --often only one.ton. If, for any cause, there is ashortage of coal, improvident householders demand thrat-Che-coal dealers -°do the-' impossible, namely, that they supply fuel that is tin - obtainable Whereas, had they. par- - chased their coal in the summer or aur innn,,'there would be ample. supplies available While some large consumers, such as manufacturers, cannot store a six nGonths' supply, most householders can, with their present' bins or with enlarged bins, store coal to meet their reeuirements till 14 larch: or,April. -,•Iq; recent years, we have had two coal "famines", Brat in --190.1-02, the year of, the_eoal miners':strike, and, second; this - year, when the severity .'.of the weather, and the extraordinary prosperity in the - ''United ,States caused an unprecedented congestion.of freight A survey of con- ditions in the, United States, demon- strates that inthe f uture "there . will be more noal "famines' than in' the -past and that they _will'occur;'at shorter in: tervals, For-this•there is onlyone-rein=-" edy: BUY YOUR COAL.I i THE SLIM 'MER. -IF YOU• HAVE-NOT SUFFI.. CIENT.S'IORAGE,'';ENLAIl±GE. YOUR COAL•Bh1tT.. ' ' , MEASLES iN ONTARIO.' The;epidemic 'of measles that re god throughout Ontario .for the larger part of last year proved..to be the mcst'severe known.. in the province sinc•e. the corn-. .pilation of records was commenced..' In • an average year there•are from 4,000• to 5;000 cases of measles?.. but. -during 1916 22,000 cases and 227 deaths were re- ported. -• Spinal meningitis was the Most fatal disease, 66,per cent of the 'cases repotted ending fatally. ;'. r .asara9:!' ---_.- —a - Pao Pic 5 THE BUSY HARDWARE HOUSE MAKE OUR STORE YOUR HEADQUARTERS PHONE 66 FOR POMPT DELIVERY ® o4 ota. 44,44..4 or. ti Gnueware .Sale: IF Owing ' to the increased cost of -material and labor graniteware>manufacturers were recently - compelled to increase their prices a full 3o per cent., which yo'ltave u� doubt seen reflected in the prices which.most dealers .are charging for graniteware now: We were fortunate in' being advised of the ao.tici' pated increase by our principal suppliers and were able to place. an • ordr'.. at a very_ ,considerable .saving over present prices: Our stock bas just come•° in aid we r have decided to pass. on our saving to our 'custoiners as• we are still making -our- usual fair margin and can see . no reason for taking advantage of the' situation to exact' an exorbitant profit. - r • The - stock is good quality, '•single coated Grey Ware; of smooth, uniform ` finish and well and substantially made. ` de. If you want to save_nelmey in Granite ware here's your chance. Come in and get a printed listof this ware with prices. , so that you can look .it over at y=our leisure._. _ _D.o not delay 'tliis opportunity'- as we .only have a limited quan., tity of each and cannot : take orders-: for more ;than we have in stock. SALE NOW ON ` COME EARLY,�. c .EOI The Store Where Your .Money' (goes Farthest -We are... Offering Bargains... in Ladies' Fine+ -Furs in . Stoles' -and , llIuffs to clear during_ the cold weather.. 1Vfany of .these.wlll be higher in• price next• season: ' wring to the advance in raw furs. ' Our Prints;, Cin Yams -Gana : � - � teas and, Shirt= inn g $',.will .market. , . , ._, _g- .........-�.erthe_best--ill _ ... __....< • � iIlzlr�%et affords Our prices will bre. tighth Ou finial y Department- .. mer De : p erg# w�II abo in o en• . , , p ut ten ::da s Y Miss . Johnston,.., who -n'as' .chgear • . is -n: , now. in.Toronto attending the ,millinery openings . and selecting the newest styles' in -hats and 'trimmin �'s, bu in' h .• trimmings, Y g where.. she can get the : best Further ..announcement next week': NN: r �a;Im�►�}4',5' We make itgood aa",r t�,,lrWr , , IOu��1 �'1 is LI have m t,: • HOSE WHO, FROM TIME TO TiME HAVE FUNDS REQU1Ri O. I NVESTI,4 NT 'MAY PURCHASE • AT 'PAR DOMINION•0F NA. ,GADADEBENTWE g00 IN SUMS OF 5500 OR' ANY MULTIPLE THEREOF. - • Principal repayable let 'Octobe'1919.' • Interest' payable half -yearly, lst April and 1st any 'chartered' Sari p t?ctobet" by-. cheque (fico ,af 'excititnpe at ; k in Canada) at the rato'of five per cent. per 'annum from the date of purchase.. Holders of this stock will have the "via.,x . pia 1 e4o. of• surrondaririej.,•t. par and•accruiiLf. interest as the equivalent of oath, ir1 payment of any allotment ntado u future oder any fu:uro war loan issue In Canada other than an lssue of Treasury. Rills or other.like short .-ci a .to security, pos Proceeds. of this stock aro for.war puree o ly. A cal a commission of one-quarter of Ono per tent ili,be allowed'to recodniz stock brokers on altotmettts, made 'in resect• of a 0 ed bond and stamp.• p p' iratibns for this stock vohicft bear their 1"or applfoatfon forms apply to the Deputy Minis er of imamLva, tit '1lrerro0OtOgN n It Fst1airyANos, OTOTTAWA.s'' .. bate. d r ,,