HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-03-08, Page 4eValiggalleg4Wi
31/t lituktunti *runnel
maims 11114111
* Iow
perngui taintir
Qt 'Mane %ad
L) ka. lareiciow Leto mote even, rgity
s stasimaiiier Ran,
cordially inv
Aitehesuo..." toe
AlkaiworaqUiat, dec., A, iloyd;
pv. Veto mos; Treas...hlex. Rees
4. A.14„ O. X e. 014 Lodge meets
every ThuradAirt tin erj* store toe run
rya*, in the_ le all. klaveloelt street
*steer,. W. Annstroagt W..
.4. Davison; J. w., V. Llielliay; *Aro
e. 0. Y. court nhowood 14e. 60, w,
meets every at I:147.ot the In
the Oddiellowe' /I hating bitArfl cor.
*Bally invited to Attend. t Wetger._W.
rv .r. Davison; Rec. Secy.. Robt. Graham; Fin.
Secy. liebt. Joluistoot•Treest. D lt, iliac
W. /Alamo todite, No. DM meets
°00°.-‘1 moildaYPI *hob mooth la the oda-
fellows' DIU. seester Workman, 41 Mao.
• Marna; Socy.J.D. R. Macintosh; Rec.
8c7.* Deo. kottertirees...Ales. Ross.
0,6. fOWLR i,. 12_ )). 1). 0: Oen* up
stair, in Suttee. *tux*. Telelwater. tipea
tat attention to_gind oleos/, crowning and.
bridwark. vUlts wroxeter let. and. Std.
• ItiWmadair at each month: cowrie Thor.
O. A. Nieweole D. D S., ihuitiat.. 06100
Allin aleok. fattcziotw. Ont. modern
. methods twee. materials tarnished.
Crown and Bridgelvork. .Painleas extract-
ion by tho nes or tee latestsimplest and
, safest. rimed 003INVFORM. Newest
nos bin
teeth. ,aluailuna inetesd
• •
Ontario's Best Business •
„ .
Students may enter our classes at any
..time. C0111111t11ar your course now
and be qualified for a position by
midsummer. pitting tidy and Aug.
ust of last year we received calls for
.over 200 office aseistente we could not
'supply. Our graduates are in de,
mend. Write at once for our tree •
catalogue. - •
• Di A, AULAGHLAN, Principal.
Pulatelied evercreareilear aseesixer
loseiteerw. Oassate.
A. B. all4.Vgialial2. Pre *low
eat Bator.
TRAM* or tiosionirtiow.--To sMy addreee
In Canada et Great Winds. one year $1.60. el*
menthe TOL, three IMaii WO. TO Ulf 1,110144
*Ares. sue year Attio. mass are ths. paid in
advance rates, wtss. paid in arreere the rem
is eieo. per year higher.
fhibeerilwri who tail to MHO* Wm identluel
regularly by mall will wader s river by oc.
quaintiug es et the taut et as. early *dodo se
When &mite ot addresela desired, both old
and the new addreee should be given.
Adverttaina Satiaa.
DISMAY .41472470112ift RATX41-,31144104C1W11
*a anplitatioe. .••./
8tatc:A.N111414--011e ittli.r1.10n 511121 throe in
oedema sa.m. %
Farm- a or Real ligatate tor sale 50e each Inver -
nom Misoelleneoua Atticles For Sete. Toltent.
Wanted Lout. Found. eW.. each Insertion Mc.
Load Deader*, Notices. etc..100 Per line Per in•
station, tfe eitOb aubaequebt insertion; lipeels,1
rate or re to regular diaele-F advertisers. Card
of Thanks Sic, Vona, layouts tic and 60_ Per
line. no notice /OW te- , raipa advertising
10e hug ad per linp..,- Auction Sitleit.‘bilef notice
60e* longer natio0 1A1 r lino for drat insertion
Color eaoli enbeeeuen Insertion, Blackleced
'I ype coo* St ilnee tor I. ,
. _
Asyspeclel aolict• Mk ellitCt itt Which lithe
Mostar, aught Wavy ledivideel er 1111teell)"
111111, 1110 be emetic*" aa ' adverlisenest and
elenged aceetilletlY,
. ,
-Beninese Cards of el* /thee and under 45.00
pereyear. . ' •
To Canadians Pa 1111)14 ineomprehen-
Bible thing now spine on IueQneotion
with the war is the inanufactury of
thousUnde and thousands of Boss rifles
which it is not even suggested will be
wied in this or any otheriwar• ,
It,appeavn that although the hundreds
of thousands of rifles which tha Canadi
soldiers' took to England (and some
France) with them have been practically
thrown Sway!. the. Boss faetorY u in
Quebec ie. tO keep nn• making Ross rifles
until February of next yew The, rifles
are being pinned out at the rate of about
1000 Per day, snit *not herd to figure
• h9Yit manY.Tnll. te made Within the
Year -something like three hundred and
fifty thousand uselees rifles, for which.
Stett s trenteAtlantic shng tied p
beceuse of the German subantrine blutL
That all Unitta Stetee citieeue are
ant takitig tamely to Preeident Wilaryde
"wetchful welting", "armed neutrality,
etc." ie asidn illuetreted by the followitie
article whtch has received wide public:t.
throughout the gauntry:
Preeident Wileon has received the fee.
lowing caplegramt from Austin Y. Hoar,
whose nfother and sister were lest when
the Lacoula was torpedoed withent
warning by a Getman eubluarine:
'‘ "I 12121 12.11 Americau citizen, repreeent•
big the Sulltven Machinery Company of
Chicago, living abroad, not tea an expatri
ate, but for the promotion of America+
-trade. I lave the flee, believing in it
eignificalice. My beloved mother ate
meter, paseengers on the eLliconitt, bavi
been foully murdered on tha high sea.
"As an American citizen, offtragent
and as such fully within my right; and
ati an Ahlerican son and brother bereav-
ed, 1 call upon my government to pre-
serve its eitizene' self-respect and save
othersof my eou trymen from such deep
grief as I now ,,feek. I am of military
, age, able to'fleht." If my country ca,
use, me against these.bratal • aifeaseins I
am at it Call.
* "If it stultifies my manhood and .my
nation by remaining passive under out-
rage, I shall seek a man's chance under
another flag." .,
(Front The New York Independent) •
Since the time when Sir Walter 'Ba.
leigh introduced ' the petatd. intothe
court of Queen Elizabeth the werld hoe
become more and more dependent upon
what became known as his lazy root,"
•The 'first edition of the Encyclopedia
the Oinadian Governinent ill going to
pa i in hard-earned Canadian money.
. • It *Mild be highly interesting to learn
RS just what all is at the backor this huge
ellY-Anaking titles which are useless
SPECIAL' Fares now in effect and leaving • unmade rifles oehice are
to resorts, in Florida, Georgia, needed. • •
North and South Carolina Sir Robert‘aorden explained that the
„LOUiSidua and other Southern
" Statesand to -Bermuda and
the West
, -.Return Limit 'Mair^31.st,' 1917
tlhOrat sToNovieRs ALLOWED
Forittirinformattawinite to '
0. 1V1A111`114; Ageitt, IhueknOw;
Phone 2 "
Studio, Lucknow,.
Open Monday, • Tuesday and
Now 11 the lilac t� have
that Family Group taken
• while thgy are all it hcitite
(FremSatirdity Night)
Ae the Canadian Red Cross, has just
• heid ite annual meeting In Toronto; the
report Aiming the magnificent work
beid iiccomplished, it .seems an oppor
tute. tine to say a fewwords concerning
thirealalicions trialignere 'this magflifi-
„ •
.cent orgtinization. Idle tittle tattle,
agri...4,1'ittiOnid never by any meturz rebid-
e.ee •velimeeige-enegivemiee-,•etteteeiteleasernsideitP;
tionehaebeen tretiially tiecepted by those
who Should know better.. And thopain;
•• fur *tit of itis that this thalicieats • gee*.
sip heal injured the work. •At a smeeific.
instance it *nay be noted that one church
right in,914..3 city of Toronto bas bad its\
• work ,conipletely disorganizedby the
• false statements aid this or that gentlee
Man- lienuecthd witb the 'orgaiizrition
were making forttinett out of it; when,
on the contrary, it is known to the Writ-
er, aa It is to all people familiar with the -
of the heads of. the Canadian
Red,Drostr, thttt theee_men.have not only
• given their own time gratis" ,.to the ar-
ganization, but more than that, they
lave donaio se -great- lintinettioes :to
their private businesses in which they
„eta interested, tad whiebwere neglected
by reason of the time elven to Eta
Cross work. Jail is tume too good _for
tiled() lying scandalmongers, and some
doiy mayhap some of them will reach it.
servons WOntett
Dellefontsitte, Ohio -.."1 'wish every
e tfreat' WeAkp_ nervous could have
Vine', for I never spent any money to
ray life that 414 Tile so much good. as
*hitt X spent for vine,. I wail weak,
tired, worn out and nervous, add Vitted
talide the strong, welt and vigoroue after
eSorything else had isified to help 1216,
• lied I NM now do my hougework with
pletsurs."—Ursi it V. LAIDIOliff. •
We gtuitsintee :Vino' for all weak,
• rtui4lown, nervous, debilitated eon.
Ross Company must be allowell togo
taking these useless rifles and the go
liniment must keep on paYing for the
backbeenisi; . 1ofpoit2iconactreacci td entered. into aw
company must have r ritilre:%vnio:Licet
change the make of rifle The Preini
also eitpiained tha't though. the &lea Wi
not be used In battle, thewill be nee
in training the Men. That is, the • me
are to be trained in the use of a kind
rifle•which they are not going to Use i
war, atewhen they get a httlemearer th
field of ehtivity -they will have to 'ear
all shout the Lee -Enfield rifle, which
the serviee rifle. . • • , •
Thisa the use being made of the
money which the peoPke.of Canada. are
being asked to work for and save. '
Britannica, referred to it aa .!`that
moralizing esculent,''' and such it h
proved to be to those who made, it the
staff of life. . Requiring no capita, 'an
no machinery, little akill in the husband
man for the raising of it%and iit.ge bkj
in the hodeewife' foe the cooking of -i
the potato hector* too popular with th
pin.. When it was introdecedinte Ire
land it ra,ised the Populatioi;, .itccordin
to the Mathusian 10,w, from three mil
hone to__ eight...anfilione 'and a. halt by
1845. Then came twO crop , failures in
*uccession; one million starved to death
andanother million Were driven inte•
01.4101111 GkiitWit* 10 it liepoier, Healthier 1.2e
lay me Phimeoemer
GLORGEF IItrrLItik.4 )1.9 KD.
Tu.6,40.y„ 1%11,,,11, .8.klie 191 7 t
The Object of ventilating Is
not to air rooms and bending%
hut it Is to air yourself. If you
do. tbat just exactly "twenty.
throe hooch xfitly.nlne
arid sixty scoond* In every
twenty-four hours you need
never worry abbot the ventila-
aeon ef your rooms and WM-
take car* of mem,
*elves. What de you ventilats
on hat days and nightet Your.
self, lint itt - Watt, why- then 11
mental hand spring on cold
days and nights, In • warm
weather your mono can go
"hang" ito• long as your skin
feel; coel or there Is. a breeze,
whereas In Cold witother yet*
lungs gen oci to "hang" so long
as your rooms fool 40914.s, and
breere-lees, Thus it conies to
palm, that ho hot weather, at
• home, ot the factory, at school,
In 'office/ and pubilo hulking, '
everyman, weinVen and • child
gets ventilated twenty-four hours
. 'very •deYi whorias, each and.:
ell sueh get ventilated but a
fraction ef an hour or two dur.
big•the cold •weather. Avoid
• breathEng Impure air, alr that
'has ' been breathed -et home
and At work, asleep or awake.
Breathed alr Is ,a virulent pois-
•on; your own afr well as others.
dapirty alr lo death?: Always
and everywhere avoid the con.
contenting alr If you have to
quarrel ' to do I. If you • don't
you will haVe to suffer and the
devil to pay to get your blood
and flesh rid of. It. Beeldes,
losing your health. yens will lose
your Job or bushiest or happi-
ness. sooner or later. •
e-• (Copyright, 1910, by W. Ck outman.)
ir end mulre good the loss to Mr. Thaler.
d Bois GO TO TRIAL. -Three boys,
Jacob and. Harry Schnurr and Stephen,
er were last week before
t, Magistrates Tolton, of Walkerton, and
Fischer, of ,Mildmay, tilitirged with
e theft, l'he-court watebeld at Mildmav
Now the potato has: cOme to be the
triblit lin portant if not tie :decvefacter
in the, Great War. Larit year Germy
wee eavedirom starvation and surrender
by a good potato crop._ : _This year the
.yield is poor The Kaiser would willing-
e- ly give up Bapaunie to the English in
exchange -for potatoes e Dot', England is
not much better eif and Lloyd George
has taken coritrot ef-the sale of potatoes.
6 The' Swedkah.governreent has *timed an....
-• edict prohibiting the -peeling Of potatoes
before cocilting. The Swisii Government
is lso.laboring with the high price _ot
•There. ins a complete and -disastereue
akdown of the machinery o! govern
meat in the United States the other day
and the deeirehi an oierWhelining Maj-
ority of inenthers of Cengrees. and the.
People WAS defeated.'"' .
' There are about 650 Congressmen in
the Senate and the Heusi of RePresent-
litiveli. ' The president' and , .more than
490.0 these ' congressmen were', . favor
of putting guns on the 'Amer:lean .•owned
ships now tied up inpott, and sending
theni•to. sea, 6 encounter and ,fight, :if
tweet/24, the G e m a n subMarines.
-Ahotittar. °entreat:Men of one
thaships or taking any other action
vOlell might lead to war, and these sue• :
ceeded in defeating the president. and
the nearly 500 Congresainen Who agreed to
with him. In fact eleven senator% eon-
sumated the defeat,•for`a b211 provzdrng
for the tinning Of the ships passed the
•House., ••
This failure of government waa due
to -bad- ru1eir.06rof,edure:- It'll a ti*:
herd rule that a United Staten sena-
ator may talk as long as he Pleases on
any bill or tumour° tinder dhscuturieniet
there is 'Unlimited freedom ° of speech:,
Tikere la atonetitiational Provition that
Congrees.expires on the 4th, of March,
and eartnot !evilly do bueiness'afterihat
date. This being theecase, all the balk-
ing aenatore had to do, was to talk until
Congress expired. and all pending legis-
lation would be defeated.
The reedit of this arrangement is that
no important legislation can be put
through at the end of the eession. Many
Yet the price'of potatoes in Switzer-
lancl,....shut in by belligerents, and in
England, blockaded by U-boats, id only
•helf ad high as it is in New York City
with an open continent henind. it, ' The
rise in theprice of potatoes from 'four to
eight cents a pound in the past months
brought a hungry -mob Of mothers from
the east side Who 111 to hlaine and
what can be dope about it are hard
questions to answer. In the 'Meantime
it is well to 'remember that potatoes are
not Ind peneable. Rice is also selling
at eight cents* pound, and since rice
contains only 1,2% of water, while potra.
tree, contain 78.3%, it ia evident that
potatoes are about four times ae expens-
ive as rice • Bread and .roacaroni, all
be used in the place of potatoes at leas
kidsexe_ptbadateef.. corn.ve:rioilteactonsfeinactgo;nasneterveaantte
where the thefts Were said to have
been committed. The eutcome
up for trial.befoee thei cotinty tudjese. -
the Hineperger boy' being 'acquitted.
It app-oers that a.. number of small
bilrgittriiii had heel), committed in the
village in- the pat fere wriehs, the
climax being renehert in the robbery
of. the charity ea'elt box in•th* R. C.
church. Cpinitable Bripgs; of Walker
ten, Was called .Over le 'investigate.
Mrs. S,elinurt'havingThee;rd that her
Sens- were'etispe ted:of.,boeiing
bond in the thefte. undertook asearch
of the bog•quarters and found a cash
of $93 70. :A quantity of tobacco, 'a
mouth•organ; kept and knives' were
alsofound, and of these the oonetable
took pesseseirer7:ne then made ow iry
among the business men to leaf% if
anyone had been robbed of Buell a•
"suw:.Mr. J ft. Mt -turn claimed that
his shoe store lutd been entered on the
night ofFob 9th and a semof between
90 and :100 'dollars tak n He)wig
Broasaidtheir store had been entered
on Feb is, the till change of three or
,fout dollars talten,••hesides a quantity
of tobacco: At the'trial Harry Solinurr
stated that he had burglo•ized Sob
nure's storbut bad .nothieg , to do
with the chtireli mali. box' or Helwig's.
As alt etatiad, the Sohnurr • boys
were sent up for trial.
that the two &hour boys were sent
• Viragareetort Boit KILZED.-Prieate
Leith. Rumen, the .yonneest , of four
sons of Reeve Ittiesell, of L. Walkerten,
vies reported killed in France last
week. Pte. Russell had enlisted with
the 71efr7Battelion ie Out.ober Of 1,915.
Wait oVereetta Just -a- yeifir-ii-fid:
He wwi terving with a trench Mortar
batterywhen kiih3d.
Reporter says:
Many will regret to learn of the bud
den -death aietbeJlev: Mi. Dobion, 01
Clorrie. Deceased was well known he, a
He was one ot the iiist campers at
Arno Beach and each ,.year visited
Kirreardine many times while at the
beach. He underwent an operation in
Toronto for apperidicsitis, which pro»
ed fatal. •
',Steps Taken t Keep•the 1+0 Well Up ;
: to 'Strength : •
.4t-remeetingeif the -officers of the trld
end.. Bruce reginienti held in the Arm-
ries ,ot Walkerton re&intly, arctic:elution
mg Chat in view of the 160th. Battalion
going to -France as a unit, h recruiting
. ,
scheme be startedat•once in.this county
enlist troops. as a reinforcement for
this unit The idea) is. to 'conduct a
campaign tn Bruce .under the anepleep
of the .3ind. Regiment, and to aim- at
raising and training &arta of. gm men
▪ au'ilYwatke M the- Brit* iiit4
tenon that the war is sure to tnaketifter
the 100th get into action. By this meens
Icirchopitain-kieffighTdrilionup to
strength, es otherwise, it wotild soon
wear down and peritopia 100se Ira identi-
ty. Those at the meeting and who had
shoed in adopting vithat promittes 6 be
an historic- petition were; Major Thos.
}fay, Commanding Offi 2 of the 32ncl1
Regt‘, and Lieut. Rieke', -Niger; Capt..
o. F. Klein, Major Heade ti and Lima.
Harold Pattersce. of Walkan.ipt
Langford, of Port Algid, and Lietitfit
Gillies and Nichol, of Chesley,
important ineaaures have bean defeated
Oda way, bet .there never before was
suck a flagrant abut* of privelege no thie.
recent One,
• It will be interesting to see what
&nit's° the presiden1..0d public opinion
Will take. The 'president 'is 'Alia to be
getting legal (0111100 as to Wiutt, ,he ean
or cannot do: If he may arta the ehips
withotit the Consent Of Congress, he will
do se, if not he may call the new Coil.
greet in epeeial deatli011 hi order that it
may deal with the situation.
In the meantime Americatte have to
Olt#A. M. 11PRIicR • LOCKNOW'aodure the maddening sight of all Unit.
YOUNG 13onottaim.--Three boys, till
under 14 years of age; broke into and
dole goede from the store of John
Thaler, of klmwootl, ()nit recent Sup
day evening. They took cigarettes
tobaceo, knives, Oen)" and pipes, and
were going to have a royal time They
deposited their booty in a nearby bunt),
but when the storekeeper miesed hie
goods they were easily traced and the
gootls diteovered, 'The boya were
arroefori by (Thief rerguaon, of Wet-
keeten. and readily convieted, They
were allowed to go, an their lir rents
promising to pay the Court toets', 024
Ward* Off Nervous Break Down
Alburtis, Pa. ---"X am a:leacher lit the
bile rehools, and I got into* very- tete
e, model/tin condition. I could not
ep and had tux appetite. I waa tived
the time. My sister *ekedrite to ity
not. I did go, Mel Within a week tily
petite Improved and 'wield Meter all
ht end now X feel end Atone."
OSA 2,1. Albuttts• Pt
• (Guelph Marcury)
People are very onXions to know what
le meitut by the hint 'repeatedly giver
from Ottawa, th.at, if the militia act
comea into effeet, of "certain Parts* tr't
Caeade will l* affected hy. it We take
It that there are *owe portions, 'the»,
where the militia act synth() oforced,
1,nti others where It will net be --ea peace
don that would be inteterable eta wal wit
The proclaim* of the militia act are
very plain, Men, undee it, are enrolled
The firetcompriees all between' 18 arid
• 30 years, unmarried or widowere withreee
children; tile seemed, those between.;
404 45 ,years, unmatried or widoete
ithout,childret .2, the third those bet rr F
18 and 45- yore, married or tavidew
with children; the fourth, those hetweei
45 and 00. Theee may be called out in
the Ordei in which they are named
• a s. No. 1, Kimoss
jr. IV, Total 550:--)Ialcolm McD m-
aid, 435; Norman CoMpixill, 224,
Sr. 1fL, 5507 -Margaret 'Campbell, 495;
Lenwood Hewitt, gat. • .
Jr. III, 550 -Mary IllioDenald, 302;
tennie McDonald, 366; Jack Campbell,
359; Morn Kaake, 346; Ralph Heston,
• 311; Wilda McLean, 267.; Edith Geddes;
Sr. IL 450 -Belle Hewitt, 8,08; Reta
Barnes, 174; Torrence ,Guest, 91• , •
Jr ,Kaake, 189; Edna,
Gueat., 82. •
I -Allan MeKenzie, Toni McDonald,
Kathleen Huston, Ruby Cole, Gorden
Pr. --(Mary Stauffer, Mamie McLean)
ties, Vertex, Leeson, Emma' Bennett. •
No, on roll, 25; average att , 17 a.
: -John A. Lockhars, Teacher,
S. S. IsTo,.6, Knnoes.
• Lookhart, 82%..
Sr: IV-:Inarie Mazintosk 75.
Jr. IV -Malcolm Duncan, 60; Harvey
MacDougall, 57; l'Evelyn Lockhart, 63• ,
BeS4rt,..t•mIi1:6-694,1ere MacDougall, '88. *John
, ,
• Jr. II -Robert 0 13rien, -64; George
Rieliarde, 60. • 0 4 .
Thee marked * missed one exam.
Number on roll, 10; average, 7.
Eighth eon., Kinloss
-Monday, March „
Mr Donald and Miss ,Katlieri ne Sze ith
spent lastiveek'in Toronto...
- MiseeteInnand. Edna Vert. sPeu
Sunday at Wiliram Johnstob
Alex. Herds titient last weelkyistting
friends in Kincardlne 'Township:.
Mr* WiIizam Congrain and ,;..L.ishe
spent Thursday at Themes •
Miter Ethel. 'Elliaton :spent Sunday
with herliiend, Miss ReSie McRae.
..A very p‘ijoyahle evening was- -,epeat
at the social in Ifolyrood on Thursday.
° A...concert is to be given next FridaY
night in the township. hall, Everybod,y
welcome. • : •
A few from here attended the party
given by Mr. and Mrs. liarry Hamilton
and there was the usuel grand time. . •
A number from here. attended the
party. given .by Levi Boyle, and we
understand there was a verygood time.
Murdock McPherson has purchased
Robert Hamilton's farm. • We are sorry
to Say that Mr, and Mr*. Hamilton are
leaving Our locality.
Menne Fred and Chester and Misses
:Verna and Irene B of Moose Jaw,
Sask., who have bn ape ding the win
ter Months with th 'r uncle, Levi Boyie,
lefteforthe- West on
OnTru4S.-The many Mends of Mr.
•EdWin Percy were grieved to lawnof
his death at the Carly age of forty-seven,
at his home here on Tuesday, February
27th, Mr. Perdy had heeniii poor health
for the list three years, and, although
:We knew his ilhiess was etiriatis, we
thought he might linger with tia for a
few yeere. Mre. Percy tried everl. means
regitirt•his health, - They lived
.carditte one year to see if a change of
atmosphere would benefit him; she con-
sulted,doctornsecialists, but to no
They at -last came to the conclut.
len that be suffered from abscess 6f the
brain, and there was no hope or cure.
Mr. and Mrs, Percy, were marled ten:
years on the 19th. of Febttiary, this un •
ion being blessed -by two children, Alvin
and Emeriti:1, the latter dying in infancy.
T•he funeral was held at '1 o'clock on
Friday, from the Englieh-Church, Kin;
lough, Rev; Mt. Cie° conducting the tier
vice at the Inert* and church, Mile the
funeral carman Was ably preached by
Rev. , Mr, Dunbar, of Liatenei, wh�
spoke of Mr, Percy aa a man of high an.
aegtity, and who VMS prepared • tei die
Each fitep in life he builded well, which
•iso living tribute to his winery, Those
from a 'distance who ettended the • fun -
era Were•Mrs. Jat flay and-Mre.
Whitbeek, of Detroit. His friends 40
L ondon remembered him b$ eending two
beautiful floral Wreaths, leeldes of
01101 was donated byte family* tte
etWOO tO mourn his less; beside. his
ife and son three sietem, Mre,
:thlophy tnd Mra. Henry llieektvell, of
inlousli, and Um, Wrkle• Diontsotnery,
We patentee VitiOl, which contains 1
ronome) peptonaten, amo
nd o. *
beef and ead Myer peptone, fren,A1414
phosphates for vutedown tonditiohs. \
•Priri i•oCIItiOW
44PITAI. AND RESERVIi .$8,8001000
84t Itro.nchee la Canada
A Oeniral Bani$ing gusineSs Trankacted
dircular Letters of Credit
Bank Money Orders
1 Interest allowed at 'highesearrent rate
..,...0.—.,... 0
74. S REID, Mummer,'
The 1917 FOrd Touring ca
f. h. b. • Ford; Ont.
If your .plans for 1911 include an automobile
for your home or foryour business, the Ford, Tour-
ing Car at $495.00 is the best investinent you cgm
It gives, you .everything you can ask of- a
motor car, in the why -of service, it :is yours for less -
than .five hundred clolles and it exacts: but, little
from you for running expenses after you buy it.
• •
By all means,see our =debdemonstrated
and give, us your order.early..
. .
• 4 •
S . AFETSlipperY streets and sloppy
, . days are ahead Of us, Good,,
Y I'cid.
!Rubbers will be neededrJo keep our feet dry. '-1 f Yolk '
shoes P re worn 'a neiv-pair o'ftedbotis will make thetn -
. . ,_... .....
-. last a littlelonger., We have a good.stipilly, all •sizes:
We -like to keep on the goad side 'of the boy ii by'sripplying
them with good shoes. We never had a better stock than at
present and exceptionally good values...; Boys' Shoes, size*
11..to.o, from $2.25 up-to45.50, , - - - ,• - '
, .
, .
. .
of Huron Township. His brothers , are
Messrs.- Wm and Jas. Percy,f -Kin;
lough, and Mr. Thos: Percy, .of Gflamis.
The people of this community greatly -
sympathize with Mr Percy in her sad
, .
... •
Pine River
-1--•Manday, March O.
, Mrs. James Geddes entertained a few
friends onSaturday evoning., •
. • , ,•
Mrs. Dane is visiting at the home of
her daughter, Mr* J P Pollock. -
Ambrose Dawson has; had a severe
attack of the, mumps, but, is able_ to he
• arnizfid-again. - - . •
. ,
• .
Remember the En Social •St. Bethel
•Firiday. Von Will mien something if
"arm& •
The infant,son of Mr. and Mrs. J. 1.).
Pollock bas recovered after a severe
attack of pneurannia..
John ,Davidson and Mrs. Alex. dant-
twon, who have been on the dick list, are,
&bleb) be around again. -•• "
S. S.• No: 2, Huron, beld,SBox" Social
last Friday evening. A • largo number
Veen here attended and iepeit a splendid
time.. •• •
Mrs, John Beattie was last Week call.'
ed to the ho of her sister, Ur* Alton,
of Lsnes, who was seriously all and
who since has passed aWay. _
Newswas received last week of the,
death of Miss .Tenee Dickson, of
Dg . Deceased wee a sister' of Mts.
Matthew hforire, and spent her younger
daps in this locality. The corpse was _
-brought from Witfiiipeg to, the home .of ,
'Mrs; Moore; and the.funeral took place
Siinday 6 Ripley cemeterY:
• ,
-Monday, Maroh SerViati Bab. 5‘.
• ,
A number aciiind here 'ate Jaid UP
with . la grippe. . .
Mrs, Jaa. Pow visited with Mrs, Jack
Martin recently. .•
Mr. and Mrs Wm : ,ChiMPinn spent
Sunday at $11 Haven's. • f14:
-14r, and -Mrs'
Otintlay at Jas. Barbour's. •
A'few fromaround here attended the
party at Ater Ernmereen'ir, ' • '
' --greandAirs• Stewart McilnineY (Petit':
Sundity. With • Mr. and •'Mtril • Xing, of
Ternberry: • ' ' "
• Until .MarCh• .31st
The thne for the return, 42,,i the Na-,
tional•Sevice cards by, thou) who hare .
not yet returned them or intie' returned ' •
Tdsi 1,:vp;:epeienntly.: signd_teclt ,libs_tmitiLL:htaeexros-7
tended id March 31st, 1917, and farther
ea d h b Sue 0 h po
for it u o among ho whov
• made default, It is understeod..thag.. •
the Petunia from ' this. Military District '
have been moat gratifying. There are,
however; eye:11,in thisDistrict; anum bee
Who have net made their reterns. Tho,
National Service Board luta expressed'
the wish that everyone in the DiStrict
will 'use hie Or her very hest efforts 30
'order to make the returns' from this
_Rietreit as nearlr. perfeet as pesstble.
Overwork, lack of fresh air, mental strain or any sickness
disturbs their unctions. Stubborn coughs tear arid wear
the sensitive lung tissues* „ .
should be taken promptly for hard coughs, unyielding colds,
or when strength is lowpmd from any cause. Its high
nutritive Valu tites resistive force to ward off sick.
riess. The r' h cod liver oil improves the quality
of the blood to relieve the cold and the glycerine is
soothing and healing to the lung tissues.
Itehoo Akolepho* Seletitette Uri Excloile the Cosi titer