HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-03-08, Page 2, Tw-r-WIWT-1, - 1 -�'7�, r ---,--..r ..1_1 rWW_;'Jr11V:V - - - Twr -V �, -_1 �,*�_�"
11"W"" . � , 11 . �W VF=W11- wrnwrw '" 7 77'"MWIrw .
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1. I
�� .. A Editor Talks ALL rnunw . santo a - TI& friou" uotwoon 1411184 So other What they Uve 1140110 I IN, . .
�, , . F"--V� -X- -1 ft"SIx "d Davaria to natural, and OX044000 a0wo, U this Way I
.� �p __ W.. . -#-- _ 60A00lug up thobattle of the 0AY In- I I 9
I . ; fts it I T WMA010 I* *10V*t6h Of the MI it natW$Uy bo- = rLor to a. wilipl9to stom . ;
, " .
W� when he refer ME -PEACE , " I . wbou Abloy'visit-4,40 cWrij comwa,u4- 1 . /
I I I a so often to I*- to^*& diguifiW; w1on it is 4*rdWly - I How TW15 Imi :OUR � 4
adviag Ulp frow'Ciod tit so, his God *u41 *rtiiiticaily g0keted it will powli$ ., orw they Not tue ,now$, vt this pavoollooke 0 .e I 111! - Am ft /1" ,,,
,_ *** be 4 dittorent one from our*. "stiNtig w4wtA;,VhW6 its Uadquey I * . , � I I . �����illillilli�����ilill������������������������� - ill''I a .
.- . Mw l3candinavi*u Thor Illust have " &P WRITER14 AR. I I - I � � .11 .. lo 1, N11bW&'_'411W.4.
* AMERWAN WOMAN 0 t3" of that Particular pv,aV ot 4o,QW - J11111PPL
', A pam # win hav* A i"Out , il NNS OF BAME 3110,, &U4 h9rothey ap4her human in- I I I I . � ___-.�-
eoat bock to life, and activity. From *X*ct for TIOLN ON� Gig 11 I -ro�.ftw'"�_� ,
- , ..
I 4W lo, * Ae
-1 good. 0A the Other biinc� . RMANY. . tWWA 09yin. 4tir tb@y.'d.r- _ @Milli -6: -1 _. , 11PPF-_ ; - , '04. ;�*o �� w . . � I
"tOlda 6b*s"*t1QA the KII"Itt'S G(A *11" it Sims At boing Imkish, bar. T -_ dw"ut brisk4es 044 00 -Utwfous, r , , _ - It . ..
,�, I . �, do" not bring many sigual,vietorl". b&VIC', 11101141101, its t1fut to wholt.* baue. . � 11 MWTHODO OF WAR QORRRSPON0- 4114"411411Y $at dowa'to the men tb4i4 / is. The Plaut ].Ready 2 farmer should prepare the � #
A% " " sal I �eed nvw ��
laystwider aptly remarks tkat it tu ful, "a its UvQe uJilluft0d. Such Is Frktlon Retwooft Pruisla and $&vArI4 ENTOIN -FRANOW, . VOk searching for Incidents out. of "A stitch in time. alIviv .njnelp tj for the spnng powing. During tho'
. . Raiser is referring to a Primitive the posalbk 04ect, we fear, *at b , . . the usual, to, support t4e, stopleg,they, uev# , . -
triviality, the, erektion of men, well, Produced 'by the syncopatoil robbish May and in ROV9- I ) I , r Wore truo than when g%pring I; winter r4oliths, when othor fam wo
't.- I . bi*e Moutiantl for -the purpose of Xot� in t
0 and gwd; but if he refers to the . St hand and finds the farmer unpre- foo not pressing, is the best time t 1%,
known *4 rwImt r4usle--t form, ot , lotion, r. a Olig some particular polut that sta4do pared. much time is often lost be,. clean the grain for oftd. The b '
. �
kr . - c� Ichriolall God, big Is bl"Pheining. no mupw depravity whklx fluds too � . . The Vespachos Ars Ponsored at the out from the 00ors, . 4U40 his machinery. Is. not in condi. grain grown I on the farm iihould,
W", - At a I ,
may Possibly hay#. worked himself Mwil favor vith the massoo. Lovers Tilts 10, an article ou too ttQ1. $a Front, but N O't In, , .
I Into the belief that the Ali*lghty to iA of god *Usk cannot help but re;p4 0oriawlY by Ulso, 14*4oltae X. lWy, _____*_ I tiou, for immodiato Ulle.. . parts ,are usetl and It ohopld� be put through th 1.11.-1 .
_11!1� . .. lulwM_.- I - � I YACU ABOUT =C4-- ___ .=-issin .0
. __ __91-b9lu 'Wid. *grows -1w __b_om fannIng willl,�twq_ .-gr-4bree Almmes. a -
I -, " __ Ja_fxvor� $a- It- is easy -to, ba.pow on vortimo- stva an-* lanvoAftblf U* VAKtd�stittlw-wrttorzvA�l%v�er,'Whu ------- . . I I caot,or"'unt all bithelight 0 11
�, . removed from QUO MmIlino to -repair _ - 11 �..
onesimt9loation. Homaybe 44- freft go" taot*-* distinct tendency, v1site14 Gorm"f" 1&4 summer as & l0redorick, P.almor, the Ame,#Q%a . paint to i .
.. ,he victlaix gorres -OA49ut f4r Me Now Tort Trt- corrumdout with the ,uritIgh &rmy r I .
, tere, but no" than', likel,y ho Is acting,1 downward. They are raWa t . TheY C!ootain All the Chomicals Nee4. 440*037, and, from � lack of - shrunlrnjg�slu and the wied weds, A
ft � p
� .
I 04 bnomitei R* ina* beliovo tile of"new and. 1114*R% *y"rimen:6 which 'bune. I , I I - ed for sapportin Protect Its the woodwork lka� decayed remaveON T110016 4 41401act loss . . -
. I � . Ill Fftaft, tells 4,ow,%mr-,uewv is oent . g 14're. . sewing weak oqed,and it le'va , pr I
i W#s From Nuremberg we went t-o'liuu. from the front � , and probably becomo. brolcon. . . � C m9i ..
i war - forced! upft him by tke Par- Oft"& the cul9vated car and disgust I The latest 'research proies that Diving winter, All - t to oc On out the � 0 , �
, , _ lmpl,�meptll protl able r
I 410 at an early the Artistic s6w. The Public should tvb., The furtbor soutIA ** went *a . War 46 tale e mine Is 1,200, egp hold all th � .
Oil alobilisotion vt $tuf W,V. from o not . . no chemical ele- should , '14 and wealt grain and feed it than t,
I stage. But the mt of tke world PAbroillSo the go*4 and boycott the ri,*er grew the land, %%e country 1490to cont'sil be, thor4ughly overhau .
� I 1. coneored tu'l,omon"44 say's."" Once It ried in, a )�Iaxi 1 Supply Of' bolts And. Bgrewo obtained, sow it and losp it. It is Also - I
Oinks diforeztly, and hos the convic- bad. Unfortunately tho'ragtk�e tra. around Berlin Is'4'barren.'dss*it by� passes, the 4014 censors ,it comes 1150 poo�odg, This doew not 141 - I , I . al tbat;woed Wds be not $own
r W
. tion that the War was Prepared for veoty has spread, to our,homes .and eomvkdeon,� and with the" increased. tbroug I it w,lthoot tile, cbanglua�'of a If you Make,'%n onorniglij me:ln"It1h,409t asing Parts shoqld be secut9d, a 6Dutl WA I
� omelet- of w-okkipir part 4. I I
for 40 Yean and that the ORman war rMhools. V uled out fertility a, corresponding change, I* nor. word. Ail new,$ I&. hjknd1o4 by , ,0. should: bg cleaned and Wood 9TOWth is to be PMOAUA,
, he sooner -it, in r censore -these 1',200 496%A man would be pro -1. polislild and wWdwork I I
, . ,
I Minute of both1ho better for *%��vho, wI9% ticeable, In the peoule. I - lt7 A I _ 1130 ts ' Well PAIAt04- The Jacre - y1old'is pi,14 � I
. I lords set the clock to ' the.' - .1 , , . who travel with, the ,.corresporlooptii, duced, oes signify, however, that 'I u woo in total. . I
. I . Whit God could . I wxe d screws daTi be purchased In geallk ,211
I - Me YOUD lmftomwhat I d as fast as.it the ,e Profit. A- ciov of' who& , .. '. I . �
. uplims at all., � 9 People to get bene The Prussla:ns are, cold w4 proud, an Wbo� ftad their copy' -lepents In.the eggs WOW �e a -) fiolil 4diam ..
, . . JiQvtorli � of INIII&I Germans bstvt teen is bist and- most ilevatiullf iii'Mup1q, - the B4*axIau4 warm and friendly. W04, a9d. _t4e, Judsm - to, the e in a mail. .of as I . rades: and 'sizes, '� $04 `m*j 110d., # .
I n, lk,wrl u __
� -L __ ,
� I � I . . I I
� . I '. , ent ot,t.hose Cq ol 14�111911* The 1080 of 44 Aut �or -bieik ,
. A guilty?, - .. . 890 Of' a bushels per Acre, And cost 2 cbushelo . . I "
. I 1: . . I , � . our secoad class, compartill all .0 If a Person were, to �al nothb* I)ut small PR4� w1lule eng4g9d in the field ,pej acre to, produce, - leavl�g - nio, I
. . . � I .01 , out Wj$ a inei.is, prim , A 40py.0i,oveily do. . I . I .
- W * A * 'BRI,rAnq WILI,�NOT,$,VARVk. . Sa;v4rIaa'mowbaht, lie was --a min, spgj�c , 'would- get just the choulla " I I I
,;. I . ' I . . h to taken oft'in London, and to e0919 be' , alt May mean a , 7
. _ I
. I
IF '"' about tl&' fright � I % - the'employ of' tho Ooveru- Aloil More for rele uce. but the"ines, AP00 for . j�uppq - � )so t.hejoh��of ilic, use Of bushels per ocko as notproft. - - It, b.V,
, ritulir * .tot ,war - , . � '.. . I of Ineano", in -
� . IF . 11, I I KIP , rting .lifs,. bu% I �
I .
� . ... baguo,cUrri for'us, so let one par*�' Ext,ra F04 $up -Ordered to C - INV Wei* I'"'no,smaking com- &axeF. ftielf passes through to,the ntows. System, mobXd not . At - the not" only thO� lMPI0Zneni4 11lit the team, Bowing, well, cXeaned seed, the, yield I# , . I
. � , �lles .. ovipr 4oeilt . � 99st. gg OXelusl% the hired help, aiid,prbbably of the op� inei-ease ' '..
I . I traph suffice for thl.s tline. - -Well talk- . , * vllrtmelft, bit we' saw the ;g'el�ilea , ,d One, .bushel �er to the U4 - 1.
. about a pleasanter thme. , All . re �Suh,- Look' , , , I ah piV,e,r4,' of .Great. 13riQu, -Au$trall ' diet like -this, T ' ' , Ae , . I
I . 1. a, I 11 . be persbu trying to poAunity .diiiint favorable weather croasa in not profit is 20, per cent, Th
� . cherlshl#g good cliam' dai tbe'UnIted States and New live or' eggs alone would soon sicken to, perform t I he work which had� been t, - . , , .
L , . d - . '
� Ports 40 -far seen.about our � A study of t6 food sq 'the suggow*"at 44 ", and if the , c eaning of the seed in apara time du ..
QkX ' I . uation In WO wou favor by Zealand without change!:�- The only de- diet were not chan ed planned. . . .. I
- t 'British Tales,by exp6rts at Washlop smoke- He began to talk freeLv. He l4s. encountered are these that qflse woulddle. -. , . , . . . � . Ins the .winter does not add one cen -
, . I 9 �
eut�. , . I
PeUeral's wife are very coulpir V , I
- ' ,
I Ar�v. It is not the good fortune of : ton oho�rs that there is a reserve suf- had Just returned from Switzerland. w1lon the fteld0cemiors are In doubt. � .If an Average man, weighing .150 , Greater Pro" I to Fr . Seed. to. the cost of production, "- When we] I
a ml_' He displayed W choice brand of Paris- Then in appealls, � I el6aned seed is 0wa In place of ordin... 11
Juxor of us * receive &:rormal ifitro- ficlent to last two month if 'the , , ont Clean � .
.. � fa'kea.to, the chief pounds, were reduced to a fluid he The quality of the seed grain odwo ,ary grain, the gain in y IS# 0 ., .. �
I I . duPtion, but we vb*11 tell our readers Ports were cut off entirely. France is tau pprfame. It's for my wif ' e"'. he l4telugence.ror to. this gone . .,610, cubie feet of - Wit. on the fitm ndxt spring - . ,Ield' * t
. I . . . ral. staff� would yield 3 . will depend. ,course, much, M . .
1. sk few things we"ve heard Those who almost's, self-sustaining 'nation, but Ewdo "I managed to smug niblating gas and h . ore than one bushel
. I. know tel us -thilt the * . I 14e ft Anything that does n6t betray posi.. I I .. .ydfogen, or�enough Upon the farmer himself. This is a .pei acre. The not profit ling �
.1 Duchess of De-- could not belp Britain. There is every through 'from Switzerland. - Paid 20 tions, or disposition of. troop bodies Is to 1111 a balloon that would carry . . . often i
, . . I ' .
o. arm . 1 155 matt4r which is elitirely in his own been increased 50 per cent
vonshire will -set C41;adjan ladles, 41 reason to believe that th ies in mar- Its for it. there Is none to be had altowed. to Come 1hrough, Anj infor,' pounds. I '' hands. 11 I or even.
. 11ne ex*rnpIe;jbat she is a. gracious the fleld,cduld be fed even if the block- In 0ormany." I � . � . .. if good crops are to b6 ex- do9bled ' Thisis one way of inoreas. , .
� . - �Ah .ds *of the . . . . .
�? , , - Matlou that falls Into e ban if the normal. human bod'k were. pected 90dsced must.�e sown. .
a our people, hilv- ode of the IMUsh lslps..,was complete - After we had admired Ids purchase German - The Ing pro�uctldn and profit. - " * . ' .
lady and understand . � ' is Is &IV( m*fate Publicity. taken'rxist as* it Is slid alrthe elements * 7 7 . . . �' .1 I .
. 1. . I I 1. .. '. . . I .. I . . I I .
� -
lug lived Among them in her earlier 41114 effective, - he, continued:. "This war,is terrible. Before. the great offensive com. extracted from it there wduld be ' ' I - I— I I..
I .1 I .
. I , 1. YqArx. She was- Toared by -a sterling Ordinarily this amount - . . � .1 enced It was known io'� several: days. I even . I . .. - - I . I
� , 1, . of imports I am back. fr , om. Poland a short time in " , fouiId' en.ough 'iron ,to make s ' , CA'NADA'STRADE WITH'It SSIA, -
- . Inotlier who believod� that girls - sh6uld, would require about 11,500,00o. . gross ago. the I I � I . .0 . . . I . .
. are okin I . - YSSINIA. e - "
1.� Sufferitig ts uIxb011evable, A1I2ProPJirhtJQn6 hail been inada. �The enough fat.for.'lourteen, I- *
. � be useful as, well as' attractive And tons of shipping. Thei� is no -doubt The children on- the' street bles had been strengtheaW,. anfinuill- ='tain'riles; enough caiboil to make We Will Na ' WAR. IN AB !. �
should'have duties in their c�mmliiaity. In the.mind of the, experts W , . I .ve Considerable Share in , . . ... I
I .ho have and bone. I began. giving.t1fem, Pon- tion in -�ImQsf unlimited supply was the. lead in 65 gross of pencils,- and DeVeldpinent -of Slavic Empire, . 11411%
� . . The Duchess, thoug4highjy born, is 'reviewed the situation. carefully that Wis, but I saw it was U . seless. .' . . - I . . .. . .
. . brought to the front, and the tr466ps Phosphorbug enough to tip, 820,000 1 , 5W.- XILLW ' r - ` -
. �
. . . Sweet A114 gracious and kind stud will Great Britain .will' be. - able to jet! , '�4 little money Is no good- ' 111111- Plac I e4 where' they n4olit . render the, ma . telles. - Besi . 0 . eg r Not the -least of the 4voilues, *of '. . * � I I ...., .1. . ... � ..... .,��, . � - � I - I
Prove a true heipmAteI to b0i. 41 ' _'' _ all this would . be 'trade that will bd opened up after the . . . . 11 : . .
, . ' .
., . � . -he I Me ' I — . I
I , .40n. t .. greater portion of thiri tonnage Oreds are iitarving., *1 am silre I don t ' found 2,0 "teaspoonfuls of ' salt, 50 �va I . I
I .
I . I st offbotive service. on that mdirn- . . � .
. . .. , guiShOd husband in the high tole he Past the German submarineg. . know wbat.'we are comlng'�o. 'Our, Ing V ' � . full-sized - I . , ri and of which Canada can nAtur, . . . . . 1. I �
� . . hao; to sustain, $In . I vii .1 I -, - . - . - F...Palmer,,wlth five -English re- UmPs of ,suigar, .and 8$ ally be expecte -MANY BATTLES. FOUGHT SINCE I . . . I .
. . d her, beautifp O_ Probably one: .ship Out of every Own situallon is ba4.- Now %Q,t Ru. Presentative$, , accompanied b;�_ 6eii. quarts of water.' ' . . d to claiin a consider�. ..
. -
. IY example Will do us . - sore, enter&rar�- automobile i ablesharej wlil'boaff6rdia by the. hWi-- D)EKTH"_'0F`-)M"ROR NWIVI�;LIKJ ", � - - - `-
inan *Canadia�s fo�r'varrtes a, large amount'of food, m4alk has gone agalust'us, the Xtus . Thus it is evident that a hu . . ,
I I,, RIACI went man be- . . I I . - I 11 . . �
, Allgood'. ThaVs fine, , , . but'N'r every ton of food -that� goes Siang will'trY -to Join her and oui'us' . ink is a great, chein' . nessing of Russia's immense. industl , I � .. . ..
. . . I � . - -':,, to a Post of observatIon.. . icaffactor � And . . . . 0 1 I . . . �. . . , .
. I 1. . _. � 16 � . to the% bottom Great Britain or* .. . " Ordinarily the Six men' divided ,up I the -value of a. - , inan I Y, . dild agricultural. resources, says� � � .. . _. . , .. ,
. .- - . ders a Off from TUtkeY, . . . .. , .
I I . � I laiet it a great pity thski only iho ton from One of the score 1. . �'B side I - ,. , . . .n actual material :B .
. I 1� 0 - S. ]Bulgaria ,isil't al*4�6 the front A%ong thems IV is, considerable. ' ' , I . radstreet's -Bullitin. The i doi�mant Thr&fte�,
. � of hati0as . e (is, one ma , . Dopd.qed and
I . I Isailing, le'dies of the lar r cities call . that -are, supplyin bdr and the chances friendly.* - She sullugs, first one 111, -.Thp 'hdnOred- d ' . condition of the peoples- 'of 4si�tic � . .. - � .. . .
I I ge 9 � . way * here, another there, 4nd..so on, in or� � ozene e �Is would I - - i da 0 Lou& I I
� COMO directly.Under the persojal iri- are t III Rfisda,-It . "Occupied byJh t. ' '
. .. hat the second ton W, AiT4vg and then, Another. Ajud Gtoece -is. o�, . is- atieed. I - .
. I I ..by strIal . -, '' �.
� IIUAIIC6'�f -the D safef I der --that, .combi Yield. precisely.the,f M . , I
I ned, -they mfgl�t.,dbz .Am luantiti .. �
w' . VW es Of, 11 .
. . uchess I if the qov: §0 although. ii maj- j?osal' the eye," of revolution. , BAt we, mu , . th�so7 chemical elem and financial writers *ho h . I . .
. . I bly be at Serve everything, on the 12-tillie sector. � ents, and even'at I Ave mad6 . ' '. Empress Zaudltu. I .
I .
,nor 'art, would only I . . I IWO* can!,t afford The correspondent takeg . . ' ' first-hAn'd. iiivestigation 'durin the , . . . .
... .. . .. el -GeTxq)rxl and- p Y I late a mi)uth or two. . � � `Xhanago somehow. � the soldier's the present high price 69 eggs n)OSt of 9. I . I .
' . . I . .
. qV trip ' discrepancy in..thne I the East.- . St eighteen. months, .has come to an Abyssinia has. been baviog 4 st .
. ... take a I through tWwi . 'This to be cut'off from I chan e. ;A 'Is'likely' '-4 us would rather:h 1a . ormy .
. . countr . ,probably . . 0 . .1 e I .as not to be I Ave thd -eg& used - ..,
. '.. . � , Y, 041:1191t a day, -or -two -in 'the b4is. , bp -en overcome- . - i;i-� Gr�aait---Bri , '-- - ! - : � . - Al I Vianf_.Pe.ace�� 1-1 . killed'---, � , — -11'.., _____ ,.. '_',fq0,r,.q)�Q_.pUrpo,se_thau_ _' end, A 0 an improve�' . I. since ' the' death of Emperor'
. .� I -1 ,� _ Ae- ' ' ' . P social wid'econ- i time
� . . .,. �._ Toan, __ ,-- bmic-lil%- -- Iffir-bi -to b -'U-- 1`1_ ln'fb6 -te,w� -- - I- 11 -1 . . . _ .
. counties so that all. the people might . ain's far-sightednebs.4 in . laying in After a. few mowontw � - stionce"Oy '. ' Aushihg the 'News. : , �'%.- —I I 7 . . .may fijr� str1d' e I . ene I �... . past ont is the . I
I . .. . . .
. . . . I Ineet thern Informally; the Lige risei,ve stgresi of food, which it friend volitured some. . remarkb con. In that day In ji�ly,'A . fter.wit - A, LAND OF . . . I . greatly hastened �'by the. ..awakening.'new Emperor has been depo,se�, civil". � I
. ,. presence of 1. a
'has e, , , - I war, has -- ____ - .- -
. . . � the Duchess Awl her beautifuldaugh, ,. b eq, doing practically $ine oace.1 . - nessing . TUAGEDIES. - _ shock of war. -----,-.-- -_., .� . , I.. I I
I . ,o � - the. .1 I I . - . _______ . - broken out, und Several bat-"
ceiiiing p - The merebafit -con.' -04-opoiking Of, the "big . -
. 11 ters might inak6 for the - -1 s ' - - ' ' " . . Push"' 1%fr - ',' -' - - * . . 1. With the realizatibil'of possessio ! ties-bave been fo `
'. finerh I general re War-. I tinued: "Everyone wanis; pe4ce,'J Paliuefj' with Ole' other co-.7re'spon-d-- 1�'gw'itzerlalld . i -s Overflowing, With n of i ught between."the-fad , .
. . ent 'Of Many- worthy Canadi. ltlfintd"!"n Xf the experts may be eluding the Government, I ., tbe� Pr'actically i -
- . an I gs( iiexhaustible mineral '. re- I ti6ns, in -one of * which nearly -.25,0001 . . I . ..
. but the Gov- 6 chateau, -20 or 1 - Hikman'Wreckage-. of The War. . ' sourcesi and with mafiy milliozia ` of I men ,Nvere killed.,: Th ' , .
. ladies wh . lents� -returned to their ' 9
. I � 0 Otli"iss may -never: see summaiizeidas follows � : � .ernmen-t 16 in a fight Place; ., lidoesn't � 25 miles behind ihe llne,'and wTote. OS I . .
.� . . . . . . I � 1 17- I . e now ruler � Is' - - �
- . . them Or,coluo:'under their : influence. _. That-GreAt Brltalnls:roo�d' . �vitz�rlqnid -1, iteres ',of fertile � farming: c I
I sUPPIr-13 CarOAD coAtInue the' var-and Ift 'their -messages.- .-TI [ is , a". land. of tra�e- .. ountry Empress. ZaU41 I , . . 1,
. , - ,--- ,
. . . 'Aus*exin Ith - ' ` more - - I . I � . iesewere given.. to dies," write I ;aiting the introduction of ilmprO�. Monelik.- ---- -. , ., itu� - I .- a d - a - ugjit � or ' -of , ` , '
� . 9 0 question, Why canno � � than half, dependent on im- afraid .to make ped,ce . S Miss MadoliwB Doty, Ill am . I L. . I I
. . . , - There, Is nO -tile ciensors,-of- whoni-thby,-are three, . I
� .1 11 . we have our own, Governor-Oeneri,al? tottsithe remainder bein Ce th�.Xittibn, .1 ed agrieuitti ' Ussia Will - A' ' - " I 1-1 I -1 - '.I - � I . � -
. I ., . 9 ProdU cl knoWini what will happen -i,hen ' .'to facIlitate`the i "Wey hit the e7e',' - ral methods, � R �
I . peace . indvement, otthe ines- I . . where n awouni; of 'happeiiings in A ys-, . .
. .. I 'Bystander saya.-they are too close for in the ]British Isles. , � I � . . I fitr.y . .. look .towards Canada: and'the'Uhited I I I
. . .1 comes, - . I . .. , and,.. ... -ever one� walks, Th I . . reached 'Londo 4 I I ... � . . �.
I . I . � . . . . . . � �xges-, . because If, I .0 'rou - States, to. s . . sinia has recently , . . I
. .. the Present ,At any ratet"we are demo -:1. That - �Ire,at .Britain . rn,ust. ,in p-or't , �,110ther nittouB. WoWfhOe I .was tA's IIA .habit " "' . R, � .
� I . . . .. , thing ed by trembling old people, in -px�t* of 'the, f-i9lj1:.EurOp
. I . ye . to do with German . -1 � . . #� 7d P inwirnini. ' Their. sqns .ure materials with which to bri 'Is' Abe a. One -letter say : - . � I
6rats but we 11�li usual, they. wero sont "fulfrate " and! .i the capital I , , �
like -in, acocn'C; we are 16,0,00j000 -tons of. foodstuf , earls Ify ng in P ..
. is- th - !kr - . .. .9- ____ _ y-,, Yhei:0111 be _Ilo,not . -ate." , The full-pild- � ng hdr In.- Ad . . . I
I -- 1- .- - I , , A her Armies and-ke is - . . . .,'Pkess� i OZ - ere to forget� - - - - b . S. . I . . . . .
,, - notindiffeient to the' clailus:: otj�ni,- to --suppo ' -- - --- - . mes�-Id &_-�Theyhave�eonio�-h' -_ _ -_ all .dustties to- a - nial�imunl -of _Pmdgetl� - . . I .
. . ep� �he trade. -The,peopia will -.riot. laerma -84ge-.-ta-Kd��-----�-ET,h-,------ -- 1-1 - ea I � . � . -, . -, ..� -
deaceirt- we ' . I . 1'- 'I'Lidi Jei§su,- the- young - Emperor, - I -
� ,
. . * 0 'note the'Poltited linger icivilians supplied wIth I . �. s These sorrowillg aged,,onea bring tipy - , - - wh a. grandfather, Mew.: I . I.,
, . . I I � . -,the . Iliecessi- won't be a lit place t6 it", IwIl � , news. � .. � . . . I . I That"Niii,da, has not lost sight .Of '.
I . no I We see . I . � I I � .. .. I _. - - _____ ___ .
� '
. I .. Ill , An Ukhanit ' tles'of life. , was dr . awing . into DIU , The lanais swarining , ties of this, post-war a sliceedded hi
.1 � y- which is, not . � Qur. train grandchildrep. Itlid. oppolFtunl * , . 1. . . .
. ' . . I I nIcb;,: .The ijitffca,t.e.tol�g'rip*h system ' r- , . lik, -b9d -kiaduallycorne' � d -rfu k", 1. ______` I.- _
" . jibtain -Out' b e - th - 11_..Tb_. _., "v -eye � c0ifthie-rce-16- h'!di6a1edby_th� &a. iha I . . yp( or _r -, _.. , __
. . � , . .... .. Ili— Icarstul..�. . , Y , . �
. � ';_.'.,� - ., 100,70unifor-the. salon, .-- -That, for Great Briten to- t6mvehion fWd - d'.' - J - '"_I. h *&1ii4y-hair6a,- dancing Ish Muefiq -, - --�m- � �. �, �� -�
.,, I - . � . u0laykwe arO� I ,goo, - . 1 110. crowdecT en--. _ . I d. pink.
- iiei co _., .. I I I—. - e. army has,.,controj. - �
. . , . �'. :Of couisejo but the- wives - our ov-*� - f, -he .of " � , - andv�hite ,,�'o�rf,,66ti�fi-i -liif3i;li�;j� 'r ' of , ei�-and- hadin =43� ��-;
, P, thignitmount"-w- - 4 a t ff � . . . J P . in a pideial rep zojentati�e -th-,d-DoPait --whya-, I . I
, Of 00 a u.. sjapprwda- een , speak-, ,so - the wires., It ' th , ment of Tr' - offen e4 the Chrisfiaft po�ulutio'h. the . � .,.
. . I I., 11 . . . ng e .
. .
I - ship-- thought me.a. German, ' . .... ade an Commerce made Legations of -the. Ententd p6werg - -%fn'.. . . . . ,
. le eraors-General 'play An important, MatelY 11,560,000 gross ions of . I I . wiii only *durl They Are, the'pti 1 #en the belli� .d d
I . lulls ln".*the farwardAng4 d receptign. . . ze, ch I . : 1�
� �, .. * * ' ' I ,nations are tiYinj to,save. . . . . . .qptember sent in a JOknt Protest,, and " ' .. �
-covered one Of of'- orders that other messag;es, were, � to] 6 and the possibiliti .
, '
.1.. � ,-, - ,�� % I. though ,unobtrusive -Part - in, the`viee-� Ping carrying, foodstiiffs alone must - At the hotol.Wb dis , lin . , gereiiii i thorough investigation of th6 condP ,S ,
- I I . iekal position, and, so 1jerewith 'Ave enter British ports. this year. . the eminent citizens from Vantilietin. Usides this - , tion of the P�o�l I ea� . . . .
� 1: � .. " - � I - . ' . , ' Iniiture . of: .o'ld ' 'and .
I must be content . I .1 . . That lessthan 10 -,per cent.--- of alflle,_444_1�deu my� sqUeezed In,,after the, news filtered. t , �; �Wal . �
� I . � , Im _, ___1Um6W. ountry�_ -togotber---�wltlr.-:, -the � § , P -'a ,few days later, .". %. . � " . . .. 1. . . 1.
I -"-. __ - -1 _. - __ L. - - . I * .*.' - - i07 .- , I I 11 - h'. - - I I .. - constant coinpitnion. _yO4n9rtfieieAs, -.. -of ;the- z thi ,.-YFa@ ,followed
* I
. '
. .. I �, , ., I I I . . � . � *. .. . . . a ips transporting esirgoog to the durIleg My' Stay there. Had -he -'been through the'llands of the c'eins,oirs, It w,e4a , of , . %r, a e. S articks like - ly to. be ,rpost needed. -, ,. by 'a,'meeting'.of the Miiiistry - . which ' ... ., - . . . 0 .. I . .
. . T _,�Asi Brtt,sh IsIg, c . . L � trickled o - . - to. . . ol4iers - Nyho )live . - � .., .. ... . .
- i
..� _.. ,. � . _ I Oulkint- tailsic - in tqhoo.ls��- afrY -foodstuffs and that I Sent to see If 14had arrived inMuAI04 , Nor tbe.,'wires. seeking tile. golfe,crazy and' 'w ., ,O�Nek6�iktions:fof.'t'h6*6onatidefio"f .4eclar'e'd the- Emperor- dV''QB-ed 'and - --. . i _ �
. '. I alk , itk�_Sh-iifflinr_ arillo � . .1. � .1 Ce 1-thePfl �
� � � - , -'strollgly,� Advocated in jh�� -T,jilks -:A pro;bably� t - -a, - .1 .- I � llnea�.vt- leaqt�ieslotin,de, gbing-froin fe t '', - h, . . I W enthrdhc4 J' -big pIg Indja-j�-� ��L �.'. � � 1.
. I , . 11 I . 00 . S IP& =k . . and angjng, mouth', the'r tiansciiiiffnental IT . k. � . . �
� . 14"ir mouthi 'and so we " . he,, f - h , V the, 'end spy O�'14Y01,41fs?-, 'Ile grew un- point to point, 911"Ats, -Way t�-the 0 . ,tubercular 44. . rallwuy &Witu,' with Ras - Taffarl - . *. I
. ... � . I. WA - ratio to thb. easy. .111rougk Russia.'. have �' been'o#phed . as _r - ent - __ I
.. .. ... . . . are glad to Germans bear the. same . ffoncefortb,�,�Nve'ca!Led till iples. French coas * -mission by warriors, gaspinj anir,wbite, and men the United Statej�,'j ll� - the lht - '' .11 I I- . eg - � I . � � .
� . - ilqe-thtt. the,Adea' is gro , , t, for- trails - IP - dkd heir to- one � � ,.. __ -,--
;Zig. it ,total numliet Of cargo 9hips.su;ik. 'by his. name, Danstarter. , , . � � . who' ar�, only stuni Ad t e - raising of ,� �- I .., . .
. . . , � . cabl . Ps�,.xiding about - � � . 1.
..�� � 11.1 .L should and rnu$t. &jcome, in fav& If- '- That England has a f0oa supply, � * Every. d . . I I I I e io'Loudon. Once'In the British '. h .101- -, ,in 0 � __. ---. �. . 1. I . 4 . 1. . I .
-1 I I 11 on � ay We . Systematically I w eeled. chairn, �-- -----_.__ 1. . ;20'0i�RO ,PO�O --- has --been -proposed -by an -- -.-- - � , -, 01VII -War. .- � . .
' ' ' .
. I I I I I I � DrVer`0 tought and one� encouraging hAad- which will last probably two searched our rooms for Mr. Danstarter. capital It -was --irlished, ove.r Alid I li.�nd_._ .4tAll that is best Slid . 1. .. American eorporatiop to meet'pait of ."Thinks were,q � I I . I . . , . . . .1
. . . � I ,. worst in man-- . . Uidt for �a fe' weeks� '' ' '. . I
. �. . I.. f4ket isthit�*e children bill iinis to the Atlantic cables. The dif� kina " - .
. its intro- months if ,not a ton of food reaclies' But we. found the atmosphere of Mun. n is here i'Q. evidence.?',: ' the cohsfruction'c6st3 61 hd iallv�ay deposed Xinperors,s par, . -
. I . . t wh' h I .
. . . "I' 4110tion -with greai delight, England. - . ' . I I . . e Somme front r ... - I - . I
. . . - . . . ore cheerfulth ' I - company, -which. olll� have 'its head- t I! 0 rin . . ..
. . . ference Ili time from, thi . is2 .�
Dull, in- , iPh freer and in a7h Be'r- _-___e , , - . wi � ns ere,gathe' 9. Then .suddenly
. I * .
. I . &Qi JU1144 the 6y_or, girl ' * - to Ne* Yiwk is five. hours. Adloululk PrimitivLi,-V;y * ng. - . ` ,quar * . . ,I � , ,
. I � .. -who These C011clusiolls. are bUed on an' Un. The People and t � ... � . I �� � . � Mikael, ruler �' .
� . . . q I . .; . will 310i try to learix to sin' , I li;ealthier lieL animals. look Ave hours o,f observatt6n,. more, With. cb�l� sell?n. of Heati . Pw. - - , . Of 'Wollo. and the most, i ! .
'? I . .
1. . , �. I 9. - 'We have '"hauttivo study of .tatis ' ; the' fodder is. 'better;. the 4 �V. . . I While the liresent is hai- A op. 1, .. . , . . . . .
_�,�., I "... � - � I I . . tics. of the I vrem, necessary to gei:.the. I . . . .1 9 at $60 a ton -and - . dly a Powerful chief. in the country, dot . . -
mer 1. , iQrt1IneA1rAe�f0r oloMng-a-contr ._ - I
� , been interested in reading an arti;le! .](1k0"k1PpIy) the:,shiPping, lood. ' - - cattle ar6. Still' fat; tile, Peo ,S44 .,�t &--G&v�rz)mdnr . "t -of -, n-fifivo-r-6f thi . I
I '.. � - ------ .1 6 !Is . . 'IM- � pie w k- _. h -4t ' h --clared-himself i I I
. , U 11 ever vm .1 . - I a' I th-f ough to 1he �k�rl c-an`-s_,Aore_, w here I -kra 'AN' t4lil'nig sue magiAtude, - - - � . .
. . r -A el' I .- - '_ Jbir 6n. "The.. lAng go Ports, losses - because with &'spring� - -They . I I � d4dQ * . , . . I
_. - , fiim� , __ . r � I - 4 I over all existin the, fact that 'aptive 'em eror, And marched ag ' . - ; I
. -1. � 6f I . of :subma me- 'A�e'sad ang or-, the.'1eased,, wl g - supplies and pro & . P I . I alfist Adi.q.'_.. . . _
. .
I ....'... I ,. Em0ti6nP, it.r. IRI-C,h, Ice starts, -Off by $I_ ngs, constru rOWIng. but still Possess, Vilwlt�, .. .. I . re System, .Of -the 'hews h . Prevveatidif ii � it , . - - I � ..
. .. A . I ction, of, ships to re- . - . iting its Use by ' hotels and"board'ifig- _ The: first - biat '
I . o - *LVing that inusit is, the Youngest, of Place'tho 'But the BILvarlaus begin to hate th associations is. always ready, night �r h , . � . - � . �r fe';d Y eing. , 1I ade Aboba.. Is was, foqgj � .I. I .
. , . er-Ip err . I . ! - 11.
� -arts'- bat IS to-da.V so sunk,, : ships withdraivil, ' d4y,. to drop everythl OUSk!S alid'witli gas and e I I for the.-Ift V I,�dbglves gu.ar- some'distan6d . outside. the capitall -
1-1 . .. . . thqli� , the I I 119 elhe. to receive d - I - lectricity a I 0ees for. the � .1 .
, 1. I I I language from cargo cArrying trade by, the Brit- I Prussf"s- - It cropi put - everywhere., I I . Pu . iq,. e i ection where th � .1.
, . ... � of ther emotiol . . t. , . . I I . ear Or the'. 9uPPlk - reduced,'Italian I t1re onn . , e Government, army .of ,�,000 .� - '
I 1. . . ms and must nectsiarn 'a sn . ships �usually I The first morning in. Munich the hotel - . . , . � I . I 11� .. houseb6ids,"and bu in - with the de�elo r, nt of th . Slavic rixin;,uTider Ris Suiscged, was *irtual� , - .
�. _. ba*e, a very .strong infivenl6a on man- I�l' chambermaid delivered -herself . - The -� acc�il . 8 ess offices'. have Empire . e .. �
v Lh A miralt I
. ., . ' a . . of r nt Of'the long-awaited � � T , '� .., .. .. I
-1-1 ..
� .
- I - __ , -
� ,� , ., . '- - I L kind.,, Thus it is ,of the ubn t - -1 - ed .f! c a t P4 ,e put'lli.to the-ocea . em6tions..--i. e were not" lip, b . U . .. �sault,ca�nb� ihrOu had-torevert.to the ancient rilethod of , - , __ ___ - - . � .. ly. annhilaIed and Sulseged kk1led. I., . �. . . : -.:
- _
. . . .. OS im- do ZeeaTss� the war, and - �ih , .n I . W , - - , '" gly in.41h . � .
. t on- hours -on 'the' I C. tug finely-powd'ered wdod..,cb ' -
, . I - - � Portance. - that, as far:,as. ios I er I - ness she . stood � busiest and �most'exclt 'bVrn . . "There Was a goo . . ., . -, . .
, . '. . I sible h necessary factors.. . - . .. laourgr,ed'bY our fiIeiIdif . . . -.- . ,ar- THE BROCC 'p -L -1 ,d deal of -excite
. . . ANT, I . . � -
. I ., I �. . . . -wo - .. � _ � -1 �,� �,-.. - ment in the-vapital - A n*d the- Legations:, - - - ,
� . f time. for n eartherij jar. . ,.�� . I I ..V_ ......'' . . . I
a" � I I at the fbot of lie hod a*d lei forth ' I d . half ' . - I I . prepared for atta&, b6t the . le'nomy I .. � . � 1, .
. I . . should be Jealously guarded 4d vich-- . ----I- I .o.� he " and 'In . 041 dust in at gallo ' , _ . ., �
I I I " t war' e
I .1 �. I purbose. it . . � . I . volume;. - .� �. . . . a 'ih,ga- Toro'Orilto' evenin ' 'full, bf charldoal Ne*.C&bbaee Recent Achieveifiefit of was Slow 11;'appearingo,tind th ..
�. I . . � . . .. 9 ne*s-bv,pe-s to.I Tbi -jiir is filled , *
. . )PLAGUES OF AIESOPOTATtIL4, .1 11 , ' &3 'to their.'r . Air Or near an , , . A . n English I . ..
. -1 ,'.' . . , , vrould require A good deal 4 thinking .. 1. . . .. .. I L IN Cur�es For Prussia, . - .-'- I * '8'1*111. , .. eaders d"t, Pliced in the opein - . Horticulturist.. - empress )jad. ti C - new . ..
I .,to analyse it singlj�emotiorj. Em' . — , I . I . I �. ,�Zlot�'OnL'ltn editions.". And every V ' . open ,%vindow and some live 'adals, of . I I . Ine to mobiliie *a �stron ` 1. .
' .
. I . we otions Discomforts of -Canipa : , I' "A: mirse on, 1870,11 was her starting f that was;giv,611, . . J. ne wood or charcoal put in . if the man who. succeedsl force iyhich,:unde 9� - I .
. I -
I , . .4, 1 igning in La � to the Canadian public I . the centre of - , , I In grow- " the penona'l W=4 -
. .1 ". fire often Akened 6Y thoughts, but I W . . .1 . "A beginning. I'li W*hs a sad day for Ba-, . . . . In I . . L ..
.. .: 1 thoughts are strefigthened.by linemo- here Plagues; are Contin o " . . . f , the dust- Slow - cornbustioli is * t�rted 9 two'blades Of griss where' mand.of. the War -Minister, r' J I
I v I . 11 us., �e front that d' C,,I�me S unly, net tits �. �. �� - ...
.1 . . .. . I . ro n - 147. 'from -and 'gradually the'entire one grew before is one, of th greatest 7. The battle lasit�
. I . ., Taria, -when she tied -up, Willi Prussia. �ric ;, . � enemy 6n Octhbft�l : ... I
- - - .... . ---
I _.. -'-- tiOnal :feeling. - Thel�e -certftinly_ci� ' ' * [Frodi k' Palmer. I I � surface of. benefactors of mankind, What: . I � �
. QOte'spart :irom the'unhappy, re- Ther are, .bleiading our' .country 'to . . . . . � �_ I ' ,
t. . : not be real aft.-without'deep feeling,' suits of ba, I A tfie-. dust b'6rns* to ashes whil ' ed all day, and xesulted in A . I , - . -
:.. ttle and disease, campaign- death. TwIce-asjuany Bay . e . I I , A.uthori.ties Help.:, ' e the sliall be ' . - 11 a -enemy a-, . , ,
� � : I I . ches downwI61. able i I qOmPlete rout . . . .
I I . i
, . 'and 'as 101ITI �tuart Afill riatd,. lllpoe�try Ing in xesopotamia� says 1wr - I . arlahso hav I .. �, �, smolderitig fire rea said of him who is to produce six . The, -Empress's. sid�'.:- - ' . . 1�
. . �
I , is 310thing -more thau thought colored C _ .Edward been killed as PrIISSL�rtns. we hav 6. ' . "I W110t to PiLy a tribute to the'b=4 I When, aftL�r,.12,hdurs, no more smoke odght heads 'of the cabbige-liR N bad -19,000'killed out of $ - I .
. - . , . .. I . I . ,
, . e . .. .0"000 en, . " 1 .11
. andki. oiT-es-ponde the i"'Orst of th( e, Eligift;h 'co ondints bii ; or, . I . _ I �
I expre - __ , 1. '16 ", I . .
1.1,11: j-, -, . --ut of a, Lopdoll.1 - � fithtinj4 ,0 Me" liffle ga:S�'. is - , bic�*611 -where only one 19994d, will ,th ' I
. : � b,vstrong--tmojlon;- - - .ur,men em-of-th I given' o e enean;�'. S Sa , � .
:.. ased in th_ei�e I poiZ- is sure.to � be uncomfortable I ca I . M.1be'liehted - - � ..grew .'Pro- , id., � , I .
, I and, Overhear � � . . ,rrjea U13 .0 'Somme front"'.4r. P4m 1, '. - is ingrg,lar . .1� .. t . I
� . I , 01 -IL b, . I . I
I ,. , I . . . . rii L f,%1qo§, by, assault, and -th , � er sa d. ,`-jar is placed in thi� 61 riougly, itild, *bat , hav�._lbscl 0 ! . 01, , :'' . I .
_... _ _ '&, 4 , .1._.A-__ �. C �L=lm , - M..i-� -
I - ___ - I.- -2- - `1 y�iire no. onest, orable � h- . , � - a A- � . . 11,-M Mod_1'. -6-.. � __ �__ _�.! —
. 1� * - i* . *, * . C-1 ,-- _W"_Ta_n_t_i_�ek-ennIal .2 - - - � � '. - , - p . . . � , _
__ ___ .. - - - r _%.o. '� _ I— ____�__ -Mad-dis6ouraging. �n _ ,-- -i
. I . . , , , �. . dani"li , , 14 .� h 1161 - men. Istay t ere:fOr 24 ho fi, After whi ' - , itl . . I
'� " v ,, U� , � - '. I �VMSGpotanlla in .1 -pJ*v,%18, V jfbeAr fiPgA , . . I t �Sllp*. from . I - � -I Tee,", , I ti I I... . .. r3rP *Veaw-.,�#m. ..1.
, * , � � ; 1. . . .
, , .� I _ Tqy - --ts., . - - !" ';, ak; Nfa�rarz, w..An*kW 111,1tJ e-p.A +i.- ,�T _. ch P- TI t !, I -' � ' -,i - - . , To , , .._;___-,- -
.1 -Mt. . . I I,--- _____-1--_-1.-11-___11 I - , . . . - . I .. 11 .
I � . I � . . . .� ... . --_Zi,_,4iA".AA , jk�l 6 or 44 it, .1.1 ...-V A6. 11 � _- - �. . .
. J - e- m4n 0 '' I
, .. I- -I,- *,- - =2 !L -r- -- "Au'*�AM.i "'i i.." - . . ---Th* ' i
... _ P,14. *_-4 _. . - -9a.pt I . .%
_ . .,�_ M!� I I.. �- _M , placeil-in,,the _`!t,_�1.-2�vOl �Url igh h. 1 t -i
. �- - ..
- ��! .- .h
� _%a=.-,=,._- &!%_5-_F_5#,�_1AftT.-,K "" Le J�dut4dr 01 plagues; There isli6l �. , "Our, men "We're. "e it jpeass�ciated' ��iili biem'. -ver),,- -. and t�e,jjnqp- , , cul- - .
,�i , "y, 4�_�.,�%._4.�_ , 'V_ _ _ . -, -orpered: to .", ___ lu e .. Jar . _ ,, . xt � turist r,�r-p-tl�3,4.:�i�)�,�,e��,--a:;;�ll.��,,---kle- . �-4t-IV���,.-WP.-%�-.U�--Zi...;�."-.N��i �
� "&',i�i �-ropitfs��r-,:�WQ,Lt,-Ihd%�."twe- M1�.� ,-�,��'�,.�i,N,,�ll.Irs'..�'..�,�tc.--4�I __
'Ag7,rM__%t. - _ 11. 1� . ' f .. . - -
. 11. arxwe"Ifflim'--iii-11 11,--l"", R-5, _ ;_ 1. . , ,,, let . A_ t ey L
� -W 11.t�i , t", ;� 1, ', L. A19
1 9 Y . ored' lip. to. the't e �1v4r'this means' * ' . alubers's Journal t,61IS -of. . ' . fired ' with, . ,i I
� 'I . Writ - �!
. . I
anjdYsia and deals P . me- -, hey refused, way ey,l ave tneas"-"�"v'4'�-��-""-""9"*"-; .. ...... . of h6a� * d I . . of rifles, but becorhin , - , � .
. fticularly with'! you eAn coiint ozi is that the , Then'Prussia;�. said I niagpitbde of .their tasic. and, 'I " . . 1. I tbese'riew 'plants from I 9 tired di . . I
_� i� ", I a P . -ind(ined except, by ; , One k .
. '.* th6 9motiong. � iinless� (be men . . . n.na bepi',.aL .1. , Y, I which - thd 1hrew is, the .1
, R, . ... " . ve .
. failed, , ... . ., ... .. . , grower. cut hfteen I ash-,' - , �� ., "
a] I � . I . , � * heads' six ol, - ed tit Me it . .#
1. , : . . ..,. By, dwelling 4spescla,Hy cy.4,�-is unProken and coritinu obeyed thoy*"would bo'sb - I rase'llave t . - 'fin' el . these WeUPO 19 aside; and d ' ' �
. upon thi'sanctity of tile OUS . I I OL., 130t out I , ,hey , , . qp4or.
.,. �. I I 'life it deepens the cliannel o 4n% . I . . I . . . . � inches'in diamet7 I nother with deimitars, , '' .: - .
". , Individu PlaguLki of Uay are 'dust, 'beat and 'Xing Ansv�gyo�d.. �X one in .:rh6 armf�s comPAsing the differen4, 1. I . .
. .. I .. I. . Aot " , sha I I ! 1 ---:-4-_".:�.� �'. . seven . .an4
I ' ' I I I . . er. , � .. SPears, ' . I I . . % .. I . . .
. I . . , � - , f natitral flies, and the greatest of the�e is flie ' die.!. . The king and the, � Kaiser, have � .CorPs, JIM closely connected bi -telle- , 'Canada, and. the "itonroo ' ' Tho broccoli should be ot . I . . I
. , . keel, 5141 .
. . . I . . ing-and _1614s capaciti of The m4tltlido 4 flies th'# Siva I.. � D ' I , I .
� I . � e$ . octrine_ ' ifiestiffi.. , 9dTher'e, . , , . . .
, . I tion -W rin ill 8,1=6 made -it W- but I tell N-011 the ar-d-, ieleiraph,. aud an - elabpr- .. . � .was great rejoicing in Adl' ' � 1.
. I., bichin otlier directions s_.._l I , . ,,.. phone It. "th B able value :to the Small "gardener;, Abeba over tbo 6ute I ... 1. i.
� I * ' 0' 'O ; , . e. ntisb navy wo1`e*"b1cat0n_ ' . I S1 I I I .
. � . ' the tfttsjl itligouts and trefiches - fip� .33&varIan$ hate the Pru,,sia�ns, They,, ate -.,;i -41ing sysiem, ='5, one.of Crermany� next I . . ) especially if he bappqns tp.baV,,,, 1 orne of the -bat ,
. ,
.. 1i S I . . n tie, and .. on . : I.." I. 1.
I . , _. , ift vain for articuliltion-, and- �moticji 1'16sq, *ieens are .un6elit-vAme. -'-- � , I . are tald . J . I . I V.ring_could... land ,a odd corn .th� �returjj of the viel �__ I
� - , , � " .ng. our feoit from. - ... . 4 _. '-.. .... . - _.__ '....'..'.. _ ., . 1 � I 11 . 1. . "'
'. . thils, ,qtfickent4. RA& it�.best`e4regz.j - .1bu: us�" ' - .- J"'bleh."r-ce -to MD'd C0mniuP1c2t16n'�'lar;gq armv-on the ",east ,�oast bf C ,,- I . Cr *'hire he ein:10't the plant's tqrious, '4`1`111Y W -grand review - . wa .
.. I.:., � � --- I '_1 It'.....Jak.. I .".I'll _cannot ,�4t 7yot�bo#_ Swallowing - **We had butfpr,- p'j` -rs, . Aftee a. figj��I, the . . I an- I gr-Pw "undisturbed. Onto I - - I "
, 1.1-1 I . U -,how it is all,, of orde -- - ada and. th�re iwould. be nothing'to . they becorhe hold -by. the -bj�p I I "'.. 1. .. 1.
a . Or- , -rp 'establi '
I., � � _ � :Idom arougit AM Tiledlaw & ea re�. t exii- You wave 'your spoon.of p gone. I. The ,P lissian .1sit tbe c6rpr., notcor � J Islied they assum .
I .. ! 11 reyr*d to iahgrUage ... I - ,r drganizaticin 18pondeuts v all,6 o1prevent it tios ress in f6rson. * Sh�., . . I . ...
as,th I . . c the Propor-' Bat on cushiells covered wlth . .. I
. I I . I iing the :foqr * . I . .
. .
. I . .. � Of'emOtiOu ridge in the air to shake them off, doesn't help the 11cor. We got -,ncti�- �; � . xPlains., the " j�,jles (S the � thousand 3 0 -Young bushes, and thto " . . .
. .1 I -music, '%Un 'we �Ore moved -a d * ' I * you I .gether. but, Singly, -,h,hieh �b Onfinent, leaving # t - 11 Ition , I . gor-N .
1. I . ason Alin . . � _1M th . . I-
�, ; .1 , � . I . V , a -S w,as. -1 : �,
__10kC%Z_.d_.%-P..�ftwrha. 'd a- � n--,-f.V!lt.!PU'r-,bltc*t-andbuDy-bizef inyour: J.0&__JX_Pu_._b " IV .. �h,o. _b loft-- , J ,1�� eir--hodds--fir-R-11 0 � IV Out ,geollS,t,A-PeStiles, hlid-nothin-gx ��__._ -
� ... ��4 - - It �- __:1. . . � n Inidw � I - - , � , . t?S.Y'b'U,tet-�.&:��lit,tl6L�b,o�p,�-'I �' bei,48-11mit,N1 - -,�Tlre,i`such- in . 'dire t vufy�-td�---�, ,., ,
. . �Oelm � 1021B.: They, be' se.cn:of ber-faft � . . - . . - . .. .....
. 9 'Ild-, pdcket�.aud 'nr' ' J,�%%_Jjy pol' . . .
. , I .deimand very little -we . eye I
. . ' 4 co ey. them 0=reptious- ,otherwise nothing., tVie: If , . , ." five men ,effeit a -6eirWg ho-ise,..each Ir and.-ift SetbtA .in , . I . edi s Peeping,i tbt.,6 - ,a... .1 _. . I . .
. . . tigh. a heavy . ... . I—
. - "Ttalu quickening ,of. the ly in' i6im closed fist to y and Potatoes. , It's all we, hi 6. , I ., 1, :1 - i their' r66es Wil. Even' ' ' '
�. I Pullmll a V _. On broj� � , "d , but two
� Ii. . . I Out mouth; . .. v _ - , � . * . I . . �. 1. . I ... :.. thrust 'themselves, d I .. . . .
. .1 Voo& as it ruAea, t�hftugb the beart� "but you sw ___�__ 1- 1. ___ - -_ - . —_ -_ --- her hands re hidde be egth the' I .
I . _. � _, J_' . eep .
, , , ( .. allow flies all - the, sam,,� In the spring the polatoe I . . . . . -.-'--- -, - into the SO11, t6y are.pot appie, We . n n
. . . . � . .
. � , and a��Wrespondizg -action On the�, 17herp- I llots,'�._ .�k--,POlie4�tuan�t.WULZ,.-Ill;, __ , . __ . . . . . .1 Nbly robeb. - ., . i� �. . , I � ..
11.� � I , Tlicy.ReWe_ Ir .clbUd&--"ev-erythint. 4wgro_ I .� ,_ --. _. 1�11_411_ _. , -1-1-11-.1 . I _- . 1. . I I
-`-Irg= - "MOttla.1--fil-es pla�L,. ",;%.4.'�, �,., ��4.�, -1 � - A , � - . - - � .- �aff"Wd-by-dry-we I I .
.... �-_ ,,�_ . �., , _ - 414,t"w-,.,;...,;�1 . . . . ather.1n the ' ' - . . �
, __ , . .,;, , ,. � .
" A e eria. of ln�r and se eral women �A 4 vc�, ,4.:.z.:*- ,,, ,.�, spring I 'Eath chief r66 I . I . .
. Thi` A ivrite, I cannotsee th 1. 1dilid, V . - �, ,�, _ - .- - '� �� '. . . . . , .,!��; . I . . . I
. I ,:;Z, �'t.".. . � � �.`_�." I .1 . '� _
I I our - vroz,;-�, ��, - - �; ...... , I � , , -.� . , �._ � as 900n as the ;ho6ta .
. I '%*ely - " PhYsical bael. of "': Ft I overtook a squadron of cay. ere shoO' I .... .."_'�'k �-,; . 1. � 1 17. � . - .. . ' ; begin to run Imen, and Ift13 'approached the (.in. I I .
I . b I, is the � lit the heail of big
I . ,
� __ I .�. - :, � the Plant"heeds some thinning - � 'bui j -press -lie I
, . .. pen. � I AW .not .R. �Ocllql Demo , . . , _ ,�, . he,
.., I , erat, 1�ut rm, �,,;?" � -'�� ;4?.�,,��, _
- M, " , - . ��. ,, .�
- . I ,
. � emo"'tr` TI'a raturi� of our emO- �'alrY the other day, and in that begin . . I , � �;', I— -,,Z'.' c, �� . . �' _ .." ." � , I 1.i!_ �� ,�4:;.,�j; . . : -
flarzi fee,iw.g is state� Ding I-O'teel the.t, are .r'�ght. 11 .� .. ! -.1 . 7., , � t. � ,�...'�, � , , '. .� there is,,no dismounted', -drew bit sword; .
I , . " �� .1.. _. . ...1.
I .., - I therefore Insepar-I)of s think -the _. , '� . , , �� I . - V . waste, fOr-the �hooti _ . __� " . I
I all 0OverrTnv2f_ .. , , _.. .,,_�Ii�, Ing 04 . . _ .
`*IP with &r - S�Omkoma in -- -Germ __ I . . . . . 'cooku'j- f6"n ah appetizing dish of th,0; deeds he, had_dolhe� Thi's . - ,
. ,F glw�iated ' - which ,.he h,,,t V, mp f I waiiii; .: . ., I . ... jvhw, 'And. danced- about her, 14bout' th ' -
thoughts- It, You I thovkht they were, w,Q�hg.�to kill oft .4 lj)4� of th4� moz'so 1! ,eaE I � , �'.. � I � �, -i".., - I 0 , - .. I
�� -1
. I �±efort. -of tho, lilgh *Sc - � .1 Was kept ,. .
.� . JN'thr . t�� , , ..,. . I Ilavor of asparagus, - - . - .
r--___: . ... ; ___ . .. . -0 UUPArt%-�'b.riin ;�6-AWr-1had. walked 'my horse, h14k1'--fb-e Whem- --do what . . . I . � , ____,_._1uP until,tlie .
� I
. lt� uttt 6a. rubtig �!I,e)---ifk�-. .� ---�*---'1_-`1 __.4_'__T,he--f-aot -that to.- rut-seVenty-two w en., I ___,___p]qe.f .134carA4D_exbA,ii.-ite&,!-,,-.--.--.----,. __
. , . I . . . �. '_ihi6ld be besiae them ,several minutes bef�re I �'N'Cthlr-k �-ill ba�];C_ *rOv'. we are hel '� - �.�,,.."g, _�. I � I I li I e Prosteat�,,d bim . self 'and with.- - ' I ,
pute; atherwis-e 0 lij� - . P- . , --.,." � J Mi.-Pive head
. . , _L �Ie_qk: b*V ,I tour . -.1 9'from a dozew pla'ts is'diew. . I I
' a whole flo 'd of S'al` ` di�eovered tl-zt uba'. 16oked . il I . I �Oldt ,� I I I I ,1 n
. .'11ed t��Vtion is kwept along. tho ave. V�a& &k steel Ma 11 lers 0,11X0- back. . �-�%--, I. �1,m il' I I �!, .1110�111IUSual achieveme . . � . . .
_blU � then there will bL* a i-p-vo,,u. -IMM, �, , � � -�,41, lj 1� - I ��
.-;g ". �1;1 _; I . ...
0 � nt gives un. Idea -I "The' COhimatvder of the unemy's .
nzes. of bz?jr - -ih e m�ilsh -of flies. . . 'I � . I a0r. . _ I—* .1 _�� -9 , t 0 thLI, prolific Yield of ,thi , . I
, ., ,. . � IL .m � A;i.,
I -9, so r,g and .hefouling,l It is a Country of exeesg; -r.ojh_:�,, is f -A 1.itt!p %J,Lle ggo , - I v _,;� - I . ..'��,.- ,, .
- *0 'WbOk- 'Muzic 'bath ti . stari-In s.!,- � � I . s novelty arn�y, MikAel, was led lits ehai.11
. -,- A, . ' I wo B . 11� I � . ortg cabbagp,,t, . : � I
. g.*tnel..34 -, I I I - - to.,
.- , I .
q Vk.e:.e Se,. , .,r - �
I - _% ZN�Abi - � apy � I - - I . td ' .
barms to � ever moderate. There � le -'r. . I - i the chief who had capture
. ZtDtlle 6t� ga;,tve , breastv, is -something, . , . I �� � __.i_4,_ _-, I �
a'aa it W wore, f r p v()Ung Ir - - . ..-
y I ,tn6gt Biblical in the way tbe go,�,s of, __ .M. - Zat,,.�, %,% � I . - � d him. Ito .
, .
. .. 1� 1 41 1 . . "! 56'wer in . Ms, -bu!to I nho,,e , I �avj- *e a -1 .- - _� .. . ' ' . ('1611 UP the Gardem. �' "W"'_"he looking inall of 65, dignl-' . I �
W""X`1 be 6MZ t tz' find 1b, doit,litio.n tbi§ onment .latd h 811 � . . ,'iled-but oxtreVel� S6rj6wf �
. :, , ,7vk� gp-,& mtmk con"d tot 'j.- ir . -1, . I 'Hor , '' " .
. Jam. da,,h ,2S. ti,�i, , ave con',4p,re.1, , to , . - - t%ern , �� 11�� � I - f n ' ' *il. other
.1 I . . ' . 1, � I 11. 11 9 the gard�n Patell'chief5 Who had been captu u A
-� . I ;,.,�=alke in the k- 4 IP,ny' Off �:il ' e .,.',:"-' � .11 .
I �: '# * * S � �-Tkp+y 'Wore S I ,;tra-ght u, , .,.e�.. " - (We Ploughi . 41A .
6f hett and-droughtjthO 1.5-11,9 Br._e.T6v, etoppczl ot-'" I " .1
I . .. , . � SM4,soij; =V��Pe . , .w �_ 11_"-. -1 . . . . . I this sprink rake to et6ler an� ' buril red followed.- .
, I - a of �, .- It. '. 7 I � a dead, � 9 him, all in chaj n ying
. *-9 'tO Vhitb � tbe, I I , "� i"I"S�;1 all th vines, grasq Sticks and � a larg I e stobe on his should� at; ,, P,
V01hL . I I
. 8029ft'llriia n,met'able, 6tttes t p1hysien?, humger-and thirst iind Ales, agmp Ar4d. � the Q�. fttto tte. mfda,'e of bwtle Yl,,L � . �� 7 ' ' "' "�4�. ��_ ��
` ' I � 11
��4' 11 0 _� � _�71 �
,, his writ- � Cold and nir", flood, h * " i, fbri� theY had walkod � a dozen st , k� "I I < 'I- I . . allY,other sort .Ubbi;l'l arid .gave'! of submissi � - Igh � .
. urriedr ,,yps _ ,�pf I a
. ,etl rl�q-,�Me gre4ter i", � te 4nd . �, 1. i tbil� season's Plants ir'6r,1 . t . oil." I f, .1 .
tentialfti6_q -,rains lover ona ngzlo axd,malioe . .. 4everyone was _-�ht)!. d , '�'Q
. fdr 94 "L, 01. - I Ilq� I , owm Tho4se t-v0*4, - I., - 1. I - a. )lost of . ��. . . . , . I*, , IS
. .,. I . .
.. etil tbmb =nile. &6 tZli" It-e"MOV6M in The w4s� Of eirenuIgtatice. � 111cl-nts 'Were eo!lre?,:� V : .�,_ �, - � Platt 1,olt'a. ,geiel)tiks at tbe E,.Peel I I .�_S,____ I I .
� eG='0!76 Of 'S5 -M -4D =n_ql.- t1i �. ,I # . rega . � _. I "I I Ment Station have - ' . . .- '. I !
la�& Vg ItEe ___ I 0 ft�w Inl_:�Utes. .. I �5ved ou! ln�i w-'_ , W I .. �
I . . . I - I I 1� , Y'. . `# � , , 1 . ,. AAv .
. t---. I . ._ - f0und that e.ut. dnee in , I
� 11 I . � . I . -, � .1, 1worms and adult tarni,.,,(.�, I War'sur6ry.
. VC17 ,��b=b4rx d L631, utl ielttl;uh� �, ,I le'u YON -e hwf, the pnqt; � 1),aI I - - ...-- _
, 2Z , . I Is . � - - .... 511 - .1 , - nt 1, ill surgery.-allij 'Militati6yi-thew" .
- ,Isl6rig of .1 _10 aud _N4t__-DepbQs,, -,- �, T1."4 Pemus-i;5:�v OfUlais- �n Bati'T'ja or" - 11 . Climber b IRS brought 6)It ynAny imp
11, -,q tha *tte.anw"O'l pn ,.;.ftwq_
". � ., - I tb�, r � - - - - I . � � --l'buggi -squAsly bugg, ,,, ' I �
94w', ML9 1?� U 1'4e�aoz C,41 P,,'-4' I . .- .'' �., -� '.
eov6rs ribout o4e.ttev � I 1 . , Pbtato buiTs, harlo�quln eal,l RJro
4 ClIth ef, very. ,%or.r ,-�*rlvt. Tho�v nr�,.afrnjcl 0 - ��A, . ��'. .1 . "" 118 rOV011011ts. � .
� i � k I
� fl�e nrea of Ire'ATIJ. aj:d 11 � I There have ,beolft , .1 .. - . .
I , G1%,t6V2t10! onc* tk. lje,� L*0MtUP.V Ciro P the dop,Fgt, � ZI lng0r�_T tbpw. �ata * - nr,� '. I . �� 'V I 11" "b*Au lellf b�etle,q aild �th) &1�98'1 I I 0 Meat ePidemids.
., %,�!'11 .� - n I
th4t, T-��I- 1�_'Nt3y 8 V6, ,_hp� � - - " I � �1, inspetg'such,R8.
,,�Nj� Inon t,) do� U -are eStimfited to contain 4 0. Oil �Iov_ CA i I.'- do.!Zg,�Ite-4�vljj- . have
I Atm'-flot I'a a , , , 035 , "T d 1,101, . - r�g 0 vrt-v!��w i ,,, - -i ho 11 N*0* Pcrisc6pe to Save i .... I -- �liv� during .the 1wint-1, � mArk0d other warg,,and , ,
� . .. gre-tt cft�- b Ontario. - !,D�" . . . lUrg cl.,-.01 iN14NO!5�?'" art, �rzolnd�. t)ul , . � CotintIft8-Livea in J,�each I c -.S. I : 4the vegetable nardel- ill trftsb about P11191911d is greatly Ple4ped with, th I . .
- sAt rnany full .
I __�, I 0 , .. nath 5oM1c,r Eking rige usjtjg.th,�� "Eradue per �!tllso ten6 to Prow " ('IeAft' Pultui,6 work of ,th� - Army Np�dieaj t -
� Again, wto 1�11) ftttoivo of 100=0 tnu. . I I V Z" ,�tot =tv, moptr I'Lel;�rarl* . %ldItS 4tid ru gou.q 900 N., * .1
111M e rno=�A, A surgit6l, inq 0"m I , . 0 I i9c,olpe- Thig devke , disonseg, a!' Corl)s, whiel; 1149 8olv0d gro
. . 1h z n i -F�l toI:� � T.Z9 .. WO's d6gigrte'Jr b3r S. 11. Efad=, a Dat rh invemor, SO it =zed in- big hoi. , at medical
_t_,,aM. . havt 1, � n. T1. - V, op , t� �.� . a . #
-2AUb' ' to !ne 0 0 _t� ntpro_:�zLg, at _Cc� Z9 �. spreading. . '411 frnm pribblenV during tll�,'Wal�, Tho Smine
I . t'��_,-` ' of 'a a 4 t # " 4r, � - _. p �! It � attttkell to'the lbatt tf ffie, rifle *ttA csr,lableg thd , soldier f tb,, . . . I
I . OSAU 15t t . ,1q IlVirt Art two vttki, msa� th t ,�j , _..�.,J� t'�,f�.LL _0 �
.4 ; :P
_t , I . � I . ,
-ktotfta ftoi kitt 11 4 '6!:' E�'"'"!.� 0 � -1 ft(lVan(!e with,
I . ftlIxt ef r,tm4ty ,Olt -Wrml netig, to ald, P diccmisirg Z-!�!01 ;r,'%�f' , 'rpn�tb .to aim atil f&a �. in ___1 . -
a, � itc:mbo c:,, stelwzt`,�I:y *4ffi=t dgmg,er di death fmni _41_1_ __ its 4'�ath - graD00. ,
,0 '. I " ,grl,19ng t�p ,",'� n uge in fte Dj� ut tbb tnemy's I . a � . ",
-1-tita i;;;�J34% Zen W, ait"!�.L , _,"6 � * E% P* ,,�� "�. o" -w- ',-I 4� v P. -q I a t; - , ini!01tc. It ig I , that qr,v6�Z.bZlf "an Mighty tirmi0so lit, -, ,.,
pit -, %let It. h &ft , I '4ting montils Wn'.4 , W, �
. - I- _�� , U curd *ha ) toott, " I I . , I 'Id hour Of dav-iight I 91"Nit tost ,for tile , . .
I 4 , , - . .. � I , , . �, 'a lqhbi�' " rt -vol 62'2� salpIng lan"'t;nga tht na ^111,0diol vervice.4 C
" - 1,�, v Ar MM i
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