HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-03-01, Page 8; Pt.6441 NEW SPRING GOODS with the advent of Marche/3mo thoughts of Spring and we are mak- ing preparations for a big spring business and already have received many eases of new, fresh, beautiful goods for the various depart- s/tents of our store. • We are showing...aspleudidaSSOrttnent Of Dress Serges in various qualities ahd-cOliiii--,;-blaek, vavy, brown, green, cardinal, grey, Alice blue, tan„pnrple and burgundy. GoodsThese are exceptionally fine qualities ani good widths and •priced at 1,25• 1.50, 1.75, 2.00 and S5.00 per yd. . It is a •difficult matter to get good wash goods in blue col- , ors. narly-last year we purchased a 14 of fine Percales. in different shades of blue, all guaranteed colors, spec, Pmales ially for this coming 'season's trade.' These have been •held in our stockroom upstairs and are tow placed on our counters at 22c per yd. They are heavy weight, astgolors and 3.6 in. wide and the price is very mach, , lower than if we had to buy them now. FLANNELETTES -Though flan- tide Twills. g They are fast oolors and Ilelettes are getting scarce and high, are priced at 20, 25 and 28c. Dress priced: in the wholesale market, yet - . having i n stock many lines bought . GINGHAM'S ,-New Ginghams Or over a yw aim we an give you ' fcheck and striped patterns, good wear - a large' assortnlent. to ° choose from at mg and. fast colors at 15 and 18c. white, pink and bine at 12, 1-2 15 . APRONS --See our. range of ;Aprons 18 and very reasonable prices. In plain colors . • • . of various sizes colors and designs 't a'20c,, and in striped and che'cics 6 in light atid dark 'Shadt;s at 12 1-2 251 t 55 and 5c. . ,15, 18; 20, 22 and 25c, . SHIRTINGS-Ourrange for spring .. comprises striped and check Oxford •Shirtingl, stripedatd. check Standard' Shirtings, Rock Fast Drills and Black SPECIAL SALE -Our special sale of Clearing Lines is continued. See - the yellow tickets, read the 'reduced prices and find a bargain. .4444,0444444.4404.00440.041.404440.40000.•0 as* 140,44.!‘weia410.1 roVst4ei 4 400.4aa 001.0..00, 01iTARIO. FARMERS .Existing avarponclitioas demand that yan give the question •of Need special attention %butler. Seed of desirable venetierratid.high germination power will be (actors influencing yields. If yon baffle .not meted your seed " Lettlare-Ontareo Department of Agriculture Fartnera having Seed ;miry or potatoes for We. may forward samples to this offienstating varieties, price and quantity, •• , Viirriere wioseg to purchase seed -fire *Iso invited to communicate with thie office etatfag variety and quantity,. and an effort will he made to inn them in touch with farmers having seed.for tale. •' • ViSite OA C.; District Deprenetitative, Walkerton., 2S -0-c - • °„' , IL lizoar, Minister Of Agriculture.", _ -2--Ashfield- • ' 1114,004Y, Plit4.cPA 11 914 011 -Mender. Fel). 20,- ,• 'UWE QUillialia MI* Tegale Pettersou ie finder. the FRORIART $11tti Dr.'s ore. Mr. Ale* Carr 104 a rieNe driver ship. ped. up from Toronto last week, Uwe Minnie Ifowson is on the sick U. All hope for her opeedy recovery. Miss Epa afeReneie, lieePPIrri fended- the' Cfroierr:-Ciirrie wedding -hot week. • Mr. John C „McLean returned toLaw ion, Saar., this week after several weeks' viait his home; Mrir. Jae. McLeneau Oallei to Kincardine hot week owing to the Rees of her neither, 74rin McLeod,- Misses Mabel and Alberta itirktoivn, of flepoyer and .i.'k4isley, pav Tacoma it. tending the marriage :cf -their sister., The Ashfield soldiers' Aid circle lick- ledies aith nate" thanks the follawing deflations- by alesdames ',Robert' Henry, Thos Henry, los It lm, .teidie ist;Heitlio' .. IMMO' Andrew, 'Ernest Gardner, George .. • . .Dreiman, miss mary meicenzie, i :down ' pillovi•each; lar,.: 'George Gibson, 2. down .pillovini;lao.'arame, '1 pi,flow-; me A Belton,. 2 iiiiietii and 2' pillow -slipsa Sara. raw *indreiSal pillow she; Bira,deo j'ireiniri-ii, 1 'pillow slip; atm ndiecwhinney, ,patris .' , • ----a• , otic tea, $6 75; 'Mrs n'iacitwain, patriotic .• ., tea,'61.50. fee thaoks of the circle is .-. ...ilervie •... ' . ' . . HARD cilHoNic.0011611 dile the following ladies for sewing: mrs , s . ' „ ..; . 7-e•MoilditY; Feb. 24. ,. •. gage- wen by -Delicious -Mind I-Thoo Dougherty, 8 SilitS ri.YiStriii; 'Xi% in -. .We are glad to i4elkort that; Miss Win- Crestliae, Okla. -SI contractea a .Nati, az.m.,es 24r3' melief ii."1..E061 ittC: • . .. llie. par is better again, after km weeee.:: hards &renal • cough, and- wee • weak, wha-ney 4 each. steed ia, saahn menara, nervous and ruts down. 1 av h "1r I" ' ' la :, * 'al ' oho:.Bemo.ptt, John arcEenzie, sant:imams , Atr. Willie . Arnold,of the Winghant ; fansily of three, and it WAS hard for me. . I tO do my work. l' toOk different medi..., W ataxitize; wits Biel aohnston, 3 each, ' Businee College, tilmInt ik ebuPle of ohms without - benefit. FMally 1 heard' 'misses Ethel erevin, Evelyn Hayden,' me , . . weeks at borne. . • . . • *bent .Viard, and it hie restored me to - 'winnona steveisson; isaisa - --. • '' ' health. and strength,my cough is all gone'., 'li.ncla 11:ack! . . Visa Wiscart returned to her borne in • and I feel fine. =Mrs. H. it CARLISLE. .iltinit'o WM Blake, oyril eampbell, George Leildozi,after ependiag a coUplis of week.s . Vinol ss a constitution. al remedy for . „ . Joheston; Thos aergason, a &It eton, Si* tit,Viit ParsoOl*We• ' ' ' ' chronic ecoughs and °aloe,. and am: in J,,bair.itivri; 2 .eath. ..oapt.d. allies Jas .!,..,i,i_. . , 'weak pervious, run-down -conditions. • Try it on our guarantee. - - .. • , ; . !non, :Freak eeettastagua Gordon,. almer Mise Franeie McLennan hi .spendits ' Alton, Bert Jehriston, .narnea oliver.;' Hoy ' • - couple, or weeks in Winghain with Mr. DR. "A. M. sitzstcg '.. cucnriciw, _ ..-atrozeraert-nio‘rhinny, -'wm-..Fiplatr,, A --- '41:01-1MXIS.. John- Morritt. - a '''' - ---'-': ''- ; - -..- . . - . sillib, aichard 'Johnsien, Jack' Hackett, ' 'Mt and Mre. Thos. Einmerson, who joyed a trip.to Arinoiawhere they Pre- . . , . -,Tas alteni John Cainphell;-,,Tae-eaunders; have been 'Apericting a heliday, with limited thinepla'itto a full house. , 'On ..:_a . . Aunts Tillie Carey, Ray stothers, ' Rattle fiiendeiti oar vicinity, left 4ast, Fridey moduentlay night the'weather Man wits' Rap:10014e aaunders: 1 each; airs Tid . , , for their. lionMeiti-the States. • not as kind'ite he "'Might have' been, aod McWhinney, 8 flannel field shirts; salsa • . • 1Tieronte Cattle Market CbrOSOO weighty ateere.$14.50to$11,..25 de. Medilara . . 0,50 10.26 Dutcher.° choice 9.50 10.28 do. good . 8.50 .9.00 do. medium 7.25 8.00 40. eoMmon , 5.60. 1.00 teheri"-eatilaa. VQW1 a7.76 8.76 do. good • 40. insatiate 5.50 4,09- nutckerit' VOW, „Wi'0.1;ii., 4.00 0.35 do. good. 6.75 7.50 do. medium ▪ 545 6.50 • belegett 6,00 *51,1i0 esisra, 900 to 1,44.11;ef. 6.75 do. sued., 790 _to •800 4.000,40 Stockers, 700 •to 000 lbs. 435 6.60 •do.. '4011210011 liglta«.. • 5,00 5,75• tatters 4,59 5.25 Olausere . • *** 4.51) ' 44110 74111Lera, g°.Qd to eho1ee,40.00 100.04 do, coin. and, med.,50.00 70.09 Springers . , ,..'• 55.00• 100,00 OelYea, veal, clioices14.90 14.76 do. medium, a...salt:F.00 12.40. de. eelannell „..., 4.09 8.50 do. graes • • * • 0.00 7,(10 do. heavy fat 7.00 8.00 010424 choice.14.00 16.0SS do. culls 9,00 11.60 Sheep, ewe, 'light 10.26 10.76 do. heavy and bucks8.50 9,50 do. ... 4.00 7.00 Hogs, fed and weaered15.00 00,00 Mr. McCeuley,•spent the tatter end ol • the week with his -parents at the home of his sister, Mrs., Bell, of Dobbinton. Mr and. Mire •J C. MOIrityre„ of tide village, are celebrating their Rith. wed ding annivejeary today (Moaday) •Cton gratulations. Rev. DORM McIntyre, of Tormito, and Nurse Olivia of Winnipeg, (who is on her way overse e) were here to at- tended the 45th. wedding anniverriarr nf their grandpar ntinillnasna P•dre. C. McIntyre. a .GirovEs7CuinnE -The benne. Of Mr Neil Currie, 2nd. Cop., Brnee,,,' Glamis; was the scens7of a very. plealuirit even) an Wednesday, morning, Feb 21. who) his eldest tringlitin *Annie Gertrude, was unitucl in matrimony to Mr. ,,Tohn Groves! nf lierroberts Sask. Ilea Mr. Neilsen,' of Pitieley, efflciated. They were mar- ried 'under an arsh which .was beautiful. lidecoratcd. The bride, Who was given away by her.fathelOaelrect. alarming in her. gown of silk Georgette toe and satin, and were the gift of the groom, haedsoine pearl necklet After eonerat. ulationa were oyer, the bridal•couirle and guests, numbering srk.preceedecVao athe. dining reeni wherea, sumptuous repast awaited them, after Web the haPPY counle left timid showers of confetti and. rise to beard the 3 Week train for the West, visitiug relatlaes at Port Arthur and .Winnipeg, theaail to their litime, at Kerrobert, Bask. ala. and Mrs. !Groves 'are, wellknown here ; and their .litat of friends join heartily in .wishing ,them . a long and happy voyage over the inatri- menial Sea • • - ' GRAliAis-McIsTALL17-The• -home of 'Mr. and Mrs.. John • E; of "`Majile Lane Fink Sarnia, Ont., wasthe scene of a toy pretty wedding on Wednesday evening, Feb. 1,4,1 When their .1.augliter, Lottie May, _Wan.nalted in matrimony to Mr Charles T. Graham, of Olaires, OntallevskA.: De Mille, Of the Free Methodist Chureli, of- - To the:Sweet' strains " of the wedding search played by Mr. W. •L. Atkin, of Toronto, friend,of the corm, the bridal party rook their places under beahtifully, deri!rdedareh., The bride,' WhbawaS given away' by .ber., father,: looked char in i n g a gown of Cree..tn silk. The Ceremony • cbncluded, congratelations 'were 'esraendecr to the happy cOuplo; after which the bridal . _ .. party and 'Mesta numbering twenty-flve sad down to a sniaptuees. repast.' •• Tire wedding present& Were beautiful, show - Mg the high estecun in which the young equille are held.: Mr. and Mrs, Graham left Sarnia on Tuesday, Feb. 20th., for • . their future in,Glamis. The eoting 'cistrale have the best wishes of their Mails? friends for many .years of 'happia dames atilivrawford, R Higgins, ad Ha•;.boaassalict_taaaparay, • „. 'whiottey, wni %trey, 2 . flannel binders • as ,the othey, 'evenings. • The play itself•• each; mesdamee-Thoe Ferguson, R maize s ' • • • • . „ nnot be deacrilsed in, the small space -• • aas cuok, w maize, misses nary carrell, Laurfer., C.,Te A4eila sia.ke each: airs .aan'mayden Z*,;,„1„ a;a;ri•sFev.•?..,s&ntetitkak.orkt$,c-e,..z,p-t.•ri • er• a. - ra tf. sf _ ..-.. - Rev. Kellum, ref Ripley, and Rev. Ben- - the result west a somewhat smaller crowd Mary mclienzie, 5; airs win caret, 4; . Airs ' nett, Of Bethel; took the special services John, Bernett, aims Ethel kcwhinney, airs' ' en the Bervie Circuit on Sunday last in . at Bervie. The small lack of numberti - . jas mail:len, Mr s it ffigeiris, Mrs Thomas the interest of the Rdticational Fund. was more than made up by the presence., Dougherty, 2 each; Airs' win sfothers,. 1; of an ' interested and atteutfve irowd. ' '''" • : Mitis Reita Collins spent a few days mitses Tillie trey, Lila mcilivain, saes - On Friday" night the. lad engagement • in Ber,a_bisforelersaing with herparente was atAillarten anit-• ,*.e.i ee eneeemfal , • . Tortheir home in the West after speed:. . , . • ing a fewmonths•with friends, ,in Ellin-, , rtt • 'Toronto Grain Markets" • Manitoba wheat -.Track, bay aorta No. 1 northern, 51.97; No. s northern, $1.98%; No. & neortheria ;1,88%; . No. 4 Wheat, $1.79. • Manitoba oasts -All rail, delivered, en route, C.P.R. and C.N.R. points not ernbargee ,s• No... 2 0:W., 72o to 78c; No, 8 ChW"„ 70c to 71c; extra No. 1 feed; 700 to 74c; No. 1 feed, 690 to, 70O. American corn -No. 3 yellow, $1.15% subject to embargo. Ontario , wheat -Winter, new crop, No. $1.76 to $1.77, according to freight outside; No. 8 winter, $1.73 to 41,75, • • Ontario oats --According to freights outside; NO. 2 white, 63c to 65e; No. 3 white,' 62c to 64c. Peas -,--NO... 52.48. Zarler-Melting„ $1.21 to $1.23. ' ' Rye -No. 2, new, $1.40 $1.42. Manitoba' flour -'-First patents in jute bags, 59.60; seconds, in jute bats, 19; strong bakers', in lute bogs, 38.60, • Toronto. ' Ontario flour -Winter, new, track, Toronto, prompt alliprient, according to sample, 57.25 to $7.36, in Jute bags: export grade, bulk; seaboard. • 31111feedGar lots, delivered. Mon - 'areal freightsa Shorts, $42; bran, $38; • good feed flour, per bag,.$2.70 to 52.80. flaYsa-TrackToronto., extra, No. 2,, 512; mixed, $9 to $11., Straw-dar-' lots, ;9. Cereals -Rolled oats, =clots, per bag of 90 lbs., $3.25; small lots, 33.40, Windsor to Montreal. Oatmeal, $8.90' In carlots, $4.15 in small lots. • a * • Wholesale PrOduce • Toronto. wholesale prices to the trade: Rew-laid, Cartons .06 to $ .68 , do. ex -cartons .............54 t55 Butter- • • . Creamery prints; fresh.. -.45 ;16 Creamery prints, storage .43 ' .44 Creamery, Bolide .42 .43 Choice dairy prints..., ... .38 , .19 Ordinary dairy priata.. .34 .36 Bakers'° .31 .33. Cheese -New, large, 26%c; twins, 27c ;June, large, 27Sac to.27%c; twins, 273e to2794,e. • dii " 'Et "ii4,0041•Ittl Sita. Altli�ugh we are t • glad to have him in the afternoon; we , are also prouii to 'say that mine of the •- 'people on his line objected morning '•• mail Service in stormy' weather, for we all trust -Ur. Farrell to • us the The thaiike of the Cirele are rIluzeev the - MiSS Tabitha eiRiaton:spent the iveek- tattle a••• Recelpti, 600; Market u.ines, which helped to carry the audience Foultrysa Dressed Spring. abickens, ...: 23e to 25c Old•fowiIb 20c 21c Geese, 111`. 19c' , 21e Ducks, 'lb. • 21e 23e Beans -Japanese, , hand pie.ked, 56a5; prime; 55.75; Canadian, hand eta bushel, :a7s25, -prizae; seam. Meato--Wholesale Toronto wholesale houses ing to tho trade as falowsa Beef, forequarters do. „ hindquarters .. 16..00 ,Careases,.choice 15.60 • • do. et/mown 11.610 Veals,,common edium • . 12.60 Mutton, heavy, - 10.00 do. prime • 17.60 'Heavy hogs . . 12.50 Shori hogs-- . . . ../ 18.60 Ithattott. 19.60 do. light . . 14.60 Lainbs, yearling ..;.'; n.00 S ,rin lamas, each •- 11.00 V3il Phone No. 40 is at Your Service We Sall for Casha-We Chne.per /hap, The Credit stem When Hogs are Fourteen Cents per lb. It Pays to Look -After. Them. Hog Raisers are beginning to realize that Charciiiiii the best medicine you can feed a. hog. It is cheap medicines only. 15c. for a large paper sack. • ' ' MOHOM111811W, a Mow is #,p. Time o.11ave all you! Spare Cans Or. a Tank. if you have one • -Filled Coal 011, . . It ig. Making sharp advances and if the America.at.na.Oon takes a hand in the war no person cad figure where the price of oil mtt go: We handle .ROYALITE •yvhich in the best., ' • - We have fust, eeceived our spektig shipment of Sherwin-Williams Paine-Ahe `World s Standard. . We have just received a Carload of COIL SPRING WIRE. . The man, who buys his wire now will buy cheaper than the man ' who waits. • e 1 ,Thi 14ucknow" .ilardmi_i_ iae,* C.oalCo... . ... : THE STONE THAT NEVER DISAPPOINTS ., • , • •- . sa. TIIE liEW..LIIPE BLOOD' •-; , dec;riattiendy,bayndhe,rwogur;(14ther , OF 4GRI‘ULTURE-2' done 'credit . . to an -expert. The groom's gift -to the (Prom the Canadian Countryman) bride Was'a handsome diamond ring, to the organist a gold pendant, ancl to the. flower -girl a dainty gold bronch, Set withi pearls. 'Abe presents were a high token' • of the loVe and esteem Of the relatjees and friends Of the yourig couple, and. they parry With them to their home eta the groom's farm in the "West, the friends. Thebride trailelled An one, . of blue serge with a jauntyhat to mat* ' and wore leopard furs. • . • • • . New. blond sties in flie„pelse..ef Old Ontario. In every county the impulse of yelithfuf enthusiasmi and. youthful aspiration is felt. Training, stady and application bearing freit. Jun- ior Fanners.' inipr'ovement 'Associations are now recognized as agents in progress. and improvement. :-TTlie members . are prepariiSg take their 'places agriciiltural life of .theprovince as lead- ers in good, lanniegi social betterment and communita impreaeMent When the first • agricultural short courses were orgiiiizea in .1908 • .eiabt students attended and Many pro- -thlt the 'scheme would fai!. • ant it was built Upon a fundarnentapy - .Sound basis, the distriet repie.sentetivts aere sincere and earnest and their con- stituents stood behind. And that ripens. S,IT-C:0-E,S-S-a-a success as out- dini•es. has been attained in latter- '. ear's. TO day thousands of yoting Mee nave attendedilie courses •and 'elf have' aeen benefitted With Fiurneri the- . . t Association. . . . . , ...tieedi4i;ortatellt:f°oneet;NaLip:lanas liitted'ad'indlOvrii4adunei. to 51.5.00- 1 fP.,at InferMAtme given in' the counies it(}0g. %is carld;e6. in.*" practical "'ff. efi by weans, 12.50 of orZimz.:d pro trt comaetitions, 'eager-, ' 11.50 •Iia was encouraged and developed, 14 60 1 asajaatat-, y improve.ment was 'studied, . 1.282 and a strona nevi force was created for i .,:1240:5006 ne bent..ternie.rtti of ave.ry phase of earl - 19'5°. allot e A later -development wad' the ... 16~4)00: janl.tra.ern.....- rasa area errata:4nd -item - county judging competitions. . 23.00 , In theselatter'comaetitions, a team Of • rig an t ere o find out se' • . . following knitters: ?irs win *lake, :, 19,..,e.nida,t h!,!.11°flte. her". '''.;.:.„ . ..i...,.:.....1*. ers,,and feeders ;6:25 to $9 10, 6 .,,..,isteady; beeves, .37.85, to 511.90; setot much about the Indica) cdstoms, especia,1,- pair am 'Iy"Matilmon'y''and4`Child Widowhood hs; Bitlf Henry Johnston, S piii•j• ••• . Weare. glaaao see }leery ,M;feenzie. arid heifers, ,$5.15 to $10.20; coven, ee, • give Apart from the entertaining part a the MIS1 Mate - satin. cle."!:' ilresd4i'Lle°,' PhiliP "I" li'L#Is..*- *ending as .8t1Wrt gm!' ...! '41:5' ,. ' P .,+ . , : mia2rk9oet.. . fcs, gollfgEgett•BlitgVt °V); to *s it was a Ye arm. i • ete_el, jas s undere, WitscidairWin,.:Ealiesi, in the Torontmgeneral Ho pi al. , atm -:-- - avayedene so. • .• •. • mesdaines win johnstranA-JAtiViOlt;Ithiit. Trilied-td-lief-gdloola-rat Itett--,'Albert 'Id ;13..36; •,billk of sales, : $12.75 to • • . • - , Williams acted as cheirnian, and gave .? • PIE "v" PEQP1•8 PI th! Bain°, .as an opening address -a few remarks 0* - -- --liengne'haverhadiervert ""boeY:week lir litsi-iiiiiiitir.dditatin to the play ,A ders,4no Irwin; Alex sillik...,•Albert Reim,- . measles. '-- .--- --,---- -- --:- - . :'''' . 2L` ' - Henry, 6 .pairs each; mesOinnes Jno saue- after being at home with the Gernlan .0.2•9' 112.25 trl $1460.7 cpcteliasaRbeatiatia..a5,01/0„;_,-..maTket. a . f a y; lam s, native, . the presentation of the play, "Atralarna splendid piOgrem was PedYided between Jawmeaithiutiey (*Port AthertVatisses mary Mrs: David MacMnrehie and little son '8 • " . .1liarriage " The performance was pre,• sae)sanaie, itelincls lit'sfek - 4 lstir tack I ft 1 t to ' i - ' %Seed Quotations ' ht to Indiad h t play, : • • IT. gappealfor •-• • . ' Mixed, 812.00 to..131; iheaa $12.50 te'" • . ,.....aasaaa..aervicein his Paw0reas•ha..allaa6:••miasion• -,isa-foreignalitiidea-Easea.a 4.Riatinea6.-Pairs'each; Bibs Jennie , Miss Alarokite, 'McLennan, y,$12 50 • • acts. e as Friday visither e ster, Mrs. pared and staged to obtain funds for ssion •vvorkaar.d the yoUng ipopleasr Cr#We well pleased with the result of their ef- . • mesdamee tree rree, *Jno etrelay, w iri Umbers; in Toronto, befOre leaving for maze; Davinsa.haistoiVisa Alfred Quaid, the WeSt on Monday, ' . „ • : itobt mcseith, Jas ;Phillips, misses mae =r- ale'. a 'd'Mrca N.' 0.McKenz"aaos cacti "menarY' margare:t Woods, maggie-"111- their lio e last Fraley evening forjt pair each; liesdamesatravid Alton, arank -Monday, rer . . scota aos Raeltett, Isaac Andrew, win , Mrs. W. PaCrozier is spending a few Ramey, ohm jasa,,,,a0,"ana Beim a s. days with her mother, Mrs. Campibell,W clerk:Ion,. peter cook, win sherwood, Jae Westfield. . Lane, Robt curran, Jas Johnston, w .Ech. Mot laeob JiMinston and Mies Clara lin, Ed feewhinney, a (Meld, David me- OliVet. . a Culbert,, Of •Semans, Sok, called on whinney. Henry deeper (Dungannon); a friends here last week, „ ''• purnin, mittlea /Ala Make, <race (ilea- . ...,, •••latesdity, Feb 27*. r _ zie, Garai Templeton, Mart connin am. , Pte. IlarYey Leastone, who is training a pair each; at sdemes Angus 'oo ma Bella Moore visited friends Or. in Ilamilton; spent a few days last week Wilariasty, Geo Pieldels Thos shae the 86uth Line for a few days his we k with his aunt, Mre. Robert Curran. . __.„ . -- • MAvinie ie Johneton. jr, Jas mcwin ey lire are sorry to feport, that ' Master ' • 4liaite a tiamber from here atterided (030103604 Ben auckalady, * Vete; ivillio Stewart .,it stial under the .loctoi the meeting Of the Soldiers' Aid Circle arno Hisekett, Geo Twiunley, Iv at Hall, care. • , .. • , , at MM. David McIlwaan's last Tuesday. kirage,p Mary aarransasobel pawn, win, .,Slia,s, S. ,t,. ahe're"viaii„. of ,the....Slarith,„ ,.... - A Box Swill will be held in the achool. Ohl steam:ism, 1 pair each. ' Line, omit the week end at her hone, house on March Mad. A rood program The Circle wishes to thank Itings- on thelietond. • . °' • ., is being prepared: * Itver,ybody come. 1 bridge Dramatic Club for proceeds of Miss Wsida Osborne, of itoYstl 0.1k. Proceeds for the Soldiers" Aid Cita° of Play given by them en Jan, 2fitil., net. spe,nt the week;end with her men_ Ailifield, proteecle firt5.00.•' ' Mis.4 Alia §niith. ' ......• forts. On Tuesday night the bunch en- _untended for last week - • L • • A • Flattering to ,., the Original' But hii4tittiOlit Only Disappoint „ „ • There are Meat lialtations of thlis , great.. treatmeat for coughs, colds, . 'croup, bronchitis and • Whdoplag Cough.' • 141 nenall8' • ,baie tome . sale ' the merits of the Oriel:oat. bat ' it ishpuld be • temeinhe r e.d, -that -they- • ' are like it •name , °Tara nit is * fat* refrolle of the kage 11. ear I g t and signature a titamet M.P. tiotie purposes„ when J, 0, A.rinatrong, Lucknow, entertained • the neighbors. with his New Edison. • The preset es amounted to $10.60. • • . • The W. M. S. was held at tile horne of Mia. Attlitir Culbert end wee' largOlY attended. Reading4 were given -by Rev. mr.'!tieltelYey, respOnsive readiogs: A ti0110 was givee by Mies Mae Menem after Width donty latch was setved, l'ite,etile moot ttto% 5230, h e eetertainerl Olivet, Epwort Leagii itfalle destitution.. o erown all, John Jrunieeon. mint of the bride, OtiVlg vgjo to have beery helicon pridety pri4p, witli the Tide." A rlaintV fo,4 -been, vosiooned, The :follewing are. the seed prices Toroatta-aWholesalare are . paying at country points: _ , • , Alisike, No. 1, biashel..510:00 te,;10.60- - dos Nix. a830 9000 .dea No: 3 . 7-.00 • 8.00 do, tejected........ 4.26 6.60 Titritothr. cwt, ..... .8.00 6.50 com. grade's.... 2.00 •• .8.00 Red cloVer, No. L. bu, 9,.7a 10.00. 6:30, a na on Wednesday, Febrimry 2164 • • ' 'BUILDS VP TRE palm. • STROBoitia, Liirnbeth,rOntarira, " • "I yse'd _Homestead Bone Bias* Fert- ilizer on part oi my oat field. The pre- vious owner' of the farm paid me a visit this.seminer, and in walking over • the; farm we Came to the oat l‘fly friend': asked Me why the oats on a part of the_ .field.were of inueh greater length.. &adi. quality than the. rest. I informed hint .. .what I had done, and be said he conId ; .not have belieyed ithe had not seen -that±41-etneetead---Fertilizer-- uld--, give - such results. I can recomineed it highly to any•me wishing to bnild Up their feria.. '• and grow big Crops.0. 7,99 EUSIIRLS FROltrACRES; WM -Reap, Lueen, Ontario; say,: "I, feel ander obligetiens .wrietteyrnz in regard to ilotnestead Bone Bina -Fen, tthzer I sowed 17i. acres, of heat eisb • the end day of,Ostolier. On acaoant of • a....,14.0.13r-CGII,,-,,, This year twenty western counties core- petedl•at Guelph Winter Fair, York main Winning., Thirteen eastern coun- fresecasipeted. at Ottawa. Winter Mr; Dundee' winning, On Feb 7 the win- ing teams met Tctonto and competed lan County winning • It 'Wes great ' Write Michigan Carbon Works, De- • • _1191P!eh.9:h Of 1111.. ,• •ttoitefih„,mee,btkaffit&paftterfutitbiitit,... tireirlIoniestead Bone Black Fertilleee. • ' Courey's Corners 'Cuirass C-orners the wet weather I was unable to sow aly sooner --Used 20tr'pounita 'of the Bo ie Back Alrtilizer per acre, and I threshed 790 bushels of Wheat, 'machine measurer rai'rthe Thiesit'aigisplitliatIese been seen. A'graltVai7filyittfrate'tlintightirViirlir be impossible to grow a good crop seed-. ilig at this late date, but the feitiliier• certainly pushed ths clip: You may use, , this as you wish, for I know if the farmer% throughout Ontario krievr. the producrn„g; • • value of, your fertilizer they would use , a or the Provieciat -greet-deal -inoremr--• :- • , • • • • . • • • ,• , • , • ' 00 • -Boaa-bailas.0.7-The marriage of -.Montlays,l`dh. z Margaret Bee, only daughter of Mrs. William Jitinietion. of - .Ashfletd,' 'to -MEMmlton Donild -visited ilolyroocl ' James Boak, 'eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. 'friends on Thur..day •A: Break, of Brea°, Sask„ was eolenoniz- • ed at the home' of thti bride's mother, at • Air and Mrs, 4.48sed HaYne.if visited at Geo. Bell's on Friday, • de. No. Nil:, 33, .... .. 89:0000., .8.60 bthsetelltie:n. cl.hSur. or% Hardie, nA:h,flNe lodnePrbeusat., ' Bast Buffalo Cattle the n..areat relatives were present, ex - Cattle -Receipts, 6 cars; steady. . cepting the bride's closest girl friends, pea' kley°g7aRdI3YeeolrPkttai,1$61.3S5arlat;0 taStirri.5g0i atilweaykibi7eheeTe6b).rioPtrher,T• Ewart,llebddeanwdasloglekveedn alts 'and. lights; to ;12. a. • . . 15 • ' * • nesp_fteootots, 10 ears; strong; very -pretty in a becoraing.gown of blue tog lambs, 514.85 to ; .75; yearling% silktrinemed voth Georgette °Irene and $18 • to $1.4'; *ethers, ;12 • to-• $12.50; head embroidery, 'and aarrynig a, bequet ewes $11.26 to ;11.50. Calves-Receipts,400 head; slow' : of white and pink carnations and rpaiden- kips, 314.50; ' fair to good, $12.50. tis hair ferns, Mary Finlay, coueiritolthe nal fed $6 to $7. Miss Pearl Turner spent the past Week visiting Winghatn friends. • . • • 1 Mrs. W. Ji0dgitis spent Wednesday- , afternoon. with MM, J Donald, ' W. Nicholson., of Q. l'Appelle, Saak;,, ailed a few days'on thip flee last evesk.. • Mrs. Goo. Passtnoie and M. Thompl- son visited at ilarry,Finniell's pe rhurae. • 4,rad, • tutu -4 a . • •-•brideamadesa charming -tittle ilower•girl; Mt 4114 M13'1:166' Wi'aig), Wink -4 se Ells • TM 41. tao,Aadmi Tint.ss correSpolident 008140 in white embroidery decked with ham, called oii B3thanY kiempi -thi4 . ing under Serbian rales syStensatii. glimpse of deplorable co:editions exitt- seta couain of the bride, platted the wed-, Mr. A, 416Donald tibia 111i8S Merio OE oil* liewispapers afford a pale blue trimmings. Blariche jattlie• Week' • • •loottnj 11 bong inutiiken an 0,0 eon. ling mate. The bridal filth and other iilthytoek, of leeavinitet, spent Sunday quer. rritories. The plunde d house decorationa were 0.1 k d 1 uring the signing of the Mte. - tit.Vea nth rovinutsa tt the • • so expeeted •• ° ' Tim entertainment at ughatv Yvhiefs people ft appeas • • to Pall' pin an w 014 Wraith' • Grow Flax the theMbers of Clark t pworta Leann Iowan bitoknotto have be • Itev'Mr ttibbies r.laimed °valueless and. silvet dinats, a . ad were silloWed to wi-t 116g1011)Piir *t,A1:4 eei'Ve tae in The Ripley Flax Co. desire to matte last In evel" areal:geese:Dag With farmers in Me WIft4t'a61" 4tv't I ' ;continue In elteniation ordy until JIB. repo,. the Mies° Taylot And an ua Mr, 13 Ee'r w our. view; ty drier v'd Aritirew , tetras 'worth 11) ity of Leek:Sew fee tbe groaieg of flax. talatairra. were Pretante andeat. arikftwhe ' paletes.7.,i)atast the,t-,,..ertro Jamieson tailcitig eharge of ;he n Week' grindirig grain tied 'cutting tvotA 04*. pot paatietaug:epais, - ' ,oplendid eddresSe% a ter n _ floe tented r. e ttaady, et fi .„, 1.3.0„ • Ataiellsa011. !et( ileved. •!Kt° teat. .itte aralee mkt itid ° .1{ t ,watla fib taw gesolittl.outfitt: . A 0 ' ; csr 000 , • ,• ,