HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-03-01, Page 7•
These Bring, the ▪ 'Wrinkles and
Pallid races That Make Women
ed as modern write$ eorrespendent
^ •••
tv „Spring
I "Going up on High?" FLUNG UN ,MILES AN HOUR.
Encourage the Children to Preserve: Retter try the low gear first, ' ieritish Cove Vaster Than the
Liird Life ot the Neieliihollaood• 1 The human engind must
' reeding birds in winter m a de- have the right kind of fuel. I An aerial ecout that cannot regie-
lightful and inexpensive recreation, aa a A ter ha the neighborhood ef 140 miles
t0 4° thing$' im 'hour en the straightaway 'or in
quip. wou. Power •_,
it costs little in three food or e
LC* PreMaltrely Old.. 1 'Irish. crochet ae a dress trimming the benefit from this form of applied
Almost every Woman, at the heed was brough Orme Paris very recently. 'winter to flit and chfyp around the terial that is easily digested.
of n lime meets daily many little' :been. permitted to take a. look -in at
worries in her household ff "r On a dress of tvhite Georgette there dooryard and is one of the im ortant ° •
,a al 0. The were large epoelsets of Irish crochet means of preserving bird life. • •
' IP Sit dd d Wh t °
re e ea i„.. t. ...the British Flying Corps. As high as
, . 1$ a. Aillgu- DO miles an hour may be sittained ia
care of her little 'ones, the work lace, and an edging, to match finished An increase' in the number of birds
about the house all .contribute to these ; power food the kind' that . running "down hill" or in diving out
the large bertha on theeewaist. . mens that more of them will nest '' Qt e. bop,
-- evereles.-----Most--ofethern mar -be- toone-----•------t---w--- - "0- T ----let --t-- -th"-- t''' - -
ressea 0 w z e ser it so egm o m e reee ie sPring an become • Fighting in thesair far classed as,
"'-t----- - - d'-----fftla a mail or Wirrial.fot the - , ..
Otani' tee•notice an hew' aftekwarde, make their appearance Some very at- our eummer companiens. They will A f' rk-just
, •
"%re by the British airmea who ay.
• but they, constitute a constant etrain tAaY S',, wo enough . _.
tractive medels are seen, brightened sing.their thanks and -e -contribute to .. e
that affects the blood and the nervest „,....., plore the difficulty of ceaxing the ely-
h- d"th"felandfle •h. muscle making material,
ere an there we touches o , e beauty an charm o t e nog - -Juot• ing Fritzies from the ground when a
Oriental ernbroideride. ' lborhood, -• • enough heat -making =ter- ! map is i,. ..f
. .
- anent, and eliddren pafticularly ,eivoy comes fron is "level air" as it is called, is not clan -
food that
•hes been 'revived egain. 'rho lidea nature study. It attracts birds all rich in niusclrAuilding Ina- of New Yo'rls newspaper" who bee
and make women look prematurely
;old, The effeet of these little worries
, eleety be noticed sick or aertous•
headache§ fickle rePpetite, tiredness
after slight eaertiondand the corning
og wrinkles which every vioniazi
• dreads. •To those • thus afflicted Hr.
Plok' Pills offer a. SPeedY
eeurei a restoration of color '• to the
• theelte, brightness tO the eye',,a4heartY
appetite and a sense of treedoin from
*I-Sark:esp. .Among the many thou-
' *Sande ef-Clanadren women •who haee
`found • new health ..and sfrength
through these pills is Mrs, Ge Stras-
ser, Acton West, Ont., who sayse-e-
"I an the mother of three children
and after .each Ihecame terribly
run down. I had. thin blood, ale
ways.felt tired, and unable to do my
leousehedd work. After the birth of and blue used around the bottom of a
my third child I seemed to be worse! pleated White net frock give a meet
and was very Wily run dovea. I found wolf hunt in which both Russians
the greatest benefit from the Pills and ,
' soon gained. my old.time strength. ° •
deed after taking them I felt as well
• as in my giiihood; and • could take
pleasure in my work. I also used
Baby's Own Tablets for,p47 little ones
and have found them triplendid medi-
cine for ehildhood ailinentS,"
Dr. Williamsr Pink Pills are sold
by alltdcalers in medicine • or you
can proeure them by mail at 50 eents
" a boxsor six boxes for $2.50 • from
The Dr. ' Williams', Medicine Co.,
• Brockville, Ont. •
, .
The aleoreless'jumper is another new; •Every bird kept fronestarring when I • The great 'speed` attained' is ace0M-
departure to which wornen have taken acrid weather, ice and snow stint off its Jo to keep the body:. in top...! panieci by no'sense of speed • what -
kindly. It slips on over the head and natural f ood• supply will destroy hurl- , ' eyer, nothing like the, thrill' Of forty
notch condition. Shredded
is worn en. the outside of the skirt on drpdi Of. caterpillars, grubs, borers, . . • a fifty miles an hour in a rnotor car
the order- .ek the 'favored Russian beetles and insects that would•prey-on
. . eat is • ready -cooked, 1 with the sense of trees whiezing by
blouses: The . accompanying sketch flowers, vegetables, fruit, foliage or
, ready -to -eat.. 'Two Piscuits'. and a;humpy road beneath, . in the
shows ane of jurnPere developed field crePs. It is :far: better to feed . • •.. - . re - • 4 .. <Amon of a young British 'filer . who
in the new dotted fabrics.: The jun*. ; birds now than to grow crops for in- , . talked with the correspondent. Med- buoy spranits,„ strains, toothache;
• s 4• Wall . inihg ,nitaKe a nourisn
bruise§and' muscle soreness.
er is wiern Weer a plain blOuse and a ' wide; to devour. later: " , Ing meal at a cost. of a few ern- army -fliers de not car the wind ..
The best, foods for birds in rwinter .
Cents. Illatle in. c , .,. and laugh at a gale, nothing short.'of ., Mali dmitglits.. g54,50,0•• -arAd $1499.
iJ41 „
'red 0114 feet feel. re.
*eked after an application
• of -Sloan's Liniment, do,not
rub, it penetrates and soothes. -
" Cleaner ,than mussy. platers or
ointirteuts, does not ataitl the skin.
• Have. a bottle handifor rheu-
matic pains, neuralgia, gout, lum-
box-pleated skirt. It has neve, U-shap-
ed pocket*. eneletlie ,waistline-la-elefin-
ed by a narrow belt. s
Clothes for Small Children
• Clothes for very little tots show
some very interesting points. For the
tiny girl's party *treks there arelbelcuitsieor other bread, hempseed,
daintiest of white net frocks all fluffy nut meats of all kinds, especially pep.. -
with frills and narrow pink and blue ' nuts, whole or rolled. oats, peppers,
ribbons., Alternate rows of pale.pink popcorn, purnPleip or' squash seeds,
raw or boiled rice, sunflower se.eds and
wheat. • , •
• ',Food houses can be made with solid
roof and glass on three sides to. per-
mit observation and at the same time'
to protect the -food anjd the birds. If
mounted on a pivot and supplied. with:
a vane, the wind. •will revolve it • so
the open side will always„be sheltered.
Birds appreciate a supply of water
in winter. • This should be given daily
In a Weep dish. "" -' •
Keep a pot of water in the ;garden
it nesting season. Swallows, robins
_and phoebes will wall their netts with
the mud gathered from a wet spot of
this kind -other birds, will. make use
Of' feathers, bits of wool, twine and
straws. • • •• •
• The eat -is the greatest'etterny-ofethe
bird. Homeless cats should be de-
stroyed,4nd pet cats should be kept in
the houKe. •
are:Oat:ere other at pork '• indi, 0. , 4 r .,•, a : hurricane. can stop them. Low
bone t with slirede of meat, coked * - ' • . clouds and, 'ground 'Mists are more
meats, cut up apples, 'birdeeed, uck-
MARRIAGE IN FRANCE. • • ' feared Oleo high winds, not an the
wheat, crackers, ' crumbs,- etovianut •
meat, cracked corn, broken dog bis- Ceremony is Perfornied by the Mayor,
Who Receives No Salary. ,
To a T:rne toyer Of Nature Old Trees
. .
- Inspire a Feeling b1ererence.
Probably there is no more widely
• • diffueed sentiment of the 'iMpersonal
• and unselfish 'sn'rt•• than the love of nn-
ture. •Witnese the-sWaeins of surnaier
---'vacatiimises who endure-not:a -little-
disCOMfort tie be nearer to the "great
- out of doors,: even though that ehall,
• mean nothing beyondacountry hotel
• and ite ceritig.ueus -fields and pastures.
.To.the•greatl-majeritye natere,to
charmonust come With a sniffing face.
Green fields and shnlit,meadows, cool
'woods *.murmuring to a slimmer
hieeie; a.;ealin or payful sea; moun-
tains bathed -lir moonlight and look-
ing properlY phantemlikefrom a snug
_veranda; vrith the hum, ef human -
voices to temper their wild and. fan..
• etastic: beattty-tliese bring jut the
note of of. reassurance- ne,eded• to . make
thern,Pleasurable to the Casual. exciir-
. sionist. • Thoie who truly rove. nature
will not lie So easily satisfied.
wjlil•end ,furious see, hurling it-
delf headi�ton onelY 'beach or
Jutting headland, in the inky blackness
• of 'a ttailess nightea .field, seeming. tie
. power% berieeth" the lash of a. aanuere
/jade, •mountairie half hidden in snow-
' •Storrnt which appear. bent upon buty:
• ing even thee colossal forms, • or
- standing revealed ih• dre,,ad distinct-
ness under .blinding flashes 'of 'light-
:, nings-these move the adePt to heights
of „ecstasy not to be compared . with
meats. • ' •
. And so it is with the woodkeiti-Win-
ter. . To those%who have the proper
' reverence for trees and who
can readilyr Understand. that e sturdy
. and • inajestie. oak. that late flung its
armsefearleesly againit the wind for a
tiundz:ed ears should come to be wor-
Shipped-by the Mere Weak arid' grovel -
lin. ac of men belesy, a wood is al-
ways a sanctuary, to be entered with
qeiete tread and hushed voiee. How
`mtich•more-iinpressive i$ it, then, when
eiteh'indielduat tree 'stands, stark and
colde like "a soul 'awaiting judgmeot,
when the thin and liteles ray e .ofethe
• winter:On intrude where e hot glare
TheNier_Sleeveless Iriniper
Pleated Skirt.
faseihating effect. 'There are reticles
Of. silk; voile and fine linen, too, for
the little ones.. - These are" trimmed
with • line hand embroidery, Irish
.,erochiA lace 61',11'1:19.ckitkgy which' is
Often developed in colors.. The com-
bination of white soutache braid With
bend embroidery on fine white linen
dress is quite novel and very effective.
• •The emelt boy is, ziot forgotten ;while
daiiity things are 'being prepared for
his 'little sister. .For. his seciardutieS
there toe' little suits .pf white. ineire
with •eleort jackets and colored vests.
'The :Vest end "collier may be of pink,
green,. blue; of yellow moire.. These
snitstef sulk are all very well ter
• parties, .but•for school they are made
• of colored linens, poplin, rep and
•ehambray, With middy
jackets or manly little Norfolk ceats
,fire the suits of thus type. .
' ,These. patterns may -be 'obtained
from youielocal MeCall dealer or froan
The McCall eeCompariy, 70 Bond St.'
Torento. Department W.
British*Captain- on Leave in New -York'.
Gives Some Trench Impretsions.
• 'Capt. Pati Carcoran, of the Royal
Engineers; on leave in New York, has
been tellirig an interViewee about lui-
. of a summer,neon could never enter,
„ inor at the front.' Paets of the inter-
, • _when ite seteets ti44))rI revealed, fon..
- branches as if seeking ih a fury • fez.
--.---------theeleaveseto-whicheitewhispered 'gee
erets forgatten.'June..
Vue in the treneheSI With -.Sfittle'
droPping all around and .blewhegethe,
'bodies cif youi. coinrades into red f,rag-
reents! 'What do the acildiers do, I
wondered, when this is happening ?i
:The Frenehmen 'ting, this •"eaptaia
told me." Not to keep up their cout-
age, but _joyously, exultantlY. .
• .‘!And.the British?" ,
"They lay bets on 'what, the .next
shell Wilt de." • ,
' .Corcoran enlitted as ar..pri-
:vitti.-IfwOriderettehow- --leeetearreer-ete:
get his cormnission. • •
. "So did I," he Said. '.‘1, Was •earry-
ing' despatches to ,4jilteretit places
within our sector.; couldn't go to an-
o other sector ,without special ordere._
•Buf one -day tiat asked to take a
eleepatch.to wielhereeector Red teek.
it When I came. back, they Made Me
a lieutenant. Nothing at all had hap -
belled, and I couldn't understand it.
I didn't have" any ,phil that I knew
of, and, besides, piing don't 'count
nowadaya. • ; ' .
"They,told me. a while later," he ade
'Acid, "that I was the seventh man
combined With
good 'Judgment-
. counts in business
supplies- balanced
nourishment for
. sturdy inuadeli and
active brains.
TWO. a. Reason"
0 01,610. In price, quail%
or Om of paaltsgc
Mrs. Wm. 'Artiett, Ancaster, Ont.,
writes have used . Baby's • Ow.11
Tablets .for three years for my little
girl and baby boy. 1 ImVe found
them of the greatest -help during the
teething period and always • keep
Mon 'in the house," :-.The Tablets aid
teething babies because they. regulate.
the stinnach and bowils,•, thus prevent-
ing constipationi- diarrhoea !rude_en
vulsions 'They-prOMote - healthful'
sleep and keep baby well and happy.
They are sold by medicine dealers dr
bersmaileat 25 cents a box from The
Dr. Williams' Medicine, Ce„, Brockville,
How a Trend) Poet Recovers, His
_ .
Mental and. Physical Powers.
The French poet, Rostand, word:
int. to a 'recent dispatch froia
has his own peculiar method Of re-
habilitating his Mental and physical
powers: he • goes to bed and stays
there.' A friend ofthe'poet says 'that
•he is taking an of three
. . • .
rilonths, whieh he es passing in bed in
his hause at banilaii. He sees no one
except the -servant; everyone -takes -
care to.rnake no noise in thy house",
and the poet treceives no" letters Or
cominunicetions .froni the, •,.outside
world except through newspapers --
the War acaninting foe this compro-
mise of what would otherwise be .per -
feet isolation, • • . .
He has taken one or two of thole
solitude cures before -once When .he
wee working_ eon Cyraziovande
when he was slightly ill. " He is not
working particularly durink this (eve,
excentefer somee-reading. Ie-was-
feelingout of sorts fpr- tome • weeks
before he took it, which aecounts for
his decision. ".
have a remarkabie 'eleet on -his 'health.
He'gnins &great deal in weight -loses
his habitual nervousnest, recovers his
powers a working hard, and generally
becomes his old genial' self again.
. •
• MansonVille, June 27, '13.
Lininient (10., Limited. •
Yarmouth, N. S.
Gentlemen, -It affords me great
plasure and must be gratifying to
.Yousetteeitnuer that_ aftert'using 36
bOttles• of your Lirilinent on 'a' ease of
paralysis whit% Tay father was afflict-
ed with, 1 Was able to restore him.to
normal condition. Hoping' otheresuf-
ferers may. be benefited by the use of
your 1,-intrnent,-1-anr, - • '
Sineerely youre,
" - CEO. He 'HOLMES. -
, Bees Do Not Injure Fruit.
An agricultural society in Italy has
carried out a thorough investigation
of the alleged injury of fruit by bees,
and has completely. exonerated the
latter. Bees are unable to perforate
sent out with that dispatch. The first the skin of fruit, and it is only iri.
six were killed. ," cident,elly dna they suck the Mule
"I don't IchOw what ourboye will of 'fruits ,iejured by ()thee natural .
de When it's all over; they're an USed t•ntt5Ts, • . .
to War that peace Wilt probahly-eonie
hard for a while. • '
a Sore Oranulaind Eyelid. "Serious4r, now, I don't know
solaiv who is even dreaming of peace. 'EYelf inflamed by eefroe .
emir trlatilr DiNiand Wind 1
They diditt want war, but now it is • ."
' YeS rie
t re kly elieved by Media
here,- they're going:- to -carry 'it,
through. yorawy.Nosolattini-t.--
Ariti• they're going to have I ; just Eye Comfort, At
all the. fun they can out of it , while Yonf D ' bee 504 Isar Bottle. Molise Ey*
Stilvflbau eo2Sc. Forlleekaltheryefreesek
Dtuggfoteer Nadia f.yi Nen* Co. , t Moja
it lasts."' • t
, The ISexea\ Dress Alike,
In Lapland men Alla women' (kiss
exactly alike - 111 tunios, leather
lorieehea, wrinkled stOtkings And
pointed stems, .
' Painting twin inipleinents apt ve-
hielee In. a good odd job for winter;
Of course he,te are all muter coVer.
When Japan Wasn't Modern.
Only; forty; years ago the Japanese*
went to battle clad from head to toot
in armour', mut wearing hideous masks
to frighten the misty. ,
illareneen Isiainunit Comes Mountie**.
British soldiers billeted in the small -
the lines have often been surprised at e Does iter Bit
the notices of marriage 'posted outside
the offices of the mayors of the vari-
ous communes.' For the ,majoeity of
'the inhabitants have departed for
safer places farther from•the fighting
zone.- The explanation is simple.
When a couple decide to marry, in
France notice of their iritentioa must
be posted 'for about three'. weeks in
the respective cominunes of the bride
and bridegroom, and .in the communes
Where their respective parents reside.
It often happens therefore, that four
different notices 'of maeriage have to
be displayed, and refugees from. vil-
lages in the War zone must have their
notices displayed. in the usual way in
their own villages.• •
-The "eereniiiiiy" pe-rfOrniell by the.
Mayor. A French metre. is not. as an
English mayor.. There ire 36,000 may-
ors: for the 30,000 cemmunes; of
Fiance. The Mayor is unpaid, his
:duties are much more onerous than
those of, the chairman of an English
district council, his office is often
part of the SWAP school, and• he is,
usually assieted by the village sehool-
master, who acts as secretary to the
minimum, and who, by reason ef his
official position, is •ineligible for the
post of mayor. - &marriage costs,no-
thing. It is 'conducted usually in the
council chamber by the mayor; Who
for the occasion always ties the tri-
color ,around his waist. Usually
delivers a little homily to the newly: -
married, couple, and also cusuallei- ex-
Wites his time-honored -privilege. of right and the rest will beerightsDociel's
the'brfae. Kidney Pelle-keep, the kidneys -right.
ground of pereenal safety, but inter -
tering as they. 6o very seriously with
a wide 'range of useful work. .
' •
er French towns aod villages behind Sh
In P,atriotic Work
And Tells of Beneat •Received
From Dodd's kidney Pills.
14Its. EL 'Standish Strong,. Hearty
and Enthusiastic at Sixty-two, Ad-
vises Others to Use Dodd's Kidney
• Ayers Cliff', Stanstead Co„ Que.,
Feb'y 19th (Special.) -One. of, , the
most enthusiastic patriotic workers in
thiWalstriet" IfIrs.'H: A. Standish:
Though sixty:two years of age • her
splendid health enables her to. keep
house, for three hearty men and Still
have time and strength to devote to
the welfare of the boys in the
trenches. And Mrs. Standish Will tell'
you idle Owes that abundant health to
Dodd's Kidney Pills.. •
"I-muiit 'say that Dodd's Kidney
Pilts are very good for dick kidneys,"
Mrs. Standish states. • ‘havd'recom-
mended them• Many times for rheuzaa-
tism `as they helped me. very much for
that disease. You an say for me
that Dodd's. Kidney Pills ere beneficial
for everyone who. it troUbled with
bad kidneyi." . '
'The kidneys are •". the %keystone- of.
oman's health.. Keep the kidneys
The . Boss
pto: •
• ••••'A.- Stiredish tirMegrocnti, an-iong'ffie
middle and' lower_'classea, carriefLA
whip. . This is an emblem •of .his au-
thority in the •domestic .circle.
Healthy Babies
Properly reared children'grow
op- to be *Irony,' healthy
Many 'diseases to which cliiidr
Ten arc suaccpt-ibirLfirs!:•in4ioatc.
their prrsence in the bowels.
The careful mother should
watch her child's bowel •rnove-,
MentS and
Mrs. Window's
It is a -corrective for diarrhoea,
colieand other aihnenti to which
children are suleject ispecialty
. during the teething -period..
It is absolutely:non-narcotic
and . contains • n eit h e r opium,
morphine. nor ,any of their de-
rivatives. ,
- .
Mrs VVinslow's
Soothing Syrup
Makes Cheerful,
Chubby. Children
Soothes the fretting child denig.
the trying period of itOievelop-
ment an.d thus kivc,4Pq,st and
rdief to both' child:4nd Mother.
Buy a bottle today
'and, keep 11,handy
441 all dorggi'se lir Canada find
. throkehota ihr uorid
• •
/04.4.5 PAIIY
WANTED. 2-3. bES.
248 College $t,. Toronto
. The 'Easiest Way.
, -
'She bad two boys. The mother
wished net only to give them a serious
idea of.her desire to make them gooel,
but also to make dear to their minds
the gravity of the task before her. At ,
the end cif a particulariy touching ad '
juratien, five-year-old. 'Francis was
suddenly pvercome with the impos-
sibility of ever -attaining his' inetheS'a
ideal-, •
"Dont' try to make us good ,m6-•
ther," he said, earnestly, ASIuet shoat'
' "Why' cell me the, consiuner ?"" ask-
ed tree guy •wlio pays the bills. "Ml r
do is produce.1",
Military Hospital Commission's Care
-of Teberculosis-Patients,
For a _epeeific_ and sypicel easeetake
that of Corporal J.oneS, wounded:. at
Ypres, suffering fromshell-sheck and
tuberculosis -who, after three months
in an English hospital; is sent' home'
to Canada, :and roe:en:mended for six
Months! treatment at the Laturentide
Inn, Ste. Aga.the, • under Dr. J. B.
• Awe. °leas A patient, Corporal
Jones,has tvve Weeks' complete -rest in
bed, with - three -hearty emealse and
three pints. •of-ietilk-pe-t day. :-Tlieil liel
beedineg-a--Cliiiir B pall'e-nt •'-iill-i-iides 1.
his 'bed for •• a' comfortablecanvas
chair on a yerandah, 'Wheee• he lies all
day breathing the health -giving Lau.
rel.:flan air. • ' .. - • . •
• At the end of two months he hes
,gained 16 pounds., andpartlyrecoVee-
ed from :shell -shock. After another
0 e-
• „..,•• !ire &ACC -:-:s
examinatioti, Di; Byers prescribes • fif- -to*
teen minutes' :exercise ' morning and --..e...,,eiee!ler.• •' .iii.. 'gowine ' eeds
afternoon, 'So now every day Corporal , ,, .r „ . IrSON.IT waste yotir .efforts and Aiwa. on a ds of
- --r- - V
Jones puts oo. his anttees,..gripit, hie '..---''' .- .....-•.
e•• . ae questionable •quality. Buy Bruee.s. For 66 years
we have sold seeds ' and each Year made • satisfied
cane; and walks leisurely tip and. down • 'Customers; Lucre the itici.eas of ,yoUr garden by selecting
4 from •the Ilst below, ' _ •
and around . the gloriously-Ormented e Sruee't hresegay Oolieetiltdi tireeti -Pas-6 separate. colors-
billS. Everi'Veelc his 'exercise is pro- .t., , 2Se. .pektpsid. Bruco'it. Tall' or Dwarf Collection Nasturtium-
1 .. 04. 44
A 'separate colore---256. postpaid.
6. separate coil:TS-2Se. liostpaid.4 Bruce's Empire CollectiOn
' longed, hei fifteen roieutes, until at lest
ramie "ti•TIMSff-ISTielifTife-,Iiii-is- 1 -' • . .
taught -eted-leiesketryi- Asa- -Clais C:-
I,L,,,,, ',111 4. co rpgr al, , Jones 'lay in, , 1.14_01 .•
4k)01111NIKI - lieV4711r-41‘..
, .. ,'•;:iw,
. (_,....3.- r ._ „tril.lir,.._.:._______,......i..
• i Noie
irrtztor4,."*, n.go.._t.7i
Sweet Corn -Peep OADay.... $ lb. 10c. • 1 ib. 36c. postpaid
Beans -Refugee Wax .. , . .'. y ib, 154: T11). 50a. pottpaid
ess---Earty Settler • . 4 ie. epee 1 lb. 40c. postpaid'
'' '4f;e0 1*
. ' Tr-y-thent,--L-Salonaidl-varisiles-----,
,••:.., Flower Seeds, Plants and Balbe,
Poultry Supirlies, etc:, PBEB.
Virrite to -day for tindsoniely illustrated
catalogue 0 Vegetables, Farm and
. ,
JOHN A. BRUCE & CO. Limited
Hintilten ._
. . Canada
he has four hours. daily. '" • -
Proper feed, water, heusing and care]
are required to enable hens to preiduce
*Chicken ,fat is good for shortening
or, frying. • Soak " it "for ten ,minutes
in cold salted water, then try it out in
a rather conl oven, pouring the fat off
as fast aa it melts.
azinarese'.-Linfluent pitssinseria: •
-A'Bird in -the- J.danth_-_•_.-,
- Norah, if it tVasn't for Tir-
rence O'Brien ' that do be courtin' ye,
I'd be after haVin'.sonialitif to say' to
ye mesilf night."
"It'S very considerate 'ye are, Mr.
biit did ye niver hear that-
prieinte-company•it,alentys acciptedi"
apirwinignig lpwo miss
...ewes for sala In rcaoral Onitistrilet
.essu tams; linter,w1R4
fit all irsiolossses, ren tnronrAtieti en
application to 'Mixon roblishies Colts
.aany. 78 West Adelaide Street. Toront
• .444
‘.../ internal and external. eitrea
out pain by (Aur hone treatment:
us tiefore tam Rate. Dr. DeiNnan Merilcal
Co., Limitea, Collingwoold'OM•
*hell buying your 'Piano
on having an
. OTTO. HiCIit.4"
g91. i
notrti.KA.itt. woith .411v,"
Thosilpirit of America, at plays
Staailitutl• anci Cheerfniaara
- 3101110PSAN( wart
a. a waste, Pres. J. W. Mott. War.
Book “Patent Protection" Free
Formerly Patent Office Examiner. Estab. 1877
Branches: Ottawa and Washington
Will reduce Inflamed. Strained
Swollen Tendons, Ligaments,
• pain froin a Splint, Side Bone ot
Bone Spavin.. No blister, vo hair
gone and horse can be used. IQ a
bottle at druggists or delivered. De.
scribe your•case for,special untrue.
tions and interesting hory Book 2 M Free:
mankindA BSORl! NreEdsu Lk;
Stit'eraainntiesd'eP,tic Tornlinimrttgaf"-
ments. Swollen Glands. Veins or Musclest
Heals Cuts. Sores, LIcers.• Alleys pain. Price
11.00 a bottle or rfe-a ten or riet:eere!1. Book ..Evideoee free.
W .. fasting, P. D. F., 516 Lyman Bldg , Mentreel, Caa.
tbsorbine sad AbsertInc, Jr.. str` mule ackthlo •
• '
You will find relief In Zam-fluk I
It eases the burning, stinging
pain,stops bleeding and brings'
ease: .Perseverance, with Zags -
:auk, means cure, Why not prove
this?, 411 Drepeiste.an4.81ores.-,-
Oft balt.
is unexcelled for pre -
•serving and length- ;
(ming the life of black
leathei. .
This scientificallY
prepared oil makes
--harness-a- riehr inky
b1aek--7shiny, soft,
Throughout Canada
patient, epee -Wieldy hardened by ex, -
°wise, he .joins a workshep eiats for I
ab hour each day and learns' wbodel
Work: He begins •onea tie kid collar!.
rack and then evolves a laieip-tand. •
:Cabinet-making, oil e, work,
picture-ffaine iniakingt,
engraving and stencilling are the
crafts first tdebe taught in this little '
woe' kehop. 2 ••• , •
legra s enogeap ty, type eit-
ing, mechanical ,and industrial draw- "
ing will follow. Horticulture, chicken
raising, beekeeping are pursuits that • . ,
will° also figure in the vocational cur-
At the end of six inOnths, Corp'px:01,
. ..T.OneS has got a. very fair Iirl.pentgood.
+111.11i1111o gain. His weight has increas-
ed by 23 •poUndil; symptoms of 'shock
' have almost entirely disappeared; -his
lungs Itre healed; pleuritie pains have
gone. tre hes. had no temperature
I mile) cough. far._ two......menthseeilute
l.Dr. Byers .deeldes that another
' months in the ..inatintains' will Make
!ttebly unlikely the' danger of a re-
tlapse at some. future ,date.
The richer by his hill • pay and ale
lowaneee for six maths, Corporal
! Jones is now discharged Irene 'the,
Anne and reeultnitted te the J1111 for
a further eix month' treatment. At
Ithe end of. that time hois given. a pen-
sion, the emeunt • being according to
eehisedisabilitY. . • .•
,. '13y the aid'of ,private citizeis in
revery pert of the country, Centula has
!created a, wonderful fahrie of inatitu••,
tions under the authority of the Mill -
tory Hospitals CONIMisSi011, and„
C•ItIVAtell the care of her soldiers into
a • science. It must he •coweeded to
isCariadie that she shows her gratitude
to her warriors in a praCtical way, and
it' her faeer we.aket Military Mask ne-
. rosary to the timesober heart is one
the lss solicitous of their welfare., •
I , _ •
atitiarelfit Liniment &woo Onvtot tnOwl.
•• •
Casuidiano wanted for the •RoyallPawl. tan _Vilunteer:
;!feerve for immediate overseas service, Only men of good
diameter and good phynque accepted. •
• Pay $1.10 lVfiniinntra "per day -Free Kit.
$20.00 per Month Separation Allavanet,
Elasticated tees Iron 38 to AS, tea bop Item
18 to 18 incepted for service io lite .CANADIAN
NAVAL PATROLS for defence of 1116 Grants.
,Apply to COMMODCIRIR .4atit,108 JARVIS
Naval Recruiting Officer, Ontario Area
103 flay Street, TORONTO,Or
Dept, of the Naval Service
. .
-•;r.e#1 471e -1W
er. .
, 10.„
---411 1 *.-•
-. 'nook' ori,,.
Zama trio to say sadreso hi,
the Anew:
118 Was131ot Street, New York
4 .
, Pin*
On Reimilit
*hell buying your 'Piano
on having an
. OTTO. HiCIit.4"
g91. i
notrti.KA.itt. woith .411v,"
Thosilpirit of America, at plays
Staailitutl• anci Cheerfniaara
- 3101110PSAN( wart
a. a waste, Pres. J. W. Mott. War.
Book “Patent Protection" Free
Formerly Patent Office Examiner. Estab. 1877
Branches: Ottawa and Washington
Will reduce Inflamed. Strained
Swollen Tendons, Ligaments,
• pain froin a Splint, Side Bone ot
Bone Spavin.. No blister, vo hair
gone and horse can be used. IQ a
bottle at druggists or delivered. De.
scribe your•case for,special untrue.
tions and interesting hory Book 2 M Free:
mankindA BSORl! NreEdsu Lk;
Stit'eraainntiesd'eP,tic Tornlinimrttgaf"-
ments. Swollen Glands. Veins or Musclest
Heals Cuts. Sores, LIcers.• Alleys pain. Price
11.00 a bottle or rfe-a ten or riet:eere!1. Book ..Evideoee free.
W .. fasting, P. D. F., 516 Lyman Bldg , Mentreel, Caa.
tbsorbine sad AbsertInc, Jr.. str` mule ackthlo •
• '
You will find relief In Zam-fluk I
It eases the burning, stinging
pain,stops bleeding and brings'
ease: .Perseverance, with Zags -
:auk, means cure, Why not prove
this?, 411 Drepeiste.an4.81ores.-,-
Oft balt.
is unexcelled for pre -
•serving and length- ;
(ming the life of black
leathei. .
This scientificallY
prepared oil makes
--harness-a- riehr inky
b1aek--7shiny, soft,
Throughout Canada
patient, epee -Wieldy hardened by ex, -
°wise, he .joins a workshep eiats for I
ab hour each day and learns' wbodel
Work: He begins •onea tie kid collar!.
rack and then evolves a laieip-tand. •
:Cabinet-making, oil e, work,
picture-ffaine iniakingt,
engraving and stencilling are the
crafts first tdebe taught in this little '
woe' kehop. 2 ••• , •
legra s enogeap ty, type eit-
ing, mechanical ,and industrial draw- "
ing will follow. Horticulture, chicken
raising, beekeeping are pursuits that • . ,
will° also figure in the vocational cur-
At the end of six inOnths, Corp'px:01,
. ..T.OneS has got a. very fair Iirl.pentgood.
+111.11i1111o gain. His weight has increas-
ed by 23 •poUndil; symptoms of 'shock
' have almost entirely disappeared; -his
lungs Itre healed; pleuritie pains have
gone. tre hes. had no temperature
I mile) cough. far._ two......menthseeilute
l.Dr. Byers .deeldes that another
' months in the ..inatintains' will Make
!ttebly unlikely the' danger of a re-
tlapse at some. future ,date.
The richer by his hill • pay and ale
lowaneee for six maths, Corporal
! Jones is now discharged Irene 'the,
Anne and reeultnitted te the J1111 for
a further eix month' treatment. At
Ithe end of. that time hois given. a pen-
sion, the emeunt • being according to
eehisedisabilitY. . • .•
,. '13y the aid'of ,private citizeis in
revery pert of the country, Centula has
!created a, wonderful fahrie of inatitu••,
tions under the authority of the Mill -
tory Hospitals CONIMisSi011, and„
C•ItIVAtell the care of her soldiers into
a • science. It must he •coweeded to
isCariadie that she shows her gratitude
to her warriors in a praCtical way, and
it' her faeer we.aket Military Mask ne-
. rosary to the timesober heart is one
the lss solicitous of their welfare., •
I , _ •
atitiarelfit Liniment &woo Onvtot tnOwl.
•• •
Casuidiano wanted for the •RoyallPawl. tan _Vilunteer:
;!feerve for immediate overseas service, Only men of good
diameter and good phynque accepted. •
• Pay $1.10 lVfiniinntra "per day -Free Kit.
$20.00 per Month Separation Allavanet,
Elasticated tees Iron 38 to AS, tea bop Item
18 to 18 incepted for service io lite .CANADIAN
NAVAL PATROLS for defence of 1116 Grants.
,Apply to COMMODCIRIR .4atit,108 JARVIS
Naval Recruiting Officer, Ontario Area
103 flay Street, TORONTO,Or
Dept, of the Naval Service
. .
-•;r.e#1 471e -1W
er. .