HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-03-01, Page 5lr, MAO ° At '017 tatw x:a r s sa,Ni hat isHome Page ,v ora !AVM) 4414144‘ Made inFit Any. Canada ... IhiP it up Machine I • • o"HEARING IS BELIEVING-" The Columbia dealer nearest to you will gladly demonstrate:: Very easy payments Little cash required. Dealer will explain term. Send for -a new free catalogue. • . • COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONE CO., "Creators of the Industry.' • "Timmer' end Leaders in the Art.' "Owners of the •rundameetal Patents." CANADIAN FACTORY, TORONTO M MACHINERY A few -leading articles we offer for sale at this • season:. of the year. Teeswater : and Sepoy Louden Feedand Litter Carriers • '0. Andrew . LU KNOW • • • Mother's Troubles, Mother's unending work'and devotion drainsand strains her physical strength and leaves its mark in dimmed ayes. and careworn ,expressions --;she ages before her time. Any mother ..who is weary and languid should start • taking OF PUREST COD LIVER OIL .. as a strengthening food and bracing tonic toadd richness to her blood - • and build up her nerves before it istoo. late. Start SCOTT'S today—its fame is world-wide. • No Harmful Drugs. Scott & Bowne. Toronto. Ont. 16-4 COurey's. Corners Mr amyl- Mr -a, James Beak left on Monday for their home •near Bruno, Sask. • q i'%tinrey uoreaers' Farmer:,'. Club held their annualmeeting on .Feb 12th and a good yyear's business, over' $ 1,000 worth ,of 'goods' being dandled. The•...following officers were elected for 1017r President,. Joe O'Loughlin; Vice President;'. John Little; Secy. -Treasurer, Robt'rt Nelson; Asst. a lcy ., JIenry Hogan; Auditors, v Far isb, .Win.' Baldwin... The• next meeting pf' the Club. will be ;held 'op Monday, Feb. 26th %717 i, 346•Ir 1 .,..., ............ _ LTO NV_E ,HOSE WHO, 1=ROM: TIME TO TIME, HAVE FUNDS REQtUJRING a , INVESTMENT. MAY PURG*1ASlri.. _. ' - ' AT PAR aVj- .9: VUMINION OF CANADA DENTURE STOCK • IN SUMS ,OF 1500 OR ANY MULTiPI E THEREOF. Prinolpal repayable 1st October, 1919. Interest payable half -yearly,' 1st• April and 1st October' by cheque (free of 'euohange at any chartered Bank tw Canada) at the rate of fve per cent , par- annum• from the date: of purohaso. Holders of this stock will have the privilege of surrendering at par and accrued intArost, to, as the'equivalent of cash, in payment of.any allotment macre under arty future war IOan.issiio in Canada•other than an Issue of Troasury Bald or'othor 'like short dato security. Proceeds of this stook aro for war purposes only.,. C A c0rnnllsolon of one-quarter of ono por cent will bti allowed to recognized bond and Stock brokers on allotments made In 'respect of applications for .this stock which- boalr+'tholr stamp. . n ' . Per appileation forms a^ply to lira, Deputy Minister of Finance, Ottawa. DCPAIITMaNT Oft PINANCk, O ,AWA, ooto1; 11! titt,, 1016. b •.4.4:1" Nkk:Iu-•,fry.. • • •.,:,.•.a-VtcrF •:; e:t:Witae .st.•tlsao-r� • HURON •LOUNTY NEWS Tbouaae Brandon, fee Finany years treasurer of `'Morris Tewrilihip, died from a stroke of paralysis at his home in Wingham .on Feb 21st. o is survived :by a widow, two sono and two daughters. . - Theo. Jenkins, a prominent farmer and one of Huron cbunty'a oldest native-born sons, (lied °at this hoose near --Clint tion Sunday,- Feb. -18th, is his 79th year, He was born.. in Oode. mels township, rnear Hotndesvnlle, and all his life bad been spent vrithia "q,. mile or two of his birthplace, " Edward McKersie, who . was for some thirty year baggageen an on the t,.' Huron branch of the G.T:11., died at this home in London recently.: Mr. °McKenzie waw 69 years old and, captain ofa,eowpany n(theN'orthwe Rebellion;in 180 and alae ,served as soldier kihring the Fenian raid.' was st a CAPTAan BA$seri DE/tn.—Captain Reginald. G. Bassett, a well-known: Great Lakes mariner, died at the reai- dence,of his parents, •20 Tyndall Ave:,: Toronto, on Sunday, Feb.' 18, after being ill since Christmas. -The de- ceased ,was a member of the Lake 1 tasters' Association, and .wailed the Marislka for the Bassett Steamship Company, He was previously master of the J. A, McKee for the Western Steamship Company. ' The late. Capt.. 13assett was born in Collingwood 33' years ago: The remains:' will' bei in- terred at his birthplace on Tuesday. He is .survived • by his widow May Bagley Bassett, and two siatwrs,•Mr t. Alex.'Qua, of Colliogwood, and Mrs. Morley Lemon,'of: Owen Sound. MRs LANNoN, mother of'John Lan- nan, of 'the Union :Hotel, Ooderich, diedQat her home in Goderich on Wed- nesday of last' week at the ,age. of 83, She habeen ill since Christmas. Mrs: Lanny was a native of Wexmouth, Ireland, and came • to Canada at : the age of 13. She• was married :in 1853 and in 1E63 She and ; Mr. tannin rnoved•to, Ashfield Tp. Mir.' Lannon died. in •1881 and forthe last 14 years Mrs. Leamanhas:,lived in,. Goderich There was a family of eleven, eight of, whom are living.. They are Robert, of Chicago; Harry, of Detroit,'Patriclr," of ;Pontiac, Miob ; 'Thomas, of St Louie;_ ..John;- .Goderioh; .. M iehael, -'nof Detroit; Mrs Joh: Flynn, of GhieS o. and Mrs J. `:T. O'Iie111q of Kings bridge. SWEET MAITLANIj I love. thee, Sweet Maitland! My_ Heart 1s; sfiante..: . Tire further I've'wandered . More precious..thy name Thou'rt wed to dear Huron, • Per ever and aye. A dower of beauty, •. Kurichesuthy way!• :. •A son at bhp rapids, All''hail' from the, bridge The 'maples in whiskers, _ over. thaiidge:... No 'lovers lave fonder, In life's longcareer,- • - Than'Huron's green valleys' And thy waters,' clears - Afar are thy wavelets., , • ' ' • Born out to the sea. And 80 are tho native-born Scattered line thee! But-;thau'rt. a -sweetheart;-.---- ' sweetheart, '..Daau, Maitland, to .ail! .• . sparkling tide -Welcom9s, •a t f torrieward; we: call! ,Aiu Ttat L Barnai,,• .Iie:nu t_on; f*fr itrvlauda' anai spits tha leoaened pickets*. and stand whit hie 'old bilie- There may have been a few odd ,jobs he didn't .have to do, batt they were awful little ones and they were mighty. few. And yet lie weren't a costly man, not as they see 'ens, hero, of4' winiarl only used to get two hundred bones a year. (Laaeknow Connell wants each a non. Don't all speak at onee,l '.. , j`GQ3P FRENCH PROVERBS it is said that the 'characteristics '. ca a nation are revealed. in its pro- • verbs.Here art a few taken- from P verbs of Prance,:a he absent re always in the Wrong. Ready mem 1 sloth groat eures. Speak"Iit'tlearad well if you would esteemed. as a man .of merit. • died blood,, and mea believe; shed tears, they double Live according to Nature, be par trent, dismiss the. doctors. One is '.never so well served ASby- otaeeelf. " When it suits hina even the`•devtl. does all .things well. Without bread. and without wine hive will cornu to nothing. Men who have little business are• great talkers. .. The less one thinks the more one speaks. A. woman is. to her. husband what her husband made her. ' When the . foe fears pa, we must ware everything; , He who would reckon well • should. hount on nothing. ' . . Power is not shown by hitting hard br .pften, but by hitting straight.. •.Player is a cry of hope; Who makes, excuses,. - accuses hirq.. pelt; • A witticism. Proves nothing. • A man whom nobody pleases is much more unhappy than a man who: • pleases nobody. • . ,wisest is he who knows not he is wise. '- If you've a good cape, try to Com: promise;' if • you've a 'bad one, take it. into'court. • Good _'blood • cannot He. IOW,TO KILL HORSES Feed and Water. Carelessly—What Not To Do ,. • .Manx horses are killed and many more are ;injured liy careless feeding and .watering. Never, water a horse- immediately -after feeding grain. This washes the grain through the stomacli before it is properly mixed with the stomach juices` and is liable to cause dolic. • Id the horse 'is very Warm, let' him drink a few swallows and then hold•his Jiead n9 for. a minute. or two, and thus cool"' his - stomach' slowly.. Try it yourself in , hot weather. ".'You can drink a quart' of cold ater With out injury if you will but' take several minutes for the. first few swallows. When herpes are brought in .hot from work they should ftret he given: water'- cautiously -and -then fed , hay and =grain. <togethe,r; aiiowin't em to .exercise their own"judgment in. the .:.: selection of their feed. •While wait- ing for them: at the- watering trough; the time.: can be. profitably used in, .removing . the harness, at least the collar, and cooling -the .shoulders 'by washing in•cold water.. Removing the hot harness in a hot. barn: during; the ' hot noon hour Is a great relief' . o. the hor"se and is really 'Worth while. When a horse becomes colicky s is foundered from .too much grain r' cold water on, a. warm 'stomach, th re :is no one to. blame but the . one who had him in charge, and it 1a he who must be charged' with either' ignor- ance • Or- carelessness. Horses are worth money and'their Services are indispensable: Their care and manage-. • ment • should be ,'given more consider- . ation. • • • • MAKE OUB *TORE YOUR HEADQUARTER PHONE 66 TOR PROMPT DELIVERY l:118j1j1:eware: dale . ' Owing to the increased cost of aterial and labor 'graniteware manufact nrers were recently compelled to increase their prices a full 30 per cent., which you. have no doubt seen refected an the prices which most dealers are charging for gra few are now. We were fortunate an being advised •of the 5anitc� gated increase by our.principal suppliers and were'able to place ail order • ,at a veryconsiderable' savin. over present' prices. Qtir stock' has 'just come in 'and we..; brave decided to pass on our saving to our. customers, as. we.are still making our usual fair .margin and can see no reason for taking ad antage of the situation to exact an 'exorbitant,profit. The "stock is good quality, .single - coated -Grey Ware, of smooth, uniform finish and well and Substantially made. lf you want. to save money in Granite ware here's your chance: Come in and get a printed list of this ware with prices so that you can. look it: ,over- at your 'leisure. Do not delay this opportunity as we only have_ a inlited; .uan tity of each and cannot take orders for• more than we have in.stock. " SALE .NOW, ON COME ' EARLY C •EO D & , • 'Goes The, Store Where'hour, Money Goes Farthest • (Front The Guelph Mercury)* Kincardine is.advertising for a'chief constable; who will also be street in� • spector, sanitary inspector, black knot and,toxious :weed' inspector, as the ,Modest Sala of .5700-;fgr_a11.-Srat_.. ford Beacon. • - •Why, we can. mind in. our old town we trail attain like that—oh, he was big and round and sleek, yes, he was rolled in fat. .He had the durndeet.lot of jobs thatany.niat .could .1indi it.beat the band' how hpcould take ••aind keep. Fens in- hi& naind - >He cased to -ring. -.the -• old town hell it tnornin's, nouns and nights, and go' around and scratch a inatct: a:id fix the coal oil lights. He'd Sweep the town. hall antrthe jail and'keep.•the fires for fair, and tend, the bad`.: add wicked sten• he used to chuck, in there, : for he watt cop and' chief as well, the 'guardian of the town, to put in force the laws and things that other fo ks laid down. He used to cut the seeds. that grew ali;ng�tlie village: street,' he likewise'saw- ed theemaple sticks to give the'tdwn hall heat, Ile had an axe, he had a saw; a' hammer and soine natls,'he used to lis- ten to the o lee t a ' had all -sorts et- wails—and then he'd go ttnd en)end the! walks where boards had busted thrage, nd do all aorta of handy thinge,that. no ne •else could do, And 'yolks would' rata in grave loads and damp 'etn in a heap, and take a hump most bad rough to cause, a .:nag to weep• -rand ,hen Old William got hie node,. he got is line and rake, and showed their) pebblesr, jttat, th brio that they should l�g1 t4 At 004 44 t* 4 *WI a b •d e h }COPERAmNrnWTj • �.. 1+. G. H,. Pattisca ..of: wirers, •Ont.,. rites..• Cooperation is a plant :which naturally seems re grow more, easily is European than in' Canadian edil, and 'Great Britain 'Ireland, Denmark, Holland; Sweden, and '. many other :s luropean countries have alregd:y 'ex- ;;,erience�d ifs manifold benefits for many years: .The. United States, how- ever, made great progress, over . a billion dollars' worth of agricultural• products bein-aold annually' by:_oc operatives lit! that country, while asore than 1•;000 ct -operative fruit and pro- duce association. are ,.,ding on bctainesethere :afore or dens succetie- fully 'Ia CCanada,, while much of ttla;„, = *C, lru tttlt-aridxpe , . . 'tai, co-operation is fist .passing .be- y'ond the experimentail stage, and in the fruit, business alone a fair num- ber • of co-operatives have attained . success, probably the most successful of all beans' the United Fruit Growers Of Nova . Scotia. One feature stands out :prominently,--however,-•13 the his- tory. of fruit, co-operation in both Can ada and the i.Unit4zLStates,..-and.-•that Is that few comnaunitiep attain'. co - Operation . until necessity compels them, in other .Wordis.....tlll they -•.:ares squeezed into it. In Ontario some of the fruit growing cooperative aseo- ciati'ons have failed altogether,, and oth. w but a small .measure s o! euc attainede i, '_-µ .� MILK: COflUNQ._:rANKS..- _ Why. Dairymen, . Should . gee Them Very Promptly • Aside from • checking fermentation, and therefore avoiding,.rapid spoiling of the cream, the ..use of the cooling tank iberves to take the animal heat out of .the cream, preventing the creamn. and butter from developing an un- . balatable smothered: taste, whistle . greatly depreciates. the market value of butter, When promptly cooled and frequently stirred' the cream remains in proper mechanical condition so. that it can be readily' transferred •et+ith-' out excessive lose.' due to ticking to the can. This also makes possible the taking of representative samples. therefrom, which in turn insures. an- burater-tests; Otto ret -the -fundamental' causes of, irregaiar ...and incorrect 'ream tests lies in the poor inIchanl- bid conditionof the oream when sampled" It )s difllcult to. take a correct"from cream that hat hot Veen :coole., ,rompt1y and Proper. Air tier stirred frequently, or thai otherwise.iti poor condition, ..In . transplanting lettuce or other soft plents, de that set too deep, ft trod do, 1 the wets? 1A likely tit, 00011114 to away 1.04 OM lu* 4114 a, . , OF tallied ,1872a Capital Authorized, $5,000,000. d Capital Paid.up," 4'. 33,000,000 • Surpluf, . - - - =3,500,000 _ _ • : oI fir a.._Week. NOT much, is it? But if you deposit that small sum in Bank of .Hamilton regularly, it the • will'•amount to almost $1,000, in ten :gems,.years,habit, is: • .once. #ornned, rs ... easyto. - continue • Begin to -day with one dollar. LUCIINOW BR n NCH, 11. A.; Glennie;'Manager' 48-C We are ' Offering Bargains in Ladies' Fine Furs in Stoles and Muffs. ,to. during the cold' weather e• ear • Many of these will be higher in . price next season • owingto the advance in raw furs. Our Prints, Ginghans, Galateas and . . S. h irt- a s will be the best the market -affords: Our prices will J$e a fight. !..•10 ,a be open 1n about ten days Miss Johnston, who has charge, is now in. Toronto attending the millinery openings and . selecting the newest st.les in hats and trimmings, buying where • she Can ,get, the_ best Further: announcement -next week.' WCONNEL1 dant flowering Carnation ,t. Address a postcard tq us Paw *and receive by retain mail a copy of our new illustrated Box• page catalogue` of Garden,. Flower and Field Seeds, hoot' Seeds, Grains,. Bulbs, small Fruits, 'Garda. Toon,, etc.' • SPECIAL.—W5 will alto sent you free a pocket (valub 1'5c) of our choice Gialit-Ftti'w-enng Carnation This carnation is a great favor- ite; fragrant and the tents do wall outdoorb, the Rowers aro large and p Transplanted into pots• in the early fall they bloorn prbtusely from October till the end of 'gay. Parra plants are easily propagated from them, by cuttings, f+pipings'► or layering. Scnjford '_ logue,aevi'iearo,etantintoe,•thafttab's-' . • _ �.. f 144entisaati. • >I8 ,.. • Darch Hunt� �d Co•t��;� United: ��i���l� � t +aA M p q❑ �� f ANADA 1Ct•. tit i'� ':lit ,,,,� 0., ' ..,. i ti4. -, , •, ` i r'`: 5 ,wig tit ogi ..5. �'. .. • IL 7 ..a \ .. .