HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-03-01, Page 4• • Ng* 4
saiSsclet Cards
AstingwAtimig. ow**.
propettlee fer fiels.
1. 0 ill. le. latikerridetimeetetair
KirititItstabouirorlord Jay
...wow Cieesd.14. AitoliesieL leo
14.41agfigesecitee.**...11. al Myst;
., TM ^Ws siesq, . Aliz. Roes.
. .E. C. 1.1udeef *MN
wtw *se.
Oaan aaac°011001 244. fat Laskaow.
asoato savor/ lasttasilawf 1,lso mouth in
thidikehowir -V tinichretherneor.
inviteulterattend. Chief Renew W.
leeetz Rea. f3sers., Rohe. Orelumnifin.
semRobt., .hiluistani Trees. D R. Aso
4.� U. W. lacknow Loam. No. 134 2110444
renews' Muter Workumn..T. Mac.
soce.4 Miry ot each month in the Odd-
Secy.2.1). MacIntos_ bi Rec.
WWI= *GOO. Potters wreak . Alex. morn*
:.;; IL ft ft finhnenp
- stairs* Button Block, Teeowiter. 2pao
Coo togold croWnIng. and
work.visits Wroxeter lot. and *rd.
Wsdni-ofacli uloatht clonle Thur.
c!,. NEWTON_, pi. Dentist. 13111oe
13looke Luoknow. Ont. -•Alt modern
methods used. Best materials furnished.
Crown and Bridge work. Painless extract.
. ion by the time of the latest,. _simplest and
safest reined_ _Y ElOSINOF0110, Newest
thing la aruneim tooth. Alumlum glatesd
non brookable
fillaATir,ORD. ONT.
OntariVi Best Business
:Sttidente may enter ourelassea at atty.
Comineuce your eimrse now
load be qualified for a position by
linidsummer. During 'fitly and Aug -
Mat of lad -year we received, tallirfor
nyer.200 °Mee assistants wecould not
!-,eupply. Our. 'graduates "are in de-
- mend.. Writ* at Oliee to.f our. . ir.ee
..eatalogne, ' . •
0.44 Mel:SOILS%
. .
SPECJAlaares now in effect
to resorts in Florida, Georgia,
• North and • South Carolina,
Louisiana •and other Southern.
States,„ and ` to Bermuda and
the Wesf•Indies.. .
• Return Liinit May 3Ist, '1917
yberql STOFLOVERS ActoolyEo
„Iii.or hill information write to
-111nottStation, Toronto, Ont.
.0 MARTINuAgerit, Lucknote
,IPike 2-
raieh of trie•X91 Ontario municipali-
^ Cita operating ;.1Iyclro-Electric systems
had a net surplus during the past year.
.ithe villitcoof Granton, tile sniallest con-
. .
940'a -horse povierforth
'hist five months only, . had a thiplusi of
•:.; 'The total .power developed for the'
*ydni-electilo system is now Over 200-
(0 horsepower .
. .
-;:1; The - total mollies • invested by the
Municipalities and thecommfation are
(Ayer $40,000,000:
The nioiintaletirplin of the individual
operation Of all t,herninnicipalettierpriacia
; •
-‚list year was $999,000.
Hydro ayeteren.conaprise 61. villagee,
'ffe townk 17 toiniships, and 20 'Cities.
,theyear, or the Buie_ j_Aramicipareontenztar
Hydro-electrie power is beingsrirtplied
to nearly 500.munitton-making plants to
:the extent of BOW horse -power, :the
• plants ettptdred having 40,000 employee.
Itydroolectric "white ccal" is relies, -
ug the'brack coat famine to the ..extent
Of 0,000,000 tone per annum -
-.24he Chippewa; ilevelotritient-134`thii
beginning of greet things."
. and -operated enterprise, niust absorb
the whole electrical eystemeof -011terin.
The Hydro -electric coriamissiee has
applied to the Cedar Rapids'. Manufact,
„ Ong dp Power Company for theypower
at $10. This power is now being mo.
pi)rted to United Stites industries,
Sir Adam &Alias been in conference
*Air Hon. 4. D. Reid, minister of custom!,
aOttawa,withafcii to securing Dem:
lain regulation or the export of power.
'The:Hydro electric system will extend
int oWnerslup and opefatiori of pulp milk
m. the Trent district -and is prepared to
embark on the "establishment of papor
mills to serve newopapert and tither con• -
mimeos it the publidjuitify 806 a course,
Applications tire before the tlydro•
olectrie commiesion for 03,000 horse-
power *Allah it is nimble at the present'
. time to stipPly. , _ •
liintumpahticenre warie,c1 of dangers
• by woyof Competition with municipal
Tants arising from the private Owner
. -
ship eatilpeigli tinder the charter of the
Totonto and Iliagant Power Co, .
ifunicipalitiee an urged to agitate for
atld 011tiOnaliftation of
Kurititem Ihntinet
Welerraltralar iaataing
et bishop'''. Oster*
It Prosieter
sail 16‘iter.
OP atalilektrnolf.---To any erldross
in se Orton Beinetii. cue leer $1.30, six
uos "trtetr"Ikeur. thettlirle.Qtreiallitt
Nieuwe tete*. Ind* is wear* rats
le sec. use row hislier.
Sielsooribare who fail to roosivo The Sentinel
lar40417 *mil (*lifer * fever by
Swan Na alit at ths bet et ea forty a dan..sa
When diens* of address it doired, both old
szad the new eddrees shouid be siven.
Adverting"' Sumo.
thart.AT Azyzawsnto R saga-Macle kLowu
enti* Arrogate -One ineertien fee; threem-
sertiona $1.00.
Farms or Real restate for Ws 500 each inser-
tion; illboelleneoue Artioles Fur sale. To Rent,
Waimea beet.lrouna. etc.. min Insertion 25e.
Local Headers, Notice*, otc..10o Pot line Pee in:
Wortion. tio eaoh sobsequegt insertion; Opeolal
rote of So to regular display advertisers. Card
of Thanks. *Sc. Coming Zventa 8e and 5e per
'imam notioeless than 16o. 1.A1 advertising
10e sant Cat per line. Auction &Os...brief notice
aoc, longer motto* lOc paella(' for first insertion
50 for each subsequent fusertion, - meek -faced
%ygo count 2 line* for -
' AllYelelehli notice. the *hien of Whkii lithe
Pegestant humid elm Individeal *raised&
tioa, to be coalfield ae advertizeweet aid
dame eecereieely... • .
Anduase Verde tit six lines .and under 115.00
Per year. •
• .
The Ontario Department a Agricul-
ture is this week stortingan advertising
camPaign, through its local branches• ,.
urging farmers to exercise cam in Ithe
selection of seed for tbe spring. sowing.
This ,is a Part of the „more general
campaign, ifor the production 'of larger
crop, which is being carried on through.'
out the Dominion. War conditions and
the short crop of last year. make •it • •extremelY important that the crop of 1917
be as large -as the Man -power �f the
eouiltiy can prOdirce. The selection of
good seed of every kind hi.. one way in
winch production can e increased with
1.iffi1eextra labor. Experiments mu
ducted m tecent years have itbundantly
proved thci!great advantage, of using
good, well seed over small 1r
dire:ikon seed The advantage, great in
a good mason, briar greater in a aeason
ot'drouth, or any other unfavorable con-
dition. • •,
Elsewhere in this paper will be found
an advertisement by the Walkerton,
. •
branch of the Department of Agriculture
urn mg. farmere who want good seed to
make application to them. At the palae,
time they invit,e•firmers who have gricid
seed grain or potatoes tonell to inform
the Department fas to., quantity and
--70- • - - -
pnce, In, this way those whe want and
those -Who have will be larl:lught-to. gethiar'Vhi.•
s is a good work ited it should isTeat,
ly help Out the seed sitem.tion. - •
By sowing goad geed. a farmer may
get double the retum•for.hislibor.
worth while. ••r.
' The high priceof :potatoes is getting
to he something of a''joke-te• all but
those who have to buy. They were up
to $4 per bag In Ontario eitieli last week
and Alers Bair they will soon he at *s.
per bag. This is a serious matter for
thelliinfer wnc mildbuy seed potatoes,
and the Who;,feels that ,the
potato is a necessary article of diet.
.At three or four defiant per bag, pota-
toes are just about the most eitynalie
pottof foo&one tan indulge in. Bread
and other foods made from wheat are
dearer than usual;• but any Of these are
much chetipar than ,pottitoei at present
prices. The scarcity of 'potatoes is felt
largely because they have become much a
cOnimon • article of . digit --not beetese
they are remit a grit or necessary article.
Only a few hundred. years ago practical- 1
, • . .
y the whole, human. race was getting
along without this tube', so. that ;nem -
has coniel'mneli-IOniter disince
• treirtffniiiiithIL7'.TherliFera-a
well those days as now, so folk shouldn't
Worry about going back to former: con-
ditions' for a few months.
• The pitatncrop appears to have, been
short last year allover this continent as
well as in Europe. Weeks ago potatoes
were:001144p per bfisheliii 'Detroit,
-the price therekeepingwell in advance -
of the price in Ontario.
American 'fieterekeepere'res *leaking
for relief early in May when • petatofti Of
•thiayear'm growth -will start-. coming in
freer the Southern States. Whether or
not these wilLbe available for the .Can-
aditin 'market Wirt depend. On the import
duty. . • •
I, a •
$ 4,40 ‘46Atait so ow% A OW»
of Clemson have tied up their Alpe in
pert,yieldirri ther iw1seeab1e riglato at
*throat of .10, NAN
-Vie "wive non another illustration of
tbe complete absence from the German
mind of anything like honor or gratitude.
The custous officers who wished the
ship en which the notorioue Rernatoroff
was periaitted to go to Europe, found
that mebibera of the petty were endeav• -
faring to smuggle away with them bun-
dredapteuits.ot cottou-niatints,--
• CottMtheltreawn to be elecarce article
41 Germany. Every rag bao been used
up in the mahing of guateotton.: So sure
are the BiitI8b of thie that fer months
they have not allowed parties midi%
parcels containing food• to prisoners in
GerManY, to Weal:00a in wrapping the
• Seeing that arrangement .had .to be
made with thOenemy to allow thorn 'to
retina hinne.(a favor granted by.tho Jz
hes ous of eonsidere.tion .for the United
Statee we fancy) one would,expent that
• thie Clernien party would have appreciat-
ed the favor and gone home. without en-
ileavoring to cheat thogo who did them
the favor, • Bat, no; • Thetmust try to
get it little cotton into the dear father -
rand, and eo !stuffed their wardrol3ea with,
hundreds of suits of cotton underwear
• on the pretense that they were foi pet-
e.tlY, to honesty'
a great weakness He 'nits hist•trint ip
•lies,and brohnic 'atomises. To all appear-
ance it will have a disasterous norling.
It has yet to he shown that dishonesty
is the best
Premier Lloyd George made another.
.great war epeecli rest week, It was of
such character. as to .atPear--40- flume '
'alarming, and encontaging to the enemy
rather than to the Allies. He *Ad the
country plainly that the food supply in
Britain was lOwer than at any previous
time on reenid,:and.that the grit of the
nation Was to be put to the Last. .
.Thati'.of course, is , the...condition et ,
things which fhb Germans by their sub
!Wine 'campaign desire to being about;
-and •doul iteas they will gloat over some
Parts of LIoyd George's speech. •
HoWever, things are not so bad as
some partf3-of thempeeek would:Make 'it
ennear--.ThePreiniter_was, OpocHiegthe
iurtaihnezt of Certain tomtit and &mire,
. and as Englismin is provefbially.fOnd
of his beefsteak and hia beer' k pretty
strong-caPe had to be made Out; so he
told thein'pleinly that if they did, not
submit- tOPliiIner. ''.nothing .else
could pievent•tlie rain -of the country
Briton's, he likely felt sure,,.woold sub -
mat toe geed deal with that prospect -in
view as an alternative. . •
-Re proposed the cettlegoff of all am
porta 9f tea, coffee, canna and ra* fruits,.
except raanges and lemons; a124 he pro-
poied cutting down. the brewing of beer
from thitwenty.afijiflhion barreli7OT,
last year to ten mailion barrels In 1914 •
-thernitnibeiotharrelibieWedlies thirty
six nidlionii. That niftilythat many
who cirnik.beer nolo go without Lloyd
George .explefteed.that. this was :not . a
temperance but a war measureihud Was
intended to save the grain used in.: the
making of beer.
The importation of many -other things
(paper and timber, for exam-ple) is also
to be prohibited: . Thesetheasurei are
taken,' not with a view to enforcing
conomy, Ant to lessen the work of the
ship.; to save tonnage, as it is :express- •
ed. This; the premier eirpleined,was
ships were required for the intik arid
nay. 'Before the war there Was barely
ships enough'te Cape With the • carrying
trade of the dountry'A Million tone of
Shipping had been lent to France, some
to Italy and sotne to Amelia, and, Brit,
ain'ii•owe war buatness made_ erica -film&
than to the destruction by . eubmarinea,
•that Prender:Ge-orgeqittribiete' tithedi
°arty With the ovenieae carrying' trade.
He, rbowever edmitted.. that •the, des
truction by istibliarinell was a faetor; but
. in previous Wars; even afterTrafalgar,
'hundreds of ships were last after -
by commerce. raiders, The inaitery pf
the sea never Was And never ,Could be
Though the Speech wart_ not /of the
sort, it, was not gess*istic.
It was a statement of the hard fact's,
probablywith a view to offsetting a too
cheerful otitlooli end 'the take -it -baby
tendency Which goes vvith it.
Prank Iraturetk) the,41h•Oon. at
Carrick To.. ranaketallst
last week His attention was attritote
ed to the redbreast by its cheerful
singing mie 01 11* fine, clays.
risogr Anuow....-Oo February Id
between 3 and 4 o'clock a dislatroue
ere occurrectat the warehouse of Esrl
Avery, -Arinow, whereby he lost a
stock of plow; buggiea, cutters arid
espplies, _Tire building hurne4 waa-
opposite his blacksmith shop and unxt Billet to Wm, Pruder, of Toy/aline
to the township hall. Tomo hed been EldSkelle and Brant, for $13,500, or
•190er acre. We understand tide is
the highest price ever paid for farm
• land in Elderslie, • This farm was sold,
by qouald Anderson in the spring of
•The teeehi,eary of
the bzg nio9w11,:itfocirhoseesipeylitJtoack
r$S0 11n.,00olli
0f. SIntvveauns,
11407 at Whitton has been: field '• fad three 3'1"r° ago t°' itok 01
Junk dealersas old •iren. ter 48,650. ,Chde4sedpYifirt.eti$1)812;€1050k?4,1balleteittiprrl!'01L.Mjeanetk;
This machinery ia said by the Wiartou son
Bobo to have coat, Ile- versi hundredou thQ barn, and now Ible an' prop
thousand 'clollarcend the plant as a "634 Which °lee of the beet' in
whole cost dose " 040 million.. tw4rio.aeusforsliipnoteedf9ooper
r itsr eaxere.cellentm
. far
Datreit to live *Ohl& 1100, Zdward,
residing the. Capt. Anderson, prior
to his waren:wont from the 0 Itin
ths Plninf el 19091 wilS known to
skatamln Nua. 440 Inut, a a A 4.
the time of retirement he Wes' th,
oldest ceptaio itt the 0. P. R. service
and heti boon with tho oempeny long!
$90 Riat elretOey Bo,
.terprioo. reports the following.: Laiet
• weekthe Anderson ,farro of 140 aereer
lot $2 and wed belt Of lot 33';', concee
no Bre neer it or in it r he loss to.
Mr. Avery will ",0 iprite heavy, though
the,hodding and contents were insur-
'The Sp uanother of those mys-
terious eines. .
a.ppeartrto have been mislocated and
grossly mismanaged. 'For some rare
it has been in theolmOde oE, a Trust
Company, .and . as the company eaw
little prospect of getting lt. in opera.
tion, they have Geld the only valuable
part of it. • •
The Seutharnptfon liknogin had the
following: Last Saturday there pasir.d
away Capt. E. II, inderson, at One
time the best known master on the
Great Lakes and for inanyi years -i•om-
modore of the 0, B. Great Laker
fleet Capt. Anderson will inhi 85)h
year and lived in qtvep Sound Until
three years ago, when be emived. to
Fourth Cdn.„ Kinloss
• • -Monday, Feb, 28• .
Ali?g, Fraser is 'the happy father of
another bouncing bey,'
Thin McKenzie, our. genial thresher-
man,jmade a trip to Toronto last week,
Archie Mccaul made his first trip to
Luckeow, since his recovery, last Tues-
day afternoOn. .
• Our new mail man, Lawrence Hamil-
Iton, began his rounds on the -23rd inst.
and iS doing very well so tar...
The first .crows of . the season Marie
'their -Appearance ten days ago. ' Is this
an indication Of an early spring? •
• In -his rectrat-greatepeech teethe-Brit-
iak House of Commons, reviewing the
submarine warfare, Edward Careen, I'irst
Lord of the Admiralty,itaid thtithi spite
of the flannel's at ilea, dim to subniarines
and mines, he had 'yet to hear of one.
nritish sailor who.4 had refused to go
with ins ship' when she was ready to
'That writ tir great tribute to ..nritish
tailors., What mOre,conld be-tuaceri •or•
expected of men. It. proves that there
it no deterieration in Britialt .valor and
morale, The pot can tell us nothing
.better than that. Naturally and un-
avoidably. one goatlike tins un5inchtng
courage, • and detehoination to 'assert
• One's ripaus, with the sleekness display,
„PI 4 scos vii1114 0 go ikrost
Yields to Delinious
Skrevaport, La.-"/ had a had stole,
soh trouble for years and biwani,e' so
weak I could hardly ivelk tir de any
work. My appetite was peer, ru‘y food
would notdigests / bloated and was very
weak and 'nervous. .1 trieemanY rem&
'dies without- help, 11 saw *dyer.
tired and tried it, and now My literately.
tienble la ftampletely mired and I eel
Vinol Is guaranteed to tont tip the
,Lired, oiler -tided and weakened nerves
ot the stomach and Create streneth
D .
a• IV, IIPMCS- 144191
• (Eva McCallum,in The Daily Star)
• 014, the White WitatCs of :iny;Yiilicin, where the
••; ,North lights are a-gleaMing,
the.ehores of the AtlarttiC, where thematic:. •
A9.0 Wilma roar, .. • • •
.130e4 ihoweasike tO wipeOpies-cOme, awaken from
'your dreaming, ' _ •
• King and Country are a-e:aliing; you are needed;.
.there is war.. .
Vi'cup the wheat geldeof my prairies, from the trap.
• • trails of itty- Northland,, -
..7;Trein the Whirling: wheel° o -commerce in --my,
. eastern industry, -
. Gime tha musage, can't you hear. iti hear it. say to
. •
. . ..you'go-forth.end. • •.
prom .thsdevile that would. rob you, wraikyonr:. • ''"
homes and liberty. :
You eas bearitin•-th6-nighi:-.**der. sighing -11f -the
lonesome places,
You can hear it hi theirivere, as they gaily flow
*AU riiir roved ones mid have heard 'ityou Can ace '
. at intheir facts; • •
And 'they wonder Whir yoe're silent to the call
beth loud and strong:61' •
Unto, you I've given riches from my nmuntithis and
. my waters,
have warmed you,.With the wild things that •
._.,:retareed.Ver my Northcitntrait: -
.1:heve fed you from my prairiiiiinade yen •hardy.:
! sons and daughters', „
7 Po you nee v.4endanger threatens? TEr my voice
•1, • • . •
' of no .avallt •. , • • " ' ..-
You,Ithe wealthy; and I made OM Do You thank
nie for your richeal • ' •
' Or you boast -your puny efforts; • of the thipie
you've done and do?
Now your country needs Your riloney;.do you Oink-,
' to it like leeches? . • • • . •
Won't you do a bit to helnkthe•one. that's done
so unroll for-imit . . •
You, the Manhood Of a conntry that yOu've. praised
in :long end toty, • •
, Hte..yourAdoed-all-tuznaT4O-.-wate7,--hro,
courage ebbed • ., '
Satisfied to let the others brave the dangera, win the
: glory? • •
Must 1 inaik you down • as weaklings -cowards,
. 'forever and aday? • '
.You, the blosime Oka country; you, the
• • 1 inftin.yOu, •
Can't you see the dangeectreeping, like the coni -
leg of a daub? •
wavily oun ties,-honorletArreti ;144 'the -itie`;
• of battle wean you •' • • •
• • From the thought your somfare better ,than the*.
•thownindi-thateit hgenii -•
You, the, mon in public places, put in there by therm
that trust you,
• Ceir't yeti see it's tinie for action? must the
people's idols fait..
Are you figureheads or rulers, for foolieb wordk.and
threats, why must you, _
Wait till 'rum overtakea yolk -See the inking on
• the will! • - '
My voice is' like spring breeme, but it Seen can
clump trkliender.,
I will taunt you, 1 von,' haunt you, ael Would a
dog diseased.
'there'd a day ig,reek'ning coming; then the weak.:
• lingt shall go'under.
There'', tin appetite for vangeance that willhave
When theday oafP:or'reit daW‘ ainfft. and the battle •
••imokele clearingt 4
• These brave sons who:fought to save tee I will ,
take unto my breast. ds •
Let the tense Of Shame you're .feeling hang your heid
. and choke your cheering,
be no place for you, in my ' north, east,.
. 'south er West,•
to*. -46*, 00,0 -ti
na branches in Canada
Alieneral Banking Business Transacted •
Circular Letters of Credit .
Bank Money Orders
. tatemirotovett. at higheatieurrentrate
T: S. REID, Manager.,
The 1917 Ford Touring Ca
1.0. b, Ford, Ont.
If your plans for 19r7. include an automobile
for your home or for your business, the Tour-
aC7at $4.95.00 is the best Pivestmene you can
It .gives you everything you can ask of a
motor car in the way of service, it is yours for less
than fie hundred do1la6 nd iFeitaccs but little
from you for running expenses after you buy it.
By all means,. see our models demonstrated
and give us your order early.
46"a‘..m.u, ''''"‘"1"°. FIRST
days are ahead of us. .Good
SFETY. SSlipperystreets and sloppy
A °
Rubbers will ,be needed ,to keep ,our feet dry. lf.Yot:*
Shoes. are worn a new pair of rubbers willmakeThem
'last a little longer. We have a good supply, all sizes;
We like to keep on the good Side of the boy,' by linfoPiiing
them with good shoes. • We never had a better stock' than at
present and exceptionally good values, . Boys' Shoes, sites
• r•to 5, from $2.25 up to $5.50.
West. Waymnosh, Feb. 40, 4917.
MuniciPtil. Connell of .West Wawanosh
met on above date; Councillor Pardon
Minutes Of last meetingreadand cp.
proved. Niumial statement read by
Treasurer, showing, t balance on. ihand
'of 9374.62. This report Sled oh motion
by Messrs. Johnston and Watien.
Auditor T. B. Taylor read a detailed
statement of Redeiptirand ti-penditures
for -year ending bee. 3,1, 1916, showing
a balance on hand of 81711 This
retort was accepted and filed on motion
by 'Messrs. Johnston and. Aitchison• :
Motion by Messre.- Watson and Aitch -
Son that TO. Treasurer pay Red OrosS
eceotinta- 'the afereallit -*piss sti
Treasiner Thompson reperted that
Collectot's Roll had been returned and
_that all taxes had been paid. Public
Library° at St. Helens, Dungannon and
Auburn were paid usual granta on mo
tion by 'Messre, Jobnatoe and Aitchison'.
Oyelitig's 'Creek. Drain' question,. Wee
discussedit"length and raid O.:vet:hat next
meeting. Clerk reported he had not re-
zeived-anytiiply4S-letters 'WritttO Tp
'Engineer in January; Motion by Meant,
• Aitchison and Wetann that caretaker be
_rnstructed to keep Tp. Hall itild stahles
locked, Accounts amounting to 8110.25
• were passed and.peld oil motion by Wat-
and Aitihilon. • • •-
Pathinasters, Feeceviewersand Pound-
• keePers were'aPpOinted at folloivs, and
By-law to be prepared: to that•effect:
land; W Campbell, T McPhee, It Bruce,
.1 Windmill, 11 Reid, A Lawler, J Nich-
°ham, W.Stothers, :Med Elliott, J Elhott,
W Young, T Hailam, D Phalen, H ttnd,
I 3 Vtrashington, W' J Anatew,, 0
grown, J.Redmond, W A: Omer, T Cul-
bert' R Smyth, Jas Finnigan, W A
Boyle, Jes.Leddy, J Welsh, H Lindsay,
Chamney, T Woods, D Errington, sr,
G Ferguson, E MeRohertS, J Oran..
Sion, W MOAllieter, A ilrophey,
Robinson, 3 l3roPhy, Edivards
• Agar, .11 Harper, h Fitzpatrick, j
nin, 0 Forehan, .113 Donavan, ,,Tos
nighan, M Cummins,' Armstrong, M
.0hampioi3, J Boles, AV itutherford, W
lituriphrel, jr; /.11 Rutherford, D Me
Kenzie, lit numphrey, 3 Joynt,
lor, hotereon, 8 Philips, ZlQCalItigh
%Pi 11416,194.t IN4tIOnt 4 09os
Anderson, W,Campbell, J Forster, W R •
Ferrier, 'T Inglis, J Laidlaw, J Eagiesten, •
.11"iirves, it Petersen,
Htitehisoe, Dr Case, H. •
. •
ington, H King, J Durnin,...,W :
844uff. W E McPherson, G A Greer.
PouNiKterkna..7-4„TaYkra.Feagarr, •
F Doyle. 070 Brown,,.J Walsh Jeri
Kinnighen, M 11urnnhreyWjjjer P
Smeltzer. . • '
Council ecljeurliedlti meet March 23
at io ?"'
W. A.Alson, Clerk.
' sementsoki, •
remenilfr, 1 reineinber.
The cost, when- r herb;
sheet and ships and iiatipg wax
£ of pork a dime; ;••
And 'no* X often'meditate,. '
Upon that happier *ante.
rTehtpeerittrw,er, :Tdezb,petiry;
, ,
Our cook got three a week and board,
4nd coal was four a ton,
AndijiPlea Seri's; cent apiece!
• In nigh -teen EV 411137-ot:ie.
I remember, I remeniber •
--14-Mother -need to wear -
The loveliest of Cotton hose ,
At twenty cents a pair, b
In silhen hose my yilia
. goes -
A pair costs three fifteen, r
MS; .fatlier need a pen6y pen;
/ type a Atte niathine, '
I remember, ren4Mber- •
What &mow; poems' cost;'
ileyv Milton got ten dollars fen
EiS great "Paradise Lost"; -
Twelve dollars bought Grayi,"rite
0h1 I'm so glad to be alive k`•
htieor tainse
t3t.filivae,t.bifig, ,
It. P. Adams in e411ter's Weekly.
• II 1,
0 -
Studio, Luckuow.
Open )ifonday;*. Tuesday; and
Now is the time to have
that Family Group taken
while thb$ ate all it bent.,