HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-03-01, Page 3• a P.,•,•177 • • Mi Pure Tea se awl packets Only Free from fliistf Never Sold ia Bty THROTIGII.„ IRE DARK SHADOWS - Or The Sunlight Of Lovio CHAPTER XXL-(Cont'd). ' • "I )zoth on and Wee elen.qviet .ansWer. • "Bat, cense, let us eeels a more retired spot" ••• . • • igack—Mixectip.$4A,i•al he, erec-eszeintateethe •elnadeve lifeedeew hee almostforrcibly out •of Peints • as Adrien *Leroy, with a part- 4eeepssenesseveropass0=meanwee.re=e.ee !term; his arra, approached the alcove. "Oh! MreeLeroy," old Lady Chet- wold, as they passed, "can you tell ene who this latest 'arrivel is?" . "I have not seen her," said Adders rat eerily; his eyes were bent on Lady Constance. who had left him and Wee now dancing with laird Standon. "Oh, there she is!" exclaimed his voluble little companion. "Suck a „Magnificent Cleopatra,einn't she?" Slut drew his eattentioa to a -tall lady e who WAS• looking rather enxiously and the milk to the bolt and stir tae ,corn- constrainedly about her. • ger dress -Ortainl 4;164 'hired th f m e ° • Cornetarch: iseValuable. r starch leto it. • Add the batten, cheese , tio we not make a more geheral and seasonings,,aad boil or Ave min- - use,' eornstarch le As 'a • rule. feW Utee, 'stirring all the time., cooka onfploy it for anything hut an Tomato /Pudding -One and one-half occaetentil pudding or for thickening ounce of cornstarch, one pint of milk, sauc•ati Cre FlOupot while.* could with ad- fel* or five 'tomatoes, one-half. ounce vanrage take part in a thousand and of, shortening, wee' teaspoonful of one, Weis and add its nourishment. te cleippea persley, no quartet tea-, Ole caber ingredients. For example, spoonful of pepper, one-half teasaor. yenteekt substitate, cornstarch for part ful of eta. Mix the cornstaach with of tharfiour in makinecakes.and bis- a little of the milk to: A AMOOtil Cream. cteitaf and, you will be aurprised te Mid heVearaueh lighter and more digestible they' still :begone. •• In cold weather •consetarch is specially valuable be- eausd, being a pure starch food, it sup. Piker thee body with heat and energy. Of otairee, like. every other starchy. Bring the rest of the milk to the boil end. stir the cornstarch into it Add the shortening, choPped Parsley, salt and pepper. Boil for ,ten tniautes; stirring all the time, put some canned tomatoes in the bottom of a Well -but- tered pie dish. , Add a layer' of, the, food, a requires eareful eookeng, for cornstarch ancl alternate layers of theal IS nothing more indigestible than toreato and cornstarch until finished. Bake in a very slow oyen for thirty. minutes, insugaelently cooked a tarah, bet with thafi.ettaiViSet there can be nothing bet- ter its the Way of food. Virleeri mixing the flour and ote- aerate for cake use not more than One. quaraea of the starch unless of course, you are teeing a recipe which gives it easene,a1..the,angredientS, and then you }levee -the beneat of the experience of otheret dad the proper proportions have teltattak"ifeen afforke-d -out'. ,. Thcafollowinge, recipe's may give You soma auggestions on the matter; •Stilumge Rolls -Two ounces of cede. How to Measure Recipe Accurately • Over•the kitchen table of one houee- wife there is a small' shelf on which restahalf a dozen eook books,, a card -cabinet:With her tiled -recipes and oth- er hints. • .: • • • a---11YhY dae-aiia, peed- aneadditional eoking recipe 'cabinet with all those Oleic books?" she was asked curigusly. ."Becaliee there doesn't -seem, to be • any ,on,e .standard way, of measuring , six. Ounces of flour,. eight oux1,0•0 oausates, one_queeese tea,. that all the authors of cpole books spoceeral. salt, feta' 'ounces ,shortening; use,", 'she. explained e. ' "One will give • buttea, oleomargarine, or- vegetable some .measurements in pounds, an- other in cupfuls, another in plate, and butiAte 991d 'water; 'a few sdrops of lemeeeza anion. . Blanch • and skin, the I actually have one cook book that SLIMS:W(16 Mix the ' cornstarch, •flour, raeallY has some fine old recipes -only and gasit together and rub in the it mixes measurements., • • In a single ahoraehing. Make into a stiff ,paste recipe ',read about a cup of one thing, with: (fte cold. water and lemon . juice, a. dash et ensethar,. a 'pound, of some; reit thing else and, a. pint of :still another tura' ea to a. floured board. and inta (1141. paste. Fold in three and. ingredient. And, to celle .the climax, ahrra. NO way round 4o that the open i I am asked tostaal seascining 'to taste!" esidtrare to and from you, itheneeolla. More and rnore heieseyrivezieare. tot - out .agairs and repeat four times, at Slowing the plan of keeping a persenel- e taee_aletrd 'and fourth ttitnings dust. lY haeParedelettad cabinet of recipes •• 1 • Aft tl 1 't thateltayealaeenatri d and /paid:please- a . a er • . . , • Are you ill2" he gazed keenly at ._d - 'in'; pale, impeesehed face. "No, sir, it is rather hot though. in this (trees," " returried hurriealY, bating even the ,very semblance of a lie- -"I lee'. tee eariatance_iaaweitin for inea7 he continued. . "Abe Yee, there ehe is. The ,ball is going off well, don't you think so?" • Hie father nodded. "Yes," he said "your friends are pronouncing If to be a saccess. Mr. Pa:shorn' declares it is a vidon of the period. But Contance es waiting, Replaeing mask, ,A.driere, made his way to his mein, who,, as usual, watt, surrounded .by a small ,group of courtiers. She glanced up'ess he ap- proached, and, with a emile to the ret, took hie proffered arm, :As heeloeked at her ' sweet lace, a thrift ran through: him ' the parity of her nificeat; It was made for the great. ee „,„,,...„„ beauty -age peat a contrast to that of . er part of altricot-colored satin.), with ...e ee'e he had just dismiesed that gauze and tinselled chiffon fulled over ,kli.ejotzthed the very thought et ever it; from the shoulders was suspended having touched •her hand. In that a long train of iMperial purpli. velvet, moment, the, love he bete Constance on wluch was embroidered in dull green, eerie* Egyptian symbbls. Her jewels too, which were abundant, con- sisting chieflyeof,diamonds and large emeralds, Made het a regal, though al- most theatticarifgure. Yet, 1A$ her eyes met die steady regard •of Ad - den's, she looked nervously round as if t� make her escapee, •• . ' e • Lady Chetwold. felt Adrien give a .11111.11/. 1111 1111-1.1.k CIGARETTES .-1.7,arnaradrafxweeps, THE. COMMERCE OF 'GREAT BRITAIN welled upe passionately in his heart, re- fusing to he suppressed, and again tore off the velvet mask. 'VVheu the girl raised -her calm eyes.. to • his :face, the ardent • look in • his startled her, and she determizied to at least listen to any explanation be wished to 'give her. "Where have you been, Adrien?" she said gently. "I thought you had forgotten me." . "No!" he answered sharply, "that slight start, and looklag OP, she saw that his lips had grown stern, and' -away be inipossible; but I' was' called away, Do you care for this dance? even through the mask detectedthe fogey gleam in his eyes. "Do you know her?" she whispered. "Yes!!' he said, "But it -would be a breach of canficlence to betray her, Lady Chetwold." At the dose of the clam* he 'sur- rendered thelittle lady to her next' partner, and went in' search of the Cleopatra. ' He seen espied her, seat- ed in one of the recesses, and strode across, to her. She started to her feetas Adrien.approached, then sit*. Ing back into her Chair, She looked up Or would you give me just a few TAO- ments with you aloise on the terrace?" -Her eyes softened. . ' "Yes, if yea like, 4.drien," she said gently. "I am really aired now, and longing for the air." 1, 'aConte, then,". he said; and: catch- ing up a silken wra.p that lay en one a the seats, he threw it teriderly. over her. • • . Together they passed out op to. the terrace, atid seemed to have slipped, into another World, sog reat a -contrast was the peaceful moonlit valley be- ECONOIViIC POSITION OF TWO FOES IN A, NUTSHELL. • 0" • Britain's Coniinercial A.chievement • and Germany's' Huge Loss 0 , . . of Trade. A striking fact and an enemy ad-, mission place the economic position as between "Great Britain and.,Germany, her principal enemy, in a nutshelL The fact referred to, as stated by The British Export Gazette, is that during the tease years of • war, 1915 and .1910, the trade volume •• of the United Kingdom ernounted to the stu- pendous total of , a2,883,k4,00Q, or £131,667,000 in excess of that of the last two yeas • of peace, 1912 and. 191$. The enemy admission was rnade ,by the German Imperial 'Treasurer, Dr. Helfferich, in the course of the re- -cent debate in the Reichstag, and was to the effect that since the weer began at lutn defiantly, ' ' Germany. had lest a- foreigntrade! ateath them to the. brilliant, heated . , ' ' ' valued' at El 1.50 000 000 Dr Hein's- - At That moment the Vancretruclenia ballerobenelheY had' just. iaft•---- • rich s •specific statement thus.confirms the Music for the cotillioa, and the As the curtained door swung behind: in a remarkable manner our own en0. mass of colors shifted in 'dazzling them'Jasper Vermont, alias Mephis, 'cleat eatiinette that " Germany's lost( movement, as, amid the rustle of silks tbpheles-his Benda' costume now tradeapproximated S1,000,000,000. and the ripple ofelasighter, the dance changed to ordinary evening dress, and The contrast between the British arid commenced, ; . covered with • et Icing black domino, German figures is etaiking and •signi- Adfien was engaged to Lady Con- similar to that which Ada 'had donned stance'-- for it; but in the height of his (shot a sharp glance after them; •ficant, On •the one heed we are ?m- anger he had forgotten the act.,then with a enlister smile, he left the "Ada!' be exc)agned in a low *eke.room by another exit; and made his full of supressed indignation. "What way into the grounds.' Keeping well is the meaning of this intrusion?". within the shadow Of the trees and You'Ve no business hada"- shrubs; he crouched down, directly "No, business bete! 'Oh, haven't under the terrace where Adder' had I?" she answered harshly, her bosom led Constance; here, motionless and heaving, and her 'bejewelled hand ecargely ieeeething, he 'listened with clenching. ‘, • • , eager. ears. "No," he 'continued; standing In 'It is hot," said Constance,•renior- front of her- so that she should not be ing her mask, and letting the wrap fall - seen by the dancers. "You know that back from her shoulders.. ' • as well as I do. How did you come?" , ' All the more.reason you. should be toneage, actually Increased its trade "On my les." retorted the lady de. careful," add, Adrian, replacing it total to the no mean extent of flair thoritatively told that Germany's. come memo has 'suffered to the extent of £1,150,000,000; ' the other, ehand, Great Britain's commerce has, spite, of the fact that •so large:a proportion Of the manhood of the: country are fighting in the cause of the world's freedom; in spite, too, of the ruthless efforts of -Germany to destroy 'British - shipping- end cdpale our trade; in - spite of th.e higle freights. and scarce ey're good for sornee gently.' , • •• • • 07,000. • a• " • , ant...toe about ari eighth eee tinge - -Ahdadhea-Vf the -great advanteathingeeelse•hessdee danding, your . :She smilede as sae gazed uis att him, • - , - - - • ,,.. ae inetatehich and cut into pieces•aboat ages of such a lecnie system is a ' se foal: 'or Eve inches square. •: Wet elle' you on write your ameasurements in, , edges of the 'pest°. all .around, pat 'a I (Me standard way--aile way you find ._ Piece oa cooked. sausagein the irsiddlee,,,beet. If you prefer to measure some-, roll thee -Mete all round it pressing the thing by the. cupful, half -cupful, and ezuls tbgether, and prick the top. Put so on, -It will save much fussing and an a greased tin, 'Vale- ,iii aliht-daiiiirti-Asibleethifusioulf you enter all Your for twenty minutes and serve hot. - Plain Onie ta-One ounce of corda l s archeetwoee gs-three-quaeterza tea -- Naha, Of milk, one-half teaspoonful e. •of pepper aria made mestarclaone tea - 'recipes in the standard Way. • Or if you likeato,Weigh eyerythiag,e••which is the absolutely accurate method; al- though it takes moi time than any other -eater all your erecipes in this manner • • spoonful ef .salt, oxte-half to one ounce 'Here-sia, a staeaerd table showing • f liaCtee or lard: Separate the yolks hew you can tiansfer one measuternent rent the, whites of the eggs. Beat front another. Paste this one a tetel , up 'Mg voiles in a Small basal. • Add and hang it osier year:Work-table in -palate of salt eto the Whites and beat. haze vary, stiff froth: Blenca the Corea. The. l'.4•61.1en: starch with a little of • the milk:to a Table, of ,,Correspendinga Weights and _stitotilift.ergem.- „„Stir*in the rest of 1 • Measures tae and the ' d the seaa n oneapoond----Two cup-fule -iffy Notling, Stir in ,the Whitei-etthe eggs_ liquid, tWo :cupfuls, of butter, two 'cup- witla a whipk, mixingewelle. Putetbe butteraato the omelet pan, allow it to, ,get hot, thee pour in the omelet'. Cook • - the enielet as ustial,. but before Wm- ing put in the 'broiler under the theatre, Adtien. You're en unfed- ' "",You look very tired," she said What fereat: Britaie ' Ras . Accelm- ing brute to speak to me like that; softly. .- "This ball habeena stiairi ' plished.: e , after the way 'you've treated- nie. Do on you his it not?" • : . ' ' ' you think I'm going to be thrown aside • "Nei more than usual" he return- Moab; by moeth, the *British com- like 'a Worn -but glove, just because ed. , 'At any rate, it will be my last 'menial -positien, judged by the of, you want to marry that grandtwell of for some time to come." fielal realness, steadily improves.' '' It is a cousin." . •. ,."Your lista' she erehoed, looking up true that, as the bite President 'of the "Silence!" old Adrien in .a tense' • at him. with wide, startted . eyee. Board --of -Treile receetly admit e , whisper, and grasping her anti almost I "What do yea mean,,Adriena savagely.e . "Keep your mask on, and' ".I am gomg away after to -night," '•'er ' German' submatines have sunk 2,260,- , A_ an enay.well be pris.udaiancl an ua-. come with me. if you are deseeeeeede he said hoarsely; for the sight: of h 000 tons of Bi.atish. shipping. it, is true • ' a ' challengeable proof that ' thj flag that i wiii. not answer for the consequ-•: beauty .was goading him almost to that 'the high prices of foedetaffs in _ • • , ences." I ' • y • th IT 't d K' ' 1 d th ' d e ni e mg( one an e or ers • • land the breeze" still flies sereneay on bas braveda thousand Year ehe battle ' despair She rose sullenly but abashed. leye "Going :away!" she hardly breathed for the regulation of food Consume,. the ocean ratites of thee:world. s the words; her fa.ce had -paled ars the doll suggest -mina trdeble a•thare is - 1111110 '-• /cloy ot4z t• • ••• si 4:91 tr4 „ 414 , - The Peerless Perfection Fence es veer etork and thor eteY talon, rest out Mom Tleo fence t ectvett you for all time, Court met. rag or break dorm /Ragas Dor weather. Each Joint Demurely held with Oro ,Peortga• lock. parte heavily_ collvantred. t.110, etroottert. =lost rvicealalo fenco mcdo arta lealligtiorattop4 FOR CATALOG of ou Amen of telacloR fact.Ramas, neuter. pares, react Leder, 1417011, 14,0147" meta. oCoociaatal foocipf ago,' E,^p tLo Vaudois Ma ata row local dcalara. Agent. loralatod ‘lo open torptc7. THE RANww...141oxtz 'FARE FENCE COMFARY.Ltd. Winnipeg. Manitoba • Hamilton. Ontario ;0 I •4-• BREAD DIG,"wholesgme, nutritious" loaves, ,of delicious nut -like • flayour, downy light- , ness and excellent 'keeping qualities! inne osas FLoina For Breads -Cakes -Pwidings-Pa.stitieS" ward. They are details, tOoealust case - not be queetiorrect orvontrovertedeand la so far as they coneern ... Great Britain% shipments to such • neutral countries as the Argentine, Brazil, _ e , China, ancla_above ' all, the United A British aviator who has been fly- • States; they ea:nnot • even be „cadged ing eill: Frotneeesinceathe- beginnizig•Of trans- the viar told Popular 'Mechanic's the ' .evith being concerned with the story .Of ineetieg a shell from a Ger- pett Of, munitions of vier. or einilitery What man seventeen -inch gun while he waa materials of any desctione Is tfue of these particular nearkets is in the air; e ' also to a very large extent, applicable I was at. an altitud.a.- of about 'six. to British trade evitir others aleo, both thousand feet ono day, and climbing Allied. and neutral.: The increase - of .higher at •an easy -Ingle; when one of • nearly: £20,000,000 in ''the -exports of those „big fellows. almost at the end cotton epitee-goods from ; the 'United of its' long flight, mine ' ploughing Kingdom. during, the ,first•ten months along in the oppoeite direction, First, of last year, as compared with the a dark little 'blur appeared ahead at an voluthe oa_this_ trade , in the _corre.. angle , of about thirtyefiee • degrees speeding, period Of lal,5i 'alma by 'aboete- me; At flrateit eeemea to be • any -stretch of imagindtioneele-_asso- •tioraing at erse,and"I swerved to 'the _ a;rieft;iii air instinctiVe"-eNeit to dodge - 'dated, with. thea War, 'PartlettlarlY. - . the bulk Went . to Smith , Aznetica •theAteatatied Mew. Then, 'a Scat of ' '•.- Chia; India,. the Dutch -East , Indies: - droning hum _became audible, and that. sound increased ',dating- -.the ',.two-. ore 1 and the United States. The. same ap- plies to the £7,4)09,000 increase for the three seconds that elapsed before the sante period in woollen and Worsted' big iniasile same 'up to me and swept' tAesuee, • and to 'smaller increases hi past. I Was probabljr several • huna . many-eihee cheeses. of i enateufactured dred y.arda away at its nearest, but goods. .It is a record of Whieh Eng.: the diatance seemed less, A. few faint itirriegs of ale began ' '''''•"' to rock rny. machine, even before the Shell went by, but 'the. full force of the. "air .Wash" came a fractid f ii. o a, -- second later. . Then' an almost solid wall Of air nearly threw me on my • beam ends aild I *as really, hard put • •MEETS A. SHELL FACE TO-FACE1 Thrilling, Adventure of a , British, • Aviator in France. 4 his Unusual vehemence, for never 'yet I: 4, $till Greater Industrial Future. • had she seen . him moved •from his moonlight, till it looked almost int- really the case; it ie true, too, that • a . . . , Polite calm; and opening the door.ae ear y. " yr '' , the end of the r,00m, he led her away 1 • .... , : , (To be. continued_ ' . - What of the futuie-ef the year • or tavisirsievtN • upon which we bave just ' entered? The lee:paha before us :Will .doubtless to it to getifeehrel;riteselrinnokgre intwhaelictterieikeitlibmatilIckee from' the brilliant ball -room. • • 1•• ' - a. ••• . • • "NeWar he said as he closed •the WHAT MADE SALT LAKE -SALT. wake of a side -wheeler, -Of chopped door and removed the paste from his!' ' ea-- .., a • be :strenuoge, and ine some quarters to pieces, -and the machine 'rocked like : face. • 'What aoes this mean? There Bow Expert Geologists Explain the they May net he untinged. with anx- springleasemetor lorry going over is...son) thing_instre-im-your_presencal ......._ ....._--C-Itan In-ita - e a a _ - - iety; but all, intatione clearly 'ecant a -great .deal of Great Britain's increas- ing: trade le. in respect of ,irriports . of war inaterittlA. and raw products for their nataufaetere ended' eeports to ur Allees. of ,similar metchandise; but rrOtie• .of these moderating influences 'reaTif affea afie main taat that Where:. marry or toteit cah -be nothing to yon. There; was •a time when the :area as ,Germany has completely loat eeeeY than I can understand Whether ge . to Great . Britain . cOmpercial gress in. every niarket open to hea ane ' hsciamd eipsiedeenIndestahfAtteath'siolosanio.hatird'aeetetne P.r0:-; cobbles. ...The air was disturbed tot • Ada; you have' the money which -is all; lake• in Utah,' ' StateS Wee' fi•actitni of her Overseaeatradaelieept iterprise; to elle steadae. realiotiorieef h This eie th belief of the exe 'the aineent'that Is •• done by ieloter iaistereIniaerietl' trade relations; theee cupfuls of other meal ten •metle you care for." - • e . • . ' • retee. . • . e . to eatth. • gas iJnited ieee sized:eggs.. , "No 1 liven'te she retorted loudly,. pert fuls of. sugere fear cupfala of flour, ' In one ounce -One tablespoonful ok "and you Iniow it!". • He held. up. his hand with a -gesture say gedogistseef-the -country. They-, OtOalth , through neutral Coutitaies, a t first lake. aluch occ'upiect Geeat Brawn ie steadily ineeeee4ge doe through her vaetly augumente • -+ aid, Above Oh to the quiet preparad-a r •bs:;pt.MindedneSS• jeta dad: a eecond• te, set slightly, as butter, ' one heaping' tablespoonful f liquid, . one heaping tablespoonful Of of contemptuous Commazal, this asin.appears o a% e been res . hers, and, judging. by all the indica,- I insteStrtal equipment for a full pada. • • " cipation in that .longed-fot gerf°d' is. stud bat Mr Birrell, th I t . Able heaPs it from fa.laing flat. Seive' °lard,- one heap' t f I ° "SPeak cmietly, if you can,' ela, The climate seems to have changed Urals available, will continue Jo': in- e‘hei tae fseed from the h e- s:aeon:et ou le eery hot dish. If the sugar, two hea,ping tablespoonfuls of I • or I leave ezeu at once. Do.you from, rela rvel h mid to ar d. arld s it. Bi sash taacle eel P"etical- I roes of a war of which no market has Irish Secretary, is the t labeseante-. mg a espoon u of the nto tell me you have not received climate allows much evaporation and ely (were- market in the World except ea...felt_ the deateesing or disturbing ,minded man alive- likeeeimohs corms -Noll is omitted froin thierecipe cciffde; 'two heaping' table -A " poo uls of e deeds?"h t climatic change.the °vaporise of eourse, enemy eountries isideede will Five itself. over to a come mote umbrellas than there are.days hi tam from the lake'took out more wa. rapidly . ituereasing. Allied coun- efretti, -- ..ee_ e las lost_ -11 will 'mplire three' eggs • instead of flOur, two heaping tablespoonfuls a two mg' so the addition is a very de- powdeeed sugar. . oided eaaesomy -these tinies.evhen eggs - In oats pint ---One pound, of any are aside arohibited Iuxuiie'. liqui, two "cupfuls of any; *ride four -d--641:41-of-an-5,4kraid-i-siit-tp,-tabket,PcKm .2 --aerneteaelz, one pint .of teak, one-half fells of , • ' , "I do," she replied sulkily. "It ain't no use your carrying it off in this high -banded e way,. because ...1...ain!.tgca ing to be deceived by it! You promised me •that ou'd' make me an .allowance of a t ousan a year, an giye tub t e theatre -eelinir you:- left me:- • -1Voll, m • • i h h • th • • , • .beforp_. boe_n roullied.. • it theas Ileiteadia ecentler went out to aeluneaeeee- " ev.ater eizaparated and the leeel-efethe than double What; taey.eeere awe ysiars 1,40 80 :2110C11 .durinix elie War, f desperately .eleeeelsieg. a brand • neW lake towered the Mineral Matter wItieht.ago; to .neutr.allcountdee. 'Europe i edelflien (*tut ercsa expans on such as. as never e year. ter than was given beck to it As the .tries in Eueope our exports are •more isaheld-ainasolutioneWaseeleft abehindei-they heve adveneeil deetee,atbe keine et what he it not capable when the um,bTorhotlziatiee'r_ Tnrox.10: . -Sult-was.Aitio....0C..the....01-botsoucei,,,,leal,trig,I. by 45 bpi, i•i•tit.; to India. end eon .let• 1" ht ,•end ? Uotupctition oitoccrOt butter feur ounces.. of grated • AP old- ashioned saying, a pint s a . • • • r • Illere will 'be keen .<1 St re Ut : . ' ' v. seereeeteft. right eeee ge , ut. _Dee seltinese increased and the' lake other Britedh Asia ay 2o per cent. ovee . n ous, b 1 ed. I hoz eowed it. Ana dee aireeee; salt7 'AVM' eirb n-Yab a,: an w ere% the monee7 l'hat's what -became a sal a . • I e amoirie ("7-ar-Tgilei o. araat ara be •Irvtrni'etttref':,,,It'tiz.iieiti fictpriv: z and, made.mustard. ' the e After the arid Climate caste a pe- Japan by 44 per cent.; to 'British Af. often helps on in quickly deteimining want to know." • . . . s 3 now, handicapped in their aneehanded suggested, • ' :a Hama a cream . Bring the rest of „,__ Adrien looking dowit. upon her with • ' t •Afri • b,• 40 • vortuittli. With...A little ot the milk to aerect raeaearements. , "1 gaee the deed, to Jas -per," said lied of huteidity. The flt Pccaodedlrica by .26 per cent., to, Ege pt hY , 4, contest with their great neutral corn- ,"Get the %visitor to hold it•for yotea the milk to the boil and stir' the core- . ' HoW To DIkTlitngs. I gisteaste, ild vaguely IV g- arcil Attu a... Add the caller Ingtedi- ,' A few. strops of' di of lavender Id ever have endured soch. a wo.• length overflowed. An • outlet wasiper, cent.; to . 13.1 sash th America I Z;an near him. ' found. through the ,Snake River to ehei bee 37 pea cent.; to Argentina by 27 'geode and:Beitiih industry; enterpriee; ."1-fave 'eta pat it its the safe' • ' onderin hoW e • • .• ••r . peators, The world wants- British -another velunteered. : Roil:for ten minute',. stirring .poured into a glass of %-vm.17 hot Water and peteeVerance be fully equal third' advised . an Cita • tittle 4 POUr into: a evell-but- Will purify the air of a room all:neat You gaveit to elastier, did, you ?, but the contimial inflow of • pet cent.. to I3eazil bv 30. per (Teta te . • , -.• . . ' • ' to the task of supplying all that IS :re- Mr, iitrrell ignored them all. .„ eaid Ada, 'pulling or rather tugging off fref!h water and ontflow of elee,dilutedittze tenited atAt es y een .; Columbia, when the..,_.paramitioue -, lumen tt, placed the, umbrella ani the Hoer eaa , .. teredepteedislieeentleaake_ iiii .Y.o....ry_l_Igiy... * gotly_friont.40jakint elefae-and is rhereamaslc-viciously,. as id)e--fipoliei4-,wAter:,_..accordittg,.._to__ProfeaaQr ,,,,e ans. id to I, AtkEtralla and Neeesealapaland be eauked --7 --"---- 7 all'iereeeetoyetercretanited- Kingdotn-"--tereputetede-tioth-feet ellernly- 'epee it , to even bit it nice brown on the top, or especially .refreshing•in a sia-rOOM . j"IIang me if I didn't think se: alt the buryaresulted in the lake beconeing : 2•1 per vent: Le '---: . ' ' prove boa' fully - competent' her re- stile hilarieus delight of his 'friends. hrowitil)clurc the Ste. ' Thes IS, •a '' If a little s sage is left over from I time! ' she evelahned with a ' stiddee fresh again. The explieded lake of • Tjer conemerciel . aaissinph. its • the sources ;are to e,ope With. all the, de- Then, when lie had finished his' a-refielideillifige-And aapleat.leinge dish:aryl., breathiest; it will ---,add :flavor if ',broken 4chngt-of-taeticse - "-That, qTasnef q....-a4ormer,thries,Zin..thii...basiu . is known .. _ ( World'sealarketea-, •- • • l'inandt that will be' thadt• upon liCrr ill= • Itariatetere,--. heeeei-alkera.uehae"-or lin- One. nhjill. alIP0a1S. to MOO.. . - _ . 11p. line. and mixed...with. :the bread- thief .... 1 he_aad :You _ TY sealeitdnmg as Lake Bonneville, which wee. 17,000 - ae-Anothec method of using coenstarclele.aumbe .. to pat ott-tep' or baked, mac-; taint thope de le, and asper .to tisipartkmiles in -area. , . , , W4.,.• have purposely:- gone sio fay litto daetrieueise e . ., . , • -., 4.-: .. • • - - - - . 1 • is in tile preparation' or reheating. of Anna er scalloped potatoes or baked letigetert • . . • . gmoro e that you wouldn't Wh th • th t' t • e el a s lue ca , Again the climate became ari'd, sin- detail becauee these percentages of . ' • ' . a-. - *ea. _ _ Great Britain's inereasieg trade, bas- , • . • • _.„..veteT,hiett, onions, cauliflowers, arta- beans, • eat -net- --aleaveneonly knowse--• aetapetheetil_th faee of the lake k below e sur , I.., oven the eiru;111 ream j„,rot.d.per.. . : New Crate For leoultre: ' elsokeele earretsa turnips, almost anya • If you eee fond Of, Durhpkin. Dies 'an& a had one, an' he's sold inc. Ilea its outlet end the.. water grew more. .hees theemoet F-triking reV elation Of Of course men •era eat "vain, .b"Ut laor • siiiiiping Doulfry 4-4; crate • has. • • thinge c eked as. Mud then put in a haee no_ ptimpkins have_yetacver tried got the coin, and, VII split on .him, eel and more saline. Gradually Lake lailatand's eoMmeiaial sul:r -eltuteV, iust :tell a anae of • 50 that he doesn't invented that° folds a -quarter 'oe substitutieg careAs? e Cook .aftd, pte- threatened, No, it's no use 'our try, eBonnevelle • beeenie so reduced that it even in the , Male(' of the greatest 1,ar lose: oVer .130, 'and watab the itS eatendeit :flier when' orripty.• for • lireproll . dish •covered with cheese URIC°, itAd. baked in a tack _OOP_ for • ten minntes mak.-' a •ddicioue taialeer• • • diets. , . . ' Which is the !eater. • ma e o V0U, yo o lit e een so mi „„ him.r.pw_teipyou_a_thfrm_or___....ie N..,.ter became saturated with salt . • cheerio.. .sauce_one -and, a 'hale, Don't fret Itorause vote lice-n't-the4Vadr-te. y .thitige two ste wi.11. °yen your eyes a bit wider and gr°at' quaPtitfo of 841t 4Wei:e de" ouneett 'cornstarch, one pint oa milk; time to „keep a Variety:of fe;ie e ' . than they are how. . I'll---" . , aerated. ,one eunte aiuttera three ounce- oe baked up. The healtb of your faxen • e "Be (pieta' said Adrien. "Not an.. . gt need cheese, cne-half t blespoon, wilt be far 'better if you give th Y ' ,Plire them the same tts, you woula the in to. make me bush up) I will speak enly tovered 2,000 square :Miles an of 'any time, that -coati! .1.se jest foral - . -------- . oneenienca heettlineare. • 111 PuniPkin, and eyoull /Ind et -heal ea-eeli 4 01.1t. .1'11...S1.10W-4,011 _what a fo81 h.,,Os told and was ohly fifteen feet . tleep. . • iimedemmianielmilmeamemWkieskeraeiewevite*mitumesole4. A Base Deceiver. °III other word-thbre is some, mistake. Cot Of attit'Allti pepper and a • ew grains plesity of well-prepared plain foods, of cayeune pepper. Mix the corn. suck ;se vegetablesaMeate, eggs, bad eetti eh Vitas1 little of .the milk to t nd batter, and, 'fresh •fruit or .sauce .4,100111 eream. • 1,3ring tho„ rest 6•E tier dessert. Jasper has forgotten, or has.szazie rem - -wke pruro,"' exelajied 1th old son for rot giving it to eou. He -shall friend, "are you going 1Q' be remake explain clireetly I 011 reach toWn. You next week? You are a +are de.ceiver. shall have the Money rind the tbeatre,..we..; i„, , e cs 1.1:4 ou so 011 ,t ea tuxes uge) th t U• la I I . +wee 1,..someeaverreue......enomemeewee. never brokee /Ili? evt;r.yet. ' Now you, that, ylou ‘iour with a tenet!were booked for a pOrsonally • 1 • e must go.. Every mhment you stay hr.. tetana-y(1 ...se cc creases your daager, My father is PartY." old-fasbioned perhaps, -but he Would . "Ares, dear?" answ.cred Grae:e; smil. regard this as the greatest insult,' and ing sweetly; "but aack is the person. Would punish it severely. You are eo fool, Ada. How could you have done aeleieeeeePeter'• end I'm the'81"11/ select such a • thing? -Hush! tlip on. that ''"'""•;`'• -•-' e•• ' :. •doMind." He pointed to a blade mas- que cloak, and rang ' thebeela '"Get. An °twee of Prevention. away as quickly as:possible," h- Went . on as, now- thoroughly subdued, she For the third Vitae in one afternoon put on the cloak. "You shall hove the the lady found her new maid . fast tilmtoy, I swear it." asleep in the kitchen easy -chair. ' erOn-the servant entering, he hastily "Wha't, asleep again?" she said gave direetions for hey to be (blears to "When I engaged You, you said • you° ' the station; tiles without, another rere never tired." • • ..,A. word to her, 'he r urned to the ball- . ux know I did.; the meal answered, room, jusC as hie 'ether's voice was !lord itquiring for "bat I ehould be if I didn't deep." a "Ah; there you. are, my boy.; x .The largeat settlement in Greenlana wondered )f anything bad gone wroqg4 has a population of less than WC The' volume of applicattons for new insurance during 101(3 was by far the Greatest in the : ' Ilistory of the Companyi That is the best evidence of public esteem. . . ., Lot us nowt you tome trees Iduturanet• tams arilOWN • LIFO: INSURANCE CO., TORONTO ase&ttei wanted in ureropreeented clistribtat • 41. eeleOPOIcerele 4;.1 • 2 ana 5 b. Carton!-.'. 30, 20, 50 and 100 ilhattgis. • "Recipath" stands, for sugar quality that is the restdeof modern equipment and methods, backed by : 60 years expdrience and a determination to produce• nothing unworthy of the name 'EMPATil". ."Let Recipath Stoceien )14aile in one grade the highest.