HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-03-01, Page 2A-�� .,r- , �' - ­ ­ - -',-r I .1 ­ 1, Z`Z . .- .­ - -. � , I . I . . I 1. . '11-- .'', ­ I -- 0, r , , -� I I I I I � --- .- ­ IWO - , w -- ­- - � - . - ­7-�--77 �­-­- -, � ". '. ­— —­��—­­­ - ­­­­�. --�- - , ­ --,-- � . ;� ;-�­��­-T- -­ -, - : : ---- , - ---,- ­ - .--- ­ � � - - -.-- ;Z � - ­ .. .. . 0 a - .— I r*A'XINP AND NUVfRAL0 Is 4u6j, 04 Wr , tIdnks, to I - , , . .. An Editor Talks sum* mWeles, an4. first of all to the � , 1. , . 1 . I I . . sy chas. U. 5104� Denver, Colo. 8WH " bwolsm of solgi-aw. 111ep,vt be I � I � . fl, *`4110 I,*, ,, I—- -VLA,%--� ­­ . _I 01, ana,a"—uf LIP *%^ M AURD A wolk"a 10mau 1+0 �.MA at.-I'All.+ of 0,0 I. -- i. I I I � F -- ­­ ­­-- ­ �.. 7=. .. �­ ­ � . �.. -- Tha rapant atmai I W W �, ., - , I ­ . ­­ I . 11 ­ . . , ­ . � -1 - I—— - P ­­ —.V,% ,".,p A�vp AtWAV -- — — '. . I i0A proftiftato or t1w 4two III this' and k be to study 47Q ;rAig', 941"r 01 14 Insane i4tvatiop to I V), guys"WIVIU110 h4voia deftuder" oen. Lwan, xemaiu I 11 11---V-- "I "I .- I . I � I ;. I 0 9" , Wcudo the ports of the allies, Bud . I -forever imperishable - halted the i2s , . AN - 11 wee4ra world u well an in the Old trr. He "" )Yen impirod by a =ls- -- I . �Aa , I . , Wwl4L Now York and other largo � ' - to starve Great Britain 6y destroying Isor's bord" for ton days, 4aya of *. W -M - � - PIW * I �. sionary apkIt and resolved that he VIS VRA�,T, THIK NOVELIST, K* . ­.416"� . I 7., .. I ,. .k�- 1, o eftwe *99rd many examples 'Of their' i must to lln'to the darkest part of this indiscriminately the commerce of the LO incalculable value, to the Allies. what - �\, .- � . ­ .01 ; world, is, only,wUt might b*vv been ,IrALK�q ... P; I .,- T oe b"Onunt poww"W of Valuable pro- q world 944 make his - self-denial, say- , To A"p,RIC,ANg, ,, breathing space, short though it was, ,� '- ,--. ­ . . I I . I .1 � a- -;, I .�� - -, I Porties, wW even Toro -ate is no uuim- ing, 941 must change the blook pgrtef expected from a =an dead to *11 sense . . enabled France to, mobilize witth some . %. . 0 . . . . . . . . . ....... ....... "I'll . 0 , . � . I I I . - -, , � , I portont Jewish corktro, for QUOSR eartWa geography Bud draw lluou on of humill-Jeeling And responsibility. . � . I . digrev of completeness and England , , Clev Up the 11'arive with the liquid may ber.throol � . I . � so,, , - . . � into its , .: I _ It is In. koe#;W with GorMAU 1110thOdsp C grainj or the material may 1V ourea I I Street West and several lessor street$ It Bull, throw light into- it. I must go ,elloidered the F inoot Article That bad time to gather and throw across � Onat of the'worst neglected things. If *% I eathe thotif . the sea that w I b A. .A hither disguised tinder falee � ondertal little- ormy on . ar being bought up largely* by Jewo, Into tho deepest jungles of , 'the farm, ag a role, is the barnes& Into a short section -of, pipe P 08ged, .. .. . . � Montreal is even more numerously in- is'm and offer my life for my fellow col0s. Tbg 16U, of protence. and Um Been Writtih About 'wbich will,vver be known In history It% not nocessary.,tQ havo the metal at one end And perforated 41010 me . . , , 11 11 I ' . as d; I I 1plildo Xday , . ; I I . - The First Hundred Thousand.' side. - The carbon b1su I babitod by thm ond much property men," Wag that 'Upt self-deuls.11# Vaud has, been reiao;ved at last, and ,. tbo,w4ir. Parts shining -as brightly as if the I i -- � U being secured ,py them. Out, -of the , the world now sees the real cussed- ' . . , &;ISO bo Sprayed over the grain ,.Ylth a T-�. I I . knowing well what he had- to-- . . Xhe First Hundred - ,harness belonged to g carriage team, 1 -Uee? - � Tboltsand� :64veT ----W.--, ­­­­­,­­- - --­­-Ift., I . ,@Vqr,. Sue an expod . -17 . it" " . 't e Says, %VaS 511W -­ urtw-*li� �-iijffo- - pump -a4a=ll-oponi�y;-ilv.tbo-��-----�,-,- ­­ �- latest *yide!nees'4:t their advancement Nothing selfish about that lCeSOlUtIOU, nese $014, innate dopr4vity tb* .411 ­-Lo�-J'i-jb4o, the *W,Uii6*ii1 a . ,$ 1 . fa b��Omdrlttr I u'of a 1, . . � sliov" ,�Ihrough . 1, � -..; and ext,ension. of influence is shown in It is sak 09 per cent. of all youthful aloft have marked every, move , -of istp has "Written All *rticle entitled 'tIonlary force soiat out ,before, =.Mnow and tbori, ta,i6teat tbom fro,% s1de of the bib, The fQrWA,qO .� I . ­, the election In both IdaUo and Utah ambitious are sikturatoj with: selfigh- the Hohepzollerias since the war be- "Why the Allies Cannot Bargain for nation. rusting and to remove the dross from - go's I which is beavior than alrand -sot-, . I . � I ,no. , 4 , 011icers and men,. tUs down through the gr4ia� killo all . . . I I rise , "I � . of a, Jew for Governor. This Is the mos. It true, here w*x a fertile o"Is 0 at" Which an eAtIlVaiastiv cor- equipment, commissariat and aiu�u-� thtmo aUd the leather should .,�e kept - " . , 1. I .1 . . the �.w6evjls ,,vithin 36 hours, , firAt`fi;A&t1go of a J�w belulp GoVernot in, tbe desert -g bit of,heaven to. fihi , The duplicity sand deceit inherent in ,respondent of the New York Trib.un� laywo, it Nyas i t - soft tind, pliable by occaslengl- plegn. . . , 11 . of a* i6tsiteon this continent. , " a man absolutely, s , ,� the real Qeri4aa character is n9t 41f- ,belleveito, be the fluost acomparably superior o . � . � 1 .. . I ., . . I . I . . ,:" urrendering his article 'that any'similar, unit of the higWy trained Ing, And olAin' When , Collars are Advise Gr 'Alf k� . I " I 9. . Owing - Wit, , �'. I I . - i 'L .. and G; . fow in this last ,drastic move' his been -�writ ou he a I , ishoulOrs" ' ' � I .* * f * �4,- 1 . young life to a'divine principle, I uu -ab t t war, - ad rman army. "It has gone forever.. kpVt' Clen -and soft sore �2 I . I . � ,., . * * * * than f6imerly, only the -disguise,bas I w 0 C U mucli t . Alfalfa leaves- the land ri4her In ti . � - , ' . I . hich- ought, to, be, In hip opinion, sent Those pickdd men of Britain are dead,, rar 1Y - 2. se . rouble, - , 6 ­ ­ I � "I I These two men have bad a : some- Da�la, I4,vi been.removed, and n1l attempts. *9 I . . . -UP harness, the first thing 6rgarilc matter and- nitrogen Villa Jw- . I . � what similar careet. -They both.vere a6tone, entorod roso- . P every .American -politician fro -m but pobly� thq served'their purpose 14 fixillft , I . I . - . . . , I . resideoft of Missouri And both wore lutely upon his chosen Career, follow- Cover, up hiave, been abandoned. I , prollidout Wilson down to order that during the-,retrout, froni Mo . ns� and up to do 'is. to remove. � the dirt. . The fore it, wab. grown, Orgaftie i4after p-.- 1, � .. .. .. I I I - , a) an(T actually only the flickering Ofth6 they may un4erptaud the- issues of the to the hout When the German million's, worse* of this cii be, -repigved with a a .. nitrog,on are two',thlippra VOry ," I , . I ike rasny of their faith ad in int his, star and lils,14e � But it, ", ,nd � . , * exicag sh -of national - � , I . ev�ssary to ,,, I � I laid d4wu his life in the 'JuAgles 0J exilring & extinction str4gol,s'. 1, , a A . . halve. iii thq .soil � in order' 1, - . � Aeos­op�e in Chilli- . iwali ady . �ra brush and.,thi thor should bt I . . I I % . � the ,31 ' othing, busit e cy ayp, ,that he repre- -were compelled to d1i themselves In I I ri tile -lea . I 11 I Africa, and nowi1but-black -part ,of thst to ,urelto�4§me, indeed , S0htSL the sentiments of !D9 per cent dfUt, t fut� thorougilli to grow good Oroo.s'- In COAW,06118 . I � � ,hey would mal in their g4p' on . vIgAned with,, amp. aiia wa- . . � - tQtbo, the'otber.in Pleasant Hill, Gov- s' almost 'here.. Germany' 4reaft the. tb­-'i�rltjf5h people When '' , � I toi4. Vowing org4nie viatter audi bitw. I , - . , I , ernor Moves Alexander of Naho was" the, world's'geograptly ba Itallues, on e . he asserts the fair funds the ?. After the leath r'bas dried-, it .JNaln-1 I. . I � . y had xa,40be1%, And 0 , rogen. are, m a4 ; � .. L 11 I . . - ChUl19( � - to- thla there. has been . . � 'ja,K five, ' , - '' .1 w . A go on. until' Qer'-� from .'tb;kt d47 I ad the ligit, .is all;06QdIng it *-�- fate that awalts'bir, soldiery.� when that the war mur should be 'weil biled', V-1th. 06me . good ted.. It hao'been found- ' - � . 'I - , 'harness, grease or til, tb4t.in continuous grAln-growi . I I 11 ,� - , ;� cl,ork in a store At Itba­:A�A it 11, E gi4nam two, wilions, of ., bravos �Mauy Is beatexi to her �kneep. The. Al- little Teal cliang ' - , I � *fterwatds becaroe partner, then ow& jungles aro'beltig cloarc�'lip and"14. n I - Ther oil should I -1 . . . . - , � - - 9 injbA A . � nd , are., -lies . ' lajv�llitary Situ 1,x 0 tko, t 0 11 .. , I .0v . , be wel ,pbbed into b tim Is ]R W ,' er. He went to Idaho for'bis hoalth, sttad ar6lo be seen autgnigbiles; clec- Vrone iatif0ed' upon simply lau9b,',2,,%1L Gl�im�n.. peace- UQu," The' novelist'say.i there is �� A . I I I .)a 1��ather. - Keep , m. as'mudh *nitrftQn, a i,o. -, - . , . I ., . h ioll. for the gfund final a$' overt'Ores, an I u ainess clean, and the leatb6i use,, is lost from� the -soil. TjWtoij � 0. � - went into the clothing businessi got to ,trio liglits,* villages, tqwnsi. schools, d he says that bad it not general bellef'smong military experts 'YO r h - - . I . � I , I ­ . � a ks twice, Churches, colleges . sault. It was expoeted that she would been ou_t of respect to the neutral na-' that the,' and . avoid sore shoulders this ,also a, rapid,loss of the orgautcaa� .. 11� I . war will be decl 4 along the soft, - .. wn a 4skilf or stores, . W4 1 hrietiaulty. , Wherev&. Living- know$ no IaNv, cap 46 , . . .. ' When agrasi crop or A 1091111le - - . 11 44 � r 1� ,Xayor of Boise and was'such a good And C . , civ"'zaklon, aye, do soniiething. drastic, for nicesOfy tions Germany's alleged peace offer 400miles-of.Wdstorafrout. Export. spring, . . � ter., - 11 I . . I I the people, elected him Ft -ed in heathen- darknes " ally with Ger- � - � . � ---- . . 7 Crop is.grown, orga6ic matter W Added " ' . � i Xayor - tlipt one Walk 8 he . eci, KIT qi1ent enced soldiers. pay little.att . I I . . , , " . � . � . �' - . . , majay. She began by an outrageou� "would have been treated w I . ention to . the ioil. The grasses dq Y.(ot add! -, - . 0*., Governor two yqavaago, and re-oleetod carried, the light and at last on his �ontempt Or have been dismi4sed,ih a the ebb and flow Of battle in the east� ffoiY to1011 Insecis ia'the . to I . - '- h1h . . act of erfidy'viien she invaded the . , I I 11 , I. Grain Bin, ' !umea e . . overnor Baraberger - and died for Mea I . p ' . . nitrogen but the legu . � -bi I , I , u I V him last Fall. 0 knees he fell &Nyn the neutral soil of Belgium, ' which,' she half a dozen curt' phrases' - by� 11le or among the Balkans,;Cor' natural. �, Carbon sulphide usod at tbe rate makes them.' more vg tahl the of Utah had a clothing store, in. Pleas- sake of -humanity, When in.London ' spokesmen of the. Allied. nations. In conditi9ris. will. forbid thq Central , . e I . , . I iif five t6.qlght pounds to 1,600 cubic grasses, A Wgume,,ao al , -pr4- ` �* � , I*, 1. ot'Hill and went, to Utah and became some years ago ive went to that Pan- hud,,-oworn to proteei; and ,he' has the couyse of. his article he deals ape.`PQWers In securing any. -Atal 6clsion . .1 . , 11 I Is' - kept .UP the pace- ever since with I ' , . feet of -space is rkomm�nded'for the *4uces more h4y, too, than W the - . - : I * I , . ib, the pacifists, � the 'final Uttle destruction ' . Ad.the alf#1 a ,.V� *�.as � 1,*� , . . a millionaire railroad. and mine owner. theon-of the dead-Westininster Ab 14- elflemly wit who, want there- Not only is i I k bey -where visitors stand creasing 4eceleration until -the final f all insecti in irrain.bing; ,grass crops, a fall . 11 Last Irairbe was, elected . Qovqihor by , johg at ' ' the war to end',,#nd have no dosireto. expected to take plate.op the , West- As o ' ' . . I I . , I I I I one tomb the. osie.'tba - tlimax of Submarine warfare upon - . thu chemlcal;is very. poisonous a higher. feeding valu� , the Progressives arid 0okuwaWwho � � t. holds. the to , consider the causps, of the ' A . the commerce' of thi-­�hole world. � ,, war,. and trrx front; the Britioh'people and the and, highly, inflammable. great dare -Alfalfa'will. improve the, lanit . an4-. . ' I � m ins of ti6 body of that young, ' ' ,British' armies are resolved that the I � . wanted an.bouest Governor wh6wo,uld .a , Con-. 'with those who belie4e that if the con�- .Must . I . ' td tho issue ' � . h )Ie �Xerclsedin bindlint it. The� at the game Clue produce moro.,food .1 ' ' . . . I I Ign * Prohibition Bill and jhjlk� the, oecrated Scotsman, David Llvingstoue�, I filet coWnues, it can end in notbill war a all be train bins -should be air tight and the, Tor livestock tIlan R�ly other '.,Cr�p � . 19, . I I I of the great world war, from the land . . - . I tate, CdDry.01 ' '- , . g last great battle, of tho* I I . 4 1 Besides being 4 : jqw This is the right life- self-4enial and, I but a stalemate. I . foqght and won thefe. Henrj� V, said I 1� . . . I QUO'S fellowmeh, D)r. M�y- to the soals�and purposes an. India;. . 4 1 . . I - groWn,-No' D I t * , , A e t I Governor Bapkberger to the first Gov- serY ce for . , I that as far as honor -was conderned 4tmperuture qboia 70 ,degrees. .Bur rth � ako a Vxpt m. A I . . � . . . . I i � criniffiate'aspault'.upou'all commerce, . - paii I� . lip sacks or c6tton .waste saturated Station' * . I I . , nof of Utah.AQt a Mormon. Bothof or$# recou4ting this story, says,. ",I I . � I Whiont for, CA . inals'. . . . -was- th' "i oot a it" . .� I . � . . . or I I I I not 'excepting oven � 'hospital "s' - I . . ,. � � he - e in mb lous.pian I 11 . I . I I . � � . . . . 1. - . . . , I lit whowsomer lessons think, maybe the ' in bips, or ��, . . 4 I � ost interest' . . - - - 1� . . . I Ing neutral vessels, i *.. , I : . The British people, he says, feel that alive"; and .the way ,he feltbefuee 1:: ' ' ' -7 . I . � I I I � , "7-: --- —, ==tln . . I . 'e% y be the " opte feel I ins tbAoe in pr " .� . to young en!15 ambition pverywhere �ILO'iieslths Angels listen to Ma . 'InfixilAi . ifito,the.causes of the Agincourt this BritiAl. pe fightling* ,chino of all tinW, 'Never. . - , � , , 0 and this in the lesson we areou0eavor- experiences. of David IAvinggtone * , onal law, has . always pro, it - rigid vnqmirk . . ay., . . . I � . . . I I ; . . " , . � lu vided for and permitted the blockade *or is, the, very essence, and arrow I I . . I . IT. ,� - I -GRFAT I.'. t I since Britain trtisiea the,1futpt,e',0J her ' - I - . . lilt. to teach . our younger .readeii. Africa. Is it "Otw6liderful. to be Ole I . .. . to -d I . . . FACING A' . � I . I - . i ­ I : Thoy were not affald of ' ork;: they to� entertain A.ngel4 whon.we get to I of an enemy's ports, search and seiz�. of the pe4eamegotiations thar musi The Coilitnon-stiuse'view.', A, . " - � . I - peoples and the destiny, of her Ein.,,� 1. . I � 1 gan life at V. . , himvon? .J t - out they ure, for the safety of passoligors and come some day. 191e speaks of the I iJIe*PP �S, as Tracy says, a common'. , pire to aggpessive steel on tho.-OLaters . � a the foot of -the, T&4'dqr, 11 I will, not be in. ' ' . so � . NATIONAL CRISIS has. her fleet been so great, 6 *,er- I . . � . noucomb4tan aq, ,6 ore jackpot philosophers 'ind other P ,ng at the war. It I . . I pwj - I L . and trose -to- the top, acquiri rielies, terestod. iii Uitaning to, most .of,us.19, . to, but this -w - of a Who se way of looki . I � . . . tatitral , I . . 0 . the ubmarine Was thought of. I 1. polsonod . "alinds of. the German GermanYudoulil not dialiver a knockout . . . . . I � ful ,as it is to-diy. ft Is the 46 . In , . the . . . I . . . . � . . . wl iind tbei re A , and Surely gueli, . - I - . . � I Empir6s I - unine 1onor .. spec I I ,oa. blogiaphy - as Living. ,. Is . . I . � . , Manifestlyr this cannot.be,done,,by people-and,--coutinues:, �"Wo: believe blow, in iniequal Combat With gn`irn�- - Vila are und& siege. X is ­ I . � . .� . . confidence, of their 1!0114Ws� and in stolle's shoUlif. entertain every boy and - � I I . . I . I . - I I I , * ubilia i4ei-boats as tllby� h4ve no that the crimingla'who prepared and trs.l�eil and unready antagonist',- HOW GREkJr BR&AIN- PREPARP,D `tU--GiMffidn iih�ytbat'-U blocK --1 -- '- ' '----- -"'--' ­ . . I I untry.­ � s .r . I . why . , � . I . . . p.4 ' . � ' . I .. ,. 'el. ' f4t is .1'.. spite of the bandl�sp of tht..,, religious girl in this'grea't 00 -' t p - '§1 ­ . Xi - It is Gbrinan commekdO - n I . . � , . . . i 0 S iould it n6t'be a quite,matural thing I � FOR WORLD -WA .. . -a . noun to take a on tured *�essel into..'used this virui !)n the bqdy politic of , . I It, ' & . 10 � L . Uith, because their private ad public - . I . I . I I in , t9r exPkOt, th ­� -- --hilfi , - ,.,� � � , �the'neiiTestoort;ot,tosavb,thepAssen- 'Get any- should-�e -judged -and pun- fit, -the- same. an(AgSnist. ., - � � ­, . � ­ - --- ­-. destroyc -,It-Ja,GeJ.!ma�ny.A , . . I . ' I � , I � life wa� builded on bonesty;jntegrity, . H tory, Is rich with. e I . . I � . . I . . . � .- .. I I... ­. ­­ . is J � xa - ,of gets. They -can only destroy 0 vessel . for stronjer,full' I I , . -her Colo coo I . . . . . I ­ inpies � tolled for their crime..,. . So, in a Son- y trained and sup- ,. I . I � — lost, niei. Nd foreigA 1bv .­ . . . . . I . . I � cleanness- of purpose, conviction and i4 Men and woluen whose biogra- plied,�with -every 617 - pro , have land4on E�gllsh soil, Nokillat . ­ . . Me' - ' i - and rqjeafthe murderous operation, tenCe; I pffirm , 'at solemnly that . Pe4uisitm I . ., . 'courage I to. allsin to positions. of re, phies read like the. fifie4t novel�, yet , . mo : cutbal successful war, should br Sez Never Befor6 lie's & *-World Seen such.A landing )v , o I � .'. . I . I . I . . ., I . . regardless of 'lluman Wo,,though hon- .British public opinion. will be satisfied . ing I I . ould * be a m4tto* of I 11 . .: I . . . . . � , � � . I . Ap6nalbility and - fam�. Thoy, - made they Are true to ll& -real'. 'One other combitant. . .. I . with no settlement that does not bri ' , Such A too - real.concern. It is conceivablp, that ' - . . I - I .. . . 1)91 her to ,the O.Ound?. The, poft ... t miding Fjort. oil the ., � 11 .1 . I - ... - � --- 1. I � . .; . at, every s.Up And rose by ,their of 'g, olmila I ..I I - , -Wj6 q -- , -Ii. �. . . . . I - . . I kood . r--charac th' . I * � " -b i - - as. to be, alilgiti - abo#t*the­eo,n-- - -- ii far aa the.:Alliek are con- - - " ' .; '... the. enem '-woolng �:' .., . iL 11 . . ter. to - I . yearq,, as . ' ..' . � I � . , I - '-,-0 1. , � . ds � e 14stmust The -su marine h We . dikh punishmo . I . Part of Atw Nation. , I . y might.sucabed in v " . ' - . . -t - � -- lVdilus . I - I . nt, of the I I . I , , i I—. y7, , . � OUT.1 .1) I 6nergy , slid merit�- -sulftie for present consideration A ' the oCean anct Cannot give. succor' men who­�Causedlthis' war. 'That: is [cerned, have I 4RK� to ti4inini" - . .* . . - '. . f I I .. I tbi� channel. Jlemikht land 600.0: or " ., .. .. . .. I . . . I .. ' . .. . " . I . ­� They evidently believed'in t1ioniselves young man, who ..Was, an ariist �ame on, &, 'so that inter 4' . . Wtor to England 'at "To do so, would, to to ' ', .. " .11, 1; .� , . . . . to frlimd, or - lo nation� Wbr the �pa,clfisis` ar� littoly mistaken I to � gathering their energies together, � A �Cuadian v 100,000 men, i I , I I , . i . . . and that *bat man'bad don th . . � I . 1L , , S'. ,,Ilfouhd . murder 6vety � an for a jolit . , I . . 1. . 0 . ey, too; to great renown in: eaili lifef oinazing ally it is an 6 , uriiiij it, fiea s', -As I were, "ietil ef­ � , . . ­ ' ' . utlaw: and on the', �sauie in ce. wblch,'r*gha11 treat o poising thoinselvibi -` it for. the ,outbreak of -war, say ' . . � � I I I . . � * .3 , could do. I ..;, I ­ . . . ' , � . . I t . i . . I to * ' feet which would be of no vuldo out-'; I ,,, I � I . I . I I ... L ik , *..'* , � � , . people by, his painting. H4 was on, footing'as tlhi,-Vikings S. as,negligibleL the quistiOn Of riesponsl- 1 he final punch. Know ng what Was the .Whole'uhtion,- straining .expe- . . . I . l I * " � Pd in,puilil . .of Norse ,day . . � . . � . I I . I gagi e plettire, ­ F I I g I . .. . . I I . .. .1 � , , . Ling ,.a life-siz or 9, lbng time; under. protest from bility, fof .the.wair.*. If -'a"ni, British - comini' it Was, nftturab, it WAs: Indee& �ite its w4r'mobilizatWi., Britain w9s side. of his own qountryo tritain is I �. . � ,,. 1. .11 ;, . : " , Eu,deh Arden, is ;�,.--Stdty- All *shotild realistic of Wforlorn woman and hqr a.powerful,paity.in t '. . � . � I . . I . I . �' . . . I . . � emp#e,-Ge�.­ . � in �. ilik ifleev­013' in.tbe P�blic .,Orepared for'any'such ex . �­ '. . � , , r ,., �' . . , . "JeftrfUl- St. . be Statesman,'. yielding. to"lao' entAry':inevitablo,�that�'Gerriiafiybh*O'uld.r�ake in its . . patki, tr4m� locas� 11 .. . tend. Lord., TiAnyoun' � U6�er wrote -chjlcf out *. in a Orin, :wIt!i man h6ld, in leash the:dubmaT folly 0 a ,craven fear �61'furtbei oacri. 1 pea0e . gesturti.. Knowing Wlist it 'Creating,volunt . uie­c-ana has loug,boerl�prepaivql. ut - . . ; , . I I ' � . y . ino for . . eer.battallons'at'll', rate I t" . I. , * , , : , - . . I I -more beautifulAincii. than Enoch Ar- Vlnds-� tittering tbeii,� very, kii' " . , . Is ­. . On'. L to lit; I there. have beed -no such. lhndixigo� ., if . � ` - .11 - I " . 'Meatg.. -fe" of offending1the U.S.- fices, m4de U h . : Coming it is equilly� Juevi rosined of I history. In th� great' . . .. - .. he 'w's- so -engigod- it- entered - I ToAay she ' e -a -suggqsti . .h table that ur�d ..they *or eve I , ! � -­` ' I ;Ion.. Tfie Jight,"froihy fiction of. to.: While . has -t'br6*n off'. t1it Ynask, and cofii�s fellow; countrymen, he would �itllov be; t e Allies qh6al , be deaf . to the shout parks � 'of London -7 -Hyde Park; Re- . . P. ,r to ha�e had. iW, wilod , , I � . "' , . , � . a I � . . * 7 . - . ' ' 1, . day, we tear, obscures,the v. - into his ow . - I . I . - � I . . .d I . , I ,. . � ..� 1 . . ..''.1 .... - ­ . . , . . I . � . '! , - Tracy'sayd'.th Vs - P . li In .4* , . � . � . . I ,ery ,good , n 'soul .and begun' to live ' ' , ' thrown from � i *&6 :of "kamer4d, I Uat have been carried 'out J`�w V4 ' � . i 11 out in her true, .colors, defiant' not ,, . � . . I'll, . fit, ihe gvn ,ork, St Janids� Pirk-men, t ey . . � - . I . I . ­­ ...---..-.-- -but ­9f -. . "I I r 4 ---- -bei early m'onths of the wa :� I I I � I work _Tg4ita­ of- . That,ii a -ille--civil- hanged,-fr6m- -lamp-pos ountei-marched all day. s, of the - PiDett`Ancl � fflito-0glChlini -aiiclhe,said,-�' � . in, ignominy - I . I . . il - vo-*, oul I . . I . . , vill"Uhdr-enenfles . n I'll -�eom"ext -seiteA -,-or Oc�- marched and. -c .,. " y . I. .. . . I I . f ,., foriner days whon'thio peoplela taste I my World .."d - huTan ii. . "' .1 . . . '. . .. volutto aries � is. 'tober, unless interndi -: 6nditiop%:.'1u I ..----,-,..--. -.4:*even 0. . ­�`­' , . ... , - - � -. - I . v4l picture of . ed world.' . ., It that th6eo ­ --.tll).,-. I . uuder-th,6 direction',Of I old.ind ex.; ,4esperation Nvoul � . . .1 : I .1 - � ­­ -- �. . . ­ WOL --- . . _ joug . , stiggpot I .th , . ,� . � - - - --- ­ --- ­QCffiiau�,haiten J. -.y afew m , - , , � . . . , � . � :1 Wai for higher',classllterature.� Bno& life. - What i 'o*wn rdlati'o' n . to it. ­ ;"d'e^;p ateni and extremity of Ple of'tho� Vnited Stute§ sho �11� 'he' . ont �- peiiencedaergeantg. These'nienwere - '' ' '. . . � . 4. . - s ray I . h , attempt.' .' .. - . . ­ � ­� -�:­�--­, .- - �­ � ­ � . or. . . � . , I . ­ -..., * � .1. �. I I . . � ' Arden, as the poem-goed,.-married a I- must .90 out into tbis - world and . .it� . ... I .1 I I I PS; . I .-- . I ^— - .1 . . . .. . :... . . . � ­ , ., ­ - - � . - 777!7. . �- - - ­� - . , -:7 -1, - Lb6r ,, agine JJ,14Y4 Ge - . L front- ��- � .- t;- ' If'. I �-�,��­ � I , . � .��,­ I - ­­. —�* �� " ; - -�;�, , r young � . . ­ I I i .1 . i I-_ -0. 1. . -are .QU .U�-th' , 1 �- , _�jtuatl er . �s - d ' �- "' .9tich-talk.,as- this­,They,14 _ � ­ . -,-.� . i. thorliat-og-Kitchener. .armi6s, --17 11-1*4-,: , ---- '. � .. � - .., :�. -,. ­�r6maivand then went � iway to, - saveL t 6 i , , , 0. her � : n �Cali. bq. im 14DM . � - - 7 7- -- 7--!#--- -- . -1 , . . ­ 1. 4' I . .; _Pe6plo. . " . ' . t 9 , _ . ' ­ . ' GOIN -To LAW-WIVAV -',0A -­­­ ---- -­­ �­: .. - ­ - R . . . ,_ th I 0 t'mo�e to , 'defy� e�ery - - somel -- 416r�n .' ' * --DARING 10 ,�e ,, I t . � Ile lit orgq 14 7,hai a­p�i.vllege.td .,in-J�o44qh-­th, - . - � f011ow big Own. fif gal .r o . . . ­ I ­­ I . ----.....-t ,,."-, AIRMAN'S B AT.. * � . _ - - .� ­ - - � . , �.. .­­ - . 19 K 11- AIX.:!- . - 111. 1. I . . . . .� . 1 . I I.., . .- �.... I . - L I . - . . d -work as av . n a orm'.L., , io. biogrgplier tdlls'that he hurhan sentiment, .feeling and dlqat�, words;. and if th�y Bpoke to, the . man - . . . . . 4 :I .'� - - L14byd George, 66.1dorp unhappy in his ,' . I . . . . , . - ; F.. . . . . � , , ed his resolve by imm -ac. . . . ... . . . � , 10 .1 I . - ' - . -J .� - �. � tho'higli. fj�is.-Juiit as, many a min has follow diate . . -d --1 - ' - . - - -- - �, � I I. . � I . . . �I . - - . .. - , 11 . e , � ofnio'ral law �haradteristiq of -6vil. in ,the -street.,--in -England- they .-would � 4 . byed.' tbe:­13hrase-How-a I. Chinavta�ii. � V. I ­ �- I I,- '-... ­ -.. . . .. 'done in Quin& 80, tion, gong Aowh: into.' ,. . ) - , '' . � , . .Climbe - Out --Dainaged1VhiK'to eOqutilce, 401hpi . .. ­ .. I ­46L.Sve k ' I- - - . I � . I a before. golupover6e -the slu " . I on 'L . . . Shr�wa . ins - of jied , - .. I 1�; . . . 'hear. it even mor ..- I � . . - . - .1, - - - . Man, I - , . � e. tersely� dxprossed-r�' ' � i'Through Terror to Triumill,,1 in writ, , I . � . . � . I 1. �,��... -: �:­ , -14g Aud-.-Empi�ei�Atdenls ,Londoh,-into--.tho,. . , . , ­ . :. . . .. * ` Nyith"'a.0 - I . . . . .1 . ­ - , ­�gjljpfg : .......... �Bsl � . ad Neighh6r. � \� , '. ilicel-Maebi . . i. I . . , -1 . - I g -y----* - - -­ t. P -for . I . lne,,- - --- 7...�- I int 4 tho. w . ot-1he . . � . . .. . . . I �, , �. . grave's 0 . . .. , . :L� 11 , . I i . Ao light, foe 9 -46haestj:darkest ... sin -- -It. is, an �bkci6idui li .. the* JKs*oi11�---'bbt1 W6: �96hti- . ti . . .." , or rec6ory. : I Ali Was wrecked land - - as., -no' -*6kd, anct-. suhk, all, personal - qpmfoif . and . . . I I � � -cou ' * ­. ntr� - ' I . I - Germany tb� take,. and it is �� ohl . t rmi'a6on-,-'the .pass,- , Qn� Of th6.�most thrilli -- - fl � - -1. ­ � A ,cemetery 1g,'the'ene Sacr4 spot'- I . -.*.- . even , y Yawit, he dete. n ion - . '- 1 k6rii the co" hditidds of that ,e--a,rly-- P -e --y-- I aaii is . , I 1. I . I Caine froni'llim, it was thoukht- ' * f '- to rescue people fr . . , . 4 , ­ J,ng ying epi- . . . . . om gradw- natural.to assume -that she tiikei.it: in remains'the same doW a -`19odes%14be war�N".�:.recorded when iod.', Ifiere was no . in Chins. � T64iseekaiie-such A .0 , . . . : , . , i . � �"7� 4 1 . . . be wag ame ' . do' , -terror. -Rather the I - I .. . ' . ..''.. - I . .; �. �.'­:.:.�:­­ - "Aftor W'JUme-,yearW,.'fiIB...** l9k4in'&W - .1 ­ ., - - - - .. �. I- ­­ - .. - I—. I .1 . '- -1: � ,.-,!-, . . � "' , dro I �. . ,--of t `�' --- ­ -- ' ­ ,the. British,--obsbrOr, in -i � t;�4* ' * JLondoj�.�-anid­ ­ * ' ' DAM.61U�0� .'. ., - : .Nii,x04,: "t" .... xh�­,.'XhAhOUarknen hi'thit - - q.4it the.' bd: , .the.. worst of Crimps; 40-mo,r . , . tho -lost -despairing- -extioiilft��, � Hoi.� gi�n'ing�' e war. - � ;-� -.1 ., h . . .� ­­­ � - ,, . �� . . . I . i . re-miarried and" a,'ligid Ily of. chi1V �at.cityr` n new - visl�n came to: him � . I . . I . I ' - I a -seated so t e 'Ent]A�6--OLthe­ in �a village on the plain of- - -111--.-1— --:,-- -- I . I I .. I . ,u. faiii V 4. recefit p;6osals ,for . lieace were no � . .. - I go e' . n been damaj6d by war months -of - 1014, wasi iorLond.on of � - - I . .... . . I �., � . I � . . . , - - . machi e wlikh: hd4 y . I � - , , -- --- - I . , . � . I .. 1; n. Arden, afW "a, lapse. Of gn not. enough for aoubt--purposely�eouched h) imliossible . ' .. 11 . , ,Allies* ,�­ I shell Ore -� eft.abed 'Iout� on ohe. of the grout spirit'and %high. coprage -a -L ' -tiiele'liv" I I � I , dre " Enoch,. a . he 'said, "This is I . , . . .L e ' '$a� tb . the lo�* RNor a man call4d'Vo, His I . - . . . . - , .. I --�-- . -----.- . I - on-' I -- - I , -, -1-L . - - . . I - .. . . t . . , I , , 1 6 . I I : $ . I ,more years, came ba�k to - h mei I mu�t de ya - Aews .. wings and � steadied � the eroplan6 don Whose hekrt and:soul .and vmind -little farm furnish . com-' - � ..' ',. . � . . , . . . . 0s' home . , . I 4'm off more than t�rr4s ' ---- I . � � . "'. ,.to, give lier the Semblance . of . Mn'Trgey, fls�tly opo6ses the... 1. a . . ed him:,with"A . '. � I 11 . - � .1 � village. The ikukeepodr - told * Enoch this and I will'inake iny way to thd an exclise'for submarine depredatiOns �: I ,1ortable.' -livllIg,­:­bu-t­-: ^Jnr .-----..- ­­ 1. I of Allose wh6 "think th , nothlaq-'� - jie . . I , e war has al,- while Ihe.,pilot' brought- it -safe --to *ere concentrated, Qn,.-the'-7u1jhty-ah4. -� - . . ­.­ *114t,baa tAkeli place -'and how- ha. darkest part of, Ae wdrld.11 ., Like' Li,V- in case of refusal-.� - In her * . ' . . 1� . � .. Ir . . . I . . . . . , ppy � . . recentmove read3�.ended in's ,�talcm The fal- earth. I I ... . .. I . imperative work to be done. -It.-. Wa6 Like all faY03. in that part i�Vchina , , '. ;, .. . . I . . . . 1. ..A.. b.: .! - . P. 11�1 , % .-L . � � ted -ever plqdi;-- giveint' V It 4to. '� igh ex�losive' shell. burst' just a proud city�-a city t . $; ;, -- -. -. ­ ­ 7�-- ­ �­ '� - - her Philip and she were I ,,.-"the .,klll, ingstpb�; he, 106, went to the darkest s viol,� sity: of.this idea p . there.was no..fenceA6.septv4Jb,­hJ ' I- -1- --­ UP - � She ha _ ..I .I ­ . y Q , . . pearif we re-, hat,ty . . I ­, ... 6',di4 not seem to have .thought'�Uch part , d -Int "exifiglis ana. s . - .pified .' . ,fields,,from those. of -his neighbata. One . :' -:* -:.-, . -- :,� .. " .. � '.. �. -� . I . ,61! -Afrida, all ' , this. Countky'after'the sifiking.of tile call the objects with .%ybich � Germainy:,behind the right Tower wifig of - tho nation an, an ' skw* in vitai � . . I . ro..., I �� - ­.- -1 � I . . p . � 1 - . * 1W. I .. I , . , I ­ I .,�- ' � ' bli, -or � itt'least at,country. ll�ed am4 b that i &, a entered tlie-'Wai ,ayw '!There- is aeio0lane.',The maebifie. was COM' us' ' I - of theso, neighb6is Was W � . " ­ 4 ' . � - mind * w.4 lous life and. h � . I . . 71� urgent neg6s . . , . . . .. si 4 his .*a troublOd. 'at . , is 904i�ork:will never with a. natio, Ing np* doubt that the Kalser'and: ',,pletely Iriddled:' Tin . wifig -Mr. Tu. to ;posi-! .:.,-..�.', " - . . . kno I . . � 1 6Ve�kJy!X.­Vhkfi,3"# � . his ad- -e� * :of, thio stay ' a p .. 1-19 , "" 4 Ing Possi wilds of th 'hill � . . 9. _ rjel,� . u4itaniaf:but. - small matter . ' lle'e C enge lie more sCiaseq siPd n il'ot0lous for violat Sity fOr a 0;1eyss Ive Measures. Lontion . . , I : .0�- ", - , 14 k ' ' Isho 'er . , . . g . . ._ . . - ... "�. ,7 I I . . I I .,_, 1k-yvas-tb,e­great-B p, *tr-�Eiites. �libe,-righ'ts--of..,heittrall�' viserErbelieved- England .w hot ,boomi Wbre:tu � - ad ". '- ' ' tion, .. ­.. 1. - ­ ­,- ­. . � I P.,to,the7binxide be nown. - . . 6uld t, ome bl G. of. tbe pro- personii0e(I the: spirit of the race. rosol�ed-td Impose upoil,14th Ur . o . � . , , . .of Aftic" � . .�..(. -a 16w - OWS ,of , �. . , -1 I jw --- cgh-listdly --- . . . . I % ­­ ......... �- - ploughing�- - furt -Mr�,,Vuys,�­-!-�-­­­ - I I � :-, ­: � ,cOtt49,0,, stole -up� 'to., the*lndowll-piepn� � 'Way4tein ' -' hik-mealit I ".'weep­9el16r­v,ras -blo,wh­iiway�,- and -01 --the -�- ,iG ----V70-11--- I ", � - - � � . . I st-glye� jolhAhe - fr4y.- . .1 . . - ' - - - ' - - the--*ar--J,ord-, .. I . . .. ropat ilutary.Re$ponie. s , ­ Is . . � . .i Aed�. in, avd:iiw as it were , a bit . of �ft account of,slich de�l Bees, or-thinkq he sees, th a., . � I. . e" . ,. , � fit .r ' it *jitb, hisi.:, ,­ , I ... , , . roted,oelf� e ll�nd of thi�uih Belgium and Frine itrols. eXcopt, the ele % ,.. . . . I . ". I . ... . like : 'a � C" . vatori were put- ., . nd and .thtis Incorporsiting 1 I . �, , ,� , lleaVell 1161`6 -On earth Hi'saw 'his � . I "And Glasp . I � ... 11 A 6w.-16'6'l;id d6wil. -upon own,.' This act'did n6t pikvs` . . . . denying lives without deriving bene. el�)AlOss nedo.5sitk. t6rnitdoA pen'Russia in her.fastnesse out of action., -The viachin ' - . - I . - . . . unobjrjor�-., ..'. .. - , , . . ­ I 9 I I �11 : � �­ " - wife who.was and *46om lie loved.bet-. to. his,qwn life... , , � � 1. . . I e was.fur- . . I � . . I I ' .1 ... , London �w.ith an-.'eas, ed- t.14X. T , I " , , I . I I - � ­ I 1. .. � ��-- .- . I -th I.think we cah be.. gafiAy . assureq# beyondtho. Polish inarthes ' Ifoin Ith , er 'smashed by t.he.br6ken*,,propeller'. � V, ii.tinoxpressedj ­ qmas-e , stitious.;4s.-WOU-84 , ..,-� - .,--. ­ -.- - � . - ­. � - 9- I -th - � -­ --l- ­­­­ -- - - --- � . . i, ­ - T��- � I � . --ter� -than- he -did --his --,own� lif%. keopin - . , wring , An Ti _____ _ ., bu I . . . -=�- -, .� -- - - � 4- ; ­ --�r- of e, final stuighr:has�eome, --at -amaArigly-­isrge-' Andlethnityl- ­blad� `The -Ibbi�efv'eifr' 6 ,ri a out assilrliptl6n7br Superior ty'and raced mild. ,Ua knew thfit litigatioA - . dania - . ' , � - - - . . I ' � I . � . .. . her liome� iiko, a blt'of the. Other world FARMERS - TE . . I " an I - : , * , . I. � ' .. - % . Is -for a higher 16lisfinent., .,,'Little WalesThi . . I . I . . I T 'YOUR':SF1I0- , * last- for, tb& situa�ion *.of .a. nation Fk' ce and 6oiisolidaid the - Gorman thrqe-quarters. .of ,the -way on the right gh,-aiid Pas untertaim "Bettor"ho - . - " - I - . � ­ '' . , big .;. . ..., . I '. � I I . , . . P . . . . .1 h . "' . .11, . . I �� ... � -, , ''. . . ,��-�� ... P aW� Philip Iist, by the fiiqsiae'w'lthi . I . . . . must be gr4ve,'Indge4� �When s e - is empire d - Had.'jills'i wing.tip iii order to Valance fbe �'ms- creatqdits�'own Ouards.,- Ireland­w- *aid to himsierll,1�11to t :0, - --- ­'.. - . - , '' , � ­ . I I 1-1-.- --b# k in. . *In the *Seed Lilboratory'grain is. test�, 'line 'Ch'mOas' - I in .progri own to the A,egoan, . 'b*n . . � I 6nued ,hours of . civil wa ' than �*to suff . ss ,e4du.re 4 ?long " I ,�'. I . ". , � poking just 116 -hi 'Natitraiii I �- .. I . : within a few' ' I r- 'both i I a qnd� ' - . . a over ed to­d4te-raJne. -h' - wil ­to,xbsiort to -iii IMMO bien fulfilled .theVurks :6 -1 � e. . The alr0a.f -o -fill . of. , Ila � . . I - I ures 11b con -t . 1. , . ... ­ I . . � . ;. teari rolled down liki ountatil­ � .t e � 10 of 4efiiince of the whole world, ind'Al.iis might.have,takeu the- field. just -about in,spirals until it ,turned from civiR.Arifo sin mone-y.. ,, ..:, .1. . 1. � �.. . . - . pereen age � . � , - .abbUt L 2,000 - ­ ­ . ­ .. to ,maint yi � .1 � I . I . ­ I by pl . I Ass - 1, - L: . ­ I . '. .., I . . � . . I '.,Unoch:A'ideii1s,­ch"ks,, but.one' word -vitAil seeds ating.dhe hundred publish herself as a debased .-outlaw the time -at which they did � . Here the ob�. its,regiments -of old an&-glotiious tra-.. The next -year the neighbor.rcAeated : .1 . � . � . . . I ­ � . . . � . � I ultimately, feet � above., ibo,e4rth I � lo .6 * . . - I .- '. . � .from him would 'have shatterod that 'kernels between blotters, keeping them ' i, 'but it would bay -e' eded in --balancing at and . 11. Xperiment, and* ploughed ap .a - - I I ,� . I . . . � � . I . . among iiiiinkind.' ,Butothis dieclaratiori appear fii' arm sdi-vot 'iticce ditione. In,thousands"upon thousands the � , 1, .. . . i ' t . suitable �. ten porature and sup-, of Germany has ' b . roukht � -- oui� own been in . ve the.m, ed down qvehl . 1 8.41 furrow§. ,A . gain Mr..'ru ton. � - - * I -, . , now'happy home. ne`got' &''grlp oil a .^ . I 4 . . . . a6bin . ilid' y- . �rged,to the colorsi - Companie w more . . � . . I noutit Of mOis- national exe6�tive, Pres.'W1lson,,,1r6M Conotantinople 4nd �� thd Dairda' elles ab6uf . 200 feet- from tbe'earth -a slight gave place'io bat6li i 0 ' and 11 I .. ­ ., :, in 'lied with the pro�er ar . I ,.a,, despairing attempt to. sa When nIen at . " hi, Bolt sad ,ievolve& not to disturb� p . , . .1 . ­ . . . . I I - n . . . olis,,batfalions t abItedivith himself, , deterNI) if, . . . L .. � . , I ng, �'I ' t' - in '�pecial iorminatinj c a b r . I ' � -in ftona ­,pr�sent . as prev o y, tilict law . . . - I.:- . . . 1 I layl .. .w41 deny ,myself." That utf h in 0 a . 1� § ohipyrean'soal . . . - - .- - -- - -their , movement by. the man _Oii divi ' no, divisions to armies. The -1 -T, * , � . I . 1, . - . . I . r gs to. earth oike ,. -allies,- -Bulgaria - - A— ­ --thc.'_ -wing- srQ i a was tod � ex .., 1. .. . .., .1 . , � , -God- inside ,uilothef -- K, --g The'.resultj - 8116W-4hat more, and rather suddenly" th a,dis- �-vvas certainly � I 't . . - , , ­ -fi­ est vol -7 fi�fiig. v . e - a I . u . xury . for. hiiIi. . . . I .- I . .1 .. . , in ., . L .1 . - miriute . � Of such' a test ' but w64 i . . . .. . . .�. � 'L)Enoeb walked, away froin'the cottage bt?p*rtiOn bf:Ae'soeds.*are V:ital, � but . I ..A * . . . 'wl . I in.,the plot, Probably the Caused the machine o spin again, d was witfiessing t e great, � . .. .1 L . . . . ... . I '. 11 I . . , . -Greek �oitrt as..4ell,. and Rumania ill �tilot was able to control it, )vbe . ei r, encourage .L . thlei j6lt'�: L . . I . ,II untary response to public--dut�y Tile n 'g�bo' . I L ' ' 1%, a more aceu . ; . I . I q� I I I I 11 d 1) ,this , ,. . , . ­ . ory, he . rate idoa� of the Value .61. ". - , i , ­ L . , . . �,--­ down'the hlllslde� W'thL a V . tl�j ,gr ­­ L Americaii rigfits�upo .the 4XmuSthave,boeft'thro*4i ' ju ton. feet above- the o I history� 'of all time, a response wh, c6rnplaiiaftce, contialled to 'ad , . . L . .. ... I L' 1 ir sea � an nto, the bandg St. gTOun'd. ch I � ­ I 11 i .- --lali6art NX-ba--suie, and21p,44: �nnys'o � ,.4111 , I . . 7 -to Ili's - .1 . - . _ . for. ­sedd.L L-could-be�,gailied.,con't'ra-.cted�":-sLiid,,�iestriitted- - -,by- -this-, �vf- the�,- ldeima:ulc -confede��'-iioiirll --­If� --V,--.. .�. . .. i" .. . ., ­ " , . I ' . , . I . � . Ir ­ V,�-t4.4� . . , �11 .th.-V�illed-oui....frieiids-as-it duhi-found­.O%V1.J-a�Cre8 -at !".W'caft. � , , �­- � , - .., � I . - says he WS. . . ­ �- *. . . - . . I ..T , , " L, , , . I . . the other's -e �, At ., ... ., / 0 n( t. all un, 9 � I) for Just, in Oil test. - Such'te iove of 'Germs ' ' h - these were t ok 06' t f ­ I . I ' . I ,.ed ur enomids.. � ,,, . o length- fie became . I 1. . L . , . 9 " t latest & ny to sue . an ex- I Jec S, O .'the war, he populsifidn-'Of the'l3riti, , I . ! " , ,V - . so bold as,to lnej),r- ' .'b.L ' ' . . . . It; all usibeipp fro A's, .h I I I . . I . , . , .� ., , * like 'there 'are' fountains Of osh wa- Oftelticable An a laborX 11 18 ' -1- I ­ . P11 .1 . I I sh: 1!,M -,i . 0 , I ­ . . - --- 1. . 1. 11 - .* . : I I , I ary ... I=' -te"at­xiO- B�Lqilarfe-j�' f- t Strehirth.. I . . "I � ­. W-bl�ftl 115---! -V---1­fh�'1­- ­ - , ­ -Selt4-e4eet�ti.i;:--nwtio,w-whieh-of--t-gim-�-,ho.4-�%V,A Ore exec- -'--'-'- 4- � " -s' r-.V ­.A Ll�l - - ­ I � lit 'i U 1. -. -- r I I . L. ; %4U111GUI � . I hef-0601� . Y' M, WI&Y IV 6V -, - � , .. . . I I - I , . I.. - P in ie qz!ean; Rt) 630 -wo'cloar.op of, "omp ' 7 id L, ,-eds, ow L, '. BrItslit Armiii '' I �Lne k ew .. �.'. 11 . I -- - . I - ri , � I ,,�,. vvhpri� Wr,-r'c, bvied M 4 !hkiii - an� ------- �-..­. - �., I - . --4 I. - ­.­ i 011 . aniP.00 it e Ilifd.d . Vest, 'Arill submit". to it, .�� T �t' if �!. . I.. . .tpv P,F ­.. 11A, e� i . . ..­ I . . . . . I .. ­ - �,;­­ ­b­.­jl)'4 llav��.ii yl ri 1­maom­-uLat ii�of tho woAd. I 1�.­ . . "in Ole winter -of 1914 bIi#�'of -the - I .. . . . . ";1;;�P117W4411W1it9 - . . . � � . .. I The � "eo .le here. show a 16 1 . .. � " : I ­ I . .: I ., ... I L .. .1 :L � .. . . . � - � .1 . I . . '. . � . .. . - - r, �, ­­'.�Kr en as ong.as liU-10teid-fidrthe, �4 0116 th t- . I ceitors . ";:�,­,­a '. ;7 L' , � d MinsL- . ­;,­�­­­.",�­� ....... �. `­"­.�. I .. . . 4��.&O.y.-o"'W;Ji4e ..."­", --;q-'. tfll: � � ­­­­�-­ ­ "­ ­ ­ , - hyiunde it -�-, ­�. --,�­,-�-.V---k­W­ . . . -fo-r"Erin-s-elf"rio-ITt-o-uphb-ld- the hands of the ji;� I �.. ­ -1 I ­ I .-... � .. 4- " I I I - . ... . . I . . ift W VIiy,6q-tJdk:-bv%f0ir,W lr7tWVVCa-'d' .--- nr,.Z,Zq,v�"-�­,�Mz� q�z�1.4t��ln-�,-!�'AlYL.t��--T��i* . � , - r) j�311 '71 - . ­ . -----.- k 11 .11 ,,;�; �br-A-r An L �L en, I r ii ijaw the � Chu, - Jor . . . , ".116". �, -111 I �.--- .1 .11 .estimate foi- ine-Of c ro able ill- L rAco . ­. 1. . � *, , , , : 11 L, .' ,,I I l L , � .:: 's . 1. - fx. . . . . I , I � b3r,-Plitting Qnchundied -seeds, tak:6 Aant though war: should''resulti and' .... . which adL. b6in W L L .. 1. I 1111f�h' t 4� , - , . . . . I , L .' car - I .,; , ' L I L . T. - I . I � . P I - By '' ". . , �, . ".. . , ,�,,, 1�1 . tr -Greoi ritlain. fter pl6u&ng " , 11 . * * *L * L "Just"ah they Come) from',the gr '.1i*7-!";., Ill �R7 g', tar'y's ,gngth of , " . ..'aitij I . . * ' , ' I -, � - � . .. - �e , : . . . I ' Rin the same feeling seems td.. perm6ate - . ' ­ .�" w, -:-., 11 '. ,., . I I . . 11 % 1�: .L ­ . I g p is c6met�rj�tho�V6igh. ,, . ... 1. . . . ,. . ' ' h yt0h�g�io.t�egt, flower' I ' I . I . . . , 1.4- �.W, . . . ,� � a "Study -of., Census - - . . y . and self. a I . In soil in a . 4.1 I - I . , '0 . � -In ihe�� da a of sacrifice ; I I . I . returns, lie said: .� . 1.11 '.. denial, a Otory like 16ril Tenny'sonsi -POILP'bok or otherc all neutral' countries-' .. .. I ... P ,,w, -, " "m;'.,q- I 11, ;­ . .. , " .. . � I 'Thete gre.. roughly, 8,'000,000'' , . bor had C-Olnulitted' L Sacrilege, The .1., . � I. . . ., � � vto" . I I OMeS "In Lvery timely.. It I , I , men of Only-4ifficulty was that the punish- *":. �.-� , - - .. . . ''. � . e :: . , L lity. L I 1, . � , v; V, . " , 1'. . 1, . . . . L . . -wet'. :­ . . . - .1's I ,."t , I . -, r . . . warAh stern rea ­ . I � � %L ....'. J I I 'L '. ' , . '�e,. -25 per 4ht. will be e' Went was so severe that it might'.not 1 . . otivententreceptacid, ,. Vei,lly -this bi(Is f I!. fl,;.-.4.,!� �.,-, '.., ,. - - ]. * , . I , . to i, most ,and keeping it ribistened, but'llot ok=t2l, ' ,be -a world . " . . I mllit�ry' R. I I ­ .0 L . I I I . L . . t L 1. .! �14, i . , . . . , 'A,., I .. ,I ..... " . .- , e industriesi silo ler be'poisibl . . .1. . 1, " , , � I I . Commendable -prInc1pl6-:;oae Of :-the in. Some place *heri it. Will be, 6t* to . � , I .. �. . , . .. qiRir d . inL j8S$ntia.l I 'L o" 'Ifilloss Is was carefi;),.t� - � - . .1 : :1 1. , . . L .. .6, � I --ITJ I.4.- ­; -'- ", ;,��.w , . . ,.­�� ;'., I � ' L 25 PC)- cent. will be7.- physical I �, .­ - " ... .. highest in 11fe-the -denial of the low. Waft In the day time, .and *he'o it.: L .1 . - , 1, .. � . , - , 3. '. .. � ;.­ "I .1. I . I I . , , 1. 1. ,'k y 'uh I I get'his Y16 Dt . ' . I . . . . . ­fmv, 40t) not �, ;V.I(",Eo�l...Y���w,!LL��coiil,Lil.'LIRO�.NI lr&*J� �, I . �-vrl,.r�,�*r,�..-... t ;­­I.�4­�- I ..] . . . . Ighb, .Punisheil at alf. ,.F . --' '... tight,,. I ­ . . . . . -i... . ­ L . Britain should r,ql9d - and. ealiiin . . . . . . . L .or . - 111. . , � 1-1.11, I " 1. � -11L � �, ­­ est. & o6lft6h,,n,ature,i,n.,-,Uv,z,fsf"i- ,fteezi�­at­ , the,au ! " V. * 4 - I ��L 0 _7 -:_ _1,(M.ff_ _.....,.P' -L_ , i : - "I., 1.17�­ - � L ... �1­­'. ­­­, ­­!�, �*­ - � .. '.. 1,4. ". 4. .,- .,$at � ­ - �� - ­ - I .1 ... ---��: , "; � � � . .. � . . 1. I . . I .11. . , . . . . I . I q44f­Ahc----r4agfSftate-�- I p . I I I .ger hin.* . . '4ifl&IT� -' � Ole foret jilou 4titi", he L i I" 'Some 06: ­ -­ , r- . . I .. 4 .� Vh I., - . � 411ch 1i Nikfiiim�46­&0@607`6f ­-" xUrnporature"-f - , .-- . : . -,� t� I I .� avors - � . . .1. , I,.'.- 1­�t ,I �� . � J �,-�11� L . . . . . . � . I .. I inen I I .. L .. . . . I `�. "-.. ' L ' ' I � ' ' I .1 ­ . I rna:V � I .� Zi)teute Allies r Red- `-1. , . . _"". . . thipg for ourselvex . which. � we.. tl*n,.' 13Y noCicing the ii�mbaf -of . � Each Day Searer Red ­ I I I I " . I I Ivar -iaiso hnder thoL�bl . take. iiotlee . of tbi " " I . I . . I . ­ , I . . . ., L. I , , �d untary Sys- woft 11-1ve'to send tiWa,report.,to.his . .. , ...4 1 hot fte�ki-',­:-�"­­ , " L - ­­: "" . I . i , , ^� ..�': , L'' 1-:.--,.-.,---- n�­, Lleli-larr achiev ­ ­­ �­. �1­­­=­­­-­­ � . ' . . I ' i , ­ A.. ,­ ,-.want .very- much-jand. which. w4. .,-Are, , � ­­­ ­­ - L - elbor.-Ah , -.".''L. .1 I 4tiork.4 ,-It ,4-.,�`, " ., I -.; I , Vlarits prNlq,qpd,.­wh o I I ------- t ­­":�"4 - ' I - - - L . . ­'., , �00)3'­Sj . ompmt is,44thout'. sup�riorg-�Atili��.61&�l-tiV,f.- j,ft 4L -i ' ' ' ' U .quiC`k1y'a�d­­­­, '' * L P -y c me'-. - I I .. ­ 1. . ­ . .� � 1 . , , - , 1- --7-- 1 giV ­ f ' 'fir ' . ­ , , , . . ­­ .� � , . . ... . ­­', '' � ­ _1W,11 ­ .... -1----.,- 4- I - - . 1� oLt n' L are strong or Weak, General Caistelngti; 'thief -of the .. � . � � � �. . . . , ., ) W-7 � ", . ­ . '. ready to e up ­or the wel e, ad . Pa:lallel;`­Th�re -is a egend of � I ., . I . . � :­ ......1 I . -01le'vince,and-request, thatLproperp If -11" - '- LL'" "; -,-L' . .. call 4 ermine the -suitability .if Prenckm!'IW*tary,�deile' x�lo4,atJ49��cqri- '. .. I I . ... � . UJ is - - L., � , . vantage or per'sonsil comfort and qp* One . .1 -.:1 4 . . f Wh" , d 4rakon's Idoth `a�d nrmed�'mrnt be inflicted:uilon. himself irof6iji ` ' " " ' ' I . , -.1 . " .0 40wo � I L � � � I , gi � " - � , . . . I I ­ - .­ . ­­­­ � ". , '. � . , - I ,.`111J111h1-­ ­. 0--,.;-.-,-. . .. . . ,I,. , .,. 'ft- of, our 011ow inet. . I . � -- I up -, , I r, L A—' �. � '' . It . . That is true the -Vain for aeodiqg, purpos6s 4hore firence of'thd Entente allies at Petro- - , - - . - ­ fi, tAbstf so heinous a , ad bep eom:� - -. - - . , I . I I . . a L . . . I . --- . � ��. . - Lo n isprang rom ' the - . grotind. erlme,h � , . .."If-daillal-liot a suporfiriar oy- accurately than, from the to ulto.of 'A grad, iRt qaoted in A despatelf to .the -1 -11 1. .. . I I ,; i relady t,quippV4. . Theii men did not'-Inittedift the-dis,tri�tjor,.w � . . L Arl#ing sadrific test *hIch--he,doeS'^nOtL?e0 . .� .. I-— =-- I . I . ­ J-4Ir1Ag-4rOnl, the krOdft,f.­-T1T0. . _ bich hv-,wag�. ., .. . - -Y-.--"--- ­ .. . , I , ­ . 'or denial, but,Aom*1 v . . .... � _"�Jf � 9W Temps- of-Paiia4rom-the-Russlia: -. -,' ­ - - � I ... were! responsil le. ., , - . ., - . - - , - . , " .." .W( illps, - t . a noWnL-to be of. Strong Vlj�ljty, . TP.Cap- -- . . . ' � � :. : . . . I,- Alhin . g -that -­ i 164 , , thai . 9. e "tha, f k ,- - " ltal as" sft�.jng,� . ,:, ; . . , . -- - 1. - 11 ,�'J' 1 not re*dy 'eq0pped. - A, nation exllod � &u . !Ord ) lifily, Alr: 'Tu brouilit .L the � I I ".... p ", . . . . hJqL* lifo� can b(r Platited ,und I ... I 11. � I I I I I I . . - ... .heart Of a man and, takes . , or OXACtlY ' the "One has only to compare -the mill- - , , I . 11 � ­. -.-. ,,anclmorked with a-1uig,* brAf , '�I�agistratp , , . � .;- ... 1. . .. 7 III -, and: � L ' '41VII16 L . . A . I � - ay . : � '... . , . . I . � . I I . .. I... .I . L I - d eon- 1 broukht lic�usfttibrj 'a I - , , , . . . ", ' ' 1- ' he - � altus 1011 of the allies. in' t . - . I I � owed until' -Derbyls that,,aid ,na inv61ve-th , , , . . -'blood slid' gives it up fpr, t Sa.me conditions as thp seed wh6se'vit. tar " I ' t, . I I 1. T. , I .1 other men foll matter hefor6'tlie , In -A W , , �_ I pUrp ' Citizen, 1�14 ,ig"6filk dotertnined', ..the t6§t nth or Sanbary� .3.016, NAth lhat-,bf . I , . - , armles Bucte ded-MiAcylerio ,an, lit pffitial.. - I e . . I ,ftJ6 L fie a, Tor.,Onto, � WO . -N . ­� . " e I f �' � I . . I ­­­-.--- ­ ...... ­ " � rted.'It i ..".., - K -al closed the net 6n th": who �Vus 444 -for -laving-' ' A,Jk- - - I did a few days ago. who pa ,*will to. me I , . , . . rd'valuable. -, . . Sanuary, ID17, abd he Will 1)0 'COM- ' P 11 , . tioli 1 ly I 91k nsthfo1athot ' * . I.Cl� 'k L I - AL argm MOSOU . I S11 �11:1 . . ­ _��Ny,%Vho ro ­ - L �t­ - ­ I . . Cleanink.'gr � : . .�� .... ;; . . . . . - I -- 11.1 . 11 ­t�' " -L- - .f It cd'­VJ,J.,1jyJ'OVeI, r , Moved . I ­ ' ' to of his Own blood : to' ain OKO ,ofiditioils for I . ., , )J_ h ­ --1111-1- -...-hl -11- A­�­h-lik-l-,; ­ I I .... 1. r ­ ,--r--AL10QJd*-h)1T1in9- �,pelled-to;-,.admit..that--the-,(- , I 1-1V � -M. in %ve off ,I,q son,s larid to t1lat.61 film . . 14PY eluen an, UJITIC t e, life b 6o - * ]mill t. ---- -- ------ I I 0 I . 0()(),00C �'nleil ho'Ve (111l'itiled in L ,gr. . . 4 I d, � rom one-third ta,one� the i..!! I ..i'141 I . . . I .. � . forthcoming Sprink,eampaign are -v , - . �, I I �11. C Great 'hing neigbboi instona' ot Abi(l. - . I I � I.! Iona. . TrUly, that is I I . 51" ".. . I I . �,., 1�, . . 'Anckpac . . . . . . . . , . , "N . .;., , ,13ritair: '. Ph � Of a fri .Chjjstlafi� halt "of the - bulk including all t�.e .much ni-ore favorable than th we A , , .1, - 1. m .-Ing Ill tbeee et IeY wher�be ploper), . � I I '. ­.ity af.lte Vary boot. The 9upreme one' light,L' . ey wL � ." 7 . - . '. ,-'1:.7'X., . 1. .,.e­miW.on' .Me -legioll I nn e _ . shrunken find: imingli; * . . '. I 1. . � * , I . y, - , . L urd seeds, last yejy; - ' I I f, 11 ,.?, , ql)ol* I , * , '!ant host, the � . . I . . . . .. I . � . - I , .eglon­ft.p� : 1, Alice being madi by go mn rove its gilality as . I .,�� I . . I'_ bV;4 , equiv- btlollge . . I . I I .. . ,., � , - . . . . 11.1�' . . " . : I . A . I L ,. . ; . will greatly imp ' "I call 0! , , . . I . IN ."! � , . . ; '") infAntMV calculation of 1L a, . .. , . . Catediwit th this Ina "Od.-4eed Dranch Ottitwo. " , I say that -oach day,ve'ar '/'� " I 1, " 1, ;i;.f I .; a -lent -ull"t , The i I . I I . ..�. . ,.. . I I)Ittt'itlion.,.,.'--.ty.];vtii,.�l.i()Ilti,.I da Cilin(AM love humor and X+1aatly,. .. - . - , ,. �1 I , charsotor-4 * . . . . . . . . . .. , -----0---- I , L ,� . . - y I Rdmire sbre,O)'eit- -WhPn, thdrofore, , L � I 1k. I 010PI, � I., � ,� ,� " � .�, -';..,;�'.�. . . I sa , I.. - The briive' Ian army 11 . , '' I V very day of -ther war.-pl-aegenji.y. the n1ag .War is of the "' . � . . cdmlhg ne6rer to the realizatibn'df. , - .1�0 � " - . IL t I I !)11 . - . . . our objeotsi Russ , , , to Z� . . . . . . * *. L . � # . "t, . 0 I L , I I . , . I 11 - . ! A,W, Istrat4-i"01d this alhaPins do.&.'� " . ­ . ., . I A * � I I . . Ile* ? I . . . !, ,� I il . . 0 men a dav - for, Sm , dti ��'kli.'pnid�t,' he amiled'wiih ,gel . . . . � . . . . *Well has assurn�d a formidable taski . 1 I . I , I '. . . . . ph � "Tiuli; $%in A, the first girl y " it'Itaiian trop;pgj, a d, ftlally, .. - . . 8 001 , * L, t* " I I lulblo"Appre. , 1, *1 ,I I We 'could wish 4hat � .biogra I I 11 � I. , �.. 141'(,,? BltJnder?..Slowpesqt "i i _ C18 "Oil . I . I *Ould, t; of fiction In our $86 L' ' ' �, 011.4vor the- gallai ,,, t I I . �i , . ike t)le. lead - ki d7l . . .. -., . :.--- . . k. I . . '. I � .. . I � .th� Atiglo-Ftench forces, Which, aro , I il I , - n, .of Ar. Tuts. plevc,rn . �,sdl: thlied I . . I I I 1, , L . . sso]. And 11ritain iR ObW M%ehing *up, tile offending Ildighboi-, a , in . I . . I catiAdiall ' libraries, : Thera are -" so',� "'You are, jpy,d' Ing, a I I. . . : . a? 1. , I .1 . 1. . . ! � . . " I I . . . ' na -it laftic�s iner�asing,iii'numbor,'co�atituto' 'the . .. , 'L - . -lit Of )jer'militar) * � 'biograpfilem, of Itood, . L h I I I . I 1�, the. heii . I ower, .5 ali .- I L . I Thany � y b. . ,grwtt, I?le APPY to hear you say I am .the .best. jdaranteez lof our finfil vlelp;Vy, . I . . - ."'At I ftllt$ 02 Mote divisi r0st0-4 All the'land he IQ - 1�� . ­ Iloble"allattelfut tnen vvho have bedn first infin Who- OVdr kissed you, 1! . . o promptly. . 1. � . � . I . . . I I - For'two ydrsolls onthb flrink' e&,and punished him'With du v Ity ,- '', # . ,which hereater will com L I line., .ror - ' . � . . � I . th, . f I � and a.half .she hi(4 I'Obl)�ry, .. .11 . ,. .. - L . I � I I is worldlij beneladtori ' that the "It I am the 'first how &ei it haly. In the me6nifnio; thd., mill I I , IIA� ' - UiAr�h'�d from . 'ength 't(y 4 ( . . I . . tavy'p6wer � . . . . I . V I , .. . L LL I ,. sti . , �. ., - .,� ' .� . I ; , I ­ .-: - ­- L . I I jitoiles of their livei ate far move In- pan you. do it SO' expertly ? 00 ' of. the, allies romaina unshaltonble, '. - '� I I LL . L strength. .Sho 1.1,still msrehi,ng, I . . 91.- � . . - - . " L . . _ ­ I � , " . terestinstbalAthe.ft4det,�n�nd-"I.,W-hit ­t"A .R LarathWfirst how, ­­ ­ � ­- --:" ­- 11 � ­ - �. ­ - I -1 , .1 1�­-- I - fi­ 1. ­. -­­­ -Ill." _L -­ - 'L I I lift 'fof , latftaea was thLJit bf J)L .1.0 ev�u' The, lGorioans; -have--proeured- -succeorq­ ----' � . -- - - -I- - - ­Tfib lt� [h,NAvy-.-- -1----1. 11,-- -, I Sued' , � ­ ­ 1 . '. , ., C, _ ­;­_ I I , - ­ ­.;­.- - I #14'� RftoWVheth6r I do 1� oj�telqiy �,..Ilo'jpy 6ftly on set6ndary 1volits, , , , - . I . I. .�"#' .. : " I Us . 1�, 1 I . .11 I .. I ,. . , , I . . . . � � C"i"I's � k0her (Sliazoply L . . � , , I . � I .. 4, 1 1 ''. , L' I I "And 'no 1glo-1,46, marched ',the, yOW-'(1I'1VlngL lit. ' L '� * . I . . , . ) $ , I " I I I L . �, . . I ­ , _ - . . ..% . . .. . -the appoi , 'tisb . Navy has, prot&!tdd 110 1 i , . tivilliAtonc u6i ��e give a b�,iof � " �-' � - :, *�-4 . , ..' . - -S "With vogard'� to the .- prinejps�l .- 0 9' 1 ' Q� - just to whet iteL . . .. I -1 . I . I . ,L I I I � &i - I 0 L . . . . .1 suateh hort, . Aft-P644FAVO'. - �. froutg, on ill 11 .1 . � rides the Sefta.to�day.aaL It ba.q 1. 0 . 'L I which decisive actioift wl � . � . r. 0t , Nervy49Wt6r­ l"don?t*dt .61 oUr Y61121$ toador� to t�aql the o6k T14 " toaehoifs la�t ' . olul6s have buwn them-� I . . . . 4 . ,Since "gontiftile. to allaunderatslud YA,V ,% you L I , . .1 � . � b tipestion wgs 11 � ��� 1. .. . I .. . . I � I . th'alto smasilled tho Armod,�.invillcjhlb � 000. . � wbich Is f6pd. In evety'llbrary, 6r me$nt' to be a selentific , I 1, I , .. I I � . , f)6jee, L selved p6werleas to obtitin it -fly Roil'ous '. , , . L I I 1111g; I have tiled . I , I Sh6uld b& i Dorn up- hi ths�hillg� of "Whkt; 15 ft that lI'te-va(loiq all space It yeaulti." , , . .. I . . . I : . -the '80'preme Arbiter in fillin to iultt It, P1,410 on. . . . I ,A , I L �LA", 1. . I 1W . I I all at- 6ugh,: I want to diarr�, Y6* d4ugh. I 'L ,, - � I :' faita. 'Let us not. fol,gef this in over. I ter , I , . Scotland, &t the ago 6f'ftont.�r 116 be, ob�, Sajap, (iWillell 110, W 11 , o , , . 11 � I I I . 0.,*�� *R,. *, i I a or � ­ 1 '46, 1 . Or (16 y I I 1, ---.-- -�-- " L I . . . . . . 0 tbat's.all tlI'(q,e iq to it, 1)() ,,�Fogl � , ,. . , ­ - .� ­ L ­­' ­ ­ I ­...­­ - I all' bmaiine, e I . � k4& , -11W.-------- I I.. . L. Kky'.Ab011t SU ' . . 1. . . 4", . . doie* cqnylftpd� thAt ho r4iit,Q the othav Arubstaueo tan shut out -Y,, ­ vogetable sponge. L;i,,,--. !M 0, , . &*L 4�`Almself, aig ovary y ' I I . . A I . ;. I - L Or' In uhdu6 enipbasir4, tiposiMPA19PS foll6w� me? . I . I . . I , )ft , � rig Pit- XO one' li$ld' J(nL a)1"qWerL.I.00d,� l'ut The wb'l Ila, laul, OI Ekund�.i iro. - - - L. . � 1� I . I � 11 chnnel"I 1.1�t tliel,e - � flon �sroui .,�e#61v# to,do it thoa'Wagd oil Priddy 84*p, , '- � Tile. Peateiiiak6i�, . . I I I raids. A thou,mmig'years op strji-�, .1 jjo,1I*, fol, . wa,,q 110 ,need of. thjd qwjos�l ' � , I , , . * ,diieo it vil%­ ,yielding it fruit which N . ' '' . I 1 . . , . lid . o.CJ Lthe y()11ng.MAh t 'te " ' ' . tarlior. Young LIVInestoU6, *ftAr, con. fthe 61*0-.Il of' orllons;,�llliqA'11 K w1i4n driod, forius a smla sold to bg� . The X, - I � I t1loma 'yent'softhoughtiathousaill )Col.,, , Vj,," . I I . ­ I Asid"I . D41`14,1. "Whydohltyou let hith go, -h6 AAYU,he has had'#nqUgh*V1 yettre of challeligo, foulld ljrjt�qin fft,e.. 1i ' , 11`0 :bAd,Lqnglhl� ovid0kerAllo't . . . I . . . , L ' , sl4orl"s W041 him eame, is repor4d U promptli, . .., . . supbrior to animal sponges. � � - The, Ally� II)ttop Wt heIg 6 �Jt , 1�. Intern I . is 131,01INctive fAthee.in. . ­ , , � , I I . I � . � .� , 4 A a lickr."-London 16- io , , Ing the � 6 , I I 11 PRIM, I �, �, I I 11 I - I I .1 , � - I . I .1 I I 'I' 'hei '-mu - e is�el, - , . I ; I V I ii I I I I L� 1, -­ t I '. , .. [ I I I i�ll � , , � 'I - I , 11 I .. . . �pin , U. law wtk�*fou . . . I I . L I .1 . � -� � I ­ I . . . I � . wAr With th e lAost peirect V.. i , . , . I I � � I . . 1� hliAosol - , I , � I 1% I. - .� I . .. . I . . . � I I I � . � I 1. lo i 10 hi 'y' v ., I .. . I . . . I . . I . . * I . � I I 1, . . .. , " I . I . . . I .. . . , , . .. , , . . 11 � , a � I . . . I . . � .. �, �, I . 1, . L � I . I ­ 1. , , . .. I , , . � . 1. .. I . . � . .�. I I I . . I ../ .4� , .. 1� I .1 . I I 11 I .., , � . I I .. . . I . I � . . I . . .1 . ., � I .. . . I Z, , I ,,, I 1� I I . . L � .,� . I I . . . . � I . I . I � . ... . ", " I . I I . � I'll, I . . I L . . I . I I . I . . , , I �: . I . � . I . ,. C I .. . 4 . L I . . I . . I 1, . . . , I L .. . 1. I I �. . � I . . ­ . � . , '' � . 11 . . �� I . P � , , . I I I '. , � . I I . I . ­ 11 . . I . 1, .. 11 . I �`-t I . I . > I ­ . I . I I .'L . � . . I I . . . I �.. , . � 11 .. L . . �A 1� I . . . I . I . .. . . . . ­ � 1� L I , I . � . 1. il I 1.� .� � I I A . Ira., a .1 1� .1 �� . � 4 . ..", , . . . * I .. � . , I I . . 11 I . . . � .-a � I , � ,�', : . , . . I . .1 . , I I . � . . 1. I . . .1 . . .. I � . . J