HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-03-01, Page 171,41••••"" 71r1rFrigirvgrir.MPTI•1191071,117111rir 1,7711r" 4.4 "V"-'• • ••••••• c - ,1,•••••••••, ' le* 3 COMO =..Sr..503 Pel:,yearz hi advance; $2,00 otherWise •• L%A.I. AND OENERAL Mr. R. White, of Stratfeed, anent Monday'with trim& in town. • MISS Lyon, Of Londishoro, epent the eieek-end with frieado in isieen. • A uuMber of our Subscribers have not 'ietiiIa.fer.1017f,1. Are YOH Otif) ef dieser Mr. John joynt returned home Settles, • day frem an extended trip to:New YI:brir TWatei ,• • • Mrs. J, G. Andertion visited with friendan Dungannon a few 'days last week. • • - March: And it Woke as though March *Mild come in like a lamb. • You know the nee. * Mrs. Walter Sturdy epent the past week witht her daughter," jewitt, near Blnevale . A course. in stock j udgingis being held atthe Presbyterian Church Shed to -day sate -morrow. Fred. Lewis, piano tuner, to at the Cain House; The price of hop still goes up -414.70 per °Wt. this week here, 'You *Quid have an Edison Phono. graph in your home. The prices are from 440 00 up. •e„ • L R. 'Mackenzie, of Aylesbury, 'Sask., who has been visiting his brothers in KiniOse, is leaving for the West fe- daye • ." - •• Miss Melia Spindler, who is 'attend- . ing the School of Commerce at Clinton, spent a. fey/days at het,home here thy; week. •••, • .Misa Margaret Harrition, who hes been •visiting her,sister, Mrs. T. E. Finlay for time inontim, haereturned-to her -home at Norwocid. • Mr. Smelter has treated the ithnvr. .. • , room and office of the Ford Garage to a of paint, whielugmtly iniproved . . the appearance. . • 2 - It is eaid that the eopeening of lake naVigetion,this season is likely to be •late,. owing to the great. quantity.' pf thick ice ea,ehe lakes, - Fellitiarywas•a Month of severe win- ter tfircughout. Seldom do Webeer 'AO inaely references to Cold and aorta* weather aa we have heard the put 'six 94r °-• 'Noma* :borres000dt this week repe.rtaiuttelier death in the idotli • Battalion at Bratashott damp, e Pte. enlistedet Teeswater,- died of peeunioneet. , • '. Youcan hear an Edison Artist sing in. '------e:direet:eomparition.wtth- Mr. Edie.01713.11°. -" „Creation Of her voice; at the concert,. to ,Care of Thanks"; • Mr. Thomas, Webster and sister wish to thank them many friends and neigh. bora for the many acts of kindness shown during the illnese and deathof their sister.• 4111 of Thanks Ms.. Wm. Dawson and Ben wish thankully to acknowledge the helpful kindnese and synniathy shown them at the gine of the illness and death Of Mr. Dawson, sr. . • •eve of Thanes. Mr. and Mre. Geo. T.'Aitcheson wish to express their grateful appreciation Of. the many expreseions of sympathy and acts of kindness done by -the Reeve and people of Lucknow, when the news came of thedeath of their ion in Fiance.. .... • • Ihe.held in the Carnegie Rot, Liecktiese • in the near futitte. . • • Crawford Smeltzer, Porsl. Agents, are .having an air' ..gtation installedin their garage for inflating tires, for the free use Of their 'customer's._ Gasollne Tusers,.don't forget this:- , • Sergt. Russ. Johnstone, wheelies been Arainieg*ith a transpertstIon battalion . tat Toronto, called his folk here by phone eilast-Friday to Say -that he waseleavitig . for the east, which means overseas, that Moving to Barri*tim Mr. Ashley Blair artd fartulyeare MeV- ing to ilarriston this ;seek, . where Mr. Blair will be employed with the bavies Packing Cot • ' This company ig• com- mencing a canning biasinesiin the build- ang of the pork packing plant, whichhis been idle for some time. They are starting qnite'a large staff, Of men and girls to work- on March ' est, and 'Mr: •Blair'wesfortunate enoughto secure what -looks like a steady -posititet for OBI r UAW/ A KINLOS PIONEW: Dawsese, one a flip piou4i psideos a Con, 2, Itinlosi, passed away at. his home, lot on 'Jeh 24th, in his 80th year He be Ibeep ailing for fieele Menthe; felfferhlg fFOre the jearteitiee• natinui ta oul %ay. • Mr.' Dawson rac3 born in Abertleett,, Scotland, and lived there lima 146, ieheu'he came 401,044 Viveyears after Coining out he was 'married to Fraelbee Crowston, ewho survives bun, though in failing health. To the union Were horn five sena and -two, daughters: James, Of, Wainwright,Alta.; William, Torontpe; Mrs. Cheeks Barbour, Winnipeg, . who was renewed- by death a :few months ago; Mrs. Alex. • Mackay, Winnipeg; Alex., who died some years ago, shortly after graduating from the phicia0 Den- tal C011ege; Fe who resides' op the homestead, seld George; who died in infancy,- Thelate bit Davvriofi was. a man of irreproacbable character, in. re- ligion a Presbyterian, and for forty-dve loss, an old and respected resident, who yeare an elder an that chureh. He al- passed away early Sunday intrnink Mr ways took a keen. and kntelligent in- Dawson had been ailing for some tune, tereet in the hie topics of the day, and his death was not unexpected. a•Liberal in polities, be was an almost constant reader of The globe from the • t.pree of its first appearanee. Six years ago Mr. and Mrs. Dawson celebrated- their_gelclen:weddim whena1members of their 'family then living were present., togethei with many relatives and friends. They were bothin. excellent health then, but the •intervening years. have done their work erselleantitoreaSaturdey. last another Of the old landniarks of which there are feev•elow remain, was taken to - his reward. The funeral, Which took place oft Tuesday ef this week front late ,reeidence-to-Tiffitheecemetery, was largely attended, Mei:ming the esteem. ,in which deceased was held: The aged widow and twiny- have the sinceresym. pettier cd the entire cemmunitere '•• some time. . Many at The Carnivalk. .Entertainment at tiolyrood ••••eroan,w,ms,ra The Women's Institute :at Ifelyreed has. engaged the best Lucknow talent te gave an entertainment in the Towrieleir Hell, Holyrood, ori theevenieg of maycli fltii. enteriniethent will, be 'given in heinterests a the women's petriotie work, Ai:1111040nwill be 35o,. children 15c. The program will:censiet of inneie, dialognee -and eecatatione.. Ifelp ,g004 cauke by attending , 0t..•• • . • Langside : • '1—Tuesday, Feb, 27. .4 „Mr. as. Cesar intends lead* for the weet in a few daya with his second load of horses. • Mr, F. G. Moffat was in Toronto ;he latter Part of last week with a. ear of live stock. We are sorry to repdrt the death of the late Wm. DaWson, 2nd, con., Kin- The Masquerade Carnival'.y.tiesday evening is pronounced the best held here. in two years..:, There`was a big crowd cf spectators and the keenest kite:led cern petition for all the priees. 'rbe Crowd was well entertained too for the costumes •werespIendidly pictureequee. The crewel: •In ate lutof Wounded in France; last • week in the name of Pte Cherence r • F Pte,..Free is a brother of Mr G &Free,: •photographer, of:town. The wound, we •ainderetand, is on the hip and is said ,to lie serious. . Mr. R.. H. Reid, of iteid'S Corners, ---,delivered-a beanie of high-priced yontig Clyde Stallidnii to W. Mockenzition Mon- day These horses were bred.froin Pop ineateeitnp, and Mriteici's arnp usilees: Mafehing CHURCII NEWS Itev. Mr. Boyle, of Belgrave, will be the preacher in LucknOw Presbyterian 'church next Sunday. • , • The 'Methodist cougregatiett at Wing,. ham have extended an invitation to Itev, E, F. Arllistroog, of Esser, to 'become pastor' Of Wingliam church, and Mr, Armstrong has signed. his willingness t* accept, subject to thb approval Of the Stationing,'Oeramittee at next Confer.. mace. Oa the Other.hanti, the Methodists „of Essex have invieed Rev. Mr. Hibbert, • now pastor of the Wingham church, to go to EsSex. Mr. Hibbert also. baa accepted the inviation. On Tuesday evening, Mar* leth„ Rev. Mr., Bradley, of Teeswater, will , gie•e. his Malone: address, "Pat:- and -His-. Island", in the Langside Presbyterian. -Chterche.---Alleare cordially itivieed•-and niay safely count on an annising as -well will as instructive evening "- . , The address given by theellev. Mr. raham in Langside Church on. "Two trips across the Atlentic", was Very ranch appretiated. Mr. Graharntad been to • the Old Country since the War broke out • and lute passed through what' is now, and then was the "danger zone", e : 0 THE VEA4I7E.-- A very successful' • • meeting was heldMonday evening. The meeting was in charge of Mr. V. A. 'Doupe. Miss Alma Alton took the chair, andthe FiesidCntrad thd Scrip- ture lesson. Airexcellent paper, "Fran- chise for Women", was taken by Mrar R. T. Phillips, which was greatly enjoy- ed by all. J. 4,). Andersoneer. G. And- erson and Dr. Newton.. spoke briefly on the eubje* 'Readings were given by Mies Pearl Irwin and Gordon Webster, and music was Provided by the Sunday School ehmr. An interesting program is being prepared ter next meeting by Mrs. Alteln'e class: Topic; "Woinen's Part hi This Present Ytrar,' THE Gun —To give its membera easeful -and interesting information about our country and our fellow •countryieen is an aim which the. Guild eonstantli keeps in mind. Those who attended the meeting Monday evening had an extelient-opportunity to---eillarge- their ' /Benet TuiPer, of Hillsgreen, called On friends herelaet Thursday: • . ehireiand-Mreejiiie, Boak- evisited-.Mr:. • • was entertainedby the Band ehroughout theeiveningee The Women!sreleiatitutie- which conducted a lunch 'counter, also had agocid evening'abusineste takieg in betWeen seventeen ancreighteen 'dollars. • Prim winners Were:. Fancy dress lady-eRobi Nixon. e -Comic dress lady ---Lila Taylor. " Fancy dress gent—E. Millacin. • • : (Jenniedress. gent -3:F Cciok. Fencer dress girl—Chris. Meliendrick. Coinic cites gni—Miss Tyree Fancy 'dress: boy --Sidney Decker, - LeCortic_dress heY-.-Peeele•Ve6ster• Musical: chair —Alex Lockhart. • Laeies' obstacle race—Frances Siddall 4obblerece—Harold Treleaven, ,. • Candle race, girls—Nornia Thompeop. • . TONE TEST CONCERT IN LUCKNOVI As announced a.shart tune ago,. art- ists' who sing and play -fore the New Edison will appear in a &Meek at Liicle- floW, in tilc ear future * •We expect ,date of ' concert tine .n&.r • particulars will be ready for ttext. Week's .§entinel. . 1 Stock. Tonic- ts Foe ,Horses; Cattle* Hogs and Sheep. • We call' special attention to this •tonic----fetbogseeeTty it for rapid; .heitithy growth or pigs. 'It is Of • great value an warding' of disease.- ' ExPels. wcrns. Dr Ifess' Stock Tonic ia die scientific prescriptien 'cif:Gilbert Hess, M D., D.V,S. It contains blood buildere, kitties, eat,vetrandevorm-expellersee I a aide digestion and makes ittnek healthy. • 2 lb. Package 9 lb Package 66c. . . 25 1b.p.11.9ail $2.25: • Sold only at • DR. spErlers. Drug Store • and Mrs. A.nson.Fielay on Friday,' , Mrs. l',I. Johnston :is 'visiting her .daughter, Mrs, We P. ReedeLtacknow. Miss . Hengford, of St Thomas, is visiting her •cousin, Mist' _Wiggle Chen.a, at present. •, .. • . . . Richard Johneton has three carloads of Milton brick bathe, ready for .build- ing operations in the epring, -. ' -:' • , Mies 'AferY"Cdlieettehekleterriennefare t1e past two WAelfs as her school is dos e on account of whooping cough. Mdanct Mrs: Wallace TWeenley visited IliaClatter'S parents, Mr. and Mre. It. leastee, in Dungannon, On SundaY. ' • " Zion. • • —Tuesday, Feb. 2'7, toavtd.S'tretict left for ,tlie West On Monday.-- _ T., • , _ . Mi and Mrs:. Jadob Minter. spent Sunday a4th relatives at St. Helens. :s. .Jelan McGee, of . Port Albert, vielted her parents hereon Saturdey: • - Era -Gardner visited& few days le,st wesdc Witte hereauktie; Mrs. Finlay, of Incknow. Mr. and John Little, of Lena, eiseted_the 'iattees eister, Mrs e Albert Helm, on Wednesday. ' Wesley McIntosh,' Andrew and Robt. Johnston, of -Bailey, delivertit horses leo James Stroud en Thursday.' Mrs.Wilham Ritchie returned_ home_ on Friday after visiting. for seine time 'with her son in lifettikeeviiie. -Mre'andelliVeias, Streudeand. family, returned hotem Saturday after spen'ding, some menthe. With his *Other here. , knowledge of the intelleCtual life • of Canada ' through an address read by ,Miss Betide. MacKenzie on- "Comedian Nets". It is 'perhaps not generally knoWn that Canada has 'alrea. dee pro- duced no less than fifty Poete Whom abscess on t4e b,reie,P°480`avlaY to day. . . Mayor jehnstoni of Walkerton, has h.oetk appolutedisster of autonlohile line enses for the County of Bruce. It la es. timated that there" are over enethoyiland eettomebiles la ;Bruce, *IA eietoudy to drive e caron the ItighwaYs IUIt 1140re iiee0/10. Tire issuer of the Iii,enshiwfll be paid by a coramiesion of 25C ou eachlicense issued: • 1011110110 --Tuesday, Feb. 27. William Nichols left fer his hOme in qu'Apimillet Se*, on Saterday. „ Born.—In Kitilough, on Feb. 22m1;,t0 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nieholion a daugh- ter, •. -Wesley Guest is in Culroes helping his brother, jou, to cut wood thas last week.' • • Lloyd Percywho has been Itaid up tot * Route time, we are pleased to say, is able to be out again. •• Mose ThoMpson who haiebeen visis- ing hi da'ughter, Mre..,Eldon Edison- swillet, Ieft,onFriday for his home in Lafieche, Sask. Our visitors from the West are going back tb theIr homes_ and they are micesed as they go Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Hecigins 4eft,for their homein-Alberta on Fri _ • day. . ' • Woid reached here that Dr, Albeit Nichols; of Edmonton, dropped dead lof heart Where. Dr, Niche's was a an of John Nichols, who -formerly- lived -at' Kinlpugh and moved to the West some: year ago. Mr Edwin Percy- who has ban. a ,sufferer for • manY • months frorflan The-Nitintiai A letter received title we* from the sieretary of tho Notional Sauitariunt A.ssoeiation, in the interege of •which Mr Dyke recently visited Lucknow;ac; knowledged receipt of 450.e0. cellected .Mr. Delle.while here BORN • 'Ifiessoeseer.--eAt Rinlougb, 'Township.of ke.i?. 23, .19-17; to Mr. . and Mra. Walter -Nicholson, a &ugh- , s ter. • . • eriticadeem worthy of mention een ng\ Writers of real merit. Se large a subject,', of course -could net have anything like' full treatment inone evening; .but Miss MacKenzie succeeded in giving an ex- •c'ellent •iritroduction to theliterarylights, inentidil could be made on only a few and the work of theseeveas Mane,. tratiel by the readingor reeitatioe 'of one of their poents.by inemberii Ofi. the Guild. In this way MiSse8 Rutherford, L. Taylor and EeHteveassisted. Other ;webers were a duet by theMisses Gor- don and instrumental by lifise-McMoie rati and a'solo by Mise Jean Douglas. :An invitation.-tp -.the Guild 't().. *WE Stfielens Guild. on ,Moticlay evening, 'march 4th, was enthusiastically receiv- ed, and arrangementswere made with that end in view. This means that no meeting will be held in LLuckeow,next Monday evenang" Bcsien, RitChie, of WalkerVille, .rettirn- A.sleigh load of liafekieg. venlig folk ed home. Monday aftere spending the . 'spent a pleasant evening reeently ittt.11.F weak end with his brother, Charles," home of ai. David' Errington, . Dungan. . nom. •: • , • ' 7 :Sain'e-aSiitiliderit has purchased Ierb Alton's farm We hive Mr. Alton will. pot move far away, as .W6 should be very, ..sorri to lose the family fit9 our, eom. e --.Tuesday, Feb. 27; Mr 'andif re Almere Ackert 'tied Miss. hitenian spent Monday evening et M: 'Iivvin's. • • • •• ' "' Mrs. Robt. Elliott is. spending • a few :days trfsiting friends .in,-Teeswater,and -Winghatn. ' On Frick eeeniiig, March • lithe a splendid concert wafl be:given In', the TOwnshir hall her by Lueknow talent: There will be dialogue, .music and other numbers: -.-.7a whole evening's raissien 35e, end children 15e, in the interests of the Patriotie work. forget -the Sea in -the Hall On Thwardity evening, 'Match- ;Debate on: "Resolved that women • Should have equal franchise with rime- Affirmative is to ba taken i)y Misses boa • Culbert and -Dean -McLeod; the negative be; Messiest, :Ernest Ackert and Etchard Baker. This will he a rare treat. A gime prograni'. will be • gives betides. Don't miss at. • . The following is a listof donations for the Bed. Crosii—Lizzie Pervis, 5 Is; butter, 5 lbs. honey;Lizzie Pierce, I box of eatables 4 pinta fruit) M. Baker, 2 buttee; Mrs. Wellings, 2 Ihe ; Mrs, V; Hetherington, le lb. -Mrs. W. Ilocie gine 1 lb.; Mass A. Stateere 1 114 alai" T. hiurra3r, 21b.; Mr& J. Gamble, 2 lbs; Mrs. A. Ackert, 21 lbe.;• blre, S. Mute ray, 5 Thee honey; Mee R. Bayne, 0 lbs.. Initter; Evelyn White, 1 Imps eatablem; Are. Wm. 1Preitere 1. boil. Mrs.. George White, 2 Ilughes, 1.bex, - -'the following knitting has been done; Mrs. 3. Sutherland, 5 pair; Mts. J. It • MARKO'S itterrected up to Wednesday noon) Whed iv V ***....• • I ,6 004.4.1•••• ••(*. gar1eY.0:.• 1 01:1 • 113.11.1ttef . • # • •43. 3 manity. ' . eof nu wich Ci Oftghth , Con • --Tuesday, Feb. 27. Mr. John -Si. Culbert -spent-' a week. With friends in Kincardine: township WA Walden, .• ' A numlier of the young people . spent' , . -etilretitesentedetheeelitieneenfeehteeEdecere, Wili-0-q-C-IeeNeegeqtetre1:91-e• tional DePereineut of the Methodist, Clituch to the people.' of Ashlield Cite' euit Su day. , Rev, S. J. Briclgette was on the sante mission to the White- • church Circuit.. • • • E Lel Culbert 'spent Sunday at Km - lough instead 'of et Verdun as fornierly. . , Miss Beatrice Ellison spent the Week- end with her tester, Miss Ethel Ellison. Mrs. Rubel' Culbert, Miss Tena and l'4117r9ife"."..11-1-b-71111?r :burgeo.re now-fe,viethd-farebetWeeneee _Miss Glennof Glenn-OharleseTo- -ronto, Canadala H r ,Faebion Store, will be at the Cain -House, Lucknow, Ttiesday, March 6th., with a •fuIl line of Ledise and *Clentletnen's Rib. Goode. • If you Are not satiefied with the appear- aiice of mix hair; consult Miss ' Glenn.. -Free' demonstration. " ••• • • Verdun:, ;Feb. 26. Re leaves a widow and. one young son, Who in their great loss have .the ekm- -pathy of the community.-- The ...funeral to.Greenhill'eetneteryi Lucknow, will bn, held on 71.16e.y....... Mr. Percy was in his 48tit year. EVERYBODY'S -.COLUMN -MONEYTO LOAN. -On mortgages and notes at reasonable rates. Fire Insurance. hut? Stock and Mutual ComPanifig, Venve• y aiming done with neatness auttnespatch. SIDDA.LL Droker; lateknow I am paying the highest prici, for raw furs horsehair,and rubbers. 211•11-tf. • B. 13r.rrgeircor, Lucknow. W.ANTED,--good girl for fight housewdrk (no , washing or ironing), pne to bleep at home. Apply to lifts, .1, Oarnet Armstrong, Drug Store. •. 1.0.o, • • 420,000 of privat,g funds to lenci. on first mOrt,• " gages on farm or villages prOperties, at rea- sonable rates. Apply to •• •• Ono, A. EIDDALL,,, Broker, • . 46-4to, , Litoknow. • FOUND -On the road leading to lilbuth tin- , loss Church. Sunday Feb. 25, a light adv.- - • nig robe. Owner may have same at• The Sentinel Mace. ,• 1•32-0. Wee Aerifeleciliexson Sundinel at J Blue's . . Miss Mamie McDonald spent a day of leaf week at Mr, ft. "'• ' Mr. Merton Fraser, ..of Kincardine, Emmet Sunday at his here. We notice that Our Earl's trips to our 'William Johnston miteitaited a num- 'Mies Sadie McLeod is at present' the _ ort priday 111,10••01j; All, guest of her sister, Mrs. A. Anneerenge •eisted of •songs, readings and instru- , • 1Virs: Snarling spent A few, days ,15 ' • * Don't forget the lecture eo be given meetelei wair-weltliSi"Of-hiler'Preiger•- . • St. Helens P.. - —Tuesday, Feb. it. • Miss Majeralra Gaubt visiting friende ni Clinton •--- - e--- ,Willitinl.Rutherferd.sPent IcVLIa.ir.it in. Toronto this week: - "Mies Selleeld; Goderiehr visiting her sister:. Mie.A. K. Miller. • Miss Anna. Stewart, of Wingliatrilligh. School; w home over Sunday. • • , • . • Angus _A cDonald retnrned home a.fter spending anouplepf ieetia about GuelPh. Mrs.' Alex. Virpods, of Zion, visited at _the henie ef RobinsonWoocia . on Ties - • ,.. Misses Annie Curran and .liszel..Pal- iner spent the week end al their home in Ripley. • ; • • William McDonald is under the. doc- tor's care at preeent. We 'hope there will be.no serious developments. Mr. and Mrs. Dave McDonald, of Winghain, Spent the week -end With the • litter's sister;,Mrs."Ed.. McRoberts. • ; We understand that the St. Helens eVoitheepeonle'a Bible Cle.as intend entee- etainingille,;,Lia*iii .-Xliiilitirereefiai- .Monday evening. • • Roy Moore, of Speers, Seek., and Mist' Florence 'Curminghain, of Walkerton; who have been visiting their aunt, Mrs. John Miller, returned' hem° on Monday. The weekly .nieeting of .the Literary ..SOcietS, held leat Friday iiight-was again succesehil: 'The .progratn, which con HIGHEST PitiopEs for poultry,raw -furs and, all kinds oi junk, -rags, old paper. rubber, iron, cuipper,_zinc. and ail kinds of hides. Phone 86. Write to or call on, 15 2-4. JAILE LIBEL. Litoknoa • „ DR. PARKEKTOSTEOPATII, at 4.3okt-frau-se Ducknew. every Wednesday afterhoon: Al chronic diseases successfully treated. Ott teopathy remOves the physical causes \ disease. Adjustment pi the spine is more quiCkly beoured and with fewer tre.atment4 ' by Oateopathy than by any other method.' Notice For all :natters regarding areenhilleimetIty •• refer to D. o. Taylor secretary'. • . • , for Sale. ••••••— FARM FOR SALE. '-100.acre farm, late, con. -2,Kinloss,Bruce thrtbis orupertythere - fa a good brick house with summer kitchen • and woodshed, also large barn, good stabling - underground. • There. hi good °rebore anti about 14 Mires Wooded land, balance cleared . and under pasture for Some years; About mileYfrona-Whitachurch andUmiletfrout ••• Lucknow. ••Prie,e.reasotutble. rig terms.. eta' aPPIY rthRANK MCCONNELL Agent. • 154150. • Wingliant, Out. - FARM FOR SALE. -Lot 11. ard. rouge sontlt of Durham -Road, 'Unless ToWnship, estate-, --- of•the late N. Bushell, CO acres /On& War an. cleared,' good !mune bare. good frame house and good well, ei good state of ' oultiration and well fenced.- Terms tosuit purchaser. Apply to S. Braden or John . Bushell, Kinloss, Executors of the estate of — N. Bushell. _ _ , • _._83•150. C171 N. SA.. .-- S AND CATTLE •• —Tuesday, Feb. 27.• Winghatii,last week. .. . . ...The subject for.....the • Guild meeting next Sunday evenag ie ."Service",, the leader*beieg Jehnet'oet Conn. • • , ' (Intended for last weeky • • Wed °habil is- visiting friends in Dublin and St, Marys. report an expellent time • , Adfew from' here attended the Boer • Sociel -in Itiple3eon-FridaYeevening and report a good tinie. Iteceipts amounted •-to $92.05. • Bore:710 Mr! and Mrs. jas. Middle - UM, fib Feb:gist, a dighter,. -- • Mr. and Mrs.*.It'Aeri Mowbray, Wingliam, spent Sunday with friends here. I • Mass Ruby Nixon, orLucknow, is spending ik few days at the home of Ke P-aterson. • • Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Mowbrey and children, of Winghatu, visited a few days last week .with the hatter's parents, ifitand Mra.-Jannis "Morrison.- • The social and Scrotal concert Friday evening, was it splendid success, Rev. Mr Graham performing the duties of chaitinan in gond style. Ikeellerit ad. 5 dresses Were given by Rev. D.. Pereie, of 4 Winglaini, and Rev. Mr. Little, of St, Ilelens, and there vverdi other numbers 5 of qta entertaining cheraotte which were 45 0; Mrs. McPherson, I; Mts, Pierce, 10; well 'rendered Thtyprocceds,, anumtited gggii, new1a14 .410gtt.,,,,,j,rti.x1rti,trittivrwt 14 70 al, Pierce, Mil, Belle• !, 4; 8, PUrVini• 1. to 0.101011t 440.904. • ' Paramount —Monday, Feb. 26. itobert Wehster has gone to Stan ley township, to see hialister, Ms, Reid who if3 Seriollsly ill. Miss Annie Murchitein WAS around bidding her friends good bye. She goes to Detroit this week. • Mr. John McKenzie, who. has been sick for a few weeks, is. improving,' but is still confined to his bed. • • • llobt. Webster had, 9. cerload Of horses to ilettleS Stro'ud, of 'Castleten, They were shippediaet -Friday Qat° miimber•were feeling sOrry for our mail Courier during the severe eold weather, hitt it seeins to agree with harn , for Mr. Ilamiltort has teken another route in addition CO the one he had. ••Mte, I). Murchison received word that her slaw, Sansburn, of N'orthA. kota, was very low and not. expeeted to live. Mrs. SanSbura will be rememberl td to former vatclAt, Of tntaltonnt. After .the program a sociat hour was • by Rev. Mr, Maxwell in the Pine, River spent in guestling contests, etc. Lunch Presbeterian Chutch on Marcheiith. was served, after which all went home •IllareElizabetleWeleh retuened home feeling_ it was, an evening well [Tent. from London Thursday hest where she has been Visiting her Sister, Mre. or. El. tHEWGHEN'illisTuDTE meeting 'held pee. • • • 7.ro,Tgrahurarediewasy wgtaktivelliveblly attended The aTtire: Second Cone,. Kinloss Institute, consisting of an instrumental duet by . the MiliSe6 Kearney and two —Monday, Feb: . instrumentals 'by Miss Effie Wilson Wrn. Hamilton; of Ripley, called on Which were well received Two excel - Jelin ROSS one evening last week. • :let papers Were given on "Entertaining" Mie arid Mrs. Dan' Martin, Fordicer BbyeaticisesliEnd. eTrshiZtiapsondn"..Chmiltirs'n:_' were visitors at James Xrwin's last Fri. ' 'mid gave a talk on Red Cross •vvork teed 'Mr. anti Mrs;Wilrion Irwin, Of pelfgsk - what the Dungannon Society Was doing. spent a 'couple of days last week with Miss M. g. Salkeld, of Goderich,' and friends on the line. . _ The. undersi ed auctioneer -hits' teceiWtr - instructions from A. E; DIJR1411c, now, to sell by public auetitni it the lloYal Hotel 'Barn, Guano*, Saturday, March, 3rd, 1917.. Commencing. at 2. o'clock pan,. the fol- lowing property : 1 Driving Horse, 5 yrs.; 1. Draught Villy risinga yrs. -1 Draught 'Colt; 3 Fresh- - (1.owt; 3 ("Owe, due in March; 2 Heifers. due in Marc!'; 4 COws, due in April; 2 . Heifers. dile in April: 2 Farrow Cows; 5 VearThigs, 4 Calites. • : - - . tuOtithio credit war be .err •-•••Wis'refe.ti -,-41ye•-•tiLto-purchaseraltrarnum, nr, b. - t -p • 4ohn Purvis, Auctioneer,. Logs Wanted The undersigned have decided to take in at their Sam mill at Lucknow a small stock Of leg's of all kinds of timber., Any•person or -persons haring lOgs to sell. bring them. along and '10.13 will pay bigliest market prices. Call and see ..ue or call.n0 up by phone und get paetionlars. , • The Lucknow 'Table Clop • 28146541 Dutton, Manager. Lucknow. • day, . • Kirk; Diettict President,.' was preeent • lighttin told 'what they . Meatus. Thoinee Weleater, of Seafortle MI" F.'- °u•nn1 . , . and Max Raynard, of Paramount, spent were doing in their home societies, eh Sitatiatrit Sam Congram's. , ' . motion was made by Mrs. George Webb,. Listen! "Read, not to COntradict and eeconded by Mrs. B. Naylor, that it te confute, nor to believe and"talce for donation of *101,0 sent to the Byron grenteti; but to weigh 0114 consider." Mr. 'fled Vire. Jacob Miler Over suppet lest Wednesday evening to torte it inlittber who.availed themselves of the ,opportunity to be present. 'The pro- m'.. &Nis, amounting to about $10.00, will. go in aid of the Red Cross ;found. Mr. and Mrs. Miller lave a son engaged to the war. and they heve been very thina D in 1161R4 twall patrietin 'Pork* ' 1 • , Sanitarium for invalid soldiers, Word VMS received from the Iteeve that there. is 400 of it grant owning to our Soelety for patriotic work. Melodies are ro.. guested told)? in 'the' good work for our boys.. The Society t1aan1st11e wome who AO kindly helped. to knit and 66.* to tits Iso y Notice to Creditors . In'thc. matter of the Estate otNathataiel ' • Bushell, late of . the Township of' Kinloss, in the County* of Bruce, . Fatinef, Deceased. NefricE Is hereby -given Vtirsuant of the V. , • S. 0„ 1911.,Chapter 121, Seaton 56% that alt pei sena baying claims against the Astate, of tho sat&late Nathaniel Dushell. Who died on the Ii .layThirtietof Mara. A. D., 1916. are recteir. ed on or before the Twentieth day of , March: A. D., 1017, to file With theundorsigned it state, limit with trill-partioutus of their daibla or of all securities held by 'then', If anyi and that after the said date the Executors will proceed. • to distribute the aSsets among the perilOns en.. titled, having regard only to the elating Of wbiok theraliall then bare noqco Dated at Kinloss, this Twenty-Firat day of February. A. Do. 1017. ' :Thaw Busurtz, S. BaAmot. • Tenders Wanted • Tenders for drawing of milkand whey .on the varloue route§ of the Parinitount Cbeetae ractery will be received cm Or beta's Afar&*Srd4ty the tnailersigned. Partietiliita olifideriiitit the foli1e6 Indy biz; '.haet frau,. he ilirectora. 414nWest or any 'tender *tot necessarily taoelited. • •lemee Ualt147/1% • Notice eittoait M$.141. taken my brother into 'partnership itt the initialise, all etutstatadieg aepouute itti he paid 4, March 10th. lillettaitre -;•1;"- lob