The Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-02-08, Page 5•
Therms'''. PoiketarY
THE LUCKNOW !ilglintaL
Tc SAVE mor4ecy FOR TUC
PEPA*11.11017 Or ITOMIVelg•
The Public Health Service reports that more people live to
the age of forty years to -day, but from forty to suc4r years
mortality is increasing from degenerative diseases in the U'S.
, Thousands of well-informed men and women to -day are
learning the true :value of •
a powerful blood -enricher and strength -builder
• A° ward off the headaches and backaches that mean
weakness. SCOTT'S helps fortify the body against
grippe, pneumonia and weakening ,,colds; through
its force of medicinal nourislunent.
• Refuse AleOholic Extracts That Do Not Contain Cod Liver Oil.
Suet & Itowats, Toyota Out. • ts-1
week by a r. R, to the west. The
starting of the drive to Walkerton
ceased quite e stir on our streets. The
steeds Were mostly young, and feeling
fresh and frisky as •they emergedfrom
the stable to the street, and were in
Wined to'mix it up lively, _By the
time the animals had travelled a. mile
or °So ovor the heavy, row roads much
of ,their gaiety of gait had vanished,
Tbe bunch were halter led.for a ills -
Uwe° and then all let loese exeept the
leaders, Mr. -Rank Irwin generalled
the drive; and, mounted ona pure
white charger, looked the part- d a
Napoleon of thehorse trade." •• •
Ignatz Hettinger, an old resident of
AfilcImaY, dropped dead one afternoon
, lase week.. He was 80 , yeara-of age'
• and for ten years had lived with his'
son-jn•law; d. M. 'Fischer. He had
gene into the .woodshed to get .some
fire wood and as he did not return for
some tire,lndanghter went to see if
there was anything wrong, and 'found
• tbtold man lying on his face; dead: -
Nowrir BRUCE CANDIRATIf-r.—On a -
• - ,edateto beni4ed .Presicient-C, E.'
Stat, of Tera;,a, noevention Of Nerth
Betice Conser;etives will be held irt
e7/ara sometime next month to select a
candidate to be the .standard bearer
• for, that ridingin the next 'general Pro
vincial eleeticni. Two ,prospective can._
E. :Grant, ex Reeve 'of Tara,
• •
and lir. Foster, of Wierton, have been
speaking to their faends_andiptimat-•
ing that they would not object to be-
ing the choice Of the con:eention.
addition to the two mentioned, there
is a probability the choice may fall on
H. A. Vandusen or C. E. Start, of
Tara, Reeve Brown or Dr.' Nan, of
Chesley. The Nnthrprifoi will not pre-
dict who the caedidete will be,but if
it should be a dark horse instead of
onf?.efthe six mentinned, we would be
very much nurprised.=-Chesley Enter
panne " • • •
Frvn Vans- Pitieley
Advocate 1uts1 the following; 'n
Friday last Irwin Bros, of 'Walkerton,
had a delivery of 45 horses, at the
Central hotel stables -here, which they
drove to Walkerton These -Were part
of a consignment of five, cara they are
-shipping from- the. cote& --town this
• The Rey, S, J. -Bridge -he received word
on Thuraday; Feb. let, of the death - of
his father, John W. Bridgetteh of Saw-
Thedeceased was in the
Seth year of his age and was born in the
Province of Quebec, His parents were
among a mall hand of Irish settlers who
came into the province about :one hun-
dred yeare age and founded a aettlement.
in about 40 Miles 'south
of Quebec Co.. The deceiteed in early
manhood Melted soutliliyard into Coin
ton Co, in which -amity , he remained
till his death. He Was a farmer by
accupatioe dining the working years of
his life, a Methodist in religion and an
official in the church. For several years
he has beenin failing hea1tb and was a
confined t� lus• bed almost incessant y e
I •
for the pest three i,..eSrs. ,The interment
took place 'In Saturday, Feb. 3rd, Os-
ceased"leives to mourn his loss'an other- b
wise unbroken family circle consisting a
of a wife, four daughter and four ,sons, w
of seheip.ihe .youngest" A_
1110 MAYO 81t0t110$11
Pastors gittgesee Video ilystoet
It ia with gratification that the Wall
Street burred (Lew York), uotea what
will surprime most medical praetitioners,
that • the famous Mayo Brothers, of
Rochester, 'Minnesota, have now repelled
an. lame task el $100,0004. month.- --
The work, of colirse, is not accom-
plished alone by two surgeons, however
great their skill. They have twelve 88.
818t3,41.8 of the highest medical and sur-
gical ability,. But they permit no patient
to set a price upon the services ok their
institutions. • ,
E. 11. Harrinianhad pot money enoegh
to induceetheirtto leave their hospital,
and attend himin New York, and Jarlie43
3. HillWO.Lnot permittectte- say as t9
hOW much lie was to.l?e charged.
Some yeare agd Hifl arrived at Roch-•
ester in his private car and sent for the
Mayo Brothers and 'received reply that
his case would be attended to at the
hospital. He stormed •as he left his pri-
vate car and wended his way thither and
Flaftring to
411•46, 01144....14.44.1
q•Nor aroiLmmolimisiwoot
104 lolitatiorta •Only Disappoint
There isre many imitatiotut a this
great treatment, for 'coughs, colds,.
croup, bronchitis' and
wheoping cough.
They usually
by some sale
on the merits of
the QrIgizz1, but
it, should be '
elimembe r e d
that - -they- -
are like it
in name
Th.* is 81
simile .of the
pockege bearing
Pmt siiieeignetnee
.Of A. 'W. .Chaile,
cussing President Wilson's remarks on
° GYSTRR BAY, L.' I., Ian. 211.:
universal military service to the Mary.
stormed again when he found
. himselland preparedness delegation last Thu -
taken in hand by assistants who diag: day, Colonel Theodore Roosevelt said in
noied his case and made engagement for his home at Sagamore Rill to -night:
his return at specifiedhour several days
later. When he had been fully attended
to, this masterful .man thought himself
!lilt master of the Situation, and writing
a polite note of appteeiation, he enclos-
ed his *Mc for el 0,000 .to the Mayo
13rothere, The note, however; was no.
politer than that which -came back re-
turning the check and noting that in due
season a ,bill would he sent hint,
". What was his surprise to receive& hill
sometime laterfor .450,000; which,- Of
coulee, he paid and then endeavored to
find out on what basis the Mityo BrothL
ers made charges, •
If. his inquiry went far enough he
could have learned that their .system
was neither Int -nor miss---m-eurgery-Or
in finance; that in the -case of- a major
operation a man's pocketbook was more
Carefully.; scanned by "organized system,"
than it would he under .the inVestiga
tions. ••
That Mr. Mil would have discovered
that after m*ing,reasonable deductiOna
the charge for a successful Major • eper-
ation was ten per cent of the patient's
ncome for one; yeer.Indeed his life
was valued eccordingtO: his = own.' work
nd-the iffe-saver system ,c410 itself
ntitled .to -a tithe of his income for one
ear. •
. While Mr. Hill was'. fussing; over his
111 and his inability to dictate the nth -
tied, a poor wonia,n 'visited the hoipital
itlethe meager savings of herlife re -
resented -in' the .bank book.sluer.Ceitied.
rwgetre, o tnis town. .
• •
• •
.• ,
• A11OUT thefirst thing the' vietini of: neivous, tollapse cloekle -tcr-extr' 4-16:- 44big - •-
,•-•-•• - - nerve force all control-ls -lost -and: in ,,tlute;helplessiliopeleas-condition-conlidence ----
, . d ' • • • • d a
1' . ,
disappears and. diseouragentent takes its inace: . , . '•. . • • ; ' ..
Because sufferers,from iiervous diSorde,ra, are .often ,strong . and .heidthy an. outward .
--:--:::appeprance- they freonentlY -get.•little. sympathy from their blends or from. doctors who .
•••• do zi'6t Understand nervous diseases. \‘ ' •. • . ' • : ' •;• , . • • •
• fr
... . If there: is ever a. tun' e w.herusympiihy.isneededit is when thanery ea give way. But • •
, .you must have more than sympathy if you are,to recover your nervous energy. ' The.
- feeble, eihausted nerve cells Muth be nourished baek to health, by the use of such.treat.. ,
merit as tir, Chase's Nerve rood.
Thiife'04 urd, is so geritle and natural in aetierlitat if admirably...suits the &Beate
Condition of the exhausted ndrvous systein:, and at the same time' is wonderfullY• potent
rdetoring vigor and strength, , „ _ ,••
• A little patience ifnecessary in order to up the nervous system so far ran •
down, but AN headaches disappear; digestion improves, and you• rest and •sleep better
you be encouraged to continue this food cure until restoration is complete.
• • 50 cents a boi, 6 for $2,6(Y, all dealers; Or Edmanson, Bates & Co; Ltd., Toronto.
• Do not be talked into aecei)tini a substitute,.
tip* disapPoint, .
, 540 •
, 'Preeident Wile° n has announced
himself. in favor of peace without vic.
tory, and novihe has declared himself
against universal aervice—that is, again-
st all efficient preparedness by the Unit-
ed States. , • •
'Peace without victory V! the natural
ideal of the man wll°o is too prond to
.fight. In the event of war it is the only
fiind.of_pe.ace open to thsnation•-,whese
geieeners and leaders are „tee proud to
fight and toe foolish. to prepare. ; It is
sperned men.diofty.iioulr-by-ali
men .fit to call themselves fellow citizens
ohWashingion and Lincoln, or of -the
-war-worn -fightenewho followed Grant
and Lee, •
"The Terries of 1776 demanded peace
.without victory. The Copperheads of
1864 denianded-peace 'without Victory.
These men were Mr. Wilson's' spiritual
forbears:- But neither Washington nor
-Lincola-was 'amongthe men who draw
the sword lightly, or who, when once it
has heendrawn, sheath it without vic-
tory. If a:righteous war it concluded
by a peace without victory, such a peace
meant' the tritunph of wrong over right,
and neutrality between right and wrong,
means the Support of wrong against
Mr •• •
Wilson asks the world to !tempt
a Copperhead peace of dielionor,a peace
without victory f?r the right,a, peace
deeignedta let Wrong trilunple a -peace
This she vOlunteeteetaeall she had, The champ:tiled in neutral countries by. the
Mayo Brothers gave her every personal ,s;poitlee of timidity and greedIn
attention, explained the dangers of her Mexico he has accepted is accepting
case, and she willing to accept the such a peace, and by his Mexican policy
result ofthe hazard Of ,the-knafe Shehe has broughtdisaster. to-Me:tido and
assented, the. epee:Ai-Mr was successful, •dishonor tO the Vetted States His pol-
'and 4: the end of several Weeks she was icier • throughout his four years have
!lc:albite Ourect'She7 badds,red to brougiit woe 50 humanity and shame
know theeuet of her indebtedness for and bittereesa bf heart to silrAmericans
her board, which • she would attempt proud of the honor of their flag;
some day to pay. ' President 'Wilson talks of tg: Ireednin
•oftheimas.': . The basic fern' of freedom
is to benne front murder. Yet;..;-Pierii:-
. .
.dent *Non lasnot dared' to seeure
eitenthitieeleniterY freedciin for oar Men
The revenge, was just as polite ato
Mie Millz.21fadainrhere is' your bank
book and a check for 8590. - Y�uoweus
nothing, . By your' consent we aped -
meted upon yell. It was .successful ,,women and children on the seas, Let,
and we consider ourselves and niedica him first act iir,,thapresent to securethis
science indebted to you." elementary freedom from , Germany be , • •
fore,intke1ereatof Ge n
, •
(Written by one of the boys of the 160th)
There's an isolated, desolated spot I'd
like to mention
Iniere-aWyott-hearis-"Staud4 ease'
quick mairch", slPpe aims", attee-
It,a miles away from anyvihere, Jove
lit is a rum un. 7
A inan,hved there for .fifty years. and ag
never. saw a wontan. •
iliere's lots of little hits all dotted here a
and there, ••. •
1�r those Who live inside thein I have
--"--Offeeed-maniti-prayer " • .
• ' mud up tO your eye-heows, you get
it in your ear, , ; • : • .
ut lute you'Ve got to go without
• sigh of fear: ' . '••
There's soldiers living in the huts, it
MIs my heart sorrow •
With tear -dimmed eves they said to .me.
it's SrainsLott Capin to-Morreve. •„
Imide the huts there's rats they say as. '
big as any goat; . . , •
!.4ast night' a soldier saw one a.trying �n
his coat.
Por breakfast every morning it's *just
Hire Wither Hubbard, •
roti daublo round'the hat three times
and dive ;into the cupboard.
"Sontetintes” they gave You bacon,
'sometlities" they give you cheese thi
Which marches up and down yeurplitte, twe
Slope arils 'and .stand at ease. .
At night you sleep on straletand boards era
just like a herd of Cattle'
And &perchance you turn around your the
r ay e asks
the &belie's) ef niteal power,: •Let him
rememi er th t tnwork for disarmament
on the seas ii til after; there has been
diSsinninien on land: by the great milt.
taeyboWers of Eiirene and Asia, is to
put this ' non-miiitery ,counatty at tho
mercy of every, military lionaralmw..for.
inasmuch as we are new defenseless on
land, our navy is our only safe -guard
ainst invasion, - ,• .•
'It would be well if Mr. Wilson would
ease. to,tread in the foot,steps of the
Tories of the Revolution and thp., Capper:
heads of the civil war. Let him 'think
of the men of -Valley Yorge, who in the
last•extremitY of want and misery, yet
opu rrieol-peace without victory and :morn,
ad to be•lleutral between right and wrong.
Lethim"tinek of the men of the civil
inteand of,Lowell's.trumpet lines:
nie Peace! Not likea mourner bowed,.
P'or,honbr lost. and dear • ones Wasted;
With e•yes that telt of triumph Ansted.
t proitd to meet ,a people proud,
°W.heit fear of the Germairsuhinarine
next elm 1cvi!tetao tiA I: .1, i clft eoirlye e, nb between
declareeente_ tf6orr,,
• tured l3elgiane and their cruel oppressors
and taskmasters; when • euch fear next
moveitirn to utter the shairieliil untruth
that each Aide ia fighting for the same
ng9, and to deelare for neutrality be,
en Wrong and right; let him think of
prophetess Deborah, Who, when Sis-
!nightly oppressed. the children of
aci with his chariot!! of iron, and When
'people of Meroz stocd neutral be;
twee u the, oppressed and'the (Avower,-
eang of thsth: ' .• -
Cureeye, Itletoz, said 'the Angel of
the Loi -d, curtsey* bitterly the inhabitauts thereof; beniuse they Catue,Mit 50
the help Of the Lord, to the help of the
Lord against the mighty. •
"President Wilson has earned fot this
nation the elute ot Siernr,, for he has
•not dared to stani on the' side -of the
Lord against the wronkdoinke of the
Th Noe Ito* Zoo.
• , •
bailee begin . to tattle;
And whet you hear Reveille' bipw, it
nukes yott feel iinwell,;: 1
Von knock the iceberg!' olf your feet and
• wish the buglet"Oli well".
Now when the war is ever and we've
captured Kinser 11111,°
Io shoot lihn would be merciful and
• .• 'absolutely silly;
But send hiin dotento fireineleitt: CaMP
among the rate
And let the 'Cm*** prince .1ItttCh• tint
01001f hit* 411‘10
rgge $
1111r 121121/ i.t ir25 Littlitt r
MAKE OUR $TOR!..74: Y')1-' IQMETi;R:f,
We have hi stock
a full lin
Woodsmer, piles
Maple Leaf Cross Cut Spays
All makes of Axes
Saw Sets, Wedges; Ctan
Hooks, Axe and Saw
Handles, all sizes in. chain.
.ty .our,,Ooki cdal, Axe.,
• Ifs 4. Good Oiiie.
cLE0D Ji?
The Store Where Your Aidney tines FartItest '
' ;el)
• . 101001A10110"110140~14.4.*M°410"40.411 ..''''4,it'0140.01.411000‘010
We have moved to 'our new "stor, .a,ross ihu. road
and are in a bette. position than ever to look after
your shoe Wants... We !jrivite Youto c4rne and visit,
us at our new store.. - Whether ycti wani.slibeS or not,
you, will be lwelcorne. aid see" us. • •
"A, 60.0D , SHOE • STORE ..:FOR 'THE PAPAti,Ie.',
Men's Tweed Overcoats,- 1200;for. 0.00
Men's Black Beaver OVercOats, $.14 for $41
1 Ladieiqur 'Lined Coat, reg $46. for. $30
1 Ladies' Muskrat goat, reg $70 for $60
Isabella Opossum Muffs i iiralf Price
. .
Ladies'. Cloth Coat§44 Big 'reductions
Maies Piece Coon Ceat.$11
Now -is thetimeto buy ‘allCotton
Staples as theprices will be
higher in the spring 1-
. • ' .•
. - • . ,
IN; 1
AVE for
War Savbig Cercates'
eip yca to bay W.,ir Sav-
ortn.ire,. rocciv:ed. •
Help the Gov.:tr -.1henteeilit the War •
Aapital Authorized $50000,000
capita! Paid.ue -$3.000.000
Surplus . ,..$3,476.000
° 4
0;111, 5 1:751i....10 FietThIP
Tstt3tY... e. st!' 143315 gut
lAte .
V 1 41(10.51r:
t .7 4 *). 34.‘.1,(„r, rts•St4
• •
-•• " • .• %•;....-,1 452rH; "04
t„,' '
r••::•;r tk‘