HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-01-25, Page 8DO YOU
RHEAIOUR D„� �i tie. ��
EVERY WEEK we write a Ietter to the reading public telling
about our goods and prices, and at various tenses offer special
bargains which some readers are very quick to take advantage of
This was especially noticeable regarding our great sale during
the, past two' weeks. Many people' coming late, after perhaps
bearing frotn• their neighbors about our sale, sAid 64 Why did. .
not let us know of those big bargains you were offering in Boys
Sults, Boosts and Shoes, Ladies' Coats and Laress Good rr qVe
asked them: " bid you read our "ads." in The Sentinel?" And
the answer in many cases was : "We do -not take The Sentinel,
or we did not read your ads." To these we can only. say, that
you missed a big money -saving opportunity,' y g pp y, as can be detested
by hundreds who saved money by coming early and often. We
mighty also add, t .at those who do not, take The Sentinel could`
have saved enough to pay their' subscription for a number of'years
if they had seen our ads. and taken advantage of the bi bargains
we offered,.
W busy Stock. -Taking and". are laying aside cer-
in articles in various lines for a, Special Clearing on our Bargain
Counters at a leiter date} ,. These will be m Irked down to tow
g' pricesand particulars will be given later in' this space,
we !tare placed ' on our Bargain
Counters for every -day selling a good assortment of lines left from
our special sale. Read our ads. each week ;and °watch for Special.
Bargains' and Sale Offerings:.
1W&Ra w 0;,
Photo' • •
No..10 _ is at Your �xr SecvxGe
We Self for Cash—We Sell Cheaper Than'The:Credit Stores
There' is no Rork on the market,
that e. the the . Sampson.
It has the right shape, the'; prongs are extra,
well:tempered • and the handle" is 'Selected .
•second'' growth' white ash Et cry fork abso-
lutely guaranteed. ' • s
The Sant on.. ' Axe Handle
s Elie best that :money can buy. It is made
of serected second growth hickory and ;is
just- the shape that appeals to an experienced
chopper.. Price 45c,
A poor lantern is a
'--'nuisatice and is also
dangerous..' ,You'" can't
afford the risk of `using •
a poor lantern around.your. build
trigs. The. best lantern—oh—the-
' --the-
' market is the Dietz. It is' correct-
ly made, gives a Brilliant white light
.: and•is guaranteed to 'give perfect.
satisfaction or 'money refunded,.
!Newt every aa.n.ae:•
Vires -
We have this. tool also in the Samson l,ine,' Price 95c.:
Royalite Oil delivered to any part ottowt.
A Carload:of-aeveland Coiled Wire
just arlyed.
A few leading artiles we afer fpr sale at this Season
Louclen Feed and Litter Carriers'•
Renew your subscription to The Sentinel
at. Nekns
`.alias Nina Woods, , acher.at Lan
was home over. Sunday,
thew kii1llone of lege waitttin to b
The' people Were diitereatt toot
r eemed to be glttcl to oeee us. leu
Frew% eauadieuw would only Iry iet.
no ixoi alienee at live cents etch,
We stopped at Newcastle in
afternoon, Oct. 16t1t. This is a
lovely placee and all the people we
rhe stiction with beeks,ctia azines
payers for ass Thos is/the pingo w
the nni,t V;anaciian ^ wireless statioi
Shortly after dark .we calms to. !1e ,e
There were bands and thousand
people at the efation and, we civil
got a great send off.
Thnitight, night we crasser],into
Scotia. and next morning reached 1
fax. There wera lots •of big ships in
harbor and several destroysre and ba
ships too.
They Lost no time but. marched
right aboard the big 0 P.R. boat 1f
gonia, and show,el us where ;ne we
sleep. Our :e !bin was third class;
down fotir llights'of stairs, right, near
froni�'e t'ut3 boat.° • ,
• You''inighlt•thinit .if you; read Lie
"Cameron's' lett it in the Sentinel that.
had:.a good time •coaiipg worms. '
maybe the otlibero had for they ca.
first class and wets not crowded, B
our food wasn't up to much, We us
to gob rotten fish, and bad aausages'a
the smell of it cooking took away! on
appetite. 1 'missed twenty;three me
one after the other:
, There was some etotmy weather, to
especially south of. Ireland and in t
Irish sea, but we got lto°Liverpool,
safety. It was raining when. we marc
ed out of the great' ship and. formed _
on the wharf, but 'socia they tiioved i
into the station out of the. wet. •
The . railway care ,hers are:. certain
aueoj. .'hey..'are only 'about; half th
size of •ours tc begin with, and then the
divide each one into Ave boxes, fixed a
that You can t move from `cine Voss t
another. Each box has a door and •tw
windows on' each side and two seats, an
in each of them they put eight. of usan
all Out belongings. So we were pret t,
well crowded. �,..
The engines are also''very small, an
have no. bell or.eowcatcher. The'Whistl
just soundsdike a tie horn, but the train
can ge. very fast.
Englan.t is a very beautitttl •country.
in the. coil by there ere far. More .ho lses..
than in ours, and the•farnis.are. sintllier..
Inateacief fences, they have !sedges which
are often neatly., trimmed; • There stein-'
.ed. to bo..a great -deal' of -work put on the
land. The fuerows were narrclwoaed. as
straight its'a line, and the soil. of fields
.ready for sowing locked: ;as line as gar
soilF "•: -
Tliey d'idn't seem _ to .
have...any big
ns, and all,the.bay .aria -grain' were -in
round- stacks ` The tops of these: were
thatched, that is. straw •or'reeda were
laid on"in: rows like:sliiegles, to keep out
the wet. Iii the pasture fields yeti could
see lots {,f cattle, horses, 'and.:seeere and
seemed to 'be very (inc ones too
ur first camp was at Witisy,, in Say
about 40 miles southwest of Londofi.
laid is very rough sly, and
few people live there. °The sc,inery
ugh Wee very'6'iie,A a saw a et eat
of it in out route marches. .='�le
roads are all paved like cityetteeta
instead pf Houses .or fences along
there• are hedges. These were often:'
d -ef-bid-blackberry~biasses or hazer
bushes, but they would never1et us fall
out of the raiks, to`piek them.
• We lived in • buts, 'frame 'buildings
'about '70 feet long and 25 feet wide, and
there. were°about•45'men in each: ` As it
was raining Most .of•the. thee, and'•'the
roof leaked a. little. we weren't very corn.,
fortable. But our big trouble was that
we •couldn't• get enough to eat; 'and had
leaWay akikialkak 4 ip. al a r
re at
s of 1
Miss Palmer, of F'ordyce,-Was' a guest
of Miss Chris. Miller on: Sunday.,
Miss Helen Mackenzie, of •Lucknow,
spent the week end with ;Mary Dirnin.
TREBox'Soeraz.-Our scbool•teachers,
Misses A. Curran end 0'.,M ►ler, Under-
took little patriotic• work on their owri
account last .week, 'putti<ng:on an enter-
tainment and box social to raise funds rfen
for`patriotic work, .The atl'air• was held
.in the public hall,: and we, -fancy the bar
teachershad•.t very agreeable surprise
by the 'splendid crowd 'which. gathered
The -hall was filled until standing rain)
was -at e. premium' : ''It was a good-nat
ured and orderly crowd .too, and 'rbc
picogram, which p eceded the,,.sale of
boxes, was greatly . appreciated,' The
main part of the. program. was atwh act
drama, "Field for Postage," which Was.
very well presented by members of the
Lucli;now Ifs h Seho •
trig in this was good, and the hope.in see,
thoe•bright. young•people on a bigger
stage someday.or-evening: Othernunt:
bers were solos by Miss ` Myrtle Little
and kiss Chaplain, of Eiplej a vtohn
seIecciun b ti Z`Eeor a -Stewart. The
sale of •the lune) boxes went` off with a
great deal of snap, Mr. J.' Purvis,.- who
was auctioneer, working in a good deal
of fiin on the side.. The proceeds. am
•ousted to a-littlh over $86, an amaunt
•which proved a pleasant surprise -to the
enterprising teachers,
Corp;- Robinson' writes to his former'
p s=-- o e pupils of S.S• No.'4, notmeney to buy• anything: We .just.
V�.•Wawn.nnch• . �, . ..
g Pl glass _The .act--
act _
pu it T th
got a This iS:the day' before ohristmesrbut Of.Soupbr_dinner_ Iu lact all *we. ever -
The Best Newspa
r «a,itiii
In Western Ontario
London Advertiser`
MI' Mai 1Mi litems •P�e.{ q p,o
'uet day, Jan. 2a.
• 1liss Annie- Fraser, of Ringed, is
working at Mr. Q'reer's,
)lies Morrison, of lineriston, was a
week -end visitor in this vieinity.
Miss Lillian Titylbr has returned' to
her hove on the 10th. eco., Qieet ockk,
Pte. W. McNally, of London, sent 4:
few days at his home on the Boundary.
Miss 'Mary McLeod returned. !tome
from Detroit, Mich„ where she spent the
past month. •
Mrs. las, McLennan and Mrs. N. C.
McFarlane are cotfIned'tu their homes.
with•lagrippe. ,' .
Mr:'Martin McKinnon is in Kincar-
dine Hospital. BB..is•rnany friends hope
for Isis„speedy recovery.,
. Wood -bees Seem the order of{the , da
Thos. Desmond's bush an• 2ud. Bunte.,
fa a busy place this winter:
Don't forget the' Red Cross Bo:tSocial'
LO he held in the LO.O F. hall here. on
Tuesday evening, Jan. 30th. 0oine and.
bring, Your.friends. Ladies, don't forget
your boxes, A good• program is being
On Thursday last the Red Cross
workers: here made another shipment of
the following goods: 54.pairs socks; G'
paiis bed' socks;. '12 suits Weems; 12
bottle covers; 60 pillow cases; 48 towels;
6 French caps.
Last wet k the Public Library Hoard I
appointed' the following directors and of-
ficers for 1917: :Messrs. ;,1'.: B; . McCor•
wick, a Stevenson,. ,T.. Cunningham, N.
�1cFarlane, b. A McLennan, : Geo
N1cf ay, It J. Nesbite, Neil McLeod and
J.D. Robertson; Pres, J. K. McLen-
nan:: Sec ,'Rev. 1' lte th, , Treas , W. J.
MGKeeman; Librarian, Lila Cunning.
harp..•;. ,..,�,._ _.-., .. _
Tell How' They Regained' Strength..
and Vigor- _
Steubenville, ;Ohio. --"My husband
is 79 years old and`I ani 78 years of. age,.
and we owe our good health; to. Viliol,. •
the greatest'• etrength creator and'
medicine there is, , When -either ono;
of us get ;' into a weakened, run-down
condition; Vino! has- never failed' to
build us up and restore' strength.. 'We
have often said : •we would not' be
1;i�ng now were �-it--.not -for
M Anv 'A
We • guarantee Vipol- Ars-- Create ,
strength for feeble old people,,*. •
it A. ONAIGt Sarnia, Ontrti-lo, Se*
. "This year.r planted -5 acres Of Pitie,„..
Homestead Bote'Bhok Fertilizer lo 'the
acres broadcaet. The piece was igulti,-
was harvested Auguat 20th. and yielded
boo bags fine•nierchantable potatoes,
have used Homestead FertiliZer for liVe.
years and alwayS 'got. goed r..4, -sults. 1
wculd pot plant, potatoes without it”
stead Bone Black Fee on' c
with the results. alsb. useci ten 'hun-
dred pounds on my wheat laet Fall; -and
am already satiefied that it paid me well
to de it, as there are a kw St;ots Oitt the
drill. mined sewing, and the viliat•there
isn't more thati beg *as! I think
this ought to be enough tO cenVince any
person whether it pays tO'BOW fertilizer
6r111Vckritie'Nfic.higan 0arbon Works, De -
heir amnesic, d '
weather, inta-hiere-reintagand rain -
in for the,,,,n0-..4yeekawatc..las
iurned colder and cleared, ofr
it iS enite warm, something like Our
September weather., , •
Well, we hair° seen qUite f e* strange
and new sights pinata saw you last, As,
yoit remember we left London: p.bout the
Middle of October; and in twit days and
pleasant inurney. , price past Montreal
'everything Was neVe,. and' we ivere sorry
when night came and we could see no.
longer. There was the great bridge 'at.
got_were salt, Ace-, no: sugarc"Oatmeal,
But soon cur Major got • thines.#ettled,
and began to. provide extras like rpgar
Welled just 0, settled .M Witley,
when we got orders to move to Bram
Shott, 8 miles away. Of coursc,'We had
to -march and carrY tiurgoods a4 well,
and,ai the first 4 miles of theyoad were
up one long hill, we, ,were 'pretty well
done out.. Brammhott is very. Muddy,
but our huts are dry'and fairly ceinfort'
able •
They work 'us 'pretty hard'here. 'Get
Mcntreal. nearly a mile long. Then we, up at 0;30 and 'are readY ' weal' at
8:30. lira, there•is an how's physi&il
culture in our shirt sleeves, whether -it
is dry, raining or stmaing ' Then comes
bayonet work. -WL:-practice on seeks;
one has Iron Ct oss, too. 'Then.. there
-dinner, and ,the
satne thing over again in the afternoon.
I think we an going to kr a pretty
good Chrisimas..., There is a prize for
tne best decorated hut in, the battalion,
and ti let of the huts ok very fine
There is plenty of holly 'aid evergreens
to be, Ead for the piekindond, as color -
d parer ita'cheap, ite have made a line
Ibis river is very swift and twists and Well, must yhso,__ i3oine other time.
%rail in alt directions, no that scinictinies I may tell yea Alga ruY VlaiLto tonnes)
there were as many as three bonds it, which surely wak ,,,,vontierful one. X
Passed thrrtugli the fain )auds of Que-
b,ec and such iniserable looking farms
yon never ss.;iv. Some fields. would be
-nearly a mite long and less than alriOur
red yards wide. 'ic'et no matter tol
wet or marshy, the land 'was the house
little" bare or shade.' II10/1) always
On Monday, morning we*were.travel.
These were Very heautifut. as they wen!
steep and rough, and covtred with tretA
with bright colored leaves: rrhe In116
**etc so high that the railroad had to
run right 01011)txt the edge of tho
gauche river PO that it could get through.
the train at once. s
.1kt last we•Cattle tO a little place sallied
,Statapedia, crossed over the river iitto
New Brunswick abd began to run tibia;
the south ()Imre of the Bay of Chalear.
There were a great 'Many cawmille and
hope you are all =tang along welt in
the new sehool• 'by this time, Won't
some of you drovnie line3 stimuli!
be very glad. .
With bat, wiabei to all, am
Yours sinetrely,
Head Oefioe,
a!, rr�. 1.
For the Yeer incline November 30th, 1916
Banff`of ,�am�l�+�n
`As submitted to the Shareholders at the Annual iM' est el4 at the
k`ieiid Of1ice,.ef the Bank at Haanilton,, on Mot+dey, ,lens y ISth, 1917.
51 JOHN HENDRIE, le.C.M,c., President
' CYRt)S.tA. B1RGE, Vic! -president
. C. v. DALTO14 ROOT, Hi7 SON A Vii, lr',`PFl1N.
i, .PITBLADO, K,C, .1, 'tom NBULL, . W. A, WOOD
, , J. P. ; .L. Grimes! Manaser
Balance at Credit of Profit. and Y,oaf, A,ccount.; 80th Nov.. 1915 .,,. �; 17¢,821.1fs.
kr6&ts for the year ended 30th November, 1816, after deducting •
charges of management, interest accrued on deposits. rebate •
on: current discounts, and asking provision for bold and. n ,
doubtful'debts •....................... • 141,525.119
Appropriated as follow:; Q18:$47;7/
'hour quarterly dllvidends, in all 12%
Pension 'bund, Annual Assessment
Special Contribution..
.,>i 8,790.65 ..
•.1 19,009,90
18.709.es. ,
. ..M4......�;R-.,... 30.000.00'
War 'Rix On Bank Note Circulrition. ,
_ ..,�. 8498,799.8
Balance of Prblts carried forward.. 57
Te the•Pnblic;
Notes ofahe nankin Circulatiofl,:
3eposits not bearing interest .. ,,, 810,927 818.70
Deposits bearing Interest,including:interest accrued • ,
to date P
34,470345,17 .
Valances due to other panto; in Canada 4x.889,}74.06.
nalances.Slue to Hanks and,hanking,Cot'respondentsetsetvbere than st,�B0.d8
in Canada end the united IGingdoen !raft
Acceptadces Under Liters of Credit * 19 935..12.
11 50.563.100.80
S it 000.01.00
'Balance pf Profits carried lorwaid' 200,556.67 . '
. DipoSit itethe Central Gold Reserves 1,500,000;00, .
Deposit with the Igiuister of Finance for the pstrposei '. ' '
- BalanCescItie by% other flanks hi Canada ' .• • .... r 110.009.63
; Dominion and Provincial doifernmeat securities, uot
tahod tun municipal securities.. and-•13ritish, ,.11o,re:g. ..... 641.992.30,
• exceeding market value .
‘,..lailwalriind-other•Bonds; Debentures and Stocks', not - •
„ and CcIonialpublieSecurities, other that' Canadian 6,635,33.6.88
Call and short loans (not exCeeding thirty dint/ id ' J_-__, _.> . - d,
'Other COrreat Spans and Discounts in Canada .(0esi , .. --T.:4;11,161:6: .
. overdueltpotsTestimatedigForovprenAr—,-
Bank PremiSes, at hot more than cost; less amounts :. 178.101.138
Other Assets' not included in the foregoing
.. written off
• 7'.1":.'97:30'839:.7'.-4'
. 57.16044.46 '
,-, JOAN S., HENDRIE; .President . . 3. P. BELL, General Mekater
i to aciordsheewinAhiprovlaions of Sub -Sections is and 21) of SeCtion'"50 of
the hank Aet, we report to the-Shareholuers as follows:-, .
Ve have examined the above Balance Sheet With the books and vouchers at
• Need Office and With the certified returus front the Branches. and= we hav ob-
teined all. theinfonnation.and explanations We haverequited, and in our opinion _
'the transactions Which have come under our nodce have been within the Powers •
of the Bank.
We have checked the Cash and verified the securities Of the Bank at the Clitef .
Office and at several of the principal Branches:during the current year, as`tvell
' as on Nmlember gOth, 19113, and have found that they agreed with the entries' it?
the hooks.of the Bank with regavd.thereto.
Io oat opinion:the Balance Sheet is properly drawn unso as to exhibit it -true
:and correct View Of.the state,Of the riank's affairs aceording to the best of our,
information 04 the explalialIonvgiven us, and, as showo bli• the boolta of the. .
Eighth C,911Tqu'e!dhl,*1°i.:11, 23. -as:o:dAiartePaptuorniiltboaflygrro,00lor:diritbi'mnhFUraicittlatyntiti3iiveittilige !--
Mr. Earl Culbert spent' SundaY to •
We are glad to report that Richard
Charles Continuo, ,Who bas been, apn
wee woh lus cousin, Riot Stanley,
fined to Ins bed Tor the past weeicl Mi.
surniner in' the West,' 'is LvisitingAie .
p'011 THE