HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-01-25, Page 7I - ­­ � I . - -4 1_'_'_1__7_T_r .-T-W_� _�, -40111,791W- 10 . . I . I C== `*�m­___ - - - , ml - - - - _­____­___ It _. - . � . I . 1__--7___ 1 � " 1. � - I '. I 11 I; I � I I . - . � --­­----------- � I I 11 ­ ___________ ­ - � ­ - I I . , * I slw� of thip fatb . ­,_rz�___�71 -1. ­­ ­ ___ - � " I- I . , t's A*11 be 43itel � � I - W, ­ - __��­_;M_ ,--- - 1. __ . . , -_ I , I ­_­ ­_____ -----------, --- .�ttkt_avl , . Ain' .Editor Talks ,, � - 1, Dri-their obildrengto ih� 6ird and , ye*r bg. I I I � . � I I �, , . I . . I- . � I". � Toartu gencration.r, vj%�� lk tlosoinir, . �. .. . , . I � .� i N . *k .1 - . . !-,� � AD M - A e". r%^"r:1n1AM' -1 - - - - 6, . 1, 011wiftn' wh, ! � tl� - � I ­ 4-1 1 . .) 'f , � '=0 ,,Qt' at t1lo - opcia4lw "cip"ilt motions to accomDhsla whay. t_,-:-9, th"A W,�­�j.-.Qmo 110wo C,jaz j$aw j,iiel =,. . -, . a 011 V� . . MR .- I . of Q0 �"'�`r_ycar thoughts about Per' could have been done as'well in five. chapnela 09 humui4 life just ,as Well as nsive, of . I � I .. . . 11011al - welfare, find' future Qnd( ,..tvora- We* lr4ow, ,people, too, who Use 0, hun.� the 8i and hao its, %rect on life. , , --,---;, _-I�� _44- TWIVO�. The re- I , . IF .. . I I - ' n . . 8 wari th4t we h -"d to Jntor= t . * - 1, I It how tT waho the present year tell for Many of us are v&jt wo are simply - .p I . I ,,,o ",,,t , drcd NvOrds to say what could be as: OPerations at Verdun. The e . & . 21 6AN - 1 t I I I , Ur , 0, i 4� " because of our noble anceatry and DISTINGUISHL-D, GF,R31,AN . I i 'Intellect , ) good socially, morally, *011 said Jn fifty, In letter.writing h h � . H187 . nemyPo ... 1.1 I I I - .- -.4* � � y . and financially. The jt�s, the samo­soma peroonu 8 ould t ani God for the law 6f here, � , � � Ofl`04131vc 3180' a0blovod partial suc. I I ,-,--,---%A I I . , est re�,� I waste dity r " BTRIV9. I ,. I � . ,� Its I I I � I are most likely to,,I.comQ Paper , on its bepovolent side, Thegreat' -folITANIS �11G-w 01, cQssQsp especially in the "East, al- t p time and the �tlme . a . - "Op-, _ -IPA' ;�_ - 01 AP � . 1. 10 tie410 Offen of the persorf addresse - lesson for us all to learn, is to Im- . I . though the' veal Objec" br�ak . I � 01 0 -from obqervino certain fied P'riq- � a"d 'Pad * - , . I . � 11 . . .0 . . . I . "�,, - . . � -roll -up our lines-coulit si�--Tleldg 'r-io . 11 I -CIP10- $110cosadQes not, Comet' from by a vmlt of dlr6etn6s brOvity be (Ion 4.d . . throli9k -and I . .. � . . '_ . . PrQv0 Our natt"fral Co- ittori.-. Thia car., , .' -- - : , - - - � U-med by xj#09 Mins 1. other tertilizer on, A I . hapbaytwd coursesof actio In other e. -Scientists tell Us,, that Conflidt Has,provoil There Are Limits not he achieved. This Was due to , particular crop.it . s necessary that a e,hoCL- plot ,or F,trip � , ion. This be done. . it can . I . . the fact. that in the intIr at we still Jowing .oats and barley in � . . � . Of, expresoion 6nd explanat as proved , v The average results obtain froo i . -away ul" thig law a thousand time to Any "Knock -out I c nibina- of the field,' I I �, WOrdE. 'f we want success I n r- time 10 wasted and slips Every farmer h further developed the ,possibilities og lion --entirely unfertilized, hc . I ticula: ilirectfou We rhis 'fal - s with I U, s� f �_a_llnnfootrh, it noticed !a.- trickl4fig, waste . his " 11. 'trench . � . Of equal amourrtt3 irf,bul � pet apart for, comparlsouto with .the I , I 11 � .. I andw'.)-ic.dillgently with'a'set, purpose I d Minutes' seed griblo. his frult,treesl - his live . Stratogyi,31 1. warfare.,#, � . various tot,pl ' , I but in . A - and at tho end of a day in -which ,We � � , I . . quantities' Per acre, by � main . ortion 1 ; ­­­­ - __ . . I � L - - - --to-uttain .-0Ur--owe-0t,­Wd­fi=. t- , - --4--_- Dr- . Results- O" nme-Ught ' . 41 sp�,gs-104em vm,__ ---- - - - - I I I 1. . I . 1, ,--. , - __._,__._AR,0ntario7A-Vrj altuin . r I lieri .. ' - I __O�T . ild the law -Mie-7-n-do -*----- __ po .­ " . d0tain _o � � W_67t, , I 6r_ali,,thqn,w.c._"0_ass - ,Tplbbers Of look " . la - "T .- on' o 311"�R '�� Va7f �4 from experience tha.t wh Let u ,are' lused .a one ' - I , heaili 'rive, we may learn v�luabli' light �ee' ,. . Times inys - __7" Pro 1q(,1nec1cQ says �tlfe� B�ttle of 12114 Experimental Uilion) show that a part 0 . L . I I - , � till dark, we wonder why we .of heredity is in o0eration -an4 always Meirlecke of Freiburg University, the, . f. . t. I Of -a field and.,barnyar an . tile Somme' � led to the convictiod in, MIX Ure, of -one bushel Of oats And one on another part, Ole cost. of,tba for� : - lessons from the experlehees a thp 'have done so little real.work, We. ro7 'has begn a d a dlstingujs�hed hiotorian, contributed , V 1. I .. Past Yom-, bill we. - - I n . Iwaya W be, there are _ to Germany that it was,,no longer pos- 'Ush% of barley, o . r- ,.a tot I mer iho * ' must temember- PeAt'it WAR not idleness but unneces , ja ' I . . 3. of two uld,be kept - y t -other things that enter 60 life and . I � strict oo,count'of � . the old aft�e that the mill, can nevor sary 4etivit, . hat had been our' foe ' � . I . the Fiankfuitpr Zeltung recently the sibl4i to arrive - dt -it military decision- *Uphels per a I � I I I .1 � is most r I i. or I general yield C,r -production in the latterp'then. it the eRect of both . . .1. I � Win with water that is passed. Qp- I pprson Who -Can moke e . we ore rejgicll)g that, th emarkable article outhe. h $t Y in a full POace-comPelling sense, So. . x,� �gavO the highest and its e9ect compqred with, %a . r. .t Of .d I . The " very'rilo- is true. ared Jr;,any A05. -and - aln I - portunities, ay never .re- lion n n ' � . 'Yes, ,after all, "man, is the Architect Of. the, war which JI4�'appe � he describes th� German , Also in the avera . � I .t?%*P-' We must seize ,'them as , , . a ,d . loment fell for, progress or Of his own fortune," and. 4-fr0e .will German newspaper., Boing'compolled Wre, as arlsinj nat peace ovir.; previous -A�e yeal; �g� .of the is.equal, the Value �of 'the manure mal� I# . . . .. , I . s tht�oughout, On- be. set. down� as eqaa�l, to that p . tario. I I'll . � I .f the. " . . , they Who,kas prhetical ability. May not, to li� About tb`ct otigill of the .war, idea that the sacrifices which,wo�ld commercial fertilizer pqeA;, . .. I'' 061ne to u's � and 'Use them.' No n m early�as hard.as on- agent with ,some naturat. handicaps, German ,Writem. generally liave , b4id 6 . .Urally' Xrq,m 'the . . I � I . . .1 I � the, onerin , days of'anothor year, wo e f . so let every indlvi4ual, younk and old,* , . . � It woo . I I I 1, . � 9� Abet nor to"bo'ne4ily a talto coiira 4 ., demanded bi a continuatio' of Jhe� foUrid by oxPe,rlment at the' Of coume, wkWbarny4rd. I . , . I -shookIl mly resolve'to �Improve tUe I pssy, yet h# �0 lie 4boid all incony .bear, . n J college : pr.ev . -manure, a . . I ir � 9 and'make the Dest pos4� , ellient 4vent* War. w6uld 'no, longer . .IOUs, - to r�commeffdfiig, great deal' -Of 'expe - ttr. , . . I .1 any rela- .. a adde in - "day. e,use 6f life to.build A�,krood char. , these .tests'Q.4`bdrlo I , . gets,j4great'dedl more. a�neln a' . during the . , I . use 1, 4 ,, , I � - tion to military. res $,.,and it would' y. and,oats, in com, I handling, by reaso ,pf eat'hulk � I I - momente, for to use - �kother sl This lq. iccomplishei by -cutting out' -I' , , * I ibination,:. - I I .. . . . s*b' f ., w -t ' f ol., en . on the 'other build,. be states �anlike, Intelligent work Te4uired - in � � "'when the sti7in * br�z And - unnec* - notlOnsp And -a r, or this a the motit. valuabie of. Meinodke; U1 f&� ., � co-6pe�imi the & ,. � the ess4ry w'oids, ,, 4 et� t .that ' ' ' - Pr - . . M . .ve . A � . I .and'wise . . .Corn Arlson with other . I � - beads'plili off"eno by one, the ase ,any person �an inherit or a4pts.tho 94flveniqn't' throughout the,prZvince,. 'fertilizers, but the humu -by' , I �� .. I I . I Y aY b�e -even thoughts, Hor, tpd, pot, only Ac.. , - foirriula'that it to.abAiidon -the Intentiorl'of de4ruc- bina that a; com- . I . � � . I . . � . f0utul agiln, but erd _ , poss 4 good name Is rAore 1 , , . lion 0 '' 4 supplied , I . " . Ja'always, tho� complishes- so much inore" but he', has . . _ to be war- orily �,Iiri a political sonse!' that tion anii "seek � �ix .reapopgb1or 'ComprQ, -es. of thw same.class 'the former OIT,setsl1his, to some ex� , ,. . . .. , �, , less- - f v4rieti I . . " 'thatt, '. ay . 1 ave , r -'Q -` - - I 4 ' , . - . . 99, �T,Alh ga . I �Qssibilltsr-, , esif,Z tha gie4t, riche'a. Germany "beganAbe -War as a defen-1 . I ... . �, I . , ,. . hi d ril6r;'loisuia,and Margin. . ,,, 4 � 1. ., 0 1, I I mise.'L .: , . I .. I % . ve no*satisfiction througli f4ht, possibly entirely.. ,�.Thj jilooj� ' ,, ,.' " , I . ped into tia" PrA 11 . for recrea- . 1. .� T .. � I � va . . I I .1 . . o ot er W D -a - As e the real g Production, bu tb14 8, wever, i(. -, I 11 ' " , , , . it! was distinctly r � ' I � uarantees J11417ease4'giain t ttlat* r I In ! tion.in his business life� 491)oi , ­ . .. rd4e ww,k`whil�'-m a military sense. - Upply Of humus is', ho place from which they In . ng more , , I Wil -L SIERVE. .. a kno, � Gge'i'mraasu , Matt I - . � ay never e b3t doing less" is, his secret. of effi. . , . . 1 . . 0 ckout . war which Y PrOfesses to require, combination of certain el.1 s -show. er',difficulf to determine,- requir., , � I � sse ' I I �. recovered. Likewise, the 041 elits 0 Ciency. If we ' I .. - . , .- INiederWerfungskreig). Thus," bap ,od decided advantiges; Ing as it does, the -tracing '' . I . . � I of Offects . � narked b6ing t through CrQ,PS;L1 I . . are keenly conselquo I . , he makes two final obs4rvatioug:* Ono. most r . one of the - ..., mplith mOre than -. ,. I .. - hat of -oats - and so.voral years, . I Doq!%ted to al - SerOce Com� pier than. other German -writers, lie. is, is that Germapy has tauglit.,all the b. - . I I . ,� . 'heedlessly *waste are like. beads drop, that'we should acco , !Nation* . 1. . O, let us mission Campaign.., .,. \ I able to tell the truth about the Battle sliqallpower$ Of EU r1bY of the right -variety, which - A.mistike 'by- many , " ped from*a broken string. IttheYarO we d . . . 1* I ,,�, Mornin* mdra.ents, Consider ,cillpther " , ,',- .. . I .4 - , .. . rope that'thety are , A . ,made growerA ' '. . . -I' , I. . . of -the Marrie and Admit that the-�bat If . .4. gave a yield Of aO lbs. per ddre over 6f vegetable Crop's � � ­�-the best Part Of should notAkst1earn to do,leap. � . . risking -their lives I ."tbe5t touch the � either gr i . i , "I., . - ibe d' may - I . , . � I I . By " Patriot.,, . . , . I - ,lie for Verdun was a fal I ole6tric I . .separately is that of increas- I .., .. . � � . . not�find theffi until nighifall, and if I , . *. * 41 41 I . � ' � I I ,lure. J. I wire Which protects Central' . Ain grown - ,; -ThOng the application of manure, un'dul3 * . . If my King and countr7 need w. - I varieties giving, t1is exbejifional . yi -after ba , . . , a, ; . . . FirstPhase of War," . , , 4ijr9pe.!I The other is that -the 'war I ­ -eld the next .season,, . ving.obtAined . .. . found, th " By a proper use of our brain$,, we '' I .. I .. I .1 - .. I I I ey will not repay us. so full . I I will servo;, , I I bhs, proie I I were: Danbeney oats a . . K � . I . I as they might have done in the .4ar- n often give many steiis iiAd. ec4n - Tho- to sa* J . . Prof., Neinecke has the. courd e to dthere are,limits to the pos. I euil barley in � rid Alandsch a satisfactory crop OWihg totbe ust . . . 1 'So - ? critice they lead me. I 19 sibilitlei of "knockoit strategy � - 0. A. � As" oats and of a -relatively -small quantity. I . . I � � `�. Inize greatly Jn-wotYking hours. . describe the� first phase of ­ in a I . � CA . .1lier day, An .old Otch saying is in a rII not- sweive; . ­ I I �, , I . the war as - .C.. No. 21 barley.ilf 1911. ))an. A case I p6I . :,.lour in the ,morning Is itils wher , , e i - in oint within the *rlterlgr I "I . ., that (long world ot Ainve and mish � , follows: . , ' gre4 Powers." Conse- � boney oats. find 0. A. C.. bailey in _ . . ! - , I . ,a 'For the laggards And the siackors , ,, ' -J quently a knockout policy'almed at . d ' ' , ., -� 1-013 knowledge was that of I a man whe , I . . worth -two. at night." TO studen Tnany a Imp -Aiid disappointment are Are thfj Germaw; strofigoat backeis-1 F "Our fir.A 'object ,:l to overthrow. an 191.4; O.'A. C. go $'oats �and 'the M�db '� success: . Of . tOmatoes - in - Ono - ' �. . . � I other - br ' . P411d, sure to befill, much of . one's Procuring furx�amental revolutions in . I I I . .., . ain-workers- the . morning . . work TheY. Wfil. got what they deserve- rance rapidly and. 'compel hor.:to, 0,.' A. - C. No. � 21.:4,ftrle� in 1 is'on by the u 1: . �.. . - must. necessarily be riot with. what. ., , , I � i th0'relations of lli�ro�ean'P I .'In 915. set se of 20 tons' of - . . . M01. , - reo, different thicknesses of seed, nure to- the iicie. hoping7 to.nevily . . -� � 1. . .hours ,are truly 'golden. .1 - I h I I win.serve, . .. make peace.. I ft we - succeeded We! not pay, OWers does i .. . I ( . . . .1 I we. have desired or,planned,' but with- . , . .. . I I - . . . . , . 1. . .2, . . * *. * * � . . I . . � I . would then turn,quickly and carry Out, Thus, according to the',, . (41� .82 and 128 Jbs. per Acre) double his crop in the secona year, . � I . 11 1what remains. �Wluktever else we fall if they want ru� in the, same milliary . idea- against Ru ' re i1se'a in the eo-operative I experi An 11 , * the treijcheA,: .. s- 1.the'm tlrofessbr, I ter - - 4, Also to benefit. tbe'p . . i - I * , . 71� - Valvable time is saved' , oprac- to build, we do.. or at . � .Otto of the futuiQ '1�111 be "not . oacli ; trees - , . . . - least' should * . I will serve; . 814, with the bTt prospects of ,.su 1. ,'Ments, � and,-, ill bet*een Which tile' to . 1. tice' 6fouick decision' Y . . . I - - � overthrow, but'. balance.'" . . 0 t4bulatod results Omatoes . were . f � , I I I I � a S.. 44tib virtue build courage And' Zharacter ou df !M14 the. shrapliel. and the -steirches- ecss. Th6n. we would eon�luje a fine sh6W that in' two Y6ars' of the five the. planted, he doitbled - , , 1_, c 4A by firm resolve' to, . , A' - Alt�hog other Writers Are - at, hea " . . . oan,be cqdire I left - aft .t - I - ,ill no.' � the application .. � . I our use of what .is will' serve, 1 - - ' , 1b . .. r , . Peac45'With England, w viest seeding (129 lbs.) Was most . iW-� th , result � that big ' . � . ' or the ; . . ho would have lowed, to confess Gjerm.an failuresi hii I successgul, ' I ', I . fin ' beeq disarmed bY. the Coptinent. Thi§ I dry 3F6ars, but I second crop of .tomatoes ' consisted. I decide 911 questions speedily. .It can st6r M*8 of 'misfortune -'and - eire' ,I Of Manure, '* . . . I not always be done, but oftener. tha U - my country. �anW my' Icing. . . account: (if the'peace these being .1 � n glance have had-'theiv a"y. The' I. Id. suffer anything; I peace would have had to assume . . � . o �. . . . ­ I . Mafioeuvre '. is i that I ear the I chiefly of viiies, And was noJ'as go 11 It". - . I I . I I . I � . . . med- in other - iifarters. -The*re,rga',Ve ' it I - od ­ . . I � � - . I . V of the'eathedral windowe . I chAricter of.a e9nipromise, since we is-. now little. or no itilk - �4 - !_..., _ .,7ield,. of , q - , � I 1, I . not. they. can be settled and, Awted upon stor, . the .eonflr u h Y st ightest seeding, . ':romptly . Plahnin ' . on All my service they desi-ve, tZealowe .1 . I . ! . Is .�ftt artist-workedi -arid, the. I ­ -, .. .;. I . Germart 1 aerb .- ... 91:4- .,),,,I as that of the first year., � I ,� . � . g Qn.e',s d5y wojk .which .a, ' i � - -1 Wit � . L 4 ., I , - .. I I . . .�. . gr . I-ervo. 1 - . ml 'di tbj;Qw 7England's. benevolence and Ger f .. I . ng it is alway� - ., , . e 1. . I bdad is well whore W can be', done, Young assistant I 1'. . �, 1 ' . . 1 man 'dislike - . In' general farmi � ... . , 1� who"by 'UP . � . � . . . I naval supremacy. .. . Of1 R;sults ,; , ment f0PII4 'that light but fire4uent applI% , 1� . . . getting I . . .1 � . . rom further- experh I _ I - ,l 1. . I for -a great deal -of time is wasted .4n the discarded fragments made I I . . . 11 hi � . bloodshed.: It Is argued ii Y thaf! with, the, -sowing' of, m ixed 'grain for cations of 'manure . . _ I . . 2' MO- I'll not loaf, while .others ,toll, ., . T p ivbold programm�,­brilliantly its, enemy ought to be p mpl ' I . , . safe - " . . - - Pay -better t1min . 14 . I t. I far . I ersuadi,ed to the prodiletion of 'grain will �robably 'heavy dressi4s At I ir o 011-0 . "!-wiling'and 'wondoring what ' i morie beitutiful still,.is fi�tmil I Lwill serve; - , - . begun, collapsed at the gate&of Piris I ' . I . . , . � .a I on intervals. 9� ,. . . A I f. I . . should be done' next. Old Sam' . 9 .. . I I � agree with Germany that a , compto- be announe6d ' this -Method not only is less �excesg .. . . I . . I � I . . e lesson, it teaches is one .. .. battle was not a ta6tical* victory, but V 'table and � then, discuss iDf the Ex�eriinontal Union � rid 'lost by evap_oiation 9r_l0akage,_.but_4_' I .., �� . Solinstone 'wa` 11 uel to mally,of its'from our earlier school Can I Plah the foe to fd1i nd'the Battle, of the Marne. This raise is,ipe . ,at the coming�m6eting � , I . � inip ; a once consulted,�k a days but th ' * I'wIII serve. - � ' I ' " . ,.--. --- -_ ­,:_� I � .. . � - --All- -&jy -w --,----- th_­___­-__ .,a e:Ktra % : . 1__-' -_ syste-iiiiiie -_ _­ _ . __ � -­ J-- � ­ '*­ �*­'-t�_­�­­ I �� ' - -1hel PWA -basd4-upon -the af�- 0 practice will no doubht - a .. _. rotation of crops is 'main. . 11 " . b 11 ­ 0)01it hii Ybung1r1ena',%.r.'ei0.ing. -pia'r*e cain neve.f,.. out&Tovr. ar im-pat strat�jical­ - b 6gs- . map. inter4t -in * . . "While, you are wondering .11 1"Ovy6f -6f-r"u cie and of brain f0i Mo . .. .. I . . . . . � and ides- around 'iis-.are those who turn, -their.Surely -will the vlo,tri� ' . Prenth. . Perhaps. our -_programme . _________0._ �be expressed by- many farmers tarried the greates" I �i". � I . 'I stioning which of two b . O the, ruin and, not . - gain; - � . , . .. � . .- ; . , who�e 1. enefit'can, be de. - . Ooks You* � will faces,t :to thi Would, not h ' 'we had A u,c6r,pr,op 'itiQn. ties in, rived from the in � l I . . k . . . Ave colla ' sed If , Chief" intoreA In grdin-growing IN � � , With more ilgor, vim and verve, , , I P. I .. . Q os . , 4 anure , Indirectly, - , C � ­ .. let' that boyt road, abother. boy wilt 'things tfiat remain . c ied through.ou . the prdAu' .. .1, .. . .- ______�___h " ,; they ipend their ' . i vAll s6rve" - : . ar-r � .e The foll9wing good ttolr_v ctJOft ,of a plentiful supily .. . , � '. L r original scrat - . ",sol& thoughAhe conservati6fir of th , " � . _ by e ,un-, , " . . aYA-ZeFtil h " Tim"as----nev _-I ­�_­__­k . ­__­__ gical--idea---with- perfect---strieln - ____ ­­_ I_J_a­m6s­ 'H'a'Idg' .-;)f--fee(t-foriive-stoelr,---Th6,-h-iLYi o rvested-part -6f--the­-crqp , '. - � , - . I . ei, -dayi-irt--'-M-ournin-r7orer--what�-, -gone-, --,�. --------- I-,. ,� . 6ss� "y_W _._____ ­ . . . - �J r- enera * ne, now.l.growifi s- .I . . P ow. ... . � . more valuabler-,t y6ifng lives,t.han in Jnstea:d Of'stiongthening whatIsis left. None, shall eye� charge that . to- -command of', a division , � A 6 gro d'. ., . . � � . It* '..-' ..1. - this Age when ihore-are,so, 6, gospel: of Co' . . - I . �' . keepim the Marne. forces str!W� SRI in 67 the old standard �,gjain ng them into h un . , . 1i � � I . .1 - i Many sub- -This, then, is L 1. 'geth�r aind'-for a' - time' barley --by theinbelves . . . - . - . . L �' . , t �., I - . ., j".ts of Which to acquire a knowledge, and, comnion s .' th ' urage, - ­ ' --Did not servo; . . . , abandoning Somme -front: ., - : - -, Pn' the iviloat, .oats and . . ,- . - ; ". ­ . ­ * I ense for the year 1 17z' , � I I East Prussia."I ., ' . . I . is so set in the IrAind . . ' . . I % A 4 .. 86 I 9 NPneiliall taunt with �,Vou re. tile . *I � One miser � I 6 Of. Many farmr - , ..- Wifiter Training of t � - . I �. I. , I teshould be dtilized,. every minutd F ace about' and go 'forward. - Forget . I . guy Prof.'k olnecke ske ' ablyinclement nijht' re. ors, that it.,w,111 be -difficult. to induce .1.1 b� . - - .. I a , . , he,,C61t, . , - �) . I . I I . es.subsequent cently,a tw, ,ear '--bad. - uring the winter'Inkuy colts, ... a , _;.�. . I . I o,wheeled ; t tbai I - .A . . 11 �. ., 11 I - ... �'. of� It Some. perWns wiste, triuch 'time the� Pdst---opPor unities .'Inany have � ' ,.Would nbti.servel'! , .. I.. i -oven . . tch them to change their method, but the'laa both ' . I 11 * . �� . .t . ,When a wounded man, I meet, . . , . ts much as follows -. Thb Germans , been taken ety,d ". -11 b - ­ �- . _____­ � ,- . ,by indecision -A iack of grasp oirpir- be n wasted , - - . locally t'spring's and ol6r ,�. I I , . . 1 r f rom, a F rench ,tt food - is exco�tiolral . . I . - I. . � ' . but repining will., not Call L -j --d -it- . - -..-. ­ took to trench Warfare and the eneinry-pdasA ariny. tiaij-sp�ort -- � - scarde, som . - r .. . I . .0 . mplAk own the busy rqat . . tit for. fact th, . 1� J ' , wi e given - . _, -, .�, .11�.� . . purposes and hi I � - 9 trgllli)lg� Jt IF, always ,�,eji 1111-.11 - - I , I . r:.. �.. , I SPective, - Tbqy do not seem,' to. see 'thorn -back. * - Mistakes � may have.�beew XTo_'It'not hlnt,� vvrou' Ad- Cold f' . .likewise,. , The Germans, tried but got. stuck.'in the mud, and - ,n � . .. 1, � , I . . prose t 'mo- training the y . '. I o cer am disastrous - - 'f8` -J "' - '- - - . . I ­ . as it con-�- ' ' � I I � . , , I - � - � ,!! whhl­*the� probable - ie�ufts ­ f ' 't ': . � .b eet! I -, It, gh in Price ai, the . � . I ... .� , I . I I a , or une may have van- I . . I -will, serve'. � � � , �Aiibd to break through, Lat the Yser tained some odds. " ' merit should - do' something toward you�g, in - i oprig h6rtes, a�d,with the ,-.,.. , ?. ! . .'� . . I . I. .and ends of Gov- popu � the human, race, to start _ , take I shed, * youth. may b * ' . . . . . . ca"Bawlia, and *'the Firench � ornrn' . , lari4ing that will - in- early.' . ., . ­ . -actions will. be. They desire to I 'and Bzurl, � �' , L e, gone but' some . 1. . I , %.. any means .. . I ­ . ., . . . . elit btores a sentry, ,Was- forth. crias -su . . The 'colt Wea . I 11 7 . . ­.�,the�� course that pffieri 'least resist- I resources and possibilitie§ trfed birt- faile'd � � . e the y, Wi .. . . � �!__ - ; . .. . � . remain,. ,.In the mill or . . � .. - ­ . . to ,�rcak� through with d ;t , th- PPI _tbo.iit adde I � Cost, arid- -g-weu- a- bet ". 9 ned ihi§. fall .___ � - �__ -,,� . ;�. . . ��anbe. T6y_.bogin to�parley with th6m-- . .. In -the fleld, - . . : ' . � etaileditQ stand guard oyer. -i Wi _ itll.. ­ � � _- ( .. tal-l-.dtiring�.-.th-e-InH�.---:-. I . I - ­_ . I - 'find thefe never I . 'Champagne. 'The German . . - . . C e pric6s .aii, they - A - - " h - - .N� . . .. seWes' . comes g time; when .- I W14 serve; . '. . . I .. . . people .be-'tintil n4orning. I r6 t e and earl � . -, .; .� . I to decide whit:they, hid better 'brive� eff ` , ., I . __ '..-d ­­ I- -11.1 _'1._.._1_ � ,� Y- winter: months,,shetuld _110�r .- _,; ­ . - " I -.1. ­ I ...... I— 'gan --arktle th�tt. the live:1stet6k fais ' sat . . _­ . qKt4s_'h0_t_.b1.eAer.thp -hope, -Britons'- ne'er' � , ,- - to, --war' had'---*Ir.-J A� it -h' er shbuld-he' i I , . � ­ . ,,, , .�. - - . __. � .1� . , - . ­ _ , - - - � . to ToVint - 101d;-.. . - . . - f, � - t- � � I __ . f , 1 4 1. . I - � W 16 li -given-bis , , .. -� '. . . e an- 86 ected' - �, . - - I � I. . . I 'will sirry I . comb a 'war o attrition. Then the' * ' , `I ., �. fallo - III - ne,.o _At,�rming to the limit'.first lessons in �gtable mahn . . . . � dor-And lf6.*.­whai--t&y 6ho6ld`--,-jjjd-­--- - i 1-1 , _an� �, . � Oil A� . appene'; - Ill r Isfi6d �Fa_:learu�- to' at' . . " I lesb,repining.­ - -. . ,rh , and tied , And U - . '�)ivh e ' � . I. e; ,'��, , . . � tfor - *the job � . ; '. J * W, ' pr t�ey s6nld" g'b And' ,in ,w . . .. I . *.., *- .'* * � 4 .. � I -. was a. well an * . ve . up , I .� I . - I . . - .� annot man the' 92 1 . Ors. we . . - . . . . .. � . t accomijis � ffunv ,, - - -0. . . vale lifV,__:knd__Ai'he._s:tood either�Of,_fWo_.C6uhtS- if -, ,1, .-_9,,1 ­ . . . . ­..­:- - _. -.1 ,. " .. I h Rxer-T.- I . d. stuiIy of, th ._ i _11,dj. thepe& . not M_ orit.,of-the - .." �, I . � e-r't Aking." .*To -�p - h - , ­ * , , o4nuer' I Can send supplies -ir� t6ff� - �. - _ I . a, ately Iffi.- .I. -I..1-1-- ., arkn . . . ­ go ill � . I - . ..�,. 11 Thus, jo help' '4, d . - I . Ain und I ii - Iiis four -fol I .- _ _ _through Galici *- but ultim. - s ivering in the.' I aMe Y, $a e o _­_ - , ­ , . I .._ , � : f . . I way they- can,be� .hat , . . . If r C, ';Qrmans iucceeded in, breaking''bro,k6r iu pri 46-Ao "stock d ra7ts to win ut, on would ..:.:,*, - * .. , :� . . _takeL.,hi . box .:- - :, . O' - had, to settle again. I e . ess , v�ac 'he s ould , . .1 .. ., . . - r of Tremont U defeat -the Hu , . .. I n defensive posi� h' tfiought and grain,in caso'Of good Prices, or sale. 4Y . . * be ecisions and 'paito' . , . stand in ' i . -sue a man, Dr. V rtlaiid Myers, 7 stall for. od, It' . I . to,� _Abil� to make quick. d' ,persons life'oi'i , - ns � wet d ' h" . Ii� . Temple, Bost � . tio, . � said .many,. thifli, 94 , . , . , _*� narrow stall, tijd with, -Ig, ._,," ' .- . �� . . iriedi' Pireseritly, however, he heard v . . . '' ... . , . stand by'. them is a Mo, ' Ont - - � ' I will, serve, wj. Thb. British Ahd Yrench. then.! .s., of g�aln on the1o6f, only'when-gTain- goo ­ . , qt valika�le ag-6 digeupses the, forces ... . d, stout head -stall grid shank, and - I I .il � .", I . I in I � . . .1 ., t, . �... but failed again', .to - bireak � iting 'founds- ... . rices. are verX rquqh.bq14oNV ,..'� - . that " ake - him' ­ . � I . . . .P * '" , . . " . - � �, . . . oacbin -1 aild'. -A, ­ , � - ,!, I I . . . . .. , � appi - _­ - , . the, aver- � the.:.att6nabint -shdUld--tAk6--p -r --- 1- ­ , set.' It will bi well to go about -our 'fif b" I . . I . gi. age, . I . . .. t,him, save him. and 11 k - westt-And th' I I ... : if sueh-,.a c6urs _� . I, - - . . _AQV'_ =,.� .In --the. ,hd.t ... rijuilitioli shopt: -.­ -- I - ft.QPgI0rL'fh4� e - battles ' . ainyj 6 g6 . . - . � )., . , . ,,, .. in -.who deals with -a .. . � , of Loo�s, - . . . ' ' e. i's consider -around him, teach' him to stan - . � �, '. dutic� -accord' :g'to some "kirid-"61! syjf. sal�smah . Jarg� J will servet , � J �. � And Champagne follbwed. '. -: � b4 -ht idea caroe:t6,hinl�,, I ed too'much of a"plun .d : ovoi- ..,,. � .!; � _ I _:,� - -'­ e d - . , . ,, .. 1. . I . . . . Sir," .'.*he said to ' -9ff '61* .1i ge, theR at least whpTi sP'oken .to, handl '' t,- I I -, . . i. . ­.. _. ;. t hi Or� Odbe ule so. as to; make .the, 1 number 'of individuais e�ery � .. _ , I � . . � -.,. , 1. ,the _ ,W -'- . , - _ q ., .. �� , Jo . e . -4ay .has ;-Thatt the -war ,a.pariicular field should7,%, ihf. . . .head,, "I .�n., 67� "a -, _____ ____ -;..-. ­ ­ -1 1. I . 1�.� � . ,,, :. �, ..'.1- :-7- ,,.Very-, best *use -w 7.011,17, - ,--,--- *, n, , , ,, , arge"o'r_tl ---­al­i-,-ol -.h , , . po*t­ ­`. -- ­te I 'A . I ­ !.,; � "o . . . 7 . ow�, much- � Is. - ,s, e ,),,and ,deust hi - ,,, . . I `i�­splin-di&_'6pportuAity for tit6dylng ' " ; I , - ,_ , _ _ - . �- . ­ ,,, * * , . . le .p , ear of Im 'to ,tM, ­ '� " . 11W, � &n- . Tar soo er -s tov, ­ - ­ - - - , � , ­�r7pqtt . -le of Vdrduji, . .. . � 011 as , I . _ alwayi to be on 'time. , - - - - . I � I will serve;. '. , L " � . . , _, I . rth. 9 P), ___ 0 e Ma currycomb and b ' : : ;�'. . .. . � . the types of rneu� and -there are sev. Lest. an me -s-hould rest th, .0 t ' Pr eineeke�,then:-gives---�t,-he--f-61-��-l'Ob -I donit'kdowfit' . 0 .. .­ ­ 6 I . I rush. A short time , - '_'_____.._ -.-:- �_ . � .! . . . . It'his, eatt,alid.*its contents w fO2't`bo_9rd*ii4­ f "th. " ­ #kaK' . I � . .1 - . � . I , of.- Al . ,while the ­xna3prity- -of th - & . . � I . . . � 6. & ,fl . . ei . . ; �- . I . . . . k *, ,* * I eral Ayies., Ever' '' I . lowing 4c I ... was the care-� voted to production . %ch day spent ift this method n. . . : . . r- less reply. - " . .1 . - For a� brolcorls.-iff coutit of the battles of Ve ' of tral ' ', ' -, .. , . . . - . . . . . � y newspaper� pub� plAd, 1 e-Ploo.d'spilt, '.. ' . .. ., .. . , oif feed. An 6x- Ing will � Prepare the kt'fcir h0idling ` ' . .. , I "... I sell * . .. . If ' ut' -100 - potrifils : - - � - ; .� - . - - , � In ..: ': . . . "Abo' . . d,'alld 'nerve " . . . . , I . . .1 . . Pe ha s lisher.,who has Advanced the sub- -�oirer "in . . : * '(An arkume' .1 � I -should think-,, . I . .". _ :t. . I � , ;. cesgive yield, diid'to -the. mixing Of outside on the h 'When he,.has. - . I . . - r P a6 61 .'us .have ,tome .. . du andthe Somme- , - ' � I , .. . . alter. .11�� ,� .. .., e past" f obsessed by. is' -newspaper IF;- af- ` ' I will serve'. I . . Of grain, should be -well lea ed -to stand Med. Withopt pu .. , ' I . ..". . . - th�iougll ill �y�a the, scriptiork -price of If I I nt used a year ago was . 1 '� iiGooa it' &i6d the sentry.. 41I,11 do two b6lasses �, rn .. 1. . -i grand . . .. .. 1. . I . . * . � . . . hoil,611 that tiiu� spent in ,recreation,; fokded . opportunity for: -learn- - . . . I �. . .. . that a siPcision must be'sobght;'u9tJ�,, . me Worth try for'.A.auy rato... _ I.. lling,' - ' � - . �.�� . . , . __'..... . .. - I I . I - the,sho'Ald-he-taken -- - it "id ­- "�d­ --h-- - ­- -,---- " - ­,V� - � - - �- ,'- - - `­ - 2or - gimp N - pi iy� i g:. -W-k -jT1g--"wh4t'isAn wm&n'I­-Aifd ­-,�h i I *4___-__ I is ant. ast, back�,, With, you -and''Writo, .,you --dlit I --atl- %-T -- ­- - � - ,­ - , - u si e�an ,taug t �N, ­­ � ___ I" ._1,theJgnjibld­d­t --x ... ... but in the _ _Irik - t I 1 7. , . gtid.- - Th'67-- a . , ` SMALL H I .1 . important, in his first ' � , . ..� . 1. 4. . . . check fp'r' a- ebupl� OT I ,. here are �,many paits. of Caha",'to -lead.. It is ' 0 . .11 � � . .1 1. .. � . . . . I . . - sure - . . , � . . . . hu"rildred. -ThOn; that are SO.-sit"te'd With rejar'd to lei - I' at he,ia not parml J ' ' . a nd ', no .' -he fs.01 He is .gLPS. � ..­ * eoncqiitiated Wcst;7-the nervp: Centre ` I'll- turn in. I. ;,wetu : o. .,?!4J, � dage that "'all work A makes. him what . . . ' � 1, .. A - _ , . .. ... _ , I . , d . . oil and !' * I I �awi . tted -to get . .i 0 . - , Ifterally to find ..Out' that. in a Peculiar sense 'dme Titinis at. Miaki� Life - - Less b I ! death of''cold for .twice th o proximity to'market , - - ` - - - , . 1. �. . . makes.Jack a dull bdyOl is- . , . I . of il�e e0my's� forces. The decisidni . . ldrilt Want f I , son' th I , I . � , s - . .,.. . . � ... S . .Tb owever, must not 'be a dedisi�ri` ; . fit am­ount.11 s . I . . e ng ,-.-away wou . I 1 �41�, , true' i,��d4y As, when f6t said. Its. the �ame­trijt that-niarks the father I I . . I a ' well 'is climatic Conditions, ay, because k -tti , � Id ' " �t A -­, , . :� .- *. -.:- , ' ' in What the.officer said in regard.. to wie * '" i I that, �, 't, I - ' ----J.--�j ­p�l �On ln.-his-dealinis-Aar�r - _.. ; h s , . I �ogtrr become a habit with him,.:an'd it, � . . . . epea ion,. rp$f, =ca�gd 0 ,. -�\, I , . �u ion's-- , .�i-�_V1.W_hcWtL.___. . -, A e .old'sen e:.tkE1i., �re. should:....'br6irk th . -growing.is their. obvious. line. I . I . -terizes-Iiis- ----7�:-:--- .. _ _ I ._ , I at I I . . . I . . .- � P . I . . - . reoQrde&�_ - - �' __ *_ '- '.--. _ - __ � . . . ' ' � '' - . s now doing :busihiss' It does not hurf When YOli are through, ja particularly critical posi- . _ . - T -u -these -disttlidt� Vf6ilid-biFl6ft __- ___ tht-habit_ ' . I . . :for short periods are r6illynecessary. . 6 Pro osition-,-is not- . � 'difficulty- that � . The writer ,I , Would bq-H!tA . .1 6 ------- �_o I I e .would be broken. � . If there' is, any, . .,. i . � "I . 1_:. I;— .. :In most stages of life work and' . play .With the thirdgendration since fie en- . . tired Mon, destroy -one of the inost1mport- : . .- ��- *'� L. woik o I th '! . I . ;V� ..�. .. . �And a bit overworked; to�k�ep cheery ., .t . .1 .. - - . - - . . . f pi-oviding wheiii,for. export, i I . I.., . .- have diff-erdfit meanin ' you,� f n ­of'th� Fren tressei3 and - _ . I - . . kin . J.doubt in the,milnd- of the . ittendent - - I * . " : � ­` tered into newspaper Pfiblishifig, and a6a, �peik. kindly, .e I A 1. 6h . for I . '10 Itubbigh. 'L I � P � . . I � ,- , 4 I. . . g, and Aifterent � . . . even '%�lleri 0 � . . . . , ­ d,- lirgeli, f6i all, milline - . , _. . . . , ­ . e.'-'.' I . . . PurPOses,�­ about his bi-lity to handle. the colt ' ' 11 � 1 , . . . . uses, but� there )fever at -'least Once mes bArd.11 ! . - C . ,prove to, tho Frep . uld ,.;. An. ol& . L a I _ 'I ' _0awfis 8,n',bO'ur . . � .1 year -When t .' -' -.that, it 1�co ch that they co * uhtif si�ch tinte, as tbr�ough. d ** , � 4r- ­! � 11 � , ,he anlivar, no I longer 'win. - g6ntliemau heard the. tutor I of � fertility of the soil, the . Qcreas6".he.sliciuld give the animal', a first JeS� L . . : ' �­ . � I . .when- play should not I;e considered a sub�-criptioh .-season comes rpund, lie . It does. not hurt to send bac'k, "A Vat.wjis the.origirit;tell his. son that, the- .earth rbVb1v*ed I � .- - .Of ,son -when - he - has on the, ..... . - . .. LN, . . , a " 4 �. ­ U I .' I � ._11 . . - I - farmers . . . I . '41 : . . . . " . � . . . , t ,: ­ Any of, us . e . a , eal for. the on. s,?mebody,1has 4"a'id ,,io' � new.politico'niflitary; idea I a Walter- 0 III ' ' - . . into,live stock rAlsing., . � "I ".` I et, care-�. - I � . metliffig , 1- - ' "O ll� Isgarden I . . � , - , . .1 it meei bis custorh ' ' , ., . - ' ' twent-_- --hours.- So.'he pu _- districts. 11 'd ' ' * - - go halter ihRnk�' Always be qui . !­ A � .. I '.. : �= 1# legitimate , I _ te hundreds of' pe more than, You boriowed . little of the ndertaki�j a - Verd' ,the n it' necessa.ry: to gome help. ' A� . : , P ace As an * L I ,, I ers fic gailist un,,eVery Y Xdur n �*Ith Vorki : T'64 In ' to lie 'An d Yoa?s. news- - Wh a - . I I.This tifileii ' ' " '. . : papers, an every, suah� vason. afrords . I ed onl'v' - to a . heroic opis - wa 11, .. � . , . .. I a brisk �morning­walk-if'with a Id I si ' . I ­...". .. . f., � 1, aboutyou Watmak 6d6 - ', but'' an e i i� -all Ilig . �.. fu , speak iII'lQw tones,,And us ,kind- . . � s ' ' ' . i ­ . . . . ht. e, . . ,� I 1. I . . . 1. 1. . . I s �L, : I I . pani a be s not fiurt t * y 1 meanwhile. 'Our., enemiei,' pulled them, -ext. morning e I I .. Value of Farmyard Manure., ' .. .Colt 4 has been taught to 11 I . . .1 , , -'rnay:. be - - - 'rather than f6ree. - Mter the � COM- I es, you feolbad it' - I 0 f - � � nes I . , . oil so much th� better- . hinl.a ,Chance -to study'nien an doe I 0 Speak,all the . . . 11' ,wentl�o ih. e ' ' , . I �� - mor . I .. ?'' . a q f . selves together for stfil'friore, ig,antic ' o and discharged hi I s y - � . there may , I � . � � . . ­the� best preparaiti6in for �ard day's I. doe.., it,,.apd it is the knb,�,ledge .of kindlyofth one.whohatfound.faujt 9 in � ,� in ' lu" Tfie 'In d -from f be little� to do in his ed ion �% . 14 , . . I men So ' . I � e . . . . I . . 9 . . g:' Cost Of *Mariure� obtai e -_ .. ­ .1 . - . work in the .. . gained that has whetted his - , - I achievements. Eniland, -.learned, the : the dealers "is'determined by th;- ex -.1 first viinter,'ttnly I . . ,, :.. - , . , bilice or .study. Time - is L . 1br the. �' ,. I � , . with you - -� . 11 .. . , . t, is all rubbish about -the earth . -e , I I . . � . I . . - ' �rkot.wasted that'is. spent'withau,ob- 'to r usb of: universar mil# ... 0 1�ee , hn 1 ading I . � I I .t, I . L" 1: . suck a keen. edge ead . Whell'ilie day's'.' ary' seryipe - and . round,.. because if it did', �11. the pens� -Of handlihig the - e6mmodity and once in- a w.hile'and k . .. - . . I ' i . . . I _' work is done, it tho.,ebnvorsion of ihaustiry : A ini tied for . � I I .. I .. 11 - for the - Would N�ve ; . �� ��, . , . , I s I . I ha'rin t6 sliik 6ut Of. -the w ' * ..run 'Out' of Ahe �Y­:the la,%v of supply A] I .. . . � ar-111 C to, 'or nd Aernan i 8116irt, . � I Joel in'view, whethor'tb�lf obj * ni� �ixt�ers new book on �'The Maii .does. no '. . " . � , � health,. qiVersibb, 'Pleasure, .,:bx bust- Indde.11 . . . Q� I;- . .1 . 11: aday'06thes and 'Put' on. s . qrk. production. of a Mighty ,-su'pply of 91" &'. 0 - . ,. . I . . � I The -exact value of the � * I . tifne daily,i.that he'become .?., � I . O'luld! divid . .1 . . e v* *. * * . ., ; .. I . bme that - the I � . ..... . .., I I �. . � � . . ... I ' . -to each. * 4�'., . . . , , I . Manilre.as althorouOly a�OstOluod I . . . . . ,� J . 0 1� -,' - -fertilizer- is noi very closely 6nsid- 1, colts -should be bridled and harnossod.'. . . I I .. '�_ness:. , Ono sh e, his. time in . 1. 1 . I . look neat'and'elean. � I . ms ari4ammunition. - '.,�j - . Older . " � � . . o sieep,3­0 I 11 . 4 _.; U. , � hi I ' d . same , _ . . . . I ,.. .�. � I . I . . . . P y ten ter - thine's . . o - 5 � 9 become of the o .. kho. fainife±, arid th in tka,st;411, � -_ � I I � . is do � p , on, . P ... , U , If— " - �7 .. ­ It- _­ _ .- ; . . , tdrfishi6ne e -dealer is, -`,wh6re � tiley, betam-* a-6� - - ' - - � - _,�­.' , . � . hpan I � . J_��;_-__- _- -- thing s-'*-b-1'6h, ' vnike a � - - ' " , - , I 11, right prop6rtions-4o long i .. Dr.' Myers, says there - -ire , -four Cornslmaio tell t s cane upon tile' industrial 'Vilail' I er4pd by th 7 ­ 1. ­ I... 11 &.. stvrell of Airierlic-a-,,s('y, �v-,hll---- 1-1 z . _,� -Ioi�u­t.O��Lijr,clser- wii-en- ---fie -des , , man What. he ­ . . Wl� i e. . h1AI86w_i e who. ahva��. ca ' . in tha.t side of ifie bridle. and.'jidirriess efote . � . ' - - I . .11, . � . sary, so t es CIA Y I -thoy are . I. not coqekri6d " - ' ­ . _­ --,--- _.. .1 amusem6ii - " - I helped, she was,'able ' � me to , the -tior! to' an � . .. _. es, � 1, long to . rkt And so%,e , r -the wi -- it- 'will , , - tptceqoi� the Jio* 6ont d wipi, . yo d � � b , , , I I . . .. . � I . we ,t , heredity, eninr6nmelit, 11 and corns .but kee sweet, .0or in the morning , Y - extent bt�yond sati8 fil bein ,ught,fo drive qnd draw,- liit-'. - - -, - �� . 1� ;, . . F, . .1 'Y- . . e all -Rugsian formaiidns,s. .'the-- �. . . . or . . - g_ ta ­ . , . r&reat . - o6upatlqn- . I vace of God I - am- the better to tt, ,� � appar-atus- liands'upon, the eor , f, - , --the -demands ct;ttlio_purob�sq � _. � . ... I .11.- h- . . I -. -2 " . . ,,I ­ �.. . ­ ­­.­ .7lig'.S � --- . . �. .. --- - � .:. - -1b -1 1?%:F�r -` - _:___Iv - . ano ion. One's daily GO& -99y the 1W mid'say; 9; . I . - .ner o , for, r - -------.-- , the . . __ - . : ' . . . 11 I 1.1allf. It I �� . - I I . .. . ­.- . .. _*h�,_�­'� _. _', - �� iij-=-1 - . __ ---- ---- I - _� __ .%. �.., .- . � , . 1. I � v . � 1. i � . - . , _.Uy ­ ­ ­ ­ �. I _­; i �_ -.-- U�v . . I n T_ - r - .. handlibg -or tylt e QjE�2;1: ��, � ;.. .. -,;L ��'�' ­�," " U 3A --- &*0 00, . Jrdyubf . I 1. __­ ad Ing. .. - . . 1 _".___4_ I,- a _ 4�_ _� ­. -1 4 , ­ ­ ­ � � � . . . _,�� � I L �.­ . ' I --I - W . I I I � - �,__ 'Z=-_-_ - ... ---;- � -� .� _ �: � _ I . k --g-l"IM-1JR-Aimself-as- I ,; _. :r-- '� , . - I ­ 1. . � , __ , I I , , -subject- W4tsdf- I . . - I I . .1 I . 4 � .. ­ � .. . - _- -­ - � - ­ _... _ _. ___ * , . whi _b I M ­ - �m . , - 1. . . - . ..­_.­,.: . � , . � these - iff I - - ivt)I6 pecul __ - .. I RL t � nti'to,'t ­ �. ' -�_ 71-­.�--�__r�-_ �---�,�_::���"--.�-,��l--.-.."--.--� ate � I . - tth:r .. . 1; vl"`Nrih�_' " I . . . . ies went divislorlst of our time. iar, law, Which . 1�1. I'll �, �, �,;­ ­___* 4-_ - - I ...... w. Lt_w L hurt -y ___Zq___9Aj1T .an.-,iidequ. -,.idea-. 411-faur ".* -I eg� ,-Zarmer0s, ,' L'rt' . .. I , . V _W,_.__ _,"', ­ - end- i- -pa_ --- =,_- - - - 7__­=__.v� - 11" 6 � . - '��. - , -1.:..\;:1.11:::T1_ 1. 1. ­ - � --- - . __ . _-,7-77. ." I .- """,..,,.q".:.�":.4���.�,��4- -, ,beriefit'deriVed from' usin .. . I . Advo, . .. - . V. 51, � , ..� . . � ... lrblldal��8icia anA, never Tails to a e 1361it;. forgiving'letteio otho man who '. - L'.: -,�:'�,U , �,,;�".,. 1:1,::�'-�, ,".... .1 7 -- _ I - I I I � � I � I t I . , .. '! W. _ .,�:�:;:: I � . . , ­ I - ...: ,, '.. 1 . ;. . � . ':`-'.::-<-N ... . I—— " �,;--- i: ., 1. _. �..­_..�.-,,Fva.�, . ?:----"-& 9 this or any cati. . I . . I � ,.., .� .1 , - ;. ��;,. �,�:,., ,,,,.�.J�� ::;, A . 011$141�66- 1 1 . . . . . I . This brings us rnel of oper. .., ­....'ah.."M , , , .-... I . . . I . . 6 the lie * � ,aie iii every seed that is planted �'hauj ' 11 % ,:. .. .4:�. ;i- *1 . --�,��'I'l�.,���s,o,�,!��..,."�.,�,:,�.i �..;_.O..::,.�,.',,', ­11.�1.1011�,Ml'p . A'$ .. =��= - _ '.__..___. � I . I 1, . - . , . r . . s ­ . 1.114h� .. , -1. . - - � I . , . ._ . - . .. . . , ,�i� Z , _ . � . I . . ---..p I I - k . . - � .... 1� . . . � . . . . . . ,::k' ,tl'�, X 1, _.". .., ... , �.. _. W, ­ -7 - - � � ... I � 4 ��...:',:.­: ..:;.1. ..'..A., I,..;,. V --�:.Imw , . I .-- ., I ... I 11 I—. I - 11 I KI -1.1".. .W- I . . . . . ,. , " ... ... ,­ .­­­'. , . . I I . . I ... . . I upon, which wo bdve.entored? groui Y other de'partm�llt bit wrong lik .,Your� ljf6i�MaYbo he' *,.' -, .�� ��%' �,.�,!,:%,,-,' �::,:. . ��M-j; * [presented Corporal 'Hutchinson, V.0.( .. � ., , , � . , . '. ", . I e a little . 1. A" _ '� 11 I ,� . I "W.M. , , .,.� , . � - `�. *1 , , , .. ou - aw Call We b e eras, to, .him, R I bjedl� h I ; .. I I . . est i�sathe yourl and . eveiry iroh, that % is. fixed in ' tIj - thing tiyouse ,to b , _J , 'I Mt . 't.� - I , I - N 0, ' . . rid and in ever 0 . . RX .�, I W I ... ... . ' - . NNS..?'. ..mg,_­V:��".t,� M . , - the -.naiuial World-grapQs . never rl� ...,11.4 k 4 ,4 """, , I. m -;.:_-_V-X. lon� of thei I , ,� �*� , :N;.,:�%l I . . . *ver by repenting 'Whit, we said, W- does ndt. know just the . truth about ' " '"' A-. "' Z-,- I 11 ­,.,­yi­­,.. . . . �employes, with t -' . I , . - '.. _ 1_: - -. "' 10f ­ I .. - , ., ;. eg .,,� I . F. ,-RWRENGLAND I I.? ..:, , ,I : m�ard Act . firit'of tfiis'article - To make grow. on thorns ana figs nover', ban' the InAtteir. -110 wilfke glad to kn�.w ' .; I ..,� '�;,. .".­.". 11 "N"; . . ... . ,,60 Jul , . . . . I I I I g I .­ S- . I.. I I .. � I war savings certificates. ,�:.­ . " '. * - . .. .. . , . 1. 1 4. . , �. ,�, . , I . - the -very boat use, of our: -time during O!l thlWe . . bi culture a fruit, vcget� 'it, and will' -say, ­po me," After - ­­.. � . . . .. . .� - - 2�1._. The recWr qf�'�Vqstob,._I , - ter_, I . I ' . I . . .�:i�, - - -­­ thi . ­ year i -7 -we mriitl6-ok'-4-1Iigeut-;- �, able --or. kind of,graih. hiay beit6aii-god P. "i et'-blm kho- 0-A " I I ... I . . ..`:,� 11 �A :-.-,. " . �i_ - _rVUWS__,By-_,_1V1__W_,' . , - ­_ iii - _ ___".,,.. :. * ,,. : ,. I . , 94 . . . ­ - �w t orgi", ,� . . � � . . �:,.;�: . A ABC - ­ �ihfie, .- 'K. O., - stocks, --m" ' . I -_4-1___.1-:- I . YO &utli ' . . ".. :.;,;:, ..::. , ,::�!, . I I , itir � let' his ' .. , .&I ,�_ . . I . ,.. I . 1y'after the minutes and what - they:And enlarged, but never alterect,into a, Surely.it,will not hurt tp-* �.. "'' � - .: j , ; %*.i,%;��, - - - , , . BULL AND. 1118,pr-oft's. ' I death- by. falling down. a well at vie- , � I � . , "i ' � . gather tip 'I- .� I I . . *� - - 11 . . .1.1; ..;;;�::,.,.-..%::., -� . . 11 . I . . . I . . � � . " 1 15.4� _...,Sh . . ... I .... :.k,__ , X p � K... , 10 , ghami �. . ., 1. ' - An oak may_ be r1langed I the little chips whL,n the -end 'of thd I �. .1-;,. .." �:, � , ;;k _; I I I I . call in �school 11spares," to use them','IloW life. R , ., . , '*Z.;k.q,1' � ... Jt0ria gt�tlon Hotel, Nottin I . .. - , . � . ­ .. . & P: ' :` ­.:�,,;�.:_, :h "­J,­j--., W, N:, , -Q­�;.$.' . " . , . . 11 e�% and give theth sorne' ' .1 ," ,�. . __ . , N4, _ .. . : - . I . On a 'charge �of forgink stud utter- - I .. . . . �,�, R , .,� . . . . . . , , .. . 4 . goect I _ 'F , . §,:: . A. , .. . , .. I ., � ... I . ! u., ... *.", , ��;;... . , , .., U ­.::�Z -,:�,1.1. . .. , . . .. I . I . .. _. , I � . . ­­ .1 - ..'­ -, � ­ . L jVith 11; thein. � ­'. ".11. .. �.., .. ,g J t:, - - ,'.'. -.,,,, , � , '. �1- * . . - - - I... . I ­ . , , I . ­ . . .1 I . ­ ... . wo-6 keep A strict Viltifidelit-sp-edimen -ikf-that�trcu 1ife �fivt Ahought -to-tvko,to� be,d . . K , Z -_,_,'�w r6fitably,,ind-to the"very� best ad. from , into a mag- diy, corn -�.? -. . a dwarf or scrub,oali i, V vantage. , - - Were' . - , § i Archibald Eylos, a school - , � . ".. 1 � '. I �, �,X:,AF:­­ R, 1�4 " �P, p -?iX.." .�,'.:: ng ­,� .. - - " �. :', . �4�,.,A4;;,� 1 . . juloul Yolf L . ..Z.:,:�:'..", , -zxv­;,'N,';��,^Z-K .""', .q.., 'i 'n ,;. ,, ,,,, � I q occurrences teitch . ,� � = . . � . , account of every hour of our'time, for � nev.dr- into an, apple * and 11 , . , " a t, - q . . st . Or, Was 40ntene6d to hilie. month!% hu- ' .1 . they will 81901) the, b�ltt6r7tor, �. ,% . In tho' Land - Th i ­ � .. ., . tree.. Sole �,,:: ­ 11, - - , " ma ,g 1'. � W . - i .. I I " : . .1 . '" � - , . ..., 1i ..., It qk, �i;1100 '. "N" I .1 ' ' . " . � . . .... " 'N.1, �� V�m�k I..'.. 07,.xn--W . . 'th' ' - I I . . . . . , . I , I , 'a single week, *setting d9wn. the exact had.David;,for hi's ancebtor And so lAs it- . I . � I . I I 11 . . '�` .. " .��P! . - . � `N`.�, .1'. ot.". ". Reign's .Supreme lit e Coni. I I prisonmpnt At, the, Old Bailey, .. . , I .; . .. .;. , . I. R _ I 1i , �11' " , . � I:, , , . . I j 0 ., , . I a I . .. . ,q i� I I � A -, I I 11 .. . la which every.h6"uir,is spe trit,had a place' -�� . ij�..':�Z-,;,�4;0�; . ,... A batch of thVse convicted for t�k'. . . , , ariner I in David's , __+-1 ---- .. . ., :;L;: :01.1 1". � ., nt,, �haracter fi .'." ,.. . �. -1 ,'M� ....-6 :?M.M; . � I V. I I I I . . I -1 '', $­. ..."... _:i,��i& K. A - . , I- I we sh6uld. firid­whep w4y came to view,, Own- -life. - - Mo s -,had - - r at4 -other: -,,,'.: -11- , . ­­' .__... , I " ' : met,cial Worl& � r, - - - M . . . , . 1_­�_,:�_. I . I L . 1: . , . ..." :'�-;.�!."`:- �. N Z-.�!'-, 1 - - . , �� ,,�7i­.� , . ., ,,.� �� I .. . � . ..��.Y. "'. *� �"i . � .se a g e , - -­�--- ­ I -'11. .,; - ,:., -,�-, ��;:.<_.:,��11�. " Ing porf. ih the rece�t4 : - , � , A !. . . .. in .. An Expct1,'Op1tji6fi� , :,,�. I I ... ,�� ".:�,�*:,, , � .�R �.,X� " .. ". . I . I r6ellion in lre�' , I the queerlifest queen that' -Egypt . I. . .1 .. . I . � . . L�,;.L ��.J,' ..",...1::,..,. .4 1-:. , K . . . � . 6 . . . land hi�e� been removed from"VArt4, �� . I . . . �_j,*,m , �,. �:�.*,� -, ":�i ,,�:., - I 6rby-Prison t"As* been set Aside As I . :-�.: -��;��i:'-.�i.��,*� ..�;::�.-:�:�' , '1;;­,'.�,i��,%:','.�:L 1. : . �� U ` �� '. ­ .. . .1 _. I . ,truditiou for s. In. "thi 6irer *.possessed. Samuel"find Hannah Rhade Wand, Nv;i,s I called jlp�on to I ' '.": , ;;" I '�, ,; 1. - 'I a militat 'defention ttarr4cks.', : - - . � ilotv and ins .A ma"n- -who kept a �roail house -in :7 , '. � ,: .4.:k� " - . 1',��. � � . the record that -it N�ao full of adiribili, I - . ;..; . "I �. .;­:. I., . . I S.. , . .`�,�'; 11. I ­­; ... ;:� ..;:;; Illoorsid"thejiew7prijon,at Uwaa. . A . I I ".. . , .1 . -....1. .11 , . .. . � i'-. � �i,:: � I . ... � , , �.. . - . 1, . . , �;. '� -, , ­�- .. :� -, , - ': . , . , .:­_, � . 'N�..: ��7, " - �i.� i, Y . I __ I , �.:-`,.. -k, : 4 :­'�' . P, h ould fia , --!` � �.-�,';�:�-:, ,,, " 1 I ve -testify in a. Auit as-�to,'the nlil-dh�l. of; I , .... ,�X:-";-:�, . �;:_. .., .:.; 1: *1 '. e I � , � �, * " On'e death. has, - Uen !recorded - in of -the . , - , - , . . I 1> .� � % I,"' " , -1." . .%. !.;, I . ' I. - �1. � - 44t - end of London from spott,�d - - I � - 1. I... . , �,. , '�'� .. .., , � .::: . . Vine Street st, - . ,..-:1... ... ::�:! . .. ;.; , :.:,. �'-6111111--. . . . . . t�� . .e., " , ., .. 1, , 1. �, ,.. ,,, I �, ,-,,=A,. : ation was .. :., T _.,�'. '. - . " . .presented . . , I I I ,so '",erns (with em- i been Sarnue , and Charles -Wes. -cubia yards that were lizindled ,in i ­ : ". .:!�' M 1, . ... !;`. � I �M , - , X , � . the ea, ' 011911IF7 . practical and simple way -adopted in for his nioth i or e never w , ; ­ � . -,*, I Coli-stabl Charles - Dednum � . . . . Me iridus,trial c . I I Jdhrf 'r' : . *one -c re 'Under- ley, the founders of the Methodi. W __ , . R�. .. .1 � , ployces- OUld _ adi , � " .1 : '�.Z­ .� - . ..:, .., � M X ; - .1. ­:',-.:;� .. I ., . I., �., . - I '. I ­ '.. I. . . . , P., n .. I,'. I - � I . .. , , . I.. .,;'1;.,8., I � __.__ ........ ., ­:, fever.. . , A . With i" Cheque . ,:�A: , X, '.;":,:"- . N - . - . I solho - work: ' . .... 1.1�mll '. -1 Iffin .. . I rt6t,' .. . 11 ' ,. filling near big place,' He!' '. I . : I .- w - - . . "" . , , , �< ` "' :,.,.:.. , �'11,3, , - � , . .:" - . � . stan(I'lils s'eare't ,of his wa - I .1 ­.,:';-.�'.,i:v�.:!:�- K .._��. �:_: " '. . :� . . � . I - I %,,:,�­ .�i-�.,,��,�:...:�,�;.��'k,���i�,,�,�,�.i��,."��. . s,'�::;;,,� I SO,. .: � .. ­: �:..i " , for bravery rit, A fire. in F rilb -eet, � , .. i:�,:.;�:.,!.-� "k " " "" '�% �. , , , 11..::."1.:�;,.. Perry WQodland, the -famous stceple,, nowledge of- thol I ;-:-;e.> .--.�, " �W,�K.V":.,�. I'll "A". _ . : I . I . . - of time. I Church, were' .,great ruen. . Charles sboN�'ed. very little k , ��� � � , , , � . � . Sti " _� I . "N ,,, - .. � .. . . . � ­,­ ­ k.." -11%`A4. 1,��;;,�,,,:,.;�:!,X : ,:!,:,��-� " :t�: -, 1. w; i.��l.-:.:::%!:�,.'-',"�;A-"�.:�:.. Alase jockey, I's, 11 prisoner a. war . I . . . I - . . ,,". - -_.4.R.-.- ,­,\�­,,".", ,�, . ,�Y!76te some Of the best hymns the mail' . �. _ . � X I " , T-'7, . 'a ��;i ,."�,:,�,,, I , N too -many catos, we foarSe would I � I �.,.,; ;._ IN � .��:,; .1"...- " , ... ­ , , . _ ..... . .. ) -, Sollo, .. . I 11, I or,. And, hig'idea of A, o d 11, :..1.*.1�,:,:,..1, '1�0:`M"., I R �, 'p. - -,. -,. o ,- ..,;. ., -�',,�, -, I`* I . I � . - 1. . ..qje. Ydt I , 1. ..�;, , I . .4 ;F" .-IM-10., �,�'�.,�:�::;"��::7�,,,'.',�;,i!��,�', .:-"-'I,::.,�','�.� . flow I , 'form� , -'- I . digd6* that' he: bets -given botfks to 1� _,-11, owrf�- But: ovdik note, of 1� 1%�� M ,'. � ',_ �.' ,!Kt:2; . .- To .t I . 9 - mid ...I., - I. . . ".,___ .. . ... .. - " 1, . �,,�,, '' " ­ `:;!, " hi,Turk(sy' -, , , * basis ,of . air tildow. .- -,-- . definite ,'that 4t e .., I ; �% -:­�, '..!.; . . :� � � e - Z:::,:,:`,;`,�..: V 1'� X %4'..." .;,:. ,..-...,�­ __ .. *",.�,��":i� ::�:' . I . nee, 'd. thlit ever ran in I , . __ ", "�­;;­­ . ... . ... � ; �; . 1. I . I 11111- wig 'so in kM� " " , I ii�,-:,��,. ,:�:i I . , hL �.C:Z.5; � ,. ,.,.;,.::;,.1-' ': .k.i,..,.,����,�,:.�:",.",�", , " �­ ment fund foi- scIlGial-ship,j. f . $�, , ,I � .., . ­­ 11;P- . I . th ­ __­­-;, ... � ........ .. �-.­', , ­:".";,; ..... , _ �:::j women 0octors are pow � I . : � 6 � ,. . , _:.__ ­­� .,�,.; ­,1,ff-,�t.1%,.+ , . - w1rother" he kneiv what . I ': �: �. �, .::,: , 1. .,;� . . "in- Ing the Russian lai)guag6 to Hull.stu. � . I . 'ble - talk,"fik indole the -veins I * Three .or teach. We or utprAfifit . si Of doubtful . . 11 . I , " , " and,to .inconsiderable tfiflos. which Charles'Wesley came froni-tho-iheart I term me'ani.- In Order 'jo make" � -,­::,:... ­ " , . � �, "� _ %�, ��:,.:.9,i:!;::.: ;M;�,`!�,�.':�;". , 'ployed in the,tondoll ogpital. . This .. � ­ . .:.,.."�.-,i,,�,��.'--..-��-�i.'�-,"\�'�<,�:�:','��;, ,., ... , - :... . -Wr . * ,.: . . . �X '.. _ ,i.,�. . � .H .. � . , M`5:, ...'S"". I - " " ­ ;1 I � rofit : ..: ,­,�- . 1. - I.; 11 1111;,�;.;.;,� ,.!`&,` * , . . . dents, Captain 11. Sami-hari .ba.q . 'of Ms father.. botilJohn and Charles � , , !.,�.,�,:-�,..' �-, �.;,�---", , , . � �, . I . havo'yielded bim neither P -or . .�­, . R--!., %-,:i�:� � . .�'-,% . .., .� :" 11 I Is a neW dopfirture. mado , :1. i. , . ,V�l 1 . . ,N�S"_.,,�j:, ..'.1 . . . 1. uieaning,cl6ar, the judge P -aid: , ," ' �, - - : � � N"�.,.,: :1 : I �,�,�.,. ..` �::� I .1 . .. ,. . ,:,:.:, .1;...;:,: ...:::, `:­­:_�­�;;,�... , . . I . ... nuine pleasure. HOW would Id .:'Wesley were made what they wore by '. - I.. . .. '..." ".:: I ." 11; I �1 \', .-.'-'--.�;.-"-"�..".*�l�,.�; . I . . . .. . ''. .�,�. I . . .�,� ge ,.." _,_:,,;e.,:::�",�:� . . . '_ .1. : I Ali ,ex -mayor , magis . . - we avoi . I . ..:�_, " ,:, . � .,� 1. I " : .. Lrate. of�a gift of 910,600. I , , L - ..."'; _;:%;,:,; ;.... �:- " ': ; .. ,I _. ; _ ''s "Listen, witness! Assume * this . - ..:�:, '..; ,'� . I , 11. I .il . I Disabled soldiers are to 1) e, allo ' . I '. , -h wa. 1?6 � ", �.. . -�� ; . L I .­. .�, I . , � .. I .'­;":;,::Z'�., .., I ., , ,.. I .� , . � : I : , 1, .. .X .:'? 1 . I ., .., , �:� laill . .� . I . . sue ste.? 'The'reiriedy We siggest 00lr­ah4t411Y­thd' plendid element§ in�kofand to be three feet �aeross t . I . .. �,�x � I Stafford, I' reach, (tied recently 0 , I.. �. .. I I . � . '. � 1, . : , . . .k . . . . . . : ,�. ", :. ". . I ; .�! ,:,7 ' ". : 1, to enter free o� cli ge tile e ' W (I : .. ) . . � . ... ,:. 1%q'Wa and three''feet that w�y : ,f.� 4. -11: I � � I , '' I. �.'Ll � I I . 11 . I . � I . . . I . .. Is to arringe out worle'in the ord4r * thAt reigned In the lives of -their fa. top th y - .. j.. . I fl-om inhalation of, gas, I . or veiling , . . . ; -:�, :.. - � :.:,Z�. . .. . . I . � . . . . . . , I I , .. I � I . ,� � .. .:� I " , * ,.�. , , " %oniely willine to work" as road. classes Of the Dudley Art 601, so arwin arid, three feet in lielght, wJlA:t sh � � I : .. - !...�� _ j�:,. :,� I � I thor and -,mother. Charle8'.�'15. " ' . . '. .. . I I 1. . it I � , ...�:., . I I . . . , . 11 . - -to attend ; ould , A - ,� as to (�quip theuiselves1or eiv - . � �� . , . I i of� eomparatiy6 Importance I Sell first to the things or'duties which itre - Wits the fourth 'gerieration.of, Dalrwins you Call It?- ., I I-. : 1. ..� ,. ...�� �, ".. ,�. 4 , . , . �. . 1. .�� , I- , I �.�,,:_ �,. . �, .. ,. . I.. " I . .. - �. , , , _.S I -0 Of a at . . �. . .1 . � � 1. 111011 -11 ferQd OlkQ Pound . week . .il ,e M � � -hat studied animals, � birds, insects I . '. I I'll �":. - ),��'.Z��. . I _ I.." . ' ' " " - �1. .:�� :, :, ,'.j-, �.,� � . . , PleYluent when �they ,Aro Able.- , .%­ . .11 ., ­� .�� � ­�,� - , �, ,e - "� . I . I I ` " 11 , . Buckley, 'Flintshire. , ' I . . t I . essential and allow - unessentiali to � t , . I L$�:, � , - . �,U - 1^11 I . , I - I " .. I I I . : I - . . I . - . . . ?� �,� , . . - -, 11'�\; I_, "Well, Your Honor,11- ,said. the wit. .. , .... �." e .. 11 1. . , " _... '. . " -X 1-1 I . 1. . . .. , I.; I . ; . I The Duke. -1p, , take their* turn afterwards. - Talco � it: and seeds. . The famous Bach family , I - 1.� . �, m - . .'�,, .111,111, The. 0doi Chemical Wovks, I of. Nvestmilister�s t)ffk � . from 'a that the great difference, in ,conta' ness, without hesitatlm;.�"I aboulil -..�! . � I �� I.. '..".. I I I.. � ..'._ . IJ � �ALIUX -, U Ined 120 muglelariso Seven gjon- it owao say - - .. .. : .. " ,�,.. , .. � � '.1 ­., � ., , I . .. . .... ­ . ­ . �" �,-.. . a -road, have Is ,, some Inkstind 11 _ L,J;��'� 11��­ � ,shalv.se. Of EAtOn Ilull as & IllilitalT lio,pital I . I. I . .:.,:.:":., j - �. I" I I . 4 I 1,,:��:-�i�:� . ..11:" I � .:.�� ''. ..... - . jqell. purchased ,. . � I � .j:,.�F;m i i, �',. , � I* I �� . I by Sir R: Coopel ", �11.11ffp,,-., �",:,�Tij. . . I . 0 1 -of preachers proc6ded Ralph - :­, , �. . I's has' b6on accepted by tho , ' . I . the Amount of profitabl' work viecom-'qrationg, I ,� , . - . , I � . . .. . I .1. ... �; i I ­ . �:,, a - 'rillneilt, (,1,t0,,%C,l*.Vq* ll�',um, I," -,11�-'ki'­ ''I 1. pliolled, will be very ,astoun.diil� . l�_: Waldo' Vimerbon, the great , priacher . goille.ma*do'Artiele. - :, ., . ..­,,,�.; A.local district council fined a thell, tluvet � . . . I -.1. . I I �, .. . � I . ly . Out . I . 1� � *' I .*' * , - - I:. . and, blilloso . pher, - .- , . , . " " The' . River-Clyda has been brought , . , .. I .. - factory 2i,Pshillffig8 for not depoqiting i to become a� ulllttary'llospital, . I .. I . I . - �, * it , * I 11 , I I F Oi galling wargarind'. Jgelc. 1) . , , I .11, I . I I " 1� I I -of u$ 66 of guilt Oil g-cee , , I . ul� to its present havigable, coudiflon . I .. 1, , .' PlatIO'69' their now buildlng,r4. r, I Q'St6pney, Wa8 Aned-156'. Th, nV14, . . I I We aro, none Aity Is a rigid. law one that by. -iritins of drodging,- arid flid �01�s. I 1� .1ho,PeninAulta, and Oriental ,14. X. IlIq gecond Offence 141 0 4 is was . I ' the qutotion of wootofulnogs and'few sb � - :. - � 1. ! Company have A the Magistrate I � ould make evety parent a el6se itli. ,gow pe6plo it f'. �` . . 1, �. ordored,A large high. , re very proud 6 it. On .! . �, told Mm that I I . Of UO but,WIIO Waste More 01110 ill'OUT dent of bigi 'Or IlOr Own lifd, for it ia (lay A puty g Cc a. �. .. lloWered AeAlliship . to L , be lai(I down 9 lie caule before 111tu . I .. I -of, Ainorlean Psi hts r . �., . ilnlllvdiately� . I . arahl Ila would send Lim to PTISOlf. . . . I Aabt, time spent In doing- nothing q,so tile world condemned to evil befoid � "Call this a iivor?tl tlle.y lydo. ___ ­ 0 . . Six thousa"Ild smokes llav(,' been Percy Backbatrow has rtitulqlc�d, t,j , , . � . , . . 4ctffitioA%Ia,n.Iw out Idlolks. tt is all awful thing' to W,16g.childrdyl into turned up fkl6b. iloses at,the C I - . , . , 1. 1411 110 said. ,', A Ch" . I sent to 111alitiRt Own" Battalion England. 110 wgs tile last 01 81��. I I I I ' IRU�11 till doing often Wilat *6 need �tot thOir �irtI14 C UroditY a liarsh law "Why, ies a ditch it) comparison with; Ic SPtilIg Bonnet of Green Braid on New Un" 011`11 . . do that iS tho wat. dostroytt of our if you, will, but ag true. as t1lere IS a Our 1116�issllll)ip or St. La'Wrence or AS sorint, aporoaam Dame F-aohlon goots into eo' *r talo __ At_�110 front I)y tlie Ilighbury Pat. UkIleAt SllaeltlotOli's party ,%bo 1144 . � ' ,� '111911.04 0601efie,vt. Think fit tho ohd I aideti an4 devioea jilot wb&t Will be the y> WWII with h, mted yl-Otle platforill. ,. . . , b"n m4rooned oil Meph4a, 101and " . . , , of any 46yover VVII(ayou have 40tio 6ky 06v6'tho IAW of heiedity' Is PelawAro,.11 , I . . I seagoll. This , SPI . l*%%1IlJ9X modft, f6i. tll(t torao Ire WAII too ill frolu fror3* � . � I I . 111L 'Ing 1110rd In ottore The council of AVAu(I,jwOrtl' I 11 Ito to � atittiped On 411 fife itid. there Is 1116 ' *Awell, mo!�.,!' said a'sootell by. , 4 a 010st, 0haralind AwWrimont ot I biIs (e. I � , . hifta then rou'vlay and out WIAt You . A 41W arid uovol - bonnof,s, Ift which th6bfie bh6Wn abovo lb ti,UlY r6tol�(,A*AtAd� cidea to erect a pervilaneUt' 711611110flal i-oule Intelt witti tho top't of-Ille I pftltt�, ­ __ , , "" - - ' - I �p " - ____ �� - - - I "o I *h C 4 0 4 �"� � � e * I � I � 6 �; � "� ' fori .b V � � ' - ��� �' I '� - ' I J"F� ' ' _� � � � 0� M � 3P ­_ COM0 � bo ureai do' 1)1� 70 � � "T -.- ' i J � I I J OFWAR our 0 t t nd v t. new es, El� a suit v 1 ' � I �txsfos I a 4 we 'd to , __ opera iI th t ; , ,._ �� ,_ ___ ___ _ _ _ 1, tJoris at V, S� �. � I Lb'o"."ll'o'noe" r,-, I I be ()Ile. th_. 1. 5 la V a so d g � Jai I � � l7fmQ`re*rTRrT1 I I I i I I 11 J , I th I they M , * Ck ` r , 1, I .1 . I I I , I - ., L;*� Fa_!Ia -1 I I I I C I _e III I . .1 Om � * , '� I , . I I I - . - � . V. � + 91 I apd -C" I 0 a; ,lea , It 11 Ue al I . ca . go 1,g ) h I R h f I . ,h6ed to Wivio d6no.., th 'hiany tile 1#atuval world. The Biblo reckon' 1201w of the, lioroush "40 , � ­ill__,�­ 0*,;4, .. 0,48005 vulation from it -Ake b6geto Ilko' stander, "YOU VO -got Piovidoncc to, 0 MO, Although In I"Olf dfftjiuctiv�- T14 bat in of gr66,1%bralay the jil,eo heW to all piti I ' ot A0tJ'VJt.V ' W).V go Jhroilg4 s thatilt for your riveM, blit wo Inade * ttnd,attraotivei. The boll,lot 14 jujjt tho Whit forwour witil app1h# %ujr$, Tt n IV- +-. I 10 I h six, or W, it oulphatioally, , it. sqs qhd thig 0 "01 I I Ing In tile war. , I __ - . Ith U 8.111 , :1 !� $;In ply t1ritumed. 1, I , I I . I . . . . . . . I 4 01, , . . � . 4 1. I J - +- If worry Itort. rtopto t1ma lid wetlilail , . I .. . . I I I 0 " il . . :. 4W .T. A. 'Mello�,': of t1n, - Ii 1.1%, Ndd ow b-0 6toilt, . I � . I , I 1. . , . I I. .� � . �, 1. . I . � I . I . 'Co ,-, - � . 'I .1 . . 1. I "I . �,;� I I . I I . 1 I . I . I I . " � ..'' � I 1 4 1 � ; 0 1 . . I . I I . I . � . I ". I I I . I I I I . .. � . . I . � . 4 � I I I , I �_�_ � 0 - I . I .� 0 I . � .. I . . . I I I I I . V " I � , , I I . , . .1. I I . . � I - I I ..* � . . I I I I I I . I .. . . . I � . I I I 11 ., . . I . . � I . . I - � I " 1, , I I 1, . . I I I I I I . _ I . I � - . � I . . - .1