HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-01-25, Page 5AEI • • •,'•• 1P-..0•78141--:;"•"--Crt rr• • *Ft TI"M LUCKNOW s • •. Is' Your liviusicai Ear Keener than Zenatello's • kr'N1GFITED .by the -Xing ofItaly--,acclaimed musical centers of the Old World and The New—one of tile , great, tenors ()fall '• timo zonateno has delighted thousands with his 'voice of golden tone, prodigalin its expenditure, yet responsive to every emotional shade.' Zenatello is the leading tenor of the Boston National Grand , Opera Company. In the above picture, this great artist is singing in (tired celnparison vitli rj - , 1 G. ARI4STRQNG, •• r_-_ -LUCKNONY, Out,- . E 0 Re -Creation of his voice. ,Over three hundred musical critics "say that the New Edison Re -Creation 'of.the voice is indistinguishable from the original. vis your musical ear keener, truer.than Zenatello's Make the test. }fear the New Edison Re-Creatiod of Zenatello, AnA. Case, Thomas Chalmers, Albert . Spalding 4,44 other great artists.' - 48 • • k We will gladly arrange a concert for you And your trends, so that you may hear these Re -Creations. itechurch Cojuoitt Glilsetun VirirTESTO TIIE Gymn.---The followinginteresting leiter ..•• la from Oup.:ChaOle Gi1Ieapi. a'former i..esteernef,inernbei„ .the Pn 1)*!,4411 • " .",. 4 ; England,. "."'7 Pee. a0t1V1016; 'I . Pear .triM.48( ' :•. llereave aro `Ouver Horne in-Ould • and :as TC•am sitting around • doing notching in particular, .my thoughts *began to wander 'back to the young, • ple oU'Whitechureb, so1 am Sisk • • -genig..togtve you some ideaof what,.we • haVetione.sinee coming -to;..this ,(daniP)' -• 2ootintr3r< 1 are to you, . and 'if you think it'fit to read to the . Guild ; why, do tiqtjas 1 have no objection ; and ,••• • • 1 After shout eight hour. of steady travel I - - 4^,,i4-,fkiss • pis.ce• getup in the morning, bat it's nicer to; issued another blanket we were show,n residences. We did not got sleeping in made ine led like singing _les, nice our buts, which were to be our future the uoy we used. to at I; IgIP.. but got was about raidni•ght,-eo after being inaching fair miles we arrived et the end of our destination, belts! rather slack, order a to be.up and doing tr.` t :i- o. in. This &hint the aum of Zethtml, and after' lie la bed," but:that doesn't work in the army. We did not bay° to do very mud, Onlia onuPle of Wire gt Physical torture • and then we sat down to our dandy re. •past or breakfast of a couple of spoonfuls of Porridge mumsboth cream, and sugar, a couple sliees.of bread, with a piece ot butter that would go in your ilbei and a cup of tea- etrong enough to . walk on - Thine Unproved a little AO everytging was going O. K. in 'the course of revs or three days., ' After'inaking our residence here' for r' tea days and just had our parlor nicely i papered, we got orders to pack up and ' move' to Bramabott, ,a. distance .of , ten niiles. The day Waslleal.and.the roads paved with asphalt made very good foot- ing for marching on. 'We made the trip in record time and nothing is impassible for the Brtice County boys, or as we are called, -"The Pride of <the North." SOme ' -flit BUSY HARDWARE HOUSFH MAXI OUR aroma 'vault PIZACQUARTE ftS PHONE 66 FOR PROMPT DELIVERY' a li Me ta ve up to, eh? We found 'a camp very muddy, but our situation fine. Our dwellings here are similar t tho.e we had in the other camp, wine are of frame coestraction, about 60x2 ft. Our houithold effectii• consist of stove which isrworse of the wear, an rules land regulations governing the hut We were ipsued with ticks 6 ft. long an 2 -ft, wide, filleirwitli* wheat straw, an a.pIatform 6 inches -high' to lay these on You might just imagine how• •easily would be to roll .0fif and find yourself on „. tne„noor the nextniorning,,but consider- : ing everything. this hv the life. • Afterbeing'bere for a• few days every member OE the battalion .was granted the King' ii leave .tir dayezpess,...but-lbefOre were able toget away one of the fellows. in ourinit took the mumps and the re- mainder of us boys were put in qUaran- tine for ten days. My intention's were. ti.) to.Scotlandand see sone of thosebothlY yoll -.can imagine hoW disappeintedI Was. 7 r •..• The life Tii.quart4Itipe. was 4 yeti Jai), one. Our. duties • consisted. of -eating, sleeping and writiicg lettere. Atthe end of' ten daYS we were ready for any kind, of .nation...- We were only out iew-dityii when another fellow took the mumps, and it appeared as if we liad to serve another tentence, of donfineinent The officers, --thinking we—Were 'having is o got orders to take ah instructor's course 0 in musketry, and after putting in a.week m a- • at it, on -coming hoe for my dinner last d naday, found. to my utter dismay that •• our hut was once more under the in - d fluence of quarantine. Quarantine might d seem to you, people rather dull, but it !•• 0710(4 like Sundayto me now: 'In the t meantime the. hut that young Sandy Kennedy was in was also in quarantine, • but it doet sn'seem to li_edmeg.b barn, bee -Tie is aboutas broa is icrig. If alt goes welt.vte epee ..oUt again on Christmas Day oditewildiiihetd a,concert owes roorn as Thursday evenin the. Colonelwhs called upon for a s fiti the course.,of his sPeech he tol 'rrhe Departing Soldier, alter by thy Canadian •Patribtio Fund.. • • He leaves Canada knowing that his mothsr, if in nose, will b• looks*, if there are any initifakel-yedkniiiy "the fellow who's .wrrting it, So here goes. for the first epistle to the. Whitechurch Gnildites. In the beginning. we landed at Liver- poOl'on SatUrday a. in, Oct. the 28th inst. Yea may wonder why did. not • give awaecount of our tri)' across, hut - with that Oki tub a -rolling and Bad -flair? oral fish for diet, the 1)04 Place 'for any- one was up on 'deck wit4 his head: over ,the minis, so you cati readily see I did not. have any tune to take -notes. - • We were :paraded from the- boat to what they :coil trains in this tountry, they100kedf17iore like, wagons' te me.' The coaches were. feur corn.; Parineents about two by ivvice a0,-ifter. squeezing in in eight men and all their kit we -were ready for our trip 4.250 Miles • p good.gove the sergeant orderd to give us two, rours of ,physical jerkvand ,rcroute „maich every day. The time v • OVERWORKED MOTHER Pin& Health In -Our Vinol. comnovise, 111.--,•41 suffered' from a nervous breakdown c„and terrible head- aches and was tired all over, totally worn out and, discouraged, but as I had a large family I had to work despite my suffering. I saw Vinol' advertised and decided to try it, end within two weeks I noticed u decided improvement, and now I am a well woman."—Mrs. Axe Buomai. in, any tonic, .gtuna.rm:rteeen- Vinod, :tour goiiiisecrbt d as be weak: run-down,overworked tiloaellieurif• delicate children and feeblmld people. t to _ The. Du. M. SPANCE,47:CUCKNO'W- in tbe • ."4.„. g and HURON TowNsiiip,eouN‘IL rieech. . •, d irs if • we were good boys he • and :the Officers of our hattalion,t were ire a Christmas' dinner for its, coUsisti turkey, mince pie and' pinin pu and iliotkat; Iie had. beard notbth draft•going froin thia' battalion. New teai's,''but you eanbet your wi4 get a 'crack at Fritz before week go by. have' heard' that Bill Moore and Bob Liddia.w were w ed.. V 'iv lellOW gets off wounded terrible epnfliet he in bountlij very biCky. If possible I. must try Township zo, Ripley* 'other- - • , Jan. 9th. 1916paring . , The new .couned for '1016, met 'ad - ng of 'cording to statute, on the aboyo date at &ling, 11 'O'clock a.M., and made and mibscrib- ed the deo arations ofoffice and Quachfi- before, cation, and entered 'upon -their manY Chair:* CoUncillors Fraser, 9amlitsell, boots aboth itm.wduliotn:huteltee);:.a, 19:11. 943;. mai linkeli•911;;;;:vywitereeert;ev. read and • nisei • 'Bill of E J.. Graham :Was ordered to go .sea: them if '..they ere any nearby,"becauseafriend'Ir&fi'fibme ery welcome -visitor,' alai) unders ft. •••• . f.,!••• ..••••••", 'Irge• • • • "'":6/0!,';•••'•"" paseed quickly by and - once More we t were liberated..As soot as we wereo t 1s , . •' • •.• ,"041y .tirea", This is. the WAY -anaemic; Woo:almspeople usually-descrii)e, their Ice nditio.n.. ' . ' .. ' , . . . , . . ,•.. . . . . ' . But 'the,re ip a Pallor *Of the lips;„ eyelids:and gums which denotes • "the weak, 'watery 'gtate of tW 'blood:. ."7-, ,. . , . ,: -. ::. ',. . - • . ... Tired feelings ,tell of: musenlar ' weaknesS.- -Failnre..Of the'diges.- ''' • • .• • 4 . *Akir-QPrg4AP' v. 41acrie a te,S 1 their weaketted,actiOn -.1The.07stelAs-iimnblg down becai.ise the blood is:iacking in he ---Ve-cessitr-Y-Ite-rAill.r-tas-,--fftells-virsiate-d. *-,---101.s&L/SratiVi , . • • , .. •,, • • . . In this weakened condition, one is ,iin easy,prei 1c colds all . ... ....,,..., - • contagf9uS dise4sei. .T116 blood must be'etrithed by such restorative treatincryt as . Dr Chase's 1"erire Vood before . ter you eaii 49i.o....ip, i'eosastn.:oixeligth ,-.„ ‘.. ,p.: ., : ...... ',...,.._ .... .,.. :..... ing tr Anaelni..._ & does net correct itself, and-, etingequently, " .: fin to the greatest danger lies iilneglecting to take aeti.+4 treat- ' G ment-nntil the strength is too:far wasted: ,' . . Tele . Many thousands bave been. pnrea of nia,eraia by wine ,we • anCt he filed.: Bill John '11. Collins e haveirt stock a full !it- of Woodsme's . Suppac, • Maple Leaf Cross Cut aws All makes of 'Axes. Saw gets,. W.E.-APeS9 Cant Hooks, Axe En • Handles, -all sizes In chain; ld • Try our GoMedal It's a Qood One. JOY The Store Where Your Mone goes Eartiieit iii100,041109.44!.401.!'4000"!.11404!0.4004064 ..4060illinda684*; . r MOVED We have n-rov_o ed to. ur ne'w stor, aLross:thp7rOad and. are in a bette• pOsi after • your shoe wants • • -- . We. invite• you to cOtne., and, visit ujit our new store.. %,-,Whetber. you- want slioeS or not =, you will be' welcome. • Come in and see us. •ACKERT _ScRATIIWELL,' i • GOOD:!' Sfi9E STORE • !C:01 THE 18 *a in lib taxes, wLL o as ordered to be paid, the ' """""'"'"^•: at at 2rd. w°34 iefund of stotittelebnmenercolleeted 00.010•041.4floomoret/o.,-'4.0-4;itg-m-,004 pailimaster having first certified that r work was done. • bat both Roy Patten and Arehle P on are_at Croborough Camp, about 90 , miles fni hers, and if .c.l. 'aim 'lucky enough to geta week end pass 1 -will ran over and see them, and I an quite sure'it Will be a happy reinuen. , • Vil1 now,' aro eure you will be10 g tired of all this chiri-'weck, an don't want to keep the Guild in, session toe Jong oi somebody's mother will be thinking her daughter , is away for good. I. might tell you that , real nice .girla like Whitechurch girls. are very barct to fled here, ;so'be a sport :and don't get married or do any rash ant like that, and be able to give us fellows a little bit Of 'showing when we• return. .„ Hal Ha! 1. must ring off, act wishing y all had A Merry _Christmas, and wi ing ycu all and -the Guild a Very Pt' perous Xew Year, ' • •••.1 iemetien mr:, your oi4 tieo. , 40111t.O. OILIJESP • The, Municipal World account for election blanks Was ordered :to, be. paid. The foltowing orders on the 'Treasurer. were duly passeddi---E b. Bolton' a P21 4. for liagtneer's fees in. Broteitie's. Atvard.. !t Martyn, 4 CO for 'clerk's fees: .in a' said award ! John McKenzie, 860 for igging ditAindputting in culvert Lot , 6, con8,00 for furnishing tile for the same, total 10 ob.: Henry. 'Carter,. 1 00 refund of dog tax, he having no dog Clarence IlotieY, 1, .00 for '•repair-, ing culverrand hauling plank on „Sau geen Road, cop 4. Matthew Moore, 1 00 for re'pairing bridge and hauling lank • at let 23,con6, L L ICnox, Tow/Clerk 61'1 . Goderich, 54 16 for Ilitron'e share of 811- the legal fees. of Mr GarrOw in the Osler os- • . case. Jaceb 'Gates, 4 00. for exkrameet- logs.. Geo •k, Motine ,50 00 balance nf - printing contract, 1916 D B MeteOd•., lor-gan-Of-dust-baue for htHJ idfor S* CJhahlru,rotonto uo as -gR,Or-The'-IturourAitiuloas-Xu-uiagar • Telephone System, 1455 00; amount of tax collected on 528 telephones at 2 50 Ruttle---:Hanulton—That J Gates pay to the Tres,surerfin; rent of hall, receiv.• ed as follows: KnOiecburch entrtain • • ment; 5 00; Huron church ,social 5 00; riiketrarsiTv Tony Zuber, of *alke;ton who, e tiine ago, sent a threa.kning let with the evident object of hush, inoney from Dr Porter, Walk: n habeeflsenteed to five da ail: and the paymentdfa 50 fin IBA, graiSLTY.•--7 Ti;Ei Walketo seope had the following.. A We rduoan who has itrathe S'S *A. Jethedist cluirOli entertainment 5 00". el. TOM Mark'seendert/10 00. Total$25. n -barried, 8 t. Fraseri--liamilton--c-That Alex. Fraser anthoiiied to pay to tie- Treasurr. .4 Dr. Chase38 '1100a, and. this as the bes' tryi proof that it net fail you. .. was It Supplres, in condensed arL1. easily' assun- wet ' last ilated form, tile ingredients froikwhich nature 'edin iv in the drblt-siuce Sept lath theiietina of' rather.. cluel gam week, Ile had ordered la ease o gOOdiarom Montreal which artiv good116e • Off • Opening th,:eas he was completely flabbergasted to •.find that tbe bottles bad ben shipped to himerapty.. Mr. Man feels that he • 'Mtlie victim of cruelty of tho worst. type. ruts AT WAntauTorr.-or the see- ond time within a year the Viralker fiette, nf Walkerton, has baen, the. cene of a destructive fire, Burly ••Monday .morning of last weekf fire broke out in whatused to' be; the bar. and though ihe firemen respor d. ickly to tthe - alattn, the floras breaking through- the roof before aritorl. The building was nom. y kaited; 'Only one ratan, flood at beritoP, escaping.john 1,Vrci, roprietor, was reiadtve0 by the beat And smoke and wos d nut by the firemen. The. less to be covered by insneanito. rrnee fire Oeourred in- the night telt ith. last, when a great deal itOO was dost to thsbuiIIin • • * Men's Tweed Overeats, 12 00 fqr $9OO 1.Udies'..T.10,•.14n0d.''00,4t, •reg $40 for $30 jAde'.•*uskrit-'-Cop.,4 rg. $70 kr. :$60. Cloth Coats at ig Jethetions .A100e•••;0oorkoat • ,. • •-•: ,••••• •• . • • • . •._ Nowl$4116..ti00$013,0y;:4.11•COittiift. grjitjiesnthio ••••• • -•'• •,; j .14 14 •,.2 25 receivedas follows: Richard Dun- e. lop). .26 for cement- tile, from; Ifarry Courtney, 1 00 for old Wank.—Carried. • The foHowing by laws were paps ed, vizi: • • • '(1) .i9.13, 527 to appoint a locaL Board of Healthfor the Township 'of for the year 1017. •Thei'neniters of the Boardifr the year are J.Ne Wilkinon, Reeve; Dr. D. A. iNieOrint.:' -mon, M.O.H., and Duncan Campbell, Angus Martyni Secrehry, anct John $. Robertson, Sanitary Inspector, i?) 4 -law No. 538, fixing the stibtries of Township Orncers for the year 1017. (3) By -.h w X0. 59, to appoint certain • Township Of16t3rs, ' (4) 13y -law No .' 040, to borrow $2545 • for the Huron iititinloss Municp1 Teta: phone System to meet billt payable. Campbell-Praser-Tkat the tender • CIGeo. II. Mooney for Towoilhip rrint• . int,/ at $100.00 he accepted.—Carried, RtittleIliuiton—Thatthe Clerk be instructed to order six subscriptions to the Municipal World for the Council and Clerk.—arried. •Wilkinaonuttle—Thaf this Conn.cildo now- adjourn to Ineet ugoili con Monday, the Iith. day of February, A. 1,917, at the natal hour and 1*(03- Carried. MovelLino Cletk onus rich, red blood. . Consequently, the fits obtained, are both thorough and lasting • 50 cents' a hoz • 6 for $2.50, dealerai •Edmaison, Bates it Co., Limited,: To ronto, no not be talked into aconlithig substitut. /mita.: tions disappobt, 884 ••••.1 ▪ .s. ' .room ed qu were 'they • piaci bute the p • , scions carrie is said The fo Of Ma qt ciss) 4. 414 414 ••..-• • ' • ••••••• •°, - • ;;itiy( 1611c11,4"t{ :••• ;,..!,‘ • , r;;Ki-70‘', ••;',•,14 1••••C:•'•;''A)! .:r • -.. -......-....,..,„„,.---,-.....z,.,-,......„--------- '-j.... •.......,.. •• ..,-- , , ..: , .,;-. , _ .,-_,,,, ..,,.., •,., ., •:-.. , .1,ati...,:;: , a ". ',-';'.::••::• e ' ,'- ' ' - ''' ...-.5-.., ..-„ ...,.. .0 0. .5. - bvjZii.C4.4?' n11-.4V3t mini,: v ii.,11,-,';iiit3Ifililt.1Vilett:tZ . \,,\1 • • n,.,, \p '4 'Y n n • • -''''•I'N.1,•:\‘,.,‘"2‘.‘:... :' . .". .... :,,'ii:.*::::,:‘,.::: -/?I 1:7;0:::::1:11;;:..aaLitril.,:::;:ir:l:, .:1 ..i. , :•;.%Di till Mittibei:V° • 4. . Nef1,.. ,0 L.i sIgurvIviiswe . -p,;•rvP. • s• , zb• vtov t•• ) - • 6 4 1/4%1 • -