HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-01-25, Page 2---••••••411.11‘
Tea is Delicious and Pure
Sea!ecl Packets Only ig Never in Bulk
18 °
• . Dainty eas,i into dice With it, • aerate a to be woreieci by Ddr, Vermont. n gond out that daY ?
-la • She started *gain and Paied s 1it.
tie, •
440f eourso, dear," ehe -said; ,
TUROUGR '11113 DARIf:SIIA1)0WS HIFTwiet.2.hink'ng
reee seeeesee, azsea
inaturcd eeeecone es he too. dawn bis.
bat and coat- from belling the deer..
Or The Sunlight otE.14„ove . 1 "Our bearte ere epen liko them docks,
With all the 'works) outside, eh, Isticers
my dear?" Laughing at _his: -own
faimileehe kieeed her lagedia.
"If you'll take Care of the ehop,"
CHAPTER XIXene(Cont1),. I this neither a the ladiee wonld allew;
.7areliZe imitated then his dupe s.houad Adrien's.evlier.eabouts, Vermont
on is leave.
Ise ebsent, even fer a day # without-
s geeing over, and ht`P'11 lend MO a
tolling et, hae 349/enen and plans.' His next move was to Waterloo r
"Ob' said Jasper' quietly, in. and with a Patting abet on the sub -
he emit on, as he opened the door,
I inSt ran toter to Richmond for
those Jams and things. Old Tucker's
mention It last night. but, I balre-fOr
4‘0141 whore has he. gone?. . did Station, where he
nno; Ins. Get , along, then" replied his wife,
Hampton; and a little after
h_M-11d-teOehi.s -fare!: i...Per Vermont wee etrt:ollkinga.altora:thtoe 41'1
gotten." and don't _forgetyyg mant-oome-uaorer-
• v4-.
Riatuns ANTED
s,„/.44 •=1 4.•‘ if4t4,44 4,24 V ,4
ace Experience Unnecessary and Life
" a pidalant "
• M part ot Canada's contribution -of
500,4 men for overseas, the Dominion
Naval Department has aganized the
serve in which Canadians can servo
the Empire afloat at the same rates of
tr4Tbig rec-all. it to his riVer# 'Woking ids cigar. 13PieeLi.t.
. Very amiable he Wolfed, and exceed.-
. But Noresate, wao too sharp to bo InglY literestett in NI heats' and
caught by this time-honored mane therefere •it was not surprising that
0OUVre• get knew very 'well that the tha -Ulan '5111/° them out on hire
"Right you are," said the huaband, PaY as in the Canadian Brpoditionary I
and With wave of Ids land t° her Forces. Mee ()nitrating in the reserve
he went down the path, the two chil-
erimannin• .
are Junked as a;blei seaMen and -paid 1,
dr'g to meet him
decided upon ter jasper to have 'been the looked after bine wistfully '
a .1v$Irla0tilponer adllaoyw, awnieteb t$0.2,,pw reer ! _
Withle Coating bad been too hurriedlY readily aneweredebis .questions as to
eLlIcY 'Ashford stood atthe
told on the preeeding elight; and ropr John," she murmured, as1L1618;inNwohoseaaie"pPhcyri:ine°
doer an
is, necessary
best season of the year, the ape .
bad a boat with a itedY and gentleman She went hack to clear *ray the lea.' tween the ages of eighetaelelYn anitulantldtiPtya: .:1:1111:.1vrtarhsee'llsillgn4grnudeii:nawinilid'oaseaceirrkUsil'ebb.aleniglgin'N'vd5:.r6:kise'alil •
bad' tie inteation of allowing, his mas-
h() Proximate number Of customeres etc,
- • ter to 'Whom he was sincerely leadiag up to the main „question*, . 0 o eight, even .if they have. never seen
• !Au e
afl things. "Whit
Prune Puddinges-TheWhitei of threewft t pel pepper. t
• "I donlsknow sir" h t I'd " Ro" the man eaid. aeUrioualiF 'Iler theirihts went back to the great lege of Joining the
S the lettar had been erought round day nervousness. She navy at full fast is sounded.' Onte hour re alloWed
peunee', Min ,eatenen.y. pour into anti celery ai4 toss until evvell Wait a lady and.a: gentleman in in 'award:11er. strange • excess of that paid the der British ingelate "rigof the 'clay," Le, the
h sal a ' Iito ee
ren appet
when Ole visikte
ite and w
- I the sea, ,a.re given the untisual prive team] at 7 O'clieck. the cell reek.
eggs, beaeee aeon stilt. ,ww, • cup „a „ablespoone of oit a.tir a tablespoon of .
ly, He did not leave word.'" • e °, enough, eir,, no boat has gone out to- for brealstast, ,cleaning. Up and charm.
. sea•
secret of •ber life. ,It was that which manes •rank at a age nulay times in
Line a. chilled bowl vvitit erisei ..qu.4e openly by one of the Merivide like whut 7°14 d"crlhe`" ' ' bad repented of the past truly enough, Navy seaman •and rated
a buttered •• baking elish
',? slowly fez' twenty Minutes.
and balm ed•
lettuce leaves, fill with the chicken
. s kits, needless to . say, he could ' "Oh," said Mr. Vermont 9 • was and better
found thronghout the
' e co have been higher than tbat ii .i ordinary
two rankeeclothos ft)1"'
seanian is assigned to Shortly before
the 'particalar work the •
have given Jasper a very fair idea of mY mistake. I thought 1 savi a gentle. kipgdom; but " ' '
sugar, one cup of chopped 000hnd vinegar. Pour this over the chicken A
• Cranberry Vtiddiner-Sift together salad*
and Pear Mayonn se ,....essmg
• • .
ai *green- recruita.
Where he had in t lady d th river- gone u e preferred man rowing a own e ver- the secret had eaten into her life! The navar Beaman upon: eulfetruent e the men fall in on deck, the bugle. a
Sh ' ' ' blows Attention," the marines pre.
• e
two, cups of flour, three teaspoons of Ver • i to keep 'his own connSel. a ; rowing very wellaeee Una light skiff." e strove now to Put it, away from receives a flill kit of clothes comdsting sen arms, . 1
bakiug powder and a, pinch of salt.i Egg Salad With f ream Dress ng- "Oh, very well. j • ust if° tip and "Ah!" saidithe 'man, /Ageing' a her; for she -knew she was in reality of two cloth caps, one white salute while the wiate ensign is hoiSt•
duck calp
Take eq
•- Add milk sufficient to Make a dough wm e a few lettere,. Norgate," said cloud. of smoke from, his rough clay
and .celeryi 4 I ' e them on lettuce Jasper, malting a pretence'of indiffer. ; pipe, "I know who You mean,. no
. about the thickness of any batter pude
ding, stir in a cup a well -sweetened eaves -w
h ehehaPeraebeen ut into a.
Ove ethis ourP• the cream .,.,1
w; Mr. VerMont knew -and the latter Junipers, two duck uniform jumpers, plays
"Gd Sam) .
this ceremony is caTried
once; and he passed into the etudy, a gentleman-reguIrr swell,' agd a she had not seen for years. two serge jmnpers without cuffs, one
. eind strained cranberry jelly and steam c 1 e Is .. . ga e returning to his own guar- lady in blue.' . Lor bless yet', .that
: for•an bout end a half. Serve with dressing w e. LIS
beating three eggs, yolks and w des ,
m a fli been made b
e .11, 7 tors. • • . • ain't one of mine, that's • a private clips and saucers and .called gaily to two check shirts, two peirs draWers
hard. suttee.
as they came running m eTre. n minutes later, "Divisions is
Now, therefore, put away her serge juniper with cuffs, two jerseys, 8 e -In• ,
M e rnon waited until his re- boat that's kept up at the Court,. I the children, th •
Vegetable JPie-Put tato a buttered eee
tog ther until they are light; add : he's . back. The girl who had been PlaYing.
e ' nful'of salt a inch of red treating footsteps had died away, then think. , Oh, yes, all right.; gone ".. .. - . , . .
pie dish layers of sliced potatoes 4nd ,4)11e with a quick hand and a keen eye .he upstream, they have, and a nice tn them came too; and as he ap-
of half -cooked: Spams
• b onions. Th„,_ pepper, hal a sa spoon o u ,
°" • easpoof
t d ' proached the cottage she raised her
It ' Pf m. Ward' day '
head and smiled. Lucy Ashford
t and the sailors stand at the
ual parts o hard bolted eggs •t
safe enough. . Order her father and and eap coinre, thnee duck Working ed sad the
" • the" sum •
slliP's band, if carried,
season with salt and pepper, and•morei-
ten with vegetable stock or milk.
rill with coeked carrot and turnip,'
• mit in dices. Put more cooked car,I
• rot on the top and bake in a hot oven
' for .abeut an hour. • 1
Griddle Cakes -Crumble bread into
a bewl, first replaying the crust. Pour
a pint of boiling hot milk over the
crumbs and let them stand, until they
swell, then' beat the yolks of two
eggs, a pinch of salt, a tablespoon of '
melted Shortening, two. heaping table-
• spoons of flour and the'beaten whites
Mixed with alittle water, an , lastly,' over e letters whicb 10' they've got.' •
three or four tablespoons a i I. where Adrien had carelessly thrown This was what Jasper Peeded; and
sweet eneare
Hungarian Beef . Stew --:-.Cheaper
--.. ehad been evidently overlooked, for it for a few ininutes inore he started off kindly to Jessica -for ,It was indeed comforter, hammock;
shirts, two handkerchiefs and'one silk names are called off by the various
Watch officers, and the men are le -
r -e-' them. ' Alaongst them' was one h• h aftstrollingb•-t the boatsstooped toekiss thee hildren then said handkerchief, two bed cov,..e)-s, one
' .
w lc after a ou among e
cuts of meat can be made up in most der- postmark d
was unopened. It bore the Barin- along the bank, keeping at such a dist she: . . bruebes, clothes ' brush, hair brugh,
knife, .blaciting &Posted. • After divisions, the crei:
=rob aft for prayers, which is follow,' ,
delicious stews. The following re- h # anJasper's eyes tance from the 'stream that, though 4'1 expect you are tired with them scissors, soap bag, "houseWife," comb, ed by fifteen minutes' physical drill,
•teothbrush, csp boxes, praygr book, then the routine work of the day conn .
overalls, lanyards, etc., the• whole be mences. Parties are told . eff for .
the bedding excepted, Which is lashed
ing stowed In a brown canvas kitbag-- Painting. overhauling gearland rigging, *
etc. If the ship is at sea, certain men ' •
"No, ma'am, thank you. I'm not up In the naminock. Each seaman rd., have their' watches at . wheel, Zook out _. .'..
tired. I love the children; they are cisiver two haltuabcks. Oilskins; pea- and sighalling-the others, outside of
so god tp me.". , .. • boots and watch coats are issued to the working parties, are ,being °Az..-
. (To be continued). those pen on duty which require cised and iestincted in, the arts cif
'sounded by the bugler, and the entire
four pairs duck trousers, three pairs
serge trciusers, two pairs socks, .one 24.41Ps cemPallY muster in their -re- •• .
pair 'shoes', ono pair boots, threcblue spective groups and divisions and un- • ,
Jean 'collars, three flannels, two night 'der their particular officers. The • -..
• .
cipe.for Hungarian beef stew you will • e but learn its con- he could see all who passed in the e
now; my dear. . Come and sit down
tents? He (picked it up, turning it boats, no .one on the liver ecould . see
. with me for a little while."
find -a splendid dish and an inexpers-
sive One, too: Two pounds of Over and over in his hand. To his him. • Jessica raised, her dark eyes grate -
lean intense delight it vvainbut lightly seal-, • The beauty of the day, the shimmer fully, .
beef, shoulder steak, two tablespoon-. ed, and by dint of a little care the let-: and sparkle of the river, with, the soft
fats vinegar, two tablespoonfuls fine-, ter was
ly cut onions, two tablespoonfuls but- safely oPened, uninjured and, lap OT its waters, the singing ' of the
I tinselled. • . .' ibirds over his head, all had no effect
ter or suet, one level tablespoonful I It was from Lady Constance,' stet- I on him. His dark,...beady eyes. noted
flour,- half -cup cream, sweet or sour ng a she and Miss Penelope were nothing but the boats that passed,
of the eggs. Beat well, then halte.
- one teaspoonful salt, one-fourth tea- to spend the day shopping in London, none of which, as .yet -though the
. than in the regular 'may, being care- !spoonful caraway seed, one-fourth. and would be at Barzninster House at afternoon Was. waning fast -contain-
- ful t'when timing them not to break, cu
them. „These a e .very good. ' 1)- hot water or broth, ,paprika to teaspoonful sweet marjoram,. ha.if" eleven o'clock. ' ed Adrien and Lady Merivale.
ste. Cut. the meat in one-half inch --r,
It was quite a shiest nate, and Jas e Yet he knew that he had not miss-
• Rat Salad -Take . a goo beet root tubes, put in a granite dish (not tin), per, smiling wickedly, sealed it up. ed them, for he had taken his lunch on
and its equal of bulk in potatoes.. add vinegar and salt and let stand He knew there was no fear of diseov- the balcony of an inn amunanding a
,When. the beet rod has been ,boiled an ,ery, for there was not a' more unsus- view of the river, which he had Iceptithate-theenation that builds the- big-
-- ';•until• it is -tender cut it triter alicese' helm or twe. _ elleat the better -le- .a- picious marilivine than Leroy. Hie under survey from the time he had gest "tanks" and builds them the fast-
- Then sliceethe potatoes and lay the . Porcelain -lined iron kettle; `add the mind Was working rapidly, seeking to reached Hampton. earlier in the day. . est. will win this war; and "by. this
• alternate slices of beet and potatoes onion aid 'coOle until tender, • not mature a plan by which he could -sep- ' Steadily, with the persistence of a we are not to understand that he
. , in a disli, Sprinkle with pepper and
. er closely' so the steam . will not es-
browa, add meat and spices and COV-,- arate Leroy and Lady, Constance still bloodhound tackling its prey, he vvalk- contemplates. German vicigry as a
funtherl. ' • ,
. ' ed on /and on, until he carne .to a vil7 possibility. .,... Eels Amerelootrying to
Tanks Repreeent The Best New idea
, Developed' in The War.
. H. 'G. Wells, the novelist, believes'
, . salt and pour a wineglass of, lernon
. .. juice carefully over the tip. Vine.
• i , gar will da just as well ai:lernon:jnice,
i blit the flavor of the lemon juiee is
More distinctive. Place the dish and cold water: &1st before serving add
its contents in the eyed until very hot the creani and _shake ,inepaprike, . to
and then the salad can be served with taste - • ' • '
• ht a .
. • .
• , Eidaiy. and;Onion;---Talre a sheep'e
kidney and a Moderate -Sized Spanish
' onion., Skin the kidney. and season
according, to taste.. ' Peel -the onion,
. eut from den to bottom, but not quite
, through, hollow out the inside suf-
ciently to held .the kidney, then place. some sweet for .the thildren.'
• the kidney inside the hollow, close the -., English ,..walniita added to .. Drab
onion andtietogethei tiglitTY. -Then:, gelatine give it a delicious flavor. '
• ' place the onion in 4 covered stewpan., When preparing pickles a wooden
• with two or three tablespoonfuls of spoon or forrshould• be used, never a
• water and stew gently for about ,two metal one . : • ,
hours. The gravy it has beeh stew -1. A boiled custard with, crushed ber-
ed in should be served with the onion, ries added to it after ,cooking is, a
i Porridge Scones -For these, , ,cold delicious dish. ' i •
oatmeal porridge can be iteed. The • Good .drainage is the most import -
scones enust,, however,' be egten at ant thing to consider .about foliage
. ,
ente is they will not k . M .plants fertile house. .
: Alit dotigho•by adding flour, to the ,JavelFe water removes the most ob-
parridge, and flavor with a feNv,ldrops stinate stains from clothing?' but it
1 , of . vanilla essence. R611 oat the the color. - - -- - ---
i -'-'-'-'-.-"ileugh-`30 half -lin inch lIfek;.---Ciff in. : No one who has seen an electrically
scones did bake Yor -about- half an eqiiipPed kitehen can doubt that- it is
• . • hoar' in. a moderate oven. Butter labor and dirt saving. - •
sheuld •be liberally, sp,read - over, the Even in winter green food, such as
. .
scones when they are cut open. , 'salads, should play - as large a Part as
. • Bacon, andSpht Peas -Put the peas Possible in, every dietary, '
' -to soak the day before required. Wash Covering the. furnace and heat
cape; let simmer slowly until the
tisture is absorbed, and brown, stir-
ing often.- Add a 4ialf cup -of hot
reth or waterand the flour mixed in
• Useful Hints
When the washing is done by ma-
chine, boiling is a litle leap, necessary..
Stigar, gingerbread Makes. a whole -
First -of continued to search !age or -rather a collection of. home. impress upon his conutiymen, and ea -
which were b • • -
through the letters, ocketing those• steads. Very. small it 'was, •consist- pecia115/ .upiin those 'given to,.mechan-
them, A stock of ready-made cloth- 'naval' warfare at the gnns, torpedo
Ing Is i kept In the naval depot3, and tubes. small` arms. and -manoeuvres of
aboard many ships and issued to the offence and defence.
Men when necessary to replace loSt or • At noori, all hands are piliddeto din-
ner, and at 1.10• Ptm„ decks are clear-„.
od, and, work commences again at 11 25 "
Worn DU t.• . .
Qoes: to Halifax. "
, •
. .p.m., and continues until 4 p.m., when
• .
After enlisting n.t the reeruitirigl
- decks are-cleared-eurrernacles for -tire ,
offices In Canada the recruit is tent .1- eveaing. muster- at 4.15 p.m., after, -, . •
to Halifax„where he is.fiteed out with•livhirh the• men gdtolea, there is no, ...
an able seaman's kit ,and. thence for I work e'after. this.' except nedeSsary• .
warded • on , the first ship to a naval • iratch duties, R6Per Is served at 7
training depot in Eriglaad, At. the
training school, tile. ll.N.C.Y.R. *man pm, and 4-t 10 P'M" everY man not' saa - - . '.
ee Is suPpoied, to 'be in his. bairn- , • .
.receivelf instruction in' the rudiments 'meek,
. Satiirclay afternoon is genet.- -
y . e look -I ing only of an inn, a house, half• cots 'mil and engineering experiment, the the distinguisting ranhs and flags. -1
ed 'at the last one with a. sigh. . - tage A a , , thing but necessary work is done
y a f holiday, and on. Sunday, no,'
11.11,-. -elf shop, arid a few red- fact that there are tremendous -'1-1 how ta„look after 'his kit aad lash his ' •10 ' • . '
I Not here," he' mused. "I should tiled cottage's wherein. the_bargem n sibilie s • th tank - Th
,.. , . , , e _ le -me e - s., _-,-1„- ese---al-lhaminock, and -is given lit least etio .;-1agnliting-ifor-the--11:NC"V•R'' be-
I ,. .
of naval drill and disCipline; is tauglitt all. h
know her handwriting in:a ,hieinexit; lived,' When they were at heme-' Whiali read ,
am positive he ha's gone with her was seldom. In the bright sunfight, tween twenty and fbrty feet long.! rifle and bayonet drill, foot drill and
• i o measure months preliminary ' 'Instruction in
41,1,6 antst have let him know- by let- the blue sky overhead and the shining i Why should they not be ° ten, times as much knowledge of seamanship as
ter this morning. , Can he have taken river In the foreground, it formed a
it with him 9" can be given ashore, and a general
longer, with traetors that cotild•cut
'twenty -foot furroVva in the -soil, carry
hundreds of men, huge guns, and be
-able to resist the fire of heatir artil-
lery? TheoreticallY,• he believes- that
nretty enough picture.
His eye caught a scrap of torn pap-, Ip the little shop parlor now, -sat a
er in the fireplace. Like a bird of woman and her husband, at their five -
prey, he pounced on It, and untwist.; o'clock tea. • , • . •
ing it, his sinall eyes glittered as he' "John •Asliford, Grocer," ,was the in -
there exists no bar to the almost un- of,war,and. entered, on...her. wg.tch. foil‘'aeidnilfio Tor. '
. .
idea of Signalling,- naval. gunnery and •
•torpeclo. work. . , ..
lag carried on aIl over Canada. ' '
' nee..., .e.
. .
Maintained in Brazil' for Plirely ; t
. Scientific Purposes
, .. . ,
When considered corePetent enough
There is a garden in Brazi which
I '
the easel seaman is drafted •'to a man- lay_ visitor. •
is very repulsive to the
scriptione . over ..• the Shop door- .and , liniitede deidlopinent . of the tanks 'A card is given him which details him poses, it is -located at Butanta., and
- •-"Alf!"''he iinittered:7!‘Lit his. cigar these were John Ashford . and . his ; The lead. battleships would not even to his mess in one or :other of the odcupies about seven huadred acres.
with it, and burned all save one corner wife, Lucy e •They had two children, l be hampered by oonsideratons of liar. various departments of ' forecastle There at laboratories which produce •
•-••HamPton. ' Yes, that's it; 'under now playing' by the river side; and bors, which sets a limit on Dread- men, of. foretop mein maintop men, on serunis for the cure- ilia preveritior •
cover of Lady Roe -they've. betaken : Were, as the bargemen's wives expres- naught. construction. • It . might be quarterdeck ' znen,...kiid, in 'either the of the effects of snake -bites. The
themselves to the river, Now what sed it, "doing comfortable." - . that the existing tanks could not be .port or starboard' watch and. the..sub-, snakes usej.1 °in preparing the seriims
shall „I do? Pollew. than, or 'see' The man's face was a good -humors used cis niodele, but Mr, Igelle believes divisions' thereof 4' hi ,
Lady Con t
, o 0 • i ed one, rpm& honest in exPression, that they represent about the -.best , watch* sub -division he is given do- numerotis dome-shaped shelters which
. . p r ewer .e ep in a =all park, containing
Placing the scrap of paper carefully ' *tad common -place. His wife was aot new *a develoPed in. the war, and' tails as to his position -.in event of coi...,,iic Surrounded by a wall and a ditch .
in his ;pocket -book he -left the flat, and so ordinarY3 a fair-haired,, 'smelt -fig- thatethe engineera capable of hand-. iisioivtorpedo attack; outbreak ot.firo, • filled. with., water, 'Other 'specimen('
made Ms way to Eareiinseee mime, ,•ured, little woman, she showed traces ing therri are also capable of -building going into acaon, or anandbeing ship. are kept in . a similar. park near the
He had' called prestimably in order to of having beep a 'village "beauty" in niachinesten or. a huedred cows huge Each of zthese., manoeuVres calls icx main building,. in order ' that their
see after some slight alterations then her young days, of the pink and white,, powerful. 4... • •; different duties,' mid at •sea he will re habite, fav• orite teed-, -t-he-diverg ve 1-' - ..-
. .
being made, and hie siirpaseinafinding shallow type- - Bur.:.iir -her -.eyesnridr,- '-'-'-Soirie-Ifriiii'aftet the.,TESt-explats :: delve _hie 'treirei ' .ti .
Mitlereeilelope irid L .d C .
e es -corners 'of her somewhat of the British-tank.s were recounted i .
tablished there, was beautiful to wit- weak-lookini mouth, 'there were signs a Story appeared about German tank, . • • • - ' •
The Daily Round
fleas. . • of an ever-present fear. in which 't a '4 e mailed- In anditiore to these special duties, 'and' .feiests of .brezils eontaires - •
• On his entry intazthe drawing_taatn, , Even new, as she sat. pouring out monsters had, displayed the speed -of
and limid reptiles, which attack only
Lady Constance sprang: Up .eagerly7/lier litn%aridig tea, her 'habitual ner- cavalry. Subh statements' can safe- runs semething .aS &pews: At 5:30
regarding him as the forerunner of the vousness showed 'itself in the restless
rnan she loved; and Jasper smiled as movernents of her uzioccupied hand, • be disregarded. .. Germany must, each Morning, the boatswains and
hair 'CEtptuied one or more ship'e corporaln call. the. men. The those persons and animals that tread
.slightest noise alarms the peaceful
there is the 'daily round of work which InanY vnnornons serpents, but the i
MOUS propertms vf .t'arious Sliecies and •
- -
the best m•dthods of escaping. their
attacks may he studied. Ti
. e greeted them respeetfully„ .
, em well and remove any. that are pipes with asbestos will keep the heat' "This .is an unexpected' pleasure;
, .
• . .
discolored: -Tie the peas loosely in.:freon being wasted °in the cellar. Lady Constance," he exclaiined. "1-
a. muslin bag, then: boil until • quite • To prevent cuStand from curdling had no idea you Were coming up to
' - - soft ' . While the. peas ard cooking place the custard cups in a pan half town.q. , ' : .• : •
. • trim off the rind of ' sonie fat bacon, filled with. gold water instead- �f hot. "It's Only for the , day, Mr. Ver-
; .. and just before the peas are ready fry Cern:non lump starch can be used' mont," she returned as calmly as pos-
:, .. the bacon, place on a., dish and kepi Joie,Cleaning sliver_ when%fice. other .sible.---"But-1--wriite to7A-difenTfor-
--hot.' BuhtireepeaS thronglfiCiieve, • cleaner is available. , It: should be auntie,- telling -him' all .about -it." ---.T.-
_•_.' . then, add. the seamining and'earne of apidied with a damp Cloth, allowed to "Dear de I"
_-_ -
th • b
would greet the slightest unexpected
and the sudden start with .which she •
no doubt set to work to duplicate thern their hammocks and bedding and stow
British tan s by s time, and has this •'seamen turn out, have a Nash, laSh•up
and the Crotales, or rattlesnakes,
wit. hanodermic
on them or destroy their :ails. The
'sound, or the knocking of a Customer or More probably ito improve upon them away, Hot cocoa Is 'served out
'syringes, are .sent gratuitously from
Tubes.' of serum,
principal families are the. Bothrope ,
.on the little couriter. *From where them
she sat she could see her children., and equal certainty, will not rest satisfiede both the.port and starboard Watches
with existing 'tanks, but will ,contircite- fail in on the uppPr.d.oek, and the deck
ties, and...Poor patients. ' Otheee
Britlin, we may assiinie with' from the •'gitileys, and at. 'o'clock,
theilaboratoriee to hospital.e, rnunici-
once or twice she smiled gently as she
are sold at low pekes or exehanged for.
were playing with an, elder girl who e4.15" •• GerraarrTerigindersTper aro rigged, buckete
wavest_her. band _to:. them, -where.
was in charge of them. •
they-t.eNperitneet and builctas-suggeat- sWeeiThiii are told of to sweeP the up.1 POn
and, mechanics_ara not _now--and-have-and bi•oores served ant), iind tile work live snakes. ;Serums for best I'
, , . . e beam. and, peas stand several minutes, then rubbed off montsympathetically. ' "I Iheae just eereseeehesalaa-seee-eee-sese- nee a- ere nee• e le- no-inasoneta-fearthateavrelhall • be — —• . - ------*.- ' ' ' -----.------
_ . _ - __ _ ...._. ___-___ . __-______ _ ...
. Lhellii, and totamis areears' u- pre:I'd-teed: . , ----
i . . e-esehouId.be sleeved in aelieee-e`lte--d. eshea.. eenwitirecheasecto-th• ----- . 4,..--" • ' teenn-from his •cliambere:. .1. learne going,ort-2—detting-se .,-eraireereeeltyne- ss -onteheIPPodeeines-th nr nea-VrlatIFF----Of-. . ----------------a:-----........,,,,,,_ '-•'•-• ---•-• - -
Spanish Soup -To make t_his yege' ' dolma. aewing nielehineequiehlyi that-leeelfeargone. out -fol. -1 -hr
a bit,' ain't she 2 '' • b ., . land:battleships. Moreover i
.e. „eel,. , •
e-seeeweee-tedireeldilleepTil-eigifitTro-Sioes, eight moisten all the; bearings and metal.. SSFeeehe_ciasoreesitiel-alls
• after reading our letter!" .
. "Perhaps he didn't •get it in time,"
suggested Lady .Constance
"Poor Adrien," said Jasper -with
"I _say, ,Luey," saidi John as he ; never been superior to Briti h• th
• small-onionse-a-ndone-Spanialf-onione-partseewitle-ekeieosene, then run the
is --wife etartedt--bilt 6 was evid- more likely to bp toncentrating her
t pamsh onion up smell, fry nuichine rapidly for a few minptes, ently too accustomed to this to notice chief4 constructive efforts -upon -sub-
in dripping and add salt and pepper." afterward wiping off the oil ;with a ,, •
her ' marines. She haS .probably tome to
; • Cook the potatoes' and small Onions soft. cloth. . cupay; s.,ecshooereagidir,r,easchhiwnsg out for 'his' .conclusion • that if. she cannot.
a Pat and a half of water, an" You do not have to put greased apparent reluctance, "I'm •afraid I trouble, I'll be bound; a d fee sa indiscriminetely all boats that' lap -
• stifle i•starve. the British peoplb by sinking
when' perfectlY soft and tender add the .pap.er in' the bottom of•pans hi which caring even allow .hinl• that ex' cuse: Young, too, and innocent. The' Proath their shoreti she cann t
k • fried prdon and ohe pint or ecakesbeing baked, Sprinkle he had id • n one ,
• urasy to and ndil two Well -beaten eggs. Stir eenoUgh shortening in the batter with- •
e a of the fire flour over the paper, You have correspondence this mornieg." .. ", indeed,"' agreee. John Aih- matter of tanks is not likely %o be
till the. mixture 'thickens, but do not out .grease on the paper. • the girl:lightly, her face 1;vas dow
"Oh, it's of no consequence," said ford, with a glance through the
; • anew it to boil; then add half a enp-; 'when preparing- peench-tried pot& pale,,and her ekes shone, as if through were playing. "Let me see ,she's been The Correct Diagnosis.
Wherelittle of three • -•
Ivrested.frem bar,
y en away all his world s a hard plata! _ 1. the, -war_ ,Britain:a:suprem. .a-cy 4win
n -the-
•.ful of grated cheese and stir again. 'toes theY shotild be first soaked in a mist of tears. , "We are only going 'here a matter ef foOP ur' h' •
Bub through, a sieve and serve wieh cold. water, • then immersed 'a mo- shopping for the ball, and that is dull she -since I went over to 'Walton.
toast, ' ment in hot water and. dried on cheese-;" ha t
ThetphYsiciaenrnh,aidi been ca„lled in
Chicken Salad -Cut cold, • .boiled cloth. If this is done before .frying 45rie4f neirm9
work ^for Rum thing nie finding her at all e. Ztrre
-"Can! fled Of anY aisietance; Miss.'"I hadn't corri across the moor, instead
ihickeli into dice. Tae o cups ---------------------------------f hWbe ho was
, inquired Mr. Ver-niont "D6 :of along the- ad; she'd 'a•Ve beren'iin doctor. annouenceji • bloe; ha:
Ibis meat and mix A cup ',celery brown `on the etitSide.'" • -
eaten toemuch- titer
let Me hel, I have shoppingl" But that furze s '
- •
••1, 2 and S Carlosutl-
„ gO, SO and 100 lb. Bap,
is made \in one grade only—the highest. • So thete
no da.nget oi getting "seconds” when yesu buy
Redpath in the original Cartons or Bags.
"Let Redpath Sweeten it."'• • „ 6
Canada Stior Refining Co., Limited, IViontienL,
Mr e Ashford shuddered at the sue -f "Oh, doctah,"exposturated the par
ge.stion of his words
ont df the ailing one, '"dey ain't -fie
i‘ '. • •
• sich Ong as to much watahmillion.
"She hasn't givet us no aceount of pat -boy jus' ain' got 'nough stomach."
iierself now," he continued In his
hearty, good-tempered voice.' ."Not•
even her name, cept-•what d'ye.
it?" •
call her Jessie, sounds more home-
like." . • •
"And hastizt she told you anything
'vire as. to why she tramped out ef
"No, nothing more," said his wife,
"except that she touldn't •bear the
creivds. . I haven't asked her either,
1 John. She's a good gift you an 'see
that; and pennile,•:e-as well .26. home-
less. I ehduld hate to send her to the
Workhouse, or perhape. werce,"" she
half whispered. "It, she's •got a
"secret in her heart, well let' her keep
it, dear. Perhape we all have a •lit -
1 I tit comer in our henrtc, marked 'Pi 1
rate,'," 9he added in a low voice,
"I;xcepting you and me, my dear!"
said John, wiping his mouthea ho rw/e,
from the table, and corning round to
his .q. tier.
•eie elseeseine
Capt you guess it
There • are housewives -whese
al -Ways pralsed-vvhose
pastry is famous for its melting
flakiness -whose firrn, light
bread wins daily compliments-- -
whose puddings are noted for
savoury lightness-wilbse cook- • We,
, ies are so lastingly crisp: •reel'
- They have one rule tha t applies
to all their baking. •"..
MI • 14/1 • pc, mg gi • grefat IN. .INN4N1141- • ININ IN NOUN,* eAll NV MI. lirellanollIN4IINIffiNII IN. Mkt
_eerscreeeirepezeteseezarecamortya, ;nape:4e • f
tik . Ft Ffi .
• ,4