HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-01-25, Page 1• e• • 1), per year, acivatiew $2 no otherwtse 40C..41c AND QESERAL MerOkants are busy stoclettaklit Mr e and illfre. Wm. Arteeitrome 'spent the week•end In Ripley. et , Mr John 'McCall spent the week -end • , with hie meth*. at ltlruseils. Itucknow will have aNtcerieter son Artiats in thence*. hitt-ire. J • • Mr, T. ,M Stewart, of Beth,2Y1• visited his perentssMr. and Mrs. Weet Stewart, the ehd Utast week'. ° • blr, and Mrs Hugh Forsythe. and daughter'Annie, ot Frobisher, •Sas., ere visittng at Mr. John MaCall's ' See Mnrtioch & Cameron Cel's.sitecial • Order 'veer city papers at TheSentinel 'Office. We save you ale trouble. Mut exe pene A quick, sure genifce. Agents . for all weekties and &Rees': . . Keep the eventieg of Feb: end, anopen. date for thepatraotie League entertain- nient and debate-Lucknow ha. St Hel _ ens. e Town Hall; Leaflet; at 8 o'clock.- .., , • . Pte. A Is Posliff, a former principal of fte Wingham Publie School, who itent Overseas witk the 16Istt _Battrwast itedon Tuesday antotteg the weael„... 'fitE MEDICAL EXAMIN- letter to the Public on last page. Mr, D. C. McMerran, • who has been off rork. for about a tuonth, owing to an attack of cold said lagrippe, is .improv. ing. • .4 a • , , Reeve Johnston; of • Lucknow, and • MacDoield, of Hinton, are attending the Couuty COuncil at Walkerton •this „ Week. t . • Fred A. tsewis, piano tuner, expects to be intLucknow oboe the last of Feb- ruary. . Met Hatt Irwhe had a carload of horses delivered here, 'Which he took 'over to Walkerton for shiptrient to the Mr.. J. D. Izettrd, theipopular reeve of •Peit Elgin, was elected Warden of Bruce at IWalkerton, 'where, the 'Comae Contrail is in seision '' • Mr os Smeltzer, who has been visit - Wit and Ormeqi, Luekpow the past bireeth,left for his home in. the West on eteconnt Of receiving word of the When of one of his beys. , tetee Messrs. Geo; iglas iintr, W.- E. Henderson have bought the Lees wept- • jen mill,tand expect to have it in epee- ation hattirche Thin is go.cd news, and alt will join in Wishing the new &petite best of success, ' • . Mise Beatrice McLeodetwhq has just completed e course in telegraphy in- the local oifiee, iseelievieg in the Winghani office this week. Miss D. Hagan, who also-tooketp telegraphy het*, bahheaspelte itioninCoqhrane, Ont e • s • l.angside . • . Jan. 23. Miss Elieabeth McIneete, whit has been eery ill tecentlyttie greatly improtet ingt and'hopes sone' to be around again Mr. Thee. Bess', Who has' rigged up ao • excellenteehopping butfit, is. Prepared to tT• O ehePhieh: one Tueadays Mad ••Fridaes. Mrs: Neil McCallum and babe are do ---e-eing.nicelye Strata C41.18 CUERO tettehlatettlfdifithuttlikti aprine-lie never AlTOWOVIOCOreitS7 The :whole question of meliihalt .eica inatione of members of the lOanadi Expeditionary Force, both on.enlistmo, and prior to being sent overseas, will threshed out at a court Of enquiry whi ia to be held shortly. '• The print ry icaae of the enquiry 1st recent reject on, Of more than one ha of the total trength of the 1181,13. 13a, talion. • Thjj, te the battaliontecruith at Kitchener. It is not intended as ctilleism of the medical cams who.ex entitled these men, as if is stated tha they were acting under • orders. .Bu an attempt will be made by investiga tion to determine just what ought constitute medical unfitness, with th idea Of co-ordinating' the work of th Medical boards in Canada and in Egg e Up to the present there has been n specific ruling on the matter, with • the result that many' men. sent overseas ba,ve been there rejected as unfit for trench duty. It is hoped to solve the difficulty by the present inquiry. • Rails .Not Sold ••The Commission in charge of 'buying one.thousand'enileskt railway track in Canal? for pee tin Feence on the war. front, evidently` have Alt they Went at present. There watesome talk of selling the rails of the WestShoreRoad.--_Goden, rich to Kincardine -for . this purpose, but a recent enquiry brought out the information that the Commsion tad' all the rens it want. There are •those Who think that the'reils oughttto he sold in any event, as there appears little pros pea of ever seeing the road 'in operatien. The ICincateline Review thinks the best advice to those interested in the road is htlerget it" The 'trouble is that the tax-collettor insists on reniindmg . thew Of it each year. •. Then 'there will be a: big reminder when the bonds mature. Will Enter.Minfitry. , Mit; • •Duncan McTavish, of Huron • Township, has rented his feral and will 'go to college with ,a view' to prepariog for the .Meelibdist ' Ministey. Mr. Mee. l'avish is a clever young :man .and for ,some years heittheten•tit live wine ne his' neighborhood He will doubtless. make ablendid success in his new calling.. .• t• .e Boyle s -Monday, Jan. 22. • . Mrs. Cook is spending a few weeks in 'Itiliardthe. • • libge;t• Peter epeut a couple of, days. . . hetWalkerton. • - • -- • Mtss Cynthia Stewart; 'Of Millarton, spent a few days around Bervie. Roy enticed' returned from Listowel after spending a Weeleadth friends there. bliss Wanda fair was bn the.sick list 'for a 'week, but has tesumeci her teaching again., , • Miss Irene 13Itrakerell spent afew days en Wingham with• Mr. and °Mrs. John Murat. • Frank Gaunt is borne from the Weld to spend &few weeks at'his borne on the '10tIth • esItieles-Bladeracthetiteeried to lite- twdiiiht HighScheol on Monday after It couple of weeks' illness. '•Mr: McCallough, of Brantford, is spending a few weeks . at the 'home of his uncle, Pete McCullough. lutes Matted is all ;miles thesedays 'because a young eon has ariivede and Jiin ears he itrgoine to stay too. I*The people of this .aiehtitty-Wette .seity to heat.of the death Ofthint. &eh at the .hothe 'of her. tion -in-law, T. J. McKinney, •Guelph. The late Mrs. Sceli was for some eears arresideht of Bervie until. the family moved to Guelph a pouple of yore ago. &v. Cree and .. itelhorge BlackWell attended the funeral in Luck: teowton Friday law ' Mr. Bowey, 0: neighbor of Will and • • Alex. Mantyre in Saskatchewan, has 'been visitieg at their home for the last few days. • Miss•Belle McDonald Was inehargenf • - regular meeting of the Y P. S. teat Thursday evening and gave a veryinter- * 094113g •• .. • Thepeople-of-Langside liete praiileg ed to heat eereal treat On.Sunclai. aftee- noonsin the Presbyterian °birch when an addreee erim given by. Dee Mani& in • aid of the Belgian' Relief work. Dr.' Minthe has. been for two years in Belgium andwastaidetotbringthomehottherpeople here the deeds Of those Suffering people • • •iriniore vivid colors ..than tatty elteake2 • -had previoifily done. The result of his • spew!) may he understood by the hearty . -response Of those:presents forealthough, owing to the, day, the congregation was limited, yet the offering to. the* cause • wate$108.00. . • Coui•ey's Corners . 4 -Monday, Jhn,•22. Toni Fattish, of &mane, Seek., is • ependitig a few weeks with friends here. Mrs. Jos, Montgomery and family, of 1UpIeyspebte few -days with -friends' , here . • • e MARKetS (Corrected up to Viredneeday emu) • Wheat. II* V11 .11 1 4,1 " 1as OatAti,:yor.11:4•11/*111,4 11,011,6 55 55 95 1 10 ilutter%,..0,11.11: II, • wirOwv. 11,4 33 04 tggs,.neeid Ka •46 goettottstitettattosette.sate 13 74 • thie Of our oldest residents oilseed away on Vitednesday kat; In the person tithe tate °Mrs. McIntyre. She had not been in gond health mice winter set, in, and on Wednesday'. morning at the horee of her daughter, Mrs (Da) Beichey. She was welltknoWn in this vicinity, beinti a cheery, active person and eateented by all nho itnew bed The funeral on Friday to the Kincardine cemetery was largely attended. 'rho open winter predicted setne time riga has some tted gone trail rio one feels Derail like propheseing on the remainder. of the eeasen.. However, there is nearly enough snoW for sleighing Around Ber- Vie and in tiCirie plaeee a little too Much. It would be good thing it teene POW. Or cattle atoll thee would make, tarmere remove thesold.time rail' tones that ate a •thitig of the past ettd thet 'are toe CallSO of snob bad roade chrottoh our cottotr/ districts,. • , The Ladiee Guild of the Anglican 'Church entertained the St. Helens..con- gregation On Tuesday evening, .,aa. 10, e large number being preeent • . . !The meeting of the A. Y. P. A: was held in their Guild Room on Jen. 22nd, ThetSceleture readingevas reaceby litivs S. re t , followed by prayer?, of intercea: sten i or the soldiers. The topic Of the evening, "Seeing Good in Others," teal . . takerby Rev. Mr. Eccleaton, , _ ,. , . 'nth Gumo.--plew talent 4as , intro- duced to the Sluild Monday evening. when Mr, H. D. Woods gave an address to the assembled young people on the topict"Pereeverance." He sought to itn- part the lesson thetuothing worth while- caube attained without exercise of this virtue, 4: readieg • by Miss' Dorothy Douglas and a solo by Miss Jean Doug- las were other numbers on the proginm. • The Social Committee will have charge next,Monday evening, when "A.:. Scotch Evening" will be given.. • . t . • 5LUORNOW, ONT., THURSDAY, JANUARY 25t1t., 1917.- .,•,••r• -•,•,••••••. 1 . • • CHURCH NEVS. two Nlie NevV Stores 4MosToF TB" CARDS_ New Record Price • We last week quoted live hogs at 13e. per lb., but tie a matter' of feet. they went 'considerably better than that. lhel was the price at noon, but it readied 131o. per lb, before night, hTliii; we 'believe, constitutes a• iteW rf;StAck.even for Luck. now. • --hes I f• , -Penny-Wise,--Pound EooIish •• A •very good illnstration of t el"peruiy wise and pound foolish" Way of getting on in the world, was Ihrough to eoue a ttehtiote tithe week. It w as in connee non ,withe the violet surprise sale which Murdoch Caeheroft Co. had at their store the at two weeks. The sale turned out to be one of the big &at and best ever, put on itt the stere. Euteltere Were inatty who didn't know tnything about it -soma who deal inho n ;do not know' anything about it yet "Iv)hY didn't yhel-et US kow Obotz6 it earlier?' W48.0.-familiae question by those who just caught on thole* day of he sale 'and found' that (they had mtsee many geed bargahis by eot being in cqi time. - "Why we advertised it. Didn't ole red our ad. in The Sentinel?" was t.Iie reply. *Arid mi3et Cif those timetadielictfalliat -iirsii-oli vne-(-1"r7d;t idil-' not in the habit Of reeling Mu doth St Let take The Sentinel, Or that t y were Cameron's store newsr •Well, that Was just the difference between them 'and ‘thOtie: who got in or tine and saved more . . in aneheues shopping than wo Id pay' r half a dozen Sentinelefor a ear.- As , those .who.•take The' pen4ne1, but do t read the advertteements, s eh. are tteteakonteettlieirsjobtehthitt -. is- 1- theyt gulerly trade in Lticknoth. 'Lis, not cessaryehat one ShOUld' re.gUla ly read et advertisemeete through, . b t It is ek to see. what tie • ntercha, ts, are ed bugmess to: leek -them 'eV r -etteth ering. ' Hundreds do read t e d it was these ;who lied 'the ii ore and the low-priced clo. hingadd h-oes at idech 4 Cameronts store t e' past o weeks. • I• fo to no ju • re ne th. we off an ,got Mu • tw _Itoney In_ This Ope.1 Steers OE goocr-size-t and quartity de- liyertel O1 -ail tiris week brought elksi. • per pound. .1 Isaisen_Coligrain-delivered Monday for which 4. received' 153.00. "A pretty geed priee",- we luipp ned to remark to him. "Yes", paid he, "we used used to think we did • pretty,well 'when we gotthefifty, withoutehe benched." - Fined -$20 and COsts • Messrs; Ackert tit Itathwell were busy the past week moving their stock of • boot e and shoes across the. tiered into their new'storet The new ator e haseust • been eompleted and . it , certainly ie. a. credit to the proprietors, About eyerY- 'thing the calpeetere the' glazier and the pateteeceuld do to bring it up-totdate , has beetneloae, tip that it would riet be out of place even on a meet tercet Tim • front.entrance and show windows aiie 9f !pis latest ety1e7-deep, narrow entrance with large plate glass on either- side. 'The interior • is roomy and bright' with .every convenience for 'customer and clerk, The ;ear is fitted ,into are up -to. elate repair shop.. Me. Solomon's new tinteare shop, which. has been erected.along. with Me. Ackeres, is also dompleted and he is now doing business there. It ts also a fine brjght store with, a, large'workshop in the south end. The two fine stores make a very marked theprovemeut over condition,s as they were on that part of Cempiten St. a year ago. ' Death of Jacob Johnstoi Messrs. Adam, •Williatii and James Johnston, of. town, received a message orfSaturday, tellieg of the death at Sisk- atoon of their brother, Jacob; who had been living at Ben -nuts, Seek,' Deceased had been in rather poor health for alibut -a-year-suffering from anaenna. Some weeks ago he was ta,ken to the hemming Saskatoon, wherehe died. . He was about 33 years of' age and was „married lisDiun'gaifnenboeni."-P1114.1r, A4-n^c1CuMThmrs,t'jitQhf-nlisteoan visited here for a few weeks last winter., The remains will be bro.nght here for interment -tins afternoon. A Fcrmer St. Helens Resident Miss'Ellen Curran, for more the 20 _years. a _resident of SC. ;Helmet, didat the herne of her neice, Mee. john Whit:Mee, lesebera,.det!,ton Jen, I tth.' She. was in her vith. year; Mies lIrihen -liad Heed the past twittandet•hall years with etre McWhinney. A year ago she lied an attack of legrippet and heart troeble from which she did net receyer, thehglesheetras eble toba-about three days befm e,lier death.. She was of a gentle and kind dispcisition and was greatly loved by all whohnew her. She leaveseo mourn, two sisters, hers. ThOmpe. eon, of West Wawanosh; and Mrs. Eng- lish, of Essex; a number of nieces and nephews and many friends, The funeral to'L,eeburn Cemetery, took:place On.§at- urdity, the 13th. inst., . Death of Allmon . -Blair--- , The death of Allmon Blair, eldest son of Mr, and.Mrs, Ashley Blair, of town, which oecurreh,Tuesatiy afternoon, was not unexpected, as be had been gradual- ly smking, with little 'hope of recovery, for several Months. Thehrhuble appears. to have -been tuberculOsia in one of its many forms..• was. in his .18th, year Mid had never been:eery stronk or re •. • e as taken seriously ill in -Augestsliettedideettletifigh aft that, Med: italereatnient and nursing coidd de was done to combat the inseam. .he• became' -13:reriallY: W.Earei: :The fateilytheve had. peereat deal of, trouble-thieggh siel_Oess utingThe:past year, and .Mr. and Mrs.- Nair have the sytepatliy of . many,friend in their vary sid•berpayeinent. The Noe* to Greenhill cemetery Will be ,held this afternoon. bust •,It..wasn!t Whiskey thae got the iieen into trouble this thee, it Was eggst "It wasn't a local case either, but it impede a. Useful lesson tothose who bring or sencl,eggs to market: It happened at' Kitcheneteraet 'week. -Lt Schilling, a lartnee Waterlote--Townehipe Offered stile eggs for sale in Kitchener. He was charged witte Violating 'the lEhire 'Food Act, asked to appear if, teat, ited being ' proved guilty woe fihed $ee* and costs.' Tine may happen_ to may -body ite'Otiturio- swho offers for sale RUN eggs' or . other 'food stuff thathas Emile heel. • . It is up to the seller to know that what he Offers it, good. , • Pordyce , s-Monda:y, jai). 22. Mit Gillespie, of •Whitechureb, •is threshing clover for lire?. Mattlynn and joint Gibson. • ' Mr. Elliott Ittelor. purchased a fine new driving hose recently, Drive easy, Elliott, for a week or two. . The etortay weather bloeked the roe& here for a day or two, dausing out' mail emelt% C. tifewere, to teke to the fields in Making his rounds. •" Mr. A. • Webb, who Was threehing clover at Mt. Ted Hatneshbad the mis- fortane 'to break tegaeoltne eogine, and , this has delayed hirri (Or 401110 ' A Wes(, WaWh111,0Slestidefiegh• Mr. robe Inglis, one of the few re 'making pioneers of West . Witwentele pissed away at -the home of his ,Son, •Thorinte, on San. 8, Ile was in his 83rd' year and his death. wae due to heart trouble end. clehay natural to old ;age. iretiewhich liethed suffeied for about six months. allet- late Mt -Leslie -was ar. native. of 13erWickshire, Scotland, but catue ete Canada • Wheii only six years Of • Age, The family • Aid !rattled in the 'Oetinty of Halton, where the !ate Mr:, Inglia remained =until the year 186r vhheir he came to West Watvanosli where lie pissed through all the expetiencesof pioneer life. lie was married In 1e58 to Agnes MacLeten. To them ten child- ren were bornh-logr. daughtera and six sons -all or whom are still living 3;oa1 Move • Good results of the change in railway service, iehileh took plate on. the 16th, were felt hi Toronto, on Sunday and NIondity, whe tem ore, then' eighteen then - s • sand tons of coal were moved from Blitek Rock to the eity. •The G. T. Its alone pulled out 000 ears of coal. nib WoUld be welcome news to theteeity, where many institutions andhouses iverealmost out of fuel. It will be good pews to -the net of the province too -and right here in Lutkuote-when the teal earil bogie to tome t hi way. We eget otaad for coal fern" e la Qua orsa?,tr15,._, Sidighe Copies 3 cents RETURNtD TO FOST OFFIciE • it is the opinion of Postmaster Linde • say that the Public Service MIAs •have been petty generally signed and return'. tie by the men in and about Lucknow. Some of the rural mail deltirery' men report only two or three on, their routes eote•etterned, . Thatjs doing pretty well --better than was,genetally expected. • :The cards appear to have net 'svith. a pretty. good teceptiori 'throughout the country, We 'noticed a report from, Ailsa Craig that thereevery card issued had been returned/ Toronto post office officials report the return of 95% of the cards sent out In the city by it. That • is a pretty good record If. the cards have been honestlyfilled, as no dedett most Of them were, the 'Seritee Cemmission will soon have a good, idea of the man Power of 'the country And where to find it. . • . • As a war measineethe issuing of these cards was a pretty mild affair and quite harmless. In fact, the inan •'who failed to fill:in his card laid himself more liable to get into trouble and did inert) tb in- vite censcription than did the man, who signed up. . A Rare Treat . Arrangements have been made to Wive, /twl or more artists of New York,who smgiand play for the New dison4ap- pear at a concert in the Carnegie hall, LacknOw. The concert is being given for the purpose of showing '1,neknow people that they cannot distinguish Mr.. Edisonet Re -Creation 'from .the orlgipar singing or playitig. Booth Did Wen _he:tete_ • The Red Cross beoth at the Carnival _Tuesday 'evening proved a suceestifte • Venture., those in charge making $15 `o's er expense. The ]dies wish to thank those_ Who assisted by making debate:Ms. •They expect to have anted* booth .. . . . an Old Time Skt94(91 whlek' will be put on in the near futute,. when tladies, who Were notealled upon thiettinie, will have a chance to contribete. Punkin View Notes' . Otty an Qccasional ,Correspondent).- • Deaccheltikeall do 'n to the Sixteenth • church told Bally Brigs the Other night tette would have to chose between tango mid • the choir. Sally: chose and now they are looking for aeneveOrgantst I 13111 Sommer Wes tellin' a- bunch Of ,us down to. Applesnaele's stote the other night how he put one over.hts wife. 0,Id Bit! was down to New York last week and Mirandy'eold him 1e wouldn't be in the big town two hegira* before .sonie of those coefidence guys uldsget his roll: 13111 says he 'was there o wholeTdays before they gothte • • Eli Hostiles was out sheotint musk- rats the other day down to Pine -Lake.- tile saw a log, with 'a b stickinh out floatin' in the water. '-Ei palled up and 4rsd.atit&nof_thebe•waajoshin' 7 :him about firin' at a tog, het Eli says ....it "Ye know I didn't know ter a minete hut whet ittevasteileof-th &Arse marines." t. , Ji ran stage - driver, Opines that last Md�y'8 .storni was the west we've saw in, these -Parts fer a considerable spine; Jim had to git off the road And take. shelter °in Ezra Pettengrewhi •drivinhshed. He's- •been drivtn' the mail stage foe' nigh onthirty years and ,31 ender we s• the fuse dine- he's. ever been behindhand: With, the mail. Jib] Oeleecallh at Etra'e 'onct a month becittiese it takes, the bag thaelong to git diewn on.the Pike Siding, Yer humble scribe, bein' a ,truittee fer .Cherry. Valley. Tetenship ler over seve years, he htnda, ithought It was time tt 'was Peelle. a %dint to the school. Punkin --PreSelltatiOlrat-S; 1115$ 1•••••••••••/•••••••••• 1 FollOwnag the prayer meecing arSou Kinless ohtirch last. Wednesday eve log, an informal naeetingt was held representatives of the Sabbath, Scho and Mr, Wm. 'MacDonald,' who w about te leave for Englaed to serve wi the Bettiett Navy, was presented gifts and en address !helm the. Clas The presentation ,Yrits 911013 Mi tanrjltaStilericilln°tellne' nge. t tAlieniSrcel7OOIrLoc e the following address : * • To Mr. Will MacDonald, a t' Dear Friend and Classmate: • • We scarcely knoyv how to expres our feelin'g's as We tueetymi* on this ee casion to sever.a relationship whicb. s dear to us. Though wYs are proud ot step you -have taken to serve King ant Country in.the greatest of all strugglem it is with deep regret that tve see you go We shall greatly, inlets • your cheerfu, presence from the Class in which 3 of 'have been a faithful attenciant, but it assured that wherever you may be et whatever trials or teniptetions you Mee meet our sympathies and our praeere shallbe withyou. tiVe knew tlitte whet- • eyer may be your dunes, these 'will.' al. ways be perfoinnel with faithfulness am. to the best cf your ability. Theugh pet • part freneue new, we eiticerely hope thatWhen the war is over and you.will have. doneyour "hit" nobly and well; you shall re turn - the friends who will gladly await:you. • That you may have somethihg. lastieg to recall to memory Your' teacher, add classmates and the many •pleasant meet. Inge we have had here, we a.sk, you to acdept this Pen and "Bible., They aregiven, not because of their material value, !'ut as a slight.token of esteem, regard and gobd wishes: . •- • Signed on behalf of the Class, REV. J. G. iLETD,' A. Leo -ismer: , NrormioN, th 0 - by oh att tb tit SS k, • • --STatELENS VS. LUCKNOW , , Don't mitts it! What? The lig de- bate and entertainment in the Town Leckhow, ,Frelly. evening, 14 hs , ruahy 2nd. Thie will be one of the real ly geed 'things, of the season. Ask eh( et the St lieleits--Lecknott debate ef It at wintert This one will be,, qnite US goqd. or better. -Beside, there Will be a pu 47. ber of °thee good thing, worth the 'Whcite price, phatchnission. bliss B•G • 'don and T. Wetseu vvilrgive an Indian . •pow- wow !Song and dance, and the six „pallor boys, who so deliglited a Luck - ' now audience recently with their FWD.') "The pritish Navy"; are preparing ate te her song jute as gooth for tlaie entee- eon:tient. St Helens talent. W911 als !..mst wit h musical eutubers The.: pre- eihnit will be neither too long -nor o efiort. Me reerved seats, -Adieissior : 25c for adults, and ,.15cfor thilcirete All gees to tee teed of the local Patrit :c League, wh ittli has ,charge of all are • tetetnents. 13e there at 8 o'clock. , The debaling teams are: Lucknor 3' 4f.ssrs. W. L • L1ackepzje, Dr. .G. Newton, A..D. Macheuz.e; sp. Helene .hesirs. Elliott Millet, Dentin Phillip.; • Lod a third party not yet named. The resblution will, be that very tim • te one: Resolved 'That Women Shone! • leave Equal Voting Rights' With -Mete • !Jeanine well take the affirmative; 4 • Cargivai • ' There vtaaa good Crowd at the Cakei.: val in •'Lerits, 'fillet Tuesday ey nitig • • I he'events were- all :.keen:y. cortieetee and thi,Se: whn_ wee prizee 'had to et),, • Prizes Were ttrreateit&I foliowt! Faney dress lady;: Ales Lila. lairlor; OOmic diess,lady, Miss Ethel, Audersoa 6E, Helens; b'alicy dress gent, be sob.. . •rrscie; Comic drew gent,. M. Ore; Itautee tithes:leer, °Eh 1P11419; „thtativy• .drees. lees- dreas boy, Dona,14 Uatcybell; Gents tac; mate, Roy ,Jeut..• toe; Lacties' derutng needle race, elute e It. qordou; spelling- race, • Miss s Hetet, Mackenzie; .etoys'- eoyeityeetteet s • Gee. Huiton. et ' • . Many. Were There The "pettietLe tea" given at Robert .Mullinhelast Saturday evening Was eery largely patronized ancla tittletover 53.1.00 was realizedeall of . which goes ' to the purchase of material fonthe -making of soldiers' comforts orone kind or another. Lothian -Thesday, Jan. 23. Miss Sara MacLean home foie. Chicago for short stayt •• • '' ' • Mise Leila ,Hendersen was home from Wherhaiii for the week end - De:JohnellaeLean tease -home fr(nr- Chicago for a coeitle of deli ro see 'his mother, who has , been :poorly for, a couple .lititechurch --Tuesday, Jan. 23. , . Miss Lillie spent 'Senday at the. home Of Mrs. Jas. Moore. , Misa Nettie Lott is viSiting Avith her. grandparents in Brnssels, -Miss 111,WeeroflaWen Souritheelsitadh a few days with her niece, Mrs: O. M. Choi/vent-. -11aheis ancittcyrmer" Purdon, - of . St. -Heletee-spent Shielay With their grtmd, re. urdon. Mrs.. Wm.• Paterson, and Miss Maty Paterson were at Brantford list week eytitieopiss colkmpl. LUAtsl.,-Un Wortgages'and•nete.. • • at roasonable rates. Fire Insurani,a, not . Stock and .MutOal Companies. • Convey . unclog deine with neatness andliespateh. • • tilfa). 411)4.1..4/4., .131:oker...tatokncia * • ° 'lard -paying' the high`bst pricc. for raw 'furs ,horseitair coma' ru o bers. 2J-1I-tt. 13. BLITZSTEIK, Lucknow. , . • . • • 820,600 cif privatefunda to 'lend on .first mart." gages Ull farm or villages properties, at, Loa- • sonable rates. Apply to • ' Um). A, 6rimALL, Broker. • pee.• etiettatew. _ • I-IIGHESI' PRICES for raw flirts and all lands • : ot junk' -rags, old paper, rubber, iron, "cup- pui,.zine, and all kiwis ot,hui.6. 1Vrite to ur •pollen , 14-124f. • JAKE .1,11mL, imckuott 'liti$1!=iir--17crelsitow; n small .nunlc "thlocv.: ' . _ . • .Pumer wit! -he suttauly. re.%eatea- on: tete- • •• int:tale. lee eenteeei urttee. DR- PAII,KID OSTEUPAIII; ,arCailf ' .Lucapo.y, (31.1.)17 WI.:LineSlit11-LIILerIFOOn. ehrowt.(tiseases stmleebsiully treated. us . teoparhy removes% CRIA•beS disease. Adjustment. ot the Moe. More • quiettly,beeurett mud with rewer treatments - by Osteopathy than by tlE6, 01,11.01' metlioa, • Notice • • For all twitters regardinwareenhill °emote reter C. laylor ,dect ' • elettlet Wet steer.- oe Gough St., Luekut N one•storey cottage, good garaeh aed sum '• • Apply tu. J. F. Cum,,lxs, rtaptey. 1-2 . • • .4'7, attending the funeral Of Mrs Paterson'S• mother. ' • • A Seotth concert. will be held in the Presbyterian ehurch on Frietay, Iteh. 9 under the auspices of the ehbire 'pettier particulars will be given next week. , .• Rev. D. Perrie, Of *Whighithe will conduct preitaratore aei vide in the Pres- byterian thueph here on Friday evening at stettert ehlock. 'Alike an effOrt to be n. present. Communion service will be n • • held Sunday morning et eleoteliteli. View ratepayers will be pleased to know that Jed Peters, oeheveteran pedagague, is still dein' his usual good work. Jedhi right' up withallthem era*. wrinkles like Physical torture andtthat titillation non - 80080 heholls just as yet' scribe come in Jed was titkin' a clam in jogerty, "Mary", he says; "where is the Swenee' river?" This was a 'sticker, but little Mary ups and says "please,' sir, the • Swanee river ts far, jar, armee': •Next question was, "Who kin tell me what year it was •When Gteorge Croseington washed the Delttivarer Beferetenybody -could. answer -thite Ink bill Simpson Walked in. The kid calls him "Big Simp", Bohm Bill ain't so dew es he looks, Jed had him up for hithmetk, tract says, "Bin, how mattes twice ten?" "twenty" "Iterreet, Bill; how inaby'e twite eleven?" "Teviee eleven's twenty." "I3et, look here," says Jed, "you jest told vie twineton was twenty." • "Well," RUGWOrtl Bill, "ain't twieeseleven tweety toot" Jed eve he'll figger it eltt if it telthi IVA teethights Knilough •--sTtiesday, Jan. 23rd Miss •Nellie Malcolm left• hi -day for- Florida where she expects to stay for some time, •, • • - The chairmen of our debaters. was served With a writ on Thursday by Cchstable 11. Pinnell. Mrs Johenayes, who has been visit- ing' friendrin Buffalo the past month, returned home here on Saturday. Tb school 'school here was :Closed on Mon_ day: tracotnit of the death of our teachet's graednaother, whet• Was hUrietd on. Monday. At the lodge ineetnig .bere Friday night Wm. Bean, 'lateen, C. Ihtjte,:,, W. Nicholson and 0. Blackwell VIAN advanced to the Scarlet 'Weld degree. I Mr, jetties France, who hag been tin Ertiee Hospitel, Walkertoe, for tetene thee, returned home here on Seturday te:eataieo tioti;rouis teixtariny ,are. t!leased,„ , • ' -Feeci-torafterr-Sutte: ar of Ameileall yellow Corn, i.2,0) per. cwt. • ' - /5-1, ' A. Pak, VVIiiteahurcii: ' ....Loks.Wanted' _ - . . aneletsigned hate'llecided. to takeAlp' a t heir so.% mill at .1:tit:know amtit . tost oek. or ' of all kinds of tun oor. Amy person or h aving loIrcS to soli, bring ulcer along and,' wilt pay Inghipst market micas. Call awl svo . tis or call us up by pnone and, get cartteulart,. - The lateknow 1.°.:ble Co 2.8,2•16.5•0‘; - J. linttoo, Manager; Lueknow • ' WHY. 'CQUG TAKK N.-DRr 00 SYRIT • TAR'.with COD .LIVER • . .01L-00MPOUNIts • • ••--- plefteaet preparation- of, the -essenee of ler with • oil eind Other soothipg mei • healieet medicines. Try it • • fee eonghs, Mee, 'sore throat, - • bronchitis, estgtea, • etboine • • jug cough, It allays irrie • tation, soothes pain, eh mekee expectoration cutler. _while it • le • lesst na ekcessive - di. chargee • from the nese, throat or bete- • • thial 'toretattee t. tectuces levee alui promotes the .ttet lion of the skin .trad kidney, • - helping , the weans to throw • • off the eold by letterer:action. It does not rattisenta er sicken petientee bet 14,iti,lii0tOR tine 'tonesup theorghne • of di geii • eioa. A largetezed bottle • Sold only at DR. ,SPENCE S Dreig Stove •, 40. •