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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-01-18, Page 5
mribuisdity, Jauugy 18 41,, ,1, 154 IP 'RE THRIFTY The habit of thrift is worthy of cultivation. Jit means comfort - • and security for those dependent upon you when your . earning capacity is lower than it is to -day --Start Sarrtiigs_ A ouait at the Bank of Hainilton. L C . NO t,1 Capl#ria Aaa4boriz.d =s,oQooaw K W. Bal'+ A;�'J Cr'll�i Capital. Pala up 18,000,000 Jo A. QLtNNIE,-Mna.,er•, Surplus ' . - • - $3,475.000. pigse Giant' Flowering Carnation Address a 'Postcard to us now•; and receive by ,return mall a r copy of our new illustrated So- ; S page catalogue of ' C4arden, • Flower and Field Seeds, Root Seeds, Grains, Bulbs, Small eadyou free a packet (value ,* 15c) colour choice C, Fruits,, Garden Tools, etc )•_ SPECIAL:. We wtll also f; a ex Giant Fi'owe in .(- Carnation •' This carnation'is a great favor. �• - frzgrant and the plants do well outdoors, itc; the, flowers are large and /.• ear.y,fall they bloom profusely from October tilt Transplanted enend ointo a .s in thF I plants are easily propogated from them bycuttings, ” ,r• Y extra +, g , • pipings or layFun�:. a:for our catalogue and learn of our other valuable pretntuo,:. Li 'et Hunter ' Seed. Coir d CULROSS COUNCIL MINUTES Town 'Ha'il, Teeswatar, Jan 8 11117: The members ejected for the Council Board of"tlie nsh'ip of Cidross met on.the.abovo da ,. The members elect - .ed are. as follows; • Wm. Case; 'reeve; John -S. Armen**, 'James- Tho npson Thomas cillors McPherO ir; Kef er, cone - The deciaraticu'of o nThedeelaration;of qualification andtrf officewere,subscribe d to, .by. all t ne nentb rs. Ti s minutes. of _the last m eting of Dec.15th.189.; were then .tea.• K cPhersont.: Armstron . .aa the: M minutes of last meeting as now read `be • aopted.'''Carried. . * Thom psan--•keffer—"7.' h a t John Armstrong be chairman of Finance Coto- mittoe . ,.. . Ar'matro*lg.—kcPherson- 3n a•iudtid- ment, •that Jas: :Thompson be chairman of Finance Comwittee. For the amend- ment Armstrong, McPherson. •> For the motion—Thompson, Keller . and 'Case.. Motion carried. Armstrong—Thompson•--•pha,t we';re- fund- Mrs. Louder one dollar overcharge in taxes: ' Carried. . 'Kefter-Thompson—pb a t_ lienneth: . McKenzie and Thomas. McDonald be 'appointed auditors to audit the books and accounts oftbe Township•of Culross: foFthe:year 1916: T 'h — Thompson—, .rrestrong -- a t the Counciliasa whole and individually y act as Road Commission; and :that a by'iaw be passed to that effect. Carried.: ' • McPherson- Armstrong -=That James Thompson be. , appointed • to keep the 'Gra; elR o dp ao en in the winter'sehsgn north. of Teeswater az d'Philip'Kaffer :to thesoo " ._ ut: hCarried. • tieffer-Thompson—That a Board of Health be appointed for the township, the Reeve by :virtue of his office, 'Robert Grant a membct', and Dr. F'ergtiron Medical Health Officer- Carriod. T'riompson•—armstrong— 1 ha t a grant of $5.00 be mado Wilke Sick Childron's Hospital, Toronto. Carried: McPherson—Keifer••—That John Aram; strong have the timber sold on .the road allowance at lot 14, cons. 12, and 13. dCarried, Thompson-= McPhereon_—T h a t the mover and John Armstronl#o•c m;ne the bridge at lot 22. eon. 14, and report at next meeting of Collodi, Carried. -,Aranstrdng T-doialpson-chez ,t- 1, point the Reeve and Philip lief%r to exaw net the bridges at lot. 8, con. 2, and at int 12„ con. 4, n aid retort at next meet.. ing, Carried... .. Armstrong : T1 ompson--=T it.a t the Clerk "notify ngialeer Jones to have the :boundary line between :Culross , and Greenoc surveyed as soon ,as possible and noti y the .Greenock' Council • ,when he will .co et.' .Carried. ° Thampa0a=- eller That Ne appoint: John Clark as,treasurer ;dor the`'yeat' 1217 4�++ at a salary of: .$615 00, °•f»harles' I3uttoi�' cleric at a salary of .125.00, Anthony . McDonald assessor at a salary of $65.001 HURON trOUNTY NEWS John Grenache *collector at a salary of $60.00.—they to receive'no extras. Car- ried. McPherson--Thompson—That we p- paint Joseph Murray to 'operate' the grader to the north side of. the township and Robert Colvinto the ttouth, their pay to be at.$2 26 per day; also Joseph Murray to make all the cement tile re, quired for the year and todeliver, the same. Carried. • McPherson—Thompson : T h a t this Council give a grant of $5Q0.OQ to •the British •Red.Cross'Flind and that this Council borrow the'nioney, and pay the, same over by the first of February next. Carried. - w uPoTANOE REPORT • E G, Kuniiz, attending council' meet- ing, $3 30;'Joseph Murrad, tile, 60 00; Mrs Louder, refund on dog tax, ' 1:•00;: lottE1ing to the Original But Irirti<tatlons Only Disappoint Ther© aro many imitations a this great ireatinorit for Coughs; colds,.' croup, bronchitis and c whooping cough, T.11 o y - usually havo some oa1e on the morite at the ariginal,. but It should be remero e r e 4 that. are. like It in name only. . 'JI'liie .is a face simile of the Pace ..1) e a r t h g.. jnittra3t "signature of A. W. phase,'MD;.. • During .the Christmas holidays t school children. of Clinton collect newspapers and inagazines.which sold last • week for $70. ' .. Jas. Gilmour, of Moose' Jaw,, Sas .and Mies Dorothy J. 'McMadzean, Brussels, were united in marriage Melvin church manse, :Brussels, ;Jap. : 10. Theywill live in thea, Ve The next sittings of the Suprem Court for • the county of Huron will: held on Tuesday', March13th., • befo Mr. Justice. Middleton antra jury, an on Monday, April 40th.; before M Justice e Masten, .without a jury; •. 1 he ed° were k., of. at on st. e be re. P. • Capt. Babb, proprietotr of ;the Ocean House, Goderich, and one of, the best known citizens of the town, died there F. Wocks, 52 yds gravel and road, 6, 2Q• very'suddenly :on the ,11th.. inst. Fie. Jesse Johnston; .holding poll, e. alit.; .was an ex -lake captain, a veteran of Fred Radon : _" g o, 66, and one of the oldest members o William Colvin, g: r Huron' Lodge, e, .IO.O.F. •. f oo; g Dave Mcllonajd; i6 8 00; Capt. C1.,E. Joakins, formed Rector Robert Colvin Y > ' � • •" 8 00; of.bt. Paul's ohiirch; Clinton, aryl` also Robert Ballagh,. " 8+.00; Wingham, whowent to the front as B..Beingessner; " 8 00; 'chaplain for:the •514th• , batta • Robert Colvin, al: on •"contract, 3 50, lion, has. h ,, �' s been appointed to • tans, Headquarter Sick Children, s Hospital; 6 '00;; Bruce staff at Toron to ' He retains the rank (ounty,Hospita1,10'00; Muskoka Free Hospitals 10 00,• , N:. Melvin balance grave litug contract; ntra c 1,20 8; 'gd. Silli^k, balance inspecting:•i'ontract,-'2; 62; C. Button,: delivering, ballot ; boxes,.•5 00 - Ales McDonald;°"30 yards gr tvei and: goad, 4',00; Municipal W ' Municipal orad,•suppliesi 14 20; Dormer & 4o.; :spikes and nails, Ke ffer—McPherson--That; the .finace report ak read he adopted and orders issued for payinent of the acpou►its, and that we do, now adjourn to meet again on Feb. 5th, or at the call, of the reeve. Carried.' . • 0. BiITTON; Clerk' .6'` • •' Our for the Teen Have: We vn t� Learned- to Take ' Precauti in in . Adv. wee a of P_..... jn." • . Experience have taught us' that to wait fox',the teed a.che.warning.is�to• ai oW rrepa,rable''toss to be done. ' • But Why do we: not. apply: this `lesson • sin taring for the general. health, y p g ancl.•b Lee 'tri the blood rich and •the nel�vaus energy high-water mark,, . reduce siekness to a ininimum and prolong' life .7 • There are mazy 'symptoms to Warn you of the weak,wa l the o y 'y eondxtron of blood and exhausted nerves, and by the. timely use of 1)r. Chase's Nerve'>+ood*it is'not-difii=' suit to restore;"riehnefls to the blood and ie el -the starved narves ; back to health/ and vigor. . lint licit just as -the tooth cannot be sawed after aeo�,y has.gone too far, so -the nerve ' sells can never be replaced once they are dead. • i .On this acconnt,i,t is a•thousaand times hotter •.- �- .. el" to be, wa��;r�,ed by sleeplessness, -head- :: ndigestion, tired feelings and musetilar weakness railer than to nogieet••treat inent and allow nervous prostration, •loeomotor•ataxia or paralysis to develop., ' That Dr. Chose "s Nerve Food is the .greatest of no ve restoratives is being every day, and you ivill find the evidetxeein the daily and weekly papers, tl B 50 cents'a box; 6 for $2.50, all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates ° - & Co., Limited, Toronto. ,. . • • Do not be tallied into. aooeptillgt a suhstituta. Imitations disappoint. .'.w.• 5;33 • 1,1 ;he had overseas, :bet .the appointment will Riot cara.y any pay with it, nor ail it- _.._. __. t e. iime,�vayfrom-hie con,rena ion in Brantford:. The appointment''will .makehim available for recruiting pur- poses; and is , very much -appreciated by Capt. Jr+akins. • FINED50 $ AND" CosTs —The' .case under: the ..Canada 'Temperance' Act a$ . aiis1Qa tain _ p 1;.:G Bassett, of the steamer Mariska, at' . Goderich, which had been hanging, fire -for se.veraI Months, , was finally disposed of on Tuesday of last week,:_wheni-'after ,. the hearing of some further evidence, Magistrate Kelly imposed- a:• fine of $50 and .costs The conviction was for bringing liquor, into Goderich contrary to theprovialons of the Canada; Tem- perance Act..'rhe_oata-amount;-to over. $100. • ASHFIELD COUNCIL MINUTES • •:•.iJanuary nth., 1917. - •The fallowing were ' duly , constituted • the Council for Ashfield, for, 1917, each making and subscribing. the Declarations .of Qualification and of Office, viz: Obis: Stewart; Reeve;'Jos: 1P.. Dalton, Dep.. Reeve; ...lames ; Alton, Joseph: Hacked and Thos. J. Richardson, ;Councillors: After'reinarks' by the' Reeve, and dis- cuasion as to the generai•.policy for :'the year, the'nainutcaof Demi-r3�: ,-wets I apprhred.cu�it ntie f— Srlton r ik`-1~�-� eft. ' Moved by, Hack3ett and Richardson; that. the Contract of: the ,print ng, the Same as in former years, be given to the Goderieh Star at $70, and if not accept= ed; that tenders • be •asked foie, -and that the matter be left to lien. Reeve Dalton: iAlton 'ard Hackett moved the follow -t ing donations viz. %Jlrildren's Aid And .humane Society. oLHuron, $10; Ashfield Soldiers' Aid Circle, $50. • Moved, Richardson • abd• Hackett, that the Dungannon Women's . rristitute be granted for 'Bed Cross Work $25; Amendment by Dalton' and Alton, that the Grant be $25 or any amour-t+.np •"to' $75,10 equal any. Grant' that may be made by the Council. of W, Wawanosh foctlte same, purpose, was declared car. ried by the peeve.,,• • Moverl by Hackett nd baton that the' Collector's Roll be returned,to the Treas. by FON 1st., AS required by Statute. •The followtng•Bylaws were properly passed in Open Council, •viz. a. -.No. 1t, Fixing as'followa:--Clerk, $100; Assessor, 86; Collector, 05; Treas., 120; Auditor, 10; Pep. Ret. Ofilcer, 4; Pell - Clerk,. 2;. Selector of Jurors, 4'; Fence Viewers, 2 a day; Sheep:Valuatorr•2 a day; Engineer, 8i a day, 1U1d travelling ex- penses from our nearest R.,.• it, station; Metnber raf Local Board of Realth, 2 a day and tnilea;;eohe Clerk to reoeive extras for worl&* 'ditches and Water- eortraea; brainage and Lute Fences, also elections.. • ' No. 2—Appointing. John , Catgerou Assessor, and fixing his dutlee. . • No 8.-....Appointing'Chas. B. %roti., igb, Collector, and zing lays duties,, to. 4si. p '*ting 3obtl Long aa4 Donald McLean, Auditors, with duties. No.. 5" --Dividing .the i'p, into Thi Divisive, and appointing 'nano of the Council in'eacb Div.A Road Cornmrssion- er, No. O.—Appointing W. B. kl's.wttinq,. -.ember of Local Board of Health, and "Dr. Simpson, Medical Officer of Health, and Sanitary Inspector, ''jo: 7. —Appointing Sheep Valuators as follows:—David M. Johnston, Rich- ard Johnston, 'Thos. Garvey, Robert Drennan and Neil Murdock 'borrow, 136125 from the Molson's Bank' to pay the Interest Coupons, of the Bondsof the Ontario W. S. Elec. R. R. Co, ,guaranteed. The following accounts were ordered paid on motion by Hackett and Dalton, in addition to the Grants before men- tioned viz::- ' Lucknow Sentinel, printing •account, 1316,'75e;`Signal Printing Co., 'account, 1910,. 50c; GodcrickStar,•':balance con- tract, foie, $14; Isai6 Stothers, draw.. ing plank and repairing,eulvert, con 9, $`I; Roy Alton, putting in 2 •Culverts, con 10, 9.16; James Drennan, repairing bridgi ''S; R, 6 and 7, W, 5.00, R. J. Durnie, repairing, washout., and. ditch,. S. R. 6 and 7, E., $5.00. . . On motion of Alton and Hackett, Coudcil adjourned to Monday, Feb.. 12; at 12:a0: p.m. Thos.. Q. AL EN •Cl erl'c Ashfield EXTRA COST TO NEWSPA•PERS . . The increase in ,price of newapa er will cost the Toronto publishers about $60Q,Q0 a year. 'To one the increase: is said to be $180,000. The icrease to the',. whole of Canada will"exceed $3,000,000 It is estimated that Chicago papers alone will have to raise $2,000,000 to meet the --ext rarice p and. New York$3,000,000, Boston $2,000,000, and proportionately inevery town on the continent. , Some- thi4 • or somebody 'is bound to give. Either.subscribers of advertisers or both must give more; ori;he newapa pers o01 - lapse: CENTRAL > /01 STRATFORD,, (NIT. Ontario's, Best Business College , Students may.enter our;caassp9 at any ` tithe. . Commence. your ,course. now w. and..be",.qualified• for 'a position by • midsummer. • • During- July' and Aug- ust of last 'yeas we Teceived calls for over 200 office assistautdi we could not 'supply.. Our graduates are' -in de- mand. Write at once for our free. catalogue., D. A.'McLACHLA . N , r Priac" al: A Page 6 1 E .BUSY HARDWARE HOUSE MAKE OUR sTOI E YOUR _ HEADQUARTERS PHONE 66 FOR PROMPT DELIVER We have in stock a futiline of oodsmen's Supplies Maple Lem- Cross Cut . Saws as All makes of Axes Saw pets, Wedges,Capt -Hooks, Axe anc; Handles, all .sizes in chain. r• y our Crop M d1 It's" a •Co , • • (sc' JO-YNT The Store Where Ynuf Mone • Goes Farthest tiucit EY •_ . •Y.' , . SHQES Th.;skatingseason is n w 1n f911swing. In b rdei . to: :sn o it • •thoroughiYYa now a_ pair ofproperhttin _ shoes. We a :ar;e stock' to choose from., Men's Recite s 3.O0 up to 4 p Ladies Hoc ye 2.50 upto 33.50 'Boys' Hooke Y oc , e s 2.25'; up to 33.50 ..a Try a pair'! McP her on's,L ghtniin gHit h. � g c • , We put,on skates free on a'l shoe purchased from. us.' .' • ACKERT.I�,� & . THW'EI:L "A. GOOD—SHOE STOR -FOR ALL THE" FAMILY MMr!ll�/`+MM11 li/rdy"s Ma/" useiwil ,;,Nom ,.,,/r • S-PEC.IA Fares, now ii effegt tb resorts in Florida, Georgia, North,;: and South Carolina, Louisiana and other -Southern States, -and to- Bermuda- and. the: West Indies. Return -Limit May 31st; ~1917 Liberal .STOP -OVERS ,ALL• OWED; For full information write to. 0' E.. HORNING-,, inion' Station,Toronto;'Ont. 0. MARTIN,;Agent,•Lucknovir.• Phone 2 -• , • :Open Monday, Tuesday ani -Wednesday. View ednesday.Views and Family Groups ,-taken, anywhere in the' 'country. OW:. ,11 ...to BUY F ."-1VIan .Y • •advan4ed .nice- we _ppilrchase`d our. ;stock,:: In1Vlinl;; Persian' L• arab,: Black and' Natural` .Wolf and -Cross Fox we( 'have 'A1 qgaity at astose 'prices. Bargains in: odd feces to clear+in the cheaper lines :of,furs: I 1 Ladies' Colored blue, pink: and at .$3.( ivEdracathai mings 19 the Silk Waists in rose and maize. eac _ tC Dept. vc ;• kt:ac 'v gni sn, *Or • i. . HOSE FROM• TIME TO TI ME,.:WAVE l= U .. ,' , . .NQS . - •INVESTMENT• MAY' PURCHASE . .Al. PAR , (INION OF :CANADA DBEWTflE S 1N SUMS OF 5500 OR ANY MULTIPLE THE$ OF, • A QUIRING Principal repayable. st October, .f 9.• s ,Apr e, rate Interest payable half -yearly,' l' d lst. October by .cheque ,(freo of exchange' at ' any chartered 'Rank in Canada) at t of five per cent. per anrttitl't. from: the data of purchase. Holders of this. stock will have the priyilete• of sul'rendoring At par and accrued interest, as the equivalent iecashi in payment of anyallotment made under any future war lean issue • in Canada other than an, issue of Treasury Sills or other dike `short date security. ' Proceeds of this stock are for war purposes only. A con'irnicsion of one-quarter of ono per cent will be allowed to recoonlzod bond and • sstocktampbrokers on allotrholtts made • in rasped 4" applications for • this • stock• 'Which boar their' . � , • , . 1. For application forms apply to the deputy iylinistor of Financ , Ottawa. bsPAM•M my OF FlNANos,•:orTAWA, OCTaalan 71h, iple, ' D 3