HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-01-04, Page 8440
Begins To day. .Thu
040 ..411014".
mis 4434 • 01;ftwomiiii1;43.WIPSIN' ;....11-414.040•4444WaW104
Mb Surprise Sale Is a Genuine Clean -Up Sale Wore Stock Taking and prices on many lines of Dress Goods, Ladle& ()oats, Men's Overcoats, Men's
Waterproofs, Boys" Suits, Boys" Overcoats, Fur Scarfs, Stolesand Muffs, Fur Sets, Ladies' Fur Jackets, Sweaters, Caps, Shawls and many other
I1 nes of winter goods are cut so low as to be a real Surprise,' Read this list of Surprise Reductions.
This Sale opens lrhurig14* Morning, 44411.10LrY .4th. cOtite early
*bile eeIet1obs are largst as manyllines*Illbe quickly sold out
at- these exceptional 'Orseess COme id forenoons if possible. as
better ser.viee,eart thee be iven. Come vitith cash as no goods
will be charged at these Orieeli.'
The Mimeo Annie St d Rttie
on are 'home from imam
Tho thauirsgf tiac Aeldiekl Soldiers: .XYliae4 SWAOi.
r; the
Aid< Civil) is dun the following ladies, Dan, ..&icholiten, a former reaidene
. • •
•for **donations; . • • liinlists, but nOW - of ,,Saisk., i visiting.
:AWN'Mra. David tittle: Mrs. Aohn UAith licKillan;•09 1.158 heeL
. •
Littl, 'dawn pfuovro'aasu eit'orlatit, siting hits atudive rkgraii3O 'Ficona
p , . , e
gtpeat.01 Mr. jr;ha Liffle, 1 oheet°' time, is.home for therXIM.18. holidays:
Cialt; Urn. Chas. AltoN°. 'Mrs:Herb Al. • '5'Yargett`having hooka belonging tethe
Vilt. 2 Akm elipe eaabi Mr. John Vul-',.'11:braPit:4-tlle.'SolloolhoOse' at Grey Olt
lin, 2 *de -ticking', Mra,•1•Wm. StOthert, are Ocioeiltek.tO rtOra-tlieni at as early
R., Ritchie, I pilfer. .1
Robt. 'MCKeithi. 1 ••vioolled
jacket, Mrs. Ed. Andrew,' (These ;two
articles for sale tor;04-roniitte4:' ,
• Thanks are due Ails/LT.411in Alton' for
• bet Ontition; Patriotic tea. 41.046;,-. •Mrs.
Wm. Omen Patriotic tea, $2,55.4.
Dougherty, Patriotic 1,4*
On Nov. so the Circle shipped a bale.
of tooda toilyman Ptak London,' valu:
'ed at $51.84. • • • *
On Dec. 19 alele Of goods was sent ' hatendato spendtheremaiader of a busy
rosvid .1,04,46; st.; mop.. Jas. among friends along the 4th and Oth. •
Mr.auti Mrs. Clinton, of Kincardine
anent a couple oe.dayarwith, Mr, 'and
Mrs, Peter McCullough;
, ,
Rev. p. 0. Lawson, who spent a week
CASs hOines in London: returned to his
duties here, onsrgnifnlaY.
-Rev. Mi. Wifluiuus returned lo Beryie
on Saturday after spending a week,- at •
his -ft:10*r home in Lambeth.
* a
Mrs, George Porter went .10.° LondLoudonfor her -Xmas. dinner,. •
°Misses Jennie and, *We • Nirtilden - are
visiting friends in •Markilale,
Miss. Anna licbluson was lure frora
Winghain :for a feW days. •-• , •
in our burg on the Sick listw.1,4thillAuger4Iplyptlecio,.:1:14,ch_,31001:kt:ia
W. Gabelhas been taking
at the
H. few:holidays to nurse A severe attack ?f liwghille: half ;14,e4.1111riee's3t Bdt'acioNvghiltO'. t)r11, Annie was
_ , _ . . • • • •
cekc we hope to see him; out again worried to Mr. AlfredfEloolerton. • 4eVo
a date af •119tiaible• soon. , .
Mr. Kellum; of lUpley, Perfe0ted the
• WM,'Valeila, for rOanY, Years 0°e4iiclent MessrsWi„nie -ore, Leslie Sturgeon cereinciny in the , prettepee of about ;id
on the Oth Can,i but Wht .removed, with
andWillie Arnold. are leaving this week 'friends the • bride and. groom. The
his family nOlneilitiesflotoSaalo, wishes to take a course -in the Wingiutra l3usi-. bride .Was given away ly her father, and
to be rememberea to 111_4 'maul ivi.en48 nesa C,ollege. • - • ` • • leolted, lovely in a gown of white,silk
and acquaintances KinlOSs. , , After lesgro, Harry xid.iierbert gefe'r ,are and lace.. She earned a_beatitiful bougnet
thtflioatit of his 8.°nt who Was his main- smog' cng a, few weeks at their b„ctine here., Of roses and taros, The 'Wedding march
Stay tm .the farm, he, disposetl'011iia farm •
We are all glad to see them hack m our Was plaYsd by MPS Ioss..16 Courtney,
. . . .
viethity again, - .. • , The bride'. rece!A•ed manypretty and
Our,. acheol opens' en Wednesdayagain Useful gift Sr a9,4 Mrs. 'Ennnertcin
. •
after the ChristmasvitatiOnmise . have the beat wishes of a largircle of
! e.
. •
Barber, teacher;'returns on Tuesday from friends fora happy wedded life,
lier home 111 Tara.'
40r...1,livra - 'Eighth' '
and iinitlements by auction sale, rentect
his farm on ehareS attl retired to private
life in the of Saskatoon, where Iie
to tinderich for shipment to lilynattp,..xmi,
Loulcuiyaluecl at 1110,80; -
Thanks. are due the ladies ',she Me0e
; garnientat -Mrs_jaa Cook, 4 Suits
jaroaik Jas
Hayden, Mrs. Cyril .Campbell, M.
Nixon,Mrs Thos Dougherty Mrs Jas.
• Hackett, 2 Anita each; -Miss Mary Alton;
' Mra<latt: Johnston, Mrs., Jae, 'OliVer,
Mrs. Theft, rergustin, MIS
• • wain, Mrs. John. Craw, Miss .& Barclay,.
, Mrs; Saunders; Mrs. Jan Alton, Mrs.
• 'Wm.: Carey, Mrs. Wm. Away, -um Ai:
died Quaid, ;111iips Melinda Black, Mrs.
John Quaid, krs. Menai% ( suit
• -eadt, `,- •-, -.: •
Thanks are dile the' ladies who knit
ticket .
• Iltra<V,M; Ift Paivionkal Mrs,-
Henryjohnston, Mrs. John Saunders, 0 -
pair each; Mri:Divictiria7"Stro. Angus
Gordon; ant Robt„ Mre. Jas.
epok,,15 Pair ettch;Mrs. Jahn Helm, Mrs.
James Lane, Mrs: Robert • MdCeith, 4
da+01410$:•Vrank Scott, , jr., Mrs.
John Kilpatrick, Miss 'CL• Templeton,
Mise Mae Saunders-, MST Jas. Saunders.
-1101. .101.01, 110A-
terb MOM, l!dr Jahn, Hackett, 3 pair
. each.; Miss. Mary °MelCooqk :Mitts, Mari .
atid eventful life, " His sale lob ghtbirct
alitiost cow noia a feri-of he prices
olitained; titian mares, 050; cows
at $90;•calves at $0.; Yearling heifers,
$59; -yearling steers, $50. These Prices
,soon count 'ap. wheat- Was badly
.hailacl,'also, oats ant1,-barley, but along
With hail insurance; he will have 'a fair
return for the rear's labor. 'Mr,. Valens
gives a.fine description of "the city of
his choice" and its *iatrroundings.
buiiningharti, Mrs. Titiik-,Shackleiort,
Mrs. 114,,MeWhinney, Mrs. John. Myers;
Mrs Alex. Sillib, . Mrs. Win.- -Johnston„
Ufa -McDonagh, Albert
. Helm, Mrs, Ralph Nixon, sr.; Mrs. Ralph
Nixonljr.,2 pair eachj, Mtge 103: ifiCIC.3
Ott.L4rac,gobb, Hnry,tire. John Irwin,
• $06. Janie e Alton, Mrs.. ThoS, Hall, Mrs.
Thos.. VergutiOn, Mists traitio Nixon, Miss
JeOnie4lai3Si Mrs. Itobt,..Danin, iMistv
.1 • 'Winona 8teveitgon, Mrs. John Qintid,
Miss U. Black, Mrs,;11/. McKenzie,
• John Meson MINI A;'e„..na,S1Yent, Mica
„ ,Hazer Johnaton,,Mrs. nines Hayden,
kid#11da SHIN .Mie".. D. MAIWain, Mitt.
'John Barelay, Mrs. John Xotinti, Dula.
gamma, Mrs. Henri Ceasar, Dungannon.
3 Ivor each. •
North. LOH: KinIoss•
(Intended for last week)
Miss Marton IfeDiarinid is epeeding
the week in Detroit.
Ames notrell, of Stratford, is visiting
at johrt MeGillvrey's on the fith. •
Smith, of Tuitord,
thrives* of his brother, John Steitlifo
BeiTie .
. --Tneedity;Jaw. 2.
:jr. John. Bradley, a: Kincardine,
spent the:week-end in 3eivle9
Mrs. (Hey...? Williams is Of:tiding a few
Weeks at her -bottle* Lotulont--- .,-. 7 -
epent a few days at sr. James Arnold's.
..31r., Will3ert Blackwell,, of HnoultOnt:
spent the .liellilayti aer Os born ' in'Bervi.e.
Mr : Herman Hildred, . '6 . Toronto
spent the. holiday* under the parental
roof. . .;„ „, - - . ; • •-°-•,-:
Messrs Hentifierrier and'fianniel
MeOctm•boade .4 :trip • tt-:t7betroit-litrit"
rife& • . , • . -.. . T
"Mr:110*arIl Vonng;" Of Torbtif4 Souk
tile holiday, week at. eaberS and Star -
geen's, _ •
lkfaeLeati; of Ripley. Duting the, service -
Mrs. Alti.eKenzfos sang that Itexutlfal and
appropriate solo 1141 OitY•Finir-square.".
OR Sunday, Dec. 24th, thc,rpnoins: Were
cemetery, idtere he -vrai
buried beSitia-hia tather,-.
to rest but eight. niOnthi -ago. Besidss
his three brothers, John Will..and 11e1.---
son, there_retnainato niantithis deh
Wife aid two little children,; thq oldest
not. .yet, three „years.' ,The patIliearera
were.„.six of his "Intim Ate agsoeitites:
Noble Guest% Bert Greer; Clarence'llItichof,
well,'Wes:, • Thompson,. ;Harold, Nesbit,
and"Orah Crawford'. . The deepest sym-
pathy is feltt for, the wife, ,childien 'and-
brOthers, asS Was manifestea by the large
coriepurse of friends who asseinblecl at
the house and foliit*ed: the reo4ins.
the -grave; • •
sdllou kuous
S. $ NO. 12t E.. ANo.V. 'AVAWANoSg.
Si-. .1V. -,Annie Jamieson, Margaret'
Itintonlur . ;# . • ' `. ' ' '' , " .'
' Jr IT--D.orothY.Webateri.Vernantil-.:
virestto spend a feWlveeksoaound ' Bei- lips<
.... ond ty„ Ian, .1. . . Jr ,, III..*John Itiotiml, Lloyd Phillips,:
via .• Boy has been a few years in the - ' -., 31
West; and, telfina that the West is the, :dayMsislaWstawneieil-M:. 11(9:Y V1,4 11"le e. few 11111aIli, er0er:
best for several 'years yet, ' . ' or WO Aitchison, :Arnold.
Mr Fred Glah f th Wet, -: .- :lid , . Mt•O, Rachel Culbert; Ede 1, and Lore Woods, ( J' l'a. Riotoul,' iirry Chain-
, .. „o, o . e last* ,.
. visited art Murdo,cy,-MePhorsen'a on Sun- luer).ecii rf
jog- a Month at bis-- home .- in: Bettie.' Sr1 y"Turner
- ' . , t
Fred has' been Making quite a sueeettain '-`$Y-• - , • •
ChOstrnai vatation with' relatives .0
Miss Pearl COngr8th 18 spee. ctieg . t he '-,- Pr. E.,--Gertnitie martiu..,
Pt B---Zylda Webster:
the barberbusinesa in the West, and. a
. coliPle or weeks ago he give..up his 161a .
,to mild intim 249th : Regina Batts lion. Rthel. ' • ,;, ... . - ‘,. - - 'Numb"! 'enrolled, io;‘. txel'age -daily
attendance, it
He is on a two mOnths' leave 'before . Robert and Muse Edna Elliott visited!
fiazsti.14. PAttiszn, Teacher.
yoininglits-coniPany.in Regina. - Waare. -with. Hurortz-frienda,-on Tussday_.,and. _..„_____ , . • .
4. :8-. No: 10, Aiiiiputai
:really glad. to See 11114.-homg• again -for a Wednesday: . .
feW. Weeks.- -:6 ' • . • • '1.; • ""- - ' :411eSsri: Eari-anti-Georgi3-0ulbert Ara --S-'7,--Peall:1,31ate• _ .;__._: •
, ' •
.,,- .• •• •
.Slintneol-KmansON.--A quiet wed- Spending -a couple of Weeks ivith frien6ttl
• • Jr.,..1V-Lilite Megnoid, Alma Blake.,
-dingtook.plate.-onThumdarilaStk; -4-teLu6a31,f404' 14040L--... ,- -,--------:,----
. .
'h011ao of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Knieraon, . Alex. Harris rriveilli-otie4roinisiortit ---15i7:-TriziBittee.-61ilidadonr. Mildred;
*- •
18.6intine, when u1ughtntA atom, on -We-drerstlay iii. McWhinne ePeird-iite-
Annetta; 'was. Unita it( marriage to Mr winter with his brother, .Robert. •
Fred Shelroch, of Kincardine. The core, ' Mr. and Mrs. John *Donald, Milton
Dion* si'rosIterf°rmed bY 4ev' Air' Gril- and Elmer .Donald, ilr, and Mrs: James
ludre, a Ripley,: in the presence of a ;Baker,' Mr. Fred, Fisltand Marjoif spent
number of relattres of . the bride and Christmas ni Richard Ilaker'e, '
gibPitiri:..Tii.e YOuliir°11Ple"--160 bri .' Fri" ' • The following pent ChristmaS off th-e
tuo on Saturdai:nig*
-day moroing.for a trip tn. Toraisto„ 're-
line:- -.Mr;and-Mra,.Melvin Irwin, Thos
rniiiht, ,,,. They *1
..,..,. will Henry at Mrs. Geo. "'rain's. 'And Com;
reside in Kincardine, here the ' best.
Robert Elliott anti Joe.
• .
%vial -ea -of air go with -theaiet-a-ii0,ppy Mr and Mrs. . ' . . -' . ... - . AI-
intirtiedi:ife, : . , ,, . .... . . -. ,, wAth.frienus to Teeswater; 3.1r. anti M
Flattering to
the OrigInaI
hnitakinnlr Only Disappoint
There are manylmitatrons of thil4
great treatment for Coughs,colds,
croup, bronchitis , and
whooping tough,
'they usually
'have some sale
On the Merits of
the original, but
It /show 'be
that they
are. lhlce It
In nabit
This IS 14 SO+
owletof the
kage be tiring
A. chiwisol
." Wm. Coiigram, Slip' dongraes. Mrs,
PteAlvr' '/"i'.*IiTa.•L'On'''rriclq John Culbert •LitdRirl it John Cam
night a pleasant time was sf)cut in the
basement of the Anglican Church, zo
honor of Private Isztvi Fitzell, who i.s
home from the front ott Mak leave. Levi
has -seen sortie stirring seenee .while in
the trenches, and during the program he
gars avery -interesting account of his
life and experiences while at the front.
An interesting programme Was given'
consisting of inetebes, songs and read-
ings. An important part • or the Pro-
gramme was the reading of an address
to Private Pitzell and the presentation
to him of a 'cheque for over UW0001100
ed from his friends, who, by their libor
teatiOntts showed their appreciation f
theivork done by him :Levi. is lion e
On sick leave, but goe in t few da
le report in Loudon an
Mondsy, Jan, 1,.
e happy Now Year to alt •
lliem Annie SiePhereon is speodi
her liolidayn bt Kh
,.,.Resde;y, Dec. 26.
Ad- gloom ;vas cast 'over Kinlough
and neighborhood -on Thursday evening,
Dee. 214t, whenit was learned thatIttis;
sell E. Bushell had passed away at the
early age - of 20 yeara and A months.
About five weeks ago he wad itaken ta
WingliamhosPital, where lie underwent
'an operation, and it was found that he
, Was suffering front an (*triune 0180 of•
,Mbrepaareoinc and little lone„ odd be
entertained for his reeeiery. RoWever,
he recovered strength enotigh te, ba
.breught home After WO, Weeks, Where he
lingered for three weeks longer, enduring
great -suffering, with wonderful natienn:s,
etuesollug Imaself Chat ly was all for the
best, frequently repeating "The lord
makes no Mistakes," The Selltee attbe
house was condtteted, by Rev. 0.
MicKentle, of Kinionsit graibyterian
iintrolssui4stAr rims br, tot xr,
• . '
Jr. 11/Etta MeQmaid, Ruby Curran.
Sr. 11-Etta.Gauley.. •
4 Jr, H. -40Y, MeQutaid;
No on roll, it; averageattendance, p.
144, BXL.Mtg4 Tnneheto :
, S. S. No.. 8, Iti1L688.
Sr 1V;IR-1KDenald,./.
Jr. IV -A.. Armstrong1 11 seott,
',rift, A SiorrisoU, a Young, til.••5061 .
. Sr. Vaughan, ,R. •Cottrell,
'Harkness, A, DiMalehin. '
Jr: II -W. Scott, T. Morrisoni
CI -W. Young, I. Scott.
• Si. Primer -K. Thothion, B. Diehard -
son. *, , .
Jr. Prtner._13. Morrisons.11.4 Morrison;
'F. Thomson.. • ` ' . •
‘. • Unitazt•ttlisiot Teacher.
No S., S. o5, AsnlIzto
. IsTaines are in order tA merit, 'Those
marked with an aiterialt were absent for
ontior tWo•eXAMS; .• .
Sr. tir-Lizzie Helm, Mink ititehie,
Alfred Andrew*. •'
. 'SrIII-Janie Ititelite, Marstall Gib-
son, Willie8trottdt
ititehie Margaret Web:
ster, (Gertie Stroud, Earl or.)ihisois) ties,
(Milford Llagkett,
r-Ediut Ititeltiq, Eva Gardner. •
Sr, Pr., --Grace Pepper, Willie Pepper,
Dorothy Andorson*, Malcolm Webster,
Ji ft-44mnd Gardner, Tout Weli4t r,D1 •!
vi..8fitotult;Johtt Pito*
horW N 0 is at YOur Service
We Sell tor Cas - e sell Cheaper limn The Credit Stores
This Axe is. made of
the. Finest 'Steel...
.Spciolry*'-tek;ipeted and is just
the right shape. It•is ab
lately ktiiitinteed. Every On
fouri,d' defeetive-'-- vt ill , he -•
. - •
and higni pric, of material tbe
ibb.e.Maket mus Get what look;
like a 'bikpriPe to even* let him..
out. You can • ave considerable
by. putting the soles on your. own
/shoes. - This outai,ii uu11t for aniateurs and.costs 7$e.
01. l•
'We bought a big consignment
„.. . , •
- titbfahtaw' first-classfe. soellie:osfioe-rb. e5infosre,ca:pitaehrtip..eparsi_iiczre:
- advanced. . We have a:heavy
We -461111S year offering to oUr •
t;custornei s_ M.c'.:affrey's' cele. -
-7-brated..,Filii,- made in lhii.14.
deji;th.si:: ....,,s40„Thety,,, ,2norectii_U4S9t, ja.ml,i.t 2t Ise ..,:-
better...iban other makes.. 7' in. ,t
6.IC ., - C.* •
„ _
L - - - -' - . -
1 sa,sh Printed and, Al.a,i -g.A,
' - Hand Stoves t • ainPrices.
e Lucknow Hardware t Coal
THAtliing DISAPP6IN1ft
• •
• A ---„-John Mebane& JessieAndrew*'
Milvert •
No. on roll, 25; aver. att., 21;
• MARI' limaitErt Teacher,
Fourth Com, KifilOss
-Monday, Jao. 2,„
Miss:Cassie Murchison returned from
Detroit a fewjears _ago- , •
The Box Social at Meathschoolhouse,
wasa Verysleasant affair.'
• Mr, 11. Lockhart, who has been in the
Weid for smite years, is home for a visit
Mrs. H. Piercer of•Winnipeg, returned
to visit the scenes of her „„youth, last
week. °
, .
Mr, Wm Molbonald, afrer spending
iilost of the Xmas, season In Torontto, iS
home again ' -
Qiiite a huttAer of outsiderti attended
the farewell sort/lees in the Presbyterian
Chitral. Ilev. Mr, Reid, of 8,
. very kindly withdrew his eveuliur eer.
:vide to allow anyone Atha Willted to at.
totdedw, 4
-Tuesday, Jan. 2.!
Mr Gamy, of Flora, is the -guest of ,.
Helen Woods: .1 •
" George Gibson ;jaded friends atAtitfe. ,
king on MOnday.•
, „.
Miss Margaret Ritaue tettirn,cd to,
Ravenswood to.day.
Mis Mabel Reid, of Auburn, id ViSit-
ing with her•brothers in -this vidoity '
A sleigh load of the young people at. •
tended the gory Year's skating, in Luck -
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Aitdrivrand family
o Luektow, Spent, New ,Tear's ai/tobt?
Thotriak and. ihe Itlfisses Mary and
Janet ?Hackett attended a.party Dim!,
gannoloariday evening,
lir. knil lira. Stanley, of Ethoirk
dine, 14pent the weekend with. their
Mta. Dafrid Andrew.
• Mr. and -Mrs. John Mo1eitb,. flbw?
lington, and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Thn
ton, of ,Oakvillo,„. have returned home
tiftor Um week with rehab*
Boys' suits
Site"our east Window display
0 as Boys' Suits, some 2-
and. otters 34ece
Suits to be cleared out at
See another lot a Boys' -Snits
. on tabli near **entrance,
clearing. at the ki,ig Sur-
prise Price of $1.00.
Ladies' Coats
We have reducedfor this' Sur.
prise, Sale the price Of
ever3r Lady' '3 Coat, both
new and old, in the store.,
See Special clearing lot of
x6 Won:tetra and, Misses'
Coats and Waterproofs on
table MAIM entrance., at $1,
See another table near stair-
wa3r With 15 coats, clearing
- at $2.50.
And, a clearing lot on rackup-
stair„ at $5.50,
' •
without . doubt,
. .
tile I-41404 hargaiiis 'Ili: this
line ever offered, in, Lucknow.
- 1 , ,
Men s
. , ..,.
Overcoats .
: rproo
Witie ' . i's
.. . .,
ideti's eavy Tweed Over-
. coats good range of' sizes
and styles. Regular prices
S.5ct o 41,Ao.og; the surprise
p r 2 e s during this sale
rangle from $5 tp S120
11 1
lilen's Black 'Beaver Over.
coatssinith velvet. collars,'
. spcial surprise price on
' lkien's Waterproof Coats, reg -
lilar ro.00 to $12..00,:clear-
ing Sale.pfiee2 sli.00 ' tO 1
saao. , , ,
Boys' Overcoats, regular ‘5.7.$
to $7.5o, put., on this sale
at $05.95. I .
Ladies' ..
' t . • • "
Here he surprise . IS ,perlia o
, .
one .of the biggest See 2-.
;It6:1tei: 4 1:nt Si ; far Zitl
$2.95- Everyone a sur- I
prising bargain at these '
• .. .
' 9 Priest
r r •
Al,l, ou Sepa ate mulls . and,
Fur Sets greatly reduced,
and tt few ladies' Astradlau .
' jackets at spcially „sur -
Dress Goods.
.. . ..• . .' 4' -, -- .
we ars owing 011 Bee a lage van-- ,
'ety of Dress Goods Olt down trent Buell
i-egolar prices as Op., 1..00,, 1.20 and
$i.50* to tbe Surpme price! of ,P; 49: .
59- nod, 60e, See also cleating hoes.ot:
• short end Drava Goods on oar Ilemoant
.T4ble. DMA miss these Dress Otte& •
. -
• - -- - - .• - - • - -
. reeresealr03115ilarfi3tnitt" TEnheiCESErtIrP8(11 0*11°..a
'tab% near the shon counter.. Every
Oft° is.markeel crown .aiml. toanY #1•0 .,
.exceptionst harattios . at the reduced
n • t. a to See t ese ' rga.4
nem ron' f II b ba i
„ . ,t) . . .
sweat re. ,
. C • ' ...**
11 lg.. . ' p eci al B-* argain Table...
= •
1 This Special' Cle.aring Ta le near the
1 - . . .
office ,is one of the features of our HI
11 . , _ , . , 0, - ,
11 store as from week to week it contains
11 various tines' at,„ clearing prices, and
this Surprise .,Sale:priceS. will
be lower than ever before, and-NOD:in-
. i AL ?' ' s' 1 .0: . '• 4 ' - - 3
1 citicie a variety Qi Clearing tines from
1 ..- , .
the store..'' •
1 Au over .
I * ' '
. . , 4 :-• .
This Sale opens lrhurig14* Morning, 44411.10LrY .4th. cOtite early
*bile eeIet1obs are largst as manyllines*Illbe quickly sold out
at- these exceptional 'Orseess COme id forenoons if possible. as
better ser.viee,eart thee be iven. Come vitith cash as no goods
will be charged at these Orieeli.'
The Mimeo Annie St d Rttie
on are 'home from imam
Tho thauirsgf tiac Aeldiekl Soldiers: .XYliae4 SWAOi.
r; the
Aid< Civil) is dun the following ladies, Dan, ..&icholiten, a former reaidene
. • •
•for **donations; . • • liinlists, but nOW - of ,,Saisk., i visiting.
:AWN'Mra. David tittle: Mrs. Aohn UAith licKillan;•09 1.158 heeL
. •
Littl, 'dawn pfuovro'aasu eit'orlatit, siting hits atudive rkgraii3O 'Ficona
p , . , e
gtpeat.01 Mr. jr;ha Liffle, 1 oheet°' time, is.home for therXIM.18. holidays:
Cialt; Urn. Chas. AltoN°. 'Mrs:Herb Al. • '5'Yargett`having hooka belonging tethe
Vilt. 2 Akm elipe eaabi Mr. John Vul-',.'11:braPit:4-tlle.'SolloolhoOse' at Grey Olt
lin, 2 *de -ticking', Mra,•1•Wm. StOthert, are Ocioeiltek.tO rtOra-tlieni at as early
R., Ritchie, I pilfer. .1
Robt. 'MCKeithi. 1 ••vioolled
jacket, Mrs. Ed. Andrew,' (These ;two
articles for sale tor;04-roniitte4:' ,
• Thanks are due Ails/LT.411in Alton' for
• bet Ontition; Patriotic tea. 41.046;,-. •Mrs.
Wm. Omen Patriotic tea, $2,55.4.
Dougherty, Patriotic 1,4*
On Nov. so the Circle shipped a bale.
of tooda toilyman Ptak London,' valu:
'ed at $51.84. • • • *
On Dec. 19 alele Of goods was sent ' hatendato spendtheremaiader of a busy
rosvid .1,04,46; st.; mop.. Jas. among friends along the 4th and Oth. •
Mr.auti Mrs. Clinton, of Kincardine
anent a couple oe.dayarwith, Mr, 'and
Mrs, Peter McCullough;
, ,
Rev. p. 0. Lawson, who spent a week
CASs hOines in London: returned to his
duties here, onsrgnifnlaY.
-Rev. Mi. Wifluiuus returned lo Beryie
on Saturday after spending a week,- at •
his -ft:10*r home in Lambeth.
* a
Mrs, George Porter went .10.° LondLoudonfor her -Xmas. dinner,. •
°Misses Jennie and, *We • Nirtilden - are
visiting friends in •Markilale,
Miss. Anna licbluson was lure frora
Winghain :for a feW days. •-• , •
in our burg on the Sick listw.1,4thillAuger4Iplyptlecio,.:1:14,ch_,31001:kt:ia
W. Gabelhas been taking
at the
H. few:holidays to nurse A severe attack ?f liwghille: half ;14,e4.1111riee's3t Bdt'acioNvghiltO'. t)r11, Annie was
_ , _ . . • • • •
cekc we hope to see him; out again worried to Mr. AlfredfEloolerton. • 4eVo
a date af •119tiaible• soon. , .
Mr. Kellum; of lUpley, Perfe0ted the
• WM,'Valeila, for rOanY, Years 0°e4iiclent MessrsWi„nie -ore, Leslie Sturgeon cereinciny in the , prettepee of about ;id
on the Oth Can,i but Wht .removed, with
andWillie Arnold. are leaving this week 'friends the • bride and. groom. The
his family nOlneilitiesflotoSaalo, wishes to take a course -in the Wingiutra l3usi-. bride .Was given away ly her father, and
to be rememberea to 111_4 'maul ivi.en48 nesa C,ollege. • - • ` • • leolted, lovely in a gown of white,silk
and acquaintances KinlOSs. , , After lesgro, Harry xid.iierbert gefe'r ,are and lace.. She earned a_beatitiful bougnet
thtflioatit of his 8.°nt who Was his main- smog' cng a, few weeks at their b„ctine here., Of roses and taros, The 'Wedding march
Stay tm .the farm, he, disposetl'011iia farm •
We are all glad to see them hack m our Was plaYsd by MPS Ioss..16 Courtney,
. . . .
viethity again, - .. • , The bride'. rece!A•ed manypretty and
Our,. acheol opens' en Wednesdayagain Useful gift Sr a9,4 Mrs. 'Ennnertcin
. •
after the ChristmasvitatiOnmise . have the beat wishes of a largircle of
! e.
. •
Barber, teacher;'returns on Tuesday from friends fora happy wedded life,
lier home 111 Tara.'
40r...1,livra - 'Eighth' '
and iinitlements by auction sale, rentect
his farm on ehareS attl retired to private
life in the of Saskatoon, where Iie
to tinderich for shipment to lilynattp,..xmi,
Loulcuiyaluecl at 1110,80; -
Thanks. are due the ladies ',she Me0e
; garnientat -Mrs_jaa Cook, 4 Suits
jaroaik Jas
Hayden, Mrs. Cyril .Campbell, M.
Nixon,Mrs Thos Dougherty Mrs Jas.
• Hackett, 2 Anita each; -Miss Mary Alton;
' Mra<latt: Johnston, Mrs., Jae, 'OliVer,
Mrs. Theft, rergustin, MIS
• • wain, Mrs. John. Craw, Miss .& Barclay,.
, Mrs; Saunders; Mrs. Jan Alton, Mrs.
• 'Wm.: Carey, Mrs. Wm. Away, -um Ai:
died Quaid, ;111iips Melinda Black, Mrs.
John Quaid, krs. Menai% ( suit
• -eadt, `,- •-, -.: •
Thanks are dile the' ladies who knit
ticket .
• Iltra<V,M; Ift Paivionkal Mrs,-
Henryjohnston, Mrs. John Saunders, 0 -
pair each; Mri:Divictiria7"Stro. Angus
Gordon; ant Robt„ Mre. Jas.
epok,,15 Pair ettch;Mrs. Jahn Helm, Mrs.
James Lane, Mrs: Robert • MdCeith, 4
da+01410$:•Vrank Scott, , jr., Mrs.
John Kilpatrick, Miss 'CL• Templeton,
Mise Mae Saunders-, MST Jas. Saunders.
-1101. .101.01, 110A-
terb MOM, l!dr Jahn, Hackett, 3 pair
. each.; Miss. Mary °MelCooqk :Mitts, Mari .
atid eventful life, " His sale lob ghtbirct
alitiost cow noia a feri-of he prices
olitained; titian mares, 050; cows
at $90;•calves at $0.; Yearling heifers,
$59; -yearling steers, $50. These Prices
,soon count 'ap. wheat- Was badly
.hailacl,'also, oats ant1,-barley, but along
With hail insurance; he will have 'a fair
return for the rear's labor. 'Mr,. Valens
gives a.fine description of "the city of
his choice" and its *iatrroundings.
buiiningharti, Mrs. Titiik-,Shackleiort,
Mrs. 114,,MeWhinney, Mrs. John. Myers;
Mrs Alex. Sillib, . Mrs. Win.- -Johnston„
Ufa -McDonagh, Albert
. Helm, Mrs, Ralph Nixon, sr.; Mrs. Ralph
Nixonljr.,2 pair eachj, Mtge 103: ifiCIC.3
Ott.L4rac,gobb, Hnry,tire. John Irwin,
• $06. Janie e Alton, Mrs.. ThoS, Hall, Mrs.
Thos.. VergutiOn, Mists traitio Nixon, Miss
JeOnie4lai3Si Mrs. Itobt,..Danin, iMistv
.1 • 'Winona 8teveitgon, Mrs. John Qintid,
Miss U. Black, Mrs,;11/. McKenzie,
• John Meson MINI A;'e„..na,S1Yent, Mica
„ ,Hazer Johnaton,,Mrs. nines Hayden,
kid#11da SHIN .Mie".. D. MAIWain, Mitt.
'John Barelay, Mrs. John Xotinti, Dula.
gamma, Mrs. Henri Ceasar, Dungannon.
3 Ivor each. •
North. LOH: KinIoss•
(Intended for last week)
Miss Marton IfeDiarinid is epeeding
the week in Detroit.
Ames notrell, of Stratford, is visiting
at johrt MeGillvrey's on the fith. •
Smith, of Tuitord,
thrives* of his brother, John Steitlifo
BeiTie .
. --Tneedity;Jaw. 2.
:jr. John. Bradley, a: Kincardine,
spent the:week-end in 3eivle9
Mrs. (Hey...? Williams is Of:tiding a few
Weeks at her -bottle* Lotulont--- .,-. 7 -
epent a few days at sr. James Arnold's.
..31r., Will3ert Blackwell,, of HnoultOnt:
spent the .liellilayti aer Os born ' in'Bervi.e.
Mr : Herman Hildred, . '6 . Toronto
spent the. holiday* under the parental
roof. . .;„ „, - - . ; • •-°-•,-:
Messrs Hentifierrier and'fianniel
MeOctm•boade .4 :trip • tt-:t7betroit-litrit"
rife& • . , • . -.. . T
"Mr:110*arIl Vonng;" Of Torbtif4 Souk
tile holiday, week at. eaberS and Star -
geen's, _ •
lkfaeLeati; of Ripley. Duting the, service -
Mrs. Alti.eKenzfos sang that Itexutlfal and
appropriate solo 1141 OitY•Finir-square.".
OR Sunday, Dec. 24th, thc,rpnoins: Were
cemetery, idtere he -vrai
buried beSitia-hia tather,-.
to rest but eight. niOnthi -ago. Besidss
his three brothers, John Will..and 11e1.---
son, there_retnainato niantithis deh
Wife aid two little children,; thq oldest
not. .yet, three „years.' ,The patIliearera
were.„.six of his "Intim Ate agsoeitites:
Noble Guest% Bert Greer; Clarence'llItichof,
well,'Wes:, • Thompson,. ;Harold, Nesbit,
and"Orah Crawford'. . The deepest sym-
pathy is feltt for, the wife, ,childien 'and-
brOthers, asS Was manifestea by the large
coriepurse of friends who asseinblecl at
the house and foliit*ed: the reo4ins.
the -grave; • •
sdllou kuous
S. $ NO. 12t E.. ANo.V. 'AVAWANoSg.
Si-. .1V. -,Annie Jamieson, Margaret'
Itintonlur . ;# . • ' `. ' ' '' , " .'
' Jr IT--D.orothY.Webateri.Vernantil-.:
virestto spend a feWlveeksoaound ' Bei- lips<
.... ond ty„ Ian, .1. . . Jr ,, III..*John Itiotiml, Lloyd Phillips,:
via .• Boy has been a few years in the - ' -., 31
West; and, telfina that the West is the, :dayMsislaWstawneieil-M:. 11(9:Y V1,4 11"le e. few 11111aIli, er0er:
best for several 'years yet, ' . ' or WO Aitchison, :Arnold.
Mr Fred Glah f th Wet, -: .- :lid , . Mt•O, Rachel Culbert; Ede 1, and Lore Woods, ( J' l'a. Riotoul,' iirry Chain-
, .. „o, o . e last* ,.
. visited art Murdo,cy,-MePhorsen'a on Sun- luer).ecii rf
jog- a Month at bis-- home .- in: Bettie.' Sr1 y"Turner
- ' . , t
Fred has' been Making quite a sueeettain '-`$Y-• - , • •
ChOstrnai vatation with' relatives .0
Miss Pearl COngr8th 18 spee. ctieg . t he '-,- Pr. E.,--Gertnitie martiu..,
Pt B---Zylda Webster:
the barberbusinesa in the West, and. a
. coliPle or weeks ago he give..up his 161a .
,to mild intim 249th : Regina Batts lion. Rthel. ' • ,;, ... . - ‘,. - - 'Numb"! 'enrolled, io;‘. txel'age -daily
attendance, it
He is on a two mOnths' leave 'before . Robert and Muse Edna Elliott visited!
fiazsti.14. PAttiszn, Teacher.
yoininglits-coniPany.in Regina. - Waare. -with. Hurortz-frienda,-on Tussday_.,and. _..„_____ , . • .
4. :8-. No: 10, Aiiiiputai
:really glad. to See 11114.-homg• again -for a Wednesday: . .
feW. Weeks.- -:6 ' • . • • '1.; • ""- - ' :411eSsri: Eari-anti-Georgi3-0ulbert Ara --S-'7,--Peall:1,31ate• _ .;__._: •
, ' •
.,,- .• •• •
.Slintneol-KmansON.--A quiet wed- Spending -a couple of Weeks ivith frien6ttl
• • Jr.,..1V-Lilite Megnoid, Alma Blake.,
-dingtook.plate.-onThumdarilaStk; -4-teLu6a31,f404' 14040L--... ,- -,--------:,----
. .
'h011ao of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Knieraon, . Alex. Harris rriveilli-otie4roinisiortit ---15i7:-TriziBittee.-61ilidadonr. Mildred;
*- •
18.6intine, when u1ughtntA atom, on -We-drerstlay iii. McWhinne ePeird-iite-
Annetta; 'was. Unita it( marriage to Mr winter with his brother, .Robert. •
Fred Shelroch, of Kincardine. The core, ' Mr. and Mrs. John *Donald, Milton
Dion* si'rosIterf°rmed bY 4ev' Air' Gril- and Elmer .Donald, ilr, and Mrs: James
ludre, a Ripley,: in the presence of a ;Baker,' Mr. Fred, Fisltand Marjoif spent
number of relattres of . the bride and Christmas ni Richard Ilaker'e, '
gibPitiri:..Tii.e YOuliir°11Ple"--160 bri .' Fri" ' • The following pent ChristmaS off th-e
tuo on Saturdai:nig*
-day moroing.for a trip tn. Toraisto„ 're-
line:- -.Mr;and-Mra,.Melvin Irwin, Thos
rniiiht, ,,,. They *1
..,..,. will Henry at Mrs. Geo. "'rain's. 'And Com;
reside in Kincardine, here the ' best.
Robert Elliott anti Joe.
• .
%vial -ea -of air go with -theaiet-a-ii0,ppy Mr and Mrs. . ' . . -' . ... - . AI-
intirtiedi:ife, : . , ,, . .... . . -. ,, wAth.frienus to Teeswater; 3.1r. anti M
Flattering to
the OrigInaI
hnitakinnlr Only Disappoint
There are manylmitatrons of thil4
great treatment for Coughs,colds,
croup, bronchitis , and
whooping tough,
'they usually
'have some sale
On the Merits of
the original, but
It /show 'be
that they
are. lhlce It
In nabit
This IS 14 SO+
owletof the
kage be tiring
A. chiwisol
." Wm. Coiigram, Slip' dongraes. Mrs,
PteAlvr' '/"i'.*IiTa.•L'On'''rriclq John Culbert •LitdRirl it John Cam
night a pleasant time was sf)cut in the
basement of the Anglican Church, zo
honor of Private Isztvi Fitzell, who i.s
home from the front ott Mak leave. Levi
has -seen sortie stirring seenee .while in
the trenches, and during the program he
gars avery -interesting account of his
life and experiences while at the front.
An interesting programme Was given'
consisting of inetebes, songs and read-
ings. An important part • or the Pro-
gramme was the reading of an address
to Private Pitzell and the presentation
to him of a 'cheque for over UW0001100
ed from his friends, who, by their libor
teatiOntts showed their appreciation f
theivork done by him :Levi. is lion e
On sick leave, but goe in t few da
le report in Loudon an
Mondsy, Jan, 1,.
e happy Now Year to alt •
lliem Annie SiePhereon is speodi
her liolidayn bt Kh
,.,.Resde;y, Dec. 26.
Ad- gloom ;vas cast 'over Kinlough
and neighborhood -on Thursday evening,
Dee. 214t, whenit was learned thatIttis;
sell E. Bushell had passed away at the
early age - of 20 yeara and A months.
About five weeks ago he wad itaken ta
WingliamhosPital, where lie underwent
'an operation, and it was found that he
, Was suffering front an (*triune 0180 of•
,Mbrepaareoinc and little lone„ odd be
entertained for his reeeiery. RoWever,
he recovered strength enotigh te, ba
.breught home After WO, Weeks, Where he
lingered for three weeks longer, enduring
great -suffering, with wonderful natienn:s,
etuesollug Imaself Chat ly was all for the
best, frequently repeating "The lord
makes no Mistakes," The Selltee attbe
house was condtteted, by Rev. 0.
MicKentle, of Kinionsit graibyterian
iintrolssui4stAr rims br, tot xr,
• . '
Jr. 11/Etta MeQmaid, Ruby Curran.
Sr. 11-Etta.Gauley.. •
4 Jr, H. -40Y, MeQutaid;
No on roll, it; averageattendance, p.
144, BXL.Mtg4 Tnneheto :
, S. S. No.. 8, Iti1L688.
Sr 1V;IR-1KDenald,./.
Jr. IV -A.. Armstrong1 11 seott,
',rift, A SiorrisoU, a Young, til.••5061 .
. Sr. Vaughan, ,R. •Cottrell,
'Harkness, A, DiMalehin. '
Jr: II -W. Scott, T. Morrisoni
CI -W. Young, I. Scott.
• Si. Primer -K. Thothion, B. Diehard -
son. *, , .
Jr. Prtner._13. Morrisons.11.4 Morrison;
'F. Thomson.. • ` ' . •
‘. • Unitazt•ttlisiot Teacher.
No S., S. o5, AsnlIzto
. IsTaines are in order tA merit, 'Those
marked with an aiterialt were absent for
ontior tWo•eXAMS; .• .
Sr. tir-Lizzie Helm, Mink ititehie,
Alfred Andrew*. •'
. 'SrIII-Janie Ititelite, Marstall Gib-
son, Willie8trottdt
ititehie Margaret Web:
ster, (Gertie Stroud, Earl or.)ihisois) ties,
(Milford Llagkett,
r-Ediut Ititeltiq, Eva Gardner. •
Sr, Pr., --Grace Pepper, Willie Pepper,
Dorothy Andorson*, Malcolm Webster,
Ji ft-44mnd Gardner, Tout Weli4t r,D1 •!
vi..8fitotult;Johtt Pito*
horW N 0 is at YOur Service
We Sell tor Cas - e sell Cheaper limn The Credit Stores
This Axe is. made of
the. Finest 'Steel...
.Spciolry*'-tek;ipeted and is just
the right shape. It•is ab
lately ktiiitinteed. Every On
fouri,d' defeetive-'-- vt ill , he -•
. - •
and higni pric, of material tbe
ibb.e.Maket mus Get what look;
like a 'bikpriPe to even* let him..
out. You can • ave considerable
by. putting the soles on your. own
/shoes. - This outai,ii uu11t for aniateurs and.costs 7$e.
01. l•
'We bought a big consignment
„.. . , •
- titbfahtaw' first-classfe. soellie:osfioe-rb. e5infosre,ca:pitaehrtip..eparsi_iiczre:
- advanced. . We have a:heavy
We -461111S year offering to oUr •
t;custornei s_ M.c'.:affrey's' cele. -
-7-brated..,Filii,- made in lhii.14.
deji;th.si:: ....,,s40„Thety,,, ,2norectii_U4S9t, ja.ml,i.t 2t Ise ..,:-
better...iban other makes.. 7' in. ,t
6.IC ., - C.* •
„ _
L - - - -' - . -
1 sa,sh Printed and, Al.a,i -g.A,
' - Hand Stoves t • ainPrices.
e Lucknow Hardware t Coal
THAtliing DISAPP6IN1ft
• •
• A ---„-John Mebane& JessieAndrew*'
Milvert •
No. on roll, 25; aver. att., 21;
• MARI' limaitErt Teacher,
Fourth Com, KifilOss
-Monday, Jao. 2,„
Miss:Cassie Murchison returned from
Detroit a fewjears _ago- , •
The Box Social at Meathschoolhouse,
wasa Verysleasant affair.'
• Mr, 11. Lockhart, who has been in the
Weid for smite years, is home for a visit
Mrs. H. Piercer of•Winnipeg, returned
to visit the scenes of her „„youth, last
week. °
, .
Mr, Wm Molbonald, afrer spending
iilost of the Xmas, season In Torontto, iS
home again ' -
Qiiite a huttAer of outsiderti attended
the farewell sort/lees in the Presbyterian
Chitral. Ilev. Mr, Reid, of 8,
. very kindly withdrew his eveuliur eer.
:vide to allow anyone Atha Willted to at.
totdedw, 4
-Tuesday, Jan. 2.!
Mr Gamy, of Flora, is the -guest of ,.
Helen Woods: .1 •
" George Gibson ;jaded friends atAtitfe. ,
king on MOnday.•
, „.
Miss Margaret Ritaue tettirn,cd to,
Ravenswood to.day.
Mis Mabel Reid, of Auburn, id ViSit-
ing with her•brothers in -this vidoity '
A sleigh load of the young people at. •
tended the gory Year's skating, in Luck -
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Aitdrivrand family
o Luektow, Spent, New ,Tear's ai/tobt?
Thotriak and. ihe Itlfisses Mary and
Janet ?Hackett attended a.party Dim!,
gannoloariday evening,
lir. knil lira. Stanley, of Ethoirk
dine, 14pent the weekend with. their
Mta. Dafrid Andrew.
• Mr. and -Mrs. John Mo1eitb,. flbw?
lington, and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Thn
ton, of ,Oakvillo,„. have returned home
tiftor Um week with rehab*