HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-11-29, Page 5S1 AY, NOVESIBER, 29 , - BRUCE COUNTY' COUNCIL • (clantinae4 freua Page from Durham to Kincardine open foe- the Provincial delMallnent tins 'Winter,*.mung it as a snow plow,. the report stated. • ' • ' Two anOitians have .been made , to the County Roads sYsteni;The fir4 is a one -mile StretCh on, the fitil Con- . Saugeen "from • Goderich road to Gebtes Grove to take care of traffic to, cottages- The ether in 1 ,latfies ' Jink. on the Grey -Bruce boundary between 'Eldersfie• and Sullivan to connect up with existing roads. FeeAbolished, ,Salary.. Adjusted Over a day was consumed in listen: int to and investigating into com- otEwE number from be=e.. attended tIe 1PlaY •put on by Blithe*. Y. S. *Pis • *neeif C*000r spent the• p.a.*, week,' With ber e-Pliaini, in 44-;' 1/9W, „ • POT* 'int; eln141ren; ealted,on tqem..is; in Lncknow SW-F4Yr. evening. . The eXelke' S. 0:- is 441.**Ir cert 1114.ChristMaa tree-ta". -the chnrch oa Friday, Dec. 2Ist. A. good, iroOt.ini being prepared. Mr, and :Mrs, •Ceed- *heeler. ape plaints made: by 'Mc John Rowland family of Belgraie -*lilted Mr and former Sheriff .of grOce.'agaiflt Mr. Mr 1. 4., •I(Bpatrielt Saturday. • rf:4: 'W.!114. Oret17'.k°' C.,°.°147. and 'Afro, yr: , IBpildings, in. which it . was'shown . • • . • • that mr.' walker was obtraiiing tbe and Alta; Jesse .0111Y :Of GWietich• eqate'MarY • fees for taking prisoners spent " Wednesday ...With the '111tfies frOi*IhO Oeii.14r *jail to the court 4nnghter, 'Mrs.'. Matt. Sharkletoni to* for trial or reamed. and for ,act- in.g,as court crier, a Well as for Mr. Harold. Blake Went to Taronti. 'kitting • as Constable at,. Supreme oa.Satarday for his mother," who IPS Court Sittings,: etc., and Which . Mi. spell*, the past math With.her ihriurk. ROwiand claimed should be handed ' back by 'him to, the County, OW; as he stated these services were per- formed daring the hours he -Sian al- ready- being paid to he on duty as . • caretaker: •As, a. orisequence - of these the Salaries. Committee reertro-- mended that„ the .,caretaker's ' salary increased. from /0340. • to • $1000, :subject . to the ninai 15 percent. re- , • duction and that all fees earned • by Week -end Visibira' in .the :catnaps -- tint he turned into the, county trea- sury for. the general fund. and his ity ineleded lielmatli Sehlinker hi* toand Miss - n' Vele *MIS of.'Witteeloo , duties' Conant* sto fen. . act ai.corroty constable. With Mr. and Mira. Robinson.WOods; • $18.04 to Fight :Warble. 'Fir :Miss"' Vera • Ypaa . of ' Bloainingdaie Acting on the recommendation of With ber parents, Mr. and WI. D. • the :Agricultural Committee ' the enuncil .settink aside $1fic10 SOTTodd '314.1.14Pc:' *liwn W:(4°° of 'the' the ostebase of the necessary mater.- Q; ' ial 20 •treat all Cattle. •FOthin , the . MM. .TOrrance of LOdmoar is .111 many requiring such treatinent -. the fight against. the -warble . fly, the it ;the rien2 her daughter, .314* -esspojgtn. to: commence in the spring 1. D. Anderson. ,Norsaai 'Milker 'Preferred to,.Sbeltet Mr.•;n4; Mrs. Robinson ;Waad3i, -. Ona motion., sponsored by Mr. 'Mrs: *pi's and Mr. Lorin 'Geddes and : May* Toltnie that inas-' • Much ' as ' the. .ease of the Children'sWoods were "visitors Shelter's treatment of the children Monday. ..of Mrs. Mead of Huron Townshifi: has - The December meetin of tbe, been brought to' the attention of the Women's . Institute' will be held at • County Conned, the Council recom- mended that in this case and in home, of 1100.Weatlierbertil 'on lar Cisei the"Slielte-. should eficour- Thursday aftetnoa,"Bee:.:4...Roll een aCe the itirinal. Mother in keeping ..ehriStotasiChee*".Bultjait by Miss ,.ber children and should •provide • the f, . Annie • ,licitenzi.w- flasteisess. T. ads' enable her to. do so. • igegototimi . C. wsksoo, Itealution •Of Coati-Cuuncil of The *Ming -People's - Society is Ontario County' that legMlat.ion he holding a ;social on today evening.• , • - • enacteatad Sit' tlie neat. se.ssion of the The soMeirY hair recenftf,-,-.8nrellin0 1..egiaLte e.Mpowering AnuniCipal .councils. to levy a tax an box 4I47-efOr the haaenuent... len the•. „ chain and. departnientat 'stares' and proceeds': of the banquet.' held lat A' an- .outsitie itnicerna "'Otio leg siness iimake4aaaleipot.y.„ , . . Winter. Ilawerer, there few 414- C-ouncil , • - tari..aeseit.fitpit7 a -lniver-.,esqlectiOn - Resohition., of :County . Of 7 ,Perth that -parents :.finane-igliy • able :will. be taken FtidO..k, night 20 f•-• pay be responsible. 10r the •Main-, this. _1„ill..the yoting ,,people are: , t7" -tenance:Of theircbildreiz it any hoS• ea -to .conie'7,and,. erday,a.„. pleasant Oren 11 'thethey'- childrea ai-e_OTier eueniisr,and incidentjy :to help elear age, -:so hi.are 'residing at _. keine with their parents at the time th4. 'debt. ' J they are admitted to Ithel'.11'ospitaL .ktteeaded• present law parents -ah.d ToReotFrdai • are- Lai. t -i • •.-liable • only tai dependent' , chil-fen :•• • • the Otte Bars. under '16 years of ae. ' ' The funeral _ , Resolution of :County Couneil of R. ivebiter,s' held "Irma the United ,Ilaidimand that the : Ontario Depart- chareb on Friday :ifteiii0014 Merit of Ab'#41re forth bet- conducted hp Rev. T. C. Vrdlinsen- terco ,efforts to 'proniote the marketing • 1, Of batter, cheese and dairy' products. During theservice, Mis. Nut:imam, • Letters . and. 'gri, • Colling Rioley A 'letter:4 condolenee is to be sent wytie t'qst . of the., Rime. pall,. to the family of the, late Alex" Me - •'Canned; an ex -Warden of the County- beare143 Were; .3.1aaris. C. and ..A. lettet signed by, every RC6lin 4e.i°i'mit id; S. 1:6°e' Todd, and 'County Official exPreasineeve g T PI01144 and W,1•7;,.Ardee- biter aPPreciatiOn Of the. ser -vices • render- mentin Greenhill cemetery. : ed tri this. County by Mr. Fred For- syth, fanner. Agricultural Represen- tative, during his five years' sojourn in the County Of Bruce, was ordered to be forwarded to the County' Conn- 1 and' Mrs- Tbos.:WOlactete Klaga• tfr, MI of GleRgalrY, where Mr; 'FOrnY.th Mr: and Min. bielson,Wetister, Glamis Mrs.'.ftiwk.shist: of HOlyrood;„ firs: Keyes : :af RincSrtfine: •• 36- Albert Switzer of Kincardine,' .Mr. :Sam, Avery , of Ripleyt, Mt. and Ifra:.W01 Hackett of 'Myth. ' st, ,catheihtes 'oBte lark** Mr Benson Shackleton is sparrow this week ;at the Royal as ,the, guest of Mr. and Mrs. Will Larkin' ST.- FIEllENS , Those attending the 'funeral ,frons a "distance inchjded Mr and lifrs. Jas ; 1.1.; Webster, fBurlington; Mir 1s flOW stationed. ' Ceiseteries Being. friproved - The Cenietery.. COmMitt<,e, which is coMpriaed, of llessrS,LiLtle, Logie and Ard„ reported that they - had • niade an inspection of the Ccineter- ies of the County last •Spring„ and • again this Fall they made an limper- , tion of the badly neglected cemeter- •hies to see what improvements had been made. They were please(' to report that ,the response had :been • a very satisfactory indeed. r In their ,first inspection last' year .they classi- fied the. cemeteries -iO' Bruce as: 24 goad, , 38 .fair. and 44 had. This Fall In their inspection they,clasSified the cemeteries at 59 good, 23 fair, ,and 25 bad. • Miscellaneous - • The Muse' of Refuge committee repOrted conditions very satiffactorY at that instittition Only minor re- pairs were undertaken this year.' The Warden, Dan 3ICOonald„ in Isis report declared . that the:.vnrions offitiats were nerfains log` thetr.,dutiti •, in a very satisfactory manner, and 'thanked the rouncilr inembern and. all the nfliciuls for their assistance and cotirtoui treatment: ' The Warden's Banquet The. annual' complimentary ban- •, mict,f,given. by the Warden of the coetity/ .1.0 his etillengties and f4enda wag staged at Erdinanin Wedues- ay evening, w en over y s "down ta tablet' guests tst Ur. Dan McDonald, 'Warden of, Mei, and 'COMBINATION OFFER • Tho Sentinel and the Family Her- ald and Weekly...Star; thiS hsjppj ',.onibinatiton, for .1 •fear for Renew` or sit:Writ* -now , sit The, Sentinel 'Mai*: This. offer isfor is `timited time. onlY. ut Ripley, and foriner Warden:. It waiS,tespouded to by es ling. rorterfield. Brute Canty kitiicials.weFe toa.sted •by /Imre Dinit .an Munn of Ripley„ while ,„Magis7, .-rate tiValker and Judge Owens re: .ittoaded.: The Guests' Omit was:pro- Po•ed by Reeve Idltie of raja-. ey, with Mi. o. Wein __and; ...eigh Snyder responding:‘ Itittuccail proposed by..lteeve IL , Sloan of reach bat to boyhood days, /Or :the, clderSlie, Mid Mr., Geo. StePhiason .A. -W. Hamilton, to which llemie Itay •••who i0Oki Op011 .niatiy 41104 at So Rol' Stir- AlltAIWOUNT tW. The 46)=1 teeetise 'of 44.e- POrar *al* Vlah aims' held at In -/Mae a Mr11-1 Renitoni The aeetimg-oPtimed *OW the *SI& ''''Letif: after 'width the. Lard's Warr *IFL 'InPeatit4 tania°1-L;The r!t11: -Calk -Welted, Is'0,1s attenOng-th# sneett9g9r With- tke etreaptiow,,or Mos,. Ciaee. WaSte.; wialkw•affaPPig4,0 to he tile new secretor!, 'no weir nagerti were Aeeted-,After hunin'aas 'pat at the rneetinitwas. over; '04: following POWER' 4,00k 11114'..ReOlipg AFL **he: trio 111:Mrn Itielc7 Mae- _ Into* Era Edit- Iftlinatnii'itnif 3ani fitYlBs" Er-bona:IL 'Mrs:. Janes I; line - nen' instruelf4 paper "Health" Which was 71ellOWed, solo by lass itichel,-Macgonald. Itik. Oliver - Anfigersan- of yelsrave addressed useethar,„ far few minutes. FallOwirig bee -address dele- rates were appointed. to -attend the convaitints. ateeting„to he, held in Winglum Etee4;1114.- -,TheP. Doris Irwin gave ,yeeilation which was followed .-Ity,ahesifty, rite" of thanks .to the, leaf:ea:for the, nse, of lier home - Unit* was served and the meeting brought , to a elcia with the smging of the" National Anthem- , BOK :OR '1441_1 „WA, - ,..11 .4174140 W.X4SSUitihiP• -pqvio rigig09,„, totar Aose*to, stand. at #594.80,1i877- • tialdtlY `Xemourcea $01447:241g., Siesal Ig.97% If alt 2* •a JIaaJ and ceatketraleith4:4-42thil lie' none' Sher than, .'the 'Mae Mile *Yet, ' serer* TP‘Sis $8;21•48885.• Egad !Melt Ilnirs throagh..thie • PM% ,r,ahric 1-4110. :Tte river, or erf.Th., as it. :Was .gen- Strait ria departments, theetaily *ek-fisisei 'Rank of Montreal., is forwarding to its .PehhiY. batlatn; Its Water. was 4.14rehnidera.• nil *Mina stateinent .eaciling-to the feet of the boys -who _Ttb,..re;Mals:&.gt4iioitientreaasbosuZgto"ta!Position.,4104.3 btaildrunni. 7e,ing6.tabout,49, c_09allt,.,f4a4y;hare-..t4it7 $759,108478. Included anorM8 these ;steired. out, Flowhig •,410,ng: *re quickly ' available resources of zlowly 1191424742074 *Pal .tri 71-97% °nil'. tea' .thehes,dePP-in noMi .iabilities • to, the public, Strength Maces only' foot or. two-, at tbe ,ent :,,tO the fitptid .assets by 'total 73:entookbot.o?dings.GoirtiReserv%In.sofih.isesijubBolifagnkssilsk.AabCotiseT: ."eretnI. ..mi:".etto°E,itctn13, thoroughly4, ,a jolgstretcf,waimed,;.t. Even The principal 4toldiegs * hit. Of woods, it sea sag lkseis,• for :"Se3.01414.andarifiebentunis: rweinin7ant $1;:nr.i!'ois°t491312,er a4ltlihtdegnh°tin.4ilithe$9513aTel:fiivitrijiadin+a-til 7remiteri.ainotd-ii:eged:treLI:i4roib .en of these consists.thapef,t: inithar4onodropAttetiu,:edwis. Thiepis- bittie*1 ter Inight nTh_ ' ilitsrithstanding general eehresee sunim month, .ilater•--..of fairly. was during - t • loom' aerrte c -‘19,s' wirtn water. Alia yeethenvweredsel litions,, current own are aim ftF.7 ° down at $243,07,041 ' as compared $1$4.3 Where aeel.nawl# $2:51,885A2 it ;the ends Of. the feel • hint' wevions year. This would indicate chilled when he dieeim.br..fal tun .hat nurnber of •Canadian comPan-- -;.- 5 1erao-- eea _ :es still find it possible to . finance -'47-0:,4; beat, and cousequelay,fex_ik. mginesst its-intsetily. not iroluate blood P banking ac-ktfollY .0001 on " he Creek 1 Benton r TEE . (B7 *41. IF'.210?- hi 011140) -KING lunti*"-rmer.Thee, wl'4***4:iln.4.:bgraTAd3'-b744.*14%rittent.be'i.;ilektle' *17,a ..E1IF4NTIIHES ' WHEN .• • • : ere some. ure were g .. 1 . *Rarir.• :kiton In- NotiVit ..Depositsleiliniartle7'llenell.**116maintablejtained" es; es: sort of :7'ulic—....."31.4ge'...7°*: '11:7fl,,l,.: .1.: • • Dr. 'jobs'. Ferguson, :,..entwit?r, . has ernment hood . "offe*itga, Total .. de, by, . another group Aflada were trying .. . peciafiY * view. Of recent :large gay- PannetraZ %Pt ".at.e.VAPC.744taaP!'„1. 9t,P. ordered an implcst. Into the death oT Posits:Payable on demand and atter teeonStruct• a•darn,iierith aigreat deaf: *mot:ice/41d, ,britoaipsronedirlinnida..ini a_ ,,ixtricata anoned07: nwItthicessaire„.3k$76:00.;21.1.18,483..of: care riAT.Baliked• in•-•-• • jabor..b0t iirith veiy,,Waligerelit,: ., ........, . _ , residenee. It :4- siliegedit*atthe chola, ill. circulation are ap la :.Z.35.;255,876 slaves's, If.. they had been asked to werej:radueflY. , J*32.g. grOigici to pieces a Male. Was thrown tress:the Window iron $33,1319,h01, doubtless reflecting work as hard „at • 'home,,they ',raid. ag- air..., rocks or other. 'Ogee's.' of ie.-!-;. ; while still. alive. • ' ' • • ' ' a' greater measure of general : bu* have ,felt that they were beini, ''ini- If .cettrae I.•.,alli' thinIng Of. •°O.q. :-, ..÷;f:. ... 411 this ocesered-in the -early intia; nesP." acti•-•"3-' •'. ' . . - -nosed. anon.; But tbe • work, :dime at ,PUrtiegdor '...-ereek,, ;two -branches. ef '. hie ..hours'of itoreinber 22: The'. cliSd ,...;044:aispecialastsiat:freis-2-Zitori,ilotli7/ , "e rive,r;.....recoa—rm. g .14... if; lig,: rany. .. ,.: ..rbien: united ill:the 4441,ti ,iii. Bruce . . wits .„horn, sOmetime. dating' the ;fight. ''''' ` It.ria _ -thflight. the mad**. Was 'teni- ilabi.teht tooli'..bineelietp.,fpaoyoM45ent_69,6:4Cshala;..,__Ittailiringties to,amt-r:teldno.:::ee,it:r,egjo; jia7aPcro.stdi4ovieeire'- Count'i.Iihe.TP 1 liveti:-"en' ll*F-ani' polarity %dereriged, when; as it ip: 017 t° jet*L. gq*, threw .the. Ana •• .04 .. * an e..ceSs.'of assets. over. 1=16*W-a tO g .. . • :". . ir ' • ,. ..: ... . , . „ the+ piii)itt , , , 4., bridge, and just .to one side of the SetioSI, paper .'fOrq-"ca-,ti. r. Years: e.o. ' Was .7. -7 -Sint published -f.,ins-s d'.' Sunday ., . bridge -we -so ford' , used hp the yeas-'.. hot I • ionagine that there' are Riani 2 ' Pivot. and ' Lobo 'Account-. • • 111e -inquest will amthine a Soon ao the mother, now .*:... Kincardine • 4,51*s for_tne ,Yea: are reported lag farmers. With check -line' a.W1: treeks and small ' tiVera: 13 Ontario • General Hospital; iii, able to •testify., ati'4!-1,-,195,024,-. 'friiiii ' --which' are de- r,Orni.-TIOosened,'"the horses :tint ' that 'might be .so delcM"bed without' : ductect liorninion and .ProrinCial gaff'.;thirst as. they • stoMi :-in..:4;33ir' =mob. alteration in tiMeiiirding. ' When, '1, read or think of the wet; . , Irnown-iMem that used .to he '.in'oui itat rest and undivided Profits: riont. he' -7.. &mad also -war ti i11? --r- ioip -sebodi books, beginning: this =aunt' -has. .htea :Raid $2,88n."6 kin:melt ta'the • Cleat :kind: none Ina .."''..'Aiiiotig ' Bic ' beautiful . pictures. la dlvidiictw 15.'ibareht'Iders " '44' • ' " ''' - rerre• shbigLifOree• ..-' Iliat.-743ing ' otY" - all, plated .with $3;0604000 in the Fral-'—'40-.1'.'s ..c,-.-.‘rna- 1._:_liag- ' n-1 "*.julY.,=1.„?...b116... -,::-,_.....:.,_ 11s-one4 172cri,31111:loiitiiS 'V. - year. A further 'deduction of stem" 'sap -,--.-- 7,.......• __.. ••, ,. - .... , ,,,,,, 7 ..... a. . old_„. . ais'... reservation . for :hank Preakses; -4: Jit-Saverai- ruits(,*thi* al,,IpAllsa ,!.,-_ segnieth the best of „ill," . WO. same.:"Jsa r-lasto,-Xcar, leaves na Of a few -miles, where the.riven,WaS ,•ribts ...ily hark" tn. that river amain* 7of 8? -24,369 .U) be applied to __,L_ ...„_ . , ,:•-__ __,;---e,,-,.-__ i!. ,L- .,„,- ,... _ 0, _. ,....„ , 2 ...,,, §opfit, ad last account. Witb Bie .nanPar-0-40.ern. W -PP: ,847111,..,•,',4j.,,o?.y nO.4.4-a 193710712d7 11O!!c's .r.r.!1.5. addition..,the,totstk•at 'credit of profit .enjoi'ing.:theniselver . . 1.9ind dowers,. , meadows., There were nri.:. and' loss'irlified'IorWard lb $1,809,81l0; *dashing- in the • Witter, .'.•Ai.,:;...,Othei statebr4 towers: no fliintorie' :cities ' up from.. f1,585,451. a`•Year ago!-, spats the littie.ightfilaadedna - along its bank, :nii 'instals :harrier, _ .,,, , . . . , ., . , . . . :14 bin:lice-in; the l'PeMilir-e,,,,,f°r131•9 ined:lesis*.,141,?*._ :theia•';.fc?e,4,, Wliejeitt.Aosied from WOO int6Aur- • . .. , , ., the:P4s1.4''stallitemYenea"Cf'ollt eior'. public . .io'7,i' _1.,,,crs .."A:era,‘,...d"-',•-i'°"... ks--- ...•.•:.;-. on. Here and there was a -dam and . Mealy -inderittinetable,..,.4orin, .• with . One Oidd -hardly , i.!, jilt' or. 'grist mill -run by 'loiter • ,. . explanatory 'netes.. for. each of, the 'there Were not ,places ,.hete or ,theih• power But, too small and too lazy . beadjit' gs wider Which the *4'0-0 arP along the- COtirse....aihele...sottlt ,In its-• motion tO be ...horeesed lar, groePeci,,,,- ,,:-..--;.,-.. , , .- • - - youth Met hisisweetheartaad, 'Muted power, it rail' for the. Most Part au- , .. .; 'The t'eliii...ii 'nu 14 ' sithinlitiedge,;enato ey.1- tile of love pito' her: not anartai, , ,trat 'in- elred. ,. just-- .115 :c child rnol *Ming' abareholdets at the • anal -.. meeijoi ..,102 . "min be held ,iat the 11at9, 911111e: the brook babbled..1t11--9,4* tili:ileile111..fn, work, Pl.Y.-e lat., Sila, the Head Office of the :Rank. of 'WO:4mM' atm* 4to the -trees, birds and flOweesi, Itne-,Iong: day,- stopping to rest, oit,dy on 'MPlulake D'eetanhet rd- • r'. - 1- and to Mich 'hmiens' is were near" When he is tired: 7 '.., •, • . - and had tin* or inelination in. listen. 'Party. years "'among 'higger and. , , Not away a ,srnall herd Of .coiti. knotr''.'faineas ... streams . iii ' va#Ous, • stood iii. it contentedly .cheiviaig. their Pa#.4 'of ' the'4WOrld• liaS. 'nut effaced, .cuds, in .:laralY. as the, river rill!, ..'an.d. tliememorY aor the influence of that switeldng their tails constantly .ait'4 atreitm..,„And as i' thh'at :;of it from Mare eigoeOSSIY,. to. chive.: Sse,o3r• the ,,--„ttlie to thne as I 'do, and 'hope. l ever , annoying 'flies. - :, :- ;-' ' Shell,. T tee ether- tillage that have : Loved by tl*.inics-nild-the.hollee:: an influenced MY Bre ,*ITUOill all: . bind'aFltoleheart-dik'hY .tbe....,." _...,L4Plaahing: the yearn:. 'nty.. home Where I ' lived Swimmers; the ' wading. bsagge-mnia,-- 7avilitli 'ink grandpareots,:. the. .school, , ing,-; bey's:, limed also by the girls;Who the ZiOulay.. Selo:gel and ...church. And had Ili:stint, 'PS* at "SWAY" 7sPoticalOW4i:.-ilicee.: thousand .. Miles In ' snace'... ; somewhere alopg its: course; loved, rm. ayiii• Over 'forty Years , in time,. away . doubt, in.:a' Wity,, by .the" tlicnismilir .frant the 014 scenes, j oink pod for. . of lazy litOe 'frill that inalked,,iarlibe that tome,:that,"Sonday. SchOtd,' that sunshine. in the 'Water ,winle s•mall 01=4 and that riVer: ' 'boys tail64 in the sonic aunthitte oti' Fob& fik •its own Way ,has been a, • itithardsog„ Coojotei, .1ce belied . but the -grass;' ies7 ed 'hY: 'a:616# *sect* 16..§thic influence for.... &Dal 4iipi ' to . ealoi. tbe little jog. . Well; as far 'its that darted ha*, and.. Oath • over ita. aid*: eii911 of Ilt, t:eadept, can Say., , smooth nartaee; 1°44 Tearnect.'"•94i the sameitbing about some other home , hiking '.07 4011:.i.oPer-olcating',17,0t0 Jalnulan bay° not *et:: 'hew ,to *art sthoOi or church, Or SOnie othei, creek" Or Skate on unfrozen water; 1i:welt. ' ted . With the years gone , by kingfishers nitd 'dozens , of Other birds he .was young.• , that hovered /Mar ..it Singing their Various sags of jay, to, ..their`nortaa - Pr 'attending 49: tbe: *earili. a their fainlies, or . bus* in the all-lalOrt4nt. ieSsra ,Earl Iltkigins . and Law, -#Piclid Interest to w .We announce the visit FaidaY "N•venniOer -11t1ts "Onr store on G 14514 AfnrtYlk • • • *Mit trained Crorsetiere. V4is• the fifirst a9Portast-S• • for the ladlea.of tuchaw and "sitrros?Pdieg _,_to eolt W#11'.4 '•fignra, that bus had • '114*- 'training". right * the fashion inetraPoliis of America Therefore, we urge linfieR *ha. POSsibl* .ean to• come. and •pleet Miss Martin. " This Friday • and Saturday „C9R_S,ETS, $110.42-r$' -COMBINATIONS 8445STfifitER 3:W67 sEi* animarrua -STYLISH' COAT for, Women 7ieetaher weather iirse, help. -40iligalie. the choice of. a *aria 1..;jpat KING'S have ele- gant stock 'of Ake veiy best All the, good shades --inelmfing Mick. "418.1111 ..627.50 650L00 ClaStmaS:* laat For Weeks "17,fiy• 'gift a day"; and when -rasible Came to lIRNIG'S'to do Christmas .Shotrig. BROS.. • NATURAL • lemmings „ ammo* taxes totalling poo,o.54- , water,: 1Vhire driver itierOm- ast • • . leiv*g - fiet'-•-•iwarrts-: $3,?.0.403684 mina' to 4.239e, on the oiribined cap: .2'un2 bis seat; maybe :Wishing . that _Look aroiluil you and -thtink, fora few "-minutes, *bat- tibia thin* Sick ire; their natarid statC The Chair' Mi you sit and tlje bibkelirom" Tow, eat wire ,f4t from wood; a: 14c they trek:- faillifiesed' by into sansetbing that, is-betteC, tei rattfa'Atla :The ' eleetric, eurtent,? *nth So many :purposes, -comes frain'ectallitalresi -not of or -:frum -priWer, 44'r 'rot* fang: Van has tenmd•Wectsielt, to log tree7asefil in,••-•iome .ways" Onto the coal itself or the- old- ishtet„ wheit We. eetad. to '01 Ind On to 4194 1144' min, by -• acing his intelligence.; • liKs been able to lake the 7products 01 mother earth Orin. 40' fashion many things' for his gee mad lyhy it then that there larksiisi the minds of so may pante a faith hi whit they all -"natural' remedies as ,ffistinct from those which are pre-, pared' by man? Why is it thati many believe . that primitive peoples inn!' m Muth about tbe curing of disease the-mesas,:er Wants and • berlia? Have these same primitive peoples dial us anything in the field 10' science to -suggest that they are likely `talk learaed the science „Of When tbe 'Medicine ,,saari "aired the country, he usually Car:- ried• with Mine ommeedy Which stliiPoSetilY had eon* to VT* • in Some mysterious through 'ireitnalls• Or from some fmr:rieray'linit Often ;this concoction was called a A.'tonic"' ,a These 'faster •and even More 'enjoyable. were the elaY1 When blood siss• de- After, tbis we wont Credit all the old scribed as being': "thin" or "bar, folks •Say about "the ,gacid :bid "dais", When,'Spring;.tonicit the eleansirig for if ik.tRok.that length,Of time for of the blood were •'-aecelPtcd as ogees- travel, me thinks We •would rather. .111try. if''Orepleassut adjuncts to isti• by fv, live . to; the modern age. awakening,iiirnature. niter the .cold Percy *IMO drove the boy. OcCtination of securing • their dells „L'_ ence-Vou' * retUrned honie Iroyti'Cuy- wititei season. Strange, to say, these hoin*on'Bonclay, by car; and we ven- food; and loved also, after the,lorPse pave after •alpeadiag- a , feu. P1. halt a century, 'days ,with 'Hrs. Bodging,. • ed here and there over die continent _ , when. they tin-nic haat to-the',--glid Scott 4 spending a days of their beyhoort and Ise a tew, *lc* days mother, Wolk. no doubt, Whose thogighti Cannot. ertam , Jas.' 'Ptclkai spent an ,aiter- • noon WiihNfr•s. Green., , *rs. Howard Haldeohy and famijy spent it Ieiv .deis 'With Xtr, and mrs. • MULES ,EA.VE CULROSS . , • •FOR WINTER'. ABODE The Vine nndes, that spent the post thinner on the farm ot Mr. Walter Pima, 8th con. 'east have been returned to, their home in Ayr, where they spend the winter on Elliott kin:tiers bake ,Wagon. • , 'The 'lag -eared, half horse, half donkey animals, left -.their Summer brae ort Friday morning, and -arsiv-• ed at their, destination about 6 terlock Saturday evening. 4int'isi• 'nice' little aide,and tbe occupants of the iehicle Messrs'0eSier' '"' el- and Jas we're concerned, we 'think hitch- Cut.itosS cogNiss ' reniedies were. tiaPpos• ed frpm turetto say the latter ride Wal. peopleit at :countries, whir.h *ere, cUlg,fortable and, enjoyable, even; though same Claim there is mOre danger attached, than' the long, tire-. blistering ride the foist... - legged% "bee-..lvaws"...!--Teeirwater,Newa nat‘riOnsly healthy. There, islnothing "Ong With Plants and .iteihs indeed; there 'ninth goosi: in therm Nevmtheless;" .•laireli , • itrit meet carative poirer-in the • nets. of. the earth; • In - Li 'in other fields, irareitals haneil take these products linPOPFe them in various 'waYs in order that some of thein'migit irked effectip:- in the ,reliin?tlit •dijeage. ;..inari *tilted plants' and herbs in sufficient reason that they were giria4' , stEADy.. plpGitEss and. ioyed most of all 'hY -the writer , and Mr. C. Pointon responded. The Bruce 'Press was , proposed_by , Reeve the 'foit year or more; a Inany4, thrtati m ine919rY.• VeicduSeii of Tara replied. utior liost7 publicatiaa luis stirtori more remarx--- In that metnary there are pictures , • , ricpokd by Reeve Arthur Burgess, svits responded to by Warden" bin able strides in the mattef: of.increat• „. • ' *Pending a lett' 'that' do not intlude sun- be ed... 4;fretitatiOn than* has the ' Fosouly, , Reeve., or Lindote toviniship aiitt in, ',:hiPiitc6nAtiteld'' 1 .rneirhalebetts64:kaf 6:tfilacat Ste Cciti'dontscH:t6i.,. 4. ..,..t.ivars,., ,,t haunt so , , itstiyi:,ndirbsrttintordtin .7,...iteeeki4tilYurn***Stai70.: This ithil.'1'.,,,h14' isehilitille;°11,60." 1068'.411:6:44:7/44:00dedor 7"'e6,:ims• Icivii.i,'*d.t. g, ' iiieZilliiiti*It::141::sil:1::::-'61itirialtd:114tti. 'atentathe , .64 . first l'enteteritatire 4taitildre*lafttdh!:.C.41)45eurteit-fc!trtLifil'ee 1,, .tne qu.,,----- .• . . „ ....,, :. 040bstan- t'utat, , ,. tinarind: paper! • - , coming jut* picturesl,., ot, i„ 64ov:treed .041,,,tieet, Isei itaids Ttmga ... s peeje are one ber and led* 'the, Peniiiiii6 to be • Warden . Of hiin tioth In: and out of ,,,e , ,..0.*, livre-,:igt7°111'110 Tryon ed- growl . , v,,,.__, . '„,.,_,': • and filo' find itt,,tbel Fain-'.t*nu- rtele, inthe:,4''ir..11Y.:,, !:;P.,17.7__,4_,..„...L'bs7.7.''''fcr're'.4tte4g'i'rj:'''."v'fd'hbeY''rY'''td' ' of..,c'atint"'w r°1tal`li".4'.1` t"11.. °et' '"Ilft Itt•A''.1*(1h Ptilateltiblee *tr. the 11;1:011: a look0- ne7 t14 .".1411`. 'far. , iliPiocilltlirlii:itii*.'a6littitoilOia; ,Irv,..11;114St **ainittit,.•.Wee'idpor t„: "40,,,i.: i*:-tieiini e;ieel4", i' net!, 1!„„ il'. 15ntrjr 1,..,,iiii.1117- 4i7is .,aticli. .61.ittag**6Eic It!lit,.:d..i'l*ItY'.a15,and'el:eiti160j1k,;?1,''(11:iir,'ttilittlirit:to..2pei.6141t:' t°nstit were 0iMed Oilt and. a preSen.a. !Mein *1 paged inOtt, a ttratrant, Of MOSie and „tatiOn.: the trine :Initiated etc4Otir of ''''er' :o-..4 foltiltit tbaseTnilileelabwritit;tdism; "Itlei.:c±h 411"4 -'he betes.-4,,.., in. bilsOlin for. "'their. : ' Oit , WC •,, ' • •,, • - .„4- of iekastio, lel od• a„, „tti . ,.. 0.44hte01 .tti4j, skates; pictures 01 ,Ditember ith., Adults ,25c, . . 11 iviiiite to' the ',prodett, • Itri4 IY:fir4.:4411: duringln tn.ei___,._ past.,h'',',4.4 .• teen 7:0. .;Tio.t" hp tkriti;..stli tbitizei ilgj s; 't.:totileitteni-tii' iii'St'tst°tr"°::nbh,1*.lr, 41061:211!.4.0:::6„,.:1;ittrit,,,..'6', '' :1'eteot.7t 't•O;wstill6,67"11044 ottana ,Sflyater. : vit,,,ii. will,. Thompson;-' ,speitt ..'• The toaittosisto to; tijo:: tatieitisb- trearS he had 'peen it 'Mealier tbe 'once, „,. , 1, a •eft of a 'irOlit.lietiderr 'Caile,..n. waS ',,r 4Children land wbite SotithaMPten,.. and, the 'first toast itO. 'I..te',41Fi..tti•;1's'tatten !e'tijit.trtS',I ir,it.'h ''''Iuttl. t 'tft'i:Ettii; . iiiiti' th,.., :oild:, lilltrteir,titi...arf;%117-44:14%; t64e•ktt, ftlittitigtittett 01:eii*ditt. -#4. Idee...c2., ,Mii": ": ' wits itei: 1, C. 'Tohilieo,L Itee'fie ot ,ounc ' . POSeit,Witi that t6 0c:tine. WhAn all' stitos ' and Mr; lit.' Rai*. ' '' '7 et Ateti;0410 ttie •t;oiatititt lIteatait itatd•tterhio4) toad*, Ont * toait of teo,titit , , .. • • ., • ,,. •• • • , . _ „,„ Itioeo, ekoont*, oiiwyko, fo?,i4t ,ttbi ir$0,-, :1 ,0e- it Meat delight* la „ i .e 0,•,Ittoioite, , t..1.,t•i;-4;;* A,.....4,04,*,,, oe+,4o• 1# tt•oftc'llll tti ,oating tistre......T. kniiit Mrtyllal4,-.- to 'llytitonft MIM-S„i4O0.titoOt spent 0 rose SPA 4604 RWO.O. 11$01tiltgx, IectitiO 130,0i 146"1 MI* ° n • 0 kitut, the Fatittly Jletil,A2Int4 ,theit a6Qtrio melting the*. *.ivith'46r. ilq14 Wait Pinnett' ' be answered, peraottallf by tette', itist t 100 _ea '11 Mi. V, olhek, crrOle etteot,wkI