HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-11-15, Page 1WOO ,PER YE'Al. IN ADVANCE;O'1'HE1OpIS1
FOR,, ,SALE -1933; Majestic Elec-
tric Rad;o' table model: -Apply at
' Sentinej :Office.
FOpND,-A buggy robe between
St, Ilelens and the •schoo1:,:Apply to:
AGENT. WA, WED to 'handle
Machines.. and repairs
• for 'Lucknow. — Apply at .Sentinel
SMALL SIIOP to„ let.: in Lucknow,
forinerly,occupied as tailor • shop,
• centrally located on Campbell Street
,Low ;rent. Immediate . possession --
Write: Evan AUin48 Grattan St.,
Weston, • Ont.:
WOOD.. FOR SALE -Beech and
:Mane, `• all body wood,; no limbs. .
Enquire ,of I. W.. Joynt
FOR SALE—A Durham Cow, will..
freshen 1st of ''March and two Dur.:
'ham' pearling 'Heifers. ';Apply,, to
Mrs. John Shemf..
HELP WANTED Experienced
housekeeper to take charge of farm
home:..' Duties to �comnnence• about.
first of month. 'Apply to Fred Ritchie,
R. R. 3, Lucknow:
STRAYED—Three ' calves, . to 1 'Lot
26, con 1i`','West. Wawanosh, on or,
about October 10tIii, Owner can have
same ;by pa'ring expenses. -r•
J. W:' Laidlaw, R.: 1, •Lucknow.
Purebred Shorthorn.,' Bull Calf;, 12
?'zoos. old, dark roan; 3 'yr. -old grade
heifer, due ; to freshen Dec.' 15th: and
1 grade cow rising. 4 years, due ,to
freshen . November 9th. Also 25 cords.
• good dry hardwood 16" , and 18"; : 30
cords dry cordwood.' ...
James Forster, R. 1, Lucknew,
A Rebekah social; evening will, be
held in the I: O O. F. Hall on- Tues
{ day, November 20th. Euchre; lunch
,and ' dancing. `Ladies''. bring lunch:I
Rebekkahs; and their friends and Odd-
fellows '•and their wives are invited.
Cards8:15: sharp,
at hasty,
Under auspices of the Kairshea
Club in. the`T.own Hall, Lucknow;: on
Thursday November 22nd. A real
• old-time Scotch•dance, opening with
the Grand. ' March . led ' Y b -' -the ' pipers
at 9 ;o'clock. Cafeteria service: Sepoy
Orchestra, • and "-pipers,, Admission
everybody -25c -
Two..Local' Merchants Were Among
'Li Of' Victims Of Youn . Fruit
List •Young
Dealer With ..Whoiu '': They Did
• Business:
Admitting' his ''guilt in. passing a
n =listof worthless . the nes in
Iucknow, Hanover; Palmerston, Lis-
• .towel and Molesworth, early in n the
sumtner, °;Morris • Birkett, a Burling-
• ton. fru•it •dealer was sentenced to.
three • �irionth- in � 'ail; b . �
S 7 Y.Magistrate
Making in' Stratford last week. • •
•' Birkett.'made r
egular triPs ',Oyu
' Lu know selling.,fruit and vegetables
told a
enchants I Jun e he to
Deal ra n
very • plausible story' to;; two local
i., groceryman: and as a result walked
•' • •,,eff with twent "=five dollars,- leaving
' • two cheques . that tinned: out to be
' • Donald ' McCharles and W.
were:the'taro merchants whom Birk-
ett victimized,, upon telling a story
that no ,doubt, would have been be-
lieved by ;any merchant with whoni
lirkett was doing. business.
His• story was that 'his • truck^•khad
broken down on his trip and he was
.Short of cash and the parageman did
. not wish •,to take his cheque, he being
a stranger: Accordingly' he • wrote
• Out his cheque and Donald, passed
him over $15 without; a second
thought. The 'same gag' lie worked
on ' Mr. full, but only to the extent
of $10.00.
• /
Mike Gamble Ehlrled:: ;Frani Wagon
As. He `Crosses Path Of Heavily
Loaded Truck
Mr• Michael' :Gamble had, a for -
Opiate ;elope
orlunate;elcape from serious „injury, on
Wednesday, about one o'clock, , in in•
accident on the. 'Gravel Road at the
intersection at Concession 10,, Kinloss
,'`Mike" was driving' his • team, and.
Wagonteas w d' along the 10th ;con
cession and, with his 'coat collar turn-
ed up, started across the Gravel. •road
failing . to notice -7the approach ` of
henry Bradley's • truck: , The • truck,
was enroute from•Kingark, to Gorier-
ich, heavily loaded with ' brick end
struck the,wagon in the centre
• Mr:; Gamble was hurled onto. the
hood of the truck with his head.
st#iking the windshield with sufficient.
force to .break: it Witir the exception
of 'a small ' cut, and a shah* • np,.
Mr: Gamble : appeared -:.uninjured, brit'
was:brought to Luknow for a inedi-:
val; examination:
The • reach and axle of the wagon
were' ii4oken and ' then • headlights ° of;
the truck smashed. The horses and.
the truck driver escaped injury ,The
Mishap Was reported to Constable
'The third 'andfinal treatment of
the° series of toxoid injectionsas''a
diphtheria preventive, will be- given.
at the Lucknowschool. on Tuesday
morning neat at . 9 o'clock. The . treat=
ment will be given . to pupils in ]lin-
loss drools• the following Friday at
the Usual time.
Miss Dorothy Douglas
1Ki y . , ggas
P .
� ate In Luc noW'
Clearly ;;And` 'Forcefully. Outlined .Mia -
Sion WorkIn Formosa In Speaking
'At :• 'The W. M. A:.. Thankoffering.
Meeting, I'n The Prebsyterlan
Church. Sunday Evening-Illuatrat- in , "ulling him' through": and :• during
ed Lectire LectureGiven At Guild[ariday' the summ
er agrad
health has °'been Apparent ;and• this
fall finds Mr. Joynt in .possession of
a ' good deal of " the : energy. ." and•
strength that ;'has' marked. his aging
years, 'when..' no task • or no hours
were--'considereQ tee'greatto
' one,
Whine life. has been Marked byin-
dusty and hard 'work . long, years
after he. could 'well have,' ceased ' his
tericn Church. strenuous life, had he'so wished.
Modestly, speaking of ' her part.Born in' County'Mayo, Ireland,.
among h natives of. this island,as. 'J t came' to Canada as an infant
m ng the. syn
"small indeed" - Miss Douglas, `in. her. of. six' months with. his parents;
pleasing, ;clear ,and calmly forceful Thomas and Ellen Joynt; . who, settled
manner, reviewed what' His, servants near: Oshawa, where'; they.:lived,:untiI
are doing. in Formosa. in obedi nce eoming.,to'�•St. Helens in I uron Coun-
to the Lord's command "Go: Ye Into ty in January 1875 when.. Johnwas
- ` he Said, tit t9. • ears of age. All The World-- .Bute �► • � g
is'the W: M. S. and all who'Contribute Mr. Joynt s rise from an extreinely
to Missions who have a most int- poor`.: young farmer, to a prosperous
4, •
home on , furlough* after ,.six year's
spent, in Tamsui, . Formosa, where she
is principal of the Girls' school, and
who addressed a congregation in. the
Paesbyte,rian; church on ,Sunday
"Marrying; Marion" ToY Be Presented.
• TO -Morrow Night By Choir: Arid
Ar. P. S. Of United Church;
With an.;"all round strong east and
a' well, trained chorus. , of • twenty
voices; the two -act musical ' comedy
billed: for tomorrow' night (F, ridgy)'.
in the Town Hall,:gives promise of
being a' delightful entertainiinent and
one that' will be ':well received by an
anticipated capacity crowd
The performance will' be .presented•
by the Choir and Y. P. S. of the Unit=
ed Church. The .concert commences
at 8.15 sharp 'and ;the admission is.
25c,, for ' everyone.
The, cast,' exclusive of the chorus.,
is composed of Clarence Greer;' Mrs:
J. W; • Joynt', Eunice Newton, Marg-
aret Ritchie, Jerry: Rathwell, Mrs:
W. B. Anderson, . Greg Leith and W.
B. .Anderson.
Prominent ' Citizen
78 Years g.
Mr, John Joynt Celebrated His 78th
Birthday ':Tuesday:- Steadily , Re-
gaining His Strength Following Ilia
Near 'Fatal Illness Of ;Last Winter..
One of ,.Lucknow's:most prominent
citizens and one beloved and respected'
by . all,' Mr.'John Joynt, reached the
78th milestone on' Tuesday, Novem-
ber ' I3th, ' an' event .that was happily
marked by a• family . gathering and
dinner .on Tuesday evening, when Mr.
Joynt was ,the recipient •.of many gifts
and congratulations...
It is nearing a year now since Mr.
Joynt `was . stricken with a serious.
--dines ; that ,.kept him ;.,bedfast.:''fat
;many .weeks and for a' prolonged
period his recovery was not even ex-
pected. But -his indominable;` . spirit
f clue
thework. she
: eferid but little to
8 g
herself has done for the `,pastaix,years
as?uiei al, of the Girls'' School in;
p P
Ta sun, =-wFormosa Miss ' Dorothy
Douglas spoke to a: large congrega-
tion that:` attended the W. M. S.
Thankoffering service :in the Presby -
portant art' in carrying ;on this work. business man'who has conducted
. P.
' to announcing. 'MISS. • Douglas' ad, various Successful 'business enter -
dress, for she needed no introductiOr ,prises as well'as .operating several
to 'an audience that has known her hundred acres of farm lands, would
;ince childhood, Rev.,.. C. 11•. Mac- ?read. •like a story book, were it re
Donald said, "We love' her .for :herself horded. During his younger years
and esteem her for her work": • . he also,' found' time to take an active
Formosa, thee, speaker, pointed out, part in municipal: life,.` which was
is:•almost covered with mountains and capped' by his'election to the •110-
r' res cuts-
. • . million . , mit Ae
•., as a p
bo -
yet has a„ population of five nion Parliament, ,
ole half :•of which are savages; tive of North Huron.
The'• island• is 250' miles ' long and Mr. and:Mrs.•Joynt moved to Luck-.
about 100 miles wide, 1g
yin 80, miles now iii •1900,; and no less a beloved
air the coast of China and 700 miles resident is Mrs.. Joynt,-.who is about
south of Japan, to which country it the same. ' in joy age'as her husbandand who
has belonged for forty years., Japan with their family haredn the
is increasing the , • industry of :' her of the birthday occasion.
colony and transportation facilities Present atthe gathering were all
Jap- + my and the grand -
as well as 'enforcing sane laws. Ja - -members of the fam
anese" is the official language and all children, with the. exception' . of the
governing .officials are laps.'. ' Lillieo family in Minneapolis.
Christianity Spreading
• It is !sixty-two ' years • since , the"
Gospel .'was first taken to •Northern
••F,'rmosa by Dr. McKay. At that,
members Or the English 'Presbyter-'
ran' church were working• in the south
There are today 44,000. Christians On
the• island and the ' Presbyterian
church,is is thinly established, so much
so tnissionarie'a o,
similar trail of rubber. clic nes � leave, the church would ca ry•on' the'
'he left alai his route, which, term teaching of the, Word' of • God, •There
, g g ., ,
inated by liis arrest and jail sentence, is a • Presbytery' in .the North and
At' his trail last week be admitted `to "South acid annually represeatatives' Of
a previous,' conviction' in Hamilton on each, gather ata Synod meeting:'
similar, charge. "Worship Of Fearfe ,
�.:It #s difficult, Miss, boogies contin-
New slarge 'size Flannelette elan- toed, to 'say what 'those who .'are not„
Mets =� ibex: --W �1►li to and Grey et Christians' really worship It is �a
pea prices, THE MARKET ,STARE •(Continue on Page 0
A very -enthusiastic. meeting. called
under the auspices of the T.F.0.
Political Association' of North Huron
was' held' in Winghain on.Friday'. af-
ternoon,`, when. the gathering decided.
that a' candidate •he , 'placed'. in,' the
field at! the neat' Federal; election:
• ' Are 'a . sure preventative for .that
vexatious trouble "holes in the heels
of the • sox caused by wearing .Rubber
Boots": Very simple and very ;'effec-
trial. Made for 'Men and Boys..;' 35c
per ` pair • or three pairs for $1.00.'
The first cif the "P1.O.O )+. social'
evenings" for the season was held on
.Friday evening, 'When an enjoyable
tittle was spent. Miss' Eileen Johnston
won the euchre prize for the ledie'
and Duncan 'Kennedy of Whitechurch;
Vice Grand of °Wiiigham,lodge' Won
the, men's prize.
While preparations ewe
made for. serving ,lunch,'
Worth entertained• the
a. ing' Mone`s
the Piano Miss Doi
Dancing followed for
With music provid'4
L. lttliditen le, 135
Purves and secant
potigli w and: Mt;
Andien e? Educated d In
A ,sari
Fear OfDelay,•Is, The Only Fear'We
Should • -Have' As Regards 'Cancer,
Said Dr. John W.- S. McCullough
In Addressing ' Lucknow `,Audience
On Tuesday...:.
John W. S. McCullou hthe
Dr. .. g,f o
Department of Public Health ad-
dressed an audience that comfortably
filled' the centre of the Town Hall
auditorium'' on .Tuesday•.afternoon.
The; address was. followed by motion
pi etures.., and both were devoted to
educatingthe public, in cancer co
trol ' in a widespread "War Agnir
Cancer". •
The. meeting was' ' arranged thru,
Dr. W. V. Johnston 'local Medical
Officer of Health and sponsored, ly
the; Women's Institute.
,Dr. McCullough proved a clear.
forceful and interesting 'speaker,
versed, on his subject
w ' ' he.discussedin 'a mosten-
lightening manner. •Dr. McCullough's
duties take, him throughout North
America . and 'Europe and ; he is in the
closest'touch with all, forces ,working
toward controlling
cthe disease.'
� ,
.introduce ' 'speak-
a -
Dr. 'Johnston dthe,e
er and at the conclusion ,tenderedhi.
thanks to the Women's Institute and
the 'speaker.
--In .connnencing :his address, Dr.'
McCullough recalled the despair, if
not terro inspired among the''public
b . di hth ria+, consumption and .
y P terror
t yphoia fever. He stressed the aniaz-
Ing �rogress that has been made' In
pevbnting, combating and effecting
cnrek•,,for these diseases today.
The .present day despair and ter-
ror in .respect to cancer is ",similar
to . the despair and terror which 30
or 40 years • ago existed in respect,
to the three. diseases, . mentioned
"While there ,is.no ' complete treat=
• `The `Bread The Bread
i i
of. Health
Q. 1 of• Health .
'Saturday Specala--
Phone 36 •
Many years experience of
thousands Jof pra itioners . ex-
a inin tens of thoi sa ' ofes
nu g adsey,
proves that' half of those. who are,
NOT; wearing corrections' of their
errors of; vision- should, ',do so.'
haL2n � ' s :that .:negle,
, the ey is exc ingly prevalent.
Sas t your eyes, . then v •
or remove the suspic i n.
SCOIIts Get 'Fine
Large' Audience Attends Scene
tion •Picture• Show -Cameron
des . Delights Audience—Dr.
There was :a splendid attendance
:at the motion picture show on Tues'
day , night;: under ' . auspices of the
Boy Scouts, when through the . cour-
tesy of the' Cunard : Steaniship L ne,
visewrlinreEanlsglaonfd,'st.Irenelaic nadandhi.uScooit
nd :Were earn,-
by 'Mr. Hanncocb
he; Canard re' resentative.:
Rev. J. H..Geo he� an. acted: ably
as :chairman, •. introducing .• Mr, ,r Dan
nock who expressed delight that "hi-
old friend" Mr. Cameron Geddes was
to assist in' the'prograni, as well `as
surprise • on ' learning. that Lucknow
was Cameron's home . town: His rel
mark that • Cameron , was -Canada's
a . •
:best singer in his class, bro�ight
hearty_ . applause from the audience..
Following the showing of. the
ou '.. Of reels of each 'country,. Mi.
Geddes sang two. number' each tinge.
which : were suitablyin keeping ..with
the pictures:. Mrs. Newton was :se-
conipanist ` '4 -
Dr. It.3. Bowen, local Scoutmas-
ter in.a brief address gave the aud-
ience' •'a better, 'knowledge•; 'of what
Scouting really #leans.• He briefly
traced thefoundi' g of the' Scour
movement. of Sir Baden Powell, , in
rngland, following the. Boer ; War.
The movement: is for boys twelve and
hoer: he explained, and is basedon'.a
three-point Scout promise and a ter:
point ,Scout law, the latter which is
nothing more. than the:Golden Golden :Rule.
• g ,
Scouting,' •Dr.. Bowen continued,
teaches: segf veliance' and• practical.
wl that tends •'•'to develop
!{now edge P
usefulness ..and kindness in the lads,
and as a wells directs th41r surplus
c_hnaeraegyctesrlobpwglliinngea. th,nt
tend toward
The troop in Lucknow 'has recently
been . re -organized. and Dr. Bowen,
thanked the. ,audience• for supporting
the .movement with their financial
assistance which will' enable the boy'
to eq>!ip their Scout room , and get
well underway ontheir winter's pro-
;ram; of,, activities.
ment of Cancer, • research. into ,this
affection •is"far more advanced, and
the prospects for a cure : infinitely
better than were the corresponding
prgspects : for ,curing diphtheria, ty-
phoid 'and tuberculosis forty. •yearn.
ago," Dr. Me9illough said.
• In the campaign 'against 'cancer
• . , •. �t, .... y".t..
centres • #of treatment have been'
e [being established •in most of the countries
John' 'Hay- of 'Not* America and Europe with
kering: with a staff of specialists, carrying.'on the.
cconipanied' at work; a .campaign of public ednca
aids Douglas.• tion is,''being catried . on'• to 'enable an
a •short time, earlier ‘diagnosis of ' the case, and
by students, specializing in
rry,N «icon •and Les :cancer, work •are specialty',, trained,
panimeinb by- Miss. aind periodical examinations of • per-
il orthi w (emitting an Page 4)"...-
No Iniuriee When Bert Altakes ar
railiag to see Frank' Ritchie's
horse end. buggn-dite .t,0 4a heavy
snow" ,that was, falling about seven
o'clock • SundaY evening, resulted la
Bert Alton 'driving his car into the
rear- Of the vehicle, Theaccident hap;
petted on the. Gravel Road Jinn' -the
receivea,,but the, buggy ,Wati wrecked
and the front' of Berea car ' was'
The 'buggy waa carlYing II light id
the time, aecording .to Cninitable
Moore, Who wit notified Of the
membrance Day
Fittingly� Marked
cal• ',Clergys,ea C nduet Appro-
erica Servi In ,Town Hall On
R,' I
ttingly• reme se
o gave' th - lives' in:the' Gr < t
ar, in. a servic • conducted on; Su
orning in t e ,Town Hall, t
16th' anniversary s'•ce
of;` the: that
uman carnage' of these
which was largely
,' was'.: sponsored.., by the .Wo=
nstitute -and conducted by
cl gymen, commenced at 1015.
sad ,was held indoors rather: than at
:he Cenotaph, due, to. unfavorable
;Present '=on. the ;stage, with the
ocal clergymen,.. were"`members- of
:he Citizens! Band and Mr. ',Bert
dried as a flag -bearer,. in:•military at
Bev: J: L:. Burgess -:'presided and
;tressed the fittingness of sucks an
assembly: gathering in • remembrance.°..
,f `r the:. mercy of God:'in ending the
;laughter; of human life;.and in mem-."'
cry of those who . gave their lives 'in-
n -
defense '. of our.,:country.
Led by the • Band, "0 Canada" was,
;ung`:,followed by the playing of the
Dead March. Rey. C:,,H. MacDonald
ted. •'in prayer,', "Lest We. Forget'' was •
lung and Rev. S. `,T. Tucker read the
Scripture .pa Cage. •
Bev., J. �. Geoghegan 'in ;addressing`..
the.'lsudience ;recalled the. joy that.•the
announcement of pita 'Armistice had
brought" sixteen : years : ago The Cerro-.
taph- raised to the • memory of 'those.
who fou ght and: died nhould , also call
to mind other • memories, the speaker
pointed. out. It. should speak'of 'triose,
who maimed. and scarred , returned .,
to "live `.aurone ns, of. the sacrifices•,
of wives and ,.mothers, at that: time,
and•,of : the young women,, robbed;,of
their. rightful heritage, by; the., slaw- •
ghter, of'' young'manhood.: • •
g .
Alio the nionunient, thou'h'.silent
g +
should ` a` 'fond=1s kin ' bol
he. Pon g gym,
for World Peace., Som hi ,is Wrong et uS ,
in the world,, he added, When .ten inill-
lion men went, to their' death,mnd yet
subsequent peace.'; conferences appear
so futa"le� .
1f we : lived as God teaches, :'there
would• he no reason', to ;raise Cerro=
to ` hs and ,that • as what we should
hope and praYdor Were Iteir- GOT':
Following the singing Of "0. God f,
wreathe were placed and; the Laat •
pos:Viountled by :John' Baiworth and
Will Laelchart, The tWO-tninute
later in the' **lions, churches prior
t4.1-' ',the cOmMeneing. al 'the' month*
thiee **teeth* 'Were Placed t."' • ite
Institute wreath Mrs. Charles.' ,
Stewardo ; the Province Of Ontario'
OttO$Skrt:=In Grace
'Motreniber* 4th, 19A .
and Mrs, Marshall •CitActli, lann-4