HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-11-08, Page 6A
Ttemember:.the pact uws below when 'nautically asl oon atsyouswallowd=
Yen • want fast relief from pain. Equally impottant. Aspirin is
mthe hart„..
Demand�a• luMerfind get � � shod door afe,�to{scientific two.
p��* ,
and that As gut• emembet
ons'have found
Pates even ,a bad headache,' neuritis Aspirin Sped. and, Aspires' .Safdg..
or rheumatic pain often in a few And, see that you gdASP1RI.iV 1
wunutetl • •, • • . is made in Canada. and all, dsaiggista.
In.the, stomach as in the glass Lave it- Look for;the,name oyer
)here! a . Asp ir�in tablet starts to dig- in' the form ofa:' cross oras even:
solve, or disintegrate.. almost the Aspirin tablet.
It' Get economiiail -
,lnstant it touches' moisture. , be- �
gins ""taking hold"' of , your, pain ' bottled= or 100 at any dru�st a
Why' / pi tin Works So
® - Drop .ao "'Aspirin
tablet In a tIs d
rte . r'
saw- Note that BE-,
FORE it taxtxs the'
bottom. its die'.
Wi: 2 S1CONDS $Y STOP WATCH what m. pic3aiseg R • ;
• happy ear s>--
d3nats. • e start''" g,. head'•' dice. ,
Ah tatty shits to ' _ ..
,after' .taln'nL..
toawrk. .
in Pain Remember'. These Pictures
is, the Trade" Markof thetayer Company, Li
aaeO, as to, piaar,th`mte1vea. One Oat'
either aide Or hint... .
"Where that. 7O41Y►o ' ,1
esked tke: one with the It
the:timail et a vote4 Of; life; 1
lisp., : m
uTle young 1ady'a
elk On the ataitb'"
"Is rats: the man yon, left behint
She identilled him in a singing.
wolce that carried aeaagratWxtiayi 1n
14, i►ei* not", •
'1s thiq: the bans Sou !ay was toot
ere YOtir7 Herelieved idem .of the
bag as he spoke' and held it towards
her to the lantern light..
• Wi1I yon see.
If *WO any ht
mtsalna R . , tie
'WI Wired,I haven't the y
here. Father keeps 'POO.
•The Inspector made' an anancgass-
fat sttempt to ,open the. bag•. "Some
Snell have te g!o. along With; you then
to: yonr rather .to, get hdn to:; dents;
1y , the .contents he ' laid.: Nov'
young man, whereabouts dish lion say
:you found this*" •
Adam offered to, show him the , oz
act spot; and all four made their •way
'to the little doorunder the archway..
Adam was , relieved to fled • them
Was no, suggestion of', surrounding • the
place,. you couldn't do. mach .tar,
rounding With three men Ind: a • girl,
so that Mr, Perkin .would no, doubt
find -his escape easyif he was 'tot
already; 'dear of the Place: by some
route of his own dnscovery..The man
with the lantern 'made his disposi
$.ions vers sanely
¶.`The young:lady'li stoli bene Wiltli
you while this Yount fellow and ''I'
give the place . the once over. Not
that ' $ter; likely' to do any geod--who.-
ever-took •that bags .cleared, off long
before' now. Reckoned yon :two. mess-
ing aliout musthave frightemmed
though why, on earth he shodld.• have
left the dough for anyone to 'pick 'up
Fresh from.
the Gardens
,j, 1 beats, me",: • " "Ever been •, hs a rough Blouses"'. Imo
• Adani • followied I e •o cel o . sent enquired -happily, • "
• l9 as he crossed the'tthresbold. in the Adana modestly denied the expert
wake at, the Inspector. .' If the po-.I encs.. '. ••
i' lice Were puzzled b his story. at ! .
y �' • • "'Veli v saidthe ; o her; ou
beghining. Eke . this lee wondered : e s
how ,he was . gonn to on' f they. to . be'. atm time - oW. There's
. F • WELLS • .. did:start. to . uestnon` ����e ®lee pas an up mese
ffiore skean
BY {. really , r sda7lm this y4ternpeota. I • nen. tell Yon,
. him.: He stidemmed ane' "lits deteruni>na- omml' 'nest of thenmm 'baiien"t Seen .over
i. his 9 ee
`rs•+l�i�iiisy3'i'+l c tdo reasnaeaa Ile ' at all . cap s oto
� . P':tP � : : wises, • ms ease they"ve 'bad tsmne � to dist.
Merk'.,,In� the:, dist, '..Thu eeWastablo
seemed' rilleted.
$e flaehed;'his light arownbd, '
'isomeone'!: been _standing; a geed
while"in that corner," . $* remarked at
'That wa>i' `ma"
"I'• thonght I heard footsteps";
'WILY didn"t, yon tell Me. that •be.
fifer. yy
"I • f Tflat''is arsei� b
ergo+. ia the as,
t : then,, I suppose,' took _my • mind
of it.."•
The Inspector .. grunted;, "Were
those footsteps.abive or belt* Yea*.%
..Mm: That means hell be UP
there now then."n •
• Adana devoutly hoped *'he would
not.' The information seemed. to have.
excited the official. Ile examined the
dangerous place. • LucltiIT' Mr. Per,
$ing's.feet had' tot 'left,,hog further,
wet marks. Then be went rapidl.Y
upstairs scrutanising each landing for
ffootmarks_ On the third : floor they
were stall faintly 'visible: leading:
through an open door ,at',^tbe foot .:of
the Beit:: Flight; There were no narks
con the sairs beyond At•this he
seemed to snort 'his .satisfaction. ':
111111 i Adam murmured something con emPloger. , emit tha're a. ntefful_looking lid; oalg'
— 1,01511
Adair Ifferlaton. .a ; fainter's: son..
articled to 'a 'aolieitor, mikes' a brays
.hat ; pnsoeceasful attempt .'to thwart
:fbrw;"thieve In a' bag -snatching raid.
The bis. was torn from the bands of a
girl who afterwards explains' to Adam
that it'co.itaina the dales takings of ,leer
tethers shop..
He attempts to track the thieves and,
leaches an ''old • warehouse. Adams
the. bulidang ` while e girl
watches the,,, door, Smddeanty the ba
The man , turns out to be Adaaau's
empioy'er--Coe•viie, Perkin.
Rook here, fray boy," .he saidr': "if
a policeman were,: •to catch sight of
'me dawn tete; It would be.ten to
one .the .; authorities : would be wide
awake to my business before the
alight .`• was: Ott.., Our client.. Mr. bion-
,, tads., would be furious. The inter
osis of clients conies before .every,'
thing' in our profession, as. you low
I've.. always'. tried `to:. drum ,into every
main in ' the office. It's ar naatter off
►umpY ' Nerves
iiieid to the soothing action
of this medicines Youwill
p 'bettex sleep better •;; feel
oeteerlook 'tetter . Life':
Nil' seem worth living swill!):
Don't delay nay longer.. Beaio
'kin* it,y
sour day
with nerves frayed,
3aekaChe,'or petaodic.
"what Mrs. Kelly
daughter was
Wad to pleas. toik Pierces Faverite
Prescription and beim, pkk alma
awn the fart bottle I continued its see and
mused in every 311(y =wet time berm.,
teem* manger and are beer intenelat
..rar free mettles) advice
Adam folloaved the' cffaeer obe da anti see ' Yom$ :dn"t lose .seammr, head'• when••
!Ir. Perkin thought. Ile seemed fl. iv. fT. ieP '1Rn21fIlW. A.' rough
r4°nb . ' i. the Inn starts, that all:"
tin h d.
so to be listening. -• lot the grain door .coun g vise and
"Ttere ", he. saied• ate fast. . "You enee
'then procded .nip, the stairs.. (To Be .Contmmmane d.)
, II
know the• owner. You'dbetter take All the time he was .haying •to <ann-
char'ge 0f' the bag rat • have to get `: sorer gnhstion ;
out ,of the way whale Your "friends I "These footmark. now, sure 'thea+ee
Litre theirlook`. round.,Larkin; Id was :only onne.set ,when you: got
have as maasg to dliacooer au -'.here? Nothing that 'night have dried
other gay o'ot. '.,Yemit' try iif you , eut• sinee.
scup get`. them' to ' enteeu, r ,tae same way `You: say you saw `°a light ➢neite a
as . you did:Fad and without:" there think mach being lit, ;`hat _ mm r do you
sang." .it necessary to tautened the -reackonn that was oar. ,
;place. 'TOR •eau.be positive that this'' "You're sore ,thein 8asa gates • were
is -the only asst if necessary.: Better. tigh" 't closed
sag' •iron .',fonimd • .this en the ..stairs' ;�' "`W1not, made yen try .to' get an, lanSt
With.' true legal iaasJnct be said the "titterer'
bag ' beside -'the" banisters: ."Yen lie. answered frankly and ,defnoade➢y
Only be ' swearing to the hook, YOU isucla ,as these. a here was, how-
71LnOWy ' the •�
said, � ' ..� �Ve4',all the. pie...a ubComsr'A®ins 'tear
.''V .good»`:sir_" 0 'Fright net bp belueveef':. that;,
"'Tlaait s right; My :bot. Renmmemmber, . pa esenttiy "ane , adesnlld . be asked Sonne,
1. rely very muck on FOOT, din enetiou: ennestion the'; ttroth Of which, ' would'
f you do • not let Inc ` down At will., 'inavoive ,: batt a3' ➢ to ` ;?alt; • 1?ersio, .0d
be an ;ezcelle et thing' for your ffu 'this une>asnrtes5'' off, atnand seedatel , to
tuna• -aid, by the ' way, lig Mel 's any hnan to : tmage all lois' replies with de -
reward for this"—he -pointed down at reit„
Utile Tiliegi.. Not Neitlected
By'.Moynted„ Police ,
The Mounted Polios have estabha>r
ad' -an inviable' reputation for doing
.14 things :in.,* big way. It is almost
sun<_aziom that .the Mounties *brain
get their Than: Their successful: pane
tration',into the far northern wastes
in pursuit of -their calling. is 'a fact
of history. The little serviees;' they,.
render from 'day to .dal/ in the die -
charge of their .duties are some-
times, forgotten in" the light of their
Larger undertakings. A Toronto 'man
relates that a short , time ygo • he.
was motoring through Western Can-
ada, His: wife Was his companion. ,on.
the 'trip.''. A'jear •a town in Alberta,'
while on a gravelroad, he met With
an automobile accident. His car Went
`into a ditchseveral; feet deep and
turned over Both' c. cdipants,, , when
•.they^ were, extricated, were found to
be severely: cat 'and..' bruised. - They
were removed to -aa betel in • the
neighboring town' where; .theyreedy,:
ed .medical attention. In. the con-
fusion they omitted' :to take their
baggage with them. ' Shortly after
tbeir arrival atthe-hostelry tbep i`e-
ceived a message. from Mountie in
the town that their baggage was safe
and that 'the Mountie near the scene.
of .: the accident w
ould• bring it ' to.
them.—Toaento .Maul & . Rffipire.
Are Yogi 'Helping'
Kill Yogic Town?
r _
(Deseronto Post)' •
A town that never has a ngtbing to
do nn a public way is on the way" .to
the eethgtery. Any .citizen who will ;
do nothing for his town' is he ping -'t
dig the" 'gravy A man h. . _ the •
town , furnishes; :the colon. Tfle man'' •
who is ee selfish as 'tohave°no time
from hisbusiness to give , to
affairsis making a shroud. The man
will' o avertise, is,'driving the
*ha,out d .,.
hearse: The man who is 'always p
ing..back, from any public enterprise, ...
throw .bouegnets on the • grave, The'
man who is "so stingy as to be howl
frig bad 'times, preaches the sermon,
sings the'doxoiogy and, thus• the town •
lyes buried from all sorrow and care.
Psychiatrists Should
Study Mild Child
•Toronto — The shy timid and self..
conscious clnil ' re'.imaires the
ion of a' psychiatrist more than the.
one Iwho "oends school teachers •erazg,,-
decttres Dr. C. G. Stcgdill ,director of
mental hygiene 'at the Toronto De'
partnient of Health, '
Temper tantrum s he said relieve
stored up ,fee]ui s. '.ITbe d ill who .:
broods maybecome•an introvert wrath"-.
drawl from 'social cot, facts; he de.
-dared. .
TLelemuat,bea•reasori Da: Wks
Powder babe world°a largest=Her and
'preacribd by leading dentishatit bolds
teeth eo &Thly4rthey fat sa eomfOrtablif
—that all day lootou forget 'you ever
had fat* plates. ..leaves no colored,
gurnuy . mouth' spnitarys:
• beneath pleasant—the brt
I'�� � P°widergwr
New Standards.
Seen for Natives
Of South :-Africa
DURBAN, At—Evidence that
,South Affrica. ns becoming . wore ceen-
scious c,f its duty', ' to ran=e. -the Stan:
dard of living of the naatires is seer,
in inroposals Wiairli the Dura••
Ctaatabcr eff Comma - e fras submitted'
to the. 'wage and rode,; trial le=.e slaittio$n
'eon ymni•� mono.
• Tine Union. it "ani ^ li atoll out;: war
a two-color. pyraamid, and the top
ce tild ,not .be raised. 'without' the *haSe.
• ;.T;lme Thannb ., draw as sharp ;pis:
hnctioim •hettweem a ::,;. mai:unnmet ,Wa,,
fey:, unskilled labor .b e'en' the white
stanelarul off Baring and a. ;;g?'^adaute^_id
Wage 'l once for u>rskalleal • whrhers:.
Ile 'first! it4:• •gar*:pea a 1,• weld be 'dig-
astamattas• as well 'as' uathe:
etmmploymmer , :but t the ind' Weallyd
,result'—in the growth 'of ' a ivarl ett
SonD • African . products. , Qced • pr, m-.
vide entre re weriz for• Europeans '' anal.
w;otald eveaa'.give thea; who could not
Erie.* al` or', in skilled work' aa"hettcr
chance off making a living. •
ttuallY Wondered if he wete not tamL
°That'S 7111,4111E.."11"* ling gritielli.:Pergalefl Mat the 4act
THE. POL,ICE ARRIVE.' • . the . ;mg: Itt. had left •at. Uoudniatory
Mr. i'etkiMs tanned. to .go hack 11P1
Adana lighted hint acrosi the dan-1.
.geroas place, .his. hewildered,
there Must be iminettilug
tO Sy the, feast of it; The' eeneit, 1
or'a nre0.3ace these at
.tha,t his iiinnthhable Story was far 1
.tiapression, after. four imire, lest
to be spoken tO bY Mr. :Perkin :lel'
if both :yea and he Were 'fleSh .ancl
cold f •we Babes Own Tablets. '
Iliousands of mothers do the same
sot for bolds but for fretful,
cotild for ..the present eradiciate that.:! 'Tablets sae ;lee gild sees is Wks-
, leg eluldisted'a'cianiumin agrees*
• lire feit that he limited. thane W. tort :1.
oat ail 'Ids inariessient„. resion
ahout the, Whole.' affair. ad indeed
bad, hardly reathed the '•gWtes when;
'Ing;foatstept .arid , light 'pattering
ones. Oa atatealag through .be .Was
(tot Surprised to, find rhinitelf the.
direct_ rays: Of `a pedice;
Safity the girl Wine, 'WOO reipo e .fent
italet,Weatiiihr toilets of 'diaTiorfete.-
Pied the peoteCton of Wards Illackei.and
smooth. cal. testate Will WOOthe him& '
• pootettice .agalgt, wind ail.
, 'falai-4E31th naafi* and Maud
Off Colour?.
up your Liv' er Bile '
water, latittice-„e.andi or chewing gum,
bring' beek the toratbine into , year' life
A', trial pair_ , of tiro $teatrs was
.ten'',dIettl,. and the' essentials of e
erne a:n-1re tilt a .'•• fair average
wage for =skill Da r shOuld he
worked ont to he appliel, on as Whle
a seide as Possible. Increases' should
Ise graidnal it,'Wris shows and should
only he ;greeted after consUltation
!vile challenge lc indnitry ay
pure.` wholesome,
and economical table
Syrup. Children love
its delicious flavor:
THE CANADA SEARCH co_LisartEaa oioritt, UiL
60MS three -layer take! And Magic is al- -
ways dePentlable—gives the same perfect
,results—every time: No wonder Canada's
leading Cookery experts say it doesn't pay .st-tr4:77
to take chances with inferior baking pow-
der. Bake with Magic and be sure!
*am- gulrantee that Meese Bating Powder is free from moot
Here's a tztq-y table delicacy for the Fall cif
the year=prole Roll, made just at the
season when firin, flavorful apples are at
their %test. It's better too, when it's mad
with Puriy, the high quality'-all-purppse
flour. k sredalties, as itt stage baking,
such as.bread, rolls, ries and cakes,
find PURITY products always' uniform.
Western C=ada hard spring wheat from
It is Milled is selected personally by
RITY FLOUR representatiVes. Its
quality is -maintained always at the same
high level. Guesswork is eliminated, and
when' you °use PURITY FLOUR you'll
find that one brand, and that RAM is
all you need for all your baking.
Ain 04 PIDUR bait Oterniareaireope—‘
eadit.Wtate tat War 6:00 to nit 42tk