HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-11-08, Page 5• Tlltagm*
$Qvg44144 43* OK
ND 1111P BAR
QV, 17 FitOry1-1,
Tq TORONTO,ChathainSrn1a,Lendonjogeran .WOoditook,_ rant •
;Bran gamdton. St Catharalea, Niagara lila. small
,Intermediate fointa,
' ALSO ON ,FSIDAY, t40%„1,11..,
. Ilo,WMtby,Oaltews‘Pcgrt.H9pe. c4AST•kirzolmlitim,BelliviliYhlanfttoCu ainSaiktU4Pr
• Bror.keille.priscottOilorneburi Corn Airtneorni:.T:ndge;Lardsaytreterboro;
• Carephenford. Newmarket, Altairdalo," Moe* Meaford, Berrie:OrilUL
Midland. C4aNfeelrurst:Tracebil4211..0404rfiAefillier.th and 0.04ters3rdiata Po**
A1S010 Alt:Tawas in 'New Ontario on Ihree of Tenriaha.mhio & Norther* Qatari*
Ely Nif4lising.FeAdral AttY• 2n4 on CN. 111/1.0 NOuikaungsnd, HeaT4*
• Ara; Wail, Adenti.
. .
• • A. W. HAMILTON Agent.; Thoae.2
„ , . . .
• .
A Letter
rom Japan
Lake Nojiri, Japan
August „. 25th, 10,34
Dear Friends;
This W.:being ''Written in a summer.
Cottage by the,side of a" little lake
lying deep in the mountains in North
Western Japan. It it night., Rain
keeps D o.steady patter on the reef
and a continuous' whisper through the
thick pines and. cryptomarias onttide,
. A!craciely -pine; bough fire inthe grate
'serves to turn night into day and the
rain -dative& chilly air inte the: at-
niotphere of home.
We sit by the fire, we two old folkt
and the two wpekit,, reading, bed -time
.itories. The children have ;jest come,
This' itlndalgedl'h as ri 'Sort of cere-
, nionitacleansing to mark the end of
a week with three Aims a daY.
. 'Anopportunity such at this for a
'month .at a lake -side With gelf;
• nis, Mountain cliinbing, etc. Was quite
• foreign to my life as a bok. For me
the equivalent was a .dip in: the, old
swimming -hole 'after, a.; hot day's
baying, Or a baseball Or football
gaMe. in' a:eleseLeropped ,pasture field
near the cross-roads, or a walk with
the 'cross -road's ging to the corner
sten. Now; the children beg to "fell
-n4; about when you were at home con
' the fartn,"'and they look with, longing
eyes far' beyond the lake and, the
nruritain to joys more Wonderful than
anything pretent. '
How different 35 the ttenaperature
Of this place compared With 'What we
• left in Talhoku, Formosa. Newspaper*
of the past few days report 'Taiholcu
90-97 degrees. That, in the ,extreene
;humidity of the 'Formosan' atmopliere
is pretty trying. ,I shut triy eyes to
see so- manY Formosans we know and
country. ,in Europe an weU u the
United' States and Canada. are TePre-
tented here for. fouver, five Weeks of
the year. The other forty-seven, or
eight weeks these same' people would
he found in widely -.scattered cOrn.-
Munitieti„ in China or the Japanese
Empire. IWhat is their attitude to ou
, ,
present day wobbley world? Despite
the fact that they live in 'outpost* in
bandit -ridden Chine, or alone among
commnnitIes of. people. with nerves On
edge at in, Japan, : they 'themselves
seem r' remarkably composed. They
Kari the world's newspapers with, in
eyeglass focussed not so much on
what is written but *hat is unwritten
not so much on the print as on the
prepagandiet behind the printer. The
proverbial grain of salt is else .use-
ful -for taste. Therregard the uni-
versal War talk at symptomatic of a
world in the midst of pnpreceslented
social adjustments. ro y these are
a group of.. ipternatiOnlists. They
have beconie well 'acclimated, to cloud
and sunshine in, the. wide; Wide world.
Summer reading? Books that .would
ieave a letting impression seem
scarce this summer. Oxford groupers'
display an 'increasingly' long ''bnok-'
shelf of lifechanging literature, but
one doesn't hear' a great ;dent tsid
about the*. Rufus Jones' "Pathways
to the: Reality of, God", :Bain' Mat-
thew's "Changing Tides 'in' The Fax
East," and Reinhold Niebuhr's "Re-
flections On The End of an Era", were
books that took goalie reading. 1 The
latter; evidently intended to stimulate
thought ,seems te have succeeded
fairly :well. 'Several books- on 'Japan
were pasted" around but these ocCits,
iOned only ,criticism. Foreign resi-
dents in ,Japan are hard. to 'please
even. With well-written books. about
Japan. "The Romance of: japan thru
the Ages," Scherer; ,is in this class.
Then there were others of lesser
Werth like Hodley's "Japanese Ome-
lette"' or Frank ,Lee's "Tokyo .,Calen--,
hive trying to keep their,' children' dar". On China Nora Wain's "Thf'
' free . from; boils and festering sons; Haase.' of Exile was 'izretly. enjoy -
trying to find cool spots :for sleep. at
• , What to do about 'vacation' it an!
annual problem. Personal inclination
.. it 'strongly to ' stale on all Summer.
• With Ones' Pokinosan 'colleagues. Med,.
,..icaT or life assurance advice, on thel
{ Other hand, says, get out if You, don't
merit to 'peg out' in a few brief ,suni,,
' 'mein, TO we: Missionaries •who have
feii„...hours we Can ' call our .9wn, it
also seems advisable from a inental
or spiritual point of view to take a;
Sabhatie; month, each year. After all,
one's Formqsailpolleagues ba.Ve lei-
sure , during the : Other eleven months
When we are 'occupied teVen full days
a week. Moreover they have. moun-
tains near . by. where ' they could go,
to "be apart" while missinneries re-
. our work for a year; one little dA_
• quire to leave the island to , avoid the lip:.
"doings'. And yet this may be only Nelapment his helped to Compensate:
rationalizing: Perhaps: it is a new MeMbers of s"tWo, Formosan church'
ordering ere life all around that is' ,l,...;ders. groups; on 'learning Of the
needed. • • decision to be in Japan . proper for a
The rein outside suggest that the year 'said "And whit about ; Our
. .
clouds still hang heavy -' around this group? what about the groin) While
-1 . ,
• II lake' region. They have covered the
' Sky, capped the mountains and soak-
ed the -valleys here, the greater part
, Of the sinnmer,.:The clouds have been
' playing strange ;Pranks this; summer.
k There have been cloud bursts andac-
, . toinpanYing destructiOn, of property
even' lost. of life in Manchnria, Korea
. _
and 'partsOf: Japan and kormosa.
!•,.... Then, often in adjoining districts, leaders in the Formosan church will
lierhans 'just 'over a mountain; cloud- be meeting in tegulni, wee* ...0,i,
less Skies smile endleSsly on parched inonthly.stndy groUlis. They will have
fields as farmers figli.t' and slie(r. hi66d their .iins and downs 4int. being away
over the division of a trickling mown- ,,
, ,0"ont the 'field s year may work out
' tain strain. Neivipqpers report to be in the interests of, these groups
drought in't America and China. Sure- I
Make Onettelf dispensable, is a good
ly there Will be no -wheat Cie cotton noti,). .
' . ••• • • • ..••• • • .
ed Burris Senkin's • "The , Hand of
Bropze" . gives a good insight' into
social idealism in Ainerica thit
Machine,inoved. age.. BeVerly Niches'
!fCryTlaVoe" it still read and discuss-
ed a good deal The reported aetion,
of the: Ontarioi- government. in, chopp-
ing it pp with their : scissors 'calises a
"hnw lhaw" , everywl-thre.' This makes
us natives, not a little -ashamed Of
our old man Ontario, •
" Owing, to the increating use,rby
• • ,
Formosant,, students in particular, of
the Japanese :language and to de-
sire of the Formosan government
that the, process of language -getting'
1?b speeded up, the inissinn has de-
cided :that We be given a year, ir
Japan proper • for uninterrupted. king..
iia.ge study. Though reluctant to give
You. are. away?
,W,hy, what differenee does that
make? Cary on!" I suggested. 'They
Met by ,,thernselvei and agreed te,
carry 'on. ?Then they asked if I would
prepareostudy; material in lapatuand
send it regiilarly: In addition a" third
0up has sprung Ili) With the ptiisi-
hility of a forth. Thus most of the
•I • I
'htiraed with ParPeae)Y li'6:11ted fires our address this Year will beus 35
ST, .1.1Akg.
'NeSsra• *ht.. end.'llettee:Mcure
of London motored up ;to: attend the
funeral of 0* late Mr. Jai. -Agar of
Eelfeet7.and cail.d on friends here.
'Wiese 40. Ind Kathleen ThOM
were Week flid. V1404ta of Afr), and
Gilchrist of. P$810.
AfTa- 14°4 -44 .1.condeOgio
vis -
tor'' With he* denelitellk *Ts, Earl
=aunt and Mr!. !POW Zittrnin,
MisSe,s. Irene Woods• WaterloO,
Vera Todd ot-*loont.ingdale and 440
Miller of Stratford, spent the week
"nd at their !lame* here-,
341.,:.Henderson . of Kincardine 18 a'
IsitOr with her Oster; Mrs.. Seines
' • "- 'November 10th. Admission 25c.:
• ,4 •
• 10. E°Wet T6reat°, wl.ta a, Visitor
last week with her slater,' Mrs- Fred
crumFt " '
Ma,SkjUerade ndance waa,a de -
;Wed •sn'Ccess. The hall was filled to
e,a0aeitYlaad many Were in, egstame.
1I-idY price winners Were ' Leonard
MacDonald) Lneknovr•Ond Lillian Car,'
Millers) Oth cePtlente4 :Winfiffs
were, Elwood SAIonlon. Lucknow ,and
Sid Smith' Zion.. The next regular
dance Will be on Friday. Nov., 10th.
Don't , to see "MarrYing Mar-
ion" the musical' comedy Presented
by the. Choir): and Y. P. S. of Loa -
now United Church in the Town Halle
Don't fail to ae'-"Marrying Mar, • Mr. ,and. .Mrs: Wm. :Martin and
ion" the Mqsteil COnleklY presented 8,9161' were ieeent visitors at me.
t;Y the. Chair -and Y. P.. 3. of. Luck- Dave Carruthers 6th con.
now United. Church in the Tqwn,...Hall,
November lfith. AdMission. 25e. "
' Mr. and Mrs... George Stuart Pat-
terided the funeral of their aunt, Mit.
McGregor at Kintail- on Tuesday.
, A . grout) of young people .. from
Kitchener had charge of .the Meeting
of the T. P. fl. C. on. Sunday .evening
when there was a large Attendanee
kebnuth' Schlenker was chairman
while his brother, Mr; Erhart Schlen-
ker presided at the piano and cOntri4
huted several ,piano solos.- Mrs..Mus.-
ten gave. a reading "The last Hymn'?
Mr. Lawton was the soloist of the
evening and drab as his selection* Mr.- and Mrs. James MacDonald. .
"The Lase Chord", "Where're You
:Walt"- "Hold Their My Hand" and
"‘‘For All ;Eternity." The topic q'ree-
dorn"--wat'..--axell presented by Mr:
. A Motion of thanks was tendered
to the visitors On niotion of the pres-
ident,' Mr.. W. A. Miller, seconded' by
Mr. Stanley ITodd. -- •
The Noietnber Meeting: of the W.e)
men's ,Institute was 'held at Mrs. R.
T. Wood's. Mrs. W. I, Miller gave
iome interesting hints On: dressing
poultry , for . market. The subject,
"Thanksgiving" Was taken by Miss
M. C. Rutherford who also gave an
leconni Of her trip to Chicago. It was
decided' to donate $10 to the National
Institute for .the Blind. Atthe. con -
elution lunch was-served•by he .hast-,
eiset.',Misq Lila NUMPhreY" and Mrs.
D. Philips.
'The 'Kitchener young folk who had
charge 8f the C. were guests
af. Mr. and .Mrs. Robinson Woeds..:'
'. Mr. Irvin McPherson and bride; of.
Orangeville: spent a few days during.
the week, with their aunt and uncle.
Mr. and Mra. George McRoberts.
Mr; and Mrs •R,obt.' Hamilton en-
• tzniiig
tainde. friends last Friday:
3,kr, and Mrs Elliot • Sandy and
Jean spent Friday 'evening with Mrs:
KetChabaW. • ' „
Mr: and Mrs. Arthur .Cook visited
with Mr. and. Mrs; Shiells', AmberleY
during the week
Mrs- Gotdon Jamieson is spending
, .
the week With Mr. and Mrs. Lester
Falconer and other 'relatives. at
Telek;rws.atel.r.):n.ne.'MacLennan' and Ken=
neth, Detroit ,spent the weekend with
• •this tre!ir 'A;nrtical. • Nakayaniate;- DOri, 4 ,choihs, Kobe,
Wak chinas and Political storm 1tipri., Rutft,ahd be: with.;
e-entres Continue to be piaptiler, Slab -
in reaea of the Canadian Aea,derny by.
jects fOr"„the neti;srdpets. •'in the
t;ree,, 'car' for h* Year'S tehbol,
• ' •
When .the time comes for a Fedek.
11 election, there are more than,18006
1 1 •
in Bruce Riding who can Vote. Under
the Redistribution, Bill, a portion of
the county •was tacked .to part - of
Grey to .make Grey -Brace. The rA.':
mainder of the kgCounty is a single
riding of Bruce. 'Enumerators have
:!ompleted their work, 'and will short-
ly sit as a Court of Revision to add
names, and hear appeals.
. • •
, The ,One Cent Sale is ,now in, full
swing at McKim's Drug Store, 'con-
tinuing until Saturday. Here's a' real
chance to stock rin with drugs, toil-,
etrias and pipetries at big savings,
and don't forget to' east your votes
,for your .favorite, 'contestant, with
each ,purchase. t
. A
Orient' the llorpi Manchurian l'allwa* r ildtr and I will spent the year.
..antie clnimd as a storni eentreo. litifitrig op mut runninvetirjapahile nete
Etiropd hag' its 'Vita* The: ' delayed the posting of tlq letter',
8atir; 46 a .-AtP:aalet rescrt liko this.Aeadetily IS tiquite .the time you receive this 'Sbinifier
though smnll. Oito igopportnnitY tO tnecettfnl 'Ottpinnt ,t deal with the screed, .66 okii* toy, be
'dienss. current events with ent& oriA,probtent ,6tedgehting Ole case may we be 016. Otst
whose toottid,t§ are as wide a tlio to Of Canadian And. other ;,foreign to say ott‘htt eliristinni* and ilappy
orld People ttotti nearlY eVerY tesideliita' in the., ;Orient: piing., in se*. yilitan.,,„ Ado,
deadlock which existed in the
loelerich 'Council, over the appoint-
ment of ,On, assessor ,and collector
was finally broken, on, Fridei night,
with the appoiniment'of Neil McKay.
• .
Ram Fire
'A large `frame barn, belonging tO
John Shields; corn. 2; Ashfield, was
destroyed by fire last week. The barn
is situated across the read from the
farm Where Mr. ShieldN resides, and
the origin of the blaze is a mystery,
as no one was. known to have been at
the barn. About.1,21oads of hay, some
Straw and implements Were included
in the loss Which is partially overed
by insurance.
Kobe should give Us -opportunity to
make some, observations into the
WOrkings of this Occidental institu-
tion in its Oriental setting. As for
the language study. we are to pree-'-
on 'a well-known teacher of
Mrs. (*Its tint her. litisbnand
Mr. Ogita, •
With beit6-01Shes,
Hugh 'MacMillan, Donald* *Milian'.
-*Ruth` and Sandy'.
P.S. The leek Of printing facilities
• Mi'. and Mrs. Will Kemp* visit-
ed. recently wih Mr. and. Mr.S. Bogie
Mr. and Jim Richards of
Fleshekton spent Sunday With his
parents, Mr. and Mr's, R.. Richardt,
' Miss Minnie ,Richards has returned
home after spending . sometime 'nurs-
ing atthe home of Mrs.' A.' R. kip-
tayson. °.!
,Mr and Mrs. Clarence Deter 'qf
Auburn visited With Mr. and,. Mill:
Albert. Cook recently. '‘
. Mr. Din Nicholson : and daughter
Isobell; Margaret and Donaldap spent:,
the :week end at the • home of the
former's mother near' BerVie.
.; 'Mr. and Mia. Percy and son Harold
and Mr. and .Mrs. John : Line of .Kin,
lough, spent Sunday at the home Of
Mr. and kis., IL Richards
Miss Myrtle :Webster spent the
week end at her home:
Mr.,: and . Mrs. 'Harold Stanley ',and'
Russel hake moved to their farm , on
the second , coneetsion. • '
Mrs. Jas. McNain and Murray and
Miss Grace Webster spent anafter-
noon with Mrs.: Eddie, Johnston
• Mr. Eddie JOIntston spent a day;
last week in :London. '
: 'Mr. and Mrs ,Albert Cook and.
daiighter, Vials spent . Monday in
Mrs, A. Emmerson is, visiting her
brother, Mr. john' Small of N,ortlj Bay
Mist 'Chrittena Laidlaw is mitntg
relativet at Powassim. • .`
Mr. Wm: Reed of • Paris and Mr.
and Mrs .• Russel Reid oF.Brantford
'spent the week end with their nother
Mrs A Reed. Mrs. Russel Reed' re-
untitled for a short visit
: Mrs John Kennedy is visiting he
, -
daughter: •Mrs. Toynbee Lamb of
IDon't fail to see "Marrying Mar-
ion" the musical comedy presented
by the Choir and Y. F. S. of Luck -
now United. Church in the Town Hall,
November 16th. Admission 25c. °
Mr. •and Mrs:John Reed of Auburn
spent , Sunday with Mr. • and Mrs.
.David Kennedy.'
The mission' band are holding their
thankoffering *Feting on Friday
niiht, in the Presbyterian church. It
will be in the form of a concert.
When h ,gocid Program will be given.
.Everybody welcome.
Miss GI:10s Garton • of ,London
:spent the week -end at her borne here.
Armistice service Will be held" in
the Presbyterian htgeriitainp..hureh' On
, A wedding.' recution Was held
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Gaunt last Tuesday evening, .for her
titter., Mk • and; Mrs. , Ernest Case -
more, who were married recently,
They Were the recipients of many
useful gifts: An enjoyable evening
was spent by '
and ,Mrs.' Oeo. Lane and Cliff',
Ord spent the wee end vilith relatives
0 Eive,ryiew- ,
41nd ifrs. 70m) McLean o
'Go4crieh .yisited with hlr-. 014: hi
Ray Alton on SnndaY. ,
• 14. and Mrs- Geo, Tilden of Hol-
stein eed. Mr, Geo. Mitchell of roll-
drCe; were week end i'fisiterS, with
311' and, Davis.
We extend' Mir sineereat syMpatbY
to Mrs.: 4anaea Agar: in her rece'nt
Messrs. 'hos„ TWamleY and: Wit-
fred. 'Hackett have returned from
Ingersoll, Where they bay& Spent .the
east ..few weeks;
MC. u'Simpson whe,ia atter:-
:ding Knox College, Toronto, spent
the week -end at his home in Kintail.
The pupils of Hemlock' City School
.field a marshmallow roast ,and Ilal-
lowe'en, frolic in .the school on Wed-
nesday evening. •
Don't fail to see "Marrying •Mar-
ion" the Musical' comedy presented
by the Choir ,and Y, 1'. a of Leek,
now United Church in the Town Hall,
November. 19th. Admission 25e.
The Kintail branch of the Women's:
Institute held their November meet,
ing at ;home o Mrs:
Wm Mac-
Donald On Thursday. ' They intend
holding a .sewing meeting, in Kintail
Hall this Thursday afternoon to 'hdp
clothe tome families who are not very
Well prepared for winter.
7TITe"Trarci s were idayed on
Hallowe'en: The older people, seemed
'-e) enter into the ;spirit of the cele-
')ratiOn and for once all 'were, young
. The Young Peoplelof the Presby
erian Church hem their meeting Or
Monday•evening. It prove d to be Very
'ilteretting and tool the form Of r
memorial service for those .Of , the
'congregation" who gave their lives : ir
the Great War..
We have alwaY$ ,endeavored to
apprinieti ont delinquent $111)$criber$ L. On Wednesday night, On Thursday
with delicacy. We :` really bite to night Isaac Pinnell and Wesley Guest
*speak of -it, but$6;,file have Seen- PicattistioSst'as:LteL;o6fkIL. 1,1 tet where
itnogti'us7Itiberseliitatv.6;t1PinliteoTt.rttiiinttnid$Sr: Pinnell, D. St) gave a very
ue; in fact it 1$ neee$$ary in 15u$1, teSting4,0rt of' the ledges it
1.10e, we won't 'speak further on 016 I the Thstrict, whieh was very eneotir-
stiwoet.:pottups you , have tiuesseo J itging-,t13 the brethren Of the ItinloS4
di4trkt, ,
• Miss. Winine Percy, R.N.. of Kin-
cardine, spent Saturday afternoon at
her home here.
Mrs.- Abe Stringer of Kincardine.
visited, last week with; her sister,
Mrs. Kaake. '
Don't fail to see 'Marrying Mar.
ion" the musical comedy presented
by the Choir and Y. T. S. of Luck -
now United, Church in the Town Hall
' . ' • .
November 16th. AdMission 25c; ,
Mrs Jane Percy and Mra. F., A
Blackwell, spent 'an afternoon" with
Mrs.,' Hugh lane.-
; A Inimbek4korn here attended the
anniversary services at Lucknow
'United Church en Sunda, 'and were
pleased to hear Rey. *., Lane; '1.‘
former Kinlaugh. boy, ,
Rev. and' Mrs, 'AppleYard Called or
friends here Monday k on their way te
On, Sunday: next; > November lith.
T.-tarvest Thanksgiving 'services will
held in. the Anglican 'Church at
Rev. F. Mellitchile willhave
c'harge, and 7.30 p.m. Rev. S., Geog-
hegan of Lucknove will he the speaker
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thompsonand
Mr. and • Yes. Art Graham, Were
eSnubnyel,asy. visitors at Mr:.
• Miss Alexander,. R.N., who is in
e!harge of the 'Nursing class, is stay-
ing with Mist Haiel Percy.
(Intended for Last Week) '
Mr. and Xis. George Huntley of
'Ingersoll spent the Week end with the
latter'sr'parents. Mr. and, Mrs: Wm.
Kaake: C)
Mr. and. Mrs,;...Itert McLean, Misses
Edna and May Boyle, Rev. F. !p -
Ritchie and Mr. F. Jackson, attended
the Deanery -;A. Y. P. A. Rally at
Chesley on Wednesday last. •
Mr„, and Mrs. Bill Jackson and
children :Were Sunday visitors'. -at
M. it. Robinson's, 6th con.,
A Niiispig Course spontored-by the
Women's ,Institute • and in charge of
Miss Alexander of •'foronto-, is being
betel this Week and next Week in the
Orange ;'Hall here, Anyone interested
in this course is invited to attend:,
•On Sunday, November
vest Thanksgiving service*. will " be
hem' at I1 atn,` and 7.36 p.m. Rev; F.
Meritchie will have charge of the
mOrning service..1 '
. Mi. Made Pinnell, District- Matter,
Of Kinloss L. 6. L. and Mt: Peter
Bruice L. 0. L., visited Kingarf• L.
Niter. County Marshall Of We.4.t
LuiuriOusly fnr-trimmed, from
which You rney 'choose. Your
size and vole!. llsOwn.Blues
Black and:Need effeita la
„ .
tregular sine's, half sizesjunlOr
sizes ; Popular Prices '40 snit
every Pocket book- '
in TIC1L.. Velvets,. Crepea„, Satins.
$9-75; $17-09 1 02900 •
The neliv'liapes and color s in
VelVet and
Felt. Beretst 'Tams
and' 'StYlish Shapes '
for women and milSes,
-for. men, young men' and boys
it $1 00, are the best' vale
iL town. ,
'iPhnne 71. " ivinghtm, Ont.
.Rurak,Se4001 Report;s,
S. No. 14 Paramount
'These raarlted have had perfect,
3 spelling for, the month.
. Sr. 'IV -Bobbie Macintosh 829n*;
. Jr. IV -Jimmie Hamilton 15; Rhea,
,filler 657
Sr. III -Stuart Jami son 69'; Jean
taYnard 36. r '
III -Eileen Henderson 60.
117 -Buddy Hamilton 68.
1 -Donald Hamilton 70;
'rump 65.
Pr -Gertrude Raynard, Good.
NO. on roll 10.. ' ' Average 9,
• Anne. MacDonald.
S. S. No. 5; • Kinloiss
For September andigktober
V7 -Grace Reyn6
. Sr, IV71/ittileen: -Carruthers 86;
Mary -Reynolds 80; George Robinson.
Jr. IV-iprstee MacLeod 81; . Mur -
lean MacLeod 76;5. . • ,
jr: Carruthers `' 64.2*;
Arthur. Wheeler 80.33; Harry darter
53**.; Robert Parkes, (absent).
.TI -Laverne White.
'Asterick denotes absence for exam-
• dthe ftft ,nur
Lenore E. Mcl)onald.
S. S. No. 5. Ashfield
. Si, • IV -Total.. niarka,' 080- ' Rena::
Hunter 414; BillY Drennan 392.
:IV -Total ' Marks, 680, linunie
Minter 575; Eldon:Ritchie 542..
, Sr. 1TI-Total Markt .630. Kathleen
Gibson 434; Lorna Reid 430; Kathleen
Gardner ,338; -Dorit Reid 330;„.:
Jr. Ill -Total marks '500, :Russel
Ritchie 345; Keith': Hackett 328; Keith,
Ritchie 261,,: • • ,
Pr. --=Total Marks 360: Marion Gard-
ner 288; Lyle Ritchie 279; Allan ig4-1,
thie 268; Johnny' Hunter 234; Erie
FlaCiiett 2064
No. on roll,.16.
• Ave. att. 15.8.'
. Ada M. Webster.
. S. No. 10, 'Ashfield
Per SOternber and October
V -Jean Nelsen 74%.
Jr. IV -Cecil is' Watt 72; -Grace
Campbell 65; Bob Farrith 47.
Sr. III -Pearl. Jamieson 58; Louise ,
Campbell • 53.
, Jr. III -John .Austin 73; Dorothy-
lirennan 62; *Alvin Drennan ' 57;
*Vincent 'Austin, 54;- *Grant Farrish
45 "'
It -Evelyn Little .68; Warren Zinn
6/ . 1
Sr I -116n.. --Marguerite Jamieson, ,
Teresa Austin. Pass -Rena Miller
.7- Hon. -Clarke Zinn, Elaine
Little. • ,
Pass --Elwood Miller, Jack
Farrith. , ,•• ,• '
Those rnar-ked *. missed
more exannna ions.
No. on roll 20, ' Ave. Att. 19.
M. G. MacDOnald.
`,Mestrt. Chas. , gberwood. and Ches-
ter Ritchie Motored from Detroit:over
the weekend to visit their friends in.,
Miss Lorena Hagan of Stra'tfOrcl`
Normal spent ,Sunday at bet:borne
here. .r.
Les. Rithie spent a few dayA
with her sister. Mrs. A. Gaunt.%
Mr, and ',Mrs: Chester Ilintpre . of
Oakville visited with Ieso4feFeitli's
O n?, 8i.inda-Y., McFeitik ,
them on tbeir, return and will
reMilin • for awhile. .
, Mr."and Mrs. Gordon Ritchie
(4 friends in Wanritioth on Monday