HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-11-08, Page 5• Tlltagm* $Qvg44144 43* OK A LE ND 1111P BAR FIhR QV, 17 FitOry1-1, NONV • Tq TORONTO,ChathainSrn1a,Lendonjogeran .WOoditook,_ rant • ;Bran gamdton. St Catharalea, Niagara lila. small ,Intermediate fointa, ' ALSO ON ,FSIDAY, t40%„1,11.., . Ilo,WMtby,Oaltews‘Pcgrt.H9pe. c4AST•kirzolmlitim,BelliviliYhlanfttoCu ainSaiktU4Pr • Bror.keille.priscottOilorneburi Corn Airtneorni:.T:ndge;Lardsaytreterboro; • Carephenford. Newmarket, Altairdalo," Moe* Meaford, Berrie:OrilUL Midland. C4aNfeelrurst:Tracebil4211..0404rfiAefillier.th and 0.04ters3rdiata Po** A1S010 Alt:Tawas in 'New Ontario on Ihree of Tenriaha.mhio & Norther* Qatari* Ely Nif4lising.FeAdral AttY• 2n4 on CN. 111/1.0 NOuikaungsnd, HeaT4* • Ara; Wail, Adenti. . . • • A. W. HAMILTON Agent.; Thoae.2 „ , . . . DIAN • . NATI TRAVEL BY TRATht—S4FETY—SPEED—COMFORT A Letter rom Japan Lake Nojiri, Japan August „. 25th, 10,34 Dear Friends; This W.:being ''Written in a summer. Cottage by the,side of a" little lake „ lying deep in the mountains in North Western Japan. It it night., Rain keeps D o.steady patter on the reef and a continuous' whisper through the thick pines and. cryptomarias onttide, . A!craciely -pine; bough fire inthe grate 'serves to turn night into day and the rain -dative& chilly air inte the: at- niotphere of home. We sit by the fire, we two old folkt and the two wpekit,, reading, bed -time .itories. The children have ;jest come, outrif-a-nteaming-tiotrinanese--haili This' itlndalgedl'h as ri 'Sort of cere- , nionitacleansing to mark the end of a week with three Aims a daY. . 'Anopportunity such at this for a 'month .at a lake -side With gelf; ten- • nis, Mountain cliinbing, etc. Was quite • foreign to my life as a bok. For me the equivalent was a .dip in: the, old • swimming -hole 'after, a.; hot day's baying, Or a baseball Or football gaMe. in' a:eleseLeropped ,pasture field near the cross-roads, or a walk with the 'cross -road's ging to the corner sten. Now; the children beg to "fell -n4; about when you were at home con ' the fartn,"'and they look with, longing eyes far' beyond the lake and, the nruritain to joys more Wonderful than anything pretent. ' How different 35 the ttenaperature Of this place compared With 'What we • left in Talhoku, Formosa. Newspaper* of the past few days report 'Taiholcu 90-97 degrees. That, in the ,extreene ;humidity of the 'Formosan' atmopliere is pretty trying. ,I shut triy eyes to see so- manY Formosans we know and country. ,in Europe an weU u the United' States and Canada. are TePre- tented here for. fouver, five Weeks of the year. The other forty-seven, or eight weeks these same' people would he found in widely -.scattered cOrn.- Munitieti„ in China or the Japanese Empire. IWhat is their attitude to ou , , present day wobbley world? Despite the fact that they live in 'outpost* in bandit -ridden Chine, or alone among commnnitIes of. people. with nerves On edge at in, Japan, : they 'themselves seem r' remarkably composed. They Kari the world's newspapers with, in eyeglass focussed not so much on what is written but *hat is unwritten not so much on the print as on the prepagandiet behind the printer. The proverbial grain of salt is else .use- ful -for taste. Therregard the uni- versal War talk at symptomatic of a world in the midst of pnpreceslented social adjustments. ro y these are a group of.. ipternatiOnlists. They have beconie well 'acclimated, to cloud and sunshine in, the. wide; Wide world. Summer reading? Books that .would ieave a letting impression seem scarce this summer. Oxford groupers' display an 'increasingly' long ''bnok-' shelf of lifechanging literature, but one doesn't hear' a great ;dent tsid about the*. Rufus Jones' "Pathways to the: Reality of, God", :Bain' Mat- thew's "Changing Tides 'in' The Fax East," and Reinhold Niebuhr's "Re- flections On The End of an Era", were books that took goalie reading. 1 The latter; evidently intended to stimulate thought ,seems te have succeeded fairly :well. 'Several books- on 'Japan were pasted" around but these ocCits, iOned only ,criticism. Foreign resi- dents in ,Japan are hard. to 'please even. With well-written books. about Japan. "The Romance of: japan thru the Ages," Scherer; ,is in this class. Then there were others of lesser Werth like Hodley's "Japanese Ome- lette"' or Frank ,Lee's "Tokyo .,Calen--, hive trying to keep their,' children' dar". On China Nora Wain's "Thf' ' free . from; boils and festering sons; Haase.' of Exile was 'izretly. enjoy - trying to find cool spots :for sleep. at night, • , What to do about 'vacation' it an! annual problem. Personal inclination .. it 'strongly to ' stale on all Summer. • With Ones' Pokinosan 'colleagues. Med,. ,..icaT or life assurance advice, on thel { Other hand, says, get out if You, don't merit to 'peg out' in a few brief ,suni,, ' 'mein, TO we: Missionaries •who have feii„...hours we Can ' call our .9wn, it also seems advisable from a inental or spiritual point of view to take a; Sabhatie; month, each year. After all, one's Formqsailpolleagues ba.Ve lei- sure , during the : Other eleven months When we are 'occupied teVen full days a week. Moreover they have. moun- tains near . by. where ' they could go, to "be apart" while missinneries re- . our work for a year; one little dA_ • quire to leave the island to , avoid the lip:. • "doings'. And yet this may be only Nelapment his helped to Compensate: rationalizing: Perhaps: it is a new MeMbers of s"tWo, Formosan church' . ordering ere life all around that is' ,l,...;ders. groups; on 'learning Of the needed. • • decision to be in Japan . proper for a The rein outside suggest that the year 'said "And whit about ; Our . . clouds still hang heavy -' around this group? what about the groin) While -1 . , • II lake' region. They have covered the ' Sky, capped the mountains and soak- ed the -valleys here, the greater part , Of the sinnmer,.:The clouds have been ' playing strange ;Pranks this; summer. k There have been cloud bursts andac- , . toinpanYing destructiOn, of property even' lost. of life in Manchnria, Korea . _ and 'partsOf: Japan and kormosa. !•,.... Then, often in adjoining districts, leaders in the Formosan church will lierhans 'just 'over a mountain; cloud- be meeting in tegulni, wee* ...0,i, less Skies smile endleSsly on parched inonthly.stndy groUlis. They will have fields as farmers figli.t' and slie(r. hi66d their .iins and downs 4int. being away over the division of a trickling mown- ,, , ,0"ont the 'field s year may work out ' tain strain. Neivipqpers report to be in the interests of, these groups drought in't America and China. Sure- I Make Onettelf dispensable, is a good ly there Will be no -wheat Cie cotton noti,). . ' . ••• • • • ..••• • • . ed Burris Senkin's • "The , Hand of , Bropze" . gives a good insight' into social idealism in Ainerica thit Machine,inoved. age.. BeVerly Niches' !fCryTlaVoe" it still read and discuss- ed a good deal The reported aetion, of the: Ontarioi- government. in, chopp- ing it pp with their : scissors 'calises a "hnw lhaw" , everywl-thre.' This makes us natives, not a little -ashamed Of our old man Ontario, • " Owing, to the increating use,rby • • , Formosant,, students in particular, of the Japanese :language and to de- sire of the Formosan government . that the, process of language -getting' 1?b speeded up, the inissinn has de- cided :that We be given a year, ir Japan proper • for uninterrupted. king.. iia.ge study. Though reluctant to give You. are. away? ,W,hy, what differenee does that make? Cary on!" I suggested. 'They Met by ,,thernselvei and agreed te, carry 'on. ?Then they asked if I would prepareostudy; material in lapatuand send it regiilarly: In addition a" third 0up has sprung Ili) With the ptiisi- hility of a forth. Thus most of the •I • I 'htiraed with ParPeae)Y li'6:11ted fires our address this Year will beus 35 ST, .1.1Akg. , 'NeSsra• *ht.. end.'llettee:Mcure of London motored up ;to: attend the funeral of 0* late Mr. Jai. -Agar of Eelfeet7.and cail.d on friends here. 'Wiese 40. Ind Kathleen ThOM were Week flid. V1404ta of Afr), and Gilchrist of. P$810. AfTa- 14°4 -44 .1.condeOgio vis - tor'' With he* denelitellk *Ts, Earl =aunt and Mr!. !POW Zittrnin, MisSe,s. Irene Woods• WaterloO, Vera Todd ot-*loont.ingdale and 440 Miller of Stratford, spent the week "nd at their !lame* here-, 341.,:.Henderson . of Kincardine 18 a' IsitOr with her Oster; Mrs.. Seines ' • "- 'November 10th. Admission 25c.: , • ,4 • ',4,,,rtr'llf.1 RAMOUNT • 10. E°Wet T6reat°, wl.ta a, Visitor last week with her slater,' Mrs- Fred crumFt " ' Ma,SkjUerade ndance waa,a de - ;Wed •sn'Ccess. The hall was filled to e,a0aeitYlaad many Were in, egstame. 1I-idY price winners Were ' Leonard MacDonald) Lneknovr•Ond Lillian Car,' Millers) Oth cePtlente4 :Winfiffs were, Elwood SAIonlon. Lucknow ,and Sid Smith' Zion.. The next regular dance Will be on Friday. Nov., 10th. Don't , to see "MarrYing Mar- ion" the musical' comedy Presented by the. Choir): and Y. P. S. of Loa - now United Church in the Town Halle • Don't fail to ae'-"Marrying Mar, • Mr. ,and. .Mrs: Wm. :Martin and ion" the Mqsteil COnleklY presented 8,9161' were ieeent visitors at me. t;Y the. Chair -and Y. P.. 3. of. Luck- Dave Carruthers 6th con. now United. Church in the Tqwn,...Hall, November lfith. AdMission. 25e. " ' Mr. and Mrs... George Stuart Pat- terided the funeral of their aunt, Mit. McGregor at Kintail- on Tuesday. , A . grout) of young people .. from Kitchener had charge of .the Meeting of the T. P. fl. C. on. Sunday .evening when there was a large Attendanee kebnuth' Schlenker was chairman while his brother, Mr; Erhart Schlen- ker presided at the piano and cOntri4 huted several ,piano solos.- Mrs..Mus.- ten gave. a reading "The last Hymn'? Mr. Lawton was the soloist of the evening and drab as his selection* Mr.- and Mrs. James MacDonald. . "The Lase Chord", "Where're You :Walt"- "Hold Their My Hand" and "‘‘For All ;Eternity." The topic q'ree- dorn"--wat'..--axell presented by Mr: A-14ed.._Muston, . A Motion of thanks was tendered to the visitors On niotion of the pres- ident,' Mr.. W. A. Miller, seconded' by Mr. Stanley ITodd. -- • The Noietnber Meeting: of the W.e) men's ,Institute was 'held at Mrs. R. T. Wood's. Mrs. W. I, Miller gave iome interesting hints On: dressing poultry , for . market. The subject, "Thanksgiving" Was taken by Miss M. C. Rutherford who also gave an leconni Of her trip to Chicago. It was decided' to donate $10 to the National Institute for .the Blind. Atthe. con - elution lunch was-served•by he .hast-, eiset.',Misq Lila NUMPhreY" and Mrs. D. Philips. 'The 'Kitchener young folk who had charge 8f the C. were guests af. Mr. and .Mrs. Robinson Woeds..:' '. Mr. Irvin McPherson and bride; of. Orangeville: spent a few days during. the week, with their aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mra. George McRoberts. Mr; and Mrs •R,obt.' Hamilton en- • tzniiig tainde. friends last Friday: 3,kr, and Mrs Elliot • Sandy and Jean spent Friday 'evening with Mrs: KetChabaW. • ' „ • Mr: and Mrs. Arthur .Cook visited with Mr. and. Mrs; Shiells', AmberleY during the week Mrs- Gotdon Jamieson is spending , . the week With Mr. and Mrs. Lester Falconer and other 'relatives. at Telek;rws.atel.r.):n.ne.'MacLennan' and Ken= neth, Detroit ,spent the weekend with • •this tre!ir 'A;nrtical. • Nakayaniate;- DOri, 4 ,choihs, Kobe, • Wak chinas and Political storm 1tipri., Rutft,ahd be: with.; e-entres Continue to be piaptiler, Slab - in reaea of the Canadian Aea,derny by. jects fOr"„the neti;srdpets. •'in the t;ree,, 'car' for h* Year'S tehbol, • ' • 18.000 BRUCE VOTERS When .the time comes for a Fedek. 11 election, there are more than,18006 1 1 • in Bruce Riding who can Vote. Under the Redistribution, Bill, a portion of the county •was tacked .to part - of Grey to .make Grey -Brace. The rA.': mainder of the kgCounty is a single riding of Bruce. 'Enumerators have :!ompleted their work, 'and will short- ly sit as a Court of Revision to add names, and hear appeals. . • • ONE CENT SALE , The ,One Cent Sale is ,now in, full swing at McKim's Drug Store, 'con- tinuing until Saturday. Here's a' real chance to stock rin with drugs, toil-, etrias and pipetries at big savings, and don't forget to' east your votes ,for your .favorite, 'contestant, with each ,purchase. t . A Orient' the llorpi Manchurian l'allwa* r ildtr and I will spent the year. ..antie clnimd as a storni eentreo. litifitrig op mut runninvetirjapahile nete Etiropd hag' its 'Vita* The: ' delayed the posting of tlq letter', 8atir; 46 a .-AtP:aalet rescrt liko this.Aeadetily IS tiquite .the time you receive this 'Sbinifier though smnll. Oito igopportnnitY tO tnecettfnl 'Ottpinnt ,t deal with the screed, .66 okii* toy, be 'dienss. current events with ent& oriA,probtent ,6tedgehting Ole case may we be 016. Otst whose toottid,t§ are as wide a tlio to Of Canadian And. other ;,foreign to say ott‘htt eliristinni* and ilappy orld People ttotti nearlY eVerY tesideliita' in the., ;Orient: piing., in se*. yilitan.,,„ Ado, deadlock which existed in the loelerich 'Council, over the appoint- ment of ,On, assessor ,and collector was finally broken, on, Fridei night, with the appoiniment'of Neil McKay. • . Ram Fire 'A large `frame barn, belonging tO John Shields; corn. 2; Ashfield, was destroyed by fire last week. The barn is situated across the read from the farm Where Mr. ShieldN resides, and the origin of the blaze is a mystery, as no one was. known to have been at the barn. About.1,21oads of hay, some Straw and implements Were included in the loss Which is partially overed by insurance. • , Kobe should give Us -opportunity to make some, observations into the WOrkings of this Occidental institu- tion in its Oriental setting. As for the language study. we are to pree-'- on 'a well-known teacher of Mrs. (*Its tint her. litisbnand Mr. Ogita, • With beit6-01Shes, Hugh 'MacMillan, Donald* *Milian'. -*Ruth` and Sandy'. P.S. The leek Of printing facilities BOUNDARY WEST • Mi'. and Mrs. Will Kemp* visit- ed. recently wih Mr. and. Mr.S. Bogie •and:11trs: Mr. and Jim Richards of Fleshekton spent Sunday With his parents, Mr. and Mr's, R.. Richardt, ' Miss Minnie ,Richards has returned home after spending . sometime 'nurs- ing atthe home of Mrs.' A.' R. kip- tayson. °.! ,Mr and Mrs. Clarence Deter 'qf Auburn visited With Mr. and,. Mill: Albert. Cook recently. '‘ . Mr. Din Nicholson : and daughter Isobell; Margaret and Donaldap spent:, the :week end at the • home of the former's mother near' BerVie. .; 'Mr. and Mia. Percy and son Harold and Mr. and .Mrs. John : Line of .Kin, lough, spent Sunday at the home Of Mr. and kis., IL Richards Miss Myrtle :Webster spent the week end at her home: Mr.,: and . Mrs. 'Harold Stanley ',and' Russel hake moved to their farm , on the second , coneetsion. • ' Mrs. Jas. McNain and Murray and Miss Grace Webster spent anafter- noon with Mrs.: Eddie, Johnston • Mr. Eddie JOIntston spent a day; last week in :London. ' : 'Mr. and Mrs ,Albert Cook and. daiighter, Vials spent . Monday in 'Kincardine.. • • •WHITECHURCH Mrs, A. Emmerson is, visiting her brother, Mr. john' Small of N,ortlj Bay Mist 'Chrittena Laidlaw is mitntg relativet at Powassim. • .` Mr. Wm: Reed of • Paris and Mr. and Mrs .• Russel Reid oF.Brantford 'spent the week end with their nother Mrs A Reed. Mrs. Russel Reed' re- , untitled for a short visit : Mrs John Kennedy is visiting he , - daughter: •Mrs. Toynbee Lamb of IDon't fail to see "Marrying Mar- ion" the musical comedy presented by the Choir and Y. F. S. of Luck - now United. Church in the Town Hall, November 16th. Admission 25c. ° Mr. •and Mrs:John Reed of Auburn spent , Sunday with Mr. • and Mrs. .David Kennedy.' The mission' band are holding their thankoffering *Feting on Friday niiht, in the Presbyterian church. It will be in the form of a concert. When h ,gocid Program will be given. .Everybody welcome. Miss GI:10s Garton • of ,London :spent the week -end at her borne here. Armistice service Will be held" in tai1 the Presbyterian htgeriitainp..hureh' On Sunday , A wedding.' recution Was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Gaunt last Tuesday evening, .for her titter., Mk • and; Mrs. , Ernest Case - more, who were married recently, They Were the recipients of many useful gifts: An enjoyable evening was spent by ' , 'A GENTLE REMINDER 11$ ,LFAST and ,Mrs.' Oeo. Lane and Cliff', , Ord spent the wee end vilith relatives 0 Eive,ryiew- , 41nd ifrs. 70m) McLean o 'Go4crieh .yisited with hlr-. 014: hi Ray Alton on SnndaY. , • 14. and Mrs- Geo, Tilden of Hol- stein eed. Mr, Geo. Mitchell of roll- drCe; were week end i'fisiterS, with 311' and, Davis. We extend' Mir sineereat syMpatbY to Mrs.: 4anaea Agar: in her rece'nt hereaVenlient.. Messrs. 'hos„ TWamleY and: Wit- fred. 'Hackett have returned from Ingersoll, Where they bay& Spent .the east ..few weeks; • ASHFIELD MC. u'Simpson whe,ia atter:- :ding Knox College, Toronto, spent the week -end at his home in Kintail. The pupils of Hemlock' City School .field a marshmallow roast ,and Ilal- lowe'en, frolic in .the school on Wed- nesday evening. • Don't fail to see "Marrying •Mar- ion" the Musical' comedy presented by the Choir ,and Y, 1'. a of Leek, now United Church in the Town Hall, November. 19th. Admission 25e. The Kintail branch of the Women's: Institute held their November meet, ing at ;home o Mrs: Wm Mac- Donald On Thursday. ' They intend holding a .sewing meeting, in Kintail Hall this Thursday afternoon to 'hdp clothe tome families who are not very Well prepared for winter. 7TITe"Trarci s were idayed on Hallowe'en: The older people, seemed '-e) enter into the ;spirit of the cele- ')ratiOn and for once all 'were, young . The Young Peoplelof the Presby erian Church hem their meeting Or Monday•evening. It prove d to be Very 'ilteretting and tool the form Of r memorial service for those .Of , the 'congregation" who gave their lives : ir the Great War.. • We have alwaY$ ,endeavored to apprinieti ont delinquent $111)$criber$ L. On Wednesday night, On Thursday with delicacy. We :` really bite to night Isaac Pinnell and Wesley Guest *speak of -it, but$6;,file have Seen- PicattistioSst'as:LteL;o6fkIL. 1,1 tet where itnogti'us7Itiberseliitatv.6;t1PinliteoTt.rttiiinttnid$Sr: Pinnell, D. St) gave a very in- ue; in fact it 1$ neee$$ary in 15u$1, teSting4,0rt of' the ledges it 1.10e, we won't 'speak further on 016 I the Thstrict, whieh was very eneotir- stiwoet.:pottups you , have tiuesseo J itging-,t13 the brethren Of the ItinloS4 di4trkt, , -KIPILOUGH • Miss. Winine Percy, R.N.. of Kin- cardine, spent Saturday afternoon at her home here. Mrs.- Abe Stringer of Kincardine. visited, last week with; her sister, Mrs. Kaake. ' Don't fail to see 'Marrying Mar. ion" the musical comedy presented by the Choir and Y. T. S. of Luck - now United, Church in the Town Hall ' . ' • . November 16th. AdMission 25c; , Mrs Jane Percy and Mra. F., A Blackwell, spent 'an afternoon" with Mrs.,' Hugh lane.- ; A Inimbek4korn here attended the anniversary services at Lucknow 'United Church en Sunda, 'and were pleased to hear Rey. *., Lane; '1.‘ former Kinlaugh. boy, , Rev. and' Mrs, 'AppleYard Called or friends here Monday k on their way te On, Sunday: next; > November lith. T.-tarvest Thanksgiving 'services will held in. the Anglican 'Church at Rev. F. Mellitchile willhave c'harge, and 7.30 p.m. Rev. S., Geog- hegan of Lucknove will he the speaker Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thompsonand Mr. and • Yes. Art Graham, Were eSnubnyel,asy. visitors at Mr:. • Miss Alexander,. R.N., who is in e!harge of the 'Nursing class, is stay- ing with Mist Haiel Percy. (Intended for Last Week) ' Mr. and Xis. George Huntley of 'Ingersoll spent the Week end with the latter'sr'parents. Mr. and, Mrs: Wm. Kaake: C) Mr. and. Mrs,;...Itert McLean, Misses Edna and May Boyle, Rev. F. !p - Ritchie and Mr. F. Jackson, attended the Deanery -;A. Y. P. A. Rally at Chesley on Wednesday last. • Mr„, and Mrs. Bill Jackson and children :Were Sunday visitors'. -at M. it. Robinson's, 6th con., A Niiispig Course spontored-by the Women's ,Institute • and in charge of Miss Alexander of •'foronto-, is being betel this Week and next Week in the Orange ;'Hall here, Anyone interested in this course is invited to attend:, •On Sunday, November Har- vest Thanksgiving service*. will " be hem' at I1 atn,` and 7.36 p.m. Rev; F. Meritchie will have charge of the mOrning service..1 ' . Mi. Made Pinnell, District- Matter, Of Kinloss L. 6. L. and Mt: Peter Bruice L. 0. L., visited Kingarf• L. Niter. County Marshall Of We.4.t 1••••• IS W Ki -IUMPRED -NEW '-e-CPATS-, LuiuriOusly fnr-trimmed, from which You rney 'choose. Your size and vole!. llsOwn.Blues Black and:Need effeita la „ . tregular sine's, half sizesjunlOr sizes ; Popular Prices '40 snit every Pocket book- ' 'RACKS OF .NEW DRESSES in TIC1L.. Velvets,. Crepea„, Satins. $9-75; $17-09 1 02900 • SMART MILLINERY • The neliv'liapes and color s in VelVet and Felt. Beretst 'Tams and' 'StYlish Shapes ' WATSON lpmEttwEA4 for women and milSes, , ' TURNBULL UNDERWEAR- -for. men, young men' and boys ;KAYSER SILK STOCKINGS' it $1 00, are the best' vale iL town. , I G BROS. 'iPhnne 71. " ivinghtm, Ont. osi:a*areaNeo***.tat?ea.:,, .Rurak,Se4001 Report;s, S. No. 14 Paramount 'These raarlted have had perfect, 3 spelling for, the month. . Sr. 'IV -Bobbie Macintosh 829n*; . Jr. IV -Jimmie Hamilton 15; Rhea, ,filler 657 Sr. III -Stuart Jami son 69'; Jean taYnard 36. r ' III -Eileen Henderson 60. 117 -Buddy Hamilton 68. 1 -Donald Hamilton 70; 'rump 65. Pr -Gertrude Raynard, Good. NO. on roll 10.. ' ' Average 9, • Anne. MacDonald. S. S. No. 5; • Kinloiss For September andigktober V7 -Grace Reyn6 ' . Sr, IV71/ittileen: -Carruthers 86; Mary -Reynolds 80; George Robinson. Jr. IV-iprstee MacLeod 81; . Mur - lean MacLeod 76;5. . • , jr: Carruthers `' 64.2*; Arthur. Wheeler 80.33; Harry darter 53**.; Robert Parkes, (absent). .TI -Laverne White. 'Asterick denotes absence for exam- ination. • dthe ftft ,nur Lenore E. Mcl)onald. S. S. No. 5. Ashfield , . Si, • IV -Total.. niarka,' 080- ' Rena:: Hunter 414; BillY Drennan 392. :IV -Total ' Marks, 680, linunie Minter 575; Eldon:Ritchie 542.. , Sr. 1TI-Total Markt .630. Kathleen Gibson 434; Lorna Reid 430; Kathleen Gardner ,338; -Dorit Reid 330;„.: Jr. Ill -Total marks '500, :Russel Ritchie 345; Keith': Hackett 328; Keith, Ritchie 261,,: • • , Pr. --=Total Marks 360: Marion Gard- ner 288; Lyle Ritchie 279; Allan ig4-1, thie 268; Johnny' Hunter 234; Erie FlaCiiett 2064 No. on roll,.16. • Ave. att. 15.8.' . Ada M. Webster. . S. No. 10, 'Ashfield Per SOternber and October V -Jean Nelsen 74%. Jr. IV -Cecil is' Watt 72; -Grace Campbell 65; Bob Farrith 47. Sr. III -Pearl. Jamieson 58; Louise , Campbell • 53. , Jr. III -John .Austin 73; Dorothy- lirennan 62; *Alvin Drennan ' 57; *Vincent 'Austin, 54;- *Grant Farrish 45 "' It -Evelyn Little .68; Warren Zinn 6/ . 1 Sr I -116n.. --Marguerite Jamieson, , Teresa Austin. Pass -Rena Miller .7- Hon. -Clarke Zinn, Elaine Little. • , Pass --Elwood Miller, Jack Farrith. , ,•• ,• ' Those rnar-ked *. missed more exannna ions. No. on roll 20, ' Ave. Att. 19. M. G. MacDOnald. ASHFIELD NOTES `,Mestrt. Chas. , gberwood. and Ches- ter Ritchie Motored from Detroit:over the weekend to visit their friends in., Ashfield. Miss Lorena Hagan of Stra'tfOrcl` Normal spent ,Sunday at bet:borne here. .r. Les. Rithie spent a few dayA with her sister. Mrs. A. Gaunt.% Mr, and ',Mrs: Chester Ilintpre . of Oakville visited with Ieso4feFeitli's O n?, 8i.inda-Y., McFeitik , them on tbeir, return and will reMilin • for awhile. . , Mr."and Mrs. Gordon Ritchie (4 friends in Wanritioth on Monday afteruoop.