HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-10-25, Page 3'...j. . ♦ gig'.
Not'I oo, OW to• Redo at. 5Q
Here is a letter which proves that
there is no necessity to tolerate ex
cessive ' fatness, even . at the `age e
''4' was becoming too fat After'
'reaching 50, and had attacks of rhea -
me -ism and indigestion. I tools or-
dinary salts and other medicine:,, but
they diad not. do any permanent hood.
a Then I 'commenced taking liruschen.
. soon,' began to feel :different
brighter, stronger, had. More energy,
no, rheumatism,, and to• my •surprise,
after two months I lost •10 :lbs. in.
weight, "although I was eating mch
Blore, as digestion fullness had near-
ly left me."—W H G.
The numerous vital salts in. Eras
• Chen stimulate and tune up, the bodily'
functions from a number of 'differ-
ent angles. Your stomach, liver, and.
kidneys all Heel' .the immediate" belie-
• fit.. Your blood is cleansed of im•.
.purrties•.and becomes invigorated and.
ref hed 'You; forget indigestion,
- railsrheumatism, and depression, in a new
and unaccustomed feeling of physical'
and mental exhilaration..
Manitoba Launches "
Tree Planting ,plan
Winnipeg, Man. - An ambitious
plan of tree, planting an. the • school•
grounds throughoit Manitoba •has
•been• launched by the provincial dei,.
pertinent 'of education,' industrial . de-
", velopment board and the forestry
blanch of'the.I)ominion Gove ent.
W h' i 1 e beautification of the
• grounds surrounding the schools is.
one objective, the Movement also
'.alms to provide sheltersfor buildings
• s and grounds from 'winds and snow
drifts' as well as •'to teach the ''scholars
Careful selection ,of trees suitable for
different 'soils and purposes. ^ -
More than _13,004' trees from 'the
Dominion, forest nursery stations at.
Indian Head, Sask., have been pleat-
ed. in 27 Manitoba school grounds
,Ince ,spring, and more, than 35, other
school grounds are tieing prepared'••,
• for planting. of trees.
Mother says afatper •'always 'looks,
"forward' to'• Sunday so be can lop at-
•• bind' the hones; all day ;;because 'he
'Its.* lazy to shave.
Past 4th
Feil Thatt : They're SLPphig
Weal; zr+.o; r, es. to be a, gold discovery of maior importance, the first
made in the North Wert Territories and which Will round out the picture
of the rich • silver and radium ore' deposits of the Great Bear and other
areas: has been madehis summer in the Yellowknife River area near the"
junction with the Wort West Arm. of Great Slave Lake,'N
• • Major J. L. Burwash for twenty five years Government. Mine 1avesti-
gator, located in the - North. West Te rritories and the Yukon,. nava President
of the Yellowknife'Gold Mines, Limited has been, working with; a party in
this area and' has just arrived m 'Toronto with speeime of spectacular
;old ore chieflartz, visible. distributed throughout:.tbe
as secanda " and:
�M >s
visible ryu ea and; leaves,.with gale>:a, arsenopytites, and.pyrteis
Y �
quarte in coarse flak
' Several groups of claims were staked'and a limited anioun+t of surface
exploration work done. The spectacular discovery was made on the "Rich"
group of• 24' claim: located at the mouth of Abe Yellowknife River wtlere it
junctions with the Norte arm of Great. Slave Lake a few mules S.E.'of 'Fort
Rae. The vein is fissure type vary ng in width from 6" to'24"• of: blue
:white nuartz,' greatly.. fractured' and With ' considerable visible •mineralize-.
tion.. The. gold is coarse in flakes and leaves and allyin the, frac.a
tire planes.. This. is a general occurrence over ai len of 200 feet ea-
amined to points where • the vein enters • swamp, • On •account of :water en-
countered• trenching; was discontinued temporarily, •
•A shear zone 200 feet wide was encountered on the Prosperous group,,
of 6 claims ' Located near the "Rich" properties:. The'shear zone ,consisted
of crushed schisted vein fill material;,wittt.a considerable amount of mineral-.
ization visible. Numerous, quartz veins, and lensesocaar, samples of which
e assays of $17.00 per ton. •Surface development'' indicates:•: a. length of
2000 feet with the zone continuing at either end. .
• On the "Homer" group: in the ••same: locality a mineralized sued
zone 1S.feet was' encountered' with a 6 foot core showing -massive anemia
izatiob'.and uranium oxide. Major Burwazh considers.the` uranium showing
similar with the discoveries. of Iottsh Lake. .
The Grayling group • of 6 chains lies adjacent' to thea. est' of the Con-
Smelters propertiew Arrying viable min`' `
consistin of • • quartz vein'ca .eraU:atiub
trill g galena, arsenopyrites and, pyrites Was discovered and par-.
y explored. Sampling results areasnot'yet. available,
The H G,B; Growl, of 4,1 iaadiacent to the "Rich" properties on
three sides. :
• Major . Bu - ash feels confident that these gold' discoeenes Tina as if
major importance and ,witlathe limited•, amount of. surface ,exploration 'done
the resv:ts obtained aremost. gratifying, Plans are being considered to es
permanent camps, provide the supplies and mining` equipment necessary to
prosecute mining development work ,on a large' scale. •
The Quyta group .of 17 claims: lies ',proximate* .12 miles •north;of
the• liamer properties.' The discovery , vein is 6 feet wide •
,mineralized : quartz • and • vein ill material e sum v lin consisting of
in goer! Tier ton.' P . g =±exults' of;40.OQ'
Feeeaa. •Lean .:Successful
1 _:La Go1d Maw
"pit time Of"xviting; ;the i1lfOmiTli�A`
of • Canada 'Refunding Loan of • 1934
has been, subscribed to the amount sof
$230,000,000, and with the objective
being' $250,000,000- there does not
appear to be, any doubtin regard lo;
the success of the , g'overnment's tie;
.,A report received recently at Head.
Offiice,of MacFarlane Long •Lae Go1d
•Mines,, Limited. from A; $ Iarre1,
resident sapennteadent in charge of
work, acting under instructions from
,nein I the':Company's' Consulting`,"Engineer,.
g. Plana The response ;to the 'advises; that surfacevexploratory de-
offering can only be' considered ant velopnnent.,work with
most gratifying and it again em -crew of men has, been "'largely ex
phasises the : excellent ' position that paraded in en attempt for new vale-
the -Dominion occupies in a financial .able gre discoveries: and .to obtain; ags
Irays. qA much; mining information as possible
�`� • •" before *intra 'weather `conditions.
Canada Has Corner on Hard Red made 'fnrt.lier surface 'work imposs-;
Spring Wheat
• According 'I to - Country .Guide, two
weeks ago was •; an eventful one in the
-wheat market- There had been many
wild .rumors and while things 'have.
Settled•doyan a bit, the air is not yet
clear.. John 1.:.McFa'rland,.•in� shares.
e governmen eats operations -
claims that them' is a heavy selling in
•e market • when. tlie a,farmers • are
delivering their 'wheat. When the
'weather broke and deliveries at' comatry elevators•dropped•'.off •there was
several', Crimes as much' selling as
necessary to. • hedge •tire deliveries.
Manytpeople 'round 40 flank •theyaa
TheK feel Wed,. a
deciiioir will be' detennined at an
aelopment will -he diamond drilling
or sinking a shaft.. The' latter will
probabla be undertaken at a favor-
able 16 tionannaliae-a—mineralized
',Piviisiteleso1d; WO*
,ductian St ads riatnimirraproajty Alt
the; Bridge Eliot Aron amountad to
and- 108,000-- hi ',September -193LaNat
lifter aapreciaticara &Welton. and taxa
is: la ahawn• at.' $139060, IS .agrdnut
$189,300 in AugUst Ina 313a..006
the Orme month li.193a,
The ioiCa..tot.:the 'white metal con.::
thie item 'it ia; at the whit
shies 192a. Undaubtedly the coat*
:largely retaansible ter tile Increaried
Pariee' and eve:Otking'''Indicainn. that,
further- aim priee Many he iinticipata
sue:alms been firm arid fae deemed
for stadia in this alias is facreasing.
Trafalgar Long:14C Mews.:
A. -PatersOn. engineer in
e operatioas at alas goal -
Mr. Farrell's recent Bela, wait: laas,
discovered, two Minefaized ' quartz
tam of •Western.•OntariO; has -reported
t Potatoes
and :Palace *Wail ..ishiair are' too*
meat with the federal. government.
Mai triii shipments Of New *masa
4acit• potatoes haa peen. aent to_ Brava
Apart.. from the. somewhat gl,aorny
outlook tor the 'Potato 'terraerra Pie-
r Tilley said Conditions in .NeW
*la were fairly good' and
daring the' last feiv days?. Panning of
•veitta• that •Ita*S• every • Phaelcat aP- 'beta these. sliowings haa illosan, gold
ce, of cent:alining geld aal es, .to .ba present in •fine •Partich* and:
.14s3'..,,,Sth„.1:.1_12aFhaallar'ett'sta. ea all An investigation into. t _peratione riein:diSeoveries have been tiepalied entitle 960.• acrea 'actin; ; Lang
results ate Pembina 'Several' fernier. ',meat for assay.' The Nina, holda,
stomach upsets. take P----hiHiPe
distance further. ,The aezaanda far the that aia months of
All you have to do is to neutralize 'indicated a total distance of 45-00 •
meat. apparently:art .aalaCal mature,
Watch, sent .the • price down. '6 'cents
.ln„ tiro days and the ,gOverninent
begat to bring heaay export , orders
week the market: had. recoiered .abotit
OEM), in the rise by the geve.rnment
agency: araentine 'wheat fell 'More
than Ciaaalan and 'the 'spread', lie-
tWeen- the twe: opened still *idea' 'Ati.=,
termitied: to .get rid of every bushel
Of it before the new hariest .begina
When you haVe one of these acid:.
tion -of ita continuing a enii:siderible' in according to:the itatiatics 'oi New'
An increase ;Of 51.1l.. per cent was
feet with there being every hidicaa aecarded inainaerte er aa,aaaiaa
'of •Magnesia 'after areals:airtabefore.
going to bed., That'd aha
• Try this. , Soma you'll feel hire
• another 3seison! Take either the et MacFarlane. alas- e that OM, have' 'on- 1933 The increase shown was
Made a discaverY" which has similara princip-ina in automobile, tires. elec-
1934 as comPared with the,. same per,
• • final* hipfid'aPHIlfiLIPS' ", Or the
vein eharacteristici to the '..4•3411na Meters, flour; wire, fur Sams
convenient new Phi ipa' Milk of •
This LIMP -10n is• aPProvaima.tela Douglas
Magnesia nada Made m'Cana5li.
fir; ehasais for carS. iron bars,
halt' mile east et Ne- '2. p5e '41 and rnds, wireless apparatus anti w
lets.sre now on sale at all ana
• .stares everyivbera Each tiny this.
preparation for% continuing
, Amps. milk of MacneOs T.°7 Nrapine'rre- e.a.a ;Ira, a,:,een.er'ec• ' denwaie. Some , aberease 'svas "shown.
ed, with ' supplies and minina ih•aubber acots• newsprint, wheat and
fact remains that the only hard red
spring wheat OvailOble the,world•
the Callodian surplus.
and express a keen apareciation of
the mine-maidag Possibilities and the Rtitish Peer
The Bone Buildin Value of Cod Liver Od mane), Hams co- Ltd. ,
• Strong Hones Ond Sout4 Teeth built of
' our bodies absorb these minerals', -'
Scott's Emulsion. 12, doirbly effeCtive—because
of bOne building hypophosphites. of lime, aria
liod6:7-PLUS values ,you receive' irk ScOtt's
For /:)aaggia,t
TO ill
, Present market' for the steel' RI Winter Fair
eipeeted in the Minimal Statement that HISTORIC' ASSOCIATtOlip •••'9,VITH
istic. as the Market *Quid indicate as text. awath' tarries oit traaitioa ,
it is anticipate/ that.. callectiana will aas.atraratrataaaraaaataraaaaaaa,-..aaa-
'Collections; in 'Western, ClatiSda. h_aFe DOrchesteia deiceadant of 'Sir Goa
there teens Tuba to beliete teatala aria aianinamierria-Chief aria
=' the A.rTies'iiiiiic Which is *ho arao ecaoes of a jaw!,
of 'toe traveraily tit Tercato
MOO WOWS!. Obriek ett*.
. Birraingliana Eng, -,—City workers
in •Mazia, parts Of Brits* .soon :
riot 'on haliday,,r UM Leaden. 3rld, •
after' office hours.
!The coaches used on •the .sighMeaa
ing aiains,are all suitable far Wiser-.
:ration, PurPoses. witk large **dram
,Start it tiMes.e.anveilient •for the too,
jority, Ofifice *bakers, and, anima
'far an,hour being. spent'at the pita
ciPal Place "Of interest on, the tear:
late the 'same.eaeninig.
heat the majority of theia rail -heads.
Classified AdverOsing
eref..• The "United Stites bad Obtaatteri
the, treaty that Catalaiana eaula. not
comireta ,txport to the, United
States waS Mit of the question be-
eatise Of the tarifa mid the' Maritime.
potato. crop cannot be. abiorbed •
EleehititiOn 59.8 P.
ntatea in' the countay he :the jaer.
:'aentage lanes 'receitiag central
aricitY to Agriculture iteparta
Only *by New?' awaicli
standS first With a perchatage Of tat
4164455 TE C5450
*kr. • Lad weligiast
ill IL Mistimeti NM.
ititocore ot 'der 1=4 tbs.'
Inforulattot sent; rese-•- Tim- Rambo ,•••
COMPIL14 :ye world Patent ,Attcirnens: ,•'
to take the ,plice or peifecr imisOth as;
the foundation Of ahsppy life. And
• no better way for every:.line to, get it
'than to twrii fa' Unit feoloos mane
-. wiodonis is not a drag. It in Sim*
the' Purest or,file,,,ine With all thaa•
imitable properties Of the 2aa. las.. Or a
aceperwtch go .to eaery battle, aorta •
Mere soundly, Wake more.' eshed. .
raost'ytrentMar day at the p of ion*
down conditions. St • takingend
&der:- ELTIEleFtliII,mcd1,,, and all run- . •
t SERVICE to artists and ati-
thors, listing up-to-date in-
formation on WHERE TO
SELL, Yearly•suEscription,
Send a ihree, cent stamped'
t envelope. for full informv
tion on our other service de -
ideas' Ihilittuteci
"fility. Hie Lee Aveteil
a la