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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-10-11, Page 5
Tiffutsi) 7r, ocroPER 11th I934, 6411 .0 • •,' ;4. *A cow was, choking on IL E. .; CURRY'S farm. Every min- ims eria bringing the animal. • Oloareeldeath, in spite of her . owner's efforts. There was stip ...chAw:e if the veterinary ' :ligtewri-cetildlie• reached in • Oise. Ciiree 'harried: to the • telephone. His call brought thetieterinarywith the Proper Instruments. The caw'. • duvet WW1 cleared and an : ids* Worth 175, saved. TELEPHONE - 54 ottirE0 TERMS IN COUNTY 4AIT, couFiNa. YEAR, 4Vic PER MEAL e rePert of Gaol Governor Vic- tor M.' Bell Show S that. 54 men .serv- ' terms in , the Bruce 'County:Gael . ' This 'total , 45 fewer • than during • .the 12 • mentlis=ending Sept; 30t1i; .1933: • • Eighty-111Fte were cOMmitted,: but Of, 'these. 36 Were' either a(!eattegA to int% Placed On :suspended Sentences . or had charges Withdrawn'. The )44-.:- , :eat ' number in the goer at. any one, time, was 1.9.„ the lowest 3. „. ,,Criniea for which' these men 'Mid classified : BreachesAt ,the •14,;.C.A., 9; breaches of,. by-laws; 10; .. • . „ • . larceitcy, '11; * forgery, 3 burglary, 11;, :carnal -ichorkledge; ' 1, nlanslaugh- ter 1; :esSault..1;'.other offences; 9. , , Food cost at the, rate Of :41/2F, ,pet mealThus s Obeur.half a cent high el.,' than during'. the year Jinni ed lately preceding, but the :advance in: the AL. prwe of , potatoes one of the puuncu- patfo�ds)ds) .thiting the pest Six'rnonths ,accounts • ainiost• .7entieely. for :the. sizght advatiee. , . • • ,Fetid, :clothing' and 'all Other items - . of; Iiiainteriance...:cast.' $681•15,-. . , , , H 1:ICP an There Reduced' ,fares tit. cover the Labor Day. week -end. from . Aug. ' :51 .tti 12 .noon Monday, Sept. 3, • have been authorized on the'Ca- adianL_Pactfic-Itallway between -- c e w 0 e r -.-.0..fiii-to-tinet.--quitYter and will . • .0904 hht,t1 midnight, Tuesday,. • , •• . letUrning--from White .London ghg.;:: aboard. Canadian Pacific liner Moiitcalm; the ath- letes . Who represented 'Canada . at the Britian:Empire genies ante back practically, in a body to. the: -number cif. around 100. They • Sailed for England Aboard the ! .....liuchess of York July 20. • Australia is showing very sub. ' °Mandel evidence of; recoverYwith continued7betterment7,-In-sightAs.,-.si ;the 'view of John P. Brophy, Com- monwealth 'Trade Representative at New ; York, stated when inter- viewed. aboard S.S.. Niagara • on arrival recently. at Victoria. Fifty :per cent. :ahead of last s Year at•- iflid-AUMnit with prps- pects for balance of Beason ex- ceptionally geed for the Canitdittii; . Pacific hotelsand resorts in. the • Rockies Is reported,byA; E. Rob- - efts* assistant general manager. In charge of the Company's weat- ern - • , Walkerton Telescope. Ilacout ' Canoe Found . . "A,164tiet ditgotitr, canoe; believed . to be leitirly a hundred years old,wos Yeeently found- •On •the . beach at • ., 1 Goderich at the ,mouth , of the Mait- nd near 'Where an old Indian' encampment once stoode canoe, tewn out of a cedar log was water- , • logged and embedded in the sat'id in the lakebottoni, to be discovered upon the receding ,• Of the Water at this., • point. • • ' Prominent British' parliament • Arians are visiting, the,. Maritime ..Provinces this'. year, 'Including Prime Minister J. ,Ramsay Mac- Donald. The Canadian 'Patine liner ..Moxitcalm recently .carried, a . passenger Dr, E. Leslie Burgin, Parliamentary sec- retary of ' the. British Beard of Trade,' who will Stay "at,St., An- drews -by -the -sea; Saint John and Digby, N.S. • • , -Canadian Pacific flagship Em - 'Press of Britain claimed a new - recordrecently for the Quebec. CherbOurg Atlantic crossing, nick- ing . the tripin: fear ',deka, Sit hours and fifty-eight 'Minutes. ' being thirty;four.-MinUteit under her own Urevieuarecord net. In August, 1933, ' YOUR :HOME IS YOUR CASE only clean, atettractive:newl by .tending'. 114E etlittStiAN SC1ENC8 'MONITOR A bail,' NewspaperJor ,the It aft* all die etinsittiCtIve ivoildnewt but do.s not exploit ennie iid EandeL v Itte intereiting.feetuti okt,..toe ell the htnily :on WOntin'e Activj., Hoge:, ewitato,,gsttiwta,•Bdutition end floolie. Alto' pitges fdi the Children end YOutil • ^.5rollto; -Vtgotoui iditorieli,an interptetetion-of-Innek-in thi',"Markir ifthe- NatiOnr" Collin* end "Watchitit the ,Ge • 'et• nt impede! Intereft to men, .. , . - The Pnbflshlti"5lOcletY „ '.10/ Falmouth Street, Boston. 5ditseathOtotte • ,' Please enter Ott! itibitcfltitIon toThe; 'eariettin scienci MOlittOt lot ak, period of: " • • - : One rent': 50;00 ' '4:10 i ;1111rCetggilii 4‘0.1# „ •Olt Months ' 4.50 4°°' . 4. . 41, it. •r•ill r 144 rily**14,sti rtt,t•li 4-64'414 et> ‘• Stre,8 ,eotoki4tivrierotioil'arive5,410hvert114iwtre Setil laickno* 'Fall , Fair,. Prize List .( id from last week) -• .." •POU1414Y ' Ancona"; cock -W. I. Miller. •Brill- Bros- 4,4gehaar hen-Bri)1 Bros., W. 1. Milier. Leghorn, eecle-,4eill•Bres UrdL Broji: 1t & 4110. Minorcas, coek -Prin. 'Bros; .Minoreas; ,hen --Brill 'Brea. Plymeuth rock, honest:1,c. cock - W. I -Miller. lst '4 2nd: Plyniouth. rock, barred, hen --W. 1, Milier, lst & 2nd. Plymouth rack, white, hen - W. I. Miller, Brill:. Bras. Plymouth' rock, white; cock.-W-..1..Miller, Jirill Bros., R. I. 1eil,,cock.-•-7Brill -Bros. T. M. Derain.R. I. Bed, hen -W. ,Miller, lst & 2nd.. N'Vyaadotts, cock - W. I. Miller • BO'Bros' .'Wyandottb, hen -Mr, L Miller, Drill •Bres. Duck; :Millee;.1st.•&.,2nd: Tar- keys,-. James - Will.: Bras, Geese. TeelOese--aM Bros. Geese, Ainden.-;Hitraid_ Greer. :Clase14-'430ekens4e 1934 • Ancona's, .cockerel -.W. L Miller, '1st tTz 2nd. AffiCeseitai. Pullet -WA. 'Miller, lat.& '2nd..*.Legherns,el , Cocker -"Riciard,' Johnston, Brill Brea. ' Leg - horns, Bros, „i Richard Johnston, Minoreas, ' cockerel-, Bros.; Minorcas* puI1et-Bri11 Bros. Plymouth rock, barred; cockerel -W. I. Miller, .let &',2nd2 Plymouth rock, barred, ptillet.'LW. I:* Miller, :1St .2nd: Plymonth white, coekerel -Mr, , Itatherfer' P. 4141)Per. working tins, 'WenSter. Evelyn Harrison. Buns, Plain Pan McKinnon., Mrs. -Jathes 7iP6.1?Sstteewr:.;arBt,i3"its: Wv;'MhiZt!iaMittisn.Phili '' Bis - twits, bran- rs., Wm,- Martin. Mit: Jas. .Purves. Scons, plain -Mrs. Jas. WOOPO, Ms. Wm. Rutherford. Oat - Oral Cookies-tMrS. G. Lockhart, phillip• Stewart:, Cookies,three verieties4Airs. Jas, T. "Webster; Mrs. G. Lockhart. Layer akeYlight:-Mit. G. Lockhart; Mrs. Be Cheenut. Layer Cake, dark -Mrs. JAMVS Purves, Mrs. James Webster. Johnny cake., -41r*: S4abineretstrPea4dreMs,rX§..;19'. JamesLockh Webster.atr LAW ;lance Harrison,: Fruit Cake -Mrs. G. Lockhart, : George' .litinter.. popgbriats,-.--Idre. memo Paterson. F„,.....?,flotrs.,Aro,,eGh;t_Samyag,e14Mvirlisg..419axime,Amltorris, A. G. Savage. Fancy' knitting in cot - Lon -May carrick, Mrs. A. G. Sav- age: Italian Hemstitching •-,r• Mrs Leitch, M. Livingstone. Cut Work - Mrs. A. G. Savage, Mrs. Jas.. ;Sher - weed, Cross ' Stitch -Mrs. '1..eiteht M. Livingstone. Irish Cre_chit-,411, LW ingstinie, Mrs, A. G. Savage.. Bad- sPread; fancy -Mrs. S. CarnoeliOn. .Bedspread embraidered-Mrs. E. Leitch Mrs A G. Savage. Bedspread applique M l'ivingsforie 'Preeeli . Quilt in, wool-ElireiTO RarriSee, Phillip Stewart; Quilt, cotton -Mrs. G. ..-Lockhart, Mrs. Lawrence Harri- son. Quilt, silk; 'patcliwo4-11; Liv- ingstone, • Mrs. Lockhart. Bed spread, all crochet -Mrs. I.,eitch; Mrs. A. G. Savage. CeniforterMrs. Mrs. James Purves. Muffins* bran= Webster, lifrs;'• Jas. • T. Webster:. Mrs, G. Lockhart:. Mrs. Phillip Stew- Crochet, Afglian-t-Mrs. 'Leitch' M. Pie ---.Louise. Greer, Mrs. Livingstone. Hearth Reg.„1,1„. Lv- Wrn. McKenzie: - Pie •-",Mrs. inker'ene. mrei R. *Ceroneban: 'Rag ,Itlehard Johnetan, M. Sem 'Alton. Mat; braided -M. Liyingstone;• Mrs, earts--Mrs. ;Orme, Pollock, Mrs, Geo, G. Lockhart. Mat, crochet Mrs. : A. .11enry, Mrs. WinA Martin." Confection , r- - .ifunter; • Pumpkin James Savage, M earsm. .lock. Raspberry. -Mrs.. A. Sole- 1.4ivingstone, .tldrs'. A. G. ;Savage, Wearing Lpopeakrhe'arri uf honey -T. • J. Salkeld. . • towed 'Goods : ttress; 11". • J. Saikeld, • • Cherries Mrs. Wm:" McKenzie. ars. L. actiteivraY.' Dress, coloree Lawrence Harrison: •plurns. -Airs. '1. J. Sauseid, Airs. PhilliP:SteWart, Orme Pol- ,aavage.. Saoy's :Jacset, crocheL-m. mon, Mrs. Lawrence Baerison. Straw- ' ..414 s Jacket, kiiit-,-alraatIVj..; 6a1f4- 'berries-Mr§•, Lawrence ; Harrison, Kra,. Smocs.. dress -its. Mrs. Archie Paterson.. reaches-, rk, avage, Mrs'. Jas. • snerve • Chilitren'a :Wear. Flyn.buth "svelin-liarrison. Mrs.' Orma-Pollockr,-isabies".-Woinee-xeett-s. rock, • White, Pullet -',-Mr: I: Miler. Lewreece Harrison, , • • Brill Brea, R. .1. ,Red; coekerel-:-W. L Lvelyn Harrison. -Black Currants ewd,litie, ud11,0ettt-1;etre,;r,, Pten, tleurnryteriamMrm.sP,11..i1.1.iiip cockerel -Brill Brea.; Wyandotte-. R.,..Olkeld; Mrs. Wee. Rutherford. Straw- , lat.2nd. Utility 'merry ", Jam -Mrs. Wm: •AdcReniie; J. Salkeld, Red Curratit.Jeily red 91:ildele? _Rpary CGy.Miscellea906:pilioaeOeu.nrns:: Utility13 tr: e: -acIr2d es/ :9:rrg. Applyw-41 41 al 4e4t:erli 1-lei:A '• 'Or sr. aW: n 11' E. 2nd. Domestic 'Pets -Harold Greer, Charlie' Danbrenk.' Eggs, Wm. Rather:or& ,Statters;. Eggs, brown -James Henry,. , :Mr.a, Wm.. Rutherford. Exhibitor winning Most :prism:An:234i; 24-W; L:Miller. 44. Livingstone. Sweater, etc. liniti.tti -r-Mrs. Leach. Carriage; cover -1r. A. G. Savage. .isois. Shirt -Waist--: urs.. Stewart, pars. 1:awience 4arrison. Boys , Leitch, :ityvaaggen: Sluineer ' ;Pron.'. P1L.tia9cZtt-Witieiaisr%. J. 'Sel- Marmalade-Mrs.: Stewart'• , •"""si*"1`'' E. r. ;erre - Mrs. Lawrence Harrison. • eurs'i.' Vegetable tamb4e. w mina. rRmuatlhaediror dE. 710Ylin. liti‘41%, H.1 ix tie :rt.; Ohicken canned -Mrs; George 7 bevege- rimier& J:tinta ..Webster; Beans -Mrs. A, Li. , m.rs. liames arils n. Corn Ja41. . . • „..,Class 25 - !.*1." Wheat," red or Merman*, Dakid Brook. Fall Wheat; Sehnedti.."Sain Alton. Spring Wheat -Andrew Altcn. Oats, long wnite-Andrew Schmidt; Jas. ,It. Hackett. Vats,. 04' Variety -Andrew Sehnidt, Jas.:, R. Hackett. Barley -George Brooke; Schmidt.:, Peo*, . large-r-Apurew Schmidt. . Peas, snail -D. Amite, An- drew tehniidt. ..1hiCkWheatHAndrew. Schmidt, George, Brooks. Flaxseed - Andrew ' 'SAM Alton.'',Red Nora:tan, 'David Brooks..Flint :Corn -Andrew ,Sclunidt, W. Gardner. Dent; Corn= Mrs:- W. H. TreMelite; Cecil, -Norman: SunfieWers Sal Alton, . Wallace. Mover seed, whitetiAtiehtita Johnston. 'Collection Weed' Seeds. Paterson, -Alleda Hinter. .C61- 1ectien 'Grain ., and Seecle'.;:-,-GerchM • • KING'S STORE NWS! • More. Fall, Cloth for Milady- ' New.er steles in Coats; More new Millinery and,a late ship - Ment of striking dresses- Vervete, Satins: Crepes and Wool Texture, have' OW come . hand- Be sure to see *Weft new yeall Miele Ond leil'lliztseWrhaStilokiouSctoirleapIdne;58-,- I Talitill7-s,shiPadge°s°-dClihIsffi:nt,y7Silellikrtihcea Conceded to', be the .outstanding., : 51.00 and 51,25 ' Trefoil* _Fcenell.• Kid 'Gloees.7. Black,'.11':$9275n0Pta' air•I$S.'2C5°.111.4 • wPialt,l,s'oUillesde4ewddearTur.n. good emras,kesC-0MVbeisntast;i0Sirrtins' vBalr9iaon;ug-l'i 'weights and quali#esi. • 1.• , 59e and Up. cFa*onara.t7MI:end-Ciaroavigetiolii.telaids!ULCI"ritest,-*7ytiouri., ifixt.• buy be "Fashion -Craft" „ .and get :the best for your.. •• , --- 520.001 and $26.50 It will pay, You to drive mile! , •te. bey :Your • Fall Wants it •-ICING'!S: • , • NG BROS. 'Plieee 7 . t Winghim, Ont. t.. e • Mrs E Gardner Pear car ot o othNt ""i4P "`"e''`w"‘r • "rune" , 4th CON., KINLOSS - 11,1•1‘b• • Li. 11.. ceriert. eirs.. 4. ,t.'Oatrage• SWeat4 ;MrS: Archie Paterson,' Mit., Giorgi:. •-" Hunter:: Peas -Mrs. Richard •JOhnSton --"F"L7-71'.u: ' .4.e.lice, ' May .t.inerics. 7Mra.,,• ,Wm. Butherforo.f z Team:mei; ' `-"•.:11 A;er.°1•1,-71,OrS, • Le..),yrence; ,..iliar, canned -Ms. Richard: John:Sion; •Mrs. ' ' ''''. 14s.ss,h11:t_it'44h*o.. Lawrence ''., it'ar,.' _Philmirisp.'•uSetenwatellte,snioti:iaAtior,..t...?nifr.ei-,SwOuttif Sport.,,,140:i.a.',4t:;711.:iceiWiiiiCyaiFay.,:eiri'.1c11:111: Mei,. ' ,Relig*--41:1'3., ; l../*Ifi' POilOgli, ' . • Mrs. AiChid.'ilaterSOni...kiek;eA. *Wee& AIES; 4;fiLinD. '4'.6vai'4 ' eirs- A. -..L. ' iiii.xed=grs. ' Wni. Mckenzie i 2,4, - ,saVagei ailn,_. '1,ivingeron Mrs. :Vir4 .A. ,Sol:Orium. . Pickles,.,,p9uk-L-Mtb• ''' l'art111°Ft ' Siklcs, ''.1waVy-mrS., Orme. Polloek Airs'. :George: linnter. 14, •• Atc4enzW. stveet muitard--Mrs. Richaiti ''"etit,e47411.110e-41.rs", A. Savage, Mis :icihnst,On, Mrs. W. .A... Solomon. •FiNE :Collection Of Baking -Mrs. Jas; •Pur - ARTS 41SesYrt4'1:7--rs?:hAtinciPhiemPealleililsaonn,..Q3aurt.s" MRaic1)411t- FieDil ure lacollirfikgais.:L• iVingsto'eti aed je,,litiaton. N. D. Inegenzle'S..epecIs - • 'te s n mr W A. • . • . • ' Mrs. . A: G. Savage.: -M. : Livings -Lent AuLne,ritird., Landscape= iiil-r-Adrs. Archie r beene-,Mrs. Rutherford, .M. ,frAgt" • . .• ...FRUIT. • Livingstone: 'Fish , or, ga.me. eopy=A1. lane gg • D. .. Livingstone, ' Mrs. 14,10.;-.,Itutherford. torbo Atiudvans,ii. Born() 1. Lorne Vim., Rutherford. Brooks Sam Alton. Collection of Cora .410.1!0- • '"en, Davis -Lorne Woods, , -Water Colors - Grain k Grasses in, striin•,......FGeorge Wallace kilter. Cuiverts-.0. ,Berhe, . Mar•ine View, -Mrs. A.- G. soivage;' Alexanders 'Lorne: -.,Wosase Single 'pie.ce-M. LiVingstone, , 1MrS: • 'Mr.: Moir .McDougall , of Toronto,, .pent •Thanksgiving at :his Mr and Mrs. lit, Martin Itoii family. ittencied the anniversary:- servicelk at ; .t7Sunday Iast 11/'.111.:elleen.ds hits6;i ?orden and sons of reionte, Spent the holldays.wh Mi Ind Airs. San?. Cent:ram... ' • • , . " Miss -Aenn, Graham was up frotn. = roropte (nor the week -end • ". .Mrs: Wm...••Seriingeour and • ' BillY Lloyd Johnsen sten spent "Thapkgiving af: R. Welk, •'Mr. and Mrs. Buckton and dOuefr; ten, Connie and Ethel: of Toronto,•••• et in d -ho c -after" -spending days.with . and , Mrs. Gilbert Hamilton. BOUNDARY WESt Btoosi, Mr wm. Rutheifoid. j„,frOe oods....oyogit : Red Streaks-Orniai LiV. Dave .1444' Mr.*.and ithtlierford. Al2i;- Mrs.' Ceeil Johnston_ of, : ' ROOTS AND VEGETABLES ,.46tne'llv°64d. neekett, DucheSs. ingstone, Mrs..)Vni. . - • .Johiuti,„on • 1. J, Safseux, mals_cti_gronP7-41-;:---Livingstexie :Fruit anent' lait "...Satin:day 'at, Mr. ;tithes ., -Lalesan •Svieet4-„ tri -.1 4,1111116 , va •*. .., ..,...r..--...., . , .• er. ran _erry iliPiner.t.P.rne TA;:._G..Savage..,„Any.oeiginel iltect=. . Sidiniidt,..,tiarold-:Grei4 'E4it'''''.*di4-..'!'"l'ils;-'411a4tenT-tilasoes=,=.4.t••:'74;,--'.tatit'Ol..'41Vlogstono,.-M.ii,"-WR t eilore• , Mist. *,Olker:n.f. 'LliCiiirevr--i.aite Lees -Andrew •Stihninit, Davie Brooks. .eid; ; Wallace . Miller, .* .. . ...'- .• • Miscellaneous : , • . • , recently with Misa. Edea .woite.::::. -Late Petatoei=liiarold 'Greer; : T.J.• 44;iikeie;. 140rhe. Weeds: , GeatiatIctittY7fted± . • . PoSttlL111..Livingatone, '..11tirs, • A. IX , Berhe, Mengel, red -Adam .51,0- ,*alkeld, Mengel, '01.4vv...76ani..Alten* Sett MralleePMilier King .Of SavSge. Sepia-,-Mrs."Wk\BUtherford, ,. .... .. . . • , . . Ja1u.hitt, ,. . . . . ..„ 7.., , e _ e .. , , . . ..i.eiel;',es .: ,courity. Wallace.: • ailliee, 'M.' ,Livingstone ; .Crayoh,... "colors -.-Al• sidin spent 6;" '' '..:Mr; and Mrs ::.. Alf Shelton .oi.kin: .. :the Week -end itw QUeen, 'Mrs.; -Jett. 'phivea, Turnips, ilereiu .,; Greer.: •PeeweIwkie H-...iarneS ;LiVingStope, . , , Acks4„) 4.,--4...• Sovage;, . Mr: and : Mrel. Dan Nicholson.' ... . .4wede.:-..Wm. Marki4, Wallace Miller _,,4aisteitlet.,!., .wLoorondes,t4Oaogd;,sic,:tainea4.:,A‘pwprit ,C.b1.41,0,.al--Lcorlei•eiii0Ai;., ...qi:i4V.eateghetie.4243:413d.':. '.: ',. ftirnipt • any „ Voriety=AndeeVe.". 1,1:rifts.„... Grace,...."7.T...412:7sL,...ter.,,,:kfs..it,on..,,,,ithie..z1., . midt; Mrs. jas. Pitivta,',Sugar Beetai--. i4iier-Lorne,, Weoda..0,1•Bothe..Ring Wm. Rutherford„ ' M. •Livingstone'.' -. 7',7' '7%,;,7,77.!...., 777 .. .7; . J. Jamieson & Sirt. .kielti: • Oti,rO187-' ilpptilg.,-,Ltitpe ' Woods. Blenheini;-7, :KOdak' views—Mrs. George Hunter. iNal.n. Anloell ..: Andrew ': Sehinidt* George • Brooks. e.erne, Woods,: 1),..,)3erhe„lcibion:t'lli- Poster design -Jessie Andre*, Har-.: . elle ' extend :per sincere sympathy ' c'ebbitgeli4Ewitrt....Titylor: < Mrs., ..Ar.: pizi.i..:Orile.:Weods, D.. Sorhe: 'Ontario' Old Greer. ...Best 1:painting ..On. chlOst-. f".. ni;:t.". Jkl__, • . . chi!. 'reternote Winter SquaShGeo. ...4.4iiiii Woods, :-D,' liorno:,:khocie Ile.. Mrs„.. T. 4: Salkeld M. lAVinistone,. .s,v --t y,4o ir4155 1.5t1d.i00:"Williiiii.:,... Kennedy, Harold Greet, Large Squash land .. ifteeriingsz.P..... :/iothe," Lorne: ... . • . ',:cur kto.wg44, .: . . ., Stanley..i#.t4e. lOsn'.9f, their mother, '24k :, Borho,; Scot.,' Oen:, '• Largest :Dorniti. ' It.400re'.•.-RuSsets —Lorne ,. 1 ••Class 33. -..Cut Flowers . ., . ' a. '..MrS.,..Gee•:Thompson.Of . 1( n_ ugb• PUmpkin=tRichard.7-,JehnOC°4., Harold- 'Woods,: D.-.27Borlie.; ,Golden Russetn.=' ...• Attire 4 red.G..' 11.• ..Smith,,i, S. , 1Giter.. CtleuroberaLrliii. 'Jas.,' Wel.i.• ,L .1:- Salkeld, 'IL 'Hotho. ' .t anieus., or -;.tathAsters, White-AEilus.-: Well: , .. . : , . ..,: '. . .. Ster, • Andrew: Gaunt.... Citrons -Geo. SnowT.'4'.' Salkeld; .:LOrne. Weeds.' • :veil, Mrs. W. A. Solomon. Asters; : : .. 'Dottiest:ie. .Sciente, '. ... Brooks; Mrs. E. Gardner. 'Persnips-- Siortherti:,,Spy-LLOrne :: Weeds, ' Wal- pink -G. 14 .G.. H. Smith, " A. E. 'Iliisaieli., White .....' Breed,4•Mildred .! Ritchie, Adam ,McQueen. Tabia..Carrots; long l*ce.:."M.1let . Veigners-D.. torho, Asters, blue,purpleor .Mative-L,G. II.: Doris Ritchie. Nut Bread -Rena :1-lun-!'• --Ilarold Greer, Jamie, HenrY...%asitte. Lorne -''.Woods.. AlcIntoili Red -T. . J. Smi*th;1 A: E.... Buswell Dahlias eietni • • : • ' ' , • , • • ' . ,. , . . ...... • .. . , 'Carrots, shert--;-Itareld..:, Greer, .1drer Salkeld, IX.' Botho: :Any : .other • Pall, -W. 1. I.R.. allithi.411iii.-, D.m.ahrsli;aso.rdineaderpootiilvpec=k... .el.,' 10°4 ''S°1"11"." ''S`•1gar 9.-pkie..s. 44. T. Webster." *etS,..10iii.-41iirold: .vaeiety!-George,Alton, Lorne WoodS.,...s. , Rena Hi:inter,. Helen -Haw t .:B Bis - Greer, Andrew Seitinidt. Beets, short 'Aiiir -other ,W-ixiter•VarietY--.-jas. 11,_ae-. Dahlias, :Show -:.-.W.,1.• Millet:.;:bohliaS; •,.,!.uits;.-Iviiitiel'.Paterson; DOkii.;Ititeliie.1: • •=MrS, Archie Paterson, Jas. Henry. kette.: Ix BorliO; Three vaeletieS 'Fab' 'collection -Mrs. :. 0.rnia ::'Pollock; S. C4. Sponge ; .Cake -Doris Ritehie; Metiel,-.A: Tomatoes, red .or . pinic,=.417.' P.. ,Reed,' ..471,orne, Wooda....Wallace Miller. Best: "Itathwell; . Gladioli -G. III , Sniith, S.. .S. C.. Bothwell. Corn, Golden tante* ,VatietyWoods,-Lorne:•,_Wallace -.Milt :-C.- hathwell. Mar:Weld-W. 'L ..3filler '.C4.9":'°u'': Laver Cake ----B' l'ilard It' 4-''''''''--: -Harold Greer, Mrs.' Lawrence .1 -lar tart - %CriApples-Wallacet;allact •' Miller, ' Mrs. Orma . Pollock. ''',$,Weet' ,Peas- (lie* Ileltn. 'Ilamilten... Apple • pi6.-, ... .risen: Corn.. ,any, ' other; . iitirietyD; G.eorge. : Alton.. . Fill ''Pettes.--Lerne. 'Atm, W. A. :8OloriTh-h,. T. -j. .e.ailc-eld, Louise Greer, jean ' Ciilbert....;1Wilite'r•'4.. Borho, Mrs. W;'.g,•TrenthlAy. Celery' :WOO, Arkirettr- ••schinidt. , Wiffiter Pansies-.- .rs. , .,.., ., . xi omen, ,. E:v.- tie,-.71..euise :'Greer,••:,:-Alleda ii„u.nierv - *- :=G;--11. Sinitlit,'-.11rs: brine:Pell-0dr: i"eare..-,iiiine. .1v J. other variety -Mrs. Sol:Onion. a Woods, • .:1)'.. Boihe. 'den •' "Harrisen: Snapdragon -3. ' C. ,, .' Class: 36 -Poultry * • . ,,. • •' Cauliflower -G..'1.1.' . Sniithi' " Harald .reathes=Mrs. Ora .Pllock. Plum's,: Bothwell, Mrslymouth Reckcock-Harold Greer ': Orme . Pollock. ' Zinnias . .. . . . Greer, : Beans;' White...H., An•'.:Sch-. ,iltin-Aliti ' Clark 'McGillivray, .Lorne .4 -,Mie.: W::: A. •SOloinon, . S: C. Rath- "... , cock-HaroldMidt; '•George Kennedy. Beans, Other Woods. Plums, 'YelloW=Mrs. Clark well. .Cornations-.-Gy • H. Smith, Mrs. ria'rold Henry. ,Plynienth Reck,. /2077- ., ....,• . ::. '. . C. vitrietY-4hilliir.Stetearti jitinea- Henr McGillivray. GraPes., . redi-"MOS: 00114 W. Ar„ SolOMOn.,' Best. eelleetiono„ any .Uai'6.14: lielir'':.lial'al.8 Greer.; Vii"' :ifibixth :Ro.ck, teCkerel--Helen Salkeld 1.5,.; Dutot $.eti4;_p.B100,116,wni; efifiecic,Grapes, collection _. Rutherford. ' Potato' "Onions -Andrew fit4Bceld. Best ;5 VarietieS.. of Winter • il;ithWell. . ' Annuals=,G..- 1.71,..: .giiith.. Ceram' ,Miller,".PlYnieuth..goek, pet,: , Schmidt; Wm..: Megnite... Onions, ..red APPles,--a. J. 8alkeld, .l.Orne: WoPds, Roses; Onions, : Yelle*-'.‘fleion ' ollaitiltelk • .."-,'", LADIES" ' DEPARTMENT, .• it .8ntith, Mrs. §OlOnfott..ites'es, gpI4,,. .,u!hiter...G,... 11;, , Smith, ,. mr.i. lee -Gordon Broelts,. Helen , Salkeld., Brooks..'„ 'White .. Leghorn,. .•fpullet-L,' .-.Antlrew Sarni/if. James Johnston. . • ' ,, . . .... . . : . ,. , .Phillin Stewart.'Roses, • driMSOn-a.: White. ' Leghorn, cockerel :,-.Ger(lott• AndrO,v Sehtnidt' Three Vatietietqi ' ' ' .. , .Clasii 29 -Ladies • Week ' , Mrs. etiloinon. Gi..11. Sniith. Rot* G°1''d61' nitaok''' • .. ' .. .. '' ' '' etableS,, not .. inentioried 'Andrew TAW' Cotrepieee•:47-Mrs....A.... 0., .S"4 ea. eolleetiOn-:- G. •IL ,Smith, .' gt..8. SchMidt;. ' Wallace' ,Miller. ' Collection Age, Mite; Clark .14eGillivraYLTebit '' : ' : '',*.i(144" :tt 7 ':' :.7' • 4. ' .'' ' " , 8010thom.:_vatie.:.,:Batiquet,ivris.:_,G.:;„ ..13betsilatelitenrY, MUM. Sel• : ' . 1,nee, 1K inter, .: : ,... ,: . . .., .-, .. - Andrew... Cushion,: ether. kind -Mrs. . Garden Produce=11Orod Greer; , writ. yuonot,.-mts. C. McGillivray, •Jessie' 1.4.1thart, Mira. :Seloinen,..,. Lawrence Harrison, Mrs. Wm. ,Ruili. , potted plants • . f • . • . . ,Onion. 'Carrots ..--. Helen Ilamilton..... , •.: .' Claes •.27 . : 016E0, Cushion, weelt-4110,, G. Leek - Ax AndieW. *13Ogenia, ' Toberotia Begonia, .Rdi&-11‘.18.' '°': Mii°1111v.tak ''let:r.e6r1.111.Iderieenri.Sabilthei'iliin,s-HMelliertiielHaStp°16;..'...' ` . DAIRY and TABLE . S.I.TI'P..:IFS mon., Rena Hunter. ".' Vegetables, • ony.,. ....t. , . :. • ' ..... Yes. Wnit. Rutherford. Crock Of,:blit7' . . .spedhl eetion.. rd. b4iter,_, hart,*. lld. LiVingatene. Tea., Cloth,"ctit worn --.A1.. ,Livingstone, Mrn.. IL,. 0, ... , Mr'. 6.; Lockhart, Mrs. Wink 'PollogIc. 1,6071;igeB"Gttfilfitltrwitsii; Coafil. 'gehtudibece'll' " isegenia , tithet vatiety-Mrs, . tia ter -Alex . Andrew, Mrs.; . , . E. ,Geoeo., "SaVoge. •gee, 'Cloth, exubreidered-44.;', teek.ine.ii.„. uts., ,•sei,,e.n...0.e. ,Ee.re_mrs, lean Culbert:. ' . - ,.: Livin.gstOtie; :Mrs; A,- 0,• Sat;age. Tea ' 'Five POUnde butter -Mrs. E. Gardner Solinifen, Alex Andrew,. :derioinnisi ,.;•,! .SCHOOL .CHILDREN'S . .: '''r ;'' Wa.,,, Wnt. Ifekeniie, R. 5, LueknOW.. cl°thi er6ehet'.4L''Liviriltstenetshe„ ,tolditio;..,Mt§., goloinen. Cer:an.. .COMPETITIONS,,,.,":‘ .• ::. . ; -...*. T. 4.. talkeld. Trity:Cloth-Mis. M. Bread -xnade• from HaVelOck.' Flotir,4, , , , , , .Mrs. 'JOS, T, Webster, ,m0,, Arehie ,tgi,4.,lielerltet.r...."4,14:lealfilel'hh,keiitri..°&...C3tcri.,:. isittl'eOntinI*:sfl%..t.Imt6rIts:ibh1:81.Osibl,elierrninti;:tilhol:ullsaie'dsPtljaficnohtrt-v- TCcK raietson. ttread made trent Alberta • . it6se.,viout.,...mi.s., .wm. „msoiiii. ryt.r4, Ginirenst, ,Luncheon ,s4i,,,,7Alts. .1.0s. eidifliit„..i8.. C. gaitittiell rtimasias., S'edie,. Parish, Mildred; ilitehie, Boys,..:. . :gfitt.4,060.,,,..Nilt. ' Leiteh, Buffet . set., idoiry, George litmter, ,primi.Ose..:*. 12 .:ycs. and Ander=Allan. Galilee."' . it' .ptiott.cLcimneirs:..".Bwrenia?,mnialtrclie;0, fi'oorti:,..13Ptiotrihfoy, ,!0,. wetk.,.....N47e.., :48.....shotwkiodi m, Muriel.. Solomon; 1-tekn. • Salkeld:' 'Harold irviiii. 'MA4;12 yit.,,14. ender',-- 1,r"ii., made fon; .prirle Rose. 1. hart Mrs tCosy-MrsTily. ti.a'00.61,,hoc.ekt,,,, . SCHOOL .cititDoN,s DEPT. :8,9vier.,r,niirniSdh, ,411:niaiejto...,.....tiDe',.Olaitsaf:,,:ivtleit.lba.,,: .: -Mit: Wm. ' Martin, Mrs. E. Gardner. Weed. ,Whito-11Fs.-Ini.-t- ,Webster„ etker I $00 :UNS1*.-'-Mr.''t..eiteo Mr,! 11•••,,,,.n'at.'.....11"CtthiSs:et!°•-;:41:71, icle'riiiit6tri:lit.eti'n ,,•:::::eil.Tivtai,ontilke:s. B,DekeSotv:s.Y:1"S.B.ii&I lendi; C. McGillivray, Bridge Set-m-ro.. A. '''' 'Rite ' apron ,-- Helen . Hamilton - . -411A Orro:41:inf Pur es ;Odes: il at 5,1", ,T.1,e'.• ' W•cret: T,MoteVe'm;rns,td!...110...ri.vdrIner, G. &wake, M.O."' Leiteh. ', BreakfaSt v"......- , .... ter oiargaret Salkeld. PilloWslip -0;rift, 1:.t'' yr. pupils -Mary 'Johnston, .*,e.t • .pre0-tte.loi'.1torriAtm;. fteri, 8e.ta"-Mit: Jas. SlierWeed, Atra. TARO, ""z1- Pim)* CaSea, ", „.'e,tibraidered •+.,Mrs.--Aergaret Sateldnen* 'RanterWiriniWebetuildWheelbaredw .ratettoh Minteretlleatieeet Pe . -ade%piVier, scalloped: buttonhole bdee -,-(J.,' C. Armferang, '. Orla,nd' •Pater.. , vokhi'.e.; mode. erome*.Mtideillite V10),r. Ldtch''' 10$;-.' " I "• Sbii**69d' ' • Pull iktA!vatet &add. ; dueit...tdwet soh); (Met iftekett, ^hill Jewittl,• Atr:t.oi.A., rehAiti,Patitervis000nd.,...Mmtsr•st ;laws. iTyt,. av4rSAre:1'1:41i)rs:A°t.h,,ii't; Ittb1,4i;a!at.'SjiesiVitg:tr9vilwil;' other . einbrohlery'-, Mail • Saliceld. Crosi.ntitc:h embreidery- 'Margaret N'•irl.h.eirt6erd,,ra.tieoeth' gio'Yrs. itatilltdietil.ti.dteeatn-J.Beilit tetherfercl: Five. O'eliiet(teivtloor* e1-_, M: 14`'inkstgtl'e'; 'Mtg'. At'4.i•Par Salkeld;.'ilett'tl Salkeld. 'Other fanee t.etty.,,ITelen Aitlentie, 3 -legged taco' 4. •'. :1041ti.eci'gi,'Mtg.: Jas. Webster 'Ark.'0-.. e;',,..*IviuttrooL'ILI,;t1i,;',.:1).2:1!!,Ilh,!1.„.(s7.,t tx d.:11,mi,c, itgl,li:,et, eat liker%lcit.,t .Tse.11.,:vi."!1%..t6tit. ti, .1.1,1ydi,h..rsadio..t 0.08.11, *A..rii!,t., ftfble Sitlad,-Mrs; , Ortnii,.;„.TrollOck. ..ottfoi,L,Itatticor....., rreit. ,$,-an,0.......14.1.-s, '1%il.k. A,,G.,...noe.„..;ttn.tret toot ,,tvle h. id, ., .0.6iii.:...c;., .. .', 0114 BISSP,ttr: ' ATM Pinlaesoe; 1614 ' • tilittio .gtooyatti Mrs nt.otgo stot,,,i,'..ra,40`;', ,9.i if.,.,„ ,1 6. .1 4ilikt r t Se keit& oxelitieratii- - tit ' • i. reaStil4i.MarY,--Salkehl; 14.11:iiii,C \ 'Ogee t.tookm- ra'ce-Pkel ' --. ' . - . 1.i'l:14tjonil.k.. , 1:`69‘;" Ale* J,ILItit.tt; .. Itontil-intide 'entidy-4/tra. 'tl,', . tOili.-"•!'sr0!', . ''ilv.00.6.. • 11.6°40,-!,!..11.. 15,.•'" 'g'"iiilti::1•Sitikolii,, Moil: 86.11;4 .I''';'.. '74.41'',7; 'Lli.et.st• ,, tirti 4ie. iyitio, liuivi woe, ittint, lialtelit. ),Its,,,Jits,., 00104, tattzlit • . ' ;4'orn Woods •Wei- ' • k 't.. ' • .. r • •