HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-10-04, Page 5•
CrOBER; '4+
A •.
•WILLIAM'E., THOMAS who owns., a
ilruit farul'found hu truck out. of ohm,
inh4ion.It needed a pinion6. ear
replacement.,, A telephone call; et` 10
• 1-,n1,4ro fight the. required partly bug
at 3, p.m. and the truck, Was ,back rn
erpice the following morning, saying
• kW's, when time, meant. money,
I lift, Is an accrual nrrldsat .
LP your
• MpN
ages Eo
•Gtr .YOU,
quick: r .
Pcir po ,' .+eryce' o
resfoe. `'tet .e re-
brea".ions he/ i?ortery;
ks P wh'
• C • out.: , ; • en fir.
Cons the . d
d en ,iline'ss, r
Calls the d ,
s ,.".•.
• for
rkorinjureveterinarystock.Keep YOU, in touch wifhser, is and prices.E^ob/esYou toormeetings.
eetin . cio] offairsond cern9s.o Kceps YouIntoush withYourheighborfriends
55 t
G7&1 712l4
nloss Counei , Minutes:
,Kinlps9 ¶owuship .Council: met on
,September 25th, 1934,. as per adjourn
meat.All mamber$ prei,ent
:I IlYI,QUC:H ... •
Mr and Mrs, f4ow*rd; •McGuire and ' Ripley and' " Lucknow were
family of Olivet: wee ,,, riday visitors well patronized: by the people of this
at Geo, 'fialdeaby's; • • ditrict ,and quite a few are planning
We are „sem; :to. report the serious tq at:tee uTeeswater•'€air ;and also
illii f s J 0 Bayes. ® ngan n:,:
Mt. Douglas. MacIKenzie •has re
44710. to •his hone Montreal, and
` MFKenzie-M . y cDougah, t°liat,the min ass o .; .. n.,
Utes of; the last ,regu
lar meting and ,Mr Wilb ort Hodgkinson has. re,
special' meeting Held• , in Lucknow, turned home, from London :where he
September 8, 1934, as. read,'1,e .adop ;underwent an, operation some time
tell and: signedbq the Reeve. ago., We .glad. to, report that he
Ross -Elliot. , that. D McPherson is much iinproged..
Abe . , id $20 a, .on • account of'alary, Miss Alice Pinnell' spent a, few
ollec r',for 1933 ,and that: be days w last ek at Wm,•:`fiodgin's, .>
have the 1933 roll Completedby next .a Mrs. Hodgkinson, •Sr„ has eturned
'Meeting. h fromLa Side
the h ap-
: oma . Des ..
'. MeDou all Elliott, that.• Donald s Jn• a '` lh •' Were
Mr and. w
McPherson° 'having resign, m•' ,s Sand • visitors with. Mr- and, Mrs.
pointment as, collector for•. 1934,, his Ardell Mason, ,Con. 4, Huron. .
;resignation, be accepted by the Board Elroy,' .are.
' E liott-McDougall,' that, ..the 'clerk • Miro Rud]i •Sielo}f and. ,
"not* fthe heads of the Municipalities Visiting' the foi Pr ier's .►other,' Bsrs.
ofEa_st, and' West Wawanosb,'Lip- A- Hodgins..
berry~, Ashfield' and ‘..111,11•011; • of he Miss Winnie Percy, R;N., of Kin,
carding spent a day last ,week at her
Was accomnani'ed by lois aunt, -Mrs:
P. MacMillan and hist cousins, Philip
MacMillan, and': Ewan MacLean. •
The; Misses Margaret and' •Mary
Mac nzie attended, OwenSound
fall fair. on Saturday, .•
The. Young People's; Society of the
Presbyterian church held their 'meet-
ing' on Monday evening: Miss Annie
MacDonald was appoiinted to .attend
• the Yaut>,g People's meeting n Tor-.
onto the last of this' week.
: The Kintail Women's institute are
holding their October•ineeting at the
home 'of Miss Tena Buckingham : on
contents of they, communicatios5ire {car , . • ` ;, Thursday of•this week
h Hydro C e, here
ceived from the;
y:,, o ommi i _ i ^ Raily Day ;services were field ' in
and' ask for their .co-operatlph. Mrs.. Jno., Hodgins has been.runder. the , Presbyterian .,church', - Sunday: in
' 1;oss-McKenzie; that' the clerk nod- the Drs., care. this past week.
We ,the tripruing: Rev. J. K. MacGillivray
fy' pie- t +ouncy '1''rv,?surer. to caiiw I hope she will soon be around again. conducted' anniversary services' in
ail "arrears of taxes'. against Lot Service .in` the Anglican • Church 'Bervie,' afternoon and evening and Little of Lanes, •spent' Dart o.f . Inst
7;' Plan 2`L6,. Whitechurch -with. the ;next' Sunday will' be. at 3 o'clock, Rev.'lianna of :'Ripley had
exception' of the 1933, .taxes, as all Rev.. F. McRitchie wiil be "in charge. the evening Meeting
Mr. and• Wefts 11in,. 11. •.Johnston of.
Exeter a€e guests of Mr.and Mrs, •
Th9s; Blake. •
R.ev W. .J. Patton a'nd 'Mr'.: S. J.
Ifilnatrick. attegnded the Presbytery •
meeting to.'/Hoimesville •Thutsday..
Mfrs.. Thome-a, Blake 'was del,;'egate.
from the Riake W.M.S. to. the section.-
al mdeting at the ldaited. Church Wed,.
apd 'NES,. Alfrod Arnistrong '
of London:, were a week=end visitors at
the ho e et Mr, and Mrs. W1i1±l Irvin. ,
B is ' 1 Irvin who, had been in
London for some time returned. home
and ;MISS 'Anna? Irvin, accompanied' • •
Mr, and Mrs. 'Arni;strong :on their
return to'London.
" Mr. and;. Mrs Jaines McNain-.an'd
babe of,;Arnlierle -visited, Mr, and,
Airs.. Thomas -Blake • Sunday.' Miss
Olive Blake wh''d had been their guest
for ' a few 'days -•.a companieci' them
honre - .
Mr . and ''Mrs. Finlay Shackleton of` • "
Arthur were ;week -end, visitors;with •:
the foriner's parents here.'
Mrs. David' Little and;. Miss' Vera
ad' charge of week at the home of Mr. and 'Mrs. -
here, .Isaac Cranston., -
former taxes :have been. paid, and
'rax Sale in A'fis5 'Vera T,asenbv•' was a reFPnt: ,
have this "property".'i1thdrawn frena p.•H.::RE AN THELE
Ruttle. tele Point ,.Clark.. '•
-A1to:n of Lanes. .visited
visitor with her 'aunt, MI'S: John
Ripley,, ,and District
Shower Goan,*.FormecNeighbors 'm Mrs.' John Gaunt hell a very .tlueL
Miss • 'Margaret McIntosh, bride -
elect of 'this month, was the recipient
of a' "Kitchen and Pantry ' shower
given by Mrs.r`Robert 'Watson' and
daughter, Miss,, Laura,; on Thursday,
.Sept: , 27th, and attended by, over
' ' thixty-ladies ofrthe- 9
cessful guilting' bee, last. Tuesday.
Mr. Ronald. Forster who has spent
the summer months working with
Mr. Green of Wroxeter, iretuined to
his home last week. .
Rev.,. John Pollock :preached' ,in,
Lucknow ' Presbyterian ' church ' last
Sunday and Mr. Douglas' • McDonald
%lossElliott that "Johnston t 'Conn •
be given permiSsien to catcall. trees M
Mr. S T. Jeffrey, of Teeswater and mi.' arid '11Ir's. Juhl front Reston; her ni6ee Mrs. W 11 Trvin !mist :eget.
n. on .4 o polite Lo ..32,. fily, visited., on Sunday last with •' . at _resent wi h BQT'N_On Friday. Sertnt?ier 2R,
and latush o c , . ,P _am Man., are visiting ._ present t:
' king •a clean' j uo `oi the ,r au_ da,. ;Ma: rind firs U. Tnomson
:ma K .. , ,• ..r ';Jennie P e>•ce, • . ` •' to. M. •and mtg. Rill _Cook, twin'.
Elliott- McE enzie ', that .the• • nigh- ; • Mr• and : Mrs. .'Taylor , and
,..Elliott, ... , . tl. a,iid` TVIrs aosonh Gann le and 5oi;i` ; Congratulations.
'cation of 1henzii• l,':: jtattexa :at' Wiz- Annie of J i•'oriipce, vialteu t1n" Surds'•'"
y'faxiiiiy, Bir: and l4lrs. George Mite
cepted for the. office••' of collector' , f last.„with $AlexHavens.
• o las .•with Mr. .and"Mrs. _. family spent Sunday at Mr. BOUNDARY WEST: •
taxes . for' the. year 1944, and t .at a ' Mr. and Mrs. • 'Wm. Jackson os. White's,and Mr.. 'Michael ,
By-law be prepared, confirming `tire. Kinlough, visited' on Thursday ,'withamble's ,
Miss Myrtle Webster and Miss:' •
- son. Mr. WnL Elliott spent Sunday with Taylor of Wellesley, .spent the week-.
a1tos McDougali, that a Bry Layv Mr:
Allan Stewart • who ',got his 'sister ' Mrs. Almer Ackert... He.end with the former's stents' Mr. ;
oe hre$areil .fixing; Time and m: liner broken at. school last•. Tu-esjlay .is
h • year, ,.vas' accompanied home by, his Mpthe a d' Mrs. Jas..Webster..• p 4
of: payment''.of taxes. for • the able to be around playing again. who has `linen .visiting' 'with Mrs. Mrs Clair Irwin, spent Tuesday •.'
rosy as' follows: Mr. and ' Mrs. Henry • iCarter :have' Ackert.. i '' t'rithi Mr. and Mrs. W Morse. of ?Tara.-
All,. Laxer etre and payable °to the Mrs.Tho Harris Mr.. and: Miss' ITia Erft, it
e e ill '1934, ,returned home from a week's, visit s, ens.Rille of'•Holy.
eollt to, .on Lec rib r ,. with friends in ;Toronto' and.l3arrie., Howard Harris. were recent visitors 'rood', spent -'a few' days with`' Miss'
after? that uate the following• penal. : n I
toy Ifaid .iii = 3irk . Thomas HocklcY •of with friends. in. -Kincardine... ' • brace 'Webster: ti '
tie's will -Ile :added.. .p a •. ',;visited ,' on Thur:sda' • ,with 11'ir., ' and Mrs. Cliff. • Harron ' • and Mr. Norval Richards' has gone. • to
Between December, l.a; ,1934 'aria Jan. Te' sw t, y :
dded: Mi• ' Mrs. Charlie ..Thomson.' ' •, family, ''are holidaying' 'with' friends Guelph to take :a, course'•at the'O.A.C.
15, 1935.'1% will 'be a
.Fen. Corn' harvesting is; in progress now at .Tara. A • nunilier, of '-the boundarg: ladies
Between, January •15,, 1035 and
r' „Taylor for filled his -silo •Friday Mr. and Mrs, Rob'MacDonald if Mrs. Turner's group in t
` ."l0; 1930, 2,(t,,, added. Ewart . y. .
11' and son Jack,. ,spent/
F Li 15 1935 and March and Saturday and Roht. Button filled ril
$eween a rusty, his silo'Saturday.and Monday.` Corn e 1 MacDonald's a
1,1833 5`io added
aid b March is• s real good crop. 'this .'year. : bull's nt- Unjierwooi
All taxes must •be p ( y
1st 1935. parties wishing `: to pay ' at - —
Bank of.; Montreal, Lucknow,, may do
so, by ,. aying.Bank charge.
RoMcDougall, . that orders ':be
issued. in payment of all; hills., and
accounts .passed at' this meeting.'
' ' McKenzie -Elliott, that we do, now,
adjourn to • meet' again on Tuesdayl,
the 23rd day '• 01.Oetober, 1934, at the
usual time 'and place
Cheques. issued D, McPherson,. on
'account salary $20.00- Advance=
Times,, printing 'cheques, $6.75; Elmer'
-Arnold, damage to lamb $1.50;• Roo-.
`ertson ..& 'Robertson,. legal advice,
$4.03;• Mrs. D.K. Wester, ,:relief,
card of Mrs. Deeves' $24.00; A.E.
Thompson, :'caretaking -to date $2.50;
1 eter:'T Carter,,: cutting weeds; Benj
vis. property,•$1.50.,
Highway' `cheques =Miss S.Purves,.
P.L. 84, $3.00; Wesley Thompson; P.
L. 85• $li:45 Frank,. Johnston,
$14.32; A. Little, P.L. ' 87, $26.21; Wei.
McKenzie,' P.L. 88,; •:11.00; Alex Mc='
'P.L.,90, $15.47`Sam esbitt•
:$4 50 Jamesrns,.-.P J ,_94, $10.00;_
Road No 2,`P.L. 93, $8.8,4.
`,. • '.J. R. LANE, Clerk.
where' sheformerly lived: The
was prettily` decorated ..with pink'
streamers and flowers for the oc
cation. '•• A unique feature '6f- the
shower, was the arrangementof the
ifts in the- 'form. of 'a "Washing -
Line which. Miss M. Mc-
Intosh: wase asked. to collect into a
4 .lathes .basket' afro `filled; with gifts.
"`• The. followin' .'address was; read by
.Mr . Cecil': Robb:
Dear Margaret, -L.
Your friends and • neighbors have
' • • ;. gathered here, -all kfroni the 4th'con-
'y cession, where you spent many 'a'
To wish' yen joy, your whole .life:.thru
'` And may, it be 'a long • one too.
• We recall the '• We sp many ,liapp, happy tropes,
` pent in• childhood's' hours,
And as, yen 'grew to worianh od,
•: Your friendship; still was :ours.
We're glad that your new • horn',
Will still quite near us be,
So ,we can spend ' an • afternoon,,
- And -Maybe" stay".,for tea.
;And now 'to' give .:you "some advice,
.w en you • : , ..
"It:takes: a lot of breaking in to, lead
;..the .double. life; , • •
It .takes some burden bearing', and' a
•bit, of laugh and song;
And an equal sort.' of sharing to ease
the way along." r o'
Please accept these many tokens, •
n .,size both large and small,
thiey're given. with out hearts' geed-
- will,' ,
And "Best Wishes'` from 'us all.
.,.`.. h become a wife
Signed • on behalf of • your friends
and neighbors: •
•",Mrs. 'Frank Scott and ,Mrs. Alex.
' McLennan are ,spending; two ,weeks
., with friends in Ciattlesburg,•:Kentucky
- Mrs: Neil McCallum and children'
are ,visiting With "her: father,' Ur.
Marshall of Kincardine.' - ,
The choir of St. Andrew's United
:Church Met at the home of Dr: R. A.
McCosh and, •presented One of their
members, Mrs. Jas. Thornton, with a
' bridge lamps before' her departure to
Teeswate'r,'where she intends, to make
bet home in •,the ,future.or
There passed away• on Friday even--
ven=• ing last at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. George .Ferris, • Mary Campbell
relict-•o'f the late John Fowler, at the,
age e of seventy-three years:, The fern-:
eral •service: was heli front her soh-
. itt-laws, Mr. George Ferris, on Mon-
day afternoon',',with Rev,,1.'.M.'Han--
, ; na, pastor • •of ' Knox Presbyterian
church in , charge. Interment.; was
trade in Ripley cemetery. The' pall
hearers ,were 7aauchlin :-Metver; Rich-
ard Mari II bonald • Thome"son: Geo,
Quito . a number from here :•attenT
ded the Lucknow fair ast Friday.
Mr: Peter Kennedy and Miss Annie:
Kennedy visited. on. Sunday with .Mr.
and Mrs. John Reed of Auburn.
Mrs. Alex Leitch,' ` Mr '. and Mrs.
Wm. Leitch, Mr. and Mrs.'; Hank
Kruger. and 'aughter' Lois of Detroit,
are visiting this week with Mrs.
• ruger's;,•mother, Mrs. David: Gillies
e relatives.
and other e
Last Wednesday, evening, the young.
people's society. of the Presbyterial:'
church held, a .very successful'.. social
in . honor..of Angus , M .Kay, , re
•. was
when',c e
" i DarI
turned ' mis oS
u Y..
Presented with :• a' bible and • fountain
pen and 'pencil set , f gom, the church:
Ile thanked, then in: a few,; fitting
words: ,Rev. doh Pollock gave an eic
celkint:address its ip to•. the "Old
ihis was enjoyed Yed
lifter which, lunch was served.
Prude .Ministers •Statement Receives'
Nation's 'Approval,
s he 'United
_und'a'y at Mr- Church. Lucknow met'. at •the home.
Mr.. J. E. Torn of Mrs. Jas T..•Webster on Monday'.
:. afternoon.
:Ottawa ',October 3rd—The Prime
Minister's frank concise .;, statement
•tee ardin "-the .1934-;Reftiiding, _Loan
. sas g ,met- with' warm; and 'encouraging
.response from 'bankers, .insurance.
•slid trust" company'"execlltives, bust=
cess men,' •professional men, agr'icu1=•
turists and labour leaders throughout
the countyY . ' Theev d'concrete ' e
of business recovery from•, the low
Point of'•last year ;which: Mr . Bennitt
,tressed in 'his opening' announce-'
ment such as a '56(70increase in•',in-
dustrial .production,. 11%, increase in,
employment; .431/4 increase in , farm
products prices, :` as. Well , as :a sub-
tantial' improvement in carloadings,.
electric power •production and whole-
sale nrices, emphasizes' the strength-
ening of the national credit, the 'pro-
progress in :'achievement ofnational
economy and, the steady general up-
trend in business.: .
Tfie consensus of opinion is that
by. reason, fit...the 'favorable basis of
"conversion and • the attractive. yield
offered (particularly} in the , long
term. bonds) ' the majority. • •of "'1919
Victory Bond holders will 'convert,
and new investors . hasten: to, secure
an allotment of the n'tw B'onds'. '
The September •:meetinn' 'of'.:' the
Kairshea' U. P. W. 0. :was held at the
Orange, Hall, on Thursday; Sept. 20
TheMeeting a Opened with' singing
the "Opening Song'' and repeating,
the Lord's '' prayer ,in unison: , The-
minutes of last meeting 'were read.
and adopted. A::letter Irene Mrs..An
derson,. the District Director, was
read. • As October ' is' :the .month foi
the. annual "meeting,:',it was' decided
,toleave •.the matter over till' later on,
Scott, Neil Cainpbell and, 'David
Taylor.. Surviving are one daughter,
iter, George Ferris, and:. two sons,
Dien of Toronto , sand Gordon• in the home1 ortinto on utiday', secant- onto; vvi11 stteceed, air. , F4r0y h an l
cit. 'ponied: by Der.' Eastman Remittent • MrtIcs,
when Mrs.' Anderson ,Will :address a
meeting. • A paper prepared. by Mrs:
R. Middleton, on , Current events, was
read 'by Miss .Blanche McDougall..; A
solo by Miss L. Carruthers, ,playing
her own acconrpaninient on the'>an-
dolin, was much-enloyed,Miss •Dean
McLeod - ;ave„ a wonderful picture
study talk on ,"The Only Hope" • An
instrumental duet, by Miss Donaf`da'
Douglas. and Rexford Otrander .vias
nuch':appreciated: The meeting •clgset
hy' singing the • Nationn'i. Anthem,:
l,tineh was served . and a 'social half,
hour shod; L'h0 'October meetin'g' is
to be held at the hone of, Mrs. A•
llughea. '
Mrs. Gilbert Hamilton,• who had
•the , misfortune to bi-eak'her arm In
an accident.' is lmproying.. • _ ,
A tiuniber from here '..attended the
funeral of ,the late Mrs. •John,Fowler
S£ #tippy, fornicrly• a resident of the
-tottith out, Whose death oectirred at
her home', -after a lengthy illness.
M. and Mrs. Ruckt?n of Toronto
ajirtli the week -end ut 'iii C dant-
"ilton'a.; Mrs, Iteniilton .'vhoyspent.two
• weeks With her son,',rettirned to her
Mr. Fred Forsyth, B.S A., who:
carne to Walkerton five !years' ago
last. April 'front the: town' of ,'Perth,:
where lie' ,was District: Agricultural
iv for -' Lanark 'for a
Representat ve, ,.,. • during
Many , Who :during
g?'eatmi n ::..years and,,, :
his •regime in ,Bruce has:proved.;him-
self one of the most capable and
popular ''agricultural representatives
that this county has ever had, reeeiv
ed notice recently.' of his transfer to
the" Lambton.'County".(Wee , :with
`headquarters at Petrolia, th'e .change
taking effect on; Monday, Oct lat.
Mr. George Patterson,i'B.S AL, 1LS:-
a graduate of the ?O.A.c.j, Guelph, in.
the 1924 clads, stud who served, tis. n
District Agricultural 'Represetitative
in Huron' County, and later iii Pee
prior to his appointment 4 to' 06 to,
operative Marketing' Branch . at , To! -
^!'NGINEERING facts provet The
J. record of ',thousands .:of owners,'
"confirms it...And comparison removes:'
.any 's adow of doubt about' it: The
surestway to get a':model 'u p-te' date
1934'.autoniobile for your money is to
choose a Chevrolet!' Only` Chevrolet ''-
in the low -price field gives you En-
closed Knee -Action 4 Shock -Proof
S.t.eering .• . -CableCo
trolled Brakes
.Blue -Flame Cylinder Headl°and Bod 'b Fisher..Onl Chevrolet
can offer you the world's.lowest priced '
cars—all pi ' stantial; Sixes!.' And
g, s ub
no other Car can point tosuch a record
of popularity!
:^*Compare -and ynn'll.fnd. that only Chevrolet in .
.4ts nerd has felly enclosed Knee-Action,weather+•
proof and' protected. against`.' N=ear,-andtear. Plus
Shock -Proof' Steering,
Every -motor ear buyer has a right to insist on a
full quota of up -to -elate .1934 ,features. In . our
opinion, .no 'carcan be called, nioderiiwithout .
these famous Chevrolet features —the most talked -
about oofthe :year:
Chevrolet.has allays been one of the vorld•s most
econ'otnical cars; And this .,year Chevrolet •.Costs
less than ever—less• thin any other car for gas, oil,
upkeep and repairs: Road what pne tyjrical owner •
.says about his' 1934 Chevrolet: .
"I am 'pleased :to advise you' Shalt the .''
gasoline ,mileage- up to date' figures
opproximately231-miles'to the gallon."
(Name on request;
Chevrolet' offers you'd flit atihetowest price for
any car! The~ -.now" G'M AC time -prices are lower
'than -ever! R!'e eatt.'offer more for P' your•,preserit
ear in 'trade. • • • "
' Master Si; front Standard Six from
i 1710
1)eth'cred,, fully' r 4+i+dpcdr at Osliawa, Oils:, Frri$Rl'' mid
• Gorernirient lrein'ie ont'y *aka. " Nx,w lbw time pr%a s oiit,
• the d+:ai:fc ptanr.
d> i it