HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-10-04, Page 3.11 • 4.-Matie a very aubstattlel IncleItSO • All ' metals, :eiteept Arse it 10 :and the, q oral t.y • . t.fi4f,tvglietiiliv. Lh.O.0114, .'.9.1ii,g,, . pOoarY.114,,eite.eia.,...,40,11.1.,4,14.• in the,nrsC.eix monthsoM ifia3, but thg .4.Verageliile.t.11.1"..:geld' ie -;anOril-lOi1'„',,. fund.. during file ip,erhid. eno,ig done, - $0- was..P4:67, aS.ePtef4red-NS41112,ratki' ,... in the first haif. :of 1920.",!-Qfitirat total - Id tnd im*4.09340v2v,,449.24., ta.,atires;rwjece.j.„sti"viit eon: 1.0$4..,pOriO.0, .. ' . 9r0t41. pr ;Or inliteral4, Ter 41:4 1)Prj94 • tinder l'e'VieW." ani.ffeeted'; t.4.."„*141,944,4. 14aSt week we 'goye, .,yoOSe. all, a 1'8' 0 as. :against 490;647 151'.ili'l$13, 44. egupip ' of accounts of the rise oft, increa,so.,erffPProxi.rhately. 45„%,:'' ' ..,,, Public gneinies NO. I, and 2,, Rudy ' ' '' ' • • ' •• - .',r.,: : Vallee .and PingCresby• respectively.. .; . • ' ' . . , .::-,' ith mifeelings that we Sturgeon River E.,2fP..,11 F.4-4-04., "•:*r.e.,1-Oie lt is wngled. 0--e. $ioii, 0 ;the, Int" Apo f4ii, .." . • . ' SI YO, , ilig.a.te,,.. ..,, . . • ' ty,es lailen..alreadY' so 's00.14 of . a' .FalloWing. I lie , ....Mien:0' g interest singer, with a *future tkat vas f everi whiCh -bars ,-,tleveloped, thretigh,.' the.: 44 as blight ..a4., those . Of .1publie. . Wideepread ',and,. aiiiieSt. 4e14..',14149e41, enemies Ne§; 1, 41:14‘ 2 have 'proven to discaveries. 1111 the.,•$I,Orgkati ,Jtivet 0,10,, be,. ;Just think pack • a le* years, to 7 triet,. 'a•ndoinicement, isoiaoi, et .0 the ockg early ,.morning programmes forMatteli or trlibSter,Oetle li•'''V'a4::"44.1,•eteati4firig . froin.„' New. : York and iPleratie4 • $3,".-.0.4te for . t.i.i 114,00fig• .,Ponso,red„.hy A big. soup. menufacter,- ; ;of.' aefiffiting 'propertles and interests: 12,4. The whole hour . was, built around In other ca. panies operating iti tile a young 'singer who had earned a •.talifed a 'o bataatial • 0 ' ..eirea;. Ilte1• 'Ytilleale 4.1 iil•CoalTaig21'9anne, success i threa,milii.n .Stare tonipany 'With ac-, decided' that he was .star '-inatbtial ii,eage ..iir.1 the. .heart:•of the' area and only. needed the .building ' up ' to where., spectacuta.routface bl4W1ngs , 7'! Mit .filt# .41 that. aiags, • The . pro - were. -teopenable, for. the ere0,en I. • in,- : i' ..' tense .interest ;in. the•rtlitOttfq•tl., nas grammeswere a big success' so the 'aefit, step was. to give him. an . or - several., p.ruPertles under '.optipli atia. chestra pi' Picked men . and , opet. him 110 „ others. :nodop . ,eonsidiet atibn. , • ReeOgnizlnk the ttenfendope pronto at the Statler: Reat ig Peatoh,: r• As Which 'ecOrueil,la -', pioneer s in such YOU expected, after his first. ' ..1A*14 fields as the" Little 'Long We' Area; 4'vel*afze, *Ith te.' ''''I‘vh7at4it441teS"'. the SYnclitate, nianag'ernent...teelo, that 'iii.4-etrear.io'ith:rtlidhis arleiiigngo:;g1f,hesecondis.Tniusic.dnd am,.. the se opportilni•ty. exis lir st, On- . moat . recent, , Prospect iye . intim. week , though, , .something.: seemed te- makitig.:distfitt •and It • Is the inten: .have 'gone •• wrong, *.the band was bet - tion ofthe syndicate to wholesale • '.ter;o4n:eVet, but his voice ' had hit ..1)4rt of ...Ito holdings. .out a,t, we sar.n.e, that long •,.long ...trail, 46 4,,ould. at- ' time retain ;interest .in •the ' properties •tempt a :Oete.:;,: falter;: hit it; thee throdgh lreldlOgs of S'ecarttiee' to. '1,be. Waver miserably. As the ' eelts pakell mimed by the operating companit ...- ed; It ' became apparent-, that'''. hie. ., ' The Sturgeon '•River i)evetopment, voice was .gettingworserather than Synilieote,'WhiCh• will shortly be pub- impraiiing. Needlessto' atty'„his- etin- 'hely 'antouteed,,'' Will have as its2pUr- tract ' was not .renewed. N.B.C. ''intisi Pos0,.....acttiiii fitieneing •and,..:•deelOb' .beire'' dropped, him ' completeli.elso, ment assigned to. it ' by the , Expiork for he was heat(' Only .oecasiorihily.in ,tion •Syndleate. Unit .holderIfIf the bile ' two years that followed his die'. ;Exploration Syndicate will. participate .!,P(ai -•,deh'ut,' ,cin,..a preferred „ bitsie, in the -"bill° ' Of - The'.:Past ,,week, we were listening Development Syndicate :unite iintl.will• • • ' also get. preferred poeition • as, :if and :ti*iihden, 'aftsehralurge.s9.:*°"adett.I'l716s; ' .a.i.e:,' ...f7r. .1h.e.:4: - --111- gt,14rgeOn. River,... thrrin. the -pelt' niti,nthl orlAwo,...literally,....nuedreds....o,f velhi,have"been reported to •hive been, discovered; .ancl'..manY of, tdeee, ,ate said, to be of • a';,-.oPeetaetfiar. ' nature., GeOlegiettt 'conditions .are rePorteci-aa' eXcellett. ,and it seems reasonably Pertain that:4 number 01 new prodiie.;,. ..ers willthe'. added' to botatio:s stead- ily -grewitg,:liii. • .• .'. ..,, ' ! • ' . . . • .., - . - .:...• . • ..: ' ' 'Briefs • , .,: . • • • . . • ;%.•reintyre•Porcupiee Mines ia.repott,.. ad to'hava three-drilla'WorAing on „pre., perty ' tegently Optioned' in ,'Hislop , j TOW#8,1413., with; eleven hales • ceinialet-1 7 e fr • Tried! Kru4chen F411 cif -Life, • Plug t9bacCe ijOCS farther, because it lasts longer in YQUIr•PiPe.,-Iri•freShOr, to% because the big.plugdoesn't dry out and You cut it coarse or flaky,to twit " yourself. TOBAC40". . Interest Centres on pride again western Ontario iii' ex •„perienciag:the 'Mid excitement id an • ether •GOLD rush and inaaY -.hoot:Alan looking discoveries lhave been ;Made •..:Over. a stretch : , territory • with • length -of; seine' forty ;miles and. about ' four Mika Wtille ,dundier..of Vicilitising',sheiv.ingg ; of ..,vieibld • -geld Were, .ttactiketed. At.. edilie ..;.dateS.,„ the • ' reel :.eXciteinCnt2 did .not tart until .I.:,,Tune; and Once th,Wtiin ;; the length •' and width..of ,thidistr1ct has steadily Oeldain th many. pf the, bider. alt.(' • .804a4li - mining companies have13een aO proin. • Inept; securing •grou ti' and options as bee,' been, the cas• In tbi: field, •'Among ,itibeeo who „ h ye aiready se- cured . , pillages , , . ,•s, •IgaraSsai latertkati al Nickel; hile'Vit- - :tie :graham and '• thers,,- verar, of the prtpe.rtle8 be by '.thos.o• compan. ' leS Are already t active developL, ment,and result- .af Work done to 'date in the district adnot help: but create' elly'hundrede *of 'veins ' have , been. . opened Up d • showings visible gold, 'hiS. h eoioo;... a coffin -ion tenet. . ” n. . • • . The eastersection he Of tnew Sturgeon' hiver Area - trier.11es:scM16 "six.teeif 'Mites north.- w'efst! 'ai.. the...Little Long Lac • field, t which been ise,piorainent. "during. •the. last ;year; .this."-patt :of • the.. • field • several nrapertiOahatie'• be •un,.. 'der development for ':sonie, months, and. last winter a shlpment of• gqia .,00$ from OurfaCe. Of . the WAS „sent ta_the FIin Elon .Onfel 'teP71n ..M;dnitoba'. And It is said that •aftei' alt thergesi:.Were, :paid a return ,of ;:iionae. eighty dollars per fen . was 'obtained, .0ther .cobinaniee.thia.See-' :tion inchide 'the 'Joinac :Gold . , . Cate *Pigeon :River Exploration .Smelters, liit. Nickel subsiduary,,and,;kirkia.nd.,HiltiSon Be .,(Late Shove). '. • „ " • . infile; centtal'. and ' 'Westernset. ns u sou 4Y, MeVitile:•Orehain, the Connell inter: • • • to' the Yery fine mug, Of.' Leo Reis man's orchestra on the .ciggie hall ,hour; when, of .all things, who2.slioul we hear singing,, but the .very .ma Wbo seethed, to; have missed. out...'a far 'as reaciiiiig.',tha. top was concern ' • • • ends to lea cents Per shara•onart • • .. as emnpared 'with farmer irate •of answeil to Mr,Mole.. teen cents per share; • • One Ot the finest tronibonists sliding • Lee'do:Ati-itideShas.iieq:di:rettLitold-:.ar4"..1444S-tt.iiir . • an oth'r • - rehani,of the ,.'keep'ing. up. with • • the Calgai-y and;Edmonton Corporation' ..gbiz.Y.--r-W,e 'sq-1,1,Vc's: that rrieSt of itcome loi year 'ending 2:une 20t1i was you said; "The .guy ,w,lio•'; writes the fp $13,376, as 'compared witii1.16,866 for .,radio:, gallant is screwy,: there's . no the Previous silSeal year, while itiCOne:' one by the 4nie of. Muzzy anywhere. 111 realization ..iteconnt . was V1,32;477• Out. there Marc011ine, thc as •against.$97,j4, •jn: the .previOus.fstat 'ginger :with Ted Piorita. , Year., , ',;••••••• Fess_,-Ote • of .1VIts„. Williatna ' little ' St.. Anthony:Mill is now treating- hoya; 16.044 4 hot style dance.batd; some 146 •iona per day ; • Gross 'wade& and finalti; dswald Nelson,' knoWn. Ow in August was $36,-300 agiiinsC better a Ozzie. , 'I 425,000 iii July.' • •,•• ; • , • , Trafalgar Lang' Lad Ightea.iliai un-. •• forget. tO-reaemMend the covered a new veit On itspioPerty in .tinrian• Album of • 'Familiar Music - 'the Long. Lac section, . , . , Iyhen.40ilinger shares sod u,g 1,,,LieghLetp.mketi'..sielev.eryaiio.gfintliac,2•Isteertad.ealne;.srieraan.hkd laSt v,reek they tonelfed 'a new .11igh rebord-slifeeLl-02' ‘,L Munn• : Bea& of Beattie' Gold ltil(lies for six . • ' ' anonthit.tO ,iutie SO, reached $122,07s,o0, • 'With .over $76,000 pi this 'being, eared \oeTe have often,' wotificred:.just What for the. second. quartei• • er-toWn an country g, t•Se Of i,tiu0c:011 folks in the small- ., d,• Ville ea ftiVout • the moat. the tender. Of the beat Jet* ter -Will receive ..a.;.free'tieket. toonP of: the big Radiotrimoasts;heie in • Toronto 4.his. Winter, .1 " Once again :then, untii :next' week,' lieigh71-lo and aren't middle OrflY these who ifa,e- b?:Perieticed, backache can understand how painful itcanhe. Only they can •understand the ilisaPPeintinent of this *Oman as Sbe tried one remedy after another— only to find that they failed.'And they will 4PPreCiat.i her delight et , now being, able to write the f011Owing " letter •always feeling tired; neve had any energy,,andcatilil get n sleep at night, the- pain in', in back.. So, after rYing several Allier ent sotealled;;Iniedies (which did ni no good at 1), I decided to tr Krusehen Se ts. I am delighted to able to say that I am now a differen woman, full of life and, energy, and • free froni the 'pain in the , back." --J (Mrs.) M. A. Backache is commonly caused b the kidneys becoming inaetive, an allowing impurities to accumulate t e bloodstream. r •Kraschen will Coax'y to • healthy, normal ac Will rid 'Yetir blood -S • Papariicle;nroof poisonous A 131,vderairthige•giftichne,4‘P"Yittli ..rAdeahlii'lY de chen; the, twinges will beep olersys frequentofnidt fuh:taiml finaily ache will be. so more than ; 30tIratou.se,hert Salts; is ehtainah d Druk Stores at 45c. and 75 .A .,,S.41tS, in neY.a, back' .A,' that ..thly.: • 01.-,''Pf:::el!.107 ''.• aste• matter..1 : you will 'e*.r, ' ,orn these .0.1.tiV, ' a you lierseYere' '''• of.'Krus- e iesa, and. 14-Fr,-.2aCk-•,-:' tl1e niens .. 'et.3/41i: .per • Canada's Exports Up .51,273,382. Ddipin ipifs Trade --Figures 'Show 'lig Increase .Over tr,a'§t Year. Ott‘a,anada!,s exports for the last five 'menthe of the present fiscal year totalled *268,897,4,07 Or $642707 382 more than :for'the corresponding :period of last, year. ': • ". • limPorts• up to Augilst. 311 aiie to $221,501,54 or $60,083,285 •• more than last year, • ' • • • Total reyenues. Amount in f111',215,r 849 in the 'five:rdentlf period or $1,,P,- 776,338 More than last year. • New. LandhiFor CId • India is •so far away that ouici2t: Oat,: d ethane if they ever &lye. it a thought regard it simply as,,a lend -Of- teeming; and .over.whelpting .fasting Gatidhis. But India is in reab, ity becoMink a more and Mora imPor,. :tettt .factor in, the:Brltish Oaninion-. wealth of Nations, % and 1.hereiaiii.any tiling that affects Its ProsperitY, Might ,to be otantereat.t0 them, all:, •• The vialautavdom.adhaa pet been celebrating the • completion of. a great Work .at irrigation *bleb must be add; ett•tn its :triumphs of, peace. • Mother India utilizes irrigation. as European deal:411es enni10..,"enfigyatir-'-te,laid her. suildue -population.:Instea& ofre- • lying entirely opmt the latter. to 'ie- . neve :her, cOngeStion., she .actually. . pre, vides, new land .for het.peoPte witliin 'her own borders, by ;providing , water supplY-for•ereas that could ,possib, •, , praperly Cultivated as .they!ite. ' The. latest develbinhentyin this di - Lou Canted 'for that is his :tithe is sihOing. :a song or two ah solotelY obscure role, ' It 'goet te, :Piave • What Winehel tough etoughgetting to it's tougher to stay there'. Alit in ..case; you wondered as to ...4.1dentity of the ,ipiee.r .assertMeri of;pernes we: PUblishecl,.. Iast•• Week he they , . • • ell, thait'S-an .easi••ene., Le Callaway of the -11i-De.116 .tchool Of I: I 1. ..ests; Spring OW Many others 'arezpromitent• , with important, • iooking .strikes :baking -beery made... thoae..Who heye, Visited the neW • area, is; tha,t,it 'sterns. likely iisTst distriet, will :oatshiile- even -the 'Spectaciiihr• Little 1:4ng tAe, -section before *rtroby menthe. -Lheve .passed and certainly', as bho sititatioil looks :et,,preeent, this docs not •Seetii to be. any exaggeration. • ' • Audi. TO7NtaiketWheat • Western farmers . •arg he. ' • rushing their • wheat :crap; to ivarket t an unniebedet to: refierta. .fient 'Western " It ii.:estimated -.now, that • this .year's 'crop exceed.6.0 1033 hy:. some 15,000,000 .. bilehels. and additinii .ihe .ptiee. about .:10,Ven.7 . teen,. cents ,,higher. One third of ',the -:-..:-.,,Marketable crop is:already in „the,,ele- • Vetere, With tpialitY, ,gtCtid..ioin the sectiOna.., Frost fia4 • Et:, fected grade, from . the .not.thein , sce- ti�ns With the eiceeptlOir' Of tbe' Peace • Rivet country which escaped the•trost. and ia,..sa4rio have a very,. flee erep.':, Malting barley 18 repottell at a Pre•. tniain and 'PreSent Priees aie over ,60 tents; CoMpated • with. anent • 36 cents last. year, A ,00nsitlerahlo' ' amOut hlts Ceti: shipped . the 4m.; •,:iericaii Market,. with,.. the result •that, Canadian.buYerS. •are :antiSaally active • soliciting this' grade...010 otiota- , tien for the :o.p•est quality, of malting barley IS aro• nad AO. cents., • ; • • Long .Lac Adkir Mides•••,,. Wordeoraitig dowit from. tnls com- Janies property cimitintics to be. ef dedidedly opiliniatic.'neture and 'Pretik Le.110.,' id "Charge of 6peratious„ atated, •that another ,ite* at bfg nunibei live, hag been. ,uncovered for- several hum. 'died feet:* ,Pfritt tiSaaY" fiedi fear,,Ibot • • Chanter tali Well. otel 41.00. 'TWO ' ditional assays,frOni .the "nintibet five, , „Yin titer $14.00 and 46.00. The inan. agemene are "nOW cenSideling Plana ' ,tet WititJe,deVelopinent,,,and it Seethe likely that ' shaft sinking ,will be Matted' the tlear ; , Reatilta tit Work to , date ati this , prOpertY, would indicate that, Long Lac mlati littidueet; • ' • , . . .. Reit*e*erii;es: Rise ' • . , , • , • , . . ... • . The steady. litereaae4 in traffic - retr, enuei,liof': fife, Canadian Railways; i/(., '.Whielinas . coat ued, ntialis't steadily 'foe. over a. year :Providei 'ode :of the ' bright' spots in the' tanaclia, no,. ,orfc !picture.... ,With - the exception.' of. .l'inie, , When a • slight iliatinei was' re,.• corded; eptibitied: •traffie revenues ef , .tha two ieatls,,hav:e.sliowa:ild.increatie: •eabli '• month •over the eame .period . a Ipai'',',agn.,' bilritg 4,12e,moiith .tfif Aug. tiat •the. 'in9r5asa 'arnOunted iii -,:4:89% while ! ill e '. Oat:- • two. ' weeka' , pr •.geptomber recarded ,,,tin thereat:O. . of .ever1, eleven per cent.i.. as .COMparet wit the, Same' two 'Weeks In • 1933. . , • . ;4-.• '• • • .. . .• -' Dominion .COal to;, :, • it is 'rel.:lotted :en good .i..anthoritY ihnt•notiee,wilr C.:+011. go out to idlers. holders .ptopoSing . redtictioti in the ' ,oreferted dividendtrate. to 6 and at the San) e ' ttine•• Offering -preferred ...stook, in lieu 'of ••arrea,ts • of 'diVidends, on the issim, Itis,unilerstpod tbet; if tide ar.t..4,Likeniebt is COMPleted„. di- vidend • payments on the , noW ' beats. .will,,b0 rein:mad right away,: .: Huniberstene. '$.hee Co. '• • . • . , . K.g.pito_.t.s_thelmat t 4e4a.m-aa ; ;ytiy Atadras:,Preaideney: This' vast, woylk .1`.e,eand.:oialy, to 'the- bilge Sukkiir harvige on the *.indlis•wlueh sva,, co npleted two yearr'igo, New ..'raklit- . Something new in .:ylfelita .being 'bulic ,the' salting .'oehoOner Iie.W1:,inder. construction $.41, Newport .1eaCh -far ,4fighard • Arlen ..t'aramOUnt, strains Of "I SaW.Stats" a steal Trona star. ,Tlie, veseel • !I a s„..a aPritts flpor, in, • "'NOW you 'on ' make: my'. life" .B.ed the galley; .wthis:h ,according to Arleil, '1'An 1 right?' . Means that to inetter how uili tii' • : , • seas And., 116 'Matter haw ,rotigh: the •' ...„ • ; • sea, and no matter 1' .far the be'kipepe• oat cz, A ,....•e,lk-- amnion may roak, the ,flocit Of the galley •re',. tieing . verfe ctly ieyei, e•thereby cdoking• i011 kinds of ' thee, ' • For • the. 'year ; ending July ,31st. MIS cothany:eariled .$2;87 Par Fre on the ':oiiistalitling common ' attielt, itnd salas were renorted tta •rielng the hlgh est in the coulpany's history, :Ea. -things Were' OhoWn at 2f66,073 as :against 426 to\t::tho orevlous S'••ekri • -W6ilting capital • alto ShOW;(1 uin Prevenient, being'.$383;403'its calliper- ed With $3:604,72 in '064 Big t • Actir.a04 . • , rfgp,reg itidosel,,..fyy :the Donitnion 'Outwit:tit 8tat1stlea.ahow that tither, 1:Prodifctien 'hi: Canada tho el* ,MOttlis of the Ctirtent year /lea 't4.5 • • The friee,Sitre of Weil; likea what -sem=2- T4a b4 • Dr. Werhei'S Ociwdef •F ,,..1 EE. 4, joy To A,1,1 (fter,•, •• ean't SUP. or Slide Sprinkle' on Dr. Wernet's Powder and you won't hare to think about your woe teeth all doy loog, • Joyouo cool - lo rours., Eat tit Ailing yeti want ' holds plates firmly. in placethey- pdaitively can't slip or 'slide. Forms protective cushion for sensitive gums. leeves n� colored, guntraYetibetance-. keeps .itotiti Balite br t Prescribed b • 1:17° h Pjem4nt4 rt 18 • Opin '400liing.. the t,ciiia0thhie • ..• thitteetr:year" old piny er Who %4,01 *4116s6it dielavirttais:t,aamoipa. 141.4), lase Saitirdify„ has all • the, malt, hags, of , an ihngland player her -and itthiattely, though'slie, is Cliineae by 'Outage the'.18 :British by bittb, 11alfciped.though .,she is bY. not.. lithdidg ,hfore Oka' a •.adati •hig•her, 2",bati (he she fought her ,way with cuiut heckto hesitation ?into final anthiVon 'that, 46111116t'''4. bittl'er fully 011 fo thialf)104thiii. Otaiidard, by 64, She ,pltiy with both her bead arid her. feet,. Her ,foet'werk is 'teinarktiliee add • so her, :inental ,entiCatittationt Not Ot h Phy"akpie to. make hard ciriv, specialty she wins her .garces. by ,l1ill In pkicieg. ' • • • TWO of the disabilities •af, 116e youth are that she 'cannat'play in the hledon Junior Ohanipionship ihis, year 01 next oe take the Loudon fer',, three; years. Her father., Wattidli 'h*er • • • • • • • ., ranks in importance It and .Size With' tlie, splendid:works at -Assailed OIL the Nile It ' is One mile long and,170,;(eet, high; ithasr,oreatedireservair d4a " 4-4-afta, iniles eirenrufereiiceil': Trani 'Which seventy diain canals. provide -envie water supply .forthke,e huh, te t eusand. a res. of land which has -dot hitlierto''.heen "under caitivatjon was.:•$3,0 ti/00and:the ooverzinient expects reeite six per cep :noon It8 -investment: All:. ';'• the' maCiiinery and Materials, euiplo'yediuP. on the, , were. • , , it •Ibrought: ,gerapletion. dreanl of. the eleitenth,isentillyy.Tor_the Cauvery waS. damned- "then; ildndreds of thciusends•af' peapie are also again': ed Of an 'aiiiPle who. have., hith:. 'mix? :!fo he out .iiirecariaue ex- istence, • dePendent . entirely • .tor their ,water: auktily twat the rattier • uti.er.:- loble: :monsoons.' . British' -energy. and. ..entefprise .ceotinue -the. great Work .."of developitg India. for khe -Indians Wile.' t her Gandhi. fasts ar.fightk-6-montre,al. Star, •• • ' AillaeStheticS • . „Tfi. ere Were lield.-the,••.oper 'day. tit:. nitride° meetings ;in copfteetitni' with he • Britiish Dental . Association 4t tie,utai 'ttiqery, lf,vipan, Was, spoken ol tit.; ,wqrn also ehrorotorni,.etb1') nit iutts, oxide: ;and. oXygen,.. ..11P Course, of the.% ekperiendes, 0! dentists' with patients tinder and .afier anaesthetics weice'•deatsrilied.•10. 44, Wilcox, Wistel, spoke ,of•the,wreck thg hiSisingery by a. stotwari•Ond violent Welshinan; .forider IttnatiOn•allat: A'itor •.tiMiblesOme tooili bed, been ';extraeted•tbe"natient becalii.e. -vioistit, eaitght the. dentlsi by the. ihiglis tiltrxilitew him SeVeral feet against th-e/Wall. The itialpeg Oat Of the Wie.1 but the 'anaesthetist, a young Scot ,who 'played football brought the patient tieWil With a rughYlackle1 and • . • • alffriletely. be was overpOWerea.‘ The patient WO a sport hoWever,-and tee sqing .Wits 'afraid he ho., basived In an extraordinary nlaLner, of' ,tered to pay double 'fees;11 I Mr C $cot y wOr a most noted detvii Middlesex 'triiinlith was a Mat ment t Dow, of Pei 4its. /ha Oat is 'smelt -40o contort 'Oriental .iiyitgawittwillii 100 th . eippett. n e of. utidee „ eta,- s - 11 • ••. • • •gteati. ./.1t$0- iiintggliib • • • • • • • • v71,4"; '.ddittiStt AVheSd ; beei , 4, • •+1."1 \f' , where,a. new building ,stands tOda the city.. Tho .dentist' was % ,am eir,` .,itqlen several 6r thY1 „Patients having at down 'eargerychair, ch •ed ' their minds, -alfaut having the. e traction* denj3,, saying2' iven"fhi,V ,gas today." the deritiet.could not .nn dersiand ,the c'ilanthe' of frontiirttile day 120 Sat.gewn in the roliair.hlmself. DireetlY,opposite en. the Walt ref the Salvation Arrnir.„Ditadei, in large let- ters, were the words; !Prepare to meet Your God,";-Banffifoliire Journal . , . : . Canadian Weeklies . Merge lin. Londo .....L.,..,..._ 1. Canada and Canadian . Gazette Abandon competitioh, • paper, 'Canada," woi phi.Fedilihn,:iteratredor: the , past 27 • yea.'" s being merged, • with; another ;yield/ the rtiehedlan. azette., /, .•• 'the editor and -founder :of the for.. met 'publication,' Walter! jaeixoy olOied 37 years of Prominent association. with Canadian news work in ,London. • ;Announcing the merger the direct.:,. ors • Of , 'Canada" teniark the recent.. • years :..of depression severely •affeeted; Can- adian Weeklies in:Londot:Shotde „ the 'fortunes ' of many, newspapers. It- had.been wisely decided the two Can - cease tprl heir WaStaffil competition, Alley • add.' Lefloy, an Itiohman who Jived in Canada, tor Saute' years, is 64 years. trtz4;, of age, He first vistted, the .Doininion, • in 1891and attersix 'Years". tesidence returned to London, ticleS to leading, publications 'toneern- trig the resources and development .of ' Canada had its ri•ro.wIng •imPortance: 'tAblished. the "British. dOlii,mbia view." • • "''"' „. You Take Your,Choice'.. Bruce BfiVeit,;.editar of the• New:Re: "brpaileastite11 BriLtiIj IS 1.000, 'nay.. Cent,. Sh'perie+ to that, 01 the United $Mtes;. 3,Piep,1i .ifergesheiiner, SaturtlaY• Evening Post, British service • and • -says 1t0 would Ile foist it on tlfe • can ptibil'c..Both• Men ;Spent 50711e,tinin.41:: 'gnglandi-studyczog-.41-esysteni there, So,, there:Y:70u. are.*--Londori ',1dVertiser , • Confidence in ,another is no :slight eivideti-cd'Of a Min's :02V,21.. :-.4antaigne. Classified Advertising MINKS. tibiettor :anti Xor.th..Oholg_lip_wei LaWrpneelyrilricsre16'ilfivelY bred for. - 'teri_yea,ra, 1 rea'st+Itab;e +1)114e • if taken 1:ware October. C. ft. 7i,A Inn ' • . , • A N OFFER .TO .C.1711:11;X iNv-4N OR, •Ltsi •of matted inventions and/ hltailnatibn The full Company., Wiatid, VtitObt 4t,tottt1e:vs. 214 • Bank Street. Ottawa, canad Aottf,,fro NOILN7(Ep • • • - A.13,8040'14.1,Y'. ti4I15iFiNlill . line . of Pprsonal elmi8ttrats Carcla selling, at s.1.d0i) cIozen Large selection ern bOssed And banti,-roloretr., O4sigq,' ..b0okl4r.ks, 'phatee or ',1;71,!eettags,' titati,V, haW,-;,.feattatis, cfll fOlders: soine With etistoitioer'S Initial, as 'sttOW1 at our e8.-• ,ninit „at canad,larf National •ENhtbitten.: $ond,: for sitniples, Lttld'citl bo,tathission and .b'entis. 'FRs.t-s,eiiing box .aSSdrtinento: ' ataa:: Army fabtared.• by Regal Stationet7y 137 Alletaide„ Pireet.'WeSt, Toronto. . Off :Corour?' "How Is Your , Wake. up.. your Rad": ••:" Calomel ! our very Wittall organ, .,but It. .certAthiy eitin put your .digest,11;e 1300 7e11111,thattve, 'organs 6;111 'of, kii r8r., • l'efnsin Ad ,pout out AS daily tWii tletatielS.,61'. liquid tine lnto you!. 'boNt edionletbiy • correct sun ath'idfiton h Aaking aalts, oil, tumoral water, ti.xative, candy bri Obewing gtim .or tonsMtge, therve',Y110Ved ;Your ifoivelsythey'r yon iveed it`ltver Ofitutilant„ • „. . 4 ' LitN 1.A.V0l'flhi,will •• srOn bring back tbe u»'h1n 111 t?' 'Your:11(e, Frilty:,tla purely vegetable.. SnCC SOre.; A§1e foi' them .1+Y 'Min& Refuse '" sub, stl'tuteti, .26r" ,i1t: all druggists, , , issue No .34-7..'34 , I • I •