HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-10-04, Page 10
' e2.04)
PER YEAR IN 0.1.41*.N.-P14; 40.50 OTHERWISE
LticKriow. Q
• FOUNDA boy's double breasted
blue suit ceat. APPlY. Sentinel Office
SHEEP -to Let on. Shares -Apply
tite T. We Smith; Centeal.Gerage.
• NOTICE -.We heYeesome good tYPe 'Met Treatment. To Be Given At
grade VW ,whieh will lie let 'Mit On • School "NeXt Tuesday Morning -
shares to relieble parties. ^ Child *Wit 'hie Parent's Peri**
.• • , .
^' Sto,thers,„ Arthur, 'Ontario. sion In 'Writing Before Receiving
'• • , • .
, DAY Weid-1). FleleWToxeide
tSALE-e have • „. • •
On hail& 16" die mixed weed; good.
„ quality. :no, has kvpt under t The D C ent of Health Of On -
cover since it was cut, aro strongly . advisesd the use •:14
. Diphtheria. Teecoid as „a' preventative
' in. Murdie & eon. forDiphtheria.The use of iihil halt
given results so beneficial t at they
are startling: For, example, in, Ham-
ilton : in 1920. *Jere, were .096 case*
of Diphtheria, whereas in. 1,93g, after
seyeraL years ofthe use of Toxoid
among school .children there was only
one case of Diphtheria. During the
Past eight years ;Ontario approxi-
mately one-half million children have
received Toxoid .without :any
ful after-effect. ' • •
eThe locel, board de, health. tWO
year*. ago . gave many. children .in the
school this treatment: Following up
this policy it is proposed to give the
Toxoid to the children under ten
years of age who have not. already
received it,. The toxoid iis given' ,as
three injections at intervals of three
weeks. The first of these injections
Will be given Tneidey, morning, Oct.
9th at .9 a.m. in the school: It is
necessary . that each child have the
permission in Writing, of • one of the
NOTICE OF COURT. OF REVISIION parents ' or • the: guardian that i the
; Notice is ••hereby' given that court toxoid be given. • • '1
will be 'held- • pursuant to , the Vetere' Also, if there are. any mothers
Lists Acte the Teems*. Hall, With children. Under echoer -age who
Meet Wawinosh on October e 16th; wish thorn •ee have . the treatment
le.D' 1934 at 9 a.m. for hearing all they May zbring • them to the :school
complaints made 'against the est ane at 9.30 of the. same morning: Child.;
2nd part of the voters' list for the ren , from 9 mes; .of age to 10 years
Municipality of West Watvanoeh for may safely 'fie Toxoideci. This elude
Eget, - - • " .for +Children. attending- Lucknow
Duenin : Clerk, 'school or Youinger Children living in
the town,. and •is, given free:: • e
, The •Lediii Board' of ;Health,
• W. Hamilton,
' • A. E. MciKinie
Fret Toxoid Treatment
For School Children
village 'property ane eight
room frame. house with ..beth, tight*,
watet and garage:. Splendid location.
mood gravel. pit in connection ,with
property, For further ' particulars
APPri to Mts. Susie Miller,- Lucknow
We now haveea stock of dry '16
inch and ,12 inch buzzed wood to last
throughout the year. We :aletehtiveen
nide stock of, dry soft maple and dry
eine. 'slabs. Your ,oeders. will receive
, our, beg attention. ,signed,
• Chattel Mortgage pale Of 'farm
stock and implements of Henry Je
Kerr., Lot Con. 1, 'West Wa-
wanesh, on Friday, .,October 1.2th it
one1 teelock. Teems, See hills.
Well. Henderson, 'Auc.
• Notice is hereby - given ' that a Court
wiL beheld, pursuant to -The •Voters'
,List Act at the Tomo Halle Lucknow
1934 at Theee o'clock afternoon
on 'Alm 'Ninth: day of October A.D.
•;" for hearing all complaints niade• :eheeletett curiosity to feeeived
it this Ofece Was an egg >that Patine
Stewart MacDonald, son of Mr. • and
Mrs.Archie Macbonald, presented
tis reith the end of he Week: On one
end of the egg; ending out On the
shell- was 'It" 11 re• 2, practically per-
fectly for . ',Stewart: wasgreatly
tickled t •a hen of hite•shouW per-
form 'it cli a feat and • no doubt heel
ping, sr closewatelr'onthe'eltgir
see if , this nen plans to ,,centinue
is' practise, teectiegic.up on her out-
the-first. and. second parts of
the' Voters' List for the ,"Municipality
• . of the Village Lucknow ' eor, the
year ' ' ' ••
Dated: at Lucknow, Ontario, this
- 26th day Of September A.D. 1934: •
Joseph. Agnew, •
Clerk, if the Village of Lucke.. r,r.
• ..•‘• linuF '•••77iirs-i4413ed
• cOmp4, i eve beeh
inehin-'•eecti •ound and options
has been e case in ttis seld,
Meng thee have ' Tele -ads: .0
e •
34.`° •
"Change of ;Heart" . is the TIM*
giving holiday special On the sere4n
at the Lyceum Theatre the Ant , 'Re
the , week, Monday. .Tuesday and
Venn:Way. Janet, Gaynor and Chalt-
lee Ferrel are foleeher again .1Pe
another of their • outstanding ,pictures
that have Made the, „n1 screen favoife
ites. They are -suPPoreete'hY noteeth-
'er: than Jame* Dunn a44 mg.
Rogers. ' • e
This week -end, 'rhurlidaY, Frida
and Saturday; theatre goers will, ha „
a chance to see and hear Will Rod-
gers in. ."David Hermit"- his heat
comedy since "State 'Fair". No itie
Vince in admission for . this ,ithow. s
Remember its "David learttine thfe
week -end and "Change of Heart" thef
first of the week. " •
, ,
Local Boy Privileged -
. •
In Seeing Quintuplets,
Alfred'. Andrew Sees The Worlit's
e Most Talked Of Babies. In their
New Home In The .1)afoe Hospital.
.We -r have received a letter from
Mr. Alfred' Andrew, Beettye,V. eee
presentative, in Northern Ontilrio, in
which ho: tells us of seeing the
Dionne quintuplets, an opportunity
which few have been afforded except.
those in Whose care the, babies are
entrusted:, , • •r• ,
Mr. Andrew's. 'letter was quite in-
teresting to us and we pass it on to
•Our readers whernewe believe Will fled
it equally se. ,1
J.• "It might interest you to knovithat
' I he e.been one of the privileged few
• ' - who have had the ,:opportunity of
WEDDING BELLS casting their eyes on the now famous
• y Dionne Quintuplets. What a sight
' ' • to leek' thoe'e little tots snuggled :in
e-WEBSTER-SMIRLEY-. • 'cornfy in their little cots. •
Woodbine United Church, 'regent. Aiteoeee we slew theoi all, wevieire
lOunlia 'given it .elose:op, Cecille in • pertic,
Was the scene of a'.• pretty •
:ted. 2d.i3noff oelue..sat whenurda y.31 1 esee.rEdttbeif• alar,grcap biS•enweafiat putonnw' displayt4e forour
Shirley, daughter of BIrr. 140:1 imrs• of most French babies that he,r
George Shirley, of Toliii; bee md
the ''beide 'of Harv W--(1114-4; `ftra4lndreaetls were
gave. US ndsariconeAs•Oaf•
Webster, ' sen Of Mr e andl,."41'ser.ltcliemhoanr1 icha
,when the nurse
Welistete,of Lucknow. '
was, perftiY
imee by Rev. Steele Annis • ,• ,
i • • ',Our :party composed ' of some of
The "church .: was „ prettily, decoratad the 'Beittiy•staff from the, North Bey
With a profusion of aututrin, flow rt
- 'etore; were fbetupate in Meeting in
and theguest pews were deep .evite .ith, m
white 'satin ribbon; • of titeeckileAreldneWshOn'ineCiedheptia
• The biide, given in rriage 'entranle to .the hospital Which now
• , . . , •
her father, was Charm' g ie gowit **Mies ithe .•precious bundles of hu -
of 'white lace over atin with Am*. Meniter, '• ' .
flowing train, wit ulle .fall
Ike -beim . heti rette ie • of' *ullee'tutd onWtehisw.oercee4141;pnar4tsicztear.igeoioed,mfaavkzouge
pearle.,She e ried-e she* ficlucinet
„ delivery 'et the second' instalment of,
of taliallta roses, lilYeefePe'llueee Beatty Seeds to be used in the ape -
and. bat, ..s breath.: „• • le cial care. of .the babies, in, the „new
Th eidesmaid, Miss Helen. Lupton hospital. Some Weeke age I had. the
oronto; was becomingly gowned pleasure Of laying out a. 'suitable
pale blue •inowielinetde-fene, *bine; .preseufe syetetn to supply the mod-
ined evith";Pirliee•Inde, melmer hat! and ern • pininbinge-this system' was ,do -
pink satin shoes, carrying ;•ei .bouquet natedby the, fitin'..Todity's conteibee
Of sWeetheart. •roses 'eed fergeeenie-i. Alen was 5 engilie-deiye,1.Washing-
nets.' ,During the:signing. of the re- meebeeeer,'''.,
gitteei /Mrs, ,.ne, feer'?ete
Local Lady Hurt
sang,eAll: Joy Be Thine". 1 •
groOnisinan was Mr: .Robert
• Andre* of Listowel; and •the u.sliete
Thomas Alton and, .Mr: Clifford
Certere`betli.-: of :Toronto. • ,
Following .the ceremony, the sguests
.retired to the home ..of the ,.bride's
,Pereotke:,Wheee.,',ie buffethin-
ehedn, was served. The,,.gueistselette
reohro ehe'bridea Mother, _ill a,
at to match :and wearing .5 corsage
own of brown :blister Crepe,' with
-ofe():'heliftreaset.' '
The happy Yount..00uP ee* 0 *ere
the recipients of nianYebeaUtifeleand
f4e:Llgt "''''retettutetnin?-77:joh-itItifinikeotitte(4.;
where thy Are making their het*:
Out -Of -town ' :guest's ',ineluded Mktg
Flor\Webstete .T.Luckninv; • sister of
die x .odini Miss Flora, Andrew, Lon-
don; Listowel; Miss.
•fiezel, Holmes, , Oshawa : and leere,WM.
Jainiabele of Elnivale.'
Kiiklad kludsiin• Say (couie; ed. be:.
Liteteeshowe (raw States me ,
Tne > yen. -"Arclidestion :Rev. IA% .
.....eittatassarein ernational* 017e:40r:it eis-:-.teepety,-,eer Peileceiellbette:Sellke
.Groham )e, veral ' of at'eb:wne,n, will be .the 'special :guest
'the proeerti y theee eompan• •
, tea are •aire • speaker ie sp. Peter's Church, next
er, active develop- .1- 31' o'clock: Services at. 11.
and ()pie ^
s, held
.14erit•and.:Y f-idne 19' dO.t.8 a and 7 „pen, have • been Withdrawn
In the ;•cannat••help create - and it it : . honed •' Many . will I' avail
enthusias' oVer'''the 'ohtloolt: themselves. ' of the, .opportunity of
ds 01 have .' 'been ; hearing this outstanding opealtere His
u u , and., shOwings 'visible eaediess should he of intenSe ooterest
odfd ,hes,. become. a %common eactir Ito ehee*emnPun ty now that an appeal
/renew.. • ". 1 is launched f r the 'relief of the
• The.egatern ' section of the oew people or that if st province.
, ,
•RUsh°10 Market Wheal'',
.nrestern- farmers , are. sale. to, be :In Fair
. • . .
tasting their wheat,...crop• to: •market ,
f•ci iteruz,f,; r 7 .
Mrs': tilheit
ight Mishap
les Wheit Ca
• ,
;Tenders. Will he., received _ the .. Which; She ,W
uncletsigried„ tip .te the •TirSt day O •
ivErS.;,‘ aMilton; • with a
November, A. D41934,, fuxe•O'e_fen°*' fractured shoulder',a cast, ,A "a
• , ing.'farine.lande ...the Property ,of the reeult. of an aCcideot. Friday
Estate_ of Miles ;McMillen late of the evening is fresting as Cenifoetiblsr AS
din expected At her :home . on Con.:
4, .Kinloss. • .• . • ,
''Fhp accident happened Friday ev-
ening between 1.30 And eight o'clock
• _AI and intheFirst. Ceneetiiion. of. just north, of Peter Carter's ; residence
:the .COntainini "ate thee-Seeoed-Concesetow. Mr. end
milton Suffers Injur-
Stri4es/ Buggy
A aesenger., •
, Township ca Itiiilos* in the County of
Bruce, namely:
The South halves..'of Iota ,hOMberS'
- -Mrs. Hamiltee and 'Mr. JaclIc-irSitedye
one hundred acres more or less, . pos.,
Session ' of :Said lands to e given'
on Aril t,,I 1935, with privil gi to do
necessary tale Work after Nov. 15tli;
1934. ' f ''
^ The North halves o eletS numbers
81 and 32 the PIM t Ceticession Of
MacDonald were • returning ,herne,
from Lucknow .Fair ween ,they were
• . .
struck by 'a car driven by Wesley
Thompson,. Whitechurch 'fish dealer.
.Thoespsen was , returning. ' feom
leine ine„, with- a box of fish On his
tee, which seas Without lights, they
havi g 'burned out, he informed Con -
.the Township'.of, Kinloss containing Moore .„'Whe investigated. • Ile
,One 'hundeed, acres moee . or lessee a Pitrently failed' 'to see" Haniiltim's
vile and buggy , Inch was hugging
:The soutti:^halvea- of lots numbersh..extrentie,righe of theroad but
• , 29, and, 30 in the FirSt. COneessioe' o ,
the: Township of Kitiloss coetaining
• elle hundred acre* more Or leteee
Lot if Ottinbere '16 and 11 in the
Third Concession d the Township of
Kinloss Colitaining time hundred ides
• mere oi loas: • - •
• Lot number 32s en the Second Con.
• cesiiimi Of the Aciiiiiithipeofeleitiltrit*
toetairtitig one 'hundred' eekeil Melee
or twit: • , ,
The North half of: lot numeer023
ihe First Concessien of tbe Town-
ship of Kinlete containingAfifty'acres;
trotwe'or tete; Possesaien of said lende
, e'en be given *Vembef 15th, 1e34;
Theehiehest ery tende
necessarily itecepted. • ,' °
For fliftliete iliforMaticin ttpplye.to
• ,Johne McMillan, It: 1, Lucknow, Ont.
"1,; S` Reid• Orillia Ont -
getuterii„ of , the Estate of Miles
• „
Western Relief sAppeal,
• At a Cemmittee•nieeting;topresent-
,ing the various !religions ' denteniell-
eons' of the' comMunity .which met
ei the Towneliell• •;of leuclififOW on
was also without light. As
the driver Of the horse, saw a crash
was "eertaile he pulled the animal' out
of .the pith of the •eie which :struck
the left trent wheel of the•. buggy
which was turned Over into a five-
foot ditch, With its, occupants. ••••• •
The ear , crashing into the , same
ditCh, at: right Angles to it lene .right
beside- the buggy .etruck, Mrs. Hain-
deeent;-feactutieg ,tee
right shoulder. She Was
hastily re-
nn'vcd to LpekeeW for Medical at-
tention and that everting dicer: to
'Wieghatri hospital where the frac-
ture was set; returning hate the
foflo ing "'date „ • '• ,
M McDonald 'suffered', et cut in his
heed that. required et cOdble •';
stitch s. Mr. Hamiltli escaped tit-
he' -, The horse *hie broke, l'oese.
calight uninjured at the 4th •Con.
nly minor damage Was 'done to ,tee
car; an old Feed touring Model;
:Mr. Thoiiipeoe • Was. in a 1previotei
aceident eerie in the summer when
hb sideswiped the rear of Aekert's
truck. • Ile was fineti..$i0 on that oc-
Bread . The Bread
f Health
, lealth-
. 'S'ttie'detir ,, . peetals,-
:TELLY. 'ROLLS - * . Cag4sEA, Build' .
_ ,_' ", fr ',. 2.• L . ' ... w..
f I
1-10 LLYM
p4prry BA KERY.
it 'Roads, Lead To:
1 • ..,••! •
Troupe of Six, .CFPL London Radiere Ageista twat • gee
Varied- and Highly. Entertaining •
• Win.•Dayieen -Cut ,
Aceideat-Both Caro . Were Badly • ' • . RECENTLY
e , A 'report froni
Toronto the latter
oneeof_towenlistee; -Meesnere•S' liative-eofeAShfield-undee
._ • ee f
',Aland, Face In :Sundity -Afternoon *EISNER • REPORTED IN .
.-,ken tars driven by 'Mr; 'WM: Peet of the Week said that David
aflU J.Currie of ' Winghain, sideswiped on susPee in Yerieff-of-fe4eli
ih eteSe Line
-half:eft:Om Auburn on-Sentiajeeeeftere-LticknOW-e-a-cio or so beforeetheeki .
-e e...... about a Mile and a Labatt, was in kiehome tieten e
napping ,was. col -emitted. e'•,-- .: ,
If such , was the, 'case, no ' village
residentit'apPear to know- anything tit
nienee."Xrs...Davison 'received severe
ente to her face and forehead that
required : several Stitches: Mrs.
son. tt resting Cotefertably." at •'her
home here recovering leem. the. in-
juries, lose of blood and shock. , The
driver, Mrs and •Archie Gillies
an 80 -year-old relative of Daveionel
..who three' neer Auburn, wite-
eut injury:
Me. Currie, soh , of nee. Cdrrie"-of
Winglettree was passenger in
his car and miraeteelitly escaped
only a lacerated forehead as hie ear
careened on down the bile, •turned
ssver on the -roadway, and: then slid
Monday evening, . it was decide into' the ditch, where it came .to test
car load leer fruits, t the sel ai Pbtet etc.°f‘t149' on its
car was new and:, the
the stricken .areit's in Sailkatchewan. body :was bad1Y, damaged with a reek
committee.Fhe,was .organized witb Wheel strinned. -offi when it struck
!,PPree,entatiyee ...chosen . from each the front wheel of Davison's new
C,ongregation'.. at follow: •Plymouth,, which was badle, ernsheti
•United 4hurcheee--.Lnekno4.....-Rey. it,111 along the left side of. the ear;
S. Tucker, liacentielt. 'Aintfield !with the fenders trumpled'iip, • the
Circuit-Itey. Patine Kil- trent Wheel and running board strip-
patrick; lieekete'sGeo.' Lanev Zion tied off and the .glass shattered in
--Wm. /Gardiner. . '': Helene -Rev. the 'tattered doers.
Wilkinson, 1; 'Mi .3Dungannon- . The road • at this point -es a J , one
Bete • 'MacMillsin. riteee•-e. Mathew track ion(' to one side of .1 the
Shackleton, i Robert MacKenzie. , hig•way,',mr. Davison wee' _Proceeding
' ' Rennin. Catholic -4r.. McCardele . lp,the,-hill: when the Currie ca game"
Ipreneyteeisn ohnecee"encenswe,.. over the. op on: the -same track, we
Rev:- Oe ItiacDenald,,; Jas. Pickering. are infertile& In swinging to avoid
Diniffannon--R. Davidson:, Ashfield- I' he" On eeilisi°4, the reef side of
Rev. 'elee,GelisfaeyeDre Simpson. Kiii; *le Currie car and the frontside of
toes -nee, nereeee A. fleshes...tele- Davison's ear, came into . Crashing
lough -4t. alcolm. ,. . - ,, • ; coetact; ' ploughing into the entire
Fall Fair Attracts
. •
La.rge Atten, dsztnee
_Weathere_Preetene_rine •
"wtieltiotes-FineeStockeShow -And
Array Of .1.1i;DeOe.-EiltSiitt -
• •
Sandwiching a., pleasant day ' in be- '
tween two that were both told- and •
weteeLucknelw Apericultural Society
his visit here or to have recognized was
him. - .- ' • .- '. ' • • '. :1 •when ', they , successfully estaged thew., •
indeed ' fertunete on, Friday,.
Aleisner: 'says he "entered the United Aeth sinnuil • Fall . Fair. ' ' , . .
States : legany in ipoo,.. while anther- , .
Gate' receipts: were, over '.$305:0b, '
ities are seetchig to have him depeited '
which was a drop, Of- some $60. from
to Canada, and .' avoid 'eetraditioe
last years near record crowd of ZOOQ
Oiloceedingt. An inquiry, is .being held or , more people. , With ' hundreds of
in Detroit on Friday fodeternsine•in *public school children's admitted' this
'What inrier .3/eisner entered United yeak free ,it *as estimated that in ,
States. ,!,
' •, ' left :side of the. Davisoncar. The
' Anglican i Churches- Lucian* -- awe; was further damaged in turn-
Rev. Geo began, Geo. It Smith. ins over. The Plymouth remained on
Dungaimen-R;ete Caley, Robert Dur-
.nin. . port, Atbetee.44.,teel, ,lloyeciss, the road, oed wall brought to e stop
within a very , few Yards'. 'Beth cars
Kinloughe-Rey. McRitchie, W. Boyle.
. . . . , are instired. , . ,, ,.
• Litaieltsit. Chide-4..4.We Finlayson,
• •
The cenialittee hopes tie ship a eat BELIEVED TO DEAD
within two weeks. St the definite
date ewill be announced It is
suggested that • each ceinMtinitY ..haVe
a definite Ontre' lot. the ,storing • •Of,
these donations ' and. that, this loca-
tion be 'hiltde• kriOnei at once.
on Aslifteld eite the churches;
at Dungannon, •MeKeittle"e: ateeee at
Crewe, the church. „. • : ,
7 „ •
:4 The following is suggested list
Of ,goods that Might "littilWee the eat
,••••potateea,.CatiOta#,:,beetao parstilpS•o,
,einenS0,, -beans; , ptirtipkinSi,
squish', citrons, .getnield, ,wheat, rolled
oats, Oen. meal; eieteetapiijete, isokeie
Salt, cheese, pitinea honey, Maple
Preierved..ftUit all ,kinds,
Canned, tomatoes,. inatinalAcie;
piekles,•hoinentade soap, laundry Sear)
ilenr , ir lb: .• sacks.' „Fetatees,!'and
eegetateet 'Should he in
, •
• AllYoti4. •donate •'cash
liuy Seine' fufrtlier SOPPIles.
pn AggActiON tUeir bv044 ,
ruar de eo-the, eoftuditti70 'uouhi thou
numbers the attendance •would ibinti
eqiial, that e of , last Year.
Inside entries 'exeeeded i .1-100 in
rand: Old Man,: s .,
. nuMber, net including the eptistes of
Passed Away Tueaday• stock • in the many !well filled, c ses
h'eli would mite the • total number
' ' ' ' ••• , • .•• , of entries to 2500 at least.
Win , Miller, ' Aged 94 Years; Dies ' Indoors; httle, evidence' of a dry '
Following , Brief Illness -e -Wart . .1n season could be noted as veffetithies;.
e Town. A: Sw.• 04Y4 Previous -An igiir.baii4nsti iriopitiester,sinudtity.ifireresrSintvdcroei .e.exx...-
Afdent Orangeman For '17 'Years.
, , . , ., ...4: . : , • . - cellent quality; The flower display in .
A brief illness ' 'of but . four days 131.t.rtieuhir-r-extelled-, that'enfee-Teeen
,ohraoeb:,ireesongleteadoinsidtehnet dofeetthlao'•pefo)nerayoeoit. Ye4P. The-lePlikee4hibit 4'44J4liPiis'
ingly large and RS usual exhibits in
,, • • , Suffering the Ladies' dephrtment;':revell• :filled ..
ite, "Utiele !Billy Miller.
-Meeting., this stenteolti flier?! e.'• :-
rapidly develeped; and: op Tpesciay .
.0 OA iti load Of •the celieary art:, 'Bread 1
the -east:side of ihe ,building.
l'he •baking "table "gtoaned" under
'a slight cold On Saturday, Congestion
pre,doniznated thla display.. A.: Ee 1 -
15'ear'-°f4.4-ge,-P4BsedePeacefultY'77714-214-• •13usWell-Pflic:LUcknOW---Table---,Co.--Ind'
. ;nRereityairi4knigi'mhgihd:ouMtan htiasl.ifciaitcgilitAtes,;. Mr.
their, :, inothindiie and,. or.cide,t),3 ,in
,:,...: ,,,, .
the Lucknow Flour ilts exhibited
githel,lievrillawgir atidlao0yliaor fefiwgliclitet;s81;09rit" the hall.
tt:Iind.ca'ttle were outstanding ,...
eious to his illness had 'made one of einh•jetf,heiensttsrodes;,oefleilisste:ivatfitdo ,t'svheer.,e;owthd.e :.‘.
his • frequent mile • *elks into towaf
frotis the • IMMO • of .his: sister, .MrS'. • Chub Winners Announced tater, •
Peter Torrance; With .irhoin he., has ,. The ealfi' colt and ,grain Club twin- .
resided now ,for some 't,iMe• '.' petition had, a large entry eaeh.h. '
Me. Miller, Was a nminber ,of the Twenty ' calves and a like number e Of :
Oraege Order for 77' years and 'field :
the unique dietinetion colts were handled by young men and.
Missed attending only ' a couple 1.
of hAvinogf. esie,soanorm"Oeiesee,. „boy e , no tallee than
'itself.' These • Clubs are ,
12th •of 'Jelly, celebrations during his teenseten .partially by the Provincial'
tong connection- ivitli elie Order. He Government, With Agricultural repte-
thai:'''yPerttet!°aPnida4as9,1oeneceOlefbtletic'hnOnlierPered esesneetadt.,jekreeseeins'el6eilleaor.g:e",errohinipeatitaisrdngs aankde.: .
elembera. ' i• '‘• , . the *hinds clitutet be announced tirti.
'The funeral 'service Will be held . . • • : . • ,
; ••, M1.1,C11ALIVE
Believed to be dead. John' A. Mac-
Donald is still alive and. well, Mr. Jr
S. MeKetizie of town and 'a -former
employer of 'MacDonald, has just
learned. -.-
_ .
eitieDeteld landed 'a job On Mr.
MacKenziee; ,farm • during the *inter
of 1933. That spring he. left for 'Nova
Scotia' promising to tottith lest fall
Ile never arrived and Mr: McK,enile
wrote his , employer ,Maritimes
ii,reeehre. reply that McDonald had
left *fist Leeknow 131'4th:eye
The winter Were On and ..McDonald
didn't arrive and in the apriteg, after
he had been missing for pix months
heilie:Was found in the Eastern
'provinces,' that wits,'believed bY those
eoncernecl, eleeDonalde
IDAvelVet14 few days ago. Mr. "Me:.
Kenzie .,Wae, advised by McDonald
Nova Seotia etiiployer that Sehh
Filday Afternoon at the . home of
Mrs. Torrance. at 'tWc. &deck, and,
will ))e it charge of Lucknow L.O.L.;
NI% 428. Interment will be in Dun-
gannon cemetery. •
Born ip Ireland, "lw,r., Miller at a
youngeter, &One to Peel County with
his „parents. When ebout, 16, years of
age, he and his brother Thomas took
up 200 acre S of solid bush, being ,the
farms now oCetnned by John Miller ' (Conflated, on Page: 4)
Mid /antes Pr. Lyons in West We; •
Watiosh. There they "erected' 'a log „
house ,ancletheelOW-PrPeete.ef-ele...er?, _father- igereare0 4Pgssed away
in g the land commeneed. ' -.........1-------'earga. . ' • :
The Citizend, 'Bind provided min&
throughout the 'afternoon.•
The Bit. of prize winners follows:
• itcatsEs
Class 1 -Heavy. Draft HorSee
Span in harness -Andrew Melee ue
'Bert McLelland, David Brooks. Brood
mAre-eBert •"McLellanti; Bert ..,McLel-
land, Peter. Watson. V(04 1930-4ert.•
Al tbo.age Ot eighteen, . Mr, Mr, Miller. ,Wte, oAn a a teMily "of .
Married; Flizabeth Ferguson be con. lirotheta...and Sisters, .sthe, tele
d„West.WriWahotili And it) this union. survivor now Lbeing 'Mrs, .Torratiee,
Nor6 •toto seven Alice; , And thus there paSseis one Of .tho
• James,' Robert, and Margaret truly ,pioneer :Settlers Of this. district,'
MaMilliti; Of to Joseph Agnew"; Luck. cnaleit ha unable to titite the •amount 'BO* W. Patten,: ChiiirinUn. Wes' Still, g 15550. who /no "tali resid.ing '45* In the and Mee vfh6 has enjoyed long *tit
Ont., Spent te01 days in. Jail, •
let. 0. Cie% eaano 404. itigE4
, ie. •
• wer ,
'•••.% .1 °.:014t 11
• ,• "