HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-09-13, Page 44•;`,1,
• rt••„4. ^o‘r
al* Valesitine makes. COTTON HOSE for 25e
iost, Loathe.. Now ..69 2 .
Oily . .. . . . ... , ......, WAI ..
Blen's WORK- BOOTS. _
illeiii--Fleete , COMB'S. Allsize% loesi aolid el 0
All 'ikeis: Rea good $j 00 katker, To ,elear it .. 41•14'
WOO. at :,......, .
Hiest, Fkoce COMB'S, well made froM-Tweed •
AU Shwa, good gualllY. 690and. Serra "Clothe. TO Rdi
gains; Out at ' • • ''' clear at ..... ? .....,. 4 1°w
, ‘•
Ziner fmlik 1114"4 $1.,.0o
Selling out . ‘1%.••°.
. •,:.
DRAWERS. re*ilin* $-1 00
t '69
62.98, Selling mit price , ,
Ti.W.R00" ar,MBE*
Continued fro*" „Page -34 .
0.14 fic1001house; of which PnlY .fatlier
was principel for some • seventeen
years, memories calve rolling dein
•."Along The ^Trail.'" Accerd,ipg the
picture, the school is niticiethe same
• and 1 recalle.d msnY heniVmens inci-
dents which haPPened, among which
- waif. the -following: •
"Bedicear weiOn our literature
enpririk' My,ifeat .mate had a wart on
One 'of. bin,. hands • and, ttyisig, to get,
rid* it was )4fi :chief incksor apart,
•Quoting from, a, line of Bodicesi,
which, ,.he 'changed alightly, ,after -„he
sad aucceeded.* getting- the Wart to
bleed freely, lie exclaiined; !Write
thy name 'in the 'blood that. I have
spilt," 'He dinned his., nee * the ted
thud. and wrote his, name 04his •coPY,-,
book,, and the.' ;Miner neveileded.
In "spots there was a: serious gide
kg' the .school 1ife which was yery,
• much in 'evidence: when thi...sChelars
were advanced to. 'the Ingleroom. On
the .first day they were all-. lined PI':
and infOtined. tnat if they, ever .tole
amrthing that hapPened, in',' robin,
wVieh, of coarse ,th4t..ehonfiin't hap.
pen, to .use Abe modern tVittnagrilat
of the ,street, "it .would be just: toe
bed for. them.", It .was...abont. AS herd
,find out anything' in that 4ecne..as
Take. it from MO, there were no' steel
Pigeons in that room. ; In ,fac.t that
type. of aniTrial. did not\-existin that
.part of the country, The stOOI p4ieon.
ie.*. Modern :Ptediaction: . •
The Pietere 1 .of' the Breiihyterian.
Chute'', alio breughtback.. mem�ries.
< in. the church on •beautiful Sendai'
evening: .For' some -reason . the choir
was not present; so •iliti,•,zpipister.. led
the Singing: When it came to 0nig.ing
the kat .lynin the: Minster. said. that
he would reit:reach, verse, and thee the
Congregation", would sing it Therel
was an old ...gentleinin.' in. eongre-
gation who: Was yen': deaf', and his
voicewas about as badly out ofgear
as hearing.- Instead •Cif :stopping
when. ihe 'shOtild kept , right ,on.
•I'm, leading this' Mr. Said
the, 4.ininititee.. but the Old, • gentleinsin.
kept -.right .On..with' his 'SOP,' • The
minister stepped front.' behind :the
:pulpit to theadge' of the PlatfOrm,,
"EXcuie 'Plnleadinff
Undaunted; the old •Igentleitien Went
right': through. tillhe finished •the
fent verses The !rho 'minister said
u pray," and -the eongtegatiOn
ished •thear Auk Outside.' ,
'nbout, the liOnt 'street,
which is icivi4eved. , • •
•• As Studied' the picture 1 'could.
pick out several old buildingS which
leeinaci "attain My eyes, when e bOY.
That., Was before I. got *leek. at . the
skyscrapers. ' The . Main 'atreetis fin&
que inthat it ferms, part of -the bone.;
dary line betWeen, the two cenntieti, '
'Forty' year* ago it was :nOt.unutinal.
on Saturday Cale-
tionian and fallt..phdiv eyening,tto:.see
a Couple- settliniketinie .difference, hn.
the good. Oldlealipnid..way .With ' :the
'fists...those:We*, the.days ,hefere
diploMaey'. teVeloped. tO, ',a' fine
art' There "was bo talkieg' , yourself
orit ,Of'cin argument, and then grace,
•felly, awe". In the good .014
days a. man had three Courses .iipenir
Fight, rue„: 'or take a nide cireditons
cents° and. .avoid trOiible. •
remenib,er. Saturday . even -
leg, a big man, *hese' first,:nameWas
.driViaigun In a, buggy- when
'a :fight was on, •"Whit's ' the. matter •P!
he. , enqiiited, there's just a
little . scrap en," replied , miet7A. the
Crewel, "Do ,you think:a little' Atink
would Settle .it,"; Allen remarked.. "I;
Said the ,brataiider..,' "WhOse.
tO delft" asked Allen; who
belonged to.the ,Bruce Side. The read -
understand that, the' 7*ra-it
was born on thelluton side.
In the days of which 1 Waite,. When
young men .said ..that a nuin *as .0
"good; 'man", 'it had. n� .'references to
his „morals. It meant that the man,
as •Mark Twain, wiiuld, siy, was ,goeti
on.. the hiso,, on the shoulderi with. the
fists, or m Catcb...ascstclk-can: Or any
ether :method of fighting, •,
•• The ideal in the boys' mind'atthat
time' ifl Lueknow and surrounding
country was the strong , man. This
was only natural; for the etnintry was
hist' emerging, Out of, the pieneet
days. oThe'„ big:bank' "ferns •,were 'being
'greeted. and the .type of min Who
really eiriinted: on such' an 'occasion
was "the Strong,' agile Min. A ,learned
etc:des:1er,, 'finless ', he had previous
experience, would only be in the *AY,
:Every *neer. couritiy. Where there
is ,bush to' cente, nd with deve1Og .this
paYehologY,. and the nunieirouS SOAP
Which' took place were-onli:a,Way .01.
getting rid Of iguipleS energYo. Nat
that there was anything, -luisicly
:Wrong With the, people, for they were
aMeng the 'finest ,in • the • wo'rlci,
'PeOPle hospitable to a faulti who
holier • frOin.their
doors lheingrY. • • • • '
There, was possibly °nether' reaion
Mena Winter.
lialf 1 e,t at
1 60 Onality, Twetgl
• . ,
ader„rvielfweceeli4„;:i" CaciEdh;:ligt:iir.igeoen.71111;.df".Andtas*h;
t Lane's.
• afterno4,,a0 conducted :on: 1,0Pke*
sive: hOuf;:-Of Worship. Various: other
aftertoort • services : in ,the district
tended toward :Mealier econgiege-.
tion than usual, , but those present SinidaY;'' • '
• Mr. Alex Gawley attended the C.
N. E last week. < ,
• " Mr. Bill French of Donnybrooke
,spent Sunday here. -
A number from. here, attended the
Memoriam service, in Dungannon on
appreciated the efforts : of these two
larnen. The gathering,* 'Week' from
< Sunday Will; coriclude services' • in
Lane's Claire': for thil season. The
speaker .fori this Occasion' is net yet
, , •-
' 'Mr' J.' D. Little' hid the: inisfor,
tune. to. Ieie a 'valuable young bull
.early 'Some., of: the cat*
get hat° tlie.clov,er„' and apparently,
, they :had tne. much .qta. gond thing.,
• TWo. of • thelprirebted Herefords bleat-
. , .
. ed t.erriblyr orie,however, Was
• noticed kt.Athi. thee, and ,defiperath
efforts onfitr“,ittle's part vieresiii-
-. eeisfUl in giiiing its life, • When the
• young bull4Wsis •discovered it was
beyond ,..a11.1 • hopes ,tecovery:',
Teeswaiter ' • •
„ r.
UMBRELLA,'..31/ENDElt •::,PASSF.13,
igietin';Sueetunbell' In Walker-
• , etton Fiona. Cancer ;Of
" !UV" :Aged. 72 •Xears. •
Mr .4us,.. Martui, •at familiar, -.fig-
ure ..for :the*, peat decade and half.
Pi. 'Walker* ,and Vicinity, wheel he
: Plied trade es • an:. unabrella minder
.,AuctiiMbed tri cancer 'Of' the liVer'.on
Tuesday :.'nOrning;, • August .28th at
Binee 'County
pital here,' wheis he had: been ,under--:.
-; going; treatritent, for: tear.. days. • . •
' The deeenaed; Who •was 72 Years
' of.• 'age, Wars a. • fornier .railroad
• gineer,..and *,:While .-011eviing this, 0C-.
- euPation -Ws: on nearly: every' run.
betieen the Atlantie and ,the
• fie. 'eteriiiii,.tci Walkerton. the.
Mirth Grey diattiet about, fifteen'
. .
• Yeats age,: he :proved ,:hinmelf use-
ful tlikabriMiunity as he Past..
• :id about'. mending • umbielitia and
•:ink:Other work. "Well read
and Ptitaiseed 'of a rare fund Of
And' Wit, he became 'widely 06,
qUaintedand. generallY liked,, and his
Visaing •• is regretted lerge
circle et, friendie' •• • •;'.'
. The .reniains 'Were .tiken' to Tan-
ner da.,PeattiOn's, funeral pylori,' and
On the histivetions . of a abater . in
.forwarded on the .CN.
'It; train WedriesdaY :morning . to the
• iDontiniOn 'Opital lot iiitermetit:,...
Heraldjilmes. • , ;- • , •
' Mertin 'knewn' by
• •• Many in Lucknow:, *here at tinieehe
• plied • his. trade, .and,„ -while' in the
cOmmuoitVattiyed at ,the 't6Me' Of
.'Gefitge 'Mekensie . the attend
. . ,
. 5;000 •-•A$ACTS AllOUT..eANADA
The new 1934, edition 'of this pep -
filar cklopedie Of 'Canada- contains
a wealth of, new material, that 're-
veals'.an eneinaraghig .'clegree of pro*
greis, withip,grades in many lines
• In Spite Of any adverse conditions,
Canada, judged by this tabloid :?e -
cord, is a truly gelpg Contain; The
• 50 chapters cover, Omit; clepartMent
. of 'the national No Wonder it is
widely used goverrinierits,, Indus-
tries.'.bainks.:finanelal, houses, schools;
ete. 'order ,to `sell -Canada".. Its
' compiler„ Frank Yeigh, renders "a
distinct sereice in. this hardy 'annual
.now In its Mat year, Conies at 35c
',each, or thee for a eollar. Mei, he
' had from. the 'Canadian Facts Pub-
, fishing, Co„ 588 Huron Street, Tot,'
ontO, orleadias newideelers.
• Mr.:Ralph who'has spent
the .past , Month ..ivith his daughter,
Airs, Whitley, returned for. a Month's'
visit with daughter,. Mre
. .
Aniiiversery, eetVicei will ••be ' held
in, 'Crewe Chnick-• on Sunday, , Sept.
'16tli.' Rev. Farrel Of ' Will
preach at 2.30 and at Harvey
McGee ' Of Auburn and Sidney Brown
sommillet will frirnish Special
(Intended for' Last Week), '
• WS Isaac; Gauley; Kenneth and
Alan spent "nett '.of hitt week with
friente, in Godetich.' ' . •
;and Mrs. ,,,.John. 'Kilpatrick,
Keith 'and jean spent Sunday with
the .latter'i parents, 'Air. :mut Mrs.'
Wm RObinsina 'of. Eelgraie. • •
Mrs. Robt. 'Treleaven of 'Dungan-
non, Spent' the Weekend with:her son
Bert .and Mrs. Treleaven. .
-Mrs. -Arihtey 'Higgins 'arid son
Jackie returned to Detroit. on SMidey.
She was sictompanied 'bonne- . her
mother, Mrs. John MenarY, who 'in'
tendia. Spending two 'week; in D.etroit.
Miss Lorraine Drennan spent a
few days- With her:mot:Sins, „Jean and
Gertrude. ItalYnard; ' •
, Mr, and 'Mrs: It4 and Ile
seent.Sianday With Mif. and Mrs, WM.
Alton -Of ;Belfast. •
Dr. Matthew, Blake , of Winnineg
and lais..mOtheri' M. Wm: Blake of
Mafeking,' spent, a day recently with,
Mrs. • II. J., Blake., ; . .;
Violet Kilpatrick:and Herman
Vodeit of St.. Then:lie spent the Week
end with, the fcitineti .brother, ,John
and Mrs.
'Mt. and. Mrs: Ben Coinfort,Of St.
Catharines spent Friday with 'the
latier's , mother,. Mrs. 'Blake..
Theywere' *accempanied hOme.
their son; Ennis;, who Spent. the snm--
mer holidaYs with .-his grandmother.
Miss Jeep .and,. Shirley , CUlbeit
Vent; i few days'`gait' week • With
their aunt, and 'uncle, Mr: end MO,
Bert Finnigan. , _
Miffs. Mary Million of 'Dungannon
is assisting, Mrs,' Shackleton:
• • The .1MPils, have 'returned to. the
,dffferent contumatien schoo. ss
Anna Mai"Ireleaven -and Cahn Cro-
zier to •Lucknow. and .1/lip Bernice
• Miss- Birdie .Reed ;of Zion is; as-'
*tine Mrs. , Jahn ;Kilpatrick. • ' '
Mr. Alden Misty retnited his
hool at Auburn. ' •
''Dont forget Oteie United, Chureh
atiniVetiarY to helikid Siniday, 'Sept.
Ifleh; the Rey.: Mr, Parte' 'of elleten
,to be; the guest speaker. •
, •
Williarn, McDonald, ,ex,-M.P.p.;
veteran publisher of. 'The ',Chesley
EnterPrist., la Censiderably inip,reved
.health and is able to SR tip for n
few hours each day. He even *Mit
to .tiike:.,up ,the:editariOl; Pen .ht4iii
And 'The knterprlialieCeittly has'
Several ,ok contrileit
lona, • • • '
bout Se+iew Plan 6taa 'Snit
Mr. McDonald sti.kered*.,•paralyiti
' thil 'ago. and
rii:k'Weata followed ' bY 'Onetini
other •coniplietthincOi. .long tittle
hii`;cotiditiOn Vms.' Critical and the
fact, that he 'Ma -igebyered 00 far
Wand' g -..that all eaiaa alit:444,h" matter of tgratiiiontiOn,
decided tablelYtin :the eiltiettee,", and • •
Withont, 'piettiOtie knowledge Of theini..,: Why do ithaleaYes tur id
114 )A*6 listiert Attorney.General the 'Antonin?
Arthur. Ikeititiek iti it blanket' ilohni suPpese .".they're usig
'letter. Of instrnotiona to o all . refight-. to think. green they've been.all
, „
. the ' • '
tritt.t tn. pieVinCe: ,
P.Oblishe4•Thdred,OY 00rnhilk•
• at .14Kknaw. Ontario, -
Hrs. A. D. MacKenzie — Proprietor• '
Campbell Thompson, ---Publisher
1CeeP IfaadaY? Sept. l'itli'.open for
the St. 'Helens' annual School' Fair'.
In the evening the Dungannon young
People will. present ,.their .play, "The,
Three Pegs.oe'. • •
About 50 ladies of; the pommrinity
took advantage of the opportunity •te.
hear the address given by Dr? Vekes
of Dungannon at the Wometi's In-
stitute meeting on Thursday after: -
noon. Dr.. Vokes who is medical offi-
cer 'of Health for West Wawatiosh.
gave •a lengthy talk full c‘useful in-
formrition,. dealing particularlY:witb
what • he ternied "preventive medi-
cines' for, infectious diseases " He
. • • . ' • . .
Matthew Pla4,;•.0t inflijeg
-who, has spent the. past thtee .Weekm,.
vi§it,tpi; :Ms mother,. Mrs.....w4n, Bloke,
Mon;da, on his retiirn home
.1‘07; O'od•ifro,.lyiltred Moffinan nod
laughtors, *jun, on4.1 ),),e1,18,,: and, IgrP
4,0 Afttebaer. of RiPlYPic,
isited 'Mrs Hoffinsiii'a Mothere Mrs
Mrs John 1elm, Zion, Is visiting
TIeol5f;. :tii
Mrs. a.,, .
73-f- Sarnia, sPent the' week -end -With
likeffat'a. parents,, Mr.' and. 16.0.
'?Mri, and bira; ,T4414.1naka And Mjss
A"rpite ,B140: of "SVingliarn, . visited
and ;him Thos. Blake, -Sunday<
hr 'daughter,!:Mra; Tbeinai Anderson
'Stonley;. °., •
Mrs.' Pent Reed VMS the 'est of
„The Y. enjoyed ,corn. roast
.st..00O Coe 'Valley, Friday evening.
l'SuceesSful, enniverscary; serviees ,ol
i,j,10*4.1f41-.1rheysohn Boles•
"My.„'L!ps Betray
A 14JSICA,1,4 ROMA$c4
Charlie,Chase Comedy,r
• ..
strongly advOcated..thillnie of -,teAeidi-the. AellAeld,W,14..a,....were... held ,in .
and. -Of triteetnitien lliihe "Chinch, Sunday. Mrs.' (Rev.) altNEW
schools preventive measures, for
the spread . of diphtherik„and, small
It was decided to have a .briath at
the' School Fair and, each manlier :is
requested. to bring one pie, .
• Itev. is attending,
the Genets', „COuncil of the United.
Clint& at Kingston this. week, '
Mr: Idebityre. vies Coderich on
Monday -Writing e .eXarn-
ination; He lige aeeorivpanied by Mrs....
Gordon and.Mrs.: W. A. Miller,' who
.epent the day With friend.
. ,Mrs, George ,Webb is, home .aftet
,spending, the suminer Kincardine
Mrs.; McFarlane of Bluivale visited
;ith.lier',diughter, Mrs: Gorden Mc.
,• Dr. W. ',C.: McGregor . of ,Chicago
who • his been enjoying motor: trip
t,hrough Ontario and Quebec, vitlited
his, sister, ktf)::siumt..:.
Mrs.'Hyde, .waire, sOity 'to. repert
, . .
under the doctor' Cate,. With Mrs.
.D.'flcDOnald attendance.1.
f Sendai!, st.tePresentatiVe of
.tlie ',.'tempOrince . -.Confederation:,wiU
Occupy .the ,pulpit in 'the .,l'United
'Olturcli; • • '
-. • -
. • Humphtey. *Si the
gust 01.. her', ntiatei, "Mrs. . ef:Wbltechurch
:McBee• ..„delivered an
..0,PPiriiig address at the. .afterneen
0_,rvie0 and Patton prea..
dhed. an earnest Practical: sermon in
the evening; Solos Were, :contributed
(ReV)-. Patten and Miss
Winnie Lane,' other • numbers , the
!opal• '
.Misset . Bernice Blake and; Mire
„ , , .
Clare are *.receiving congratulations
1,09ri the .'sriceesi In their recent 'ex-
. The. fernier ..receiVed a
itholiirship.of $200 :aid 'puipeses en-
ethg ,terni.
The'' latter won the .1"Ocoak
Ship :worth Though ,the young
ladies 'eecareil•their.high school train
!, -ng .Wilighatri\ and .Kingsbridge,
resPectiielY,. they were former • pnpils.
of No., 9, public itheoloind we
natiarally are Piciud' of their success..
,•*1 s..311*. 4. C.' '.:Stothers'. , or
London Were visitora at the home Of
Mr and : Mra. M., Morton . during :the.
WoOk-Ond. •
Mr.': and . Mrs i Herirey Webb an4
Lthq vie*: on Sunday at the hoine
Otidr. and Mrs. T.3. Ander:ion.
Miss' Marguerite. Long of WalIcer•L',
spent the week-endit her home:
• ;minim) ,C1.101iCli..Y: .
• The 'hilted .Chineh Y. P?-3.'.ineet-
ings •opened . en Monday evening for,
the fall. and „winter term, With ;Rev.
S. T,. ,Teeket. in...charge:of the. Meet?.
:Opening. hyena ,•120:•,,Wee
foflowed 13.y. the reading . • • . . ,
,tina leison,„and payer hyMr..tTnek-
'er. Hymn 156 thee :Meg Election
.ofelficerileatiltect as fellows:Pres —
Alex,$Mith; . Vice74forgoiii;
MacCallute; 2-nd' Vice—Margaret
74Eldlils*:iiho'n'SaBerq:$:4:vilrliE.s:Laet:dtGer:res:<: !t,..
Chriatian .#eilowship-Lila-•Richards;
Enniee.„.Neiten;, Citizenship—Ivan
Railings; If aceallU.0
RecreatiOnal,.. Frances"' i'hortiptiOni
DOrothy Bertz7the' President nutde.
feW remarka 'regarding the; work
to done .feit -fall and wiriter..iird
also expretied the necessity . 'each
.member helping in tank: way to make
the v 'Bruce P. Rally, which is. to
be held in .Luaknow on October 4th,:
. . •
afterneon • and evening,, a .succesS.'
• 'Meeting 'doffed with andben.
ediction., ," .1 " •• .• " '
The' a ula • Meeting of .the Fre-
hyterian. was held "iith the
C. H. MaeDonald in
the Mts. Jai. Geddes. read :the
teriptiire lesson and' MacDonal
Ied in 'prayer". It was decided to. hold
e SpeCial. Meetirigin 'October tomark
away the cbrripletiOn Of -7: .fifty—Yoere4Of
• work by the W.M.S ii Liickhow Prett...
byterian Church... • the %tote, 'Study
viee taken...by *hat MaCPberSon Mid
Mrs, •te, Steward Sang. tt polo. Mr3,
'Andersen, gave the., tope and: the
meeting, closed with prayer offered'
by Milk Cheanut,', '
why the strong Man was the ideai. of
the youth, Ltiektiow Rnnuafly hehl the
greet,'Caledonian ganies,.; which were
brought tO a' Conclusion by the tug.
of -war between Heron and Ernce.
• I Can See as plainly now ao the
itAdiere yeateidat'the stalwarts frem
both, Counties take off their, ceats,
take their poSitionS along the rope,
and dig themselves a geed fOothold.
can •' Hein' the crick Of the pistol
and see the Men lkon and the rope
tighten. I car' -see the piper4 march
wand Iown, playing'their reaneetiVe
teams.' elf to 'Victory.
I, recall . on 'ene 'Odeitslefil When the
erd., foyvieell over an hour.
•-and.' apneeled' to
theOfficials. rinallY..'a inan'Atepped
up With knife in. hand and
threatened to' cut the rope. Naturally,
the men quit.
It Was this degged' determhiatieti,
reflected the great ititer,661intY
out ...areas' and homesht the rest
. -
Recently I have a longing to once
agaitisee tiii.triative heath, To trend
again the Streets of Lucknow. To
step, into the old entiriel officeiwhere.
got.2.MY-first L insight into the rays-
-tetra's of "the Black • Art," otherwise,
keowii the printing 'Moines's. To
have a swim isa the old'
poo1.. below the 'Carding niUi.'daM; if
it' still ;exiSte. To' travel the trails
jr trod 'When g bey. To (Mee
okain-aee,old Lake HniOn and "hey
the wash.of its waves, • '
/ think then I Weald be satisfied to
,return and spend: the balance of
' sPan in the greot. Pence yew ago.
settler!! of linron.Anti grtte.n to. caallotted.
tVe Alvett, tout4tygi
Deenest sympathy is extended tc
Mrs.. ThOinas Hackett on the derail
of. her. father, Mr. T. Irwin, also tgi
the. other :members of the..familY Of
the late Mr. Irwin, Who was Well and,
fivartibly known in this .cOmmunitY:
haViiig. spent':hie entite .life in
section. '‘ • . • r':
- • , • ,
: Mr.. -and. Mra. W. E Ritchie. And
Walter Of'; Walkeivil e, visited io'
,ends recently. •
Mies Beryl Gerdner, is 'speeding*,
the Week " with friends in:. Hamilton
and Toronto:
Bilsti:losiw4 are atencled to Mr:
and Mali. on their recent
;maiage. -
, Miss Elsie Ritchie is .Spending this
waet. with her parents here. •
Mr. and •,Mrs.:'Joe, Freeman .ane
Lois,' of . Leehurn, Mr i 'Art Bannister
:gind7;ixr.-.. jack Ditheitri of Strathroyi
Osited:at,. the home of Mr. and Mrs.
W. T. .Gardner. - • : '. •• •' :
Mr. and Mrs. Itobt. D. Pirel3ster el.
Clinton? Oi, friendi at Zion
thisl week.' •
I4eSars.:' Geo'. ToPP and;;BIel.
fntyr, Miasee trinria ,keponagh and
andjuby MeIntyre ,of, London; Visit!
ed at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. a E;
recentlY. '
Mrs Will -Ritchie and gioa Visited
'With tMr. and ,Mrs. Nelson •Raynart
on. AllondaY: *„ ; '
. -
Kra: D. K. Webstet �i.. Ltielcriew,
'Spent Monday .with frielide at ZiOn..
and Mrs. Alfred Andrew ha*
:•rOnioved their • hotiffehold
effeeta t6.-.Briroanolti, where' they now
; Mrs. Will Gardner ;visited last, week.
With her daughtoil *8.v ittie tree'
man' of Leeburn. • ,
,-Mrs.l3no.flelm in' spending .qhf.s.
Week With-frlendi Mateking:'
WAW414,0811 FARMER
. '50,ACKE: FAIN
.E4Ndeill dOnCeliSiOn t, Ureal.
VaWatioalik clisiiilied..Of his 51).
acre DungannOn, • tp
Thonias Webster,: Who itiOtia:',‘,0e, -,
joining farm. About two inentlis age
the barn On''the. m, far.deiiireyed
„by fire, and rather than rehltild,
sold • .Mr,
initije:dititeitieSSeiSitiii; Mr, and _Mil:.
6140 are tettifnint.to Dettoit,whlch
had been ,tlielk •nliiee Of 'ebode. prier
,te;theit- Ptircliase it the failif.,:tiro
• 1400,....
• Tbe Will be ;of. ;
-interest'. to ',many Lucknow • ,friends
andt we' publish, in• part, an ice:Tilt
of the 'charming. event • ;
First , Presbyterian
peg, was the-Seene ,of the nuirriage
'EVelya Kathleen,. younger daugh-
ter of Mrs:, Peter. kee. ad the late :
Mr. Kee, to Mr. lee .Chkstian Julius,
sOn of Mtit., B. juliiia and he late '
. '
Mr. Jtalius, Rev. •Gordon Maclean efh,r
elated '
The chair steps: were banked With. :
palms, "ferns and _standards. of pink,
gladzoh,',pews reserved for the .
bowseitptufle, e1uters of pale punk 7g
and cornflowers
Miffs Wive' Manson presided' at the
erten, endleraldedthe artivak of the
bridal party with the Bridal Chorus
front"LohengrhL" During' the 'aign-
ing of the register Mr Wulliam Mc-.
•-•Gregest-...sang 'Vita; Die Nacht,"
. The bride; Who *aa given„in
riage by her uncle, 'Mr.. Gilb,erti
*acKay,'„IWore e floor -length .model
`eggthell ;mousseline de,' , The
gown was falhioned en • Straight lines -"
in :front, the back showingseveral,:
rows of, divided, frills Whieb forr,ned
„demkraiii, A .:capelet With open,
,itge on. the shoulders, fell toi the el-
tiows; and was edged; With matching
A Crushed girdle cpf turquoise
velvet :/niatehis; the • shade of • her
shoes added: a, netof viler. Her 'egg- ,
shell:toned' hat Was 1 etylediwith. iv'.
halo Of mabne, the only trimmirig
being ,a bow of !turquoise Velvet
,She cartia,,,a_Lbouquet _of ja1inian
roses. and of the :
The bride:inlaid,' Mies Lylian Mac -
'Rae,' '
wore a 'filoor-length gown ' ,of ,
cowl ,eecklinerlriple capelets fOrnied ,
Dale Pink 'chalk ,etepe, fashioned with
elhOw,length sleeves, trimmed With •
pale pink, petaled -organdy: Her 4.ht :
and her bouquet was of ...Brittirlrl,'
and shoes were of matching shades..
roses,' Pale pink SWeet peas and coin.;
flewera; • ,'
• Fellowing the eereniony a reeep, •
tion Was held at:the'hone of the, •
bride' another '
;Mr. and Mrs. 'Julius „left by motor.,
"ter Minneapolis and points. south.
Mrs, Kee,. mother of the bride, wore
a black and white gown Of French
silic_enkten JayAli cascade jabots from
the neckline. The: long, frill sleeves
were caught at. the wrists, She' *ore'
mauve accessories and 0 corsage Of
mauve % hieeti peas and Blida. 'Of the,
valley: •• • 1
Mts. ,A.' 1. martin, of toropte,
sisterof; the bride, wore a *gown of
brain. and gola triple sheer, with
krown.', and gold • ac'cessories. ; „Her
cotsage Was Perritt roses and iffiest
Of. the Valle.
1114-Tii0t passed away on,
soOdak evening "after Suffering 'pain-
ful injuries sredeiv.ed„,in an a0e.ident
o 'week ,nrei/ioni., We ektend"our
sincere syntpattY, to 'Mrs. ,Irwin and ,
family. ,
• Mr. Norval iticharde .aPent a feWl
day s recently With.; hia *brother
at ,,,Plealtertent
deo. aihanit la:4 Oilier With'
ti 4 it
her 'on Yo n • of n on., '
'rf, "Web'stai ipent thuri-
da last With .Mr, Ond Mrs, NelsonRa:
' 30t1
• Con
• and
.• 4
. heri
' Q
, 1%1
-, Wee
• Vett
, It