HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-09-13, Page 2ri•;
Canada, The tinnire and The 'World -at Large
, Hew easy it ip for some,pereons
witn imagination and gifted,..4witn
floyeef wards to sit in a onntfortable
arm •chair feet 'cocked on a dealt and
dictate to afstenographer. instructien
:how- a farmer •can better his condl
'done,: Dna' of these .effusiona recent-
ly reached our desk and berait is:•„"
"The applIcation„ of engineering to
agriculture has tor its purpose the ad-
' lizatine of engirieering'principles,
thods and equipment to decrease the
•unit Oast of fa,rin precincts, to reduce
.. the amounts of irksome labor in: pre•,
• diming prep and Caring for livestOelt
and to Inerease the• satisfaction of
, '
What 8. Wendernli thing this must
• be for the farmer. The application of• •
'engineering to farming is , going 'tp
show.. how -he tan the. More ' easily
Plow.,, pow, ad ,bitiveat, how best. to
•.'nnload'his grain, in the Mows,' nit Mid,
•Inlist-7-t1ie -coral to the -silat,Inilk Ids
, •••
COEWSailiL *Kh t ettoinimunt ot, ener.:
Pv, anti in tbe ehea.pietinanner• weekr.Irlleiting,-- booze and fishing tripe. <.7,•,-
' had tteweeds*c
,Ing niOre•attentlen to the• -polo ponies'
'she: gaasa wedding:Present
than he ie to her, 11*, -ea. a, groom but
no the rlgbt, Mirder Cities Star
Another 'man It a. =telt to see ,if
•there waaany gas left in his ear, •and
file eeroner's jury was informed that
.there were a Minnie kalltitl,,r-,Strat:„
Lord ' BeaceOlerald, „
‘Th9179. Were. some remarkable In..
°I'SaSOI3 In Canada's' domestic ex:‘
Parta,te..'British .Bmpire: countries in
June. Coritpared.with a year ago the
increape to Great Britain •Was' from
$17.997.000 to ;20;497,000; the gain be:
ing ;8,5200O0 or *I'.7 'Der c0nel Australia
.from $841,000 to $1,030,900 a gain of
$789;000 or 99 per cent; British South
Africa from $378;90,0 to $1,082,900, the
in. Crease Sing* $704,000 Or .180 per
cent -I3randon'Sun.
June bridegrooms are finding
life* ette greed refrain, instead of• one
zrand siveet gong. Befrain trim cards,
, the turnip p ge
out Of his corn•ann potatoes' while the flu
. cguty.„
• :-- • .
.farnter'.13 Wtfe 49 to be Ur:lid hovf to per.If there is a :humane. society In the
'fornklier• MOtiPtiritY of '°bOre's •about; St. Catharines districtt needs to, do
the •house so as to litorTISO the satts- some educative werk antopg„the peP,'
factitin •of.farM living. • ple of the city and eurroanding,
It the, authors of,:soine.,o1 tnenon- trict. It With some inspired mind in St
'Sena:Mal Stag emanating from city ot .Catharines a ,month or two 'ago that
' flees:Were:4e write their artiClesleave nit •upon the extraordinary idea of Al.
*nem on the, ,desh. until the follOWing :lowing • the clailareti to see • A Moyle
..nnorningand „then read them before show for two „starling legs.. Whether
" •
they began the work & the. day; we the clflldren put the, starlings ,to death
'Tie1giiie'1411,0h of it would findtWice' in some *ay Indere tearing eft the
In the intete paper basket -Perth legs we cannot tell; but it was 'found
F4XP9S401% .. that they were Offering the legs , of
t VERY, IKEI.,".Y.• rohlatt. and other birds at the ticket
_ ,
Much f the sfghing for good Old, ertee. and 80 PlIblie-Spii;it forced. this
, fashioned meals is sighing for a 'thin scheme tnbe abandened.St.,ThOlnas'
leen ,lyear.old: stomaCh.• -•;• :.-Brantford TiaCes•Jeurnal.'• • • • '
"fit- DANGEROUS PRAOTICE. • cif , every dollar `We • the federal'
well As being , against. tha.•,laW, -treasury In taxes • Sixty cents goela.. to
ngerous to use tracka to•etni- Pay for our part in the Great War 50
•ver children:Or adtiltato Cicala • or Brooke Claxton reminds us, in Cartad. '
- -other . gatherings:. ' The otber. day Bye Ian Business Thereare 'indirect Coats' Ottawa, -- 'Confronted With a se
• • :little,girts:Were seriously iujured when as wel,.I'Vro!-thirde of 00 itgeOttil.;thie. 10.05 shortage of fodder drops in Seci
. part 'of the:Side Of a truck gave Way,' artrade, exports And, imports, has dia! itions Of Canada; the government
Trucks are not built for •Sneli" Work appeared as a 'result of growing ectin.! i1tfl1ed,powers .,ceitfOrrg.d,.by the. new
And 'carrying A. passengers in onilana„tionalisni *nth. 4....1npf,7Aat ,to liCentiethe",:-eXpeitnot '''
adapted, for that. •purpose is a•bertaa,, , • • 0! hay
trazinlalesrt!.'ahwe .4Actirroargifueirrel:::eetetx;irtil.
dangerous practic'e,•-r.Niagrira • .
LOBT 'EVERY DAY ••• • 'ere to obthin lieenisec fOr, ahl t
'Revte*., -• • • T,Wo 'WOMen's botites exa.foOl/d,' °OS roa . It .alse r.attkes AranspoPriXtilions''
'SAI?' BUT- 'TRUE . " by ti-Ceident search" for,the other; • •
1 • , I
Old Fort Niagara Fully ileitored •
After seven years of labeur' and. an. 'expenditure of $500,000, Old Fort -Niagara has keen" re-
stored. Photo shows air vieW of the Old Fort from the Lake Ontario aide. Left to right, in foreground,
: British Blokhouse'cross,. Loinbardy Poplars, RushBagot memtorial and old french castle; along
the wall at right, B,ritieli Hot -shot oVeai„artificer's cabiih' French powder magazine, French barracks and
British •Biokiniusel oeyorni the barracks may be seen the Dauphin! :battery,.covertng the Portes des clan
' ' • - wr
, •
Of the;total population. It le, trne that
the latter figure is leesthan the ex.:
pendlinre in the Baited 'Kingdom,:
Which is lbeht 'd 17 head;
bat it has 6 be bornele mind that•na..
Aire 'education cestat, the. TeatleVaal
only ls 34.er heart.of the native Pon,
nlation and about 1ct 2d •per head) �fthe ' total PoCulatien.7-Johannesburg
Time Ha
Straw Export
Dominion Aption---Aecipro'c'a I
Arrangement With U.S.
Planned. •
• , companies see that shipments: outside'
A-fellew •doepnl re,,a14ellOw old 4° ',lilts of."gtris ' missing.from. ,Brtisb... Canada are covered by soh licenses.
, .
. , .
. •
18Tgetting until be finds that 'one deep homes are Mangled, and, t*,,Rublic ip 'J....A . statement issued .recentlY7.-ftern
- breath won't:. hiew „ant the candles :on 'shO'Cited to ',learn •that they number to the criniemintste.. . . ,
,•;r's effide •explained
:his •*bfrthilay eake:41egina. Leader-. 10,900: Edotlandtarti,...Seeiong.to iden., that droughtand heat had sO affeeted
Pest. : • .: • • ' ' ' ': ' ' " ' ' - ' tify-tbe Brighten. Vietnih
, „aVe :named ..
„ ,. ,, , the ;thy .croti...in seme'eectimis that
, PROBLEM FOR ,,IEEVES, a..larga,'ainiy of. thein.....In ...Lennon wo7 . . , • :. ;. . :. .: :,• ,
an acute. lack ofsuitable .cattle feed
.i,'G. Wodeheuse well known Brit- Men disappear at the *ate 'et five per was . being kelt. Both • Canada and the
' fen. , author, has7..bact.i: tilt.' lien''.fite,d: day;'•A. kW.are found attire pr. tdead; ... .,.. f 'S' had found it ' ' ' ' * '. t '
. .• ,OsoessA. Y n:take
:against:hitt . in the. rinitel,„.„,.. States -for but the fateof:the,reat IS a deeper MY. -.1 steps :to. conserve the. cattle:Teed; '
4250,703--$123:•;826: OriginatIOVY and PIOT...than .that ''irhici.nfloi3O OlgAg,,s 'Where surplus ateark in Canadir,Were•
• ''ptilintiell, and '`Intereitt,,ot.41,26,8,71.-!It; ' -. •, 9--ce--•- . • .. , ..,. adjacent to de lei areas:JD.: e :UM ed
f'' t • ' Ili' '. ' t
, .......
74• ' ' ' ' • : "• ' the P li at.•_::..13fighton ---Manchester ' - • •
'effectiveagaiestthe ninny .royalties . Sunday Chronicle. .. States; and vice versa, it.wie
receives for thaatoriee • he :sells
anniss the line tied: nie • filat
xooics :Agit .leeves liave 0,44'
, . . . , . • ed. • arrangements *Min •be 'reached.
'.for'Inevinefeed aciess,,the...line.• •
• . The etatement reads, in Part; In
. , .
'View of the :seriousness, of. the, Shok.
• on his thinking cap ia'd,eaAroarnetit.to:
thls at..:age•-(if fodder crops In . several: areas
, get the :palmier :writer out .of
tack, on hie hank..:acceunt.,!-Btantford:
, BtrjositOr.;• •, • •
'; • . DEAT.14:•DUTIgS
•.! -The important role of the death dui
•1188 as part'Of 'British revenue Is seen.:
: , ,
• • in the fact that the estate of . die tate
- .
• mest:$6,009,000, to • the treasury :. 'Of'
•• •:','Great•Britabl.,r-•Niagara Fedi Review',
THE COUNTRY'S • ovu Opkrfort, ,
More andMOte •the' tiVeidge -Mitt is
* 'COnting toleailzethat the Corithistene
• Of ,:tite natienitt 'edifide is .tt -Contented
• and' inCeeSeful. farm Amputation. .
• •enitiller cities such as BelleVille, thia
•Is the truism' accePted• by '0Veryene-r••
• . that the latm!tiwealth and prosperity
,underli' city Wealth, Mid Croapertty.-7
•inteliigencer. •
.‘ . , . '
• • • ' ••• OVEBPBOWBED, „.
'Y011niTtmOPle thinking 61 studying
'• to be'teachers are .given cause irto
. . .
pautte and think by the,ttehOe.neeteeet
that 900 rtnitliCritione . Were . received
• ,for • two teaching vileanelea Deser.•
, Onto Atilt' SOioeL aiid 263 'ttif L fcitta•
'8ntptibltc 'aCilOotprinciPalehiC
ttiiratu.-Litidsay FOst; •!•• • •
• ti -it HAIR BRUSH;
" • . - _
jadge Bletikley, in ,the New York
Onprenie ',Court, does •not adjtidgo
• 'trice Cetintese •Taiara, gaill3P • on a
. Charge Of 'Cruelty because of her use
Of the reverse Side Of the brssit
.,. 1 • ,
teTerse aide' otanttrnuah. is a recagnial
in all,.*ell regulated
' rollies",-.-Motatten r t • '
- N.Z. 13Pei 'For Britain ..
s' uIctsphs4i40ivitrhil
tttntdi,hdareiaetteliberreeddiTtat:ea.hti fetred ny, the Natural Products Act
has taken gene to regulate the export
land lamb in the British:: market Caine.ot
hay•••: ..:
and ' straw. The prolonged
neither by ,hick nor favor,. It Wata Won .
drought • and heat that have afflicted
by :hard vf.nrie4'014e it4,itga'-t9 ..‘ .i r":' 'large aretaln Canada and •the ,D. S.
tail' and .14' acruilithius :cant to assure have ,Compelled. the two governments
to 'take inunediata actiofl. to relieVe
the acute lack of suitable -cattle feed -
•within the bominion,;tlie government
by order-M,Couneil Under powers'con.
thaLeverY carcase corresponded to
what its grading :implied* .A London
butcher aliggests that' the phsiticiti *..ell •
the Argentine SUPPlier .in. the •London that • la 0°U' aPparent:4*1.•'.('P'OreYent
.n.• nt. exPloitin • the • ..
:Market's -not Unassailable. but 1! New aennlatorsfrom . g e con,
Zealand' *lp,hgs to •gain a:place :' thesn ° ' d . *' *. f•
,oi vs an predtmers•e fodder,crops
I'be'' Canadian: hey and'. &Ater. CrOP
ttai,sektp,iit,tn:tisidt.a.ille3i... tailriltheilitrectointuliteOlityp'.iaanede' The
in the four years . of , 1920.1939;
aVeragetVoirer isfinillion Idris, had faL
that this coUntrYl'hati Mit, :at least in
demanded by the ' British.. eonatiltner.; 'earrent .year,is estimate4 At . 9,884,000
Itleonn•.,t.e.71::1,s4.3:3,d,:e0101.: 1933.1s;0,i tiiif course,,Or , titling:
equity. distribUted across the country,
.fo,undatitin stock and breettne the'proi'
Per liners., AS indiCated in the:advice ,b-OlOg •rtiOSt' PrOnolincettliti Saskatche=
already...quoted. it ,would bp' no ..trite•••*.:7,rit7;,;t,sedupthczny.:Aolfb.teairc.,Ea.-'gavera'.i'a'a.n't
trying ' to break Into the market with
that 'mech., local earillinnis Of
tialthilleeiritet:i': .1B,it"titt4tfict 7....'.118•err otteolto's16(4:!, ..s,Pfliolgereileilto.eo. .11. '''bt•tej11:ialltkt, ... other:see. b e Canada , 0 he& d : h e ' .; ni a d e ,
redder cr9Ps. as exist In; .1aCcettsible
again a leationable' proposttien., That irattahie ilt the,. first InstanCe. tor' i,,e..'
' By X. W . Edwards, B: ined:
, • . " .
Prineipl.Ridgetown High and VOcatiorial-Agrioulture Schools
THE RIDOETOWN EXPERiMENT. graphy, MC., are taught ,by the, same
Suth "course. has • been Introcitieed
4 ,Ridgetovin. and: .B.idgetownerty:
well. be proud og. §iecoo(nqy sononi
Syeteta for there' ip, no •:•other •Just like,
.it . the ,Dominion. of Catingti. Dele.t•
.gations .troni "Atrietralia.,.; Western can-
ada and ...litany 'parts" of Ontario ',have
'visited .tha.scbent. during th,e,., past:
seven yeara*,:•and all have: been 'MOM
favorably impressed
The 'Alight !urtia.-eatablislied:ae.an
etilierinient find• .a\•praetical solu
the. 'problem'o. vocatlonal
, education:Jae •.tteys .'and girls. in: ,th•e,
smaller. and :mere: rural Centrea.. The
tineteea!at.:',:that :dine , were 'Mut 'et.
.6,Onsider8bia Some et these
men. are :still' niembers of the board
. „ • • •
and ceultincit beAtried from 'office their
. .
are . sal:enthusiastic: about. • the neW,
school. it,was their,Opinion that the
high ach661.eourse . Was: net providing:
the . riggit jtirtil • Tar- a.
• great many'. pttidents who had to .be.
almorlied.hy.„the „coMinunity . and that:
as • the. 'controu.nitY' had to, pay '..the
. . .
bide it should be.heneliting to a great-
er degree, .• „ • : • ..• •
itY derattided biTA' totatiniet
.tationcosts to the . VAthe a the. pro...
.dutt•••;' it is net pxpected.that. it- Will be
ec'enainically. ' .advalitii$eotieto sh1p
Mich feed Mafia over long attendee,
by rail, It May. be -anticipated that
Mir:phis • areas In Canada ' are.
. fer to bigb•school at the ,endlif ti
---;-;',..bmenda .6;novjilp.':ers!a.,, if. e_o.n.,d,,it.1713.7tran..t,•
9 000000 pounds a, year)! on education,
quarter. of its national, inotnne t'rtSOnqeEne/iltiwill •be "Etched' fel.- ti rtnal edictal, entrance :With,
m etc ient.
-.-�q the the. au, •
drst year, anthprodeed .a Metrical*.
TWetity years age that •exnendlture , • ,•••mt imgs- of time. in_elL,o_or-ease-.This„,
eaves tP •"twice �f -odaree OPCn
wi .2500900 potitide. In 'this. countryr •the end. or the 'Int .y.ear-bs,.,,,oirdh
trine. the Student' has hair atmmy,
nertentie of secondary ahhool work
and, better .able: to (iodide: iric the
triettnehne'' a. V(Clualile training in 'vat-.
tical subjett4.*Ill .littite been' l'eceiV,
.ed: if' AO 'student l•pitainp • at.
icaibona1talloof fciilthree.yeara;
can ,thon transfer 'to higb, sohoot and
hve just as 'rattily* toWaniti.
l'inortnal entrance Ss the student who
has taken fear years Of *straight high
Pelle& WOrk, The main different° In
the courses at the vbeatlenal. Scheel'
anti 'the high Scheel' Hee hi the. fact
rhAI no 'languages !era liken .in the
fernier scheol, thU44'etiVilig titne ter
sOnlants' of, 'a More Cradtlettl nature,
. The*tWo SoltOrila are niftier the earrie
Mgt Ottritt: anti. -ataff.. Onfreationdhig
/arming industry s °aid consider very
seriously, and; then determine if it is
prepared to 'engage in a contest 'for a
share of the Bridith beet market.
•-•Alickland NeWs.
„ •
, ,Nceordingly . courses,: Were .•intrinduc-
ed..prOviding. agricUlturai, Subjects. and,
farni mechanics .for .boys end ...htluae;,
hoia.scien6e. anti arta'fer •in.,ad..
ditiOn te"-Ilia-ressentitti acatiettiteL.01,3;
jeCti..thar,tkle ,exCerinient 'is lorov.
lug • mice.e.ssful is.,•ghown. by the feet
that of these- Who •haVe'left,•itehool
Ver. 80 'Per dent of • th "have
retained to thafarm., and the girls to,
the benie, where they are patting 'im•
to-47practiCaluse,;:Many.. Of , 1140go.
learned .at ,acheol. Daring the: seven
years that the 'Vocational eche&
been operation ! thetotal 'average
.itteediace• in :the „high solemn Mid
'yeeatittnal :school h!ais been. ,AVir
200•;•;--at 0604 •65.,7cornlitered • .with
-100 'before the.: Opening. ,of • the ,Voce...
• tiOnat Sehdel; • Oinittaiting. the
tendence :at •Itidgetown • with • that of
other towns '•Iti. Western Ontario,
�f -
the sante .ponulatiOn, It will be found
that :frail :50: ' to 100 more • Ott:dents,
are enrolled' ter. secOndarY,..• Scheel
education. ,it•• is seen' the coin..
'bined•.sehooltl', .meetingtlie*.needi
'of" a'7Iarger ,percentage of , boys and
glrli.. .1•! , • •• •
' One of the (endues ot .the Ridge..
toWn .vocational eche& is, :that :the
\find' year is more or less of ex-
pl,P111.017 year. Parents are notalwaye
•sure .that the vocational ;course is
•ing to Meet the • needs of their :boys
and girls:. In the larger ceiltrell bore.
,than half' * of the, "stadents, whe..pase,
entrance attend VodatiOnal or tech:
•nicai schools, In so doing', .ho"wever,
they mnst definitely decide upon the
future •course of etudiesAheir *fah to
Durant!, and a Lichen:get', in. their ' plans
results in a lose of time,. A' ettident
enrolling for„ the drat - year*: in the
ItidgetoWn Nioeittlettal :Scheel doett 's0.
re with the 'as,snrance that he can trans.
coati; Arlo. tauCrObablY the only, con ignotts te deficit :emelt in the ' tn •
subjects stielf as English, history, geo.
„teacher in the, twe. schools. . BO.th 'are
of; igh Scheel .grade and pupils frOm:
..th voeatiOnal. eenotil,May Write • de:.
pa Mental subjects and eecitre sten.
din in .ilie. subjects taken thp. Same:
as thape in: 'high .'eeliOol .ClaSees'.:This .
arringement„ coupled With the fact•
that Vocational school students Make,
transfers . tohigh Scheel 'without .16es,
of rtlme;:•Absoltitely ..eliniinates ., any
feeling that one course Of studies „is.
the Inferior- to the Other: .:
, „ .
Another :: featitrir-e.t...tne: • Vocational
school course is the advantaget.'to the
!Istudent :attends school:for One
or two years 'Only:10(3:3'a atiending ler
(MO year only 'recelke training. tn.: me,•::
chatileal drawitig,, .WoOdworking; One,
belt aortieulture,,
SOU .Phyatcs. rind livestock, net
taught high, 'achoel,:an. d. gide, ',
sew -
[ng, 'cOolting.Kand':henie Ma.nagernent.,
ittlya\cttendIng,two years receive fur.'
ther ,Work in Mechanics • (Meth&
,Ing , forge -Vorlt); ised selectionaiad
.7otth.er 'agrlenlinral toPies; !,girlif; fur-
ther Work, sewiUg,. ,.cooking and'
lieMeaursingi and both bo and girte,
:hookkeloing. piths who OeinpIttejlie
three.yerti3Ociarse reeeive • a dIpkonitt
and •may step. !pchOOI or. transfe0o:
high -echoer to•••,:eornplete
trance, ,.conreet, stott
•tee!,, elsewhere -to. necente • .dietitians;
nurses Or 'thachein. 6.1, 'Millinery. and.
• • .... . .
, .
sewing Boys- at' the end of three years
May. .graduate; to '.the, farm,: take. i'
fourth year In the Vocational. depart-
ment. to qUalifY. for .entrance ,trythe
to..A.O„ Or ••they. -may: ••Condreue their
studies; at high school, . • •• ' •• '
'.• But perhapa the nritit.:.uniquefek,
ture!,.41. • the ••eYstent la the attention
that is, -given to ;:atiult ;education.
Itidgetown, Is; believe,% the eniy. rural'
:high school ' the pr.ovnice...that•Con-
dUCtaa winter short course fOr young
nieit and women. who.. have . stopped
itcheol. This 'a.;ditY:. Coarse 'and eey-
era a Perip.d ',et weeks.!...ditritig
January and February and has been
offerettnew•tfor "four Years. Last Win
ter. .21. boys. and: . 24 :•glirld 'attended
end-at:the ithi• of the 'Coarse (*press..
ed themselves 'unanimously In fay&
Of extension tne:eouree to eight
'cenittierelal:law:. were -added for,: boys,'.
and "heulehold budgeting •••ftit
and thole aulljects, Proved "noptilar..•
•,There absolutely no otieetitni of
And it doee seera that Progtese• IS a
*en' funny thing when the Chief en edttcati" nc;t fre° E° rich and
.aafoap of .a fair. iatinatiear the poor alike. hut it Is 'also cempulsory
. with , iiirpog. of , stiOwitigi the.,:adsances of to a • higher standard, than In Most
:other Countries.) PH friary, ‘a ti (1 taecond-
ary education
pracCital seiente are a nuillst.Weildlng
, (that he, free education)
' and a fan dance. Apparently progress costs pout4 Afries three pounds and
,in the pyen of Chicago, is i•epresefited
108 a year Per ifead. Of the European
lwinOVIng backwards '• towardthe Mai-.
•Plibliles of the dirderi of Eden,i-;-Ham. o°Pslattolt. .(rtln.h, VOMan and Child);
,, - and, near* otie pOuild per head at the
• Mail Iteraid. N DEFENCE total population, 'White, blaelt and cot.
• *Pe Old hfghhro'We are apt th forget
that - thci gloppy, love • the deriblierti
• • Cretin about, , is after thlog:that
makes thk, woad go 'tacit) d'.tigeee.
.4syv volOs4/Vi..611., . • •
• •'
Bit'rboatitten.' d,ontrilaina that her
• 11064TribtefrAtexis, .14ltilvati;. Is Dny:.:
t , I.
A 0re...ranger :110 longer Stab •s on
the trait: •116 has found rant
•of a. Ohatice .itt° take: Neither doert.an
eXperiericed carriper, or:wdOdinsittit jinjt
otit hie , nice tiefil he Ottmea tb the
end of,a portage. :And•wh.en he le •fin-
ished. he knocke his pipe -ashes Ind)
the water, lie rims narlek et leaving
fife: behind , to deetroY hite
. 'friends, • and despoil .• hitt, eavOrite
°red, In the Tranainal the Mrperidittire .-hatints., Make Forest ,Protedti.on 'yont
•Is 'Oren greater, . in surd 10 be the D'Veehiti P,011(.:\sf for 1034, ' • .•
hightA.' the woad,' Otit Of itii• elfettal
'revenue Of not •intieh More than -090,, • „When the .jitror asked .CO
•POO:the,Transvaal, anemia nearly 3,004); be excused -frbin duty because he
000 on education, Which 'etteIvelOet contd. day. h'eit with. Vet. tiff the,
to MOrc than 4 lknititin 'f/eV,Iterld' 'Of 'fudge fold :hini .all ht as
the.. *I‘onean pointlation of'41i0 Pre:- orfaalde:.. Of the' 'oace;Werritit bO
•Vjace rind th one COMO 9d: Vet, heed 4heerd ..ctt .tt- tfitieo, '
the ,VaittO Cif •SUelt: a • selrob.
centrk Oat ii'errns rArAl• CP4M14.*•,'
try.. :Nothing .that has. been, epee*, ,
plisned At !itidgetown tritimesthle,
e'fsentere: once the. latillities • afe -
•provided'. There Is nn. douht
that Our who1c7-ntral edneatIonal,,sye.
neetin a • pact pyotiooliog.k•and
tiintetfter:-Immm.imitios. ti'lottl. '
Soored •hY agieulural
in their apeoridery • split -tete,. enen, 0 •. •
bhys: viol .0 at en.fuittlf4g. le)t:r.74:!•t' and c:P4'041•Cr,SO0-
are being made Trent time .to tr.
hellove, that- evening clasees ;nigh ,
'•he, IlltrO4CQ4 for Oor yOo4 moo. so4
women giving. inetruCtion- in -tultjectp
wlzich Weald he :of hpnefit to them '
as citizens, and am of. opinion
that thaittnt Year lah.of.,11.p91 coirse
Omni:4 be' made .. More general . with
langnages set over until the•eecomr.
year to „give • fifth .tprxri ettidente. a,
.hetter , Chance and tbs. first ykfir„ titif;
dent more time. to:: adJatit;
new conditions.' These • are trouble.
wee,k,S,,fl'Ari. some cases -these igitente•
• attena...tbe guitir classes: chute
is not.. too large, ..hut utbst`',..
ime SPent ,with !medial!:
tors who , are • added to . the r 1.ar '
staff, •,77Ite lirietIcal stiajeot„s, ..., taken,
, are •slm il . to. , those' taught els eVoaere
iai tisiteini'stlit.aniniingan.(4%itinnlinStprtion::140
to good
reading,. In . municipal affairs ad pub..... .
lie speaking.: Last year thrall book. • .
keeping,. nuttiness; administration and
stip* atit4..cY:03 .. itt7i3
of the ',A/94cts and ecouornka must
still he ...p.tadtided bat It is not pos.
.sinle that' therp are ptiblia .projects
tha...might 6o. • kiot,•,ovoi; for so .
pertent An 'nntiertaking •as the Illt:/11•••
QttliZihg Of this hrianch :our ritral'.:
eduCittional •systeria, ...The. 'Dotniniew
Government has reeently extended
.the 'progiltn :of , Its Technical •Educit..:
done ,Aet until :1935; Ontaria•'18,. SUP
peeed,.to •,hs.ve:obtriined,its. full Share.
.of • the ,Perhaps • some ten,
sideration "Might be given to tli°.
United elatMs, for a•ne* de'ai .to th'e .
. . , .
rural . h Joh selido.,10 and :tne, -.farming, ,
population of.:Oxitario, • • . .
" There.has: peen .a.,great deal et -,talk.
shoat , die 4eteriu.ediate scnnolbut ap-
parently .W„e*.c.an not expect toe Much
fratn.it, Dr..jtogers„.directoi, of . edn..
cation:Ter the province, .speak•hig en: ,.
this ..aubjeet,:aaid,:that he .•could see
no Mine ,fOr the, establishment.of the
intermediate schools in 'rural cowrie -
hides unless the.,, administrative .. unit
•Was sehoel districts;:mta!„:.;
solidated. I belie've. that reform' must
he effected/ by .making ,,ear high school
ceinrses t,Everyliony•--
every ,mao woman and ch1d has a
Mahe in editeation::::. paselya accept..
•altee of ''..Preseat. &air: edticatiotrialnia, •'•
'chinery:lanot 'geode eflongh.IfilhrOngh
our organilations,. • something ' better
Min b entainedJfer:•the boys and girls •
.of, -oar ,iectiattit settee's. :Boards of.:
trustees and citizens, *Ith the weltaro
of the :Coniniunitiesat heart, and. the, -
'young men; soeintrageointlY engaged
in the new Canada iniirement should
cbampien the • cause f: our rimil,:high -
schools, and. see to it. that they. are •
modernized:ea:that they will command
the ...interest , of 'the Illicit: and: the
ranpre3!a1.411t4i• . • • .:.
From .Cerattnat ohiserfatiOrie: I...a.M: ,
cenylticed ,
fOrt4:..i,would; atleast,' liVe
one wel-
conle result .• Some 20000. purls: in
rural, 'hikheetiools• In: Ontario Mir! .-
,etniggling needlessly 'With co,urees
leading' t� university :entran4 would
knewa n ew liappitiesa.U'aten ,transfer -
'red to . Work 'adapted, to their. needs;
and rural life Weald 'intiMe benefit •
by the 'piper etandardit."0 mbi6 eUl.
cient;onlore • open.inindett and tational.
Citizens.. '
Our eXpectatiore of life has 'increatc-
td. greatly. A,..ne*.born :boy baby .can,
nevi.. anticipate liVing, fifty -Mit years:':
and a giri baby sixty years;
cOittry, 4-07thrfighre.a.w,ere forty two •
. and fertY-hve years' reiCectivelf.'
• ••
Londspeakers. installekin one Man.!:
.eheeter • factory have inereaged., the
outptit•tif the?work-gitle,. ind, 'as they,
are bit piecework,. their ,:Wages haVt •
one Un in ifirOportiotris There is iinnah
for one. hour in the 'Morning and, at
'hear and a' hall in ' the afterneen.
Distinguished Woman to Visit Us
Dflfli ".(anipbeli; I in • Outstanding Fiore in • Mateiltal
Welfare. Wo.ck. Will Visit Canada, This 'Auturriil,.
Gttayva.-Onii of,";the ; Outstanding' . Dame Janet was educated at tbi
figures tn niaterilai :welfare In .the 'Linnien School tor Medicine fo'•
English.siteaking world. Will viSit Women, . and .fellenved With •,pes\
Canada fOrtWO inontits .thla autumn graduate Work itt Attoe. ex •
according, to 'Mini announced. by ' the tenst*ti .hospttal NO,Otto•lahe 'vt+as ,ealtet'
Canadian Centia, on Child and .Fam. itt 191965 the itteWlir
iiy wonarc. Danis Janet • Catiipbell, of y,,tititth, as , the • .entor
D.B.E. (1924); M D MS, (tondo)• Matertilty and Child , Wet
*he iniallist-rettretrife: Senior Meat: 'fare;,' 'the. Sametime .• remaining.. ir
cat' Officer, for • Maternity and 61114. het .aellint:.tast, with the..Board
abtr • tattltit °Witittan„,.14,titiv.tr 02. "fi
litielfitto' the.13riaoh, Mthietiy:. of ,fhlttetitioilv
AdVirler.16,.the 0'dt:tendIn
:on% Of.''"'?"`"" %"--/ l;at:
etreat :Britain since 1919.ill °ill 'n'Sraber'• the °Enninttie6 on hi
he Is a
f t)aO
• here1Conlnilttee en Maternal Mbrtat3
4 ,C6014, Mitrti s'e I):8 05 to1,1trIrt,y1igk ,110,7eal tilh,.ttli :it:,
with her intenalVe. • *Mir and. studiet
welfare.' , ' . „; ,Iti the intervening. 'yetirS': that .trilmt',.,
,Aecoinpan,itia hy Miss I:N.41ft Dyko,danot ts ioiewn throughout the Eng.'
cttei ;41: 04,t, Darne at jt.11:tietvi ect7wIni`hitit4tiftlavt;..8,riC...;iitt;..110:.;thO t;Witoi,te;t1;tt,„1,744.6:iiett:o4gi,
matettat' 'and ..e.iind; the; Lcagne Of lq,atinite as one ot
her.; edll.CatiOnol 'etkolOsigh to •attnitte ,:'•Dattle Janet retired from lier , pest
grciitei interest%in the molilems ,t3t with Inc ;British. Ministry; in, Dedent.
maternal" welf,ate,",ilar visit wilt so.' Iter, !10.:04 hitt cOiftibues ; to .S61.0 on:
in,ehio with the alttiita niet)Tittg o .tturhst: of Mintstriyi:, -and, the.
the National Ooncll ot WOrinint al, tn 1Natloiis' tellitillttee'
ottaWrt in 'Cotillion • . r :t‘ti.j,cc,!te,..• '
• .-
••••••• .71