HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-09-13, Page 1•
••••,i • .
L.UC1INOW, ONT., '1,1100.0.1;)",.§.nPTEMB
, •
• LOST• -•4 'Yellow eellie dog.:••Any-
One knowing of his whereabouts kind-
ly MitifY this 'effice.
, , „ •
FOR SALE -37 little pigs ready to
Werin.-Georgo. Kennedy, R. 1, Luck-
FOR SALE -2V quantity ,of wheat. -
Oat and Pea Pea. Straw.7.-
James Martin*, "Whiteehurch,
Essex eoliOli in good conditioner-- ,
Neidde "Winterstein,, Picknow,.
FARM'WANTED-Party desites.
.to 'rent farm. with good buildings and
. .
iater. Apply by letter. to Sentinel
.Office. • • .
HOUSE 'POR RENT -,Comfortable.
brick residence in 'LucknOw, ,easily
heated, the PropertY of the late MrS.
James Boyle.. -Apply to :Frank Boyle,
R. 3, Ripley: °
••••• ALE:-5-tir.,-old 'Mare;
. ,
eultural clase and a 4 -yr. -old cow,
also fanning mill in „good' repair and
Set of sleighs. ,
Sam arnechan, Lueknow.
,FOR SALE -No. of barrels suit-
able.,for apple, storing also steel dtuins
about 40 gaL capacity. No of 5 gal
StOPe jugi for, sale ,cheap, as T am,
vacating' my store 'rooms on Main St.
' Apply, at W. L. McKenzie'S lesidenct
FARM FOR SALE.4.-the. property
Of the late Wesley Hudson, ': N. H.
, Lot 37, • 38,. Con. Kinloss, 100
acres, 15 *acres hardwood bush, barn
driveshed and .franie house in A 1
repair: Possession AMmediately if
desired. Hay, straw and iMplenients
can be: purchased with..:farin. For
,farther, ,particulars apply at lark
be ...received by the
undersigned up to Saturday, SePtena-
her .21st next for Refreshment Booth
privileges on the Fair grounds at the
Leehnow Aerieulturat Society's Fair
to be held ° in Lucknow on • Friday,
September 28th 1934.
Joseph. ,Agnew„ Sec'y L A. S.'
The residence, property and house=
hold effects ...of..the.lati-30. atar-M-E.
Robert „Mullin will be split by auction
on Saturday, : Sept. -15th, at the resi-
dence -in ,.Lucknew: As well as the
residence property Ithere are 'three
other Village lots to be offered. See
bills for list- etc •••••'• •' • •
„ ,
Well. Henderson, Ana.
, .
Thos. Burns Executor.
• Applications for the . office, .of
Collector of Taxes for the 'Township
of Kinloss Div the year 1934. at a
Salary of $100.00; will be receiVed•by
the Clerk, .up to 2 September
25th. 1934.
• Collector to assumeall: the work
andresponsibility. pertaining to said
:office, and provide Bonds, tp. the
amount of $5000.00.
Further • information ,if ritede
apply ,tor -.J." R. LANE, :
- Clerk .Township of Kinloss.
• , ,
CLERK1'0141?1LICOEP 0%!..017111tg:r LIS1
Voters' List, 1934; Minicipality cif
the Township of Kinloss,
County of BruCe
Notice is hereby gi!ien,' that have
.transmitted or delivered to the per-
sons mentioned irr' section 9 of The
Ontario Voters' Lista Act, the CoPies
• required' by said sections to be so.
traniiiiitted or delivered of the List,
made pursuant to said Act, of all
person* appearing by the last revised'
.Assessrnent Roll of the said::Munici-
pality to be entitled to vote • in , the
said Municipality. elections for
triembere of the Legialative•Asseliably
and at Municipal elections; and that
the said,. List was first, posted up': at
• my Office. at R. 2„,11Olyrodd; on the
10th day of Septembeti..,1934, and
'remains there. for. inspection. '
And I' hereby' Call "'upon all voters
to take inuneditite Proceedings. ,to
have any errors, or orniirSiOnS correc-
• ',tett according ' to law, the last day of
" anneal' being thelst.'daY Of October,
". Dated this. 10th ditY of Sejiteinber;
Clerk Of -the .Townshipofinloss.'
: There will be ir dance in the'. Or-
ange 'Hall; Thursday evening, Sept,
teinber .20th. Senoy orchestra: gents
25c; Ladies bring Everybody
*welcoine. Como and hilie,a good trine.
Lucknow a00.-1.64 )Lodges P0'14e To
Greenhill ',Cemetery Decorate
cs Of - Departed Meniber0--
Rev, 3. H. Geoghegan Impresslve-
AddreSsed.. Gathering.
. •
. •
'NO, greater honor he done those
who. are lariPnWeif than to enlnleta
the :example Of :their, life's • mission
faithfully .fulfillied; said Rev. J. H.
G'eogliegan, in 'aildreSSing members
of the ?range Orderand'a'rlaege
gathering which aSseeihled ini"Green-
hill , cemetery at it Meinerial ',service
ni..Supday afternoen.'"Rev: Geoghegan
at the; request of the Order; coadue!
'ed the service, as Well as delil.leihig
a- forsekful, .addrc.so,
The service wasunder the ausnicei
ef.,LucknOw and, Zion ledges, whose
members Met at the local lodge room
and paraded paraded. to Greenhill cemetery:
headed by the Citizens'. Bend and.
SOt Ward as flag hearer and Robert
Ross: who Carrieda wreath ' -which
was later placed to the .inemOrY ,of
• Members- of. the Higher Order who
are laid ,to.. reit', elsewhere.. '
Each nienther in the ,parade car-
tied a•bounuet of cut ,ilowers,.Which;
during Ithe service; were placed' on
the &rains of deParted. brothers:
Their names, which still live on, were
announced by ; the .reeording, secre7-
titrY, as: follows: LucknOw-=-Robeit
graham, A. T. Davison, W. J. Taylor
.Hedley, II. Smith
J. G. Snaith;, John Wehster, E.
„Paul Smeltzer,',' Henry .Mullin • and;
James Lyons:', Crosby;
Jamcs Cook, Win. 'Train Charles
Ritchie; Alfred- Ritchie, Wm. G
Gardner J. G. 'Ritchie, Peter Cook
George 'Cibsen, •JitirieS Miller; WM.
Ritchie; Sr.
' The• SerVice opened with the Sing-
ing" et "g God, Our HeIp in Ages
Past,", with accompaniment by, the
13and.,,On• behalf:" of • the .p.rdric"Ew.
GeOghegan. offered a Prayer for the:
CoMPlete recovery ,to health "of the
Chaplain . of Lucknor .L:0, L., Mr.
D. C. Taylor. ' The scripture ,residing
'was..the path. psalm and'a passage .
of Scripture :was read ...responsively.
The .floral-tribytee--Were-then-Aalaced, -
on the' graves' and, Rev. geOghegan's.
address followed. Mitt°. the HilisP
, • . ,
was the closing hymnand''following
the proytouneiiig of the <Benediction,
the Singing of the National Anthem
concluded an impressive service. ,
R 14041934:
HYDRO WILL BE OFF Taxpayers Relieved Of
Hydro power will be OL41' the • Cost Of New. Office
Village on sunckir, Sept. iffltht from •• ; , • • ,
7:30 a.tniA9 11.,a,m;f,..e.nd,fr9mP Cost Of Equipping Of :4Munkiinil.
to ',MO- local rePair: ,office. R0 Poid OOt Of HydroWork being,' done. In ease 'eor,rein on , •
Sunday, which would prevent the
carrying out of the Work, there will
be no interruption, in the -service. -
The Lucknow Horticultural SOCiety
• .
is planning, to preseht 'another: dis-
play of gilt' ,fieWers.. 'in Davison's
window '014 'Saturday :afternoon.. and
010/ling. The last, display attracted
scores of PeoPle, Who admired, :the
beauty of Many Varieties 'of bloom
Members. of the Society are urged 10
_ _ _
'contribute exhibits for Satur4V.0
display,h' ..hoPed to he even
more. Colorful than Ahe.. preceeding
one. Exhibits . should be pieced.: by
about .two in the afternoon.
• .
A quiet wedding was ,solemnized at
the ,South Kinloss Manse; on Satur-
day mingling :at ten o'clock,:„ when
Mary Evelyn, EvelYn, danghter Of, Mr. and
Mrs.. ::Roderick . COM. 2;
Kinloss, . became .the bride of IleetY
James' Levis,. son .of Mr: :and Mrs:
jairies .of con., z, Rev.,
Burgess „officiated: The !young
couple Were attended by Mr. Retold
and Miss Catherine Campbell, brother
and sister of 2:the bride: Later Mr.
and MA. Lavia left on a 'Wedding
trip Hamilton, 'Niigata Paps 'and
1 . • .
As a result' of the motor 'accident
early': in , July,: Sid Whitby appeared
before „Magistrate 'Walker on l'ne`P'
i'niOrning • and 'after. evidenco4 way
taken, ,Sid was remanded ;to appear
next Tuesday for Sentence.' ./.•
The accident"' occurred at an -early
our on , the Morning Of July .11th,
about tWO mules West -of LucknoW.
The car,'La......Ford:V4, owned by Emis
johysioni,randAriVen-Atjthe -time- by
Sid *filthy, Unknown to-Rus4774eft
the., roadway ending' -up against
'a maple tree was damaged beyond
repair: Siit•Was at `the time, accom.
panied by Bill,Webstet, who however
was net , involved in Tuesday's pro-
, .
ceedings, , .
'I`h Magistrate pointed Out that
the Statute. Called for a. minimum
him. of 4500 or 12 months Jail for
such an offense. 'However, in vier
of Sid's ,injuries, from which be has
never yet ,fully •recovered,:the..Mag-
istrate' wished to consider the case
further before passing: judgement,
Which' he "postponed for .a
Whifeclitirch," tringSide, fltli Con.,
itnd, Holyrodd teams Will compete in
a baseball tournament truolcnew on
• Thursday, jitth, iiionscirea by
1116- VIO1Yroo'd Dr,rtw at
one ',O0oelt Sharp .to ‘deCide. ,WhiCh
VMS .Will.neet ,first two
between whiners. th, event
Of 'inicktiew having to 'play 'here on
• that date `Or. in &We :trir' rain; ienrriii.'
ifiOrit Will be bad, Monday i Sept.'
-eitti3Olte, Indies .'siut childre 5c.
'm. Murdie Appointed
Justice Cf The Peace
Appointment ;Which Was Announced
Theaday , Is Accompanied By .A
Yearly Salary Of 1100. • -
Mr: Win. Mtirdie, hardWare'merch-
ant, has been apPointed. Justice ,of
the Peace. for 'LUCklieW, an appoint-
inent which is. accompanied by an
annual salary of $l00., with no service
fees . to be charged. The • dirties'. of
such an office as vve"iinderstand it,
are to„take"evidence in petty offences
and determine "whether the ,evidence
Warrants the CE4,5e. being*. brought lae-
for,e a Inattgistrite ,itor• being dismissed
NO eXplanation. of the:duties involved
however, has yet been. received 'hY
the: new 'appointee.
Mt. Murdie'a appointment was, one
Of 160, announced on ,Tuesday by
Attorney -General Roebuck and
'the.list appeared. in Wednesday'morn.,
paper. On Congratulating Mr.
before • he had received 'his
ruerning'imper, discovered he was
Wert* unaware Of the appointment.
. ' ' . •
Murdoch lOrriaer has brought
into this ailed flower;.ctitiesitY,
The • .plant arigold and has
, , ,
growing out from Wong ,the petflls
ot. the Original .bleem, a eh:tater of
13 'frilly'. Mature& flower. which en-
circle the, 'first. blown,' which is' dead.
Every reader' ef ,this 'en'
„ • „.
. Oiled to comfortable *Won.And,
to nec' well tit. the same timeA.Of
,einirse sonte • enjoy thiss httiisirig
naturally -' without. aid. ilut,
..,PlettSe believe'
they 'aee'tia they should -DON'T
this uncertainly'.will tittiSd
illOt!ghtftal 1011.6014 tl
dotibt ramoved. A fliodern eye
•Aervitec ieplaces itieCitalaty,
wlth FACTS.
ARMSTRONG'S EYeileht Servico ti.464 1406°'
, The Goderich• Signal reported
week that a movement was on foot
to procure a .life-saving certificate
for Fred R. price, in recognition of
his heroic action in rescuingk. Mists
liOretlfir f4cQUillin from. drowning in
Lake Purim. 'on July 1st.
Sworn statements, made. before C.
A. Reid, Juvenile Court judge, by the
rescued girl, 'Mr..„Filsinger. 'and Mr.
Feagan, and an eye,-avitn,ess; of the
rescue,' and W. M. Mei,eitu, GOderich,
Merchant, have been forwarded 'to
11. E. Waterman, honorary secretary'
7of the Royal Canadian Humane As-
sociation, in 'the hope of gaining
letagnition• for 'Mr, Price's , brave
d: Also incladed, With the :state -
molts was it brief , an.d Tt.HCSt a0-.
count by Mr; Price Of'•hiS part mn the
. f .
• V Rein, which fed on Thursday morn-
iiig, and
With an ov 'crank sky ihrent.:
ening .rain 'during the afternoon, it
was,:fitially' decided to postlidne the
Citizens' Band tattoo 'billed ,that"-CV4,
Oihi„..thy0, the handl trentneighbor-
ing towns were so advised 'before
setting Out for IiiiektitiW. The even-
ing faired up, however and the event
coiild'have...ben run`90 sueteSsfully
;Po dtinht, .The ,dance was ,tbo
but was not iltgely.
tended. It is expected the i Tattoo may
be 'Staged' nett woeiti but itt' tirne of
Wtithigno datO, ts", yet tit 'been ito,
§.z."P ° •
. , 4,
, .,...to• - •.: .,
1..uckn'ow's new Municipal' office, is
a .eredit to the village and its estab-
liiiiinient gives the Village A modern-
ly equipped building, • where. ainple
PrOtection is •afforded .all valuables,
an; •where hiisinesi can be conducted
effi, iently and with despatch. '
; .,nd. the cost of furnishing andcie..
emitting. this office will not he cliarg.-
edit° the ratepayers. It is to be Paid
fi* the sizeable.hydro surpluS that
4It:Commission 'insists. upon the
i system building up.
; „.sne eosfef-equipment;,:reinodelling
an0 finishing the interior of the,
Wilding Cost ,roughly ,$7,00. , The
major expense was the lengthy coun-
ter,' With, built in cupboards and filing
cabinet drawers,. Which eitere,, a much
iniproVed system .that keeps 'those
communications and „records, not
required , filedin the vault,: readily
accessible,- not. only to the clerk an
hii assistant, but to the Reeve an
4-, ., No Appointment Made
The ' Couacil, Board . nier in special
session on Saturday evening to dis-
cuss the Appointment of a prospecr
. , ,
tile tax i collector, whose duty it
ttrOuld be to collect arrears .of ;tarot.
However, • suitable arrangeingat,4
could not be made, and as a result
no Collector has been appointed,. but
we are advised that : the Matter 'is
being: .given • ]further consideration
. . .... • • .,
before definite. steps • are _taken ,,pa
press :for payment of :outstanding
tale's. Arrears of taXee a month ago
were roughly $2600. Of this ' amount
$2000 was ,Made up. of 1933 arrears,
with the remainder representing mi.-
oid. taxes of the previous .year.
4 The Village council is offeringifor
s le, the cabinet' safe in use in the:
'qld office and now , Unnecessary in the
new .quarters. On Saturday, evening,
Reeve; Councillors And Clerk of Kin-
loss vieWedtthia cabinet,. but reserv-
ed . their decision regardingits put.
chase•till after the matter would be.
discussed, at :rtheir 'regular session.
Injuries Are .Fatal
'To Ashfield :Farmer
wiz% Themes 'Invin Passes Away On
7 .
-Sunday, AWeek After He Had
. .
Suffered •Serious Injuries In, An
'Accident Nes! His Home.'
A. lifelong. resident:: of this com-
munity; Thomas'. Irwintpassed away
on Sunday, from injuries and ac-
companying developments ....following
an accident near 'his.,hoine on. Labor
Day, when he was , thrown from his
buggy to receive 'a fractured hip and
internal injuries. -In .failing heajth at
the time, Mr. Irwin's condition was
regarded as grave arid "With the • de-
velopment of pneumonia:the ' latter
part :Of the week; • the end came
quickly. -
Mr. 'Irwin, who was 68 •years • of,
age,wits' h min of the late 'Mr. and
Mrs. John ..Irwin: , in Simcoe
County, he came With his parents. as
a baby to this community sixty -fire
years ago and, has 'spent lils ;entire
life in. the immediate vicinity.
Besides operating his farm 'about
a mile west of the village, Mr: Irwin
has had various other other .business in-
terests and as a livestock buyer and
a coal.' and hay dealer,, had become
one of the most ,widely%knownm4a.
in.4-egnintants,- h tViliztilie iender-
ed valued cervices.
The funeral ,service wan. • conducted
Wednesday' afternoon'atbis late reSi.
:denee, by Rev. S. T. Tucker when
many neighbors and frie,tidsgathered
in • respect and and -in eympatiiir ',for., the
bereaved faniuly. Internaent Was in
Greenhill Cemetery.
Mr.,..Irrin: is survived by his hal.-
eaVeit „!widoaritwo daughters, Mitt.
Thomas 'Hackett (Irene) Of AShAeld
and Miss Elledit'Irrin of Toronto and
foat,:ions;:;C)are of Ashfield,
and Leonard at hOnie,and Einnierton
Lticknow; Two sisters also; survive,
Urn.. WesleY, Henderson pf LiickyidW
The pallbeareta were lifelong
heiglibetsk, Robert Webster, .Iathec
Webster, Jantha 'T., •Webster, tam
Ralph Nixon and Charles
he 4rea0 1 The Bread
of Health Q 1 of Health
•RoupBrzuTi: :t
:-LAYER 'cAkEs 4 .
SPoBci asis
R As
CHELSEA kw • •
TEA. BirscuriB,
. • . • , ,
l'oug WHOLE WHEAT BREAD. IS 100% wliokig. WHEAT.,
.rhoiti'e 36
• •
muraciri41,4. OFFICE wiTH F1RUT.R000 VAULT , A N D
SXPETY. TigOosrt itci*E.s: FOR fur1/41T*4 To THE : PUBLIC
9.30 a:m. to 100• • ' 1.00 'pan. to 540;pm
and ,
Wednesday: and Saturday Evenings;730 pm. to 1030' pan.,,,
4,..1%...."41.1,.....N.Z.Z...'"••.7.:"....-"1/4.7...111‘.:•••.."..."*.1"%,1‘...."...1`...N.4. "%N.
A ,New
,at a
:froifsg PAINT PRICE
Moores Interior GlOss
It has an Enamel Gloss finish
with the Easy working qualities
of Pain
It comesi,la--Beautiful Soft Tutt
It has vastly Superior Hiding
It retains its gloss after repeated
. Washings
Just the Paint .that Will Suit
urdie &iSon
Phillips Turns In Spectacular 1 -Hit
Performance, To Shut Out, Sepoys
• And Eliminate' Them ;From Race
,For Provincial Honors -Errorless'
SriPpert, By Locals Behind, Fine
'5 -Hit Pitching By Carrick,
Warpy Phillips and his resin bag
were too too Much for the Sepoye:as
theyloaf the third game Of the lst.
l'OUnd series 0: B. A.. A. OAST -
downs in ,SouthainPtcm, yesterday.
Phe defeat spelt "curtains" for. Luck-,
n.ow's hopes df confirming. ;in , the
race for the provincial •championship,
but in defeat they were not disgraced
Not until, Atealord are eliminated (if
they are) Will the Sox find: a tougher
team beat, ' than they found in the
Plip turned in 'Probably :the,
greatest.. performance of • his. career,
striking out 17 was robbed of a
no -hit ,performance by a bunt that
Bob Thonipson beat out in the ,..8th
inning for the , onlyhit registered
Bob Carrick turned in a nifty
hurling job /or Lueknew and altho
with • only four strike outs, allowed
but 5 bits; andkept ;;: the Sox. contin-
"rolling or popping : to the In-
`fieicl. There *ere only two outfield
Put outs by :141141.10.q. P,At fc'.1117-4
at-bached hini up Nvith errorless
Support, and had they not, been held.
powerless with , the War clubs it
would have been. a different story.
• Robinson started Off for Meaford;
With, a single. Phillips Pepped to
seeded', Vail fatead: Robinson at sec-
and' 13:61a1 forced ritcediothe
rbaht,ea' ,
• In the; • second inninglleafOrd
scored . their lone tally With„ one
'away Chapple singled And advanced
On a' wildpitch . by Carrick that
next aman ap h
u winningatrun y!rrif Finlayson st oe
'and With Chapple on 2rid,he advaneed,
to. ,1r4 'on the put :out at first where
othitt 2nd eit, wise 11 , W,CM1,41h,giV. h.teti.-feiveed
took RobinsonIrive to retire thc
e . ,
Coleman's tingle ,istorta
Sp #sikediniid Carrick
4-* ' : • '
r01' the nod seven, innings only
"playors reitclid- I
bace: In the ,4th, dietinie • singled
with one out and went to NA oh
Pithed ball .but died there as 'Wright
filed. to ,Andte*:40 Coleinan ototh.
dea:,to4rcrJoithi,nu'ed. on
Get Our ,Price Before Buying.:
Planing Mills
Miss Bernice Blake, daughter of:
. r. ,and Mrs.' John Blake ' Of -Wing- •
hain•.,and.:fornierly., of Ashfield,' who
effsueli a splendid-sliewing-7in
the -Upper 1School Examination's; Was
awarded a scholarship Of $1.00 tuition
.tor each a two years in. Western
University:' This ' is a general 'pro- •
'ficleney 'ialtolership awarded on the
results of nine 'UPper ,School papers.:
Goderich Fall Pair On Tuesday and
Wednesday, September, 18 and 19,
, •
offers ",the- big, holiday:: outing .of the
seawall. '..Pull program- Wednesday "••
afternoon harness and running
races and -junipers: Other special at-
tractiOns. "E-eniebei the date/
.:.piotores Royiyo
Jim Yule, ,'Editor Of. Peace River
• DisPublication:trict,. rites ot .
Luc now.
This ilast, week we :reeilied ,u copy
of "The Northern ;Tribune" a 'reekly,
Paper . ptibliahed. in :Grand Prairie,
Alberti, in the ,Peace giver country,
by a, former LucktioW boy, .1. B. Yule'
Whose father taught school here for:
h number of years. •
Jim, as. he: is.. rein'euibereil 1 by , •
.sehOolinatitted an article: . - •
reminiscent of the years he orient in ."
LuCknow. Pictures' of his Iieme town,
party who had mit.
ed here tri et*, Okayed
ories, and inspired interesting
article which
The Other day .1 Was presented wlth.
setteral•pletUreS of my ofd home town
of Ltickpcivt, Ontario, Mrs', J. B.
Oliver, who with her .fanilly recently
t'idted the town. Did' „I say that .Liickt"
now,'ras in Ontario.' That is, all
all livrong.-Luelcnewt is On.:,the ",'
clary Thteo etthWe. CtHuronureseaftitcetigurcoUp.
'made. a. ',special appealthe SehoOl,
the • Presbyterian Church,. and tho'
front street, now paved. ' •
. It is twenty -sit years *ince: Ilact
'visited the old torny which is, Caned'.
-after Lnalcnovii in India, the streets
being natited'after' the British gen,
-eralg who fought during :the Indian •
o,. could everMutiny, suchA background, if
With teinjr disloyai.„to
fin y„,‘ The townalso hasa Balaclava
lleights, another indication f 103ytit.
4f to Etitisli, institutions..
As 1(colotii,4eigi'itatit. 004e ps,.plegt4tit,i)rot.. the' .•
• .4,1