HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-08-09, Page 3eis
.V more
peit at.
.,Walking down the "tree
aiorroRc". ts,oi to
will becoige'an 'actuality 'fo
visitors to the Canadian National.
. hibition, this yeaS.
, r, followfng the first.'
installation In. Canada of lilac inters_
•aity..mercury.'vapor lamps' whichtwr
provide a d
et;ree; of'lighi ng •b}'it�hter.
than that of any street . on the .contin-'
Transforming: the •"Great'. ‘Whi.te
Way!`, into the "Great t Blue may; . the
lamps Will be installed .street -
Standa� in the prince's rd
ng the, Prince's.
Boalevard. Held by "engineers' to 'be
Die greatest advance in
.e since• 1907, the new lamp$ do note.
• 4oPeed'iPon`•an incandescent tile
ment to produceli ht bat instead ce
eolunm of mercuryBich' b
'highly Itiniinone. when an . ecomes
aelectric cur
gelit is passed •through it.
The higih intensity • n
:!iso beiii mercury lamp Is.
g introduced in. England 'and
it is ' felt that the installation 'at ,the
• .. Canadian_ National Exhibition is he
torerunner. it a new type � of .lighting
Which we.: slay expect to see' in the fur
tare Artificial light which 'has kith=
erto ,been yellow, is destined: to be
;blue green, and the'. eyes: Will .hare, to
'accustom. 'themselves .te''a new'set: of
,color ,values Visitors to. the'. Canadian
National '•Erhibitiotl'•will have :ail,•a-
vance opportunity of' judging this'
. ..lighting of the ,future.:' • 1'
Communis Schoo • `
:For:Reec i
fie; i�T. l
Washington --4 school 's'o enmeshed:
in its community that it wiltactuaI1
serve ",_from the cradle to the grave":
is being worked out for the 'Reeds_
ville- W. Va.,•subsistence 'homestead,
set np .with the ''aid of the; United
States Government. •
The' school—created -with '.the help
of biro .Franklit(: D. Roosevelt till
, aerie all ages.;as a centrepiece for,
the community :: Its :. practical edu-
cation end 'will be, directed -by be' Miss,
Elsie 'Clapp,, for many years `associ-
ated with Columbia University's•.
"The whole thin
. g •,•i .` dune defi-
:nitely,y, and with• great detail, _as a
partnership concern, the village and
. •the school,"she said. "The depres
Ston 'has revealed, in. 'countryside,
town, and city, that community_ and
Ichool must co-operate."
The two-year-old toddler living
there Will form his health habits in
its nursery school. Mother will, go
• Wake up! _your
—No. Calomel Necesary
For .you to feel healthy 'and baPiii`e
roar liver must pour • two 'pounds of
liquid bile lute Your bowel, ever~' qday.
Without that'' hire, trouble 'starts . poor
dfseistlon RIO*.elimination: Poisons in
the body General wretchedness
• flow can,' You,•ea;pec( to' clear up, a
Situation like this completely Witi;
Isere bowdel moping salts. off. Mineral
• • Water laxative candy or dewing
III or roughage?' They dts,p't wake up rout.
Ynu need Carter's `T.ittie . Liver 11111,:tPurelp tegetable Safe Quick and Mire
results; Ask for them by.'mune. Refuse
• suiistitutes; 25e, at all' druggists. • 54
Stopped l�rsfamlly`
D.D;D. l r
Even •the .Most stubborn itching of
rap ePl�mosquito or othern insect
y other elfin atHic:>
tions quickly ,ids to Dr. Dennis' pate,
cooling, liquid, antiseptic D. D. D. Pre,
ieription.IFcrtr years' World-widesuctese. ,
, he.in�e t Soothing ffuus and nno
muss �YCleaar, greaseless and stainless.
ItdD.Die up E ahnost immediatcl thermal Try
Intenseitdnng;inoi otly Atrial hot.
tle, at any dttig drugstoa, is sn irked to
wove •it-•-etc.money. bock. D •.D D ie e
made b owners of 'IT >11assr, w
ue•No. 31t—'34.
to; school•.. to -see
the' doctor,
loo,father. to repair his ;fasm wagon;grandfsher to change
hie •library
Ands for grade ."and;'•hi h • sc
B ..pool
Pupils there :will; be • plenty of ..^•all
around, : practical' education,
Gir•irari• �• fihtly Stout) My''' mother
saysI'm grow
'. row e
ing'beautifnl '
The. Brute,((regarding ing:her)'-•.. Yo
mean beautifully. ;
Suitor -i came to , ask : for your
daughter's -hand.
Father Young man; I m sorry, but.
3'on don't Suit at all.' j don't`..approve
of you,, •,
Suitor-- :There is , certainly some
;,mistake: It -is Your :daughter I am.
asking for, ? not yon.
The fellow rho • can't remember` a'
4oke, ifi :fortunate, He :w}ll not be•:,ac;
cased of telling a . stale one.
Not Card Indexed Yet.
.:. Campan—Are- h
yo going to ,be busy'
HSC don't -know • 3'his-; is-3ng-firms
date with hint. :• .• , '
Doctor --You must :avoid ail •forms
of excitement
' Male Patient—But, ;doctor, can't- I'
even look .at them, on ,the street?
'What does this craze for -wearing
backless,•bathing suits show ' us?" de..
Viands a : clergyman Thatts. easy,
Reverend, ''The.answer-Is- 'Backs:
' Science doesn't .really knoW. • what
sun spots are.: To a good many girls,
they , ate' `freckles. ' . • , ' •
An ,apple a day keeps the doctor
away but What ' a , women really.:want
to• know,=ls, :
What ' will ,keepr gray
hairs away --
•Waeter-Don't yon like ur: college
Diner' -No. ' l'im afraid there's , an
egg in . it that ought to have been,
,Women 'baba' but a man for hypoc-
~icy, and .f• then 'sneak into the rest
to . ,
•to smoke a cigaret
Editor;. Well,: •
bow's that tihrilling
e getting on ,• ,
. Author (look`ing up from blank
paper).=Too. thrilling for words..
Honesty is the :best policy . accarri.
• mg to a hoarding hoasee proprietress
whose'place sports a' sign "BOARD=
ERS. TAl Eiq IX." "••
Georgia is 'Dorothea still • looking
for her ideal :man?'
'Margaret -1660d • heaven§, not She
is .far, too busy locoing Tor; it .dins-•,
on land of cave dwellers a 'log
house would pass.; as a castle.
Don't Read ,This:
' 1 N•'
Tiniest you are interested in a
,medicine . Which has helped •
crier 700,000 women end
• girls. Take it before and Sher
Childbirth, at the Change or
Whenever pori itre nervous and
rundown. 98 out of 100 say,
..jt,blps me!"
con Clue
ESSEX' The Puce .. Roan" ;Bacon
Not Development' Club: was; organiz-
id. recently, in the Maidstone Fown-
ship. Hall ,Seventeen leading farriers
of the • community signed "' contracts'
to lend their efforts 'towards' improv
ing.`the market hogs sof°.:the. section.'
ry • farmer. repeatedly 'requested,..
the local 'Department ' of Agricul-
ture to do everything possible': •to
urge the. Windsor butchers to buy
their market. hogs -on grate,. as is
done over the ;reit of the provine
• They.•insist'that the present
marketing system as functioning. in
this district did not give any • en-
couragement., .; at, allto the'.' farmer•
who produces. high class bogs,
The., officers appointed Were: Pre-,
sident, Fred,.
.Dahl;.vice- residers .
P t, R.
Willis; secretary, ' 'Ernest :Standish;; ,
'director, Elmer •Standish,• caretaker,
Fred Mooney, all 'of Essex` No 8.:
' . The pother members' were as;Olt
lows: andetween them
h they oven 41
sows of fairly good type.`
Chas;' Reeb,,; Jacob Dahl, '.` 'George
Zack;. 'James, Kersey,
can Mc-
Rae Wilfrid Morand; John,
Qvinlan'Gabriel Renaud and
H G. Vivier.
The• Ontario Department of. Agri-
culture agyecd-to-loan then "a '.good.
strong Yorkshire ' boar; of improved
type, fres :of :charge. In .turn' each f
the farmers . agreed, to give ' bacon..
hogs a •,thl'ee-Year trial , ,
as Buni;>
torn' with grief, •Julie Han
,. um;� daughter : ot:• Zaro A ha •.7,60,' ear.::
old.:•Tnrk � ,.world ..r . .. Fr _..
_, s .ol est human;'ls comforted ":le lupus at: fins•
� "ani Istanbul...• Y l , rates •
ilJionai o,# Insects Die of
Nigh -Fever in Experiments
of Li Entomologi
New Fork Thoinna 3 Headlee,,
Pb, D, ,a. stout„ •b . d,, middle aged,
pipe sm „ging Iru! v dual, sat bimseif
down co` fortabfy • n a. hotel, room
recently 'a d,toll . some detail' of
.experiments,' ha 'been parrying on'
Once. with with •a death ray,
Processor i•Teadle° Prefers to •call
bray a • radio wave, an electric,
;wave or. "the piectrostatic 1014: 'cif.
energy,," •"Using, an apbaratus : „ very
uoh, like, ,a mi°niatnre broadcasting;
station, he has sent out rays or waves,
which have ki'led. millions %if Insecta
Of all sorts With la, bigger amacbine
be is quite sure' he ;could hili' mil;
Tions of men, but'•right now she is
not Interested in that angle,' ° Any,.
way, he. holds, the principle of "the
electrostatic field, of •energy"' 1s al.
'ways the same, regardless, of• who's
on'; the, receiving end of the 'deadly
Pit rirov -
• Insects' Sitt r Foe.
Dr HeadlPo is ••professor` of entom
ology at Rntgers:''University and has
been for • twenty-two years,. and
entomologist of. the New, Jersey 'Agri-
cultural Experiment • Station at Ne
Brunswick, *Miff .eaplalan--•h•
occupation. vltb • insects;;' -.,H
e is a
tireless foe of Jersey moagnitoes,:,;
Japanese beetles moths;.'' crickets
cockroaches ai_d' all• other such,,nnl-
sances• to,, town and country,'. `
"I'm able:. to knock oft • Insect .
thirty seconds;" . 'he' • gays quietly,
without any trace of 'boasting;. "I
can : repeat' that any time and place::
I've done. It so often." • •' 'Y
"It is ; essentially"` a'' radio a . bro d-'
casting .apparatus: that I' use is ' m
experiments, said, Prof.. Headlee, "It
,operates' `on' a. frequency bf 1,500,000.
'cycles or jump, • per, second, ` and
can 'sP this to t
g n
h to. 24,000,000 oy•,60,-
000,000 if l;:want.to. At 3;000,000'0e
energy :will kill insects on a :plant,
without hurting the plant At
000,000 to 15,000;000, the .lant
D. is:.in.:
implest Coiffures •
Most' Fl
''rhe ':simplest 'coiffures • are ° most.
flattering to: blondes and the girl who
comes under . • this • heading should.; •
realize it and "plan' her hair style ate:•
cordingly. Why bother witli;tryingi-.:.
keep to many' waves inplace. w}
you look. prettier,wliihout•them?'
As a smatter of • fact, there is a 'de-
finite : trend, toward . simple hair fash-
ions for all of us this summer,' m
portant coiffure experts are sponsor
mg neat buns .on the' neck or rows
and rows of little .curls; 'across. the ..'
back with' the hair' on the top of the •
head ' 'left • unwaved, and'. "brushed -•
straight back:. And-•a.good thing'it as,,
since summer. Vacations "are " so close,
at hand and -no one likes to' go .to
lot of fossand bother during the. hot.:
Remember 'though,,' 'that' whethor
you're• blonde, medium. or. ' dark,
.healthy, shiny'. locks are' • absolutely,
necessary to' one of :the anew' simple
coiffures.: You'll ngedto'shampboo °a •,
little oftener during ...the °summer
when; the air` •is filled'. with dus and
you'll have to ,keep on With the daily r
brushing between. shampoos. If you
wash your own hair, be sure to rinM
car'efull'y, getting out • every traceof
soap. •Then, devise. some ' method of
A keePing , your coiffure neat, whether .
is -pre �1 you're in. 'town- or cornuiry One good- _
idea Ise- :to .go••to s ; :hs' . s ' r
have him show you.tow the first :tame::,
After that,'. you'll- be 'abie� to:. do :it^•
ourself. }
"In mar' llttie machine, 'l have •two°
aluminum 'plates which.: •have' elect-
rodes; The;plates are eigbteenlnches'
apart,. The:'insectg used in the ezperL
Meats, are .,u'ua'ly •placed in' :glass'
tubes; and set between the plates'
wherethe, energy: will strike them.'
Energy`:Causes Fatal _Fever.
"The radio apparatusthrows out
energy which •'ki:ls the insects„ The
insects are' !ound .to he' hot,.when
dead, although ,the- glass, .containers
and the plates are cool
'It's.tbe internal'!eat from the en.
ergy that kills Ihe' insects,' Insects
begin'' to die ;at 110 degrees Fahren-
heit ;and at.:' 140 degrees. they �. "are
through Tlie"_.,-ennergy_•,.penetratea.:.tiie
glass tubes anis cooks their proteins."
Prof.: Head! le • was content to. let
It go: at that but •his ' interviewer.
was eager tnow: aben't�the possibil,
hies of slayingx a neighbor -with- his
ow.n sadio set-
Well, mail' `fevers; about: the same
insects,'' said fife professor , "If
he has a fever hat'reaCbes.106; he
wa'lbe lastgonlong Ant' •;IittIeely' :amore, and
• Just'. the other day; in conversation
With . a: prominent Stirling merchant,,
w.e were advised that the., cash busi-
ness ':done by' his firm on that par-
ticular day had been better than : on
any .other day for :sonic/ years. Just
another sign that times are gradually
growing''better.'-='' Stirling .-News'
Argus •
DressedHo . `•
• g Czepet'R..
Lakge Entry,:
Judging:, hogs+a• for bacon hype and`
finish. for market purposes, tTie'slaugit'.
ter•of,hogs and their display qeleC,
tr1G refrigerators With:_, plate • `.glares • ;.
fronts will'bet..ati: intere
_ sting :'teatnrti-
'National Exhibition
this year, this 'occurs ia' the car Iot
,competition,. each car lit, to', 'consist.
of forty hogs 'nem which ten: ;wi l : be'•
selected from each 'ear. for •slaughter
purposes. ` .
F .
m each, t.
chi `:
O ,
Of ten. the' judges will • ."
select one•dressed hog for Saal'cha n.
pionship..- competition.: A reserved
champion" awe *Ili will also be made,
This unusual • competition fs amusia
a ,great deal of interest in :swiate• ,
bleedingcirctes.;throughout;• Canada, • •
The judges wiil'be A. L McPhail at
Brandon,. Man, `for. Tamworth's Tor*.
shires Berksbires and..;other •breeds;.;
.for 'carload lots; 1,. •Pearsal,_:Ottawak
.Ont. Mr. Pearsal will also judge the,.
bacon•hog,clat:sea and Slaughter:09M.
petition, in company • with F *oasis..
of 'oronto. -
Delegations af. agricultural studegtti" %!
from, the stat vocational schools of' •', '
Edinboro, Pa ..Northeast .N.Y., and•
Forrestviile. Md-; WillYcg fe o e Ex ✓�
hibition, .: The principals of: these
schools ,have expressed— themselves as •
,being_speciaily nterested-=in the
bacon hog competitions;
Row- can T, remove•: a stubborn
glass corkfrom a bottle? •:
-A. By wrapping a hot cloth around
the neck of the bottle.
Q.. How can .1 'clean. the inside a
aluminum dishesl : `
A. By boiling tomato :skins • and
small pieces of discarded ...vegetables
in the dishes, or pouring ;water, con-
taining a. little vinegar into them. •
Q. How can I improve ,the appetite
of a, child?
A. Chdren wh• poor a p eti
should not
ilbiz alloweditto • eat betweenfes
meals norms should they ever, bergiven
sweets: •
The fearless co u- darantlesa
spirit that brought` Cartier across'
the high seas Opp• years' ago, is •
• r- • bnngingCan cIa and Can
' adians ott't:of the dark.day's of
economic stress. 'his spirit. is ex•
etnplified to fife"Show Window of
the Nations" as `this inighteenter.
posc forges ahead in its capacity as,
an eifective stimulant'to the trade',
and commerce of ,our Doi►fi iibti,'
Canada's Cartier Celebratiti'ns',.'in
*.conjunction with Toronto's Ceti'-
ennial..Celebrations, climax on,
September 4th. and ..5th at the ••
Canadian National Exhibition in
. im e$sve ccrcmnonieg in which •
representatives of Great
, France'
the'United" , States''�anti ' • � I�,..
Canada,tuniteincclebrationofthat -
gallantexplorcr's discovery+ of Can.. • "
ada. The Spirit of Cartier looks on
Canada atehe;Canadian National
l ibition, where the progress' of
nations is on review: �•
rusid ,,s ^ono•A. Hu•he,, ' ' ° • s
41, SI,44