HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-08-09, Page 3eis .V more peit at. .,Walking down the "tree aiorroRc". ts,oi to will becoige'an 'actuality 'fo visitors to the Canadian National. Ei . hibition, this yeaS. , r, followfng the first.' installation In. Canada of lilac inters_ •aity..mercury.'vapor lamps' whichtwr provide a d et;ree; of'lighi ng •b}'it�hter. than that of any street . on the .contin-' ant Transforming: the •"Great'. ‘Whi.te Way!`, into the "Great t Blue may; . the lamps Will be installed .street - lighting Standa� in the prince's rd .sal 0 ng the, Prince's. Boalevard. Held by "engineers' to 'be Die greatest advance in lamp eificien _ .e since• 1907, the new lamp$ do note. • 4oPeed'iPon`•an incandescent tile ment to produceli ht bat instead ce eolunm of mercuryBich' b 'highly Itiniinone. when an . ecomes aelectric cur gelit is passed •through it. The higih intensity • n :!iso beiii mercury lamp Is. g introduced in. England 'and it is ' felt that the installation 'at ,the • .. Canadian_ National Exhibition is he torerunner. it a new type � of .lighting Which we.: slay expect to see' in the fur tare Artificial light which 'has kith= erto ,been yellow, is destined: to be ;blue green, and the'. eyes: Will .hare, to 'accustom. 'themselves .te''a new'set: of ,color ,values Visitors to. the'. Canadian National '•Erhibitiotl'•will have :ail,•a- vance opportunity of' judging this' . ..lighting of the ,future.:' • 1' Communis Schoo • ` :For:Reec i fie; i�T. l Washington --4 school 's'o enmeshed: in its community that it wiltactuaI1 serve ",_from the cradle to the grave": is being worked out for the 'Reeds_ ville- W. Va.,•subsistence 'homestead, set np .with the ''aid of the; United States Government. • The' school—created -with '.the help of biro .Franklit(: D. Roosevelt till , aerie all ages.;as a centrepiece for, the community :: Its :. practical edu- cation end 'will be, directed -by be' Miss, Elsie 'Clapp,, for many years `associ- ated with Columbia University's•. "The whole thin . g •,•i .` dune defi- :nitely,y, and with• great detail, _as a partnership concern, the village and . •the school,"she said. "The depres Ston 'has revealed, in. 'countryside, town, and city, that community_ and Ichool must co-operate." The two-year-old toddler living there Will form his health habits in its nursery school. Mother will, go ITS. LIVER THAT MAKES YOU FEELSO.WRETCHED • Wake up! _your —No. Calomel Necesary For .you to feel healthy 'and baPiii`e roar liver must pour • two 'pounds of liquid bile lute Your bowel, ever~' qday. Without that'' hire, trouble 'starts . poor dfseistlon RIO*.elimination: Poisons in the body General wretchedness • flow can,' You,•ea;pec( to' clear up, a Situation like this completely Witi; Isere bowdel moping salts. off. Mineral • • Water laxative candy or dewing III or roughage?' They dts,p't wake up rout. firer: Ynu need Carter's `T.ittie . Liver 11111,:tPurelp tegetable Safe Quick and Mire results; Ask for them by.'mune. Refuse • suiistitutes; 25e, at all' druggists. • 54 ITCHlNtTORYIRE Stopped l�rsfamlly` D.D;D. l r Even •the .Most stubborn itching of rap ePl�mosquito or othern insect y other elfin atHic:> tions quickly ,ids to Dr. Dennis' pate, cooling, liquid, antiseptic D. D. D. Pre, ieription.IFcrtr years' World-widesuctese. , , he.in�e t Soothing ffuus and nno muss �YCleaar, greaseless and stainless. ItdD.Die up E ahnost immediatcl thermal Try Intenseitdnng;inoi otly Atrial hot. tle, at any dttig drugstoa, is sn irked to wove •it-•-etc.money. bock. D •.D D ie e made b owners of 'IT >11assr, w ue•No. 31t—'34. • • I to; school•.. to -see the' doctor, loo,father. to repair his ;fasm wagon;grandfsher to change hie •library book. Ands for grade ."and;'•hi h • sc B ..pool Pupils there :will; be • plenty of ..^•all around, : practical' education, Have- Y Q.ay. Heard? Gir•irari• �• fihtly Stout) My''' mother saysI'm grow '. row e ing'beautifnl ' The. Brute,((regarding ing:her)'-•.. Yo t mean beautifully. ; • Suitor -i came to , ask : for your daughter's -hand. Father Young man; I m sorry, but. 3'on don't Suit at all.' j don't`..approve of you,, •, Suitor-- :There is , certainly some ;,mistake: It -is Your :daughter I am. asking for, ? not yon. The fellow rho • can't remember` a' 4oke, ifi :fortunate, He :w}ll not be•:,ac; cased of telling a . stale one. Not Card Indexed Yet. .:. Campan—Are- h yo going to ,be busy' tonight? HSC don't -know • 3'his-; is-3ng-firms date with hint. :• .• , ' • Doctor --You must :avoid ail •forms of excitement ' Male Patient—But, ;doctor, can't- I' even look .at them, on ,the street? 'What does this craze for -wearing backless,•bathing suits show ' us?" de.. Viands a : clergyman Thatts. easy, Reverend, ''The.answer-Is- 'Backs: ' Science doesn't .really knoW. • what sun spots are.: To a good many girls, they , ate' `freckles. ' . • , ' • An ,apple a day keeps the doctor away but What ' a , women really.:want to• know,=ls, : What ' will ,keepr gray hairs away -- •Waeter-Don't yon like ur: college puddings Diner' -No. ' l'im afraid there's , an egg in . it that ought to have been, e*peiled. ,Women 'baba' but a man for hypoc- ~icy, and .f• then 'sneak into the rest room to . , •to smoke a cigaret • Editor;. Well,: • bow's that tihrilling e getting on ,• , . Author (look`ing up from blank paper).=Too. thrilling for words.. Honesty is the :best policy . accarri. • mg to a hoarding hoasee proprietress whose'place sports a' sign "BOARD= ERS. TAl Eiq IX." "•• • Georgia is 'Dorothea still • looking for her ideal :man?' 'Margaret -1660d • heaven§, not She is .far, too busy locoing Tor; it .dins-•, band, on land of cave dwellers a 'log house would pass.; as a castle. Don't Read ,This: ' 1 N•' Tiniest you are interested in a ,medicine . Which has helped • crier 700,000 women end • girls. Take it before and Sher Childbirth, at the Change or Whenever pori itre nervous and rundown. 98 out of 100 say, ..jt,blps me!" LYDIA 'L PikK'HAM'SL VEGETABLE 'COMPOUND' nt. con Clue MAIDSTONE ' TWP: ` MEN :: ASK WINDSOR' 'BU BUTCHERS .To ' GRADE. STOCK • ESSEX' The Puce .. Roan" ;Bacon Not Development' Club: was; organiz- id. recently, in the Maidstone Fown- ship. Hall ,Seventeen leading farriers of the • community signed "' contracts' to lend their efforts 'towards' improv ing.`the market hogs sof°.:the. section.' Eve ry • farmer. repeatedly 'requested,.. the local 'Department ' of Agricul- ture to do everything possible': •to urge the. Windsor butchers to buy their market. hogs -on grate,. as is done over the ;reit of the provine today.>'.. • They.•insist'that the present marketing system as functioning. in this district did not give any • en- couragement., .; at, allto the'.' farmer• who produces. high class bogs, The., officers appointed Were: Pre-, sident, Fred,. .Dahl;.vice- residers . P t, R. Willis; secretary, ' 'Ernest :Standish;; , 'director, Elmer •Standish,• caretaker, Fred Mooney, all 'of Essex` No 8.: ' . The pother members' were as;Olt lows: andetween them h they oven 41 sows of fairly good type.` Chas;' Reeb,,; Jacob Dahl, '.` 'George .?'ge Zack;. 'James, Kersey, Dun. can Mc- Rae Wilfrid Morand; John, Qvinlan'Gabriel Renaud and H G. Vivier. The• Ontario Department of. Agri- culture agyecd-to-loan then "a '.good. strong Yorkshire ' boar; of improved type, fres :of :charge. In .turn' each f 0 the farmers . agreed, to give ' bacon.. ... hogs a •,thl'ee-Year trial , , • As •'Oldest as Buni;> torn' with grief, •Julie Han ,. um;� daughter : ot:• Zaro A ha •.7,60,' ear.:: old.:•Tnrk � ,.world ..r . .. Fr _.. _, s .ol est human;'ls comforted ":le lupus at: fins• � "ani Istanbul...• Y l , rates • ilJionai o,# Insects Die of Nigh -Fever in Experiments of Li Entomologi New Fork Thoinna 3 Headlee,, Pb, D, ,a. stout„ •b . d,, middle aged, pipe sm „ging Iru! v dual, sat bimseif down co` fortabfy • n a. hotel, room recently 'a d,toll . some detail' of .experiments,' ha 'been parrying on' Once. with with •a death ray, Processor i•Teadle° Prefers to •call bray a • radio wave, an electric, ;wave or. "the piectrostatic 1014: 'cif. energy,," •"Using, an apbaratus : „ very uoh, like, ,a mi°niatnre broadcasting; station, he has sent out rays or waves, which have ki'led. millions %if Insecta Of all sorts With la, bigger amacbine be is quite sure' he ;could hili' mil; Tions of men, but'•right now she is not Interested in that angle,' ° Any,. way, he. holds, the principle of "the electrostatic field, of •energy"' 1s al. 'ways the same, regardless, of• who's on'; the, receiving end of the 'deadly Pit rirov - • Insects' Sitt r Foe. Dr HeadlPo is ••professor` of entom ology at Rntgers:''University and has been for • twenty-two years,. and entomologist of. the New, Jersey 'Agri- cultural Experiment • Station at Ne Brunswick, *Miff .eaplalan--•h• occupation. vltb • insects;;' -.,H e is a tireless foe of Jersey moagnitoes,:,; Japanese beetles moths;.'' crickets cockroaches ai_d' all• other such,,nnl- sances• to,, town and country,'. ` "I'm able:. to knock oft • Insect . s, thirty seconds;" . 'he' • gays quietly, without any trace of 'boasting;. "I can : repeat' that any time and place:: I've done. It so often." • •' 'Y "It is ; essentially"` a'' radio a . bro d-' casting .apparatus: that I' use is ' m experiments, said, Prof.. Headlee, "It ,operates' `on' a. frequency bf 1,500,000. 'cycles or jump, • per, second, ` and can 'sP this to t g n h to. 24,000,000 oy•,60,- 000,000 if l;:want.to. At 3;000,000'0e energy :will kill insects on a :plant, without hurting the plant At 000,000 to 15,000;000, the .lant D. is:.in.: implest Coiffures • Most' Fl ''rhe ':simplest 'coiffures • are ° most. flattering to: blondes and the girl who comes under . • this • heading should.; • realize it and "plan' her hair style ate:• cordingly. Why bother witli;tryingi-.:. keep to many' waves inplace. w} you look. prettier,wliihout•them?' As a smatter of • fact, there is a 'de- finite : trend, toward . simple hair fash- ions for all of us this summer,' m portant coiffure experts are sponsor mg neat buns .on the' neck or rows and rows of little .curls; 'across. the ..' back with' the hair' on the top of the • head ' 'left • unwaved, and'. "brushed -• straight back:. And-•a.good thing'it as,, since summer. Vacations "are " so close, at hand and -no one likes to' go .to lot of fossand bother during the. hot.: months. Remember 'though,,' 'that' whethor you're• blonde, medium. or. ' dark, .healthy, shiny'. locks are' • absolutely, necessary to' one of :the anew' simple coiffures.: You'll ngedto'shampboo °a •, little oftener during ...the °summer when; the air` •is filled'. with dus and you'll have to ,keep on With the daily r • brushing between. shampoos. If you wash your own hair, be sure to rinM car'efull'y, getting out • every traceof soap. •Then, devise. some ' method of A keePing , your coiffure neat, whether . is -pre �1 you're in. 'town- or cornuiry One good- _ idea Ise- :to .go••to s ; :hs' . s ' r have him show you.tow the first :tame::, After that,'. you'll- be 'abie� to:. do :it^• ourself. } "In mar' llttie machine, 'l have •two° aluminum 'plates which.: •have' elect- rodes; The;plates are eigbteenlnches' apart,. The:'insectg used in the ezperL Meats, are .,u'ua'ly •placed in' :glass' tubes; and set between the plates' wherethe, energy: will strike them.' Energy`:Causes Fatal _Fever. "The radio apparatusthrows out energy which •'ki:ls the insects„ The insects are' !ound .to he' hot,.when dead, although ,the- glass, .containers and the plates are cool 'It's.tbe internal'!eat from the en. ergy that kills Ihe' insects,' Insects begin'' to die ;at 110 degrees Fahren- heit ;and at.:' 140 degrees. they �. "are through Tlie"_.,-ennergy_•,.penetratea.:.tiie glass tubes anis cooks their proteins." Prof.: Head! le • was content to. let It go: at that but •his ' interviewer. was eager tnow: aben't�the possibil, hies of slayingx a neighbor -with- his ow.n sadio set- Well, mail' `fevers; about: the same insects,'' said fife professor , "If he has a fever hat'reaCbes.106; he wa'lbe lastgonlong Ant' •;IittIeely' :amore, and he BUSINESS PICKS 'UP • Just'. the other day; in conversation With . a: prominent Stirling merchant,, w.e were advised that the., cash busi- ness ':done by' his firm on that par- ticular day had been better than : on any .other day for :sonic/ years. Just another sign that times are gradually growing''better.'-='' Stirling .-News' Argus • • DressedHo . `• • g Czepet'R.. Attracting' Lakge Entry,: Judging:, hogs+a• for bacon hype and` finish. for market purposes, tTie'slaugit'. ter•of,hogs and their display qeleC, tr1G refrigerators With:_, plate • `.glares • ;. fronts will'bet..ati: intere _ sting :'teatnrti- `. of We. causal an' 'National Exhibition this year, this 'occurs ia' the car Iot ,competition,. each car lit, to', 'consist. of forty hogs 'nem which ten: ;wi l : be'• selected from each 'ear. for •slaughter purposes. ` . F . ro m each, t. O chi `: O , Of ten. the' judges will • ." select one•dressed hog for Saal'cha n. pionship..- competition.: A reserved champion" awe *Ili will also be made, This unusual • competition fs amusia a ,great deal of interest in :swiate• , bleedingcirctes.;throughout;• Canada, • • The judges wiil'be A. L McPhail at Brandon,. Man, `for. Tamworth's Tor*. shires Berksbires and..;other •breeds;.; .for 'carload lots; 1,. •Pearsal,_:Ottawak .Ont. Mr. Pearsal will also judge the,. bacon•hog,clat:sea and Slaughter:09M. petition, in company • with F *oasis.. • of 'oronto. - Delegations af. agricultural studegtti" %! from, the stat vocational schools of' •', ' Edinboro, Pa ..Northeast .N.Y., and• Forrestviile. Md-; WillYcg fe o e Ex ✓� hibition, .: The principals of: these schools ,have expressed— themselves as • ,being_speciaily nterested-=in the bacon hog competitions; QUESTIONS ,AND ANSWERS Row- can T, remove•: a stubborn glass corkfrom a bottle? •: -A. By wrapping a hot cloth around the neck of the bottle. Q.. How can .1 'clean. the inside a aluminum dishesl : ` A. By boiling tomato :skins • and small pieces of discarded ...vegetables in the dishes, or pouring ;water, con- taining a. little vinegar into them. • Q. How can I improve ,the appetite of a, child? A. Chdren wh• poor a p eti pp should not ilbiz alloweditto • eat betweenfes meals norms should they ever, bergiven sweets: • The fearless co u- darantlesa spirit that brought` Cartier across' the high seas Opp• years' ago, is • • r- • bnngingCan cIa and Can ' adians ott't:of the dark.day's of economic stress. 'his spirit. is ex• etnplified to fife"Show Window of the Nations" as `this inighteenter. posc forges ahead in its capacity as, an eifective stimulant'to the trade', and commerce of ,our Doi►fi iibti,' Canada's Cartier Celebratiti'ns',.'in *.conjunction with Toronto's Ceti'- ennial..Celebrations, climax on, t September 4th. and ..5th at the •• Canadian National Exhibition in . im e$sve ccrcmnonieg in which • .Pr,i representatives of Great , France' the'United" , States''�anti ' • � I�,.. Canada,tuniteincclebrationofthat - gallantexplorcr's discovery+ of Can.. • " ada. The Spirit of Cartier looks on Canada atehe;Canadian National l ibition, where the progress' of nations is on review: �• rusid ,,s ^ono•A. Hu•he,, ' ' ° • s ' , 41, SI,44 u ,n.