HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-08-09, Page 1444.44 I • 02,-,00'17 YEAR IN ADVANCE. 12;50 OTHERWISE tUCKNOW,a 0 T,, TH SDAY, AUGUST 9th, 1934 :SINGLE QOPIES IF• CENTS euity of moneil Lupit: . • . now. ,Apply to 'Hugh McIlitesk.' , FOR RENT•71--A „Ile* 'eottage, fariV4: • ishedi At .Brace .Beach. NO. 95;7- • Apply at .Sontine1.0ffice.• , . itoOms FOR OyuDENTS-,cem, fortable and ‘confenient ,to Sch,..00.1; • use of piano. -Apply , to IMTe.' Jack • MaeKendrick; Lucknow. • •MOTOR: CYCLE FOR SALE -Harley •`Din&idaoli No. 74.; model; maroon. eel- s. or; 'tires -nearly new; .neiv, battery: . • Apply at Sentinel Office. FOR . SALE -Grey Gelding,, 5 yrs: 0(1;12 Young Cows;' fifteen Cords ' of , Dry Hardwoott4Appli.,,at Sentinel SALE=,-Fraine fi-rotnnedcot- ' tages furnished or. unfurnished, ,with % hyre of 'land AOngli-St.--.Woter system and also soft water. Not open • for inspection: from Fridayevening • simset until after. ._:eunset Saturday ' . evening. • t • • Apply to Miss R. A. Woods, or after 7.30 p.m. at the home'of Mr. R. Mcguillin. -FALL TERM Now is a good time to enroll. Im- • preyed, conditions are agaia enanling us to plitee our graduatesin lucre- , • ' tive 'positions. Home., study .•courses. Start any time.. pay when convenient. Write today to Toronto's Greatest , School of Business, Canada Business . College, (Bloor and Bathurst, Toron- to or Wingham Ifusiriess College. , . George Spotton, President CIIIILDRENS' EYES IMPERFECT' Years ago it was supposed that the eyes' of children needed no attention..Now it is known that 25 percent of all suffer from handicaps imposed by de- fective vision. It is therefore sag-, gestetrthat parents avail them- selves of modern aide to, vision ,for, the • YreAent antle,fittur fare of their children. ARMSTRONGPS Eyesight Service TTRACTIVE„F OWERS hClf •; villages mine ardent : horticulturists, has /or tWiiast few weeks had his Mr. sep o lye r ne the home surrounded by a mass Of color- ful, bloom. Predominating his floral display are large beds of doublle pe- tunias, but a stroll through his flower garden reveals, many unusual :var- ieties of bloom, for Mr. Collyer spec- ializes -in growing flowers that are 'an oddity and not generally cultivated , New, Wash Goods, Prints, Ging- ..• hams, Piques, Etc. -THE MARKET ,.STORE: „ • STREET 'DANCE Vhere will be "a' street- dance in " Lucknow next FrAday might, August ' 10th, *uncfir . Band auspices. 6 tickets for ,25e. Band in 'attendance prior to dance. In event of .rain dance will, be Amid in the Town Hall. Music by. local • .oreliestra "Night Owls", ENGAGEMENTS' ANNOUNCED • Rey. J. Edw. liogg,•ti.D.; of gtrath- ok, Announces the engagement • of his daughter, . Jean 'Lorraine,,to Dun- • can Archibald MacRae, ion of Mt. abii iler Is 'te0t.re. • 91 .a.ctiort, . A „ • . . r„.44d, Cole •PAr.chele ed B Over A Hundred•Intereeted . • Camping and touringwill certain- ly be a. pleasure now. 'for • Hr." .104 Mrs. Frank Cole, wheilast ;Wednes- day brought home a modernly equip- ped cabin :trailerc•'•whieh they had built in. Kineardine, by a - firm elwe'- ializing in 'shch work. 8 • The Cabin, Which hasan. interior since of about 12 ft. by 6 ft., 3 ins:, is ,surprising SPacionsk•, and is fitted. out with, practically', every conven- ience one could find in .1i...well equipp- ed -homei'The-ihterior is finish -Win' .. • • cream ..and green. At each end end are day 'beds, of chesterfield comfort, opening Out to two full sized 'beds; with A 'closed in wardrobe at .ontelid. On one side hi it 'built in cupboard, with 'several ;draWere•for linen; 'cut- lery and: such like. The "front of thiti opens into:a table to Seat 7 persona and stilt leave a little elbow room. 'A portionof this 'cabinet is cork -lined and set' apart, for an ice hex, With a Or1011.iiipe'leading out to the roadway. two burner, coil -oil stoYe, has , a canopy overhead With a °ventilator to, , • r move Steam and cooking odours. An eigni: gallon • aier tank with .tati overhangs„ the wash basin, wh$M, drains by simply retrieving a. plug. Four neatly, .., curtained windows, screened. On the 'interior, • .provide: annilt4ight and ventilation and out fi•nin the bottom to keeir:')out ritin: The exterior is of brown niusonjte material; inuch like. tihoe, leather, • .The entire:,eabin weighs Sortie 1300 pounds and attaches to the rear of theear, whithdraws it about : With little effor Mr.,t04'''Mrs, Cole planned to leave this week on a tamping' tour. to Grind. end: Winidettiek; LendOW; , and ',Kitchener,: when no doubt they will really appreciate ' the Comfort and convenience of this modern biome on wheels. They also „.plan to leave thisfallfor Florida; Where • they will winter. ,MISS EVELYN KEE-IS HONOR opz# AT CHARMING ,TEA Mrs. G. MacKay and Miss T. K. MacIlabb were joint •hostesses at Mrs: •MticKaY's• bhome, Lipton -Winnipeg,' at the tea hour on Satur- day, in honor of: their niece, Miss Evelyn. Kathleen' Kee; a bride -elect of - August. The :tea.. table , was centred with saintlier, bloom . and lighted by iv,ory tapers. 'Mrs: 0.:11. Julius and 'Mrs. Peter Kee poured. " The guests included: Mrs. N. L. Campbell, Miss L. Campbell and Miss tl. Thompson of Lucknow, Ont.; Mis, A. J. •Martin, Toronto; Mrs. H Pierce, Mrs. C. Mins, Mrs. E. Hel- wig, Mrs. W. Graham: Misses, A. Julius, E. Julius, ' C. Reid, G. Fulton, F. MacRae, L. MacRae; E. Johnson, E.•,Chesley, A. Schultz; M:,Chambersi 0. Munson. , Bargains in Women's and Childs' no 1.17-inief-;garmente in. Silk and Cotton. -THE MARKET ,STORE. THEFT 'CHARGE TO and Mrs. john' MacRae, Lochalsh, • BE HEARD NEXT WEEK The marriage will take place, August ;; • „ ' , 21st at, 4.`Sprucedyne", Southampton. , • .Remand Asked For To Permit „ "•° Further Instigation Of Case. The 'engagement isi announced or ' - • Alberta, aecend daughter .n , Charged with theft :to w ich Mrs. Albert Edward ,Isard .and the Admitted, Roy. watts,. Young Kinloss ' late Mr..) laird of • :Kincardine,, Ont., Nv./), farther, was on pueedey; morn- .• to Williom Mine!' Th611198614 l".1110- ing, 'remanded to aline* before Mak- '. Or son of Mk, ' and Mrs. ` Thomas (grate Welker in Lucknow nod ThOhibSoii of Ripley' Ont.; the Mari- day,neaafter \ the.. 'Crown Attorney lige ;to .take quietly the latter had sought ;an adjournment of the „part ef.August.. -. " . , , .,• hearing So the cage :Might be., more. • thoroughly inv.estigated-• The youthL Mr and 'Mil: Richard Webster, _. . is..tharged With the, theft of lumber `.uekhocV, announce the, engagement ,. ,; ., . of their, . eldest :-datighter,' ' Lenora And n satety rimer. The rienioVal: of, ' 110,Sti; to kr, 'Chester M. .JolingtOtlf, a gang PI" la' *la° 4414bilted 14 Sarnia, son, di Mrs. 4. jahaston and : MM the ate Mr, Johnston. Of 'Clinton; the " In 'lidi°tililli4 the ta° S'igIsttite *alker.rairiandeci the YoUtlilb Walk - Marriage, to take ,place the latter rt• 'of Atiktist., ' ' ' erten jail,' until ills trial, .but Con- . ‘• Stable Moore; adviSect His , 'Worship :that' he had a-, E,`Cland'i elead :liable" :BIRTIIS, on Sunda .AugustS5t11;. to Mr. arid Mrai 'Prank for ;him' •itittl that 46,, ecnild provide bondsjnen if "Mt„. Moore has' A big heatt',", the Magistrate Said, Onthiss; daughter, 'Betty addresaingthe lad,. and -.did ...net, hesitate to put under r, Moore's_...ktr.,PATItIOIC,LAt 'the' liOnit Of dare; With the young man hathiring IC. Wehater, iti tiicknoi,k; the...s.tonrt,,,,,i3e,sylitild. be ...Ort:Iiiiid,;,n0t- Attgtutt$,:', and ; ..,thh41,1reparertto .toll V the, . 3:Astos,i. t GAME -WARDEN' INVEST' 'GATES , SHOOTING OF BEA OttMe Warden Toole end' donetabl MoOre, have 'Investigated the ihootin of .the YOullg black ,bear at 40.4ge. Corrigan'a ,two Weeks' .44, :;Pnde ,cireTmOne,e.A thitrettife'd:theee con ,eerned,-po;heiitatinit it doing away with:the,'Mariuder; The game warden has , made : his , report to Department inttherities• The, Garde and Fhsheries laws in this regard'reiTAA follAWA: "It Is unlawful to take any bear ex- cept - Under' the authority of is trap- ping 'le,.9.1se or 'a hunting. licenseand during the open 'seasons in which ph& geennew are LUCKNOW;•LOWER SpiooL • Students who *rote; on the LAAFer School- examinations .set by, the De: pertinent have received, standingas follows: • - C -credit in the subjett inditated. Benin:F."50 is failure. ' 'Aitchigon, A.t-Physiog., 35. . , Altnn,,J.-Arith. C. • Anderson, G. -Eng. Grain. C; Arith Campbell; • Campbell, , Parrish,: A. Gram. C. , Fisher, Maude -Eng. • Grain. ' , 0; PhYsiog 31. . Oraham, C. • Hackett, I.-Br..Ilist: Geog.: C. '* Herideirson,' c • Hewat W 32: . ' 'Hunter, h Zeql. C.'• 2•' • Johnstone, E.--,Physlog. C. • Johnstone, Kilpatrick, ; :MacKenzie, ZOol. C. VaCKenzie,.k.:41iyaidig. C; Arith,„ C‘;.. Zool. C. ;' • -7- •:••, . McCall; 'J.,-,•Pnysiog, 32. 'Ostrander, 11,....-•-Arith4,2e. Patterson; Agnes--,-PhYsiog., C. t•Pearlmen,'..1....,,Ceog.. 38. ' Steward, Zylda-t-Geog. C; Er. 37. ':StrUthers,, Jean -Bot. 28," , *.tLeWer •School', certificates • Will . be inapt! to thettidents.,,,thja„ Week. • ' • • • • ''11,..::EAtepstc?cprit0 „ JULY' ;gin.' cELEBRArioN. ENoi, Lue.linow Trio •Refore hligistrate 'Walker. On Tuesday -0n0 Charge . . 'Dismissed, Two Ten Dollar Fines, • Levied -' Three eharges'under the 1,..C. A, arising out of a' Yitit ,by. Police offiL tors to a 'hemp in the !South...aide of ;he ".village; on the night of irilY 12,' were • disposed . 'of '' by Magistrate , . iNalker on Tuesday morning. : The charge Against the owner of the house was dismissed, while two of is sneaks, both. local men, had their charge of •having . liquor:illegally, re - dined tO cOnstiming and Were ' asses - Sed ;10. and tosts.,A fourth member. Of. the party, a• London: newspaper agent, was not Charged:. •, •• : ' ,. : Both thole 'assessed :Weeded "net nine and ,tlfe, evidence of Provin- cial Officer MeClevis aCounty con.: stable Fergusen, was forthwith taken as the eases were dealt with.seParatel lir. The confiteited bottles were on display.' The first 'offender's ' cage Was dealt with quickly, :after the officers eXplained how 1' he had., been found, grasping ii: bottle of beer outside the heine,et, the heat. • • ' -• In thtsectind case, bottles of Wine and ',gin were .displayed,, Seine of Which were • in the 'house, with two bottles in the locked 'car., Outside, one ', a gin bottle, ' With .pgrt- of the centi tents missing. 'A reniark by the de, fendaiit..Who owned, these supplies, that there was. nowleart• gin .in the )ottle than ,at the time it, Was con- fiscated, was taken by Metievis as an insinuation that It had been sampling the product. The Crown. Attorney spared no words in express- ing his , resentment. of this remark. 'The Magistrate reserved:jadgernent till the tend of the Court,, when .the statment was ' retracted , by the . de- fendant' and the charge.," reduced to consuming, ...aCCOnspatied• . by ' the stated, 'fine. '..' ' , .' • r' pmertion Noffraan of ,near Blue- ya e was *ago assessed' $10 and vista :for consuming illegally ',Willie at the celebration here on the':'1,2th. SENTENCED, i'OR THEFT . :Charged with the Stealing Of a car here on the. 12th of July, which .wati),1atet found in 'diteh neat „llaine Weedateek was sentenced to aix mopths deter- minate and • Sit ' natinthd indeter, Initiate in, the IteforMaterY0 When he aliPeereiI before Magistrate .Reid' on• ' •SattirilaY,'Itagtie, 21 years, of age, admitted he had setved two year tetni for • assault and ,hititery amt attempted robbery lii Toronto.. Harry ' Watson Of Wroxeter who had 'atittek' UP. sta..',1cOutuntance with Melte,. and. was iMplfeatett the,thefti was given *?Steal°4 SASPen* 404ittit494 ' ... • • , k onore •ower , . 14nore Webster', Guest Of Honor. At Kitchen .Shower Qn Friday /Petting .:4itken totally'. by surprise, . Miss Lanora: Webster, a bride-to-be, was the .honeied guest at a miscellaneous kitchen. 'Shower, when she received iliirnY attractive and useful gifts from• .her many friends who gathered at •thk heath', of -Mr. and Mrs. W. G. An - for thaevent on Friday evening 'Tolle had been inVitied to .spend th011ght at Hazel Webster's, as she 44R4piently. dOes, and ire.the guests had arrived, Made the pretext of going over to , Andrew's Lor the -raitit:7,7Persuaded"--bscMrs ieivto stay for ' awhile, • they wete instructed to hangtheircoats In tbe hallway, whAn. a Jlash' of light, in,the-darkened Iminfs reiealed these aWaitilik,'-the bride elect.' :Beeped high on. a 'eentretah e were gifts of all kinds, to each being . at! tilitthed a 'bit of poetry. A mock wed- ding was performedand with Mts. J. W. Joynt, officiating in flowing robes, needless to say the event was a screani.---OeCking 'Dolly out in a gown and-iVell of Curtain lace, Miss Hazel' Afpbater gave the bride away to the Shaking groom, Miss 'Aranelle Cam- eron. The ,bride carried' .a pretty bouquet ,of vegetable tops, , 4 pleasing sOlo • was . sung by Miss Myra MacDonald and. Mrs. Duncan. Meetionald gave an appropriate read- ing, and community singing was: en- joyed. A :tasty lunch was served by thejiestess, Miss Websterthanked all ,her friends for 'their kindness. . As the friends gathered, each was given a sheet of paper on which'svas written herriame, vertically on the sheet. Opposite tach initial was Written a line of humor, 'advice and what not for Miss Webster, end with these she was: presented and which are being preserved by her as a re., nsitmbrance ef the happy event„,!. PROVINCIAL PLAYDOWNS • „ --7.7 • Shiglek, 'thinbles and - rink :cemPe= titioria. Were •run off at the green ,on Tuesday night; when • Lucknow and Teeewitter hovvIers COmirienced., the -firet round of the Previntiiirlficiaing plardOWns. . • . .• Robert Rae and Wellington McCoy won •the doirbles and the •IOCal rink ,composed of G. II: 'Smith, Garfield McDonald, Robert Fisber'and skipped by Russ Robertson *on their.: event, In the Singles,. Dave Huston was de- feated by Douglas of Teeswater: The Winners meet the winners of the Mount Forest WingliaM series on Thursday, Which: will decide these to continue in the :playdowns, which lead to, the finals played in Ottawa later .in the Season. ' • HEAD .AND FACE CUT • '•IN AUTO ,ACCIDENT: Thrown foiceably : against the Windshield .when the car in whipb.she WAS riding struck a . Culvert,' 'Ella Hogan, daughter of Phillip Hogan' Of Ashfield, Offered. gainful • cuts ,about. net face and .head and was re- moved to *Gederich Hospital, She is progressing favorably; ne'Serioul, YAleliments having resulted. , The accident occurred early gat, urday:Morning, while she in Oren:my with members of the Hogan orch- estra wasretutning..4orn-:--0, dente at Dungannon. The, journey was niade by Kintail Where one of the passengers lived ,and the accident occurred while the remainder of the party was homeward bound from Km - tail, between the •i2th arid. the 1.0th 'eonceastons. Little damage, Ofa ser - fens nature was done the car and the ether occupants wiped injury. • 'Special: sale of gond Bath and Kitchen ToWels. , All ,sizes and kinds', THE' MARKET' STORE. I4USSELS EOTELMAN• - "GETS WEEK'S REMAND New. Bondsmen Renews Bail Of $500. Leine TtirvY'S,. Proprietor of the American hotel •In:Brtiaaels, as the first tate called by itiagistrate Walker. in Pollee " Court :here on TuesdaY Morning. Arising out Of a raid here on the night.of July,Igth, TUrvy was charged. with keeping for kale , • • Through Crown Attorney ,Freeborn it renown'," Waii 'requested by Lawyer Matiibo cOtirlsel for tha accused. , Bail of ;500.00 ent.as .tenPvied and il irtitvy institittedv,to appear 'here next Wed- nesday at ten A.in, r..*. golfs, dteatiietY Matt "Ottkiig§60 "WOtt bondioian In place or Fred W. Der= Oiett,, Who went'TurVy'k bail the night of hs arrest,: Another ease, inter+ tkkettwith ': this Charge, was also` laid jdeCnted` the. yotith,,, .ittetrtieted ThtfIgilittnicct torteitit tiv4410)..!..rt....r".4.41.- • he Bread Tlie' Bread t Rea1t4tIoVIS . , of Health "QUALITY' AND 'SERVICE OUR MOTTO , , • --Saturday ,Specials DATE SANDWICHES RASPBERRY TARTLETS iSEILY ROLLS CHELSEA BUNS DOI/G,IINUTS , • • 'TEA BISCUITS - LAYER CAKES ICED ROLLS OUR. WHOLE WHEAT BREAD IS 1O0%/WHOLE WHEAT DELICIOUS AND II L-THFUL 4 HOLLYMAN'S QUALITY BAKERY Lucknow Phone 36 • • Dieksqii,>,411#strphgt. Family_Re-Unton i -Descendants Of, pioneer Families. *Old. Enjoyable Day At. Kintaif..,.. • , - Anent 120' descendants Of the Dick.i lion -Armstrong ' families ,held fourth' annual ,gathering at Lakeside Park, 'Kintail o Tuesdosi. last: These Pioneerl,fansilieii 'played a Prominent part, in the development of Ashfield >where they emigrated te from Scot- land about seventy-eight years ago: Novvsmanyof the Armstrong descen- dants"' live.'inand .about TeeswaterY. :CounCji. Purchases A full prograni,kf Snorts was car- ried out• which resultetas fellows:. Children; under . 5 .years,Beverley Roswell, Alberta Thain;' boys 6 to .9, Jester • Fairish, • George Archina,h1; Ta the 0oninturiity7-,Nest Of Boxes, giriti' '110to 13,.' Mary MoCiifiough,, Expected • to Be Installed In New . •Isobel Girvin; boys, 9 to '19, Jasper ''.0ffiee In. About' Two Weeks' , , Farrisb; giris 14 and over, Jean Giant; ,Anna Mae Farrish; boys., 14 and over, Clyde 'Brown,. Bert IVIcCul• lough; single tladies, Mary Armstrong Alice, Hughes; shoe race, Jean Mc- Cull�ugh; men's shoe • race,' ..Tomniy, Fairburn; ladies over 30 years, :e5 pin contest, Mrs. George B. Arm- strong v7.1., peanut contest, *in kicking the slipper, gra:, Horne;.•iliesaioojp:raee was won i• by Mrs. !tom Dickson's side; an amusing contest was won by Mrs. Xi:Mitt:ones side. A. softbailgame concluded the sport ' events.. .4 Substantial *nit lunch 'followed after which George' . 13,' :Armstrong presided AS cliatrman'Ontto absence of 'president, Tom, Sandy, Coderith.. Theorganization elected following. o.4s. for the ensuing )ear: ,Presi• dent,Cteerge B. Armstrong; Tees - water; vice-president, John..Farrish, • ;...:PRIggS.. Get Our. Price Bsi Before 'ying: Ianing Safety Deposit Boxes Deposit Box Serv-Tc--%e Will Be Offered With the furnishing and decorating of 7the near. village, Office .practically complete,nnich•Of-a 34 hour seiiinnf of the 11Village totincil, 'On' Tuesday• night was given oVer.....te final 'details And arrangenients'in this connection • .Khe officeis in the west wing of the,, _Johnstone Bleck and moving epere- titans are commencing this week.% Such a municipal office has. Jong been • feltfl • necessity ,,and •the new dflice-. proyides'a spacious building:and, • equipped With 'a mare .adequate ays- • tern . for. filing and docu- ments oflut And which will :,:be protected and "preaerved. in the fije:' • roof *Milt in the building. • Alter :due -iontiderittion, Council decidedupon the purchase of 'a nest Of safety deposit boxes; whiCh. Will be. inatalled.ln, this vault for. rental: purposes to anyone desiring • such a service. Mr. .Turnbilil, a 'representa- tive of the Tityler, . Safe Co., 'waited, On the Council and gave the .desired information' regarding .the boxes which were subsequently purchased Lucknow;. secretary -treasurer, as at .a cost of $300 payable in 5100 amounts every three .'intinths front date - of delivery.. . The nest contains 69 standard:' equipment blies, each . having two leeks and two keys. The nest Will be.; permanently housed in the vault'. upon arrival in: about ten days. Ac- cess to theseboxes will be available. for seven •hours daily, as Well as On Wednesday and Saturday evenings; which will be most convenient to box , • indications "already point 'toward 4 .an eager demand' for the boxes: and; it is expected that in a comparatively short snide ' of time a, revennewill result that will more than pay rent of the new office.The yank does away- with the Usefulneirrof the Pre; , sent cabinet in use in the Old •offee,' which will be disposed off if possible. • 'Oilmen. Will Meet There ' - By -Law No. 2, 1934, was passed, changingthe place of meeting of the • Board from the Connell Chamber to the Village Office, The next regular Meeting will be held in the new office' . where .with all records and OOMmuni.7 cations right. at hand, the transac- tion of business *ill be greatly; : itated, when natters come Up fordis- cussion. A sixteen -year-old girl living, riear' Ogee hours were set from 9.30 to • Elden Johnston, Lucknow; Sports ceminittee-convenor, Mrs. „Stallen, Toronto; Eltner. Farrish,, Hanover, George Armstrong,,- Teeswater; breee• Richardson,. Lingaide; Mar- garet Sandy; Godetich;',*ilired Far- rish,-;1,114120W. , Mrs. ';ste18011 WM?, the honor Of being the oldest person present. 'The youngest member' of ' the clan was Jimniie Grant,' Chicago and ,those present, from ' farthest distance were Mrs. R. H. Fairburn and family of •Vegerville, ;Alberta.. • • . TWO CASES HEARD • IN' JUVENILE COURT -Year-Old • th-Year-Old 11Cinless Girl Committed to Shelter Fier Trial On Forgery Charge -Young Brussels Lod Given Lecture .After Intoxication,. Charge Dismissed '6 Mien the dismissal et' Police Court here on Tuesday, Idngistrate ,Walker presided at 'a Juvenile Court session, When tive teas.' were heard. ; tangsid faced charge' iwfr filrger.Y: al2ndr anWiedrnbeiriadlay°. a5rI.3dSaturday° p.m. daily ted•tO the • • t • And was committed e Children.7.. evenings, while the stores remain Open 'Shelter at Walkerton, to appear for froin'thelienrs of 7.30 JO 10.50 pan. trial in the County town next Tues- The process of MoVirig has delayed day.. The girl alleged to have affix- ed the, ,signature of tliebn '.'hfeLean, to cheque,, for $200,, Whieli , she tempted to 'PASS on James Brown of Teeater, „Intyment'' for a tar. Minthe • were appointed ,cOMMittee The "girl claimed the 8230. was for to upon the heating system Wages owing her ,aect, tater tem' the pr. . Magistrate she had been held up on 'M. H..6. Appointed the road . by acme and forced it • . i'e810.11trOi 'tor.. Win. COI - the point of guns to foto the cheque. n°14 W•inOlim•'' 'Med.leal Youth Was inteilcatedd, rah. flit" IVItS "teivedi *ith The Worat, of drinking part of the appeintment to fill the vacancy, the presenting of hydroaccounts and aa -a result; the discount ,date for • this •-incinth .being • extended obi , August 31st.: Councillors Andersen, tnehell and V. 'Johnston receiving the contents al bottle 'Whieh. "he \found .Arrears . of taxes *ere I again, di- arnong the 'W•illeWs VA le Attending cussed. A total rr are of :SOUS 12thy, of. July celebration here IA. ligo-ifettmtir, r itrugsehi lett sortie 2600 stil obtstandthge„,0f- , IXtIS liavitt&, 40 appear. On thatie amount 'some 82990 is 1983 arr At of dinnherrestitAto C.006 didirliSS, In Striking' the 'tti* ottit, Was, t6•4, ' CA•;:fitWi'tb0,' and ItT4Y4 "qt 't)tt Otrtl-/Pttatct °vet., 7',4, Its 00410 .'tt,t,tkr ' lotto' "shoti.661teldi l , , r • .1.