HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-07-19, Page 6•
Canada.The, EiPPhi andFhe Worldat Large
or three days ahead of tinleAto doubt
:many ,r4t_ng People aro can
Pe tri100 Ibir t vacation,
Ten coPlmandroP404that will as,
sPro a happy and atiebPssful bemPiPg.
trill are:. '
Huiid Your Campfires small, clese
to the water's edge oti a spot from'
;which the, leaves and Moss have been
scraped'. away. Drown it With • water
ihewleaving, and stir the ashes with
,a stick to make sire no live! 'coals
.. are left: '
It • is scarcely understandable..that
human beluga have rentained so tol-
erant of the rat, The latter' ba.a.''
vaded virtually everycemmUllity In
the world except the polar regiens.
• Even in a country o llmltod pppula-
itIon srich as Canada the depredations
fof rata cost,:milliens Of dollars Mt-
bN PAFiktikip A- CAR.L-.
A good way to pork a, car at the
curb When, the space is eMall is to
back it 184 .It takes' ttri,piPert to do
this, hOWever, without serrou's damage
to the bumPers:and finish of the bars
trent and fear of the 'short parking.
'43-13abe- It is a useful stunt if dime' ex.
, ' pertly, but downtown streeti., are not
the proper practice ground.-. Ottawa
deurnal. ,
• ..
The gaPeollitY tor correct • exprear
.'t)0len nnk.;:*•91.60'''40411litioit has for
. Imo .yea'ra received half-hearted at,
7crusatn-g. Ian Iaksorrjvers
Iteed7 •whiCh ihouldEhe the Airecursor,. 'rough...Water, , ' . t Iliegracei. Of speech, has been • Make camp before Erecting
, .
'Strangely 'neglected.' thiEt hi the need. a tent, or preParing a meal by •
• . • ,
fire -
for distinctness et pronunciation, light, is not 'easy; •
• ;move,. year campsite, eleon, gury
all rnhbisk;bottles and " cans,: Never
threW-glasser tins in the Water where,
ethers' may bathe.
• I'Aearn..how to. ewlin, and • drat aid
methods,. / • • •
Do not Ot
ground,. ' • • f •
'Never nut a rebid , without, !first
making'. Sure that it • Can be done
with tiafety.. Eitaniirie it earefultyfor
boulders and 'Other. ohStructionsr.
Two Canape Should not •run 'a .rapid.
at the same, time, . •
Do • -not •rnake your packs too
heavy, about 40 pounds is 4, geed av-
:erage.; •
• • The result is' at once apparent ta
• theire whoattend a `Ptiblic frinction,cit
sort. ." There Is no distinctness- of.
the ;speakers. Those who by nature
of their occUpatiOn, should properly
.•be ;expected. to Understand the • ;need,
for distinctneria of speech' are often
iteglectful in ...this regard:. They . do
*ot seetrt to understand that the .pitr-;
Poiie of: speech' hi; that. ',ether. people
ehould .clearly bear. s • •
Visit to any of , our law ,eourni
has' its interest from a Spear:6'011er
aint. Of ,View,,,,bat as for. „hearing
' *hat ;goes on, ;that is usually
kihle. The average lawyer; from Wheat
One :shouldexpect distinct
inuniblea Something or *her: to the
Presiding listice. The Police:.'ottlehils
'Say srething else which may be •ciud.!'
Learn- - how to prepare simple
meals over a campfire. • '
Unless familiar With wildergestr tra;.'
vel never attempt a trip through' un.
inhabited country Without competent
guidea. Charts of the route and geod
maps of the surrounding country are
essential -Lindsay Post
'Ible ' •person a:yard aWity., but 1.1;
t site Unintelligible to the 4audience. ,
, . •
:Distinctness of pronunciation :needs
' Inere attentlon.-Calgary Herald.,
, nom*'11,) '
. . ,
According to the ',Financial Post,
'Ilnited..,States-,'newepopers are •`• male.
.Ing•lavorahle ...Cerement on, Senator,
Pn.nnbr, Plan, for a bureau of tourist
and trave).;.PiiblicitY, for 'Canada; And
• they are . •urging,, Anierlean.O. :Jo Visit
Canada. . •••••••.. •-• „
6 The 'Detroit Free, Press, . speaking Of
4"titts•,. exhibition of enterPidee!!
•:,.04fter•feeing;their ',own country, trot'
.Anterieana,Cannot 'do better than see.
• 'Canada next,7,. • •
Fr Fights inst:cts
. , • . '•
Is Picking up elsewhere.'
The arnianient. industry ' is ' active!
Berry, there Will be no cheers •for
,, Wheii these guns Of admirable.
Brltish workmanship ,:go Off,, where
will;they he pointed? If you look in.
Bedford : Park -you' will see a notable
war trophy. A.: gun captured from the
Germans, and bearing , a British -trade
mark:-.. The Dardanelles, Were 's sown,
thick with 'taities,• made to Britain,
Vali& hlewtifirliht :seamen sky"-Vili:-
in; that, campaign, of bloody memory.
For whom are we making the. Shining
instruments of ,.death? -London Daily
'Me Scripps -Howard • papers, 'coo.-
-- prising 25 leading dailies including
,The New York World -Telegram, hove -
laced themseiree behind Ma:Caned-
' 'Ian 'Proposal, praising Canadian hell.
;day attractions. !.
, •
Thusbefore the House of Cenonana
has Voted, the ,money, Canada is • id -
ting gonieaired benefit 6641 the
Dennis. plans.-Vetetria
Statistician has figured .out that the
PeWSpaperi'Of'.0anada, and ' the 7iiited'
States tie sufficient Lvddlte piper :each
year to make a girdle around the
. earth: ,;50miles ,tifeWever,.:we
sincerely .ri.othing•of:the:,eOrt *111
be attempted:,-;' Think' Of all the pretty
"bathing -girl photos you'd inisalHpert..
-ider Cities Star. ..'• •
• 'AND. wi4EhE i3EAVOi.t. •
Mrs. Sinicoe's-Diati5•Which las
just been republished in a •SpetiaI4
centenary:edition, the governor's Wile
,•;•Wrate, as. •follows ender -date. of 'Oct:
to, 1798: ',•Ateight this diek evening
. We Went . to See'. iialtrion'titteared.......
:.1k)eing them' swiniMing in 'Aprils a-
round the beat Is a Very, Pretty sight
The ,filgh tn. of Wild. pigeettize in% the
AprIng and;.A.u.ttinin
,..teight." Where are the•Salnienandtlie.
•'.:Passerigerspigeeiniln the 'Teri:alto area
•...,lite4v7....Where;' for that matter, are the
l'plgeotte• anywhere? -Toronto MO.
• OUR 'Ot.t.' YOUNG' OEN,:
pelice department
for ,places on the. ferae
4ItoM .several young Men who are aii,
feet fent' itiches:tall, but theY,faii to
teiripete with..Ratry Shelten23.•-yearrt
•• of age,. Who is' aeven ;feet one alidi*
inches ' and Weigha 218 pounds,
!rho ehlet and bis •associates are Said
to )iizi•:tavotab)y_ ,ImpteSied this
• youtig'inien and he::: Ste/WS 4,'gOOCI
•'eliatite of receiving; anneintirrent.:
• 're ave no ree,Orda, Which can 'be,
cOngnitedpbtit onr finpreaSion is -that
generation Is;ProdUCIng a fair
nhareof men Who: ate Of the Siic,'164.
;Within . teeebt Yeetti
*ere hare 'been a nurnhcr of.thent In
tiie:collegiete, and they haye ' heen
,00,„•.they Carry „theft *height
• With eeie, Wc Can think of •ene fain,
ily Where three teaS, all of thein quite
.:$'011./ig' fellows, Yet, are over the six
1 .
:;CARttik. OaMMAN.DIVit,Nt:4,..,4. •
Vitit t.116 7'0an(Y)'.,a80t1...' 40,in1tblk
...4tor4,..4itg, the ledniboat-
ittg t4ite6t.s.0.0 6,10te salt of p:Attlfig
&loaf, Ifs; ,haVipg• -611e reff0Ve4 t*e
• "
• 'DIM, young man who has been coa-
fronted by his annt with the cholge Of
marrying and .settling down : before
Christmas Day, 1936, or of ,forfeiting
£100,000; should be a prey to .con7
flitting emotions. "Give me liberty Or
give Me 'death," exclitlined a Matti&
patriot who was not, as , it happens,
faced With the necessity of embracing
the one , as the only alternative to
losing the other. --London Evening
Dreaded fof of the wOrkl's timber'growths, tire is being provedf_
an . aid at United States Forestry Station, near Ogden, Utah. Carry:-
ing tanks of :oil, .1workers spray insect -infested trees and set •thelll
ablaze.' Controlling •crew follows with shovels.
elieatienoblybe the • caae• ir ,Aitiftee'
iht, and N. Zettiand.AuCklend,
Weekly News. • ' ' " •
Thestori of. the present. esconeinic:
. t
tonditions.. in. Canada is a- heartening.
addition to the recent 'eitideuee 'et lin-.
prevenient 'in Australia, in.Smith. Af-
rica :and '..inAndiai,;,--The.'4.001ref
whole is out o! the depthiPP‘
:itiitrev` .•! , • e ornary s
wethheing Shows the Dinninioning ,
, . .
rapid," roefivei.:Y.-Loiidon„ Daily
. . . .
NOW Xerk,...'Ahe-..fate4,e't rats which
. •
becitaiE•41‘xi't:died,...itetic Weering,.silk
:weighi•cd.wlth a lead. treatment was
described -re;re'otly to the .:American
BATH .. CHAT'. vtasut Horne. nits
the silk, irtie Nike; ..1‘ess-•
decreasing birthrate ..and.' an inoe,;, the ei,me tneterto, sold . . , . •
creasing 'eXpeCtaticiti Of •iite, are alter -
•,•the counter ' to Women, Witligut,adker
big the balance between. • yOUtlf and. ..
:tis4g, to warn them .that it has eheea.
age, -',-Whereas in 1..901.there were leas. 'leaf treated SIie, Made. hhe. iexpeti:
than 1.1.4 miilion People of 65years rneut , Nvth the rata at' the. P.ernisyl•
and .over, In 1976 there will .be. 5 '8-4
vaia Sate W'hereas 111 COlie0e, under a ,fellow--.-
:nitliforia• of or over :65,:Ship or the. kinerican .kdonortileal • As
1901.. there were ,19;900i004. children' Up
to 15 years of age, by 1051, •there,will .
- .Not Ali ,Weighted.'
Only be S 1.-2 Million .of such children.
Not '.a.11. silks • Are ....Weighted, And
The proportion .of 'childi:en,.to,old 'pee-
.nef•-'ail :•the.• :weightedsIlks . are
pie; "Width ..was nearly •seven„ to one
-treated. with -lead. ''Other metals. May
at the. 'heginning., or the centnry,.. Is be ;tied.: KeSsinger.• said, .for
;greWing', testiand less, so that, In •:the eicriutrite,-• that, tin.welghted '
Nineteen -Sixties the • children will be OWedno bed effects on'•ber . rats:.
Aetna*outnumbered by:their elders.
• the rata 'Wer:i: chosen - models
,-.—L011d011 Morning Post. bechuse they areamong the le*, ani.-
Whfob. potanite... They Were: en -
, . . ci.084a in • silk clicks, :tied' about • their
lih'er4• bat been too ranch snobbery .0,-„Jcs; for ' hoo:i, .01,13„ for, .10
Obeid golf in the ,§outh.:•;. It i'ught`•,4), They rt•ete'.kept watin enough
-bitelewvaeyrYsbhoadsk:.bSeegticam.iyie ;croetrr,Vartow
lii,e.re,o.rakS, to POrspire. rtkins.• hecaMe
fated trent • er,ntitet • one. rat; died,
ing-iiadS!'.froM:1•TrOon hoisted • their Other' rota • sitidlatly•li garbed •: in • silk,
sawinfil.,Cemrade; :prang .Ayallace on Witheutlead g,howed. ,n'o' Sights of
freii-hiet , • s . •
Seek McLean,. at \ Prestwick, skin the Kes$016,1. ii4d 4 iiiese. 01:0k.
tlottteur 'eho4ril°110110",' The Prie.e6 perintenta seeir to...deritradict resultof Wales, rnlxmg In s
the 6".-10; saw Obtained at •04:i'leard' upon hamiln
be -
that Match. dolt, properly •regarded, Ing,, whd Showrid- ne.:111 effects front'
IS a" 'great detno• the lead' type' Cr Silk. ' • ..• •
"tratic game of, 6.11...-IVIanchcster. go- , •gile said' th.,4 'Harvard eipotline•ats
day chronicle. • indicated' 'thato.the •lead. was het's61
le persnitirtiOn, true..in
, th4 PettrithYlVnbla :State •College ex
In oommon.,witlii the people Of Atla• ilv whfie -.the ,
italia: NOW Zealanders ' Will regrettheweighted :Silk. was '4very . new. After
reason'which will1hting- 'thent the it htd ageil.it' few days the,. lead
eaStire of 'it ViSit puke' of
WaPhed rutin :Witter; •'.„•• ., • . •
'Glouceider, histead 'Of that iireJected
for Pilate George. Prine • Oeerge.
has iceinPinted- al' pat tictilatly • arditb44 1v1,4st riA.!ite '0.0ei4•ationg
,totii; of South Attlee' and it Is net. at .• •• •• • •` ;
lalt surprising that the .'straitt neon lii bleriteeat Oneraticirie have heeeMe
health should' make it 'bath/Sable for .,quite the rago antong the. nativeft, .ef.
hint to •Optlettake ..,SO.• aeon afterwards lebitt, India, and no Pattent. feels ,that
inother,, 'extending over she:months., he 'hoe teedved proper •treatinetit'
Of Australia 'and: Newt Zealand. , The *ifliblit, .06.4 'M,118s,
n)e'Inbetii. Of .the .Roya.l., Pettily ilvc bel 111cConneli, rdisiienary, • apeoltilig•
lives et itr6.66eint, duty, •The. Ideal •• Of at the bie'tirdal ntepting' Of the •,cOuti-
Setilte is iieenlY•!, linplairted 18 their' cli eiecutive
'girt a „mad to k vast ..80016t,Y),. Vtie aliy.terian!Chitith'.
variety of' aocIai tanSett, and their Ire '0411atra (W00'09t
example 'Is' far4rea.thfhg, Eet Partleti, ren1'eeent4 a change In aid.'
14.1.1.y vli,ii tloy aro 6,rf,ga.4,04 41 0de,' r.trest,.:torgive 'pglent
tinirs, the Iting s gubjeelt• irt, was so fright' nett a t.the Kett Of .beIng
'their delight 16, henpur ihr,i, ria' "put to rilOon"..t.b..at • he JitrOPCd front
bcctrne bard • triaktnitsters,-Illita',. has . the, opoitiiinf; 60i. in a' ?ran byttrOli
been NtAn, eal Mai • . 4110.1vIng,- Abb.
liOyal* ton), lief • b ri; 1 t esj otfl.o,-..04.411.; writ*troing.
dlitance, 'That ,must have ben the throirgill ittisnit al •;,,,,as• that' or • i'••
'e54.9.• IA South' Africa,. and it will un. blind Lniail vibe lo.6 1.6 ied there;
'and who, after :cataractsb.L.td, been
ienioved, *Went i.honie itnald d.., The
gratitude of • the:: patients . Is ..., most
tonehing , 'stated. Miss. McConnell.:r ,
1 Cheques. .
.. . ,
wen Women
o Catref4-65w.=-Pa -Char
Against _Montreal: Employ
'er Dr6prpred..
- Montreal. -Fat
cheques were hand-
ed 'recently to 2t. girls 18 the employ
of the Cooper Dregs 'Company here
beeause •ef,. failure of Morris CooPer-
berg,: their ernployer,'„'to Comply with
the, Quebec Women's MinimumWage
, Act. : . Charges ,.• against :'•dii-operberg
„were .drOpPed,Wh'en th'e •Quebec -.Labor
accepted- cheone for $2,533.05. " fro
announced •rebeiet Ofan
. '
CooPerherg :covering Wage
tirtirrPOnCleafer-the 27 .giris oyer a,
But Don't "Boss"Him—Encourage Hun to De-
velop Hobbies by Sharing Them with Him
Probably the most oiscouraging e.
Neit."in the life of the child to ttie-
Is tl;e tine ol• pdolescence, ,
. And, not only iotlra rnother, but to
tie child; wh her ,hey or girl. Also
it is the most difficult for writers on,
child. trainig because each growing
youngster new becOfhea, anindividual
with a vengeance and no blanket rAle
of handling Mak be 4prlied.
Moreover there' is a difference of
opinion about freedom daring these
years. We readone day that we keep
our . children babies too Jong and de-
prive them of responsibility at an
age vvlien they should . be .learning to
stand oh their own feet-. The • next
day we hear some master mind decla:7
:ring that children during adolescence
Heed incite protection than' ever; : be.
, .
cause thy diave no judgment and may.
pay too bitter a price for experience.
There' is 2iorinething to be said on
Ward the latter,
6141A-111` I C-PE,ItI 0 D
• 6During, the 'fourteenth and. fifteen-
th years especially; • and even the
thirteenth and sixteenth, ' 'depending
on the boy Or girl and their adult
Patioilik, :it is :necessary for Mother
ilante which is the price of safety. •
This does not Mean that Our chil-
dren are net to be, trusted, but they
are. likely to get confused. ' These are
beautiful ,,Years when :the World Vn-
'feldslita , doorsto a new. fairy land.
The flowers are of More bewitching
beauty, the MoOp one king shudder of
can gioN.V• with rosy romance: LOolf,
,back .arid sigh. for •those ,lovely lost
Years, and then 'try. to. realize • that, -
year bey or girl is going 7through the
Same „thing. • .
Therefore We 46 not Went theris.dia,
illnsieried. '9r bitter,. ' Nothing should
spoil 'the. eniotienal. beantY", of this
• one........thbig..,that4-Will-t-sPOW:-itiHeoio
peey or ;any gill 4T -to tell: her con-
stantly that boys are net to be trust-
ed. .While- it igitrueqhat some are'not
one of the finest persons in the world
is this Very'yonth Who is. So cock -sure
of hiniself and who Springs 'surprises
on US ,every day by -his vagaries and
tomedieS. AS fir as that goes, : we
cou.bt:. tellhtrustediiri girla are
Parents have .two jobs to do. One
is:to•keep, Youth's faith in youth, the
• •-06.-74-44e
.company these children keep, •where
they: are and they :spend their
Deried of one yeat.,
. counse for the
Quebec Lieber Department told the
• 'Lucien Roche KC.,
. .
court that qocioerberg .bad committed
OnlY ,a technical offence • against• the
act.:„ failed to ebtain., ne9esSary.
permits to allow " these girl's to. Work
fer 'less than the rnintintrin. scale.•
* It was 'pointed ent,that ,Cooperherg,
Ceuld'haVe°'Merely pleaded gullty to
the infraction- and escaped .' Witha•
maximum fine ..of $50 and .00803, Chief'
Judge Oiiatave.Perrtiitlf::''coMpliMeated
COOperberg from -the, ',bench • On , his
gesture. ,. • . •
•• . .
Some • Of. ,the girls reeti.red: cheques.
tor ealito-44;zoor- 4 ...• •
Chatike,Aii to girls by their mothers and to bon
11 R ateS necessary; but to harangue on. tile
. subject forever may set distrust or
4 , •
4 res :.,i•itim;rit and : ir t hat way lies doe:.
ger of another kind. ,
To 'keep the adolescent child , hap-
py andbusily interested in something
is very helpful. Hobbies should be en-
couraged and shared, , ' •
,• If we don't . help children to fill 11?*
-their-ware time they wilt:tilt it in for
theniselvei. The: truth is that a child
Won't Irtve' any* cipare dine if Inc ean
' pare. we m"freetirne7-.
It is net Wise' to lminure' a girl 'It;
.wayfroiaboys too long. •Subha plan.
has failed in .too many Ways. - The
'crowd" well-chosen and 'chaperoned,
-.(yes, chaperoned) is the, best answer.
Plenty of parties in bowies, •mothers
• and fathers entering° into the crowd
spirit and learnini to know the friend
of these children.. . a'
. There Will be some trouble. 0,.4 course
Time and again they: will Protest.
Each day there will be a new prob-
lem to. face. Yea will., have:to be. very
Cheerful, very syngathetit- but firm,
' Social .and sex 'facts should :be told
by their fathers and warnings are
3ca1e.oE (harvs,• from Can6,
acia to u.S., ReducednCed
tOtt,wa Mail rates • from Can-
ada to the United States, Will" be, re,.
duetd July 1, at:carding to an an-
iloatideinent issiied by the poStoffite
dep,,,,rtineht retie:41y:
Tite tete ia tete s18 dents for each
ounce. Previor,slyii• was eight cents,
for the first .6unce, and 13 Cents fcq'
each "sitNeotiont amide. 'rhe rate to
ours net' Actuganally. ` fill"ed' with
Betniuda . will tw,f..tiLo. gaine as thil.rietr, SC ool,• practicing Or 1191.• duties.
',Uni°,.ed *ales' one: : • NaturallyWhen'. he is away "from
. NO. chailgell'I 11110,e in 'the *(10tieftle •chains • it is right. and roper that the
fal4 ef tbr the hest' °lines ehild be left largely to. his eWit dev-
ices. .If we are 'going 18 stipetviap his,
Play as well ,as his Obligations' witep
will tilpte' 131...time for him te, divala
op eti his own aceount: .. •
The idea iate •staggeat a 1-16blaY and
then rentove. oneself apParetitlY trent'
Ctlba, •Centtat Ariteriea AMA the steiioef ettion its tar as lifS4
c'ents, eath 1/2 iriateati 015 .,a,.hobby out never boss it. „ •
cetita , * • HOBBY .1y1t8T INTERESt.
Vie: rs , Pinfiddr; 't At firit!••lie" ,rebel Eig4t1St,
V'ette.%tielai botch. 'Oulaila and 4PrOtielt the eAinera 4and its
Guiaia, is aliva464 frOtb 46' tP''Satetlellnlidatt!lititthe6ii:atory. Work-. she
156'eents• Cl' dank -On heel , SC alty may resent coflocting patches and
1:ra',11TetV1.8ttit:62t)116,' t415, lit.,19,11d1146:11eg ve.,i+y Welt by itseit.4A-mother will
tioi..* to:the regabit 'ate 'know the disposition of, 'het dtrsiii'irtg.
101 rtinti,4'0:.3 becoiitp..ef6t.tivo.).1)0,.L,L4fid, fhig helps in.•••••introdneing:
ill!' 1 1.64' bak
tio•-,,61111.,k.itt„tf ):t :1;t: V flIU141 i4,() It. It) (11;i). slo
00'01'.. go 6t. with the 6VV 0,11,V rebel at tiAt' 'tig•rtin'st, .tintect
aboodyq It."..t.Thlwarir A Filette, twat arid' Viee,versa. Yet it it 'can
and,Jive cei:ts fee ah .8obitereterit
, . .
orre: • .cald; for Oreat nrttaio
My, theft ireland the Irish...166e Stile
and. Newrouodiand 1.1 the sante es' the
douleat,fe"mle'. °
irita.c4Se htf;,,',.been Orderq in the,
rat4s to West insiiesi
Aft,t(ia ood Aitett,„tie. Thte ,A,Ati be 13g in it IS coiiecined. l`ffe can help' With.
be -Managed this is often the 'Cferg • ' ,.._,
thing Peedid to balance tile stielibiPP, •--R•i'i
.nient. NO use trying to force a 110*y
on .a child it just Won't work , but
sontetimes it Will be the.meauf 64184- •
ting over something:the' mqther had:
faild in:before; once he q-i,Rterested. -
This is the onegreict hing about
a hubby. .It doesn't greatly matter
riably as on agent through which its,.
rividheart rai'ayia,belAi9tiritioacd.t:',,almost 1-1741 *
.; -
. .If: a father for instance feels that
his child is getting Away from himt,..,,
hheaaslesttoignetetbreets t ;a.vnedrffecIdi,msgri designs,
ntl.,sen,s gli)think-
could do nothing better than to go hi-• ,
to partnership in his; son's new inter-
est. FOr, father and ion to share an .,. .
Urge for stomps' is a tremendous tie.
They are boys together sharing tri
.,irinphs ',1or thaapPointments alike. A '
Mettler and ...danghter scavenging for '
-rrg --,---••:‘—'-7----7-
.7wt ifi makes
Pa new'li,Ii6esta: i-ofdni 6-7 itesrtti kori stamps
trpl i stoti tar- :lot n'-wpatches,f iereh finle e s ' ifT. " '7" ---.
but almost - Anything under ...the Ban
may be Used.Carving or shipbuilding
is good boys' play, making novel/ on ..
the habits \othir, s ihrlimg.,Walicai or ,
kite flying. This is - a real science. :
As fir as girits*,.go they are usually .
brother . only in. iti t 8, 11 teea thingsMe i. isLime.their.
b '
'Hobbles stop: the dawdling, time; ..
-wasting. bored habit; They sharpen ,.
wits • and ingenuity and promot\a am-
bition. They, are good, things .for\! ev-
erybody. ' . ; \ •
Try toFind Proper Prison For
14—year--old Kidnapper
• ...•Cliicage..tirteeti..;Year,old':•deorge •
Rogalskl, ;believed to he; the ,youngest
person ever convicted of-kindnappink • .
prison men 01 "
expected • toget, punished," lie .• .
conviction: for the ,
kldiiaping or .Baby:;ricirettel., ZeitiOw;'• • .
two and „a half :years old., • He thanked
"eierybody. • concerned" for • their
qiiiidneSST te..him,. and said don't!" ;:
.nOw,rwhy '1•-• did those tbings.7. :
• "Those • things" included luring the:,
little.girt With the •PrORIISe of a..#100t,
to an "abandenedice house, where he •p•
.stripped her of :her' clothing ,and then
,shandMied,,.her.,.: She .,Was found Many,
boureliter,,.wealc'hut still alive:!.. She .
-t-lireirtateri—,; a a hospital.!: The riwe
•was dime last April. .,•' • !••
": Altirtmgh' sentence wart proncinneed-
the. court: granted a -titar'!'tif exeCutiOn.
to •give the court time to deVde What
special.provisions,..ahonici be made„ far*:. •
'the boy's imprisonment. :
Thedefence made.: :effort
V tit. a cOnvict.ibii,Ond-ceriitented :that ...
.1 a• chief, intereat hi Ilia -eerie was to
see, 'that the ;boy.' de fen diet "Weald, he
*held in .Sezne proper place other •tn.4n
. :
• -• • • • •
Offers . . . •. .
k -t
. .
7 . PariSchlaparelii . devotees r ,look •
ravishing:Orr the beach with 'her -new •
Runtlia: hats :,,The net. san vell WhIeh .•
she aitahes wider ',ill 0.,rolling brini •
nt, the ',hack ..leale,.Ancialusion.4 White. •
ThOsehate fcitnii. 'the high",ttote. or the
Whole dilatable; Whidli •densistkd'inerely.
Of..a pair!,of linerl tv,,eed. tronsers or a , •
kneeilength joisby the Wind-
hlown ttiale varlet,y ;.-1.Wpre ' over a; •
Plain •k n I t tea, •awiet au it ' 8Chlapar-
elli :as iival' gircti•u some charming
fresh -c �Ior . oath i thine, . • The •• hat
generally.... • matches . the' • notillet
• '
contrasfrWhite.bat 'with,
a. sapphire -blue yell and tit gay plaid .1
skirt, ,or 1aVy,: sad . White -checked
ternts'era,'Arai"y;,:aWirn ,suit.' navy , bat ••
'and • a v
Cards Tell `,Postie'
• .
Who ,Needs Stamps
Alta. -The COlga*ry 1•• Odst
Office apilioritieg ilat,e notified the
citizens that in. futtiT6 postage stainpi:
would 'be 'spid, by' the peptmen.en. their
heats, • • 1 '' •
• • We , Wiii the',Oard for.the ke
ifli to• 'leave 2i br $0: "pounda ••
he the ottiy one pitoPeee in 'the ,front.
•‘./ indoW, as cardsbayebeen distribut
ed.for thw use ef the hoeaeholder or
btniiies firni. %Yin', will piece it In a
i-onspl(rions place to notify tho 16tter,
ettrrieribtif ‘lanir')s arc reqiiired, ,
The. *revolver ,fs. s • weapon lot
wh'icb the Mit rtige-41 a tit ad i
pstajthatm, and the ,sooricr it. '11:.
011lsinw6d.'.111toget,licr the safe`r it wfll
he for nicrchanta,, banitorso. and pril-
vote indiVhittnis. The revelver, is', 1,
playing it Dart tat too Maki'
et- i •'• it-tg $- djy yt•'!ft**".-thirtgkritre,•!".,'
more to t.; titan repotte) .;tiist shell
Wortrt.t,r, hav don oily , gond. Toihd.
say, ro,,t. * .