HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-07-19, Page 1464
. P.
' "4!
$2.00 ER YEAR ADVANCE, $2,50. obintivgin
FOR cow ; two heifer #.4.00i3WO:BLOOD DISEASE,
cilvett. and an iron Wefl PumP. :TAOS: Youpip
,i1.1K11110144 ONT. T41/115
Monster Gro'....
' WA TO.--:-2Ua hand hieYelee-,•• •• . ' ... ,• '7? -47,7' ' .Gathers I( 11 11. t
4 ' . ' ' ... '
'k-7*, :tmherue?...i.moheow;. - Tho InUerai: of. Margaret Evelyn, . .
ThroWn 14 Peet To .Cement' Ptoor-:-
..,.. - • ,.; '. 7.:- ' May, ' 17 -year-old daughter of CO:Tgi
Ignmult. ,TML4P'-The: IY:lognio:k. 11. May, LeeiSh dei'OMee,,' Waa'.hell. ' G'ttdig"e:.,'w4:741.40„,k"itA:t•leroaemot: •Lobirptti, ..; ."..714"e'.11-e.e----"-°76°' ''Dts'ice4 r9r...':
U. F. O. track Wilt ,be at Paramount at .her late, residence. :111'4000C:en
:Cloblieese with twine, . on Tuesday0...the accident suffered by Ted
- Friday. Mies Atrai!,!0 mother? ,Wha. prey, To , . ,4014“1"r""'Yilliire Crowded ' ' - . '
. . ., . ,,, • . - ; Rica was reported ' ' h ' '
evening. j'Iiii3r ?4th.:-; ,This • tv0P0', '0.' deceased her 0360 sixteen months . Pr.?n.k 114,0"4"ti.111il.:4' At Night
news ' . 111 !''t. Helens
available .te,., anyone ter: ' cash. ' .
, ago„ *es: before her marriage,' 'WM , ...,..Grand' 'Aden' fieeretary . Give* `theezTenttil:;108iPtahlieeTinl:rlea,w•eireicasa' ant;
taMercal 0Qestc!, gg Y! Mabel WilS00, :"0, daughter ' Of ' Or. stirri4t4.444eia. q ,' "7.7-''''''" 'known. Since then it has been reveel-.
. . . . . . .
. Km...„.0A.LE___,Two., Joseph Wilson, fornierLT,Reknovi,_' _reit- -
properties, with ' house and barn On idents- '
jest north , east of 1 C. N. R.
Ted suffered' a broken. hack. • •
. , . • . , . .
.04.-tr':fli-e---Walkurtni-rreloscope that
depot. Acre , of ground in. each pro; Mita May's* gad death occurred 'the WM. 3•11141'449RD113.F.a.r• oiANcEm..A';1 A former. resident of .,$t. Helens,
,;,, .PertY, : Buildings in •good repair', Tuesday previous, f°11(1v•iiig 11!) ill' 1. Ted. of late has been managing ifie
.. ,' abundant water* atipPly, ,Properties ness of eight Months' .duration, „with .
must . he sold as the owner ii. leaving 4. crowd eensetVativejT •. estimate farm •,of , :Mrs: Robert , Perdue: about
" .
for England,Mrs, James • J. Ross, et.frem,tet toweive thouistut 0004 six miles south of 'Paiele3". The ac-
' Prep: For ,particulars; iipply'. to the, largest 'creWd„ to assemble 'here ;Went. happened:in' the perdue bap
Well: Henderson, Auctioneer. • • '
. ' (211-9-,tf.)'... : 'since the famous Oiledonian celebra-, .na 'Ted .*aa Pelliekhaek a hay teik
• ir 19th, 1954
, .
RICE suppERED ••, .
A Illtolipi4 BACK
a baffling bleed disease, leukenala,
held little hope, for her recovery. and during which illness medical hien
. . . , . 4 II'
. 3.P8 .,Alar. was the eldest dau hte 4,,kti"introd----nt-W-----•-cm* —
. . ,. z. re e, ur - :CAR STOLE THURSDAY
o eorge May: She is survived by
her: tather and one sinter; ,Enaen ThlirsdaY, from all direetienS, to .cele-
- mg linn to a cement floor, 14 feet ' ' , ' • --._
site was a member, of New
st.j,arses 244th
he athneni'v''Grsloarijryous Tvvelfth", the' below' I•le inii reinaved to the s*alh' • That the ten' 0 . twelve thousand
of. the. Bettie of •erien Respite' Where a .• Conipreseed people who celebrated here on 'Thurs-
. . . .1 . . . . .
: I 1:Cireenb .t' . arti°114nCentral 4rlaCollegiate, r°17 il)nrein4 humanity, aBnii tY;,,e, c. i :i' i a T I imiesn r tgi::‘ gather. massAh:anti"- tv.hr;tet11.-:e patientt'ie -166f v;11.11 eltribs
t ie-n-i'w't4a7cr'aQesi idt .1'1 reduced
rs1 level ailnya-j*,e,a;(115: l'iwan7;yie:IiIiInlag-e:firl:IleCpraOltYr reported d° .-. onlywmai ss°Snien"::.cdaect'Shre'.
to her illness. . '. • •
ten' O'clock Thursday Moiiiiing
Mrs. 1!. M,,Sherriff. Of town at., re.cvds_ef people dm remained 16/4, sis did not result ,as the spinal : cord si. elee..: Boy , Sanderson of. Blnevala
tended the. funeral, the aervicaltei-n-g- after midnight. But4-they--Ifere-an was-rhot-involved-urthe-rnJorn and parked a 1923 Ford touring car near
conducted by Rev. Archdeecon 'Sage' 'orderly, lot and the. day, passed oft there is tverY. indication .that he will the United :Church In -t1.1 aft.ern°°n
with . interinent in 'Meant Pleasant 'with .no serious occurrence to mar. the in
Cemetery. • ' . . . . . . - •
, . . make a complete, 'recovery. to later discover it missing. , -The ear
festivities. /3usiness men and booth bore license plates ALL -754'. A search
proprietas were exceptionally sEVERAI..-mycn.A4D__Ii4 • ottbeJoivn_failed_teloci.ite-the miss
lileaser generally, and the crowd was. ing- chariot, but :Roy and his :friend
a happy One, evidently . enjoying the ROUNDUP
—....... : . s'ecured a ride home, and to date no
day, if in no Other Way than by 84n -
I .,. word 'has been received here, , as to
plyLheirig,pne-Ofttlio--throng;„-- Provincial , Meer - blePlevia , was whether.% et, - -0-t• his pad ._ lia.s.. shic„e.
The Lucknovv Citizens' Band will
present:a sacred Fithe Concert on
the local band ,stand this' Sunday At'
8.15 o'clock, folloWing:, the evening
. church Services'. 'ailsrep collection,
Card Of Thanks:
The members of L.10: L.-428, cle-
' sire to thank all 'these who contri-
buted •. . . , . •
.buted and ,assisted anY 'WAY -te.
.make their celebration such a success
including the Citizens' band for the
excellent music provided .
The Cciinniittee,
Card- Of Thankis
• .
The familY of the: late Mrs. Wm.
,-**raser, wish to express their sincere
thanks to friends and neighbors' for
.. their *many kindness and expressions
sympatliFL"diiiing the illness and
it the time of the death their:
The family of the late Mr. James
Barkwell wish ' express sincere
thanks to friends and neighbors. for
the 'irtanY 'acts Of kindness and ex-
. .
pressipris of sympathy during ,his
mess and at the tame of their dear
father's death;
•The 'Bread
of Health
QUALITY. •Ajkip BEBtricE 011,41• ,MOTTo.
DELicitous AN REALTBFin. •
, .•
Although •eii serious 'occurrence
arose to_mar ,Ilie_12th.,..ot-Jely" Cele-
bration here, on Thursday, ,young Joe
Agnew, five-year-old ' see of Mi. and
Mre. Howard Agnew-auffered injur:
ies • that ••quite fortunately, were. not
more !serious. In nod afternoon; Joe
escaped' the watbhful eye of his
_methei-forza-feiv minutes lied during
busi here on ThursdaY night and as
a result, several local parties who
were making merry' on, this occasion;
om ear Y morn ng till likte, an the '' been found.
evening, the Village echoed AO the .
.. .
time' of the fife and , drum . and the THE 'DEMONSTRATION OF
•-railli summBit BIBLE saBooL
Were the coloeful parade the 'address.; ' • h denionstration of the Suninier
' 7t The deferred hearing is due o
music of •the Lucknow Band hive received summonses to appear
Highlights of the, day's activities, in • Police Court on Tuesday, August
es of. the Grand Lodge Secretary. WM. • • School be held in the Leek -
the fact that Magistrate. Walker is
•and_hia„..retarn--is• not--exPeeted---tiilk
roundup,. Was M
,r Included in the the public- are cordially invited'.
early .in 'Auguat.•
Mr. Splendid work has heen-.donn by
'Ttirvy, Betissels betel keeper, who both•'students and teachers, full 'par-
r .•
ticulars which will appear in next
week's Sentinel.' • '
We trust that your interest." the
boys And girls Of. Lucknol will . be
manifested by Your .presence it the
Demonstration Tuesday • evening and
that friends ' will advertise this
Christian program as widely as pos
neutnonia a I sr offering will be , ken.
that tune darted, across the car -lined Fitzgerald and George • SpOtton, .M.P.,
Street7pear:-.,the-,Town-HaliTte emelt the7-teutebill-gaint-hrWliteirLireigne*,
into the side of ii-mOving-car'deiten defeated--;-WhitecliOrchi-ainFthe
by, George Dane. Of Wroxeter. ' . monster dancesLin_the_evening.
•. A ,badly Scraped keen and •bOdy • • , Colorful Parade
•bruises were the ..- onlytimniediate , Assembling at the ,school grounds
signs of his injuries, but it was later at 1.30', o'clock, thirtY, Ldiatinetive was: picked up in the tillage with a
revealed!' that a. hone •11.1 Joe's knee ledges; including L. O. LI lodges.: ind eerload of iteer..He :was arrested and
placed in the local jail until bail Of
was cracked; and,P ,cast . was 'Placed LOT Tree Rhin lodges from Hun -
t a ' : ,
on the injured leg. The delver was and :Price Coalltiea, iained in !!0,00: was furnished by another
.absolved of any blame in the Oilskin. Paridee:Whleh liardheriagu‘ouilii 11?"uss'elAr' 1111-4"t ne: is .alls°' to
, •
, TRELEAVEN-In Goderich
jital, on Wednesday, $.7u1Y1th, to
r. and Mrs. R. L. Treleaverv--a son.
ALTON,L4i Wenghien
en Monday-, Ally 9th, to Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. E.. Alton, of A:shfielc1-a ditegh.'
ter. (Stillborn).
ioneer Kinloss
Mrs. Wm. Fraser Passes Away With-
in A Month' of Her Ninety -Secant!
Birthday -Suffered Fractured
Rally This ''Spring.
,Suifering a . fractured . early
„ • this . spring, Mrs Wrn Fraser.. :•ont
A recent despatch % from "Meaford
had the following ' to 'sat regarding
Lucknpvv Couple, who spent the
Dominion bay, holiday there:: •
"Mk. and Mrs. G li Smith, former
resident's :of.'Metiford, were the guests
of Finley ,overthe holiday
and week -end. MI* Smith was forin-,
eel), Miss McCullough, and both she
And her huabandare well knot.n here.
Mr . Smith' left. Meeford about thirty
years' ago andwhile here was in the
old Molson's bank, Ile---w-as a great
;lacrosse player; ivia a very "popular
man: Their :Many sfriends were glad,
" te see Mr. find Mrs. Smith' after a
long -absence"
IS . you4 sui3sckirm2sf,.DUE?.
The. Sentinel ' mail!ng , was •etir-
rected Up to Ft iday, JUL) 13tli; and
eubSeriliers.,3;vim have paid ihat Sub.-
• eeription dering, the Pest twe.:,
'.".three piontha, .sheuld, xaniine their
:label and see if the .ptOpee Credit has
been given ' •
• Newsnapersiin i•omniOn with Many
• 'business, •.•as ,well as individuals,.
and ' we eciedidlY adMit;Ilic, Sentinel
"is no exception, , fled if,diIcu1t at
, tiines meeting .ep,eceting expenses.
iiitteei Ofthe ti'etttitiel subscription
' iist shows there' Are A number of
!subscribers in arrears a year. or
more. We depend to e.boniderable.
extent upon revenue from thissource
and urge those in arrears to endea-
vor to remit at leatit., n portion OI
. .this nriitnint, at, the very first oppor-
• titnitY,` ,
• Realising the 'difficulty some ,nige
.; having in 'Meeting 'their .obligations,
,Lawhave.:-,refeitiriedoz,ntuch it'S:';p03d,..•
•'Sble itOift piessing, for payment: of
,needtintS,:hut. now, With. 'several long,
.,..-Overdue,, some satistaitOry settlement'
will have to be arranged or in a tew.
.Instnnpea tccount2 wlfl bo haiiaed
*do -
was. 'routed down the znain • street, •
,pear ,on this .date ire:underatand. : -
neeth, On 'Stauffer St, West on Gough"
St, back to HaveloCk St andthence'
to , Agricultural Park. A brief
pause was made en ratite, at lite
.Soldiers' , when the Oa
rendered: the sacred ''selection "The
Sande Of Time', and Mr Bert Weed
Mi behalf: of Lucknoit.Lodge, placed
i 4Arreath at the CenataPh.
The procession was headed' by the
i'iounty :Master, Wm. 'Adair ..and t
County Marshal, Peter Carter, the.
of ti:e very 'old and esteemed pioneer:- 'atter. u1ly attired to, .represent Week, when .• late :Friday evening, 'Ha -
lingered , On until Friday; vi4.1ea slit. King William,' and both mounted on, Mae Saunders, eldestdeughter of
passed away at the home* of he
daughter; Mrs. Tyndall RobipSeir'with.
wheel, she has .made her 'home. Arc.,
tante: months.
.Formerly 'Johann Munroe, .a. daiigh
er of the late Mr. ane Mrs, -Charlet.:
Munroe of West. Zonrii, Mrs: Fraser
was .Within a Mend). of ,:her ninety-
second. Veer:Sind has been a resident'
of: this community for .alootit sixty
fife years, coming to !Unless 'town.
ship:with.her husband' t� take up the
fainn ,.coneession sik; now owned
byl:Mr._and_Mie.:LRobinson• ,
The deetased Westhe mOthek of
eleven children; but not ,withstanding
*11 her, home ties,, always found. time
to assist ifl deserving activities in
To Young Girl
_ . .
Sixtee&Yreiir-Nd Daughter Of Mr.
and Mrs. George , Saunders Died
• Following Bi$ef 1lInes With
Sorrow entered another home and
nonimtinity in this. neighbothood,
her. tonneunity. Her home Wasnoted
es'.a Wade of neighborliness and
'kindness, and as On who,..delighted
iu ,scattering, sunshine and cheer, .her
Many yestre were full of jeY; ,and by
her kindly ACtions,lher 1i10 was deeply
enriched and blesSed.,
Pelioviing the cleatli7Of her ',hue -
bind. soine twelve years., age, Mrs.
Prager moved to Ltickno* where .she
resided for a• nunther of years. :
' The funeral service was 'heldat
the residence of Mr. and kis. Robin-
son on. Sunday ,afternoon, conducted.
F. Tucker, Interment.'wak
in Kinloss cemetery. During the. ser -
vi e, Misses Lenore and, Marie' Mac-
Donald tang 'sweetly" "pace to nice.
Shell / Ee*. The pallbeir,
era were 'six Of ...,her grandehildren7,
Stewart, .,lintold, Gordon and Alvin
Preseic, Howard and Charles Robin-
son, '
Mrs. Fraser is survived hy thrc
the old honie; Mt* $neleave of De-
troit, Mrs. Lockhart. , 411
Reiten; ' Man,. oh•it three soh8,...(06exgre
01 Itestefl'o Man., ani Alex and John
o .50iiibrik One broil*, ectorf.
o ale° •aU
white horses. ,Bert Ward, .. with.. the Mr. and Mrs: ;George :Ratinders, 'Corp;
Union Jack; And. itObhie Reis ;follow- eiiiitiOn• 9, Aidifield, 'PaSsed :avv.aY; fel-
. .
immediately on foot ahead, of the lowing a ••••six,clay. illness .with...rinee-•
Citizens' Rand, and . then in ears;
einie .several 'honored and long-time lia Mac was :sixteen,• years" .oid' this
tneinhers ,iit` the Order, including spring and her untiinelY death,' ,which
Wm.'. •Milier, Maier Reid,' ':Theni.es -removes ;a:. bright .young life; leaves
Henry, John •JOYlit Pfid T:"SteWart Of her...parents;.:Piree younger sisters
Then followed the.nutnee", and two brothers ; griefatricken,'us lodgeswith ., • ,
bannets, flying and .;Although .not ,feelingwell on •Sat-,
Mani,: gaily .attired. •, Orday.:eiening; lia Mai made little
..Passing ,through • ;thestreet 'lined More than. Mention of the ,fact, , but
With ,iletiple,. the parade reached, the en, Sunday, .when " seized with an
park, .Where a crowd and cars,' Acute. pain, Medicalaid was ..at • Mine
hilitOp to gateway. rice§ determined. In .spite of the heat
• The. speakers' platform, gaily den-, ,0,7•ecire • during • the ,intervening few
)rated, w$, erected ••, beneath . the day's; nal. Mat:pet up. a losing 'fight
dpreeding/elin trees on the west side ezteciii.:FeidaY'e•Yeniiig about eleven
of the. park and afforded , Shade: for O'cloek,...Pecunibed to the. ravages 'Of
.fpaoy from the heat of a blistering the disease.
iin• that was moderated by .Since lticcesefulty completing her
Sant breeze.- . • ,- etitication h-er .hotee, ..'achOols twoPrize* AWIrded. ", ; 'yeers ige,. she has Since at
• Here the.'speaking.. took,place,at kiine. Fond of lifters and garilenin,
the conclusion of ". which the prizes she had spent Much of her time this
grand old man, who Was • Seated. On
were:awarded.. WM. Millet; LucknoW:s she tiro:
the' speaker's Olean* was awarded kV, that 'stiei,e • readily disposed ,Of to
the prise as the oldest, Orangeman- hi hied.'nferChan(s: . •,,GODERI6R RACE ' MEET
the .parade.' Ira ninrek but As a Meniber of the Sunday school
Would hate, , he hadbeen allowed the Y. P3. and• V. M. S. 44 1401
to. •Mr. • Miller; who is almost ninety- chtir4otl.a Mac •ivilt. he !uoudi, tojosod'
fent age,has been au 1,4! the* organizations. The filitetcti
Orangeman for 11 'Veers', and in, "all iterViCa WAS Ceirdneted; on Monday
that time has inet .missed More. than afternoon at her parent's home, by
two or three celebrations. He was in R�v. Nitt.:4,J. pototi *1640A-fgt. con -
town before 'eight 'chick TlittridaY 'eettrie of lympathiiing friends. And
Morning, And 'enjOYed, OW entire itcti*
tollie full, Mr. MillerS0ered :Severe present. litterinent was in Greenhill
injuries in a fall this ,spring, • but cemetery.,
•made a • reniaricable recovery, and .teildes the bereaved parents there
treete....the „debtor*, _predietiOns;c•L•Wne, eure1,84",thitee',41aterti'4Xielet4,-reclik Atriew,iit4takewittr,:lk.*trieki
teeiing.fit.tor the. 1+61[0,1611a V.V'4,',eifth", and .tiotilei•anct tWo-hrothers, Gordon an+4be 2.24 stake with 17 entries.
.(Coii0Wed On Page 4) ' and TltwA: the. traelt IV holt* put ';ditst Cleat
condition - and tonne.- 'lag.- •iitelipfiiii"ti,
„ SOIttiatt GAMr1 Cecil and Jim gerd,eet! of Mee,. nd lookcd tor..''*eineieher. the date, Civic
1000;i -hit biatis'hitsoftball teants four neigbbors, EInaer Johnstnn,- 4011ditY;,./ktignst 6th, 1004:
will play In the. Caledonlan Park Oli: :CllfVord -. Kllpatrlek, Ciifford .i3icsk •: ': Dr 16
' .104,1*014
' 044,04.10,44.
. • ,64 f
Mr. ROL Webster and Mr. William
Mutch of Clinton'celebrated the 12th
in Lucknow on Thursday. It is 47
years since these, gentlemen first
played in •Lucknew• when at that time
Mr. M'uti. played the fife for Nile
lodge .and Mr. Webster the snare
drum for Lueknow lodge.
Mr. Match. had not been in 'Lack-
new,since and noticed nanny' improve-
ments in the village.In the interven-
'ing years they have played in many
different towns and in 14 successive
years have received eleven first prizes'
After supper on Thursday they Again
paired pp and renewed their, efforts
of the afternoon to entertain a large
crowd which gathered around.
Since Ed Barton of&Windsor l,eft
his connnUrtity -ter-that city a week
age last Sunday, .np word has been
received from bim and all efforts to
locate' his ,• whereabouts been been.
futile. Mr. Barton Was a ' visitor. at
the home and
•McQuillin the week
previous, and was member of: the
bathing •party that week -end when
RuthiVIeQuillin.,lost• her life; He re-
mained' here' during the 'Weelc,,
parting ,.the. following' Sunday , and
since then the prolonged silence has.
caused much,' 'alarut• to his ,friends
. The next. great' racing event of
the season ' Will be :the banner „race
meeting to be held at Gederieh on
Civic holiday, August 6th, .1934, with
the largest entry hat of geed heitei
ever brought ,together at one tinhe
at any race ineetini Canada. The card'
inetuides"'t' slake rairet for $509.00
each., These are, three...Teat-01cl . trot;
with 9 entries; three-yearr,old pace
with 23' entries; 'free=fOr411, .witlt 12
The pallbearers vee two eoughts
Best Quality
oltir PRICES
Get Our Price_Before_Beiying__
That person is wise who re-
cognizes the POSSIBILITY' of -
his eyes •being very different
from what he believee. He • ie
doubly wise it he allinbita to an
exiemination Ind learns • their
true icondetiou.: ,And wiser still ,
• :Alen he has his seeing „made 1,13
-L12-ikdewnelig raali1C3744--c1144,14111111.:4vi-hat-"-hintaiPedi7081;_bte:hlune:;.:Itifr-.
MSTR, ON.G'S •F44YOSikhi
INJunEp Rots .441e.
Bill Webster and •Sid WhithY, two:
-local young , men injured in a . bad
moto1. crash early. last ,Wednesday
mer mg are making •satisfactory
Progreas . according to their medical
Attendant .'...11101.h_440Yswauffered--fropr
,ginte serious _concession, ,wit
• 1811'
:probably- the more serious of the two
' Both:. patients were removed to their ,
.respective homes here, but the. latter
part Of the week„ with the concus-
sion not blearing up as . it should,
Bill 'Was removed to Whighain Misr& .
tal, wherespinal punct•ure was per.;
, . •
formed and fluid removed to relieve
brain pressare. Sid remains at 'his
home heee, and has tecOVerY is: more
Sumer School
OiOys .BrOlcar Caitlin. Latter , part.Of
Week.Suinniler *heel Followed
By -Girls'• Uinta.
Monday. the, .David Perrie Memorial.
banip at Kintail was a scene Of 'ac-
tivity,. as scores of young people
Within the4Synect--of-liainilten-and
London, gathered for the .fifth annual
Presbyterian •Summer 'selioel, .which
continues for a . Week and for the
purpose of developing devotional ' life '
and .providing leadership training;
combined. with wholesome recreatitili.
The Boys' • Can* concluded the let-
ter part of the .week. There 'were ,
ihotit seventy in attendance and a
profitable week was enjoyed, one of -
the 'highlights of the week being.a
four of industrial, plants in 'Ooderieh.•
The $nnuner School tvas impres-
sively 'opened ,on. Monday • evening. ,
With .ar forchful address by Rev. D.
D. McKay, of LOilden; Moderator Of
the !Synod. •Rev. C. 11,1Maebentild is
DO* Of the Scheel.; Itef John Pol-
lock, registrar; and ,Miss Nellie Mal- •
calm; canip inOther. s'•
On "Tuesday evening,
S. Presented an .interesting program
And on Wednesday , evening an•
prernOtti progprogramWAS given heel
hers' in .attendance. This evening..MISS
Williailison of Central „India, 18 its
speak( -Friday evening is 'atutiti nigTit
fiti4Satfilday eietTir-1011V1Zheol:'Will
he addreased„bY Angus
on..tti‘itough freiri
-Ainarig'iheSe lit -attendance freni
h'er inc1ude Jessie ltenderson„ .1sto,
kelt l'al!octt of Whiteciln,04;
444144,4 •