HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-06-28, Page 4-war Iran 1.110 -it Ito 0111411114111L Ilf.tiRMAIG:' E -29t114 .1914 4 ••••, • ILL :..:'SpEgpwAlr,:: *AD vary tire a guaranteed • brand new genuine Good- -2‘or modow,Irh SuPsetWIst_ tordit Why run into dan- gow With old tires when you: can get new sifiGoodyeart , for pi* little? Carefully *panted' for you without 41410*Okargi, t, I Size fl it 4.40 • , . 20 x 4.15 TELEPHONE' 146.W.. , 8.2 5.90 ac EPPWG.,.BELLS .ZEIOLER—OlitSON The- •marriage., of • Thelma°. M. (Billie), Gibson1. youngest daughter • .of t. and . Mr.. T H. Gibson, of to James Zeigler of Guelph . took lilace:in:Teronto On Tuesday; June; 19th, :1934; 4, The officiating clergyman Wae '•'the Rev. 114 W. Field of Parkdada United Church., Folloiving, a !hattrip to , Batik.; the ' happy ',:eotgile. will ' reside in ' PAYNTCOULT.ES ' A very pretty wedding was totem= num on-3,40110sk,°Junaltitli; at eleven u'clock in,-St.Alielens, the „Rev:, C. officiating, whad' Agnes Marguerite, only daughter -i and Mre. George F. Conitet,- East WaWanoili; .beeime the bride of John J. Gaunt' of Whitechurch, son ' of Mr. nd Mrs. Thomas Gaunt; of XinloaMW The 'bride: was prettily spiraled in -Imo ..aurlt :We chiffon eh" .wivet*ith and shoes FARING •• Mr.. and Mrs. John C. Stetherk•an'd family of London, spent Sunday ,With Mi." and Mrs.' lienty Ration. We are. glad, to `report . that Miss Dorothy Curran has recovered from her sericite illness and was able to 'attend 'Sunday schoel,. SqndaY. TomI•HenrY,was called home from ;aeanaiiigton Monday; slowing to the ritical•-illnesai of hisanothet, Mrs. Robert' Henry; who has been in fa,ii7 ..ng health for over .e :year. • - Mr;and Mrs Kenny i;empbeirizid we littledaughters of Detroit were /*tint relatives in - Lucknow and Ashfield this week -end..., At the recent graduation exercises. it 94een's University,„the_degree,_ of "-Dr- • Of Ped,eegue', w.,14;": 'e6nOlied eponMe.. Carmen' Stothers;:, Inspector of Pirblio schools .for Pieten County. We extend -.Congratulations. to ,Mr. Stothers who is a or er..Ma king . boy. , A nember_of tended the; picnic of tile ties of the 'Huron. Presbytery ,•at 411.lia4 a f -4siee,riclineysummer—telioolite bridssmgid urae,••11iiiit, 'Jessie 'Finlay-. 41ear Dunlop, -Saturday afternoon who wore a dress ol and 'reported a pleasant .outing. blue crepe with White hat and, sly* kr. and Mts. Richard Johnston and :,.isnd also carried * shower bouquet. fr. Thos. Anderson ' attended - 'the The greomerain was Mr. , Horatian Jounty Council -pienie. at Harbor .Conites; Ibrother Of the 'bride. , ••ark, Goflerich, Saturday. 'afternoon. : Following. the /ceremony the btidt. ' . end' groom left by' motor ,fot Bernie, j..e.Perilnli r • • Detroit and FinlOt Ohio, and othel• -ind Wife Honed Re ,-. ell pa,; -e -a .pointe: The bride travelling in liefa eW:ITPaibermon° ri etrhe preachedthfiel govin of Lido Blua crepe with grey accessories. . Sunda .The have r eceiveco' nany expressions of appreciation, On theft, return they: will reside at 3specially ,frena. the young folk With the groom's Whil s kerne in tecuirh c. .. , , when, they were 'very popular. Fri- ,CRONIN'FALCONER , leY evening atthe.clote of the meet- . „ —• : 'ink, Jim' Phillips, on behalf of the A pretty Wedding was soleinnized-galtekir. P. S. presented . Mr. ,Teven- ain Saturday, June 16, at t4e, home 'or 'With' a fountain ' pen and Mrs.. Of Mr. and Mrs. Elgin'.Wellwood id raienerwith a niece of Chine, Whili, tadedea. , afhe4., her sister, Norah, Miss Olive :Anderson ree(1' the, fol dataightet Of Mr. and Mrs. John. Fal, lowing address: . 1 • ° caner. of ,Whitechurch, became the Dear Mr,, and • Mrs.. Tavener, bride of Mr. Arthur. Cronin, son of !Since this is the last '.ineetinl the lite Mr. and MO. John Cronin (ear Young People's - Society at whim, of Mimi*. The bride was becomingly Y.ou will be With us in the capagit4 attired. in .white satin; trimmed with of _Or Patter and Patter's •bettet lace, and terried .bouquet of ;car- null,' we are filled with . regret be - nations and biby'srikeeth. Rev. A. ,:ausc,. of.' the-. ties 7Whier are ihoui V. .13entoin ' of the United church, '‘.0 be Severed, Ties by Which we havt OfliCiated. -After a Vallee lunelieon, Jeen closely bound tegether dutink; the happy couple Idt for White- ',he Ove years _of your pastorate here. chutch....whero they spent the week- ron have both been ap faithfrii ii end: with relatives, the bride tisivell-. ypurattendance that you hatrik in: inif, in a Slimmer suit of light blue :Vire(' es to do likewise. Then Youi ; ASsiistance on the program each week with het to match' And grey tildes and specessOrdes., e coninninity as been helpful and has been given CbeerfUlly, a fact which the erogran, join* extending hest Whites for a wag; happy !wedded Hee; .1•oirteners •have greatly appreciated: A service is twice rendered if ren- dered' cheerfully.' We 'wish to have you, take . with you some, titiflible- expiesiiion • of our appreciation ano of the,respeet and esteem in which we hold yen and so we ask' you to accept these gifts which will . remind you of Blake Y. P, S., when you are far from us. May God's richest blessing be with you and your:iv/ark in your new field. of service. The ,presentation was made by Jimfr Phillips on behalf of the Blake Y. P. • Mr,' and Mrs.: Tavener expressed their thneks for the gifts, the plea- sure they had experienced .in the neetino with theyoung people, and their, regret at parting with them:, , • The 4Ashfield Garden Parer), was * decided success.' The .ply "Wild 3inger" presented by Benmiller young folk, was well received by the 'audience.' It is an 4excentionallY 'good play, and the acting weld de &edit to professionals. WHITECHIJRCI S key. john Pollock spent few ,•• . days in ,Oshawa last Week. °'Annie lecCarel of Sank Ste, Male and bet daughter:. Hiu &thy Me0001,; inedieef 'taisaienary. • of° who is ;home, on furlough, spent hist week visiting the" ferment' hate Wirt, Menial. John,. and Devid' Ken- nedy and other .relatives. • rs Mao.. Thee,: Hendernin,reade 'a tot. inoinit trip to Fergus lett Wednesday. (anite a number from here attend- ed the anniVerinitY '•taingticie en , Sunday. .• and ,:Mra. thintin Kennedy tsR tiali'vredeon the excursion tithe *eat, where he *AO' visit his brothers Bute!' !eitt teitinel• the of , in W$nniiiet and British Colunibla. rialt of freaLienderii.-- • • ' Mist Christie inglit ''of • Toronto, They are bit' !il-C'n't 01c/tt , Bort: •Irg§, they're. big and they're Ji Y.illtintAtt .P0iii, bre, v o44 Wit *100 $..!:* Ii4cutun Vink' ' HELENS Mr; Callnrif.ametrop.;:of Detreit is visitor ,Withha brother, Mr, '4°h" and Mrs. Cameron. . Mr. and Mrs.: George! Welker Ind Mr. and Mrs. Sr., of -East W *v411911111 Were recent guests o Mr. and, Mrs; W. 3. Humphrey.- Mn. .Chall,'Diirnin Sr., is a visitor with her daughter, Mist Harry MC" Ailleter• Elint*ale. ' Little Miss Helen Blue of. Detroit, is spending the vacation with, and : Mrs. 4. D.'•;etudertion. - • • 'Mae Poetac'llie 'guest speaker for the Women's Inetite* delighted a lerge 'aindience. With her address here 9,11"' TlinradeF afternoon.' Her main subject was "Economic Possibilities within our reach"; but she also 'enrolee briefly on "Eating for Healih". and "Good Dtestinitt • Mitts Pletty was • accoinpsed.edby_liiss_Balkeldland_ Mau. , Gordan Bissett of: ' Godericli The letter, who is District President, spoke briefly. St. Augustine isidies were ' gnestsand mask:Ihlt y • Mi, Scholtz and Mrs. ' 'Snowden, and:- by Mrs,Scholtz end ,Idra; TharnpsOn wu enjOyed., Miss GfetsWeIth eentriL u it, 1Atine g_so o. At the coneirt.;, Bion 111116 Was srved and *:soclsI hour. enjoyed. . The annual. airden Petty under , this. 'auspices of ,, the United .chtarck, will he held in -Miller's Orchard, 7' on Friday; July 6th. Supper served from . The Beigraie Dramatic • Club whielt has in*Iwith, great -success in the presentation. of their PlaY, "Ad ventures- of Grandpa" Will previd the .program. Keep the date in•niind Thteecar e felt ot i,ounit .0001 attended the picnic • Of the ' Xcessi. People's Sopletiii• Of Huron Presby terY *their new clamp near,Goderich :With. :only one more • night :,uviti the ; contest f Clete', there was. a goo attendance at the Meeting Of the Y P. S. On. Sunday evening,, when ' fdt Stanley Todd's Ode hid charge.: Mr Earle Dnimin. laid in prayer and Mir" Greta Webb' lave -a •bible .'.charstete "Jonah".,' Mletlee Helen ,•and itehel and .': Mr. :Gordon ' tang, and Liurina..Miller 'contributed 'a, • plainci 'solo. , • Meesre-ifiagir_,Xetherford,-.4neeew. Gaunt 'and.' made . business trip. te GnelPh.,On liondaY.° ••• Mr. and 'Mr*, Foi Gaunt, attended • • the 'Lyon fortlY at the home •Mra!'..j, Goderkt township. On their !return they were accompanied by sMre, Lion '.and Mist Tda. Lion of Letetteboro, Mr..and °.Win. nailing:. and Mrs. Dailint ,, of Monetima Mi, andMrt ' of Ste—it-ford were recenCileiters with Mr. • and • ° Mr. r MeiCenala Virebb' het, had I a well drilled (hi. past. week` .Mr. Davidson of Wingham. good' . ', • supply of !way ..a,as reached at a depth ' oi.,;1,W1pat. The • outfit Moved ,fnegirthere . to the United to .Sumeagir Scheel site near Gaderich. ' The July !peeing of the Woinees nettiete be held- at the home , Mrs. Gimp *Rebate, July 5th. 'toll 'veil Hintron 'canning". •Subject 'Canning Yrult. and :Vegetablpi'' .ir barge of °Sips Mary; Murray. Hest- 2sses-0.1Ill;"' George' `Sitiart, ."31iffe 'Murray, Wt.° john Cameron. , I tior-Yrtoork Mr. 144.401. Newman of Winghtun Ind Mr. ;lack Fleming Of TeeSWate. pent the week -end with Miss S. -, -7- "- • - •Miss B. Cassidy has tecuree )ositiOn St. • Joseph's hospital ondon. . Mr. Ernest Ackert 'time ..eTni,lY !pent Saturday at the Firt insuranee Picnic at GoderiCh. We wish to extend our cortgrato latiene to Mies Gwendolyn Ackert Or Whining the Senior . clip for Sport: this: gropy4ifip_Brantford. Thiff, 13 the iixtli/ehallpienship of, GWen ell of Palmerston wa,. the guest at Miss S.' Purvis. mei. Ackert' entertained al lideso party* on •Thursday 11 !ion�r 9f Elwood.Elliott and -jack AekrtJ About -` sixteen guests,wert The, next meeting Of the it W. 1. will lie hem it the home of .Mrs Cramp at PISA • Horse. MemberE tqf the change of hostess. !And, Mrs. Will Wall. Mrs. 1,Arir 11 ,14 odgniand 'lainee Hodgins. Duncan !Campbell of Bina Monte ament ,Thursday 4letl1nt: James Baker's. , ' Mr. and Mrii: Albert Thompson and 'Eddie spent Sunday with Mo. Gust ,kineatdine,' , , - Mr., Mor of 'Sash, is Vitsiting.nt, . , l'1%t‘ r"; is!11.01°Ottta's'o'ri" Mrs. John ..Tannieson called at The's, itartia,. stati44 • • •' , THE.. . . LUCM4OW REATTINEL, Published every. Thurildar fflarning, ow, - 00tsirlb. D . , MicKen ProPaetor Caninbell TlaorePaon—.PUblisher THIJRSBAY,,, Jp141B, 28th, .1934 ZION " A. fisi have started haying. AlfaP fa and tweet glover ert3.4n lull bloom but timothy is just nicely shot, out and the majority are holding back evidently boping for inin which 'would cense', the timothy • tO:•,.ettetteh'° some- what. - Hai: 'willbe a light..croi it hest and some 'figure thatitwill provide a little more feed if: allowed ,to minim a'.1ittie before cutting. A light rain fell Tuesday morning, scarcely enough to belp the hay crop very much • but -every' shower is Wel= coine:-. however held it may be. , Bride -Elect ;,Thinored Mils, Evelyn -Reid whose 'Marriage is to: take place alertly, was ...the guest of honerat the home of Mies Hernia Anderson, .on Friday after- noon, when ‘the Iadiei of thin'eore- mein :atai o e .aramonn, . W. b. United in presenting her with. *..miticellineoue 'shower: Mr. and 'pea: Saunders, -9th ten., Mi. and. Mrs: Will kegs,. toich, alth, Visited with, Mt, and Mrs. Ernest Gardner ;on Sunday. Mita 'Ruth Evans Of. Clinton spent • _ the week -end with Zion friends: , Rev, ..campbell• Tavener • delivered his farewell sermon on Sunda* even- ing in Zion Church, to an. apprecia- tive congregation, • ° Oe.Monday evening at the meeting Of ..the-lu-k. S.,' lift,. ane, Mrs.. Tavener. Wndeile'aZdraedente e ri swith y. silver 474 a, feelinelY,replied. :They leftl on ,Wed- nsdaY for fliardniele, kant Preeri. accompanied- by -the --best wisheir of thr: Ashfield .: ;circuit. , Mrs:. i,Brnefit,,. Gardner. and ',Mist Myrtle Ritchie. *Red their • aunt,Mrs. Robt.. Henry,. of Belfast' on MondayUri: HenrY...._ht4' been .a-oufferei for soniejiirat•lrom , hakeinia• 'diseased condition of °the bloodand-disease has reiehecl,:a critleatic Stage, htele: hope being enter taihee.lor her, recovery. Her san Tene;41ie'ilattiplayed-in 'oe.Bank-:of Montreal ' arrived home -ten Monday.,. .• • •• • - Mr Sid Gardner of .1!s$ Albert, wi*:•horne (era:the-week-en& and Thomas :Banitnt* lifultnuna-",',Creig•- of Donnybrook and Mrs David Dow of :Toronto • ens -on Many AitenCTioniefen Tea • Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Reid : enter- tained nhout, 'seventy of their, :friends to * "trousseau 'tea" . 'en :Tuesday afternake;:.and •evening, in 'honer' Of the ' approaching Marriage :of their 'diegbeer; ,Evelyn. •The..' guests ,Were, freceived in the'5itek4t.itein' by 'Mist Eielyn,'t the. 'room, behg arranged; with :pink peonies , and rotes: Pink 'and ,white • streamers were . fastened: -itheve ..the •° table and attached to' the. terners.' the ° wedding, cake'centred. the table. The trousseau , and gifts „ • Were displayed by Mist OliVe Far- rier, At the guests.lingered to chat, "they. were Served.* :dainty, lunch. ;Of •Sattadtviches and :cake by • mime Nor- ma : Anderson and •FferY1' Gardner. .Tee Was peered by,Meat. itiohL Phil- lips, *unfitted:by Med. W. It. Farrier. Zion regained the leadership in the 4Oftbalk 'greaP When they defeated . ,Belfast On Wednesday.. angnt.' by ..1679score.: it was nteugh game for lieliaitt to lose as it 'dislodged them, from tat position.:,'' Aktie . Hackett Oitehing • for Belfast; twirled a geed ame, but was not given as 044 sup- port as his :opponent, Jack Ritchie,. wbo pitched his best game .Of the iestitOn. • Zion still has two postponed ames with Biekes to play to tent - pieta the sCheiltile. 'Standing,' Of 'the emits, to date. Played Wen inei• Zion Belfast Dungannon .. Slakes .750 .667 ,3 .500 .000 • RETURNING • ciii,TtELilt , _ • Henry Kerr, 'West Witiganasif far- oier,, pleaded not: guilty before Mag- istrate Reid, On Wednesday, to a charge of stealing chattels fatM; the property of Chas. McPhee. McPhee had, foreclosed a mortgage on 'Xirr's property, and Kerr,, it is 'alleged, took' the chattels •belleving that they were not coveted by the Mortgage. Most of the chattelti valued at about $80;"' have been returnee. A quantity Of; wood valued at $20 and a litter. carrier, • the remaining properties. are to • be returned within a week; Kerr offered to McPhee $20. for the. Wood, but•••*se.,teld ,bY • the Crown attorney to do his bargaining thrtr' his eounhel. The came, was adiourtiee ,etil • next • Wednetday.- Ooderich w • W -11 JOHNSTON, • Of :Ezeter,,`A Native Of Ashfield and Anther of the' Fonewhaii Poen' CHB 'OLD °MAPLE TREE •, " IN • THE VALLEY (This; old -tree- stood - on the Mafe- king sideroad between lets 6 and 7, .n concession 8, township of Ashfield, divan Counti. It was cut devvii the oast winter). file 914 linaPle-tree in the .v.alle A kingly ofd 'tree was: he, , in confident grace he ruled in his place, With quiet sint ea ntzly. And now that he'sgone, we mourn his sad fate, • .2., L'his •dearest of old, maple trees; Who calmly; surveyed his fertile . domain ' is he waves his bold arms ' in the breeze. - • NS `...7\--•••-"NC\--N..." ceu eatre WINGHAW . .P01%, startfittv 1 Thursday, Friday, Raturday _JUNE 28f2E-30 Robert Young and Leila Hymn Saturday'slf.1.1111007 Picture of the Flinitbail Field lso RAO). spv,ta ygg, DOS WELL sxsiERs a Two Reel Sketch and PDX NEWS ' .• • decades we've :known this lordly old tree, •ft rested beneath his-'fino 'shade, Ire Measured his bole, ,admired his great height, • • .oft round his foot we belie. • played. . „ , low many are gone of the .'children who played •• in the vale round: the old maple tree 4ut those WbO. remain 'Odell the 'Old , days :Vhen, •We were so happy and. free.' Are ,remnnilieied of .desik! Th�long ago, hfb'' TheAlIens Me . :dyrifint:sysi:7..,, and ,the: Are gote, !oat winter's Qnoids • ' Trtayteits-• are; gone:. a Crossier' are• °.teattered atvaY • The-Tacisobetties..-toO;,have .left:theold - Men's 'Ii-es.01;ina.WaY • iil‘te.a day. Of the 'jOhnstons., then. still. are a few ' .• • : Who lovethe old friends Of a trah. In the fair:a:Way land.theyLliope,4:, The 'i.•oelndi-ws'ectiii: friendship of youth Row '• soon we piss, On° like the Oh' Maple Tree. .And we are forgotten for aye May the ones .Who succeed_d_o_a_intiCh_ Setter work Thin We did in • mir little day..2.' W 11 Johstoi, Xi -tete -4, Ont ----May, . ,1934: pitpkoN .3eiGtho comp!TitioN - • .• At the eighth , annual Livestock Judging Competition in Seafotth on Friday, in the senior classes, Alfred Patterson was first .in heavy horse judging;'' Hansen Taylor, , first and John Patterson,. • second in sheep :judging and in the Junior ' classes, George., Allen *.ea first for swing CjuodnniPili ligttion:helt; seine afternoon- Ifi the • ilonsehold Science Judging in 'Seaforth, a Dungannon team coached .by Miss ,•Margaret Durnin, • . "carried...'off ninny honors. In the •sen- ior, classes, , Laurette ,Illecitire ;Won a silVer relish dish, : placing"; first in :the clothing , competition. In this onnietitiOn for Juniors, Eileen "Tre- leaven wen first, a silver.4natearoen- tray. In ,the .house furnishing coin - petition for, ,Junior, Ilit Maize .was first, , whining a" silver cream ,and sugar set and Catherine Reid iteeend wont a $1.00 algid. •_ . As a result Of the standing Obtain- ed; Laurette MeChireis one of the four girls to ,represent the County at the C. N. E. Ripley and Ditrict The W. M. S. M St. Andrew's 'Unit - 'ed Church are holding a stte:toheliy tidal on the dutch lawn • on Wednes,:. dei afternoon. • . Miei • Marion .' Mobontild , cop. 12, IS 'speeding, a few W�eks With, Mrs. Kempton. . • Clarks' United Church intend held-. ing their annual garden Ott's?' on Friday evening. • • • . ,•The Jraussean tea given etv• the barn°, of Mrs, Vieo:. Pollack on Bit- iirde), in "htintie of her daughter,. Verna, .Whese marriage takes Ace this...intinth; ,Was largely attended. • Mts. Joseph Colling I5‘41titing wlth her daughter, Mr. (1tOV„)`.0tirieti5, lyleTevish of Pert 'Hopei Who te'CentlY undetWeet.e throat OPetatiOtt at he l4OChWOod..'°°011tileTeriniti1,. The decoration ' •ervlee. 0. F. o.ieft heldI 'h Gordon. Scott, • f n c arge, • Last week Mr. Bennett, the Priine Minister, announced e', Program of '13tiblie Works t� the eitent•Of1.40..600,- 000. This in itself' is not sostartling at the declaration that this will be *paid' fa'. meney.',issued. by, the ' • 'Dominion Government without . inter- cst against the generalattetnot the people: The liank, and file; of the coun- try will Warmly endorse his policy.. Let. ns remember that this in inflation -Pure and simple; T: - have been advocating it for the . , two -Or three' iettrs: We will he in- terestad to see jiist ow ..it • works . , . out It was gratifying :to see so •timityl • of the young Men Out Thursday night .to -hear Mr. Hannam's address "My visit to Denmark". A verrinteresting-----, ipeaker, he, gave a 'very yiylci__Avoird- picture of his •stay with the Panes, a trip' made possible through Winning • Carnegie-seholarshiP. • Is the effiee of Lieutenant-GoVer.-L • or of Ontario to be abolished? Mr: Hepburn . has pledged iii.nielf that. ' ,11 unnecessary pomp, and splendour ill be dispensedwith during his • , • , erin of 'office. His notion Will • com- , . I nend °itself to many. As long as. we ave thousands with .17i0Ine • `pticei.4- goveriniene relief " ed thousands who . are 'working,. liv- 'eg ''heipv the • poverty line, we pan -ell do Without fie,ine ofour costly • frills. '..BouNDARY.,WEST .A !amber: Of ladies , from this :tennienity.: attended iniseellineous noWer given; it: the, home. Of •Mrs.. , 'red Anderson ' in honor , of Mist ALl elyuteld,„._whose•-mairatiage-takes • ate: the letter end Of this week.' The bride -to --,e was. the recipient, of many lieautiful and useful articles. MiSa Myrtle jhonipOon, spent. Sun- day with Mist., Grace Webiten. • • , . We , cengtatulate Mist 'DoirothY Irwzn and :Mitt • Isabel and, Miss' Margifret., Nicholson on, their. success • in beingprOMoted On their year'S. Work in,'Iitieknow SehOOL „ , The many friends i , Mrs:Robt Button are Very phrry to hear, of her illness and hOpe • like May . have , .• Speedy ,recovery. • ' • . r Mr I Walter Thompson Spent (lei,' 'with Mr, inCttra,,William statt,, , ley.- • ":. • Mr and -:Mrs, Howard Thompson Kinlongh, *visited ' With 'Me: and Mrs., Dan NiChelsOn.' Art: Did you heat; *bat Mee West said to ' J� e Brewn When. ';ahe met Win on the street?• " Charlotte: NO, What? • Ail: Hello, Joe. • Mt, Dave TaYlor etennieted the now cottage 110 was building '00 Bruce, Beach •fer,...1llii, 1VInnresce, The Work on • Olt ' cottage, twO-ntOroy hIgh, and totnishod withmanyern ,eoriVenienceti3Ovitt clone. to leSS than twenty. .1rAriet • V.