HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-06-28, Page 2et, •••••..; a•• .44.14444411.141. ••••7';' .4444444.44444 4 • Canida The: Erni)ir'er and I .0 V9,110- at .1.far,ge.- adds that the: highly recommended • habiefi.geVeretY al- one.."ls. righlY• productiveOoeffi!' •'CANA g*PANDgp. Had we been told 15 )eats,agiithat len we WelitO send our wbeat • :production CFA/grant140 '"O • neeedlye,' htiTi.,Maey.0 the .141preYeinettt,P.we • hayd, made inethe flIeantirn)we would cilritifteti;• We' are ti?•414' f(04,' , , r 000,00/ .Ati.a4!,gi In the Prairie •Prov Inces.tbday,, • We., have ,2500,00,9 • )eople,7-,e'•.Lethbridge 'lierald:".: • , . : • '• • on.heielayra'end•.Sendayki When no •• daily" papers are publishel --.13e7allock-ef• lalpe- rumerst, take wing ' fly' hither • endthither .untilr •the • newspapers the neict. day kill tbein hr.,rofuting, or „..merely ' by Ignoring there:: • The, newspapers are the great . eradicators of galiet storiee,-;eMoncton. "Tanserint,: ' • " • ',I` ;WHY DDSS 011.F1*•.110lkiES::. • `*.e.' heard 'a discussion ari:te why clOgs. blirYchellea in the grOtinst One '• 'man was emit/1014g about the • its' of his deg and also of hie:neigh,• bor's. He saM it interfered with h1: , gardening, for: the ,thig' talWeY,s Wanted: to pick on the Wrong, spot.' ' _ streak Of the contrary In. his dog. Why anaidn't.' leeat his , hone • when he • get it -instead Or: talti4g: it oft' :and burying it, .only to: return in, •aettlOy . or se t dig, it out. • One of the ether Men who has had Wide • experience •with.. degs;.: of 'vari- ous , kinds ; said: -the •dog buried', the bone lir order to •.seaSda It. He ex- t .,pletried 'Abet- :seine .-Peaple, 'preferred to let fowi Iianggfer,:a whilebefore andalso,tha.t. beet vas much ' 'better for eating after' it :had, been illotied, "to '!-stenel;'..for ,a number .of t'7•OaYs :after', killing.' •,- The dog has the :tette :Sort .of`..'a • , taste with° hie bones. Putt' them 'uncler the • ground ' se*tifer.,„will get , . a; Certain 'taste of WhIch.' the dog ' Is 'fend. . dog is very,' hunt. •-ngry ,he will bury a • bone „before., eat- lng It :and :the reason is .he tilde • hie. , ' banes seasoned. ---Stretford Beaeon... 4141adigatmenta •..iater." ,-,.. Kitchener . • .Xtp,99r.4 ' • •' ' • .: ,._._ 11Y4,11,4 PP; .17H.. FARMS, ' " We* rates t iilIeVe' been. .41111Onlieed` for . tHydro gerViees tuf'tbe Coauttt Theaft 'clt '4144i0t9it'40. 'Yatlifeat :the Olnolint, ,necessary Ati.gq,ttbelall h4aellte from Ify4re lnstallatlon. It Is 't Omitted that ,the use a ,010triqiiy In the COutit, toward mak n'g.' 1,4M life' more, com,:: ?N . coun- ty diatria,..ta 4..-,seolitrititited...laVelY .fortable. linforttieateli?manii, horn,: ens, were preyeetedfrom taking ad- - 'vantageof, electrical•aerylces ,because ' they• t't,!earetit that the farm 'inenfile, . • would not meet' the.a.d.difitin41.011tiaY, ' TIie. riew. rates` are intended te.4neet „this situation. If the Hydre, service can thus be exterided;. to many Mere; uses • it: will be greatly to the advan- tage 07.t,• the whale country7--Wellatiti ' 7.1.A.1;el rM'%B.y.14, 17 ABUSE OF motoristsllP flinNSS.ttlehholni Wilt, net .he peemitted .te., use their ..)toratt...Wh'eti: crossing‘atreec intersec- tions. The native explanation is riven . th at • theregulation is - designed • to .. , ., APPRECIATION.' It , Is well , to knoWthat there.Is Yet:•.,leat t .one.,.4nie in plihlie".afialia : who hitean .appreciation :of thepress. 'FhIs Is Lord Londondeiry, Secretary 6vernmen Speaking of the 13rtiSh.,preselle ."We find.. the "tprees: men fair and: • ; sparing : in '' their, -...„critieleM an generiingYin Oor, 'This • Is. regarding .llie press In ;the light ...itl.deeervet to be..,regarded.7-Letil- ' bridge' Herald. •."1. • TREES. Det",ngs4R-r; The e*yrjeg.,41.ist..'stOrpi, tliit have sWept.'oyer .the -the Noifh 4ineriCan.,Ccintinent :require" the 'sere:, .inie attention :Of Canada and the •d. States. The Dakotas, ...ilattitohit-•apd. Saskatchewan .it'7-th-dje` •. do hotetioti start . a piegrarke•.of tree. . . „ . •• 'senible at' desert, att Sahara,, 'Infertile • and,: arid .ther. Is 'being taken. froin,.'the ;s6iL. '.. When. crop -rotation .it ,'Ignored, When ' green,. fields and green wOodt:' peatr,. watersheds are ...lost. When ...W,Oterehedit are iest;.: POWee , and :slts- , „tenanee, the "veryl.f egsentiali 0! lIfe •• [title • are lost also.---Yaneetiver V*1.0:•NO•.OHL...0.RINE TEST•. • ' Some :.of 'these days' the -Sintk to Which -methods 0! water pirrifiettien' •;are 'of .`real intereet, in 'spite.* of. ,the. feet .that it has at One • of • the greatest. natural sources of, Water . , :supply in the werld,. may deeide. to•,, .investigate: the smethikl of eternizing" the Water.. by •ciZonriation: '• This, me- thod, Which Is use in several large. .1;Etirepeincitiee.such as Paris, Nancy, %Mee and so On, a tidal Of 100 haying ' plants' iestallece,.. le also now ,being used- In 'seine English 'communities. Telt, eald• :to be eqUallY eftleacious,$•: ...the killing et germieseith the: ehlorin'a. , tithe Prodesa.eeSetilt Star.. , , STOP.-XT-tireifit-WDS-, Every , little while, •stiMe advocate ariges.• to suggest • a law,. :making it , compulsory for ,all motet yehleleg to ceiniete, a dead Stop potpie eitoki,eing tittwtty,tt tracks. Motor buses now .tioltintaellY'contnly With SUCha rein,. • latiOn; • but the general. publid seem . to think ;they aresate' in their own,.. ears than' they are lebusegeefoe What' .reason we the rial.know, for beties are' usuafly centtelled by the most expert- eneed'Ariversi-Chatham • SOOTS SU* OUR a.fkcoN,' ,Tn spite' Of. a striking: 'decrease In • the totai inlitorte; Of .baccin Into . land In the: first qeartei. of the year, ahlenienta (rein Canada retreat tellarge increase over .the`. eerreseeedIng Per, led of 19331, Purchases 'trete, ben ;nark • eild..the,,Netheriantis were redineed Iti octet- ease by• shoot ttio per telt ,•• as •• tOrnpqred with the firtt. • quarter .61- 031 / On the ether heed, shifirnents front the, ',Dominion Inere4tel.elinest .4 • , , . •.dRANtiMO4.0i1.'S WAYBEST. It eXteeefirigly leterestille to read, , . that •Dr: knight Dithiste .tworeaaar of • phyaehologie. at ,rdhott Veraity, heartily * tate:epee:leen .of the eiederit let-tilinery it's geed for WM Method be. 1•06.1q114. .1)01)1(18; ,"WliOtt . baby CrI('fl 111grandinother's' ;Mark' tailt 111;,, '711111114M 4Thee, • thing.Wat lYrbiige.^.:atid" it was , the, ;anti way with the. Indians. After„ all the Indiang. , a .de'at it abed : , ,;;• .••• •custom of driving p,ellinell toward a, drassing „:Zuil of pedeetriang and 'seat- teringthem with a bait of' the horn has also Obtained In Swedish •inet- repolle.Kingaton Whig -Standard. . ' WHERE .IT WEN. • t •aye. 71. Plietkr$ for That " • • nmesi To out Jealousy Ne In Children EVENTHOUGH VgV,N.0,5.11gR4 ARE: • V.41FlY *Dtle10, IT'S NEVER T.40- 'PAR4Y TO 444114 CPW' /•„.RECTINGTHEM• • "NVIlat, shall 1 tin about iny ,t two aged three. atalliv'er writaa a, ;nether; • • '..:".Whey.' 440 to:. Iitat7r.0 t3; ttAttOth. about toys,.the younger Pile eft, ;-a b,tby took Teddy's tbinga,•aud...kept in .a..f.contant' roar, so. began' ,t9,;.4aYitwo, of evatylpilig. •.alwd,ys.' dregs theta "alike aiid they.get the., same fiieet $0 there won't& not ' be any lima, . „ WOO.' 149.Wifi and Oates. ,atal.- paps alike, •When't dlvide appes �r eeeklesIor ,candy I see 'that they are the, Kane; sie,or $' 043 them, an equal .Lnetriber, �f pieca'p,• Ithas saved me a. let et •worry,awl 1 was told itwaa: •O good • Te JOal'oUs Bret.her„ fiffiet KAY I have a Prehlemy Teddy . patella, it I•ttilte.jeckle OHY•Wilerfl witheut:•biW brother he carries OU dreadfulliiachie isn't that way7 He never pays any attention ;if I take :1<tiete .Den, fariniuP anotnriobile and motorboat enthasiapt, is Pi',own being', carried into . the courtroom, at Deuglas, tele W. Man, for -trial on manslaughter. charge. 14:4.1',ineehanie, Francis Taylor,. waS. killed and Don himself injured when their racing auto crashed during a trial spin. a: There is fend for thought In, the . 1 Pulitier',Prile:Vvinning editorial Which HO has 'Spent all his life, on the • , ., ..landD appeared inteAtlantic (Iowa) if Tem:Speech werecomplicated at- ay„p• „jF;.V, V," V . —re' 7 ' News -Telegraph, Under the: Caption; nil he would probably 'fall 16 'under- .• viinPercy'Obase bad.tthis to say: . ",It. English than any. Man -of ' my .aequain- FOr Ta:it'Ev.asiOn. "Where Is Our Money?” Editor ,Ed,...., stand , you, but he tilka. More! perfect Ls announced: that at 10 p.m. Wallana . tauce. ' "The Maids wished 'Me, to dig. Randolph liearst,.,a Weillinown pub- the bed,,a little, higher this way?! "It' lisher, will broadcast an .aCldrese, On : is the valley springs that feed the tIllt lubje0.,•*ifich filiDeare• as the cap-. river." "I'll put it ..ln the shed where tion' oA:this article' .:, . . Where is our i Can „lay zny :hands on it any.. tinie:',°.: 61•611eY?, ,The answer is • not .. diffibillt: :After, telling . him, which•bitOf hitel, • . We spent it."'-halifai. ClireMicle, to trench ...or "double dig," AS ille'• ' ' . -VERY 'LIKELY. :'••• :says, .r .went . to London .s.nd 'heard a clerk, going to the siMe, plate, say to his neighbor about some itxtinct. thing: •"It's .1 • abselittely mon • est." Doubtless he is a hit or a scholar in• his way; but the. old laborer Would. have said •'"The place o! , it . i„P ...na- A %United ' Statesprofeeser on, hu-: • • ' • • . • :mantes . says .that by a process of • Selecting. mates . all women In one ,• ; • — hundred years Could be...More attrac- tive. :The chances ' are; . though, that selections will proceed on the Same more seen,!!, or esed ;seine .•similar old• basis with eyeryene, wondering •_ "'Sa•x611 idi°111 P.resPrving' r6r: 118 tilt Whak;iartoUs-busbeedsand wives ..today.t:the English' that once .was. ever --saw- -In -each other -Brantford-' • • ' Are the habits of thought' the es7 Expositer, • • ' 'I ?sent's.' wisdom•-ef-tite rer,7-T9Tit muticALLy.t LAy.; • ail like their speech, I wonder?'• :Haw- , „ .-The-gra*fiPhollit began tuT-Nvrite-the ever that may be; .there • Is nettling: death warrant 'of -the-pianci,bnidtlesS• ' like the .vernacular, •eVeti. the:Ugh:11 The rad16 .sigeed. and sealed it., It be. a comparatively late`,.yerpaeular, Is •Iiter not*-eaeier'-10.-..listen.,.: than 10 "-..i.ionticktr-SpectatOr. • t, • - ' -- .play. :i'danneil „Dottie has made the •' present generatiaii mirsicalty, St. Themes Timet -journal, Soviet Wants More " • WOrrienin.Inclutr'y eakor : Ciivo;Equal • • • c)Ppoitturiitxwith Men- FORGOTTEN fv!p% For Ynotny. weeks, now . the British farther .. has been on .•tee: front pa e of •the ,newsPapersibet...the men who de his work -the agricultural labor- erseeare; eaten:often:in thepast al- inost , forgotten. The ,, farm' worker" differs from 'other Working „men in that his .trade eatoes are • weak; he: doet net •ceMe under the finemploy ment ;insurance scheme, • :and his.. wages are. shockingly. leiv. Wages' leasthan the "dole" .paid„ 'to the emeleyed industrial . worker have not been unknown. And even these hate Mininluitia are net always enforced., The:, present : Gotier.a.ment .`has 'admit.] ted "that. 'some. ,painaers :have; evaded the aarnent ci•e^--i.vageet fixed••by the boards. Naturally Men who littie the.LoPPortUnity• leave the-lank..end.,1 is useless to talk of land 'reclamation Or : settlement until .,the • land' proni^ Ise's 16 'yielda• living wage. one form . or another farmers are reeely.e. ingfrWirt ":the present ...()averninent subsidies • amounting to 'about . soo,oss a' Year.. • The. 'repretentativei of the agelcUltUral .laborer should be istrengly-stitMertSd-in-ther'ffdetnanda, •fee . the Improvement of the •wages. board tostern. :With', the aid et: pub- quetitri, :40 trionoPolies,• the• ferniers• should be .able- to pay ,d,ecent wage. -Manchester Guardian, . ANOTHER WORRY FOR S.A., In addition to two langnageS,, two capitals; and two flags, South Africa' is now threatetieit, with two Oats 0! arms. The 'one atliiretent in use heads an orepgetree laden with or - altos. to represent: the Oraiige, Free Stat. But recent 'research suggests that tate, Is a mistake, _due tot the alightly .exuberant .,fancy 'of an ' .ar- tigOof many years ago, not. possess. ed of that -"oppressive sense Of re- br • whieh , some vain people .are burdened" who•on Itis•own. tnttiative tin,t-ottituted, the• fruitful or:: -tinge gree, for the.wIki olive tree • that figured in 'the Originalchat of ,arnie Of the Old Pree. state, The ques- tion that: Is agitating,' Bloemfontein at- Tresent is Whether the thilen should' -revere for Jter-eerte ..ef .,arins. to the afiedent trustworthy Synlbel, Or, With. 9. tobliiiie tediffereeed t'o" heraldry • ;Thitlallest.-The ituagartan ilevern- and gentitnetit Stake, 'she:4th'. le, iileete. Merit has baritied a .Mickey ' %tittle, lag ttio.gs lie arid, go' on . file filth after ;the ltatlnn legatintr: had orittio that has helped .tti Mike the, iniade rePreSetittitlens tattle:ging 'that bnti; rich Stal.„ ot• the .nertortnei,s in"011 Vellide° Argtei.:• . • retroitioliyed (letrral DOVelier Of • t 1.61r6T611,11ANt Oe.thiaLfT s4,..r. 'Twn tio,w..s.miw4,11),6i6,sto, 4,"...a.,:t.ti'st it 'hag ti P4'!! flil!,4Y t h o'atieerrirothlIWrietion.'toilitifig opt fa talk daily with an :agricitliftral that the Mtn had been tdiown In eete laborer or ,f,ho nhri lyne, • 'lie IS •oral 'other 'etilintries wtihoat,Atterree,• aotrt look:4 j0.• ire itruu• gr,Farscholar, „ A...dedree . designed ge.• ifiereate 'the number ot Wanton. Workipg. i Rus - Sian mines and .Worhshops has . Just been Iteued. hi the :Soviet Coverer '.•The'pecte*•provides..for therapid advaneeirient0! women to :poaitienst of regptinsibility: in indlhotry,,*and .to prepare the , for thelr rutty e wink larger ;lumbers.. of vionen. ire to, be taken.Anto the technical .ithealt. .Thit serves; to enicliasize , the . viet Government's ' to Stainp. out ;an, :segregation , Of the sexes • in:political or eetie- Ity, ,Yet at the -same thoe 'there Is Perhaps 'Oct Deleeennient In the -World Willa it gO ,e0itettenaler-theiwellare of ..wOmen.• . ..• ' ' • ' There; are free nurseries, Itiridergar-t. tens, and,. eliniee., Nyhen. a ...woman 'worker or the' wife of a Worker, in, expecting a. baby: she geedto, free' :cliniCs.'wliere she 18 examinedperiodi catty1f she 15 einpliered hti heavy Anthistrr. she Ja .giken. 'fear 'Months': leave 'Nati; ,fialpay. If her .Weric • it; .ef a fighter nature the eerled' of leave - may ,.a little. less: .mether, or: her husband, is an insilred wetter,. ehe recei-ves a complete outfit. ter the. Chihli.. and is allowed in bitY,apeelal mllk tit torninal. prieile. • •• . •each Soviet" city, and; to an In". tree:Ong eitent In the Villagee, there: are birth .6alitrOVelinica. t. Some of the • Work •done by Resalari women startling to Vtiestere, Euro- peans. Vet' Instance,' itedergreund. gyatein is being: cOnstrueted in 'Mere -00w4. but there hi a Shortage ',Of labor. The .Cominunist, Partr. appealed for Worker's and many reline "Wonten.; doninittelsts reepended.„ lithidreds ef Plese tonng `Atriettons, May be 'teen Working with .a pick aid shetiel. ' ,WOrileil. deo drive. lottonintivt4i and are •tiii•nlair&t An the tied , Air Porce, ., t, • . it • *z. PI1ick:7y Morke Ban Causes Protest • • • • jenny -Dolly, - Dancer, Mulcted ......$756;888 , . . . Rig Auc- tioned .FOr$1O5,86. .parl.s..-Jenny . Dolly, hi ernational famiiiis;:dancer; has been filed '1),47.0,- 495• .francs,.. ($758.,588) ,for .4e.rading,,the Itixari.taX...on a diamond ring.. • The ring In quettien waS. edrecently for 1,00.000 frairce (about $165,856),. a 'fraction' at .its reel Luxury on the ring would' have keen soO,oed. frattea Miss Dolly was hailed before ' the Correctioeal Coert• •hr the .1.eternal \Reventle Department. • Her gems , were .fainnirt...-7.'.Vre-rill.g- "*.iitelirtireleght ghe ,eriteiciug dOWII ot the; Court viee bought at ..Stienes in 1928 and • was valued at ,.1,000,0110 franc's, •• ($264,0.40). It was sced, with -the 'understanding that . :was for exportation”auel was, -thereiere, from tax. . .• Sent to •London. However, the Internal Rev,erue De- partment asserted that , Miss . Doily wcire the ring for three or four rneeths theitiiiere. • Then; It, Was said,- a , Paris. je,weller• sent it .to 11.'re'S sad- drego7-.-in: tendon.. • • e 1 1 II v es r traegY ••••• Planes Built In Secret' Put All Ready for ATM: tation COuferer, ce, , London -Britain ill•tfet only Wild! tog flow slid sogrOt typos of efrPlan4 but OS is evolving goolyleiglY sir -war strategy., • • . ' *6es ,the 1)iserfiullnent C.niderairea has 0.11411Y,.,tiellapsed, tht British Osivekorpelk, it is nndertteod realcelt etl'ePose for aft air ' conference. ' ` • • t • Veliewing .1‘111.• Baldwil))5.asatiretlof to the Tftalsa c6inimiha t.htit..ateKt: •Ware being taken., to strengthen thd RsiYal fo4icip, the "Sunday g3F:t Prqso'- is tifeciese I he me.; mentous changes that are ,f.ttalt01 'tbefrshesfea.o't4sh.lnii": are governed *14 , , . ' ft is AniCossible to ••prevent °aLt raiders -from reaching: this eount:ry. It is pessihel-..--.granted, a !sufficient* Air foree-to 'prevent the tscape , • :invaders and to carry .out reprisala hi their territory, - The Speed and range of mocieri aircraft render -timely, warning Of approach impossible. They typist b( fought with the , weapons of • , con. - centration and" sUrprise. 1 1 • "The :other 'day' -a-friend came. in "ahenrdbtotght , d'jc.otitC4kowgioi..od itc7 watastliaat' beautiful little..plaid'sraglart and • .he ioolced adorable in It 'I Was so glad. to get .it. because I could not afford new. coats for theni this spring. But Teddy needed one and l' had seen an•:.adNiortisement of bargatete I hid- coat and went demi to get the other so there weuteing be any trouble. • • . • , "1 loOked, eVerywhere, bat there we ,no Plaid raglatis o,r eny coat that: looked the le,ast, bit itite Jackie:a. Se I 'deeded, to get "eci?t, fer11Tedily- and. took it home.': ' 'Envjeus and Angry • ,to give chi,ldren, thingi wont quarrel?'!, '; I,' ' . •'.- .. "Bet when TeddY saWiltilksebsroo.gth.,:hveere..nya .squeezed into it. • _ Thew It Was Jack., `1 Wott'(..vvear. 'than Old thing," be teti me? And why does the book siiii . Our answer is that the etivice ' ' peat he,tore.'off his own and ran but. cletet knew what_ to, do Will ' you You take it right. off ' • ie turn to roar, ‘That'l my , ceaL Oraata0, other .eciat,.will`yon _take it?' fast to tri him. ,And he. said, •Yes', and he , "Later I sai'd,. If .1 "give you :the' • Pi- hod to put 'hoth coatialay. ..I. in hooka on children at similar -. foys 'ie.,' enact ••;:feir: a-be:fain Periiid .61 - time, that is, when •babies. are too yoong to. understand., it . saves the tempers 'of older brothers and • sitters 'mid a •nicither's • nerves, • Elia the.- dontineance ' of . such a ou iis .• Sailli.Alie dianliinti-lleeut-ilI34. -11f .1 that brothers and sisters are entitled teirgrIretht`inge- card, . !rho --other - ha i E..- -at . I.:ay:flee will:lead to the very trouble Children have to !earn quite early you are haying. ., . .. - times to ' :favors' they, May not and 'vice v,ersa. 1 ' was to he Presented: by the perso.ns, , . ." Stubborness :iDeferse We detect a .streak of jealousy- in. ,Teddy; however. Jackie's stubborn .ness ig a defense 'returned .from It very • likely: . ' . • ' :in case' of a' .sh'Uw.'doWe, .filastrated by the 'coats, tbe thing 'to do Is to ie firm, If Teddy Makes another sceiie when the coati) are .pro.duceci, spa him., Then Put the blue' ceit en hi :and Say, "Now 'wear It ' Not mu talking -just plain busiriese and 'teasing. But front nov-. on y should he indifferent to equai,ciivisi or„like -posSesStotiS, Dispense fat as You 'think hest, andelake the oth like it. They will' never leern YOU er or •older, either. claiming it, as .a- guaraetee V Idea- tity: '• „ .. It was .elaimed, and returned even- tually to France. When the judge' asked her why. she Sent the ring to Engfaitt and breught" lit back .Miss Dotty ' aid :9he did not Icriow; that. her secretary , had coethieted the transactions. • '-• Miss Dolly auctioned her 'jewels re- cently. ler about a' fifth of their real worth, to replenish her-forture and in preparation, for rotarn to the' stage, perhaps text winter. . .1c,e.,,t•fiT,,,e,,esybesociodmptolayjewelsi4e4,7h%kiceotroiit. -4.000,000 francs ,($264,1140) tor' them -what one ring Was really wt:Irth." A June Evening • . , • ; . . The sun sings to rest; ••seftly and .SIOwly-twilight falls. The tt air. ,warm and atilt,' fragrant 'with --the... perfume of 'summer flowers. • , Hew beautiful it Mad be m your borne now, in the white house that stands hidden behind high; ola trees,. in the 'park' with its wide lavin In 'your rooin the windows, ali stand oPen. And you sit at your eititing• table; looking at a little, pktute, be - •fore Which stands, ie bowl of red Somewhere a dock 1 tieks .-the quid soundS fall like silver .diopa in the stillness, :Then the lima' strike'(, pOnderous and slow. It ‘ia now quite .darkonly far on the horikon'a'bright light still shinekt. Then you take your violin.-- and play my favorite, b11d' • 4 Picked Park Flower , , Gets Day Sentence zjleinps"Wad, 'day • in jail was the sentence imposed on Irraeceg New York\inutie0 eorottly actress, for ,plirckin a tiny floWer in ;Tones'. Beach' 8tate, Park: Wae ;In bigger than my IitLle finger nail," said the actrees in 'deg- cribing the flowery 1116de/it, • elieri after being forced eq aeceille Toby Poliee officers by car to ebutt, clad only in a wet hatiiing4ui4 Mite ..re flied feelings. tv,..r.a, as. atiagea' soineWliat" whoa the itiassis- . triite.Strelierided gentenee. • tea most be that of position,: ' tratiori, plug surprihe-with:' the em- :plinsis on surprise, ", 2 • ' , 4 And strategic' beteg for the 'ante flanking of aitt., invaders are being • h prepir'ed. Seaplanes will play i great Tart in the scheme for cutting oft' enemy air tm Civilians' .,Safety Nho.SSfety of civilians -if andli :a • Word is tperinissible in conditions • of modern Warfare-inus1 ',reel with the evil authorities. • Per the IL A. IP,' and l'theT!Air istrsr . will be folly occupied. . Thar cannot andertake the protetlIon of private individuals. : •• • te' The Government is first of all.seek- big -a new type Of fighting. airplane. Aircraft manufacturing. hilts: have been asked by, the Air . Min!stry to enter ,a competition to evolkc a .new type of .day and. night :fighter. • In nearly every aircraft',. factory Tarticinatiag. there is t( Secret Ilan - gar, closely guarded, where the en- trY''for- thejeorppetitien. is being at- semhled..• ' . 'Some of the Machines entered • for the competition' will remain . secrets,• .for triOy? months.. '• New Machines however, here are some details, ot 'one -of IhriiiiteliineSi..It lea *es!land' •flAhting machine. It ,has been depeilb- ' ed US one of the most uriorthodex end interesting fighting • Machine's eez„%i 'built. g, ,• • ; This is. because the engine is at . the. hack of the pilot -but the .1 ye - pellet. is in front. This., .has never been ..clepe3mairp. Its purpose -is to glee the;.pilat... er visibility.• . The results „cittbia clay .and night lighter competition will almost eier- tainly. put the top. speed of British fighting airplanes , in the region'. of .300 • '• • - • Civil aviation is to receive inare . Government aid' in the future. Re- cently a •society Was , founded"' to teech. aviation to the: man in . th , I , • To ElectOnly-: Younger -Me People of .Oklahoma To , To Take- Reveni•;. On. "0. id7 Schulter, . Oltia.-LAftei• the •'4f election; any candidate more than -t years eld Is eeieg to he out of hi in thle town. PriVed tOxF4IENT, 0 Waists E. THING FOR ' st;Es. 11 To 43 A ecision to refuse Opliort Buell candidates „wall. tna.de at, •ei:ma meeting attended by, three•tifthe the town's 500 vetere. , Public officials especially Iegislr era, Were criticized freely fen taili r to relieve a situation 'udde corpor"U etiong etre nable to ebte cempensation hieurrieee'lot mploy More than 40 yeara old ' ' • "thla :reatrtetioh On .eopieetisall irisiran,ed 'sinifily preepers1 thee ,MO that; :40' years. old froin geItieg ;Ijob ealit a Seeketiniair. 'The eieeters•had observed, he ta that theist teediclatet: we."re eyer th . totoi0 to elve' eine ihni-,•eitiielfdatea foe oar o a do,te the sante tbei has ..114(41.." lea Led their( by tiler to tl ifff, hee.to the entielitlent,''' he ad4e,t1. , f"Oettl:.;AlliM-Y /MATS:MAL' " I arty it:6 per ',ivent.;,::0( theappileairte ,Whe 'wished to loth the In the last y,ea, 'were ikt 100 IV 111 that they 'worn net ev•kn. giV00 .4- • bliCK. KNOCK'S 1611 FC;Ob' • . n tit hero round' soar wutd d•fole, eggs last yea). batched lheuu One IfUtO duetting' eat*, mit 6f its • then' and made ler a brook; 'Note WheneVer If watita fond It .eomes. to the Ititetidn'll. and..taps sOtti its hill," rrong:et° nhootx80(1, MI18 • .••••••• I , • j` 1.•