HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-06-28, Page 1"oho*:
• o •
FOR it.,4N.T.;.-grosa
„4914Y• te Ma* Ne'Qiieea IL 6 •
• LuclteoW•
• WANTED: -.-A competent roan to
• -collect tangs, in arrears. :- Information'
-• *an ho recAved" et My offiee.. •
'•• • .4kOlOwi
• FOR. SALE -Registered Holstein
•,C0W,0, years Old; just freshened,:
large, splendid, ini*er, easy to milk,
pkieed to Sell. Rartieulara at Sentinel
• Office ' • •
COTTAGE ;,for Sale or Rent at pt.,
,Vive..reeeas furnished, :large
LA-:•••• . 11Prcli,acreeoedt-AteesoWeLAPPIY-
to •Mrs. A. M. Spence 83 Alexander
• pt.', Oshawa Ont
; lambs or other .atock to Toronto arc
-reasonable:" Lambs:, 60C 'each. Apply
to Harvey . -Ackert, Lucknow, Phone
29W • ' • •
• :POE .SALE, pp„
resaleaue-on-Rose- ern-een•-•
veniences, in good repair, •good barn
On property, 'possession. about July
1st. Apply. to W. J. 'Todd! LucknoW.
• (26,--6-P.) '
our Watchmakers class and be inde-
pendent with a good trade.. W, atch=,
makers -always_ in_denuind„...Sumnier
• class of • select Pupils now forming..
Rush: inquiry ,for fuJi particulars to-
DOMWA• sysTgm, 32514e: Yonge
Toronto, Ont., -
properties withhouse and barn on
each, just north east ,of . 'C. N. R.;
:depot! :Acre of ground n each pre-:
• pertY. Buildings . in good • repair,
;abundant :Water supply. Properties
must besold as -the owner is leaving
for • England. -Mrs. Jaines J. Ross,
'Prop. , For particulars, .apply. to
Well. Henderson • Auctioneer.
Our very :best. -quality: Guarantee
free from disease.Line bred • from
Our. veil :best hens., We wiil deliver
..thein to your home. Rocks $8.. per
*1 In kits of 500 or, over $1. per bun-
tdred;leas. 1 -latches off every. Monday
and. Thursday. .
Walter Bose, Brussels, ,Ont.
There will be -offered for ale by
Public, Auction on Friday, July 6th,
, 1934! • at the hour of ‘1. Crelbck in the
afternoon, at the .office' of E. S..1-leth-
ex-Wigton, ,Liicknow, Ont., one dredg-
• ing outfit with necessary scows, _etc.,
Which said die-dirtiaTifot • in . working
orderTbuthas a quelli itr-of good
•' «planking • and parts and ',Material
which are useful in .repairing ; other
. .machines, which machine is at pie-
•. sent ,:fttiate. on Bleck "A" in the 1st
1,concession south of. the Durham Road
The .said •machine is•;sold; for arrears
of stOrage, lot the instance of H. IL
-.Taylor and said 'dredge is the. pro-
perty of • Messrs. Fournie, who reside
. • at Sombre, Ont... For further particn-A
apply •
•, R. S. Hetberington;•Wingliam. Cont.;
-" • Well.: Henderson, Auctioneer.
12TH oF' JuLly
Details, are nearing completiori for
Psed Away Monday
the •celebrating ' of the Itb, JellY Within .A ;Mouth • r 92. 0.•.(11
in Lueknow. At2C 'Birthdjr Only Boilridving Member
;this telebratleil•*aa-l'eld')1"* •One Of Ashfield'
intiriliers • Of Luchno* L• 0.14.
hinds on this occasion are leaving 'Pioneer" Families Passel -4114Y on
• .
.notbigil.'' undone to Malta the day a Monday.. - a' ' ' - ' •
. . . . .
huge , success..., Many *ledges from : • t ,, -!---- , -
Huron and Bruceare expected . to • • !:,A1Int-• Lizzie!' Weheter ,hi deed
joinin the '. "walk" here rola if the 'and this community., tnourn,s the pass-
-,..ethermazi-W: kind Menster-gath-• •inr, f o
b loved old lady ' Had
oring is predicted. Flaw to , be in !Wed until. July 20th, She would have
knowon Thuraday, JulY 12th. attained her ninety-secend birthday.Luc„
• • In ber passing 1. removed the lost
: A .new lot of Wanton's and Girls, surviving Member Of, the ',family ,of
Wash . Dreasee.. Special at11.99' each :ttbe'late'Mr. ainI3Mrs. Daniel! Webster
; . THE MARKET STORE one • of the • original pioneer htlIevulg a clubhoilse. Platform con-
ti1,1 ted the. 'green. „
of Ashfield. It Wait., in • 1854'that,
Daniel .and...1ktber7 Webster estab-.
,of that time, ;on the tarni. now ;owned.
by Kwart. Taylor. 'That • was :three
,years after.Eli Stauffer;' the .original
• • . •
.pathfinder had Made his way to this
:spot._ ;.•
Webster,. had previous . to 1854,
explored this .district,, bought :bp
four !hundred icres., of ,:gdiminmerit
land, cleared 'four and a 'half ,itcres.
of it; and . built a' log house, • before
bringing his wife and ten. Childred
time a
Order in :the.11Wasonic Hall .31,.Thutalz log
gwits 'theevi: .(..;histothat
tsrme.. _At .
means of crossing •hOUr,,, when, the first, Anglican: service,
day 'evening, :. when J. C. MeNah, Nine mile ; River,' on the 'Gravel ,waii held in .Luchnoir.-
Mernber" of Old Light' Lodge :mood. subSequently mt. .•Webster In a sacred .and ithpr6s6i,v.61 service
the.Rt. Rev!' Charles A. Seeger; D:D!,
Bishop of the , pineen. of
,Huron, conferred the sacrament 'of
, Until...about Sixty years eget there
Was .little iriaprovement in the meth-
•-...-•-eds-of sugar .makers; but since that
tune the • advance has kept pace with
that of other brinchei of agriculture
uritil it has become a more or:less hi-
ghly 'organized conunercial ;iridustry.
'--..Brockville "Recorder -Times, .
Death of YOungotOi,
inquest disefesed Clemetitia
Domingo de Allende, aged .,fonr,' of,
tu.. leave Town, South: Afriea„ died from,
EtePticaethia,'EesUlting from a_ splinter
In a big toe
• 'A,bretherot tbe child, said,his sis
ter , ctiniw to him :and comPlained . of
hivii.ing a splinter in. bet tight toe- 14
railed if Out with, tweezers and found
iIt to be an inch long and fairly thick.,
The 'WOund bled b. lot and he applied
lodine ,Pfis mother, also bore:Cie
Powder. on the tpe. His, sittet.liniped
little, ,afterWardS and then' died
inuldeply. . the ,distriet. iorkeicif •in.ft
ost mortenr exatitination. found • Et
-.wall Splinter. wood still,. embedded
in•Ah,e, skin of the toe
., . acity--Divinity-Divinity---in -mankind in
.I.• R. McNab, S. S, Old •Light Lodge, school at Hackettstownuntil f iv ' '
, a e ceremony constitutes the, ,blessing or , t
Lacicnow, father_ of, the candidate -
• •
yvais later when a' ,log school . and the Bishop, who by his position -re whom there Shouldbe a reflection
• _
' ..
and. whose: honor it was , to prepare chrirch was, built at Mom Throughout presents the Church, and is the in- of the perfection of: °°d' He Pointed
i , been. a ,e, u r uc ion o can i_a into the
out how Jovewasthe essence of the
the candidate for, the . degree; Thomas her life she had •f ithf 1 t 'od t• ' f the d'd ta
P •• / member of the Methodist and more communicant's life nt: self-denial and Masonicphilosophy,and ho th
w , . e
'Richards S. D Acicia Lodge Lon-
A. very ' ' successful el4elire' and
Izeid_,ke„Was' held- at the :bone of 304,
It,'INV,•• 40Yilt„. on: .Mnndi4' afternoon,
1114er the auspices. O"f•.' the . Lady
BO*1:erici Guests Weie 'present . Vein
Wlegham,„., Teeitwater-•:ard 'Ripley,
•:6144,COU'' ',fables , Of ladies ; eni3Oyed- the
ei# playing, with the tables arrang,
eetOti the spacious verandah, grily
7data,rated, with flags . and a profusion
ofellowers. A dainty lunch followed.
isfo, Will Douglas won the bridge
POO and, Hrs. Charles sSteward the
en 'Irr orize The afternoon was as
We financially remunerative and the
Lady Bowlers. were able to proceed
Old Light Candidate
SilgerwOod MisOnie Degree Teem
Raises •Member of Their Or.ganiza
thin to Third Degree in Minainr
By Impressive- Ceremony in 01
Light Ledge on 'Thursday •
• An • unique , and impressive ;Ore!
mony Was Witnessed :by a large at-
tendance Of members of tbs.. XakePlF
The Bread
or ile4itiac:'• The Brea'
of I•1044.h- .
'''...W.A.4.rir AND'•;SEOUE, OUR 'M .. :
'...-Satii,iii.ay peO,141i-,,' ,t. •
ii-g.i.',4 tiOLT,..as. - • CHELSEA BUNS
" ,I;),407rittliNciJAiitS.E,s ,,•
. . .
Phone 36 •
. .
Sunday Services
Conclude Jubilee
onducts Confirmation
alias of Eight Confirmed In St.
Peter's Church on Saturday Evening
Pitting it was that on this their
tion 'e held t Parish I
_ iy.n,servi ein S . Peter's church • •
on -.Saturday evening, should , cam,- •
St. Peter's Parish was honored on
meinOrate an event. of-. sixty years
ago to the day and Practically to the Send" to. have as the • guest. speaker
• • • at the morning. service, the Rt. Bev.
C. A. Seeger; Bishop of the Diocese
of }Wrack In the evening, Rey. 3. H.
Geoghegan took the !service Which
'brought to a close a happy , anniver-
sary occasion that fittingly. marked:
Mesons Attend Morning Worship In
'Anglican : China; - Addreased. By
• kt, Rev. C. A. Seager -Rev. 3. H.
Geoghegan ;Addresses ' Evening
Congregation To ' Conclude An
Annivdreary Occasion Long To
jul)llee Anniversary, the Confirma- -"BS semiemlhered( In. St. Peter's
A. F. and A..11/1:, and "13aby Manager"
of SilvtwoOds Dairies' Ltd,; WAS
raised. to the third -degree, by a
SilverWoed degOe teain; comprised,
'entirely of of this organ-
ization ?font different points in
Western •-Ontario..
With Eoy McGee, W.M. .; the
. -team was --ushered
underbrushed. a road to Belfast . and
Was One foremost tinder;
taking. the construction of a log
a class, of . eight sixty years .of service Wide first an.
bridge .acreas, this stream •• '.1 " confirmation upon
'Mr. and Mrs.: Webster, with their candidates, Whieb, included five girls, Anglican group gathered for NVer".
three children came to Canada: from GladYs PenroseA Winnle Thomson, ship in Lucheoir.. The serviees' were.
marked-by-ronsing-addresSeS full .
nee' . at the time Of the MaeKenzie Ruth: Parker, and three boys, Prank .spiritual uplift} and .eneoUragetn.ent
t 'I •"
-Rebellion atid'following-this4 itPrising Met)uillintgana McQUillin"and-Ooria' and was an occasionthat will not
- - '
in and introduced -.by *nail's., W,n1in 1839 the Webster family made
'Moir and W. JDavison, with -VT -FET 'their home at Norval, where' Eliza -
Storey, •• Past . Master of Winde9r beth. was yborn. They later moved to
Ledge, :personally, introducing :the doiton county:. before corning to
• . , • „ • , - •
members of his team who included Ashfield. Miss Webster's father died
in 1883 and ..her mpther seine ten
Leslie Gray, 1. G. •. Of Terriple Lodge,*
stfinson. • '
- In
, • o
.:addressing ithe Confirmation
Class ,and the congregation, Rev:
Seeger chose as his text, Luke '22)1.9;
"and He took bread and gave thanks,
ad, brake it, and gave unto them,
• Soon be • forgotten by, those vv,ho
filiareirin the joys of this an/jiver-
:Members. of "Old Light Lodge, A.F.
and A.M.'andvisiting members frem,
district lodges, numbering about one
earn, .later. • 'Aunt Lizzie'" only int1ije...4•168.,isor •atterided; the ,.morning ser-
King 41:Ani9rf Lodge, Thanieiiiird;•
WM. Goldsmith,: • J. tY., Corinthian
'Lodge! London; R. L. Sheppard,
St. John's' tOdge•^ London; •Istorman
.in . renlent. 'Me where they listened attentively
luriiving , sister -,-,-Mary Ann, Mrs: iiven!*•for you: this do
of the Craft deliver a forceful'
eager, o prominent ineni.:
David• Anderson, - died in November •brance .of Me". Confirmation; proCeeds to Bishop B
last year, as she neared. her . 94th the Holy Communion, the Speaker ber , ,
birthday. 1..•
, address
pointed. Out and stressed the import- ' ,
Bieben Seeker stressed the cap-
- , ,
ell, .1. W., Victoria : Lodge, Toronto; __.,Miss_StrAiktertfirstiliternieti ' t ' 1. ' h' ' . .
a og ant re ations ip between the two. The
don. Lorne' Weaver, Lynden ,.„. „ _ relationshiPs of this fraternity were
ecentl- United Church. unselfishness in following the exani- ,
• 'Lodge Lynden; and Neil Olde, W.M., Fo about two Years and a half ple of Jesuei . so close, ,that members are as brothT
qrs.' Their work of benevolence is a
of Dufferin, Lodge Melbourne Atlas Webster bei been confined to There are great discrepancies be-
• t this PPint. the Lucknew officers.
,her home and a goed deal. of .the tween thoSeeonfirmed and those who
,i,ime to her bed. Heweyer ' it: has "Main faithful to the • coinmuni-'
'3eell' only ,thepast five 'weeks, dUZ,.. cant's life, Rev.: Seager pointed out, has the Privelege • Of, defeating the
ielr a Period' of rapidly failing' health but Which is not so marked ., as it selfishness , and: egotism in a world
that her condition WOE‘ 'regarded. as formerly was. 'It . is ' a fact," he where for .thepast twenty Years,
Set-ion:a, Kindness and hospitality said • "that- there _ls,a' merited *lick, Carnage and unrest has . been every -
as marked the. life of this revered ening of sacramental life." ".More 'where prevalent. , In . spite Of this un-
•ild, ;lady!, a virtue instilled • in her people Are going :to .communion than rest, the Bishop ' pointed Out ,God is
childhood' in her parent's home which during the ,past. 1009years in: the still, breathing. Order out, of: chaos;.
was 'oPen. at all times to all comers. Church ' of England". „ in accordance, with the Divine intr.-
1.1ntit the last ,she' delighted in the , Confirmation, the . Ilisliep • Made pose. '
FolloWing the 'death' of hers. parents LContinued on Page,5)'. is' lofty, the sPeie-i., ,Continued it
token of this love and fellowship. 'In
, .
•vacated 'their chairs to the degree this' spirit of, fellowship the Craft
!feam, who conducted the ceremony
in a manner that later merited many
compliments from those witnessing'
the spectacle. W. T. Storey acted ' ai.
Worshipful Master, and his charges
were delivered exceptionally , well.
• Fie was assisted in his ,work. by Neil
Olde and T. J. Salkeld; the latter a
Past Master of Old Light. The work
of the candidate was: perfect and the
concensus of opinion was that the
•degree was presented in a •fashion
that "is rarely witnessed outside. tif
,large city lodges : The ' .presentatiori
'hi Storey to the Candidate, of
ta, :"velume. of the :Sacred' Le*". -7-a
411-4asonie. Bible, beautifully bound in
„(COritintied;on f'age„5)
al A seven year olo Clyde, weigning
tit.o.•,) was, disposed of hilt, week . by
McKenzie; The., bored Which
Vis said •tio: be probably the best evo
shipped ,from here Was Stabled. at
14r..''MacKenzie's barn for about. ter'
"Pays:. Ile was sold to AinerliCai
buyer for .show 'PorpoSes, and :left
a here by truck for Tillsoribtlig, wheri
t he' will be leaded on the Michigan-
r`i' Central Railway, .with West Virgin,
'lie 010 destination: TVs SPlendit
'beast win; raised near Mitchell ant",
• „ •
lisired by a horse now owned br San
• . Matent an of ttervii! • •
visits of her many.friends. clear; is not a conventional rule tole Although the idealism �fMasonry
. • ,
o. •wohoter mode her hcom.a ,with posses no redemptive power; n.o
Net sister suouni und ,hrothei Tom BAND is• piiEpAsiNo forgiveness �f sins. For this We mina
In theresidenee miw owned 'by hones: FOR WATERLOO FESTIVAL look to God through Mir 'churches:
'Cul:heft. . "Feitirteen
reasing solos were sung by Miss
• moved to her. present 'residence. :With the Waterloo Musical Festi- Myra. MacDonald of • Lueknow ' and
, •
''Aunt Lizzie'stt home has :been the val leing 'held next ••• SeturdaY; • at Mr' Jack Beav." Winglian"
•:rime of her brokher.Richrirdis family which the Luchnew CitizeitiS' Band In the evening the •Rector, Rey• .
• tince his death eighteen years, ago Will' compete, practises are heing 4. H. Geoghegan conduct• ed the eihs.
Ind' since Miss 1-lazel Wetister was held every hrht ,this week by the ing ,ServiCes of the ,Anniversari,
an infant, her annt has • Cared lier local hand, The 'Band nmenihers be!' ch°81ng f°11 his subject "The New
I Life" „with .the text being 2 Cor. 5:11
ber as a mother. Besides Miss Hazel .tween Piactloing .and , public
the bereaved. Members of this flintily engagements, have, been particularly
. .
:ire . Ada Webster, Gordon of busy during the past ten days. 4
Toronto and Attn. Arens .of Cleveland. week" ago Sunday they led tlie 1..0.
The funeral service ' 11 be 0•P+1 Parade to Greenhill cemeterst.
'Ida, this afterriden at herilate4resi- The following Tuesday they were
lonce,'conducted by Rey. ' S. T. Called out to lead the parade Of Lib -
Tucker, with W. G. Andrev4, Thont4S eral celebraters. Wednesday night
qmith,.fred Andersson; James Alton, they gave their regular weekly con- Positblc. to be in union with 'Christ Ithcoamrmkeudniibyy thpeiyonleeivredinoduubsttriheolursnlievsesS.
Robert Webster and Hugh McIntosh
-revised version-"Ifanyone • is in
union With Christ, he new being!
His Old life has passed ewer; a new
life has begun!"'The apeaker assert-
ed .this teit alone interprets the
Wlinlo philosophy of the . Christian
religioh and ;declared first,. it is im-
. •
• ,
. ,
ered In • annual fellowship' at the
.Last Wednesday afternoon a. good-
lyKintail representation from all sections
tor, Rev. Kenneth .. MacLean, of •
Following in historical address 'by,
the Rev. T. D. MoCiiliongh, of ,
cardine, ,which the persecution of ,
Our forefathers was graphieally and :
touchingly described, .especially in
relation to. the Conventicle ,
ion gatherings in :the . hidden glens....,
of: Scotland, and the heroic ;defence
,Of the Dutch . Protestants in Holland,
the Sacrament Of. the Lord's 'Supper .
was 'observed by those Who 'gathered !
under quite different:.cenditiOns,', the
beautiful Scenery of. lake and •shoret ••
and forest under 'a clearskY being
now :keenly: . eir!-io-fed;' .without the.
.fear of sudden :and deadly attack by
eneMY--dragoens, ,whielv•-•-filled.,the, y
minds of the Covenanters,..of,'„larme
days. . 'An able and 'appropriate :sm.-
mon, Was 'preached by Rey. *Dr. Mac-
Kenzie Of Montreal' Presbyterian
'College; and :•after- the Communion,
Moderator ...11,eLeari 'gave ,.Very
.‘40dreati,1 .0.•
r,A season: '.of informal.' and veil .
pleasant ' fellowship 'followed,. and
.everyone went...hOnie,' feeling : that a
Most profitable -afternoon had. been
James- Barkwel
At Advanced Age
• e
Hod Been A' Resident Of Ashfield.
• For Over Three Score Years -
Family Seven .Survives: ; • •
Having enjoyed good health until.:
:about a rnenthago, since , when .lits ,
health 'rapidly tailed due to the in-
firmities 'cif old age; . Mr. James
Bothwell ;passed awar. on Sunday. ,
his86thyear, at the home of his
'SO Oliver, with whoin he , has re-
sided Pri', the Ashfield Boundary at.,
the 15th sideroad. :. •
For over • sixty Years 'Mr. Baihtiell
has been a reaidentt•of Ashfield and
IA his comniiinity, although of a
qUiet, and •reserved disposition, was .
highly respected and nuielf :belPied, -
He Was born neat Port irPpe' and .
when in young manhood Caine with
his parents and brothers and sisters
to Athfield, Where they up
farming west ok, the village, One Of;
the twO farms they occupied being '
that flow `evoid, by Sr- Stanley
In 1881 Mr.,. Earkwell married Alice t
Andrew, a :dater orIsaac Andrew,
She.. having predeceased 'him about',
seventeen years ago. For a time
thy remained on the home farm and
theen lived in Kinloss for Etbout tWo
'years, Forty' years ago they moved
to the vicinity of Lticlialshy in which •
1 cert. Thuraday. .afternOtin nnti: even.-
ing ;they. played • .at' the ,. Anglican
• ` ,gtirden partySiinday afternoon:Were
iti kin tardirie. 'leading the 0. F.
;and net knoiv and secondly it is
iinPossible .to be in with Christ and
not phow •it. If salvation. is at elf; it IS both perSonal tinddefinite
is pallbearers. .'„'. ' • Bern to •the', union. were eight
children, :one de** dying' in '
infancy. There survives three &nigh..
patEttlEf for their'decoratiUn service •exPerience, of any kind is just terS, Harry' WhitEiny,, gra,
toui that evening headed the L. that: One, really pOriSeises4- McCiiaries and 'Mt*. George' brooks
0. L. 'parade to •Sont141 to rest borrowed. He likened' and loth' 'Serie! • Plaxmaii,;.:Gilbert;
tery, and this week Bandmaster Ray,. 'people's experiences With • that .of
.Worth, is devoting all attention •Pent AtithenS, when they attempt -
1 ....L41.. nightly praeOces final viatsat. :ad to display'. their ,Own beliefs, tvhielt•
• • p • :
1 ,
as ,.• :Tritettlient will be. Made in • the
Loeal 04i:dilated of the Stratford
,Norinal School Will be -interested to
' 'MOW that a ;picnic will be 'held nt
t Elgin on, Inik 2n4,,,at:„Ight4.,31
in, tnpedi ail gradtuites. will be re
. .
ben •
: .tipiohdict program. has been" tirt,,
ranged • to ceititivende' With' lunch lit
12.30 and 4111 Continue for the
balance of the day,. All attending
jfl b,rinf 'litach. bniii;etth,„ entitis toUta, t.„;,,,;. •
ATTEND .cnuittil stlivior
'pa- Sunday '' evening the'' donntY
'Orange- Church 'parade ;Was. held tb'
,out,..„si.,., , Where in tip
proPriate address ,w a ' given lit lidiA,
SI. L. Untonnn, An inbling • at the
lodge .totOm at tiu know 1.4.0: L. No,
428, the • parader tviti headed- by the,-
GitiSen4 Rand. There were about
. sixty Members ,iit ',attendance sat . the
service,but owing to the :distance,
many 'did' net •jOin:10.'the spar& oyer
family plot in ".'Greenhill cenietery,
brat a few rods, distant trem ,:the
• .
ite . the liVebpter Pioneer' boMe.
Trt4 Pioneer passed to ;,.)ier
rower .
• ..The number Of different errors
• Of, Vision is not large, _,,r1kit the
variety Of results of such (taffeta
• beyond computation. Scarcely
any two, 'persons -have identical
• results arttoire 'similitt-Otc,-
reetion, Tfint,!ndicateti the '
kOf anYinde believing that he 001
she Can 'ehOOSO dOrreethin..ot
lic property dited without* an.:
eittim fia on. t • '
••;:•AITS101G'S Eittilfh", 01:01.
ailed tr)r' the *aterloe 'contest, The ;so ,Often ended in failtire,-,snd
Band '.:isi.inotering to 'Waterloo and -tett out that when Paul aged his;
,the Secretary Would be Pleased to single cOnVersiOnstory a great rel,
hear froth hniono who dould too v,iyid Welt ylade likewise. ,When PeOple
their ear. or ''whOmight be attending iiietiy of their .oWn. exPerientee of
and ',Would -ha -Ye roem tor', additien0 Christ ti he* donceptitrii ',arises' in
ITAJOittttb4ii ttie 't6*1141i10;
Hendera, one Olivei, all of •
with the 'exception •d .,1VIrs: 'Whitney
o Detroit, live in the. coinintinity.
Twe ;liketbera; John of, Winnipeg and',
Sinn of Toronto and one sister; 4fis.:
George 'Neil of Battle Creek 1lich,
also survive.
Thc' finiptal service was • 'iota
yeaterdity at the residence' of on
tat d 6 d h Rerv, g
the hearts ot,Man: eon u te •••,y , •
Pege,6) ' Kettle of Ripley • Mid was largely ,
attended as a Marie Of trespect itt'
r ' cld
' " the venerable Old gentleman
„New' Resiery atia altWea fohi,
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litieldv on Friday, lune pgudi to tent.
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