HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-06-28, Page 1"oho*: -to •,. - •••• -too. • o • to , $2.00 FR YEAR IN ADVANCE; PAO QTHERvixsz , • FOR it.,4N.T.;.-grosa „4914Y• te Ma* Ne'Qiieea IL 6 • • LuclteoW• t • WANTED: -.-A competent roan to • -collect tangs, in arrears. :- Information' -• *an ho recAved" et My offiee.. • '•• • .4kOlOwi • FOR. SALE -Registered Holstein •,C0W,0, years Old; just freshened,: large, splendid, ini*er, easy to milk, pkieed to Sell. Rartieulara at Sentinel • Office ' • • COTTAGE ;,for Sale or Rent at pt., ,Vive..reeeas furnished, :large LA-:•••• . 11Prcli,acreeoedt-AteesoWeLAPPIY- • to •Mrs. A. M. Spence 83 Alexander • pt.', Oshawa Ont , , OUR TED,c,KING 'RATES ; lambs or other .atock to Toronto arc -reasonable:" Lambs:, 60C 'each. Apply to Harvey . -Ackert, Lucknow, Phone 29W • ' • • o • :POE .SALE, pp„ resaleaue-on-Rose- ern-een•-• veniences, in good repair, •good barn On property, 'possession. about July 1st. Apply. to W. J. 'Todd! LucknoW. • (26,--6-P.) ' • LEARN WATCHMAKING -7.1eioll our Watchmakers class and be inde- pendent with a good trade.. W, atch=, makers -always_ in_denuind„...Sumnier • class of • select Pupils now forming.. Rush: inquiry ,for fuJi particulars to- DOMWA• sysTgm, 32514e: Yonge Toronto, Ont., - .PROPERTIES : FOR .SALE -TWA properties withhouse and barn on each, just north east ,of . 'C. N. R.; i :depot! :Acre of ground n each pre-: • pertY. Buildings . in good • repair, ;abundant :Water supply. Properties must besold as -the owner is leaving for • England. -Mrs. Jaines J. Ross, 'Prop. , For particulars, .apply. to Well. Henderson • Auctioneer. . CHICKS . . Our very :best. -quality: Guarantee free from disease.Line bred • from Our. veil :best hens., We wiil deliver ..thein to your home. Rocks $8.. per hundredk-Leghorns,--$7.--perz,hundred. *1 In kits of 500 or, over $1. per bun- , tdred;leas. 1 -latches off every. Monday and. Thursday. . Walter Bose, Brussels, ,Ont. AUCTION SALE There will be -offered for ale by Public, Auction on Friday, July 6th, , 1934! • at the hour of ‘1. Crelbck in the afternoon, at the .office' of E. S..1-leth- ex-Wigton, ,Liicknow, Ont., one dredg- • ing outfit with necessary scows, _etc., Which said die-dirtiaTifot • in . working orderTbuthas a quelli itr-of good •' «planking • and parts and ',Material which are useful in .repairing ; other . .machines, which machine is at pie- •. sent ,:fttiate. on Bleck "A" in the 1st 1,concession south of. the Durham Road • The .said •machine is•;sold; for arrears of stOrage, lot the instance of H. IL -.Taylor and said 'dredge is the. pro- perty of • Messrs. Fournie, who reside . • at Sombre, Ont... For further particn-A apply • •, R. S. Hetberington;•Wingliam. Cont.; -" • Well.: Henderson, Auctioneer. 12TH oF' JuLly cELEBRATIoN- 11E Details, are nearing completiori for • Oster Psed Away Monday the •celebrating ' of the Itb, JellY Within .A ;Mouth • r 92. 0.•.(11 in Lueknow. At2C 'Birthdjr Only Boilridving Member ;this telebratleil•*aa-l'eld')1"* •One Of Ashfield' intiriliers • Of Luchno* L• 0.14. • hinds on this occasion are leaving 'Pioneer" Families Passel -4114Y on • . .notbigil.'' undone to Malta the day a Monday.. - a' ' ' - ' • . . . . . huge , success..., Many *ledges from : • t ,, -!---- , - Huron and Bruceare expected . to • • !:,A1Int-• Lizzie!' Weheter ,hi deed „ joinin the '. "walk" here rola if the 'and this community., tnourn,s the pass- -,..ethermazi-W: kind Menster-gath-• •inr, f o b loved old lady ' Had she oring is predicted. Flaw to , be in !Wed until. July 20th, She would have knowon Thuraday, JulY 12th. attained her ninety-secend birthday.Luc„ • • In ber passing 1. removed the lost : A .new lot of Wanton's and Girls, surviving Member Of, the ',family ,of Wash . Dreasee.. Special at11.99' each :ttbe'late'Mr. ainI3Mrs. Daniel! Webster ; . THE MARKET STORE one • of the • original pioneer htlIevulg a clubhoilse. Platform con- ti1,1 ted the. 'green. „ of Ashfield. It Wait., in • 1854'that, Daniel .and...1ktber7 Webster estab-. iwir=4,14-hbonteirit4914i4Odp..o.ri-eam ,of that time, ;on the tarni. now ;owned. by Kwart. Taylor. 'That • was :three ,years after.Eli Stauffer;' the .original • • . • .pathfinder had Made his way to this :spot._ ;.• Webster,. had previous . to 1854, explored this .district,, bought :bp four !hundred icres., of ,:gdiminmerit land, cleared 'four and a 'half ,itcres. of it; and . built a' log house, • before bringing his wife and ten. Childred time a Order in :the.11Wasonic Hall .31,.Thutalz log theirn gwits 'theevi: .(..;histothat tsrme.. _At . means of crossing •hOUr,,, when, the first, Anglican: service, day 'evening, :. when J. C. MeNah, Nine mile ; River,' on the 'Gravel ,waii held in .Luchnoir.- Mernber" of Old Light' Lodge :mood. subSequently mt. .•Webster In a sacred .and ithpr6s6i,v.61 service the.Rt. Rev!' Charles A. Seeger; D:D!, Bishop of the , pineen. of ,Huron, conferred the sacrament 'of , Until...about Sixty years eget there Was .little iriaprovement in the meth- •-...-•-eds-of sugar .makers; but since that tune the • advance has kept pace with that of other brinchei of agriculture uritil it has become a more or:less hi- ghly 'organized conunercial ;iridustry. '--..Brockville "Recorder -Times, . SplinterCati8o0 Death of YOungotOi, inquest disefesed Clemetitia Domingo de Allende, aged .,fonr,' of, tu.. leave Town, South: Afriea„ died from, EtePticaethia,'EesUlting from a_ splinter In a big toe • 'A,bretherot tbe child, said,his sis ter , ctiniw to him :and comPlained . of hivii.ing a splinter in. bet tight toe- 14 railed if Out with, tweezers and found iIt to be an inch long and fairly thick., The 'WOund bled b. lot and he applied lodine ,Pfis mother, also bore:Cie Powder. on the tpe. His, sittet.liniped little, ,afterWardS and then' died inuldeply. . the ,distriet. iorkeicif •in.ft ost mortenr exatitination. found • Et -.wall Splinter. wood still,. embedded in•Ah,e, skin of the toe Roset , ., . acity--Divinity-Divinity---in -mankind in .I.• R. McNab, S. S, Old •Light Lodge, school at Hackettstownuntil f iv ' ' , a e ceremony constitutes the, ,blessing or , t Lacicnow, father_ of, the candidate - • • yvais later when a' ,log school . and the Bishop, who by his position -re whom there Shouldbe a reflection • _ ' .. and. whose: honor it was , to prepare chrirch was, built at Mom Throughout presents the Church, and is the in- of the perfection of: °°d' He Pointed i , been. a ,e, u r uc ion o can i_a into the out how Jovewasthe essence of the the candidate for, the . degree; Thomas her life she had •f ithf 1 t 'od t• ' f the d'd ta P •• / member of the Methodist and more communicant's life nt: self-denial and Masonicphilosophy,and ho th w , . e 'Richards S. D Acicia Lodge Lon- ..I4. PY BOWLERS STAGE: .• ' EUCHRE AND. BRIDGE A. very ' ' successful el4elire' and Izeid_,ke„Was' held- at the :bone of 304, It,'INV,•• 40Yilt„. on: .Mnndi4' afternoon, 1114er the auspices. O"f•.' the . Lady BO*1:erici Guests Weie 'present . Vein Wlegham,„., Teeitwater-•:ard 'Ripley, •:6144,COU'' ',fables , Of ladies ; eni3Oyed- the ei# playing, with the tables arrang, eetOti the spacious verandah, grily 7data,rated, with flags . and a profusion ofellowers. A dainty lunch followed. isfo, Will Douglas won the bridge POO and, Hrs. Charles sSteward the en 'Irr orize The afternoon was as ; We financially remunerative and the Lady Bowlers. were able to proceed Old Light Candidate SilgerwOod MisOnie Degree Teem Raises •Member of Their Or.ganiza thin to Third Degree in Minainr By Impressive- Ceremony in 01 Light Ledge on 'Thursday • • An • unique , and impressive ;Ore! mony Was Witnessed :by a large at- tendance Of members of tbs.. XakePlF MOM COPIES 6 CENTS • The Bread or ile4itiac:'• The Brea' of I•1044.h- . '''...W.A.4.rir AND'•;SEOUE, OUR 'M .. : '...-Satii,iii.ay peO,141i-,,' ,t. • . : DATE. 'SANDWICHES •RASPBERRY 't.A4.11.,A-ts;;., ,. ii-g.i.',4 tiOLT,..as. - • CHELSEA BUNS %TEA' BISCUITS " ,I;),407rittliNciJAiitS.E,s ,,• :. ' ICED ROLLS . . . OUR WHOLE WHEAT BREAD IS .100%, WHOLE. WHEAT . ' DELICIOUS AND HEALTHFUL .1 Phone 36 • BA:KER.Y. . . Sunday Services Conclude Jubilee onducts Confirmation alias of Eight Confirmed In St. Peter's Church on Saturday Evening Pitting it was that on this their tion 'e held t Parish I _ iy.n,servi ein S . Peter's church • • on -.Saturday evening, should , cam,- • St. Peter's Parish was honored on meinOrate an event. of-. sixty years ago to the day and Practically to the Send" to. have as the • guest. speaker • • • at the morning. service, the Rt. Bev. C. A. Seeger; Bishop of the Diocese of }Wrack In the evening, Rey. 3. H. Geoghegan took the !service Which 'brought to a close a happy , anniver- sary occasion that fittingly. marked: 011•11111•11110.00., Mesons Attend Morning Worship In 'Anglican : China; - Addreased. By • kt, Rev. C. A. Seager -Rev. 3. H. Geoghegan ;Addresses ' Evening Congregation To ' Conclude An Annivdreary Occasion Long To jul)llee Anniversary, the Confirma- -"BS semiemlhered( In. St. Peter's A. F. and A..11/1:, and "13aby Manager" of SilvtwoOds Dairies' Ltd,; WAS raised. to the third -degree, by a SilverWoed degOe teain; comprised, 'entirely of of this organ- ization ?font different points in Western •-Ontario.. With Eoy McGee, W.M. .; the . -team was --ushered underbrushed. a road to Belfast . and Was One foremost tinder; taking. the construction of a log a class, of . eight sixty years .of service Wide first an. bridge .acreas, this stream •• '.1 " confirmation upon 'Mr. and Mrs.: Webster, with their candidates, Whieb, included five girls, Anglican group gathered for NVer". three children came to Canada: from GladYs PenroseA Winnle Thomson, ship in Lucheoir.. The serviees' were. marked-by-ronsing-addresSeS full . .Ireland of nee' . at the time Of the MaeKenzie Ruth: Parker, and three boys, Prank .spiritual uplift} and .eneoUragetn.ent t 'I •" -Rebellion atid'following-this4 itPrising Met)uillintgana McQUillin"and-Ooria' and was an occasionthat will not - - ' in and introduced -.by *nail's., W,n1in 1839 the Webster family made 'Moir and W. JDavison, with -VT -FET 'their home at Norval, where' Eliza - Storey, •• Past . Master of Winde9r beth. was yborn. They later moved to Ledge, :personally, introducing :the doiton county:. before corning to • . , • „ • , - • members of his team who included Ashfield. Miss Webster's father died in 1883 and ..her mpther seine ten Leslie Gray, 1. G. •. Of Terriple Lodge,* stfinson. • ' - In , • o .:addressing ithe Confirmation Class ,and the congregation, Rev: Seeger chose as his text, Luke '22)1.9; "and He took bread and gave thanks, ad, brake it, and gave unto them, • Soon be • forgotten by, those vv,ho filiareirin the joys of this an/jiver- :Members. of "Old Light Lodge, A.F. and A.M.'andvisiting members frem, district lodges, numbering about one earn, .later. • 'Aunt Lizzie'" only int1ije...4•168.,isor •atterided; the ,.morning ser- King 41:Ani9rf Lodge, Thanieiiiird;• WM. Goldsmith,: • J. tY., Corinthian 'Lodge! London; R. L. Sheppard, St. John's' tOdge•^ London; •Istorman .in . renlent. 'Me where they listened attentively luriiving , sister -,-,-Mary Ann, Mrs: iiven!*•for you: this do of the Craft deliver a forceful' eager, o prominent ineni.: David• Anderson, - died in November •brance .of Me". Confirmation; proCeeds to Bishop B last year, as she neared. her . 94th the Holy Communion, the Speaker ber , , birthday. 1..• , address pointed. Out and stressed the import- ' , Bieben Seeker stressed the cap- - , , ell, .1. W., Victoria : Lodge, Toronto; __.,Miss_StrAiktertfirstiliternieti ' t ' 1. ' h' ' . . a og ant re ations ip between the two. The don. Lorne' Weaver, Lynden ,.„. „ _ relationshiPs of this fraternity were ecentl- United Church. unselfishness in following the exani- , • 'Lodge Lynden; and Neil Olde, W.M., Fo about two Years and a half ple of Jesuei . so close, ,that members are as brothT qrs.' Their work of benevolence is a of Dufferin, Lodge Melbourne Atlas Webster bei been confined to There are great discrepancies be- • t this PPint. the Lucknew officers. ,her home and a goed deal. of .the tween thoSeeonfirmed and those who ,i,ime to her bed. Heweyer ' it: has "Main faithful to the • coinmuni-' '3eell' only ,thepast five 'weeks, dUZ,.. cant's life, Rev.: Seager pointed out, has the Privelege • Of, defeating the ielr a Period' of rapidly failing' health but Which is not so marked ., as it selfishness , and: egotism in a world that her condition WOE‘ 'regarded. as formerly was. 'It . is ' a fact," he where for .thepast twenty Years, Set-ion:a, Kindness and hospitality said • "that- there _ls,a' merited *lick, Carnage and unrest has . been every - as marked the. life of this revered ening of sacramental life." ".More 'where prevalent. , In . spite Of this un- •ild, ;lady!, a virtue instilled • in her people Are going :to .communion than rest, the Bishop ' pointed Out ,God is childhood' in her parent's home which during the ,past. 1009years in: the still, breathing. Order out, of: chaos;. was 'oPen. at all times to all comers. Church ' of England". „ in accordance, with the Divine intr.- 1.1ntit the last ,she' delighted in the , Confirmation, the . Ilisliep • Made pose. ' FolloWing the 'death' of hers. parents LContinued on Page,5)'. is' lofty, the sPeie-i., ,Continued it token of this love and fellowship. 'In , . •vacated 'their chairs to the degree this' spirit of, fellowship the Craft !feam, who conducted the ceremony in a manner that later merited many compliments from those witnessing' the spectacle. W. T. Storey acted ' ai. Worshipful Master, and his charges were delivered exceptionally , well. • Fie was assisted in his ,work. by Neil Olde and T. J. Salkeld; the latter a Past Master of Old Light. The work of the candidate was: perfect and the concensus of opinion was that the •degree was presented in a •fashion • that "is rarely witnessed outside. tif ,large city lodges : The ' .presentatiori 'hi Storey to the Candidate, of ta, :"velume. of the :Sacred' Le*". -7-a 411-4asonie. Bible, beautifully bound in „(COritintied;on f'age„5) :SHIPS- FINE,. HOltSE. al A seven year olo Clyde, weigning p tit.o.•,) was, disposed of hilt, week . by McKenzie; The., bored Which Vis said •tio: be probably the best evo shipped ,from here Was Stabled. at 14r..''MacKenzie's barn for about. ter' "Pays:. Ile was sold to AinerliCai buyer for .show 'PorpoSes, and :left . a here by truck for Tillsoribtlig, wheri t he' will be leaded on the Michigan- r`i' Central Railway, .with West Virgin, 'lie 010 destination: TVs SPlendit 'beast win; raised near Mitchell ant", • „ • lisired by a horse now owned br San • . Matent an of ttervii! • • visits of her many.friends. clear; is not a conventional rule tole Although the idealism �fMasonry . • , o. •wohoter mode her hcom.a ,with posses no redemptive power; n.o Net sister suouni und ,hrothei Tom BAND is• piiEpAsiNo forgiveness �f sins. For this We mina In theresidenee miw owned 'by hones: FOR WATERLOO FESTIVAL look to God through Mir 'churches: 'Cul:heft. . "Feitirteen reasing solos were sung by Miss • moved to her. present 'residence. :With the Waterloo Musical Festi- Myra. MacDonald of • Lueknow ' and , • ''Aunt Lizzie'stt home has :been the val leing 'held next ••• SeturdaY; • at Mr' Jack Beav." Winglian" •:rime of her brokher.Richrirdis family which the Luchnew CitizeitiS' Band In the evening the •Rector, Rey• . • tince his death eighteen years, ago Will' compete, practises are heing 4. H. Geoghegan conduct• ed the eihs. Ind' since Miss 1-lazel Wetister was held every hrht ,this week by the ing ,ServiCes of the ,Anniversari, an infant, her annt has • Cared lier local hand, The 'Band nmenihers be!' ch°81ng f°11 his subject "The New I Life" „with .the text being 2 Cor. 5:11 • ber as a mother. Besides Miss Hazel .tween Piactloing .and , public the bereaved. Members of this flintily engagements, have, been particularly . . :ire . Ada Webster, Gordon of busy during the past ten days. 4 Toronto and Attn. Arens .of Cleveland. week" ago Sunday they led tlie 1..0. The funeral service ' 11 be 0•P+1 Parade to Greenhill cemeterst. 'Ida, this afterriden at herilate4resi- The following Tuesday they were lonce,'conducted by Rey. ' S. T. Called out to lead the parade Of Lib - Tucker, with W. G. Andrev4, Thont4S eral celebraters. Wednesday night • qmith,.fred Andersson; James Alton, they gave their regular weekly con- Positblc. to be in union with 'Christ Ithcoamrmkeudniibyy thpeiyonleeivredinoduubsttriheolursnlievsesS. Robert Webster and Hugh McIntosh -revised version-"Ifanyone • is in union With Christ, he new being! His Old life has passed ewer; a new life has begun!"'The apeaker assert- ed .this teit alone interprets the Wlinlo philosophy of the . Christian religioh and ;declared first,. it is im- PRESBYTERIAL . ANNUAL : . • GATHERING AT ' KIN'fAIL • , CAMp GiOUNDS . , :gath- ered In • annual fellowship' at the .Last Wednesday afternoon a. good- lyKintail representation from all sections Modera- tor, Rev. Kenneth .. MacLean, of • presided. Following in historical address 'by, the Rev. T. D. MoCiiliongh, of , cardine, ,which the persecution of , Our forefathers was graphieally and : touchingly described, .especially in relation to. the Conventicle , Commun- ion gatherings in :the . hidden glens...., of: Scotland, and the heroic ;defence ,Of the Dutch . Protestants in Holland, the Sacrament Of. the Lord's 'Supper . was 'observed by those Who 'gathered ! under quite different:.cenditiOns,', the beautiful Scenery of. lake and •shoret •• and forest under 'a clearskY being now :keenly: . eir!-io-fed;' .without the. .fear of sudden :and deadly attack by eneMY--dragoens, ,whielv•-•-filled.,the, y minds of the Covenanters,..of,'„larme days. . 'An able and 'appropriate :sm.- mon, Was 'preached by Rey. *Dr. Mac- Kenzie Of Montreal' Presbyterian 'College; and :•after- the Communion, Moderator ...11,eLeari 'gave ,.Very .‘40dreati,1 .0.• r,A season: '.of informal.' and veil . pleasant ' fellowship 'followed,. and .everyone went...hOnie,' feeling : that a Most profitable -afternoon had. been spent.: James- Barkwel At Advanced Age • e Hod Been A' Resident Of Ashfield. • For Over Three Score Years - Family Seven .Survives: ; • • Having enjoyed good health until.: :about a rnenthago, since , when .lits , health 'rapidly tailed due to the in- firmities 'cif old age; . Mr. James Bothwell ;passed awar. on Sunday. , his86thyear, at the home of his 'SO Oliver, with whoin he , has re- sided Pri', the Ashfield Boundary at., the 15th sideroad. :. • For over • sixty Years 'Mr. Baihtiell • has been a reaidentt•of Ashfield and IA his comniiinity, although of a qUiet, and •reserved disposition, was . highly respected and nuielf :belPied, - He Was born neat Port irPpe' and . when in young manhood Caine with his parents and brothers and sisters to Athfield, Where they up farming west ok, the village, One Of; the twO farms they occupied being ' that flow `evoid, by Sr- Stanley In 1881 Mr.,. Earkwell married Alice t Andrew, a :dater orIsaac Andrew, She.. having predeceased 'him about', seventeen years ago. For a time thy remained on the home farm and theen lived in Kinloss for Etbout tWo 'years, Forty' years ago they moved to the vicinity of Lticlialshy in which • 1 cert. Thuraday. .afternOtin nnti: even.- ing ;they. played • .at' the ,. Anglican • ` ,gtirden partySiinday afternoon:Were iti kin tardirie. 'leading the 0. F. ;and net knoiv and secondly it is iinPossible .to be in with Christ and not phow •it. If salvation. is at elf; it IS both perSonal tinddefinite is pallbearers. .'„'. ' • Bern to •the', union. were eight children, :one de** dying' in ' infancy. There survives three &nigh.. patEttlEf for their'decoratiUn service •exPerience, of any kind is just terS, Harry' WhitEiny,, gra, toui that evening headed the L. that: One, really pOriSeises4- McCiiaries and 'Mt*. George' brooks 0. L. 'parade to •Sont141 to rest borrowed. He likened' and loth' 'Serie! • Plaxmaii,;.:Gilbert; tery, and this week Bandmaster Ray,. 'people's experiences With • that .of .Worth, is devoting all attention •Pent AtithenS, when they attempt - 1 ....L41.. nightly praeOces final viatsat. :ad to display'. their ,Own beliefs, tvhielt• • • p • : 1 , as ,.• :Tritettlient will be. Made in • the 4Thism* tise o tOUNTY,, ORANGEMEN 'NORMAL.' GRADUATES" PICNIC. Loeal 04i:dilated of the Stratford ,Norinal School Will be -interested to ' 'MOW that a ;picnic will be 'held nt t Elgin on, Inik 2n4,,,at:„Ight4.,31 in, tnpedi ail gradtuites. will be re . . ben • : .tipiohdict program. has been" tirt,, ranged • to ceititivende' With' lunch lit 12.30 and 4111 Continue for the balance of the day,. All attending jfl b,rinf 'litach. bniii;etth,„ entitis toUta, t.„;,,,;. • • • ATTEND .cnuittil stlivior • 'pa- Sunday '' evening the'' donntY 'Orange- Church 'parade ;Was. held tb' 7017 ,out,..„si.,., , Where in tip proPriate address ,w a ' given lit lidiA, SI. L. Untonnn, An inbling • at the lodge .totOm at tiu know 1.4.0: L. No, 428, the • parader tviti headed- by the,- GitiSen4 Rand. There were about . sixty Members ,iit ',attendance sat . the service,but owing to the :distance, many 'did' net •jOin:10.'the spar& oyer • family plot in ".'Greenhill cenietery, brat a few rods, distant trem ,:the • . ite . the liVebpter Pioneer' boMe. Trt4 Pioneer passed to ;,.)ier rower . , WIlY AN EXAMINATION , IS NECESSARY • ..The number Of different errors • Of, Vision is not large, _,,r1kit the variety Of results of such (taffeta • beyond computation. Scarcely any two, 'persons -have identical • results arttoire 'similitt-Otc,- reetion, Tfint,!ndicateti the ' kOf anYinde believing that he 001 she Can 'ehOOSO dOrreethin..ot lic property dited without* an.: eittim fia on. t • ' ••;:•AITS101G'S Eittilfh", 01:01. I ailed tr)r' the *aterloe 'contest, The ;so ,Often ended in failtire,-,snd p�in- Band '.:isi.inotering to 'Waterloo and -tett out that when Paul aged his; ,the Secretary Would be Pleased to single cOnVersiOnstory a great rel, hear froth hniono who dould too v,iyid Welt ylade likewise. ,When PeOple their ear. or ''whOmight be attending iiietiy of their .oWn. exPerientee of and ',Would -ha -Ye roem tor', additien0 Christ ti he* donceptitrii ',arises' in apsngers.„ , , ItOitg ITAJOittttb4ii ttie 't6*1141i10; Hendera, one Olivei, all of • with the 'exception •d .,1VIrs: 'Whitney o Detroit, live in the. coinintinity. Twe ;liketbera; John of, Winnipeg and', Sinn of Toronto and one sister; 4fis.: George 'Neil of Battle Creek 1lich, also survive. Thc' finiptal service was • 'iota yeaterdity at the residence' of on tat d 6 d h Rerv, g the hearts ot,Man: eon u te •••,y , • Pege,6) ' Kettle of Ripley • Mid was largely , attended as a Marie Of trespect itt' s' r ' cld ' " the venerable Old gentleman „New' Resiery atia altWea fohi, 'omen' and:. Was lield...Ititernielit Watt litieldv on Friday, lune pgudi to tent. 11(f4 04 gra.' 011ifer etio• 09,41 „. • Y.., ' v.• so. LS t ' llI10,,g4 '111e:Att It: L.; ; r .." t ".