HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-06-14, Page 3iala,- tiali `ael. in nili ' .,ed,, • ext MI . 0/14L. `tit4..• Usi 1 io e. Ire 'inn • led ese dr!. • IIN led iflt 091-• itii Ltei he of . vie is gthi to • Result of In�Igestjo1 ..L • tir.•••'• • • • ,BETTECIN THREE , . 4., -44NTOHKRUSCHEN ' :"Before "taking Kruscben„" a wo,. •:Men Wtriten; 'I- had .very halt- "diazY ''. ' i/Pe!lit: and 'het flushes, had. 'spells of indigestion, and IWas so .hervons .at. !:iinas that the leant" thing *Mild upset e. I• was about three 'Yearn, in that condition.. " • ' • • °I 7could not tell you in VOrt1S-Ittoiv happyand glad I, am to -day that I gave' Kruischen Salts- al trial. I have lieW taken .thein far ..Ii months. ' I WoeldLnet• miss them one "day, Thy.. • are 'the most wonderful remedy 'any, one can take who, gaffers as I did., I ) I, feel in bettdr :health 'to -day than !laYe: ever •beent."'After_taking, gr.d.... schen for three weeks the dizzy ...and het flushes loft me; .`,1 '4101v .feel `so -light and ...cheerful: 'Kineellen Salts , 4140 keep One frOM. ga,Itiing•welgbt.fte AO Mali)* *Mon 'do:at trildSlIC 'age. • 'They•Ourekeep you ,feeling fitand fine."—(Mrs.) X. M. ,..'" + • f ' Kruechen Salts is Nature's "recipe or Maintaining a condition ennteri ,nel cleanliness. The six salts in ICril,- •10-Ohen stimulate your liver and kid- neys to smooth.- regular action. Your- , , , • riuritieeWhiehi. 'allOwed4.to•-adonniu, !ate, lower the Whole tone of the sYs.• tern.• •• ButICiusoheli has more than this neceSsiii7 aperient effect upon you; it works 'directly alien your blood- stream;• -too, invigorating it so that it floods every fibre of you with ting- ling'energY,• • ' Kruechen.Salte is Obtainable at all Drug Stores at 45e and .75e Per bot - insides thus keptclear Of those . . . „ BRINGINg MILLIONS V.IS;TORS, • . • .•Ef;fe..4i.ve WO** , the', Tourist and Publicity Service, What • MOAns. tO On4rio7-, •' • " t i4 ri FS' ;TO; ••1.0PeYPiiiilitre Terri4:.-e, • s one of Wilirdeten most cherished k,NiEfets-, SION% • for , here Charte. *RIPIFOU,S snot eleVell of • the,. happiest and PreSPertnin.,Yearii, of hie life. The' finding ,Prlhe .".biensed Immq!A as Dickens 'referred,' to 11.4 Is closely knit with. the writing, et'. BerilehY ,Hiidge, which at,the tie 444 reoglir mlick from the . restlessness Of the .04 RS. tenth) Page Oa' :was suffering •"Barlieby; ..nanTen . not at igpe_iwrsg, speed," he wrote, ,"but. as feet , (I, think). ag,„uusier tbeee: Settled' f'irellnlatanee's us ennid pos- sibly he expected." • .The 'hoiise.of great , proteins (and great uatIon, 411% excessive,. , • .sii•len40 standeIn the Marylebone RoadI- most the...•Yori./.:aata •• t'rance' to Regerie,$),..Pailtet.." fro mo:or belnF -round the•gerner•le 0)4 • ' .•t", ' • Street: A large; garden,-, surround liY4a. high. wall '.seliarategithe bOV from the road; • and: it Is theUg that the garden, with Its .weIl-ite lawn,. ifs trees and doWering-shrub was the „chief -cause. Of. Dickens". af- fectjon : .; ••1114-LikePd14ce: ••"' Games - Outdoor games 'Were a sPeclal • de- light to him, and it is significant that 'in the draiving of the house by his friend Maoline, A flying AtillttlACOCk IS introduced. The third •story hasbeen added since Dickens! time and a sec- ond door has been ',...made, close to the Original entrapce, ," to accothm date, , ra ' ,popular -priced ' excurs`t5ne, ,beWeen. • t.'1", Canadian ' etties are ;doing much' • to ;stimulate; railroad' travel, th the.opin- ed. /en of Passenger) Traikca eilleials Of se the •: Canadian • National-. "Railways, ht which '• System during the ' period. of' pt June,gith to potii will operate a cent- s, , • T • ada and the 'United States is greater ,,than that between any .other two • Countries in the world. Ontario in the past live Years hae,-coMManded • World SOOloP.IPfoimaticin '"three-Imirthe Of this trade,' and in • During the Whole of ,.the year pri• 1932-3' 78 per cent- Of all tourists and, quiries come by niail.frern . all. parts • ot:their money Omit in the .,Whole• of the world for information, ' OP; Mini/110H came into the P tbreS and statistics of every Ibid. ..Tbe five-year period has also ttc: These run into thousands There are nessed, the growing interest Of tour,. also requests for fihns, and •filnylee- . iste ..from other countries than the tUres, by , clubs ' and . organizations, • United States in the attractions of i.which areas far as poSsible.,:cOmpli. Ontario': . The United ' States, , how- ,ed with. Every section of the Pro - ever, will continue i to make in the :vince, where there is an important' • future the overwliebning contribution tourist centrc psUallY" •PreParea-• its; of, tourist trade to Ontario and Can- own 'booklet or leaflet, and these are ada is a Whole,. , ' • distributed, by thousands to ' individ- There is in the United States one, ual enquirers and to tourist organize- ., -_dutomebile to every 5.1 Persens,•Thh,..; 119_4 ..asking;_the_Bareau"_,..concerning automobile, holiday accordingly may special..,facilities or " 'attractions. • appeal to some 20,000,000 . possible Routes. with marked maps are often vacationists,.althoUgh,ef_sourse, not Prepared for "family parties Making all Owners of'autempbiles ,take 'hell- longer or ..shorter tours through' the days in their" Cars. But the tested Province. tourist statistics prove that in 1932 Stimulations to Home Market over .10;000,000 automobile holiday- All • gtiverninentS throughout the. s makers from the United States came world, in late Years have provided h into Ontario for shorter or longer completely -staffed' publicity depart- ' periods, .while in 1930; Which was the •ticular publication, is -spe@ally consi& ered, and the infoVnation,And Pic- tures are Prepared to 'suit every de- aqiiite round trail,coaeh, excursion . to Western Canada " • - . 1 ; While inducements- are already, of: 'fered by the railways to • stimulate week -end • travel, such as return tiekL :ets, at one and a, quarter -times' the :regipar: one-way:,fare, together '.'yvith generous: allowances ' of time in the matter of returning, the ,...pach -eXeur,1 'alone have OMe even further in the matter of fare attractions, For the round trip. between Toronto and Win- nipeg,; for instanee„ . arerflifered at*24:25—Thera are pro-. - • . , portionatelY lo* fares froth. all eta- tiona,.ineludihg Windsor, Sarnia, Sud- bury; Chpreol, Cochrau.e and other •• ...: , ' used as offices; are ihat oft,from the rest Of the house. A large back room running the: entire iougth of the contains a stage: which Dielt-. ens erected for the use Of Macread,y, the actor, ' who 'frequently', gave. . re- hearsals of playa before .selected and- lences at 'Devonshire Terrace. A stone Staircase runs up to:. Dickens' bedroom, a trent 'moth 4with a • side window overlooking the garden. Ie - hind -it is a room believed to ,•„have been his 'study, with • a glass deer leading', to, a balcony ' from which .the 'sgtaarjdr,is.encould be ',Feached liy iroh Here, • if the ;assumpuon is , ,cor rent; he "sat and thought" ' all on January ' •day: "not vvritink: a . 'ling lian& so uch....,,,aeihe...e_r_Oes. of _._e).t_o afan 1, 'Iimagiued ferth a'good deal. of ,.Barnaby," he tells. us; "by keeping MY mind steadily upon him ;and alp 'happy' to., Spy. I have gone .te work this • Morning in 'good 'twig trong hopes,' • and. cheerful .apirite.". n a edifier of the garden. was ." the presided over by, -.*.Topping, Is groom; 'highly 'absurd. , little man with ;flaming red hair" and • In which Grip-,-.tbe-; first.'of , notor 'igen •reYene; ' bad its ..perch. . '• -There .are three stone, steps lead- ing immediately froni the pavement to the -entrance. ef 'Devonshire • Ter, raee,„"un svhlch‘. came Many ".•fairieus guests , to take. part In the frequent musical evenings and dances,' or to sit round the hospitable ." board Thomas, Carlyle- 'and ' his "lane," Theelteray; •Mra. gasket!. Tennyson; Iltilwer. Lytton, Landeeer; ..the Ban- rofts; and :many • 'others'. Yet -the, ell -known personalities • that *en- e.red the.. house • Wereeclipsed by ellaititiiis:prowdthat Ieft it, .;Looking at the • etChing" • one tap; :cies onesees the . much-leYed char- 7.-a•de, were brougtft7forth .in Devonshire Terrace- emerging one by One—Nicholas, Little Nell • (of whom Dickens wrote, as the hook was draWing. to a. conclusion, • "Nobody' will niiss her like 1 shall,") Dick 'Siviveller and ,the Marchioness; Dolly; Vaiden and'Harn.alay; Martin Chui,zie- wit. and Pecksniff; Mark Tapley, Mrs. :dame and-„BetsY Prig; Boh Cratchit, .Dot Peerybingle,- and Tilly 4,lowboy, to say nothing .of David COpperheld, the s Micawliera and 'Betsey Trotw'ood. • Williani7Monk'e etching conveys _ , . the sense of rainance and quiet, old- world dignity, that . still pervades the house. Times and customs have chinked since Dickens walked along the.,piVetnent' and turned his key .in the lock; but the shrub and trees are • still there, throwing • their shad- ows caressingly over tha.livilding and s • e ;•: -merits; and, when. flierribers, of :the peak yeqr,• the number : almost reach, Ontario Governnthnt visit .Londezi,. • ell -,--the ataating. figure • of fourteen. theY-de-fireffairtiCZbierVe hOW; Care- mithons' , • fully the linsiness is done there: Pablieity:' Bureau. . Every citizen -benefits -by; the dissem- :In this achievement the service,af inatien of knowledge of .the coantry the Tourist and•RubliciV-:Bureau,•• travellers. Every farmer and Which is attached to the?Denartnient producer of any desCriPtithl derives of the priiiisiniste is of high im, sohie benefit froni the Moneybrought portence. The. expenditure of - the in OA expended by visitors... The Bureau is smay/In comparison. to stiitmlus to the heMe.-tnarket more - what is spent in other provinces. The than. equals in point of 'an''- , methods a(lelited are based. On the ex- responding • expansion ' Of the foreign perience>gained during the years in market for the country's products.. which the Bureau • hne`..heenrin exiefr -By-reason,of;tbe-vast,.--nurriber-2-of-t Th— . ence./.The Bureau in the first place automobile tourists travellingthrough Takes contact With about 1.,500,000 Ontario in the summer, retail trade, •, readers of magazines or big and even in the stnall' town;village. and --"--.7-ratectivrtiteutation. „, en etween he-faiMer'"7--gs aWis e ped. The • ••• ---150;030 and goo,00p . illustrated correspondence of the Bureau in a " booklets. are addressed' to travel a- considerable. way . covers munieinal . genciee and individual enquirers each 9'eason. • Another contact is -obtained with an;uriestiiriated, ninribei of news- paper and magazine readers at the openingof the Vacation time by means of descriptive and illustrated artides furnished on request by sack information,. farm values; special :CroPs and residential advantages gen- erally; so' that the benefit of publicity to the, Prevnice as a whole is ' not 'United .te the•ontchaeingliiiipetus of tourists. ` •. ' • • • utitist• and c eo- ependitoree .nablications. . The field of each par-, • Estimated ' 'COMMON. SENSE.' . • „ , • We have lirepa•ed air IntereSting , sir& edileationat Brochure entitled 'Syndicates anil Common ,Seni,;" which deala wlth the reguiate ,fund,attientals of successful -ground ' mining ItiVpstrnente. Write . for the •Parriphiet) today -no obit. gatien. ' Bumsovis, 13ROARLY and CO 23...icuig , • Toronto Year Tourist s -I Expenditure 1929 3.1,05,1)0p $121;428,231.00 1930 18,882,910 ,200,000,000:06 1931 10,305473 118;703,000.00 -1-932A-.... 10,165,286 :, 05,227,342,00 1933 ...: 7;796,900 ' 80,029;986.00 "War is an anacironean, the lust relic of barbarism, the sum of" -all villainies." -John Haynes Holmes. • ;1 ish inotorists.:Nirmild-gite :the a .' break now mid then 1 Wish ' they wouldn't •.1Otik open aS a , needless butsance. 1 wish :they *mild try' to • realize that FM not, on the road :to sp,Oiltheir fUn, but rather, sie a Pro. . lector. t' know tbe. average 'driver 18 goed sPort;',Ite, doeSn't. take chances ihtentienelly; Sometimes be Just fcir- 11.-Vslt drivers- wauld"reallie how much etiefer it would be for nie lois bi tires ..tO let yiellitcits get by that '� go after 'then), tut It every niO:4 itireYele Man ulways consulted his iiortincline:done and ConVeirlieliee' it ' itoUldnit be long tintil the highwaya ketisite' nnettfe, for eiterYbody • . triter and 0446'10 ' lOpIte, • EdIleVe - We,:tehea' get thivi'gii 1(1. work Without' 'eneeking UP anybody, tieklect ;PinkEut fm out there to "Prevent accidents...If '1 to helg'inalce driving , and Walking .more pleheant fer all 'cOlicerned. ). And so, when you breali a driving rule.4 4 deiti t get caught don",t'think, you're putting ono tiVer. On . the:11164;V. cypi,p, Man, You ..aresimply' taking a. "tlitiikerous, chance that .inftY • land • you in the •diteli o up ,ii tree ,iteine ;day, sooaoi .614.• later there .iiiket0 you'll let& it you Continpe. to take cbanceS itnOt10. , WettEts 1 said before, be ing Yeti, ••• • .. • garden. ' High ,Speed'Ohotos Now Taken Indoors ..,,BERIcE141Y, , Cal.—Wail develop- ment M. photography is a high :.sPeed cehiera :Capable of '•.Working, by artf. ficial light, Which can be carried bn the yek pckket. H.ere'efore th'e cam, eras Capable of catching • rapid , mo- tion have been unwieldy:affairs and' 'bright sunlikhe, was 1•equired,5/ The new high speed Cadet* is, about, 'Ole Size of a Cigar lighter, add; will take lidliirply "defined .pittures in one -thous- andth of • a second, .: Or . 'faster, ; The unique vest' pocket .cainerae, ',which were exhibited al the Leipzig. • raid'," chn., operated hy ordinatit' eleetiee light Intl obi's CORNI.6 WARTS- fibulas% dr, ikm +Jab St Mituird'i 3 tinsui daily Let it ti,ftei • whili Cori, aid ,Weru • • , , • lift right or .) • IMMO, g • 3 ' 1. Pointe 4East to all Statione, in Western Canada,' inchiding,"Phrt. Armstrong, ChirObil tie Years • of ,•age•and ander •tweliet, half' adult fare.. The exeursion faresapply for ticketfl geode. ecaenea' MAY- PaYinent cehf a rag, a" eri logrh et a ca:,dpi et iiosnoaul; ItIciailsii!lasgt es.fare Sleep- ing Car ifedommodation' may- be 'Ph-. tamed. between East and . West at at regular rates,. pine •tax., The 'continuance of the :excursion plan will depend linally upon the Pub - lie's acceptance of the. opportunities Which are to he offered ander the Men. Thns, far, thousands of_Cana- dians • have' shown that they Will. travel' to othercities on the' basis; of attractive rate offers, and the special excursions are helblog ' these thous - • •••• about other parte' of their DominiM4 while, at the aturie time, ensdriag them comfortahle, Safe and economi, 6al transportation arrangements. , • CAPT F H RE -ID .:"""ticit.4`. • .) LONDON CHURCHES, . , LaSt -Ifeere-T, fold: You somethings about London markets; and, as in that article, in dealingwith the places of worship. in 'London, f in- tendto telt you of a little , known -church,: • which has; nevertheless, unique history . . and will be • weir worth while"Tto yisit. . WeAminster „AbheY. apd •St. Paul's; Cathedral ,areshrines for the nation and the :Britishpeople, in addition to their interest to members of the An- glican communion; Wesley's Chiireh —City Road Chapelis the inecea of Methodists; ...the Magnificent hew Westminster Cathedral and Bromp- ton Oratory are known to Roman Catholics' thet.world oyer. . is filled with churchee, ..many of which, in the older seCtions„ are/the conception of thatmaster of architecture, Sir Christopher , Wren,. Those and many ..other i are maintain- ' ed„by12,_a_Lx, iationaL;enclowment 1_Ltheir,- congregatfoi-Cs have died: and moved • away and tl3.11toawri_there . • • ' . .The Gret Plugrie ' The most diSaStroUs sCoilrge that ever visited .London was the .;Great Plague which caused the • death Of „epidemic occurred in 16.6,5 in 10,000 people- withhi the . city. This e Staged HokiLuti , reign of Charles il and, perhaps, the . • Great Fire of London, the following • • church:was a noterioutTsiiiire; thickly populated. Here .the Great Plague had ,a. great opportunity and in a cup- board in the present chUrclobuilding, are, kept the 'bedke containing • the ,burial records of •those, :in the 'Parish; Who enccurnbeil to the dread -disease. ,The 'se toltrines are. Of • parchment, leather ..bound ` and 1. are .about '21 inches 11g and 15 inehes wide. T haveforgOtten the exaet number of - books. but each was filled with names descriptions applying to these names. It Was..interesting to follow the different writing Of the clerks, as they. succeeded, one another at the dish* to.s14 ..;the.records were neat- ly, inscribed and one's/ • imagination could picture the sadness with which :die writer nmet have put down the names, knowing that; in all probe- bilitY,.' be also, niight •soon be:a victim and be carriedaway'in thi. Iu-:utl1 gait. to' 'a common e•rava • ,S . is •• not on sightseeint.„ItineiarieS,— it is one of the places' which, as you •meander about Old. London, Yolestutolile) ppm". ,Tliere .ere others. whichi.naist be re• „served. for a later artiele....,:•-• • • . ••• yearr-did mue vages. 'Ends -in Fight Unexpectedly I' was brought into contabt with thiS historic event. I. wasstrolling alOng Oxford • :Street one morning a:nd; Circus, Where •Charine. Cross, Road merges into Tottenham 'Court Road, I: was tempted ,' to .stray into- High Street, , at the end of which is a church St. Mies - jn - the - Fields: Strolling, intO. the churah, I Was inter- esting myself in some of the tomb- stones, • contained --therein, when a . young "man hastily entered and asked me whether 1 had /seen the 'verger. When I inforined .hitif that I haa not seen anyOne about, he asked Me • if. should 'see him, whether I would ive him a message. 1 was willing rai the message was to the effect hat the Young man desired • to be iarried at a certain tiine and Wished, o have the information transmitted; through the verger,• to 'vicar. Shortly 'after the young man left; the erger appeared and I .gave him the M •h essage. Ile .was inueh upset as he ad been away from the elairch with - p o a ut permission and feared the censd uence's, if the occui•rence becaine ,known: I reassurredlrilir -that .`11.144 strariger consequently' O'er& would as niucli relieved and, in compensa- -„nr• a n t v tion, ieleuired whether I witg; Awnrc of the history of the church. 1 waS forced to acknowledge my ignorance and 'then I learned sornething. „ St. piles-in-the-Fielde The present elnireh ‘Vas built in •1784 on, the ente of •an. older Abele-, •ttire which stood beside:the. Hospital df teliers,,founded by 114atilda, queen Of Henry 1, about. -1117, It is 'about this, older structure that' 1 wish to The • district surrounding the Ag. 01#8. • anted A atsit 11:t1N`i'Etiid handle Mehl, 'd1as"AThithe leaties, Write ter further Partleitlark," Liraked, 316 Bay ;oc, toroite, .Milkman and PrOirtinent • ±eil.,clash in Morning • Haze •Paris, Ont, PoSsibly was the early morning hazethiit caused'. it. Otherwise; .how . could..a, . held -up be staged. "between" a milltnian and a proniinent citizen, • • ' On an early ;morning on whaj is locally known as Quality. Hill, a dill- ien pursued ' 'phantom burglar into the street. •The Phantom liPtarently merged intO, the form Of a_Linesky- :Milkmen who was driving by in his. truck. The citizen lunciped . ;the running board, determined to make. A Capture. milhman,,Iiiinking he was be-, in,g, held -up, took. eXception.... to this sort of thing—by slugging the eiti70 ,Zen over the head ,with*" -a , few milk bottles. The , fracas 'continued .7uritit• nolide arrived, Meanwhile,: j•esidents! were aroused hy the; turmoil., among ihein a 'doctor wlio eVentli ally • elay- ticl the nail •eff reriCrinari, and 'Eillt„ SeVerni Stitches in ,hls neighbor's • head. • , ,. • r C,hief CM1PA b le Citli4Othie tigt. 'ed later, ,N,eithier,ntirtY laidfa .chaitc. , "The eceiheilile strain is slificst Uii- 1)ea1bt0 in InOst cOnlitrie8, hat 'the - to Ales- , „ .1 • 00d Mrs. Colin Campbell , 7,;•,gRrttll*' Apfcl f'Im. Wheel Prciviiled. peg4,44:: roefeahpigle4ley., mric1411, gpaiint;,-W,444;71:. 171ft,wit4111 jAtpire°4'NvWliole;Oil'Ie exercise .and fun tbg. Wheel •prOV•ideld, ,Y011, Were :Very unsophisticated if :ou did not ride, ,V1337 was the Oort Today it wonidsolve prebleit, :end, at, the' sAine• time, eliminate any .need „ limit Wheat prOdnetiOn.' ,. "-•"The eilider path out Partake AY". , °nue was made. - It could -net- he „ „, , . , . infringed Upon •hy "ether. road treffic„;.. • TIII!sat134gtell was the joy of. cyclists.: . Wf, little supper er (linner ?iaactrt4.tsreeisjx;e0n4d enjoyed, if- oft'p.re,pvihaOn4ckei:oc*,4e4 .1 .., OEliClerIe'-'1't'hDpegePrit'14.t).dg°tie -lre:teer::).;91‘111; c'Sr(;);.' con -cob• d. rt 'Chad's'suPtPhel .,47ivehaire aivulls .a -feat e • .••• •"In '404 the high wheel Was in. - vogue, -",not 'only-itt7;Niannipegir-Vit-in ,41, • ••••••. the teWha Of Manitoba. •••• The first ". devotee:, WhOM f knew was Professor t, John's collge er; two small the • rear, :where steering' gear. ..ww4hd:eairsa.Ki.pe.11171,11.1,eoeen;ofh4ened$.1 chine; hilly seven feet in was. The teriri. `airminded'.wea not ,•:.• lie, perched the ,,seat Of his: jp.47.,.;,. Lio kist°W1141)1e.ilmleuntbeede.it'Yu • w7:11d,e1:,e'd; "t- • . • "Thestreetsl, at thht time beggar description. In ••dry Weather, ethe. L;;41,i• reads -abounded.. in ruts Of every 4e - gree of depth: In the wet ::„ well, you dared , not make the venture; "In the to change.sgt1411,ei '90's, cyclists a'bgrgennt of the medium and • row Machines; cycling' became the crate,,,..andtitiii:, so thoroughly enjoyed the sport,that one felt Sure it had'colne :passed from _the sports field tet. family ' rearm • • Grand- -fathers,- -grandthothers of all , ages, ;spinster s (as- unmarried .women, Over ) the -age, 'of , 25: were then' term,. ed),, boys • onit girls' as the .Y.eath,.,,.,„ of that tirne:Were',,called :.werezall mounted, . ' it :WAS at. Xnatter Of Won- :....• - 4 aerlliellt to all .yibp 'we:a the •latesC.L. . .• . victim? •Ourlty then was, not.,,too4.1, , large Or Practically everyone .to know. •every .other .fone; .those • viere4.)-.• • jolly' gona, dais:" IF' .0 no,Ir."., ••• Consult Chiropodist -- For Fot Troubles - :343 Feett.:_troubles_whichrInednesi;knoVe '": _ , - are ,bad • enough at ,anyitjitie ofthe' year, seem to be niiire annoying deg.; • .•,":" Mg the simmer montlis. So'. if tyou...q helfze tired, aching feet now is the • * • ;' time .to con.sult, a •reliahle foot Spec- " -Corns rieveiseould be ctil with.,a razor, manicure scissorsoranY other:4 , .medicine Chest. implement. HaveTthein • treated and finally iiernoVed•by an ex- ; • .,4•3•fi.-.14•'' pert.. Bunien' s toe, require niedida/ • •••• • attention, and so do rallobses if they,' " are in the-advanced-Tetage-.70fVelfte, -callouses ;om•; • the backs of the:heels they .niay4beq•a- moved by pumice, ':Rub: them -lightly with the pumice 'after the feet. . been bathed and dried, .Than% try; te • -. • remove°, an entire •.ealloas'•':_the: first •, night—rubbing ,the, :deed, harderied- Skin'eff: a' 1ittk at a time, is ..`the right way.. L ' Classified - • BARGAINS IN pArtni pumps • .LIZEVEN. only, ,belt drive 'power • .U/ • ptiznpS, 1933 models To he sold quickly ai greatly reduced prices. . Write to -day for prices and, state depth .welis- • Mr: Anderson, Beatty Bros, LiMited; Fergus, Ont, Box 23S -W • SO1tIA'S1S. CLEXR,ED, no . ciptinents. Stamped .addreSsed• en- veI0pe.Nui-ee 13e11; 113 Rhyl• Ave., ,Toren- ••• to, Ontar30. ' • ' • . • . . - • • AGENTSWA.NTEB-z.4.1EN OR " copx. Aat.N.T8 sAr....,E$2,tEN • Male and. female, _can make good,io.- ceineS, Whole ,.or ,pate time; introdireing '' Dr. .1-idtzare.s • beautiful works; bright vacation studentS: and gradates'.Apply mobawk Boak. arid Music' CO.,, 835 River Road, Niagara Pens:: OW, - ottrerair Aitip ,;GGit.'wANTED, kie4(.48 Wilifted.• PriaeS sent r ;1. Alilten; 430 13Ourgeo.. i8 it., Montreal. •• , Don't , Da - .Thisuil> • , ase LE.C)N FOR DEAFNESS' & HEAD NOISES A i 11ui ind penetritjhg conibinntio• tint '. 5i.0)-4•4 ,2110 }fearing aiid lessened Hend'Ntiiiesisf inany. Notom idiliclitiebtitRubbednatkOfEStnnifdInkrted Iii Leonard Ent. Oil bin bocii on the niark•t einee 1907 1 h'uh OnntiOni t41.25 Dektipr,v; eittultitseht ea • ' A. O. igt.toivAttEt,' INC.t - /0 Piffi'l Avetriiteinii* York thy. • • ,EARN $27.00, .PER:WEEK Present iiidonie Witit".)YOur aonOintmeiii as a ie;*•ill'agent ' for the. new.. reVOltitienarY" 'Sot -Lite Eitortaating , .blitteTY Which . 01,0'196% light throe titnos as • any ..hatter,V. tested, In our laboratories, Used ,by leadinpelice fordeti, eat firetUrtirS, Oil • c6niooltes, theatres, ,etc, loft StatidSrd. CAlt ; be clim1tged..4rtini YOU14, motor. ear 00' eleetrie light lieeket, at a COM Hof it tbrand newWeritieth o 8. eent. thih :ninderatetY tiftrott, artrote,•#.1111 lis ,gtiartiriteed fee:Elites rb1I StiPplenierit Your litCOlire HMV. edit in your .iimara time, ritet responsible amsiteatialts ..totelvea agents In roatiintedterrIterlett, -":. • • ' . • Canada 9a1.. X.iznitea-433. Ring fltreij *.eittil Toronto', ))*. . • , .411inne; *A.- 4041 . • " •