HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-06-14, Page 2°ice
. . •
CartadR,fhEnipire kind rhe A/Vorld at Large „
A suggestive foetnete te the auto-,
„. mobile age we' sturaistrett the other
der when a h.ati bought USed. ear
for 4 NeW,agiantil towa,drove
It • pet„on, the .highway, end a few
• hours later got into a traffic accident
'7-typica1" pf its 1044-7that,. did $100
Worth of damage. . • •
eixtPha.sizes ,the need
or str,14t tegelatioh:tb cover the line
.- of aged. and dee'renit. Machines; • One,
` can imagine the -kind :of car 'that -•is
bought for ,$5, nor., is mach thought
needed to convince one that such a
',car must -bp inherently nnFafe to its
.,driver and to others,
• Why 'should,,not all such *reeks he
ruled oft the.roak,f Surely the high -
Ways are ".daegerous • enatigh even
Yidiett. . ears are well-equipped and, itt
veriget contlitiOn? • TO Perreit.$5 cars
froth. the -junk-yard to oPerate., in
public traffic seems to be sheer folly.
--Quebec Chronicle -Telegraph;
Kansas City Man , has invented a
, MI:qv:mower "with 24,btades. Now, all
ho needs is a good. husk*. Wifit in malt
it aroun order Cities Star.
Spring's - other annoyance's and els-
comforts' could be Put up Withcrace:
were . it -riot foitthoso common
ailMeats of grip and *cal* whichire-
, most PreValeat.in shrink:, PeoplOwlie
get plenty or freshnit, who,y-entilate,
their lionies- thoroughly, who avoid
- drafts and wet feet. Who are
,Careful,Jto take ageod amount of ex-
ercise are ,the frees leaSt-, afflicted
Fresh' air is "'a wonderful medicine:-
• Welland-Tribuni• = e •
Only five men have ever driven an
• automobile faster than ,200- miles; an
•• hour—fer ,whieb the world, is, duly
thankfut-7 Winnipeg* Tribune.
Nearly three, times as niuch ham
, • ,
' and bacon was exported to the United• ,
. Kingdom iu March As a.year,ago in
thesame month., EMPire trade is
tainly growing in leaps and, liouuds..,77
• Kingston Whig -Standard)
-\ •
. Above all he is lookiaefor solitude.
• He Wants, qnietnes's for. hisnerves.
be Wants a. bit of .,clinibing for his
heart .and legs; Iie wants . fresh air
: for his Maga. he requires no papers
01 magazines to -*try bis ••• eyes. He
wants to go Sementhete where he can
daub hhaself :With. fly else and:, no
one ' will,„have • any retail*. to ,Tua4C
about' the smell of it or ,to snake .fan.
of .:.-his_almtearatice.',,,_He Wants to go
eomevilfere where' he can tlirety-Iiim-
self on his cet without having ta: t eke
pit :hia bents; where nobody, has i,!.ny.f
. thing lo say about Whether his Sheen'
CO:drier-Advocate: ,• •
. .
G. Wells the prolific English
author and self;appointed pronhet.
Says that a general War in 1940 is. a
.certainty. In reality Wells knows as
Much about .it. as a .02 months' old
infant,- -Brantford Expositor
. If . Canada's •Salea..-of 'reek's! 4ie' • in
• ., index. of ,e coming - war; ...it will, 'come
• front unexpected places. • For the ex-
port op Iii0eY in Match was .of the
of, ;$3,663,649, compared With,
,.$1,1.25M6.. a year ago, The 'chief . pur-
chaser was the 'United Stites WIth,
$1;763,148, ..followed the...United:
Kingdom. With '4-L202,202,, the Nether-
lands .$298;277: and Germany .$100 06.
.7-Braadon .Suh. • ,
POi the first four Mohlts• of .1034:
prOduction:' ..in
• and. ,buses totalled, 46,018;:2
.•60.416arOd. With. 21,543; 336 and 46,-
.612, in the COrteSPoildind 'Periods , ef
1933: • 1032 and: 1931 .respectivelyc :Ex-
ports in theafirst. four months of 1934,,
have already reacheet5.5.$5,000,...con-
•,•trasted' Vint $..654,96.0' 103.3, • :
. These. .anti other; iiinnt!iiating
11,7,78- $!.tiow . what the atitentilbile indtia-
• • try is, doing:' hoW .it . leading the
.• aY., ...Border
cAN iiriepgiitt4C;Er
.* favorite: bevetag
„ natinal, th:•••:; ',.•P;titiSW an-,
teStry Inat..y..?.1; there, 153 tea; A re-
, pert,' just issued AtetS•s• that' tire, iM-
ports into tilts Detniniott, darkig '1032
Li'! ants'. -0).•41:7;11t. pds
oun', . of WhiCh
..tlie lai•ger pa it ‘• the frm
o' ilritinh
fkdia., 'that; yr ar CartliAs. itliPetted:
bray. 31,,odu,soi IfOtIt* of oaf..
tec,6•t( • i`rit 1Z. .1"inies. • • ' • • .
U. S. to. tLA7roc:•••••... • • . •••
• Britaiti'S attitude, 'my il.6ht•;t*
.110 of t:ou is o, ti er. haft. y.. real
•'etninection with • lief 1,0114. ta.„ineetl
the bill In the' usital telignet pia! Way:.
'If the unitkd ptoOR. *tad. at,o4t,
goods instea'I`:tif dettiatelind.
.ilduAlt, got& the dt4it it'onld, be Pahl
' Mid doubt would p'144,, tint 'tile•'
, . ,
States, het:. „tit .tit mitt
' -.V•aficativer • -• •.
it, was reported the_other 'tlaY that
cats have hearing 'witty tiMes mare
acute than man; and that a cat -can'
hear a mouse:walking a • city block
away; If that is true, whi do cats
talk Pe lgud. to one another at night
Wimp people Want to slee'n?—pelleL
4 An a th item of interest, to •• the,
newsprint industry in Oahada is the
Statement .that ,new,spaPer :cirCulatien
fii thettaited, States averages ten Per
cent,' greater than. it wart=a year ago.
7.-Port,A tiler News-Chronlile; :
.A. Frenchman had a. tottery ticket-
, •
• , •
*ed 'died. • They 'Muted thetiCket with
him. This appears to bp a: miccessfal
atethad of treating a lottery' ticket.
A.ny.waYt it Woe a million-ftauess-Pive
other had shares „in. the ticket, and
they 'persuaded the widow taexhume
the lucky man' and found the ticket
ia the, pocket of his •dress mgt.' What
may strike the,,Philosonhie mind apt:Mt
this is .the Vatican( kinds of luck that
a ruffh may have.--Haniiltan Herald.
'Marir educated" ersons teem, to
TurikeTelitiMis difficulty'
0! their handwriting. They ascribe to
Potsoriality4,The"' twbdit
which are a fatal barrier • to the
stranger who seeks to tead:—Char-
-iottetOwn Guardian: is :„
The „Man who writes to a daily, Pa-
per., • saying that Orillia is Ontario's.
mostbeautiful town is Asked to Mame
_ .
up and 'see, us ,sorne, time.—Fergus
THE ,E.111fi1lt
_There is &Treat deal , mitre, .Money
about. Once • the beginning Or,this.
year, :1;553;112-;000•more,,thari in: a
corresponding period of last year has
passed - through the London :Rankers'
Cleating Houste:::
hihre; for a total; . it is' an•'iticrease
Money Is the lite blood - of indastry.
, .
The moro.. freely it ••circulates;., the
better ' for • .everybody.-- ,Manehester
Sunday Chronicle.:
. _
Given :the conyersion or unemploy-
ment into is leisere to
be 'need? : SurelY the essence at it is
that the spare „tithe' which Science and
Ieelinicat . improvements provide
should he used for the things a nia.n
wishes, himself, I to do. ."And the
tragedy of it in that mail haw not yet
learned what the really', *Mild: like
to 'do with ,his SParetimeHLOnden,
End., Herald. .`• • •
WE'D, SAY, ter* wiNNIN
if Y,oit think this trick .is, difficult; the young lady does it before warming' 'up' to something demanding
.• real technique. Anyhow; that's, What she say's and her instructor, lying' on the ground, verifies her
means the bent answer to the -prob-
lem;„- During the- serious waterllorV"
age ,oe.193.0, the cry emanated from
'dwellers or -Chinese tenement houses
that those With .nietetss while paying
heavilY for their water.; Were not sup;
tering as mach an, those who had to
Obtain. their water :treat a .streer
tain. IL will be recalled that At',every
street fountain, people were lined:hp
in long, queues waitr-;•; tor their, non
to draw a supply of the precious fluid.
:There was -no..restriction .by the ;mith.
otitieEi:then,,as t� the amount 'one:Was
allowed to draw; 30 long as act lediVt-'
duel:drew More than'. two buckets at
a time. Hewer, ,in these daYsd o
household Was lucky ,If 15 could Ob_
tain ,aii; average tour buckets a
day!—llong Kong treeiily Press.
„ -
A 17 -year-old- girl was , taken to 'a
large,"city', hospital the Other day; 'i3ut
erin • from a 'rare blond , disease
Only :a number of , blood tranithisione
could sive her life; ,abe did .it -et have
the money. to Pay for 'them,' and''the
hospital, Was operating on too Bathed
budgdt to bay. then' for her. • '
So an .ePPeal Was. made to the.piib.
announcing that the girl Must 0.43.
unless volunteers canto „ferwaid, to
g ye er
:days more •than -400' people Went to
the 'hospital' and offered t
to transfusions.—Chtenicle-Televaph:
DiscOntented • chefs in an „American
hetet 'recently; smashed
all the farni-
tute theyreould lay hands on They
must have enjoyed thakkne. a hash of
the ,jointILLOndetii tattriaY, 'PletOrtat-;
tailwaYS•eyer disappear •favor
.:or trent 'the Mittaee et,earth.
we Shall . have to indulge. our-
selves with. exhibitions ,like ,the one
'tieing held tondon,;
Por young,..vopi, at rteast, mudol
eats- and, airplanes have , • 'A/e-
piaeed the :,traia--pertiaas. because
yOuth tote:a their ;;,. larger 'compile&
tiennt their •.ttaeks, eutves,• junctions,
sfsleis, •signalS,. and. .ttintrels. • A
ii.oribus affair t,-, cdristraet and. man-
ipolat ., ' • • • ,
• And...the Made'. like • tthe reat`..thing,
is ,beginning to look 'picturesque. and
Lo tenting *of Old. P.2tigiand. A tine -
kin Of todaY; itistsad , Of denouncing'
the devastation of. he•Outy by tallWay
eatettniee,'wouln work na roinatiti.t
callY eloquent riaradranks,:- aboutthe
ginty oi -engines, that, Stittli,' to their
apritilitiral rails" (herring .acCidents).,
inttead of . Careering ,tel;:". the
veril alt ovet the: reads:: scion,
all ever' (lie Ali100 nit ov e em. • The
DthitIon ti , rify. Mail= P' •.• '
,.y • ,
Of .kr (:; OF A ...HONG KONOT-c: '
•• LANDLORD' , • • ',•- •
wottbi. seetn• that landlords. are
beteg'. Made te, pay heaVIIY, fot,"Wititt
age ei wate't by t lieli-s•'''teilanta. • arid aa,
the eltargew ainoutit... to • shinefiting
450. coresTesaivi...tonsithlii,
tionikaelt tontrter., syintiatity of
itt4tnnbia0d'pf4son ig the
r: at ri .thete I, ylonitt sattie.
thiter-:shoold be dotte thaliTthiiigs
ilers t.tt„.1•ii I tont itt
•,. t4;ft.1 'hi by 'the
n Sechiiion
John Rockefeller. Says He
Will Not .GrOlit, Any More
Interviews. •
.JACKSON'triltE, , John D.
Reckereller,, Sr., approaching ;15;
wantsand.thaa"jutt about attained -7,
eomplete ,sechision frorn ' the world
at large.
• - • Kea th reended
'health R.:Leaded:after: nearlY.foitr
months at ''his,.Winter estate ' at .
Mona Beach, Mr. ,Rockefeller, ;
northward, -ostensibly . to his takeL•
t drawn
blinda- of a special compartment car,
occupied only by •.nienibeis of • his
,, •
The kindly Old man who built one
, , ,
Of .• the 'wetldlY largest financial no -
Maine from a- setting Of turkey :eggs
—hp made •,his first dollar :from a
Ind interviewed by,. ,newsOlpeirtnep
and Wants ,.tti • 'spend lits d�clinlng
Years. in Peace, and eilietade,: • Stir -
rounded 'ertlY by his .finiflY andititi-
tnate friends. ,
:Sliortly 'before he. left the. Cane -
Meats:, his Florida estate, Rocke-
felier downstairs, hitclied, up
re:' chair = near the office of his private
secretary, Word. Madison, and said:
Dictates Statement
"We Will he leaving shortly. Thr
' 1 1
will be' no: interiiews, but am lin
to make this statenient," and he dic-
tated the following:
"I Pave had a very pleasant Winter,
and 1 am„ mach improved. I am -very
gtatefui for the kind treatment of
everybody : and 1 hope to return early
in the autumn: •
;He 'autographed photographs tor
several'ile.waharierinen in appreciation
fur- their courtesies during his stay.
Madison, elabetate'd en Mr., Roeke:
ieller's• statement that 'there, would be
no ,interViews.Several attempts :Were
./11a40 by a ,rieWapeherman darted the
train trip betweea =Ormond Beach -and
,Jackspritilfe to see him_ Twice, this
•secretary -refit into the cloned draw-
ing roomi with requests for an inter-
''.view,,,,but is _Madison said later; '"a
rule:is a, in the .Rockefeller
they are obeyed. .
,lifedrnottAtistelled-th explaie_Lthat
,Itoelteieller'S, -self-imposed,- s eche,:
Cioe Wag in no:way to be taken that
"Mr. he is bno*n, to his. staff
—had lost his intrst in What ,.wes,
going on shoat him; hot does he want
people t,. thiok.;fie has_gena..„.fhigh
hat.'!: Nothiag is further,- Ire*: the
But „the ;mail whose •benefactions
ruh 'into:nine figures, will he 15
years 'old .July ..8:.aad therein:lies his
desire for future tranquility.„
-Dtitied the past: few, years be has
been Approachlag thin tranquilizatien.
Gradually •he dins' Misled his gols•frOrn.
-eight holes, to, six, theri •ta ;four, thee and litst4ear he Oitaethanitr-writ
, .
the game_which for many Years was
,his chief. hobby, This winter did
-net play at all and didn't even .go. to
• cherch nor entertain. groups �f friends
at his horne. He left•the grounds only
for short automobile.carettilly
guarded against the public gaze., • :
" "Seed ' Few Friends
To alt oatward apeearances his
health is as good as could he expected
for One of 'hi$ advanced years. He
„Walked about' his gardeas, Went up
and down stairs' unaided: and others
wise enjoyed ,the „ seclusion • he de-
mahded, Ile saw very • few' -friends,
only his closest neighbors and , his
pastor, the Rev. GeOrge Owen,
During his sojourn ' Florida he
hed.a deadendstreet. at the rear . of
his.sentate closed to traffic and a !lige
•gatoplaced at the. Open eed. The °try
family residing eta the ihOtoughfare
, —
Dramatic Festivals in Britain
Off,- Wide Choice of Plays
, .
Isondon7-A numbet towns and
'Villages; :In Great' Britain' are Otgatii-
'zing; anibitiOue, dtainatic 'fe'stiValsto.L
attract Visitors froth, Mime and,aliroad
this isiiiirmer. ' • ' • ,,
In the Vhapter _Canter-
burY 'Cathedral, th'i Is ,te; he ;pre-
sented ,..‘fTh'e. Young King.t ..aa t1,4L ;
Publishea . play . by • ' Mr... tautenee
pinyon, An the li'estival or' twelfth.
and I Music arranged by the Priends:
Of, the Cathedral, .June (1 • • '
Sir' BattY,'...laCkSon is..continuiflg
'it ,igalverii, thetheatrical!' tentivale.
Which •he was held there in : recent
years. . Two , playa tie* lo London
are 'to. be ',presented 7i- Marra
House," : by John 151.71illtivater
."MittlnY' - • by 'Davin f,SteWart, "tett
NeVer• ca.0 ile'rhard \Sim w,-
th'ql Motirt fitAthe kelloW
by F) -111, Jelinston, Ate 10 be reVived
in gm first week pi ;the' fetitivai,. he-
ditnifkg june 23; atal uatil
Aug. 13. 1eroi'nnancosare alOtr•CO be.
tiveiv,.6f -thristeldreigarlOWe'a
Paitsins,,;.", and 'The ltlarytilltian • Hies
tory or • .SL Bernard', •litlaPfed, by Sir
Dotty ' trent tbri ,pretip ,of
Henri (lheen„ .1.• •
,.TwentY-IIVO tittles r way from .M.A1;,
Vetit , is -$tratiett1411-,AVert,,....' Where u,
tfieweCli• i4ilabespeari, geritiVai. at
rioter •bogol April
Untila year ago there Was 'a spring
reativOl.. at- Stratford ,ictioWeil% after
. „ , , •
interval by a tunneler festival, but
the demand , for .seats at. the perform-
arieeri is now • so .gteet..that ,the
tival Oa cOntinainisly irom April
to September: This year.. the Ora-
\.gratitS fever the' ' lighter. stile- 'of
"ShrikesPeare'a genlus .Vather than
tho tragedies and 'inelude. "The Teti,
neet," "TWelith Nlght, 4mtiCii• Ado
-.•Athatit ,'NOthirter• • "Love's Libour
Lcint;" Caesar," add,' "gone°
.• and • Jiiiiet." .
, .
, A' project. ter a ' Scottish ,su rit r
Festival . drama: Oa the lines or
the MatiVerii• teitival has now reach-
ed the stage ',who're. obis, the place
remitting tO,--be' Strend
deteS tee the, .1dcatiOn are D,uniblaiie
atid 'either of Which
is 'within easy teadh of tlia thickly-
PopCiated' of gcotiaiuithe idea
or' till's festival Originated With Dr.
Gordon BottOtrileY. anther er somo
poetic playa; ' ,
Tine Welsh tlatiotiaLthester,:Whi6
begat' its operations In Loudon, a,
few: inontlia ago, recently ientittailied
'Itielf in the home Or, thi="Ltidlea of
- 'It IS liO.Ped.• that ittir•4
*lug the - nitnter a draMittid Sehaot
mar e Of01104:,
was ,given -keys. to the gate, He .want-
ed more Privacy= for his daily strolls
about the gardens. ,
. .
•BettOi. Prices i: Obtained
, .
Over $2,500 a day—nearly .„a
deljars a yeat-7has been added
ot the rehires to dairy farmers sap: -
plying ;the Toronto , district.. With
whole milk, as ,a result of a twenty -
'five per cent. increase in Winter milk
price's compared With a year ago.
:Four ,thousand farriers who ship milk
it; Toronto dairies are, now getting
$tsi per ;hundred for their atilk;, a
year ago the price was $1;45.
This Striking improvement in price
has 'followed the "reorgaaizatien of
the:: Toronto., ,Whole MiIk Trod twerp,
and the Ontario Whole -Milk Produc-
ers Association. into strong organiza-
tions that7dan -effeetiYely in .the
interestofLthe_produce.r: •Alt.;exper:.-
:iericed.',orgartiker, with: special know-
ledge Of the • n1.4 producer's prob-
lems, wa".(toaned by the Departinent,
and • for nearlY a year deyeted ' his
full, energies to building up. Member-
ship:and placing\ the fieanees Of the
Whole , Milk Producers' Association
on,a, sound hasis. As a 'result 60 Per
'cent. :of the dairy farmers shipping
mUk to Toronto are nowL .m1 -fibers
tionviaOtneth-defi __Attoriiioas7t
don :has 'carried outilia the introduc-
tion, -by agreeinent with the milk diar
u ors, e .
marketing of whole r.ilk. Producers
are now adVised, each month by the•
, dairies of the quota that they will be •
expected to .deliver,• and the unpopu-
lar system of "hold -hacks" is a thing
of the past.' _
Likewise in other Ontario consum-
ing centres, tad& ,producers are now
receiving improved: prices. , Without
any burdensome inerease in rice. to
consumers, the :financial Position o
the Ontario dairy farther. has been
materiallY bettered • 'Offering im-
pressive evidence of the soundness ot
,the -;policy of aiding producers to -
solve their.prOblerns • through their
owe 'organliationS. ,
. • . . •
Better .Methods in 'Cheese
An increased return' of slomoo
to the cheese factory patrons •(,,f• On-
tario will result, it, is estimated;: from
the general usetof a new type Of Wide
curd knife developed by the Dahl"
Department of the Ontario' Agrical-
ttiral. College at -quelph.":,: Already,
over .60•factories have ,adoptedthese
new knives- Investigation has Shown
that these knives increase ?the -yield of
efrom One to,two Pounds for
very thousand: pounds of milk, , also
improving the, texture Of the cheese.
. Once thoroughly 'tested; such de-
velopments as the Widecurd knife
aptraectrnisz,le. aublid and , put into actual
"Marriage Is a ,taming thing!" said
George Elliott, the famous novelist:
'Hasty marriage seldom - prOveth
Well!" declared the ininiortal bard.
:"Wontea Who ;have 1,ee1 happy in
,a„firSt marriage are tIM most apt to
Venture upoit aaeCorid," Said AdcIV
•"A tight Wife doth make a heavy
'hubsand." Such Words et Windem. did
ShakesPeore- Pat inte, the 'mouth et
Portia la. that, wOuld. have fiae- gneste
let hi* haVe a flee wife," Beit-litit,
,son,•who said title, „certainly knew the
"value of a good *Mk' ,Who Is also a
good hostess. . • ' • •• •
'Can , he that bag h Wife. e'er :feel
atliersitY'?' Su,relY'ali 'married, itti-
Men Must feel grateful to • Pope for
4.t;aughlro* ;he'
eal et „the bectt •IthA, &rte."
QualityinOur sg
Factories .
'Because, • .
Ontario cheese comma
:a:pro-WPM for 'quality on tbe' Rri
nuf.rhet of 2e. per ,pound, cheese ,
ter,:keibtryhesi ts7i no o,o
tholsor. on
lion pounds Of Cheese Produi
•NinetY per cent. of this cheese is
tnuorrtnesdoto;Grorciel ja4to:roOribtaQitn; 47edthciti:
determined by. PITerSarS
Reputation for 'quality, thp gr
system of in,sPeatinn and inStruct
carried out by the Dairy PranCh
the *DePartaterdr • ,of .Agricultt
Crearneries and fitetb
thr°10iMit the. Province ate:divf,
into. greepstthirty. i4 .ttflerW I
iario,: four in Western Ontarie. ;
one in. the North. • Each .of Lh
groups is under the, personal sul
vision of a Dairy Branch: InSport
who, byvisiting the,. factories.
their patrons, strives to •iluP.roV'el
quality of the , product. A_
friendly rivalry: has been devely1
between „these '65011.11s,:, and
,.friendIY rivalry has .-I3e.M1' der6101
between 'these groups,: ahd bi
cheese -makers and patrons -colo„pe'r;
?tO Maintain, Ontarios reputation, 1
'rDeapilo'rFoporailnctlihe" iSgritildnagilYofrecoeinpttli
cheese. Cheese not No. 1 quality
reported immediately to the litSts.•
or in the district where tildnufacti
ed, and • an effort in; Made at once
,effectiveness '001•' this Work is she'
by the ;fact that Ontariti,clieese is hi
grading ever. 06 Per Cent: first:gro
• where some years age, -it was und
SO; • Its popularity on the Brig
market has been retained; in Tape
energetic action. by Newi,i2ealand
improye, the .quality of cheese .tro
that ,country. , .' ••
it -liar -been, the policy 'of..;Colos
of Colonel Kennedy7not•only to
producers and factory owners in it
proving the quality,, but it the sail
time to encourage producers ' to. o
,ganize so, -that, their marketing Met
ods can •Lie..hioderniZed tosuit pre
ent-day cOnditions.- The whole pro'
„Ieni- is being thoroughly inVesti'gpakttl
as a • prellininary to ' developing
which will extend 'export markets'ar
'bring. a pewprosperity to, the 25,01
•;Ontario - farms that are eupplyir
rniIk for Cheese production. '
'.Worth.,Combiras Beig
:'qua I ity se -fine. and: glossy .thlt „ip
can neareely. 'telt it front' .
red; Inc ines, • a' delightful' 'eveniti
gown triMmed, with' 'one -.or, i;'fine-sa'Sheis of, lightvr time 'of re
vetteti,ribbens., The sash •coniefi (19w
to the. walk. and then sticks
lopes. that,: are ,very •geontertic: . i
'their:eagles.; •,..
.The combination et. beige:IUlfi. Atal
ucine (nOtUiliqtn).• is one of .Wcietli.
best tor street wear. He us. es ligh
-weight-i ool 111 theICeigefor7a-Roa+1
13r- tailored suit of skirt ,anti. hp
• andlengthii
o” jcaotei•Oinifiethafis
the jacket folds back d_
it in 'Pleee but *hero are nerfastgniOg:
at. all 'otiter%Vise.., The front of; ,the bel
consisti'f.a, wide of bronze' wit)
two buckles, -At 'each, end; :ohmic. ti
inches:apart. The rest (if. the heltth
•ot . The „wide. aced, ' Whieh • b
an inipoilant Part of, the eacemble
is Wota ascot fashion •eitid. its , brtglt
re -orange, (Of the More brilliant, nas
lends jest the; right „tonet
Of :Color for censer -Valve" afirarttress
Het; :gloves,. perse. and Shoes are 01
beige; Matching- the :auk., :
Try Incubator Por
Woodcock Eggs
SAINT JOHN,,- N.B.--For the
tiara in New. Brunswick an attempt
Is beingmade to.: -,thatch'' wonticocil
eggs in • all incubator. . ,The• p 4
,WooncoCks, caramifiage *astiso,
.rarely, found, and officials of a eatcht
ery here are:watching the V'S'OPri+'
I oiient with unusual interest.
-1.7(Tat- eggs were .deserted 1)1Po-tot-Ls
et ,bird after Obi had been "gruel
. by breaches Of &tree felled by Weedi.
awe at *tepee. . They ,wilted t heel
days • for the bird , to re -appear Ittit salt
had definitely' deserted. The eggs well
breught, to Saint Jelin in a rottml itosl
or Moss, .•
Sie Typewriters
For SocialNoeS
pAttis,-Th typewhor..., Is beingl,
adniitted, to :Society; and meelianical
finger now, are permitted to -writtl:
ferhial notes for sacial usage. SO.YL
&al noeiety' tyPentritera have been Otf
detect here in mahOgany �nd WalliC
with key-tinia and metal accesorie
Ittgold: and, silver: They are mottok
gtatiniiled„ba the sPeeer and are eret
Odd With ailittays attached at the
aid% eigarets and a itgn14;
Sun Oath Nudists
Solve Their Problem
• •ifeldisliiki'theLfr0,•1311Ceman.07f.Nhtiodwists '
tine 'their putt in' Kansas, where sottig
50tioas offer few trees for pro1.4
11..11 front the. publiaeye. 41/1
11 e
0...',1* are taking sun hathe On Plut4:,
ii 'h spots, they Rai, are Oen
i'tJ than
• .