HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-06-14, Page 1".‘ 14,77.X.777114111fr'orr7— 79:311.•rwl . . 101. • • t't Vt. • I • .0 PER* YEAR IN ADVAhl,c$: .0.50 MERwisE 'LliCaKNOW. ONT., THURSDAY, JUNE 14tb1 1934 'Rollo &Cam We are new „prePared to,. give de- livery on all kinds -of 'alabs, signed, THEr4.;OCKN011if 'POLE •CO., Ltd, •t'OR SALE -4, hagitY. .waiti1911 and mower; all • in goou state of re ot ,Sentinel,. office. ' Large Congregations At Kinloss, Sunday Historic Church' Narks Paiiiinskr Of , ,LOBT-74n- Lucknew, on , June 2Another AfileeteneOri SindiY ad, . , ,, ,•-: !,-,' , ,__, - • „,,,...: ,.. i'...„, ' , . %.,a 'string ' ofAmethyst Readsti'Fieder ' ' • • - . ' , • . ' ' • • , ' 2' . plense leave at Sentinel Office.. Morning and evening serviceS, es- pecially • the evening service; . when 0, . , OU TR.iigKING• *RATES on the:Presbyterian Church service here ' lambs; or other steak' to Toronto are Was • withdrawn, were largely atten- lee noble. Lambs 60c each. ,ApplY ded af,South Binloss Church ori Siiii•4. ' OW RICHARD BOWEN' TAKES OYER 1;9C,Alif4 PRACTISE Arranginents have completei ,whereby, Dr, ` Siehard-i,,Bowen; 0 London, ,wilj'raerinaneritly take `over the IFiletifie of Dr.- Wni."‘Conriellf wh leaveis. 3.Ateknovi the &rat* the 'week for Winghain; to take over the prac- tise of the late Dr. Margaret Calder, ' pr: Bowen and Mrs. Bowen are eiPeeted, to arrive here on Menday. ifelong ,Resident Of ComOUnity, Passes .!ohn. Helm,. ,Esteemeil. Resi, dent,',Pasaed Away. '$/onday,',. Fol-. lowing ' Lengthy C7itiCall In the death,. of John J. 'llelm Which ' occurred' at his borne, ,conces- The new doctor, an exnerienced.manai •lion 12, ^Ashfield. early Monday is Perm:1141Y known bypr.. Connell; morning, Zion continunity loses an who is confident that DigWiiiri, • t illarvey Aciee:it, Lucknow.' 'Phone day, when Rev. B. A. L.,,... MacLean cerminplary .citizen, it good neighbor, ef Toronto, delivered inspirational ably and with. achievement, Imre litt_d_ A....devoted , chnrch--Worker. -Mr, (21-77,8-.) ---:-----• addresses. -'-- -. . - hjs. profession here._ Dr.::' and 'If elm', who has been ' ill for six - . • .-PresbYterianism at South Xialosa Bowen, will occupy thel*artlUent • 'CHATTEL MORTGAGE,SALE of iii pont 3, auee mbed to a .development dates' t.aick almost four ' ' ' b" '''' b' in ' i 1 • ) . of 'lobar' pneumonia and its -accorn- ' • farm stock and implements at' Lot : .., . , score yearb. w ieh 7 is , 9 ce • s . ee , i; ''..: - .' 17, • Con. 1,, West Wawartosh, on it was in ititi6., that a ' little log ;Dr. .Connell -leaves 'know with Jan' complications.-.. The funeral Friday,. Jime 15th at 1.00 o'clock. %.:rarch was erected on .the east aide 'regret, he states, but ':pleasant was held yesterday, on his 76thi Tering; Cash. See him .for. list; 'etc. Of tne 'road a short distance' north ,meMeriei of hieassociatiOns with the .0, ir,thda37- 'Well. liendersen, Ade. of toe. Second' Ceneesdon. This was people :of this community ,,4eth 'pit), ',,i,.. A. lireleng,.reSident of .thn coin - /he histPOwbYt6rian church in the fessionally. and socially'. - . • ' ,Inututy, Mr. Helm came to I.,ucknow . . FOR SALE—Buck house, in good ' yepair, with about tin'acres of Work- able- land. This propeity • is de,sirr, located •ouwi-cW-ci.ThiTifeKi; °MO the ,sonth of .the Amen which is - situated suitable , buildings for poultry raising. For Price and furth- er particulars apply to Matt. Gaynor, ' Lucknow. • • BABY CHICKS - • Our. very beet quality. Guarantee free' from :disease. Line: bred from - our .Very best •hqns. We -Will' deliver them to 'Your home. Rocha' $8, .'nel hundred; Leghorns; `$7. per hundred. lots of 500' or over :$1. per hun- dred• less. -Hatelies off every Monday and -Thursdai .` , conanninity, and served AS a plage of an infant from Vaughan township, wortnip for' Presbyterian pioneers - - - ivith his parenti the late Mr. an who liad:Jelt.the n ,_.0 , _ , ENGAGEMEN . . __ e --aneerki , FT • nci erected., this 1primitive building Mr.,and Mrs.`,Samuel:Reid anlioart-' *he- first settledon; the boundary in 'a ,small Clearing in. the Woods, ,It cad the -engagement of their .e.dest ivreat,, on the farm • now occupied by as known as ..murdoch.gel(enziei dauthter, Evelyn Matilda to Peter •Mr. Alex Stanley. Later they moved Chtirehi! owing to the,Proniinent and Wesley Cook, youngest, son- of . Mrs', to the farm on 'concession. 12; new actile part he took in its erection. *" Cook andthe late [Petit., Cook, The pccupied by Albert Helm: Seven years later' the Big Church marriage to take place„in, the latter In, 1807; Mr. Helm • niarried Miss ,was erected on •the,tiiie now occunied part, of June. ' 13era de ' ' ' A•w two n rson ho with •their ay the present : 'brick ehurch, and • • daughters., Mrs. John Gardner! ' of where on Sunday aecirkt of people ton 12 Ash.field and."Miss Ade, at gathered...te.worship-in- the church FOlchl' lilt " RESIDElkT .-- , - - -- - home,survive .him.sters Mrs &mat is dear to them. • , - • - 4-t--EcRtv---Es 6°9-R ,AP,IltrgN. .1141E % N1' '. i Two s Hunter. And AHrs. Ralph Nixon , , . .....4v is. recorded that Murdoch mac. _ , , . nn . three hers,' oseph and 7 Kenrie.and others, raised fifteen dol,- __ 'aro' Robert •BroWn, 'formerly a :at, of. Ashfield and Thomas of TiVer- tars as the, ,first installinent to 'Our- PuPular 1;ut:.‘•no‘v re4ioent, has 'oeeill JO% else :survive him: The . Youngest chase • the., site, ipliere the ..Big aPPouVed .• Inerehanthsaig .' manager ,meniter of the:family, James, %pre- „.. , . .. Chtireh” now stands and thereby pre- of the; ChaliPie l4Paitiaant Stere in ',deeettled .. him some fifteen '.. years.. • ' Witlter`'.Rose;...Ilrussels.;. Ont. vent the .erectjOn' of a .tavern there. :POrt,. :Wilitam. PZIre i4.0.64ntiO9k :;••••'The, late.*Idr,'Ilelpi waa`c .AleVoteii• “ 07-47-0 • ' !• .' TWO ineli walked: to near -Sonthanik• Which is'.40,l•ePviable -.440, is ...aegoin: and ..'eonsilitent' member ,: of Zion , . , . ton and :. return '.(a -.hundred - mile .Papied. .by • a', substantiaL,ealary, and United. Church, -.of which -',he was ,a . .. . , , , . . ' journey) to procure. the, land :,,freali .Ar.-BrnWn's.'ni•nY2 friends ,h'ere -will ineniber Of the Session and TroSteet. the Government. ..• • ;'" , . • ' .- •lie. pleased ' to hent ' of ibis- good' for-,' ;Beata and, active, in •Stinaay school •; ' After 'the .Churehwas erected; on 44n.e. 'Mr. ,and Mrs, Brown have 'for ' the. hilltop, it was 'Officially' bitened some tune been ininic in: Port Wil- ey 1(ev.. John •Fraser. Services were , limn :With .Mr. OrOwn ‘euiPloYed•tir„a , ',len Conducted every second StindoY'.tiavelliP•it . '4aleia'14'.'' 4', ""mth'er° ny. Rev. 'Adami McKay" of .Teesivater Ontario. , until' the induction : of . Rev. john Mc- .Nabb ' late' in the :year . of 067... l- 'In AsiliFiELD piArliVii ''tio omingE vents ri!t Insertion,„'00e. .fililliamtient Iniertions, 25e. ...IONSTER. GARDEN 'PARTY ! St._ Peter's congregation, are: hold- ing 'their Garden Party on June 21st: in the Caledonian • Park. The adniis 14011'85.c and '206...._Wateli for hills.'' WEBSTER Fitmc . Saturday,' June 160,, has been set as the date for: the eleventh. annual :Webster, picnic; which Will, OP .',..11eld this Yesii'ar.woura: 'GARDEN - PARTY South Kinloss Church ' Garden Party ,will be held on ''Friday,-, June 15th;,at D. S.. MacDonald's, north Of C. N. R: 'Station. , Slipper served : at slx__o!cleek..:;•Admission .85e -anit--20e- DANCE,- IN •LUCKNOW.' The Paramount,- Softball Club wiil hold a. ,drince. ., ()range .11all; LutigneW, ,on Wednesday, 'June 20`th, iddies'iree..1NO limeh; ,evt. erybody'welcome. . . DANCE AT PARAMOUNT • , • , Owing to orchestra engagenients,, the .dance that., wes', announced :fOr June' 22nd, will heheld this 'Friday night, June 15th.: Aogan's :"6 -piece orchestra.willi.furnish music. 'Admis- Sian 25c; ladies; free...1314;th. GARDEN 'PARTY. AT BAciiirri .Tha , Ash -field Circuit Garden ,Party will, be , held -at Hackett's Church; Thursday- evelingv, June 21st. -;The play "Wild Ginger" will be, ,presented by the. lip/tinnier Y. P. S. Admission 35c and .20c: Supper • from 6 to 8 - o'clock; ' • I. O. 0: IK DECORATION SERVICE The Decoration • Service of Luck- • now' ledge,' Is,ro. •be held at Greenhill 'Cemetery," Sun- day afternoon; June 17th. Members are requested..,ta •attend. • Visitors welcome. Meet at the lodge room at 2.30 o'clock. ' K. C., IVIurdie, F. 6. -,"SOCIAL -•EVENING . A' soeial, evening under U. F.O. Joint ph* auspices, will7-be:. held in the on Thursday evening, :-June 21st,„ at 8 o'clock, addressed by H::11.' Hannam, Provincial U. F; 0. secretary. Interesting program and. a *men after. Silver collection. ,Everybody 'welcome. U. F. 0. ANNUAL MEETING . The -adjourned annual meeting of —the- 'United , Farmers' Political As- sociation Of 'Mirth Huron -Bruce, will :be held in the Town Hall, Lucknew; on Thursday,* June '21st, at 2 o'clock p.m. keep; this date in mindandtry to be present. The election of .repre- sentatives for each municipality in , th riding arid other important busi- the riding and, other important busi- ness,. will be on the agenda. II. H. • Hannon, • U. F..0. Provineial secre- 017 lir address a`t Mr. and Mrs. MeFarlan have turned ,after visiting nLtew days Clinton. • work. He was it loving and -devoted .jiushand and father,' and a. good 'neighbor; :One whose Sterling .quali- ties Were recognized '• by • all With whani! he associated. /kw, • The funeral services at the house and. graveside -Wednesday. ,afterninin were conducted by Rev.,. Camplaell Tasietier of the Ashfield Circuit.. 'Phe 4411iliearerswere----four-brothers:,41t-:•--- law-Messrs,--italph - NiXOni-Thomat Fred. Anderson, . Sari -fuel Kilpatrick and two nephews, George Hi:inter, and. Will Helm of • Tiverton:. int4tment was in Greenhill cemetery 1872: Rev. Duncan Cameron was in-, ' PREACH IN HOMECiIIJiThfl ducted Preached in both English and' Gaelic: "lie conductecLiteri; -17iFef,lirtfirliiliage, An. attempt was • duct-.AnitiveriCry -, services,- in-Asik. later.•made to njove. all. cervices to field. 'Presbyterian , Church Thib Ltiknow, lint Many' did not wish , to, Stinday.; , . ” • give tip their Houlteh.., of 'Worship ang ' • •dj.xided, 4teltiriall110011;-ii.111*f•t'U. .!)y,inuinto -.two .c0ngragtio,4 tital agreenie t South Kinloss 'Anniversary' serVicea „oaf the Ask, tucknOw section :becoming '''Hiim• conducted this Sabbatklune:ritri, at church, ,which 'later' joined With • St. 11 :ital., and 7.80 Pal. by ,the ,Rev. Andrew's congregation in the village Principal F. cott MacKenzie, 1).1)., to: erect '. the -.. present- Presbyterian of Montreal Piresbytesikin,' ' College. chUrefi. here..:' ,. ' ° .„.. Rev, MacKenzie is 'azi Ashfield bo "k" -w° ' t° every thorough Pric.. 4 and will, lie- heartily' Welcomed en • • . 4_,....,--.---. • ' ' tilioner in guilt 'cites a constant. ONE CAUSE OF EYE STRAIN --T- That it is possibile to see well With ,impprfeet eyes is well ,FBERENIEFEOESTA- i thiztregyeasiOn. - • • . '''-'atr a ' • i, i,4 ,,,,• ' ,,:.,. Ile, id 'also to , speak at a: three ' with legate that are distinctly '. •• 11.! :ARPoWATER 146.1Ou'.. 'woe lc e i, •ce to be field in 'Lane.'s' ,de_trinlentill. The above 'suggests - - - .. that many should consider their MeMbers of .14acknow Lodge, 1.0, • The annual •gathbring of the vin.. cies at the POSSIBLE cause. of 0; F. • were in •.'.keeSwater'' on' 'aionda ' ' f_theehririii. f their :'. 'bodily ills. evening, where they preeoLea _men, Maitland Pr-ii-bsitery will • be 1,iebi, .-'ARIlisTRoNG's. •rEyesight service ..,ers,,-01---Enat todgewKirize-iraVelf= at the Kintall ICamp Grotinds on • . ' , - • .._ mg. 'i-iedettai'' received ny Lticitn,:4: • • 'A nevir, lot of Women's ,ivid GirLs' , . az is imposed 'upon, theeyes, -Wednesday, Jane .20th,'•!*hen Rev. MacKenzie of Montreal; Rev, D. Mc- Cullough Of Kincardine„ :and .,Rev. Kenneth McLean of Wingham; will ae the speakers', .when. the COmMizn- .on will be Observed: Light refresh - amts will be served. A dine ,of deep interest, profit and enjoyMent..to all attending is looked for, SUNSHINE MARKED.' ' . WAS NOVEL HVENT xruin kiacterich • last lali. upon 'aifeing tfle loticknoW mempers, Wai- ter macKentie.eXPlaineci tne purpost Of toe visit, stating Innt the 1)eiiestiAl whicn must' be pastedon out or ,t11,: atattict .v,itatin six Mantes; Was „start. •Ly-Forestt City Lodge of 'London: :rietare the token is, 'paased' on, tlit 10.0g.e.receiving it, Must Pay ,it'returii vitit• to -the 'presentingiodge. in tht absenceof the Noble:Grain*, the pre- sentation address was Made by Viet George Kennedy, with Past Grand. Fred Nixon making t;440 aentation, to 'Mr, Streit*actint; 'Nakao. • Grand of. ,Tees.water, Lodge; Whn'Ouitably.thilied and thanked the nieinbers of Lucknow, lodge'. Sheet 'speeches Were .theri. in, Order. A vet - anti ;,Of the ,order, Mr. Fowler, 01 l'ePsivater, spoke- briefly. He holds -a record Of fifty-seven year's .continT iiOnS.,thenibership and has beentree"- Surer. of TeeStVater'. lodge • for over 50- years and has iiever been On the sick list. "Phe Meeting was followed by card playing and ittnChl which ,concluded`a profitable and interest= ,Ing. evening. , ,ASHFIELD YOUNG GIRL ; .,SERiOUSLY IN.IUI/ED" Miss netts Wallace met With 'a serious and painful accident on Sat- urday. She was bringing- the cows home and a neighbor's ' cattle wert with 'them and in attempting to pelt the two herds she fell and the cattle ran over her. She was uncoil.: senius for, several hours and the doctors had little 'hope of her re- covery, but she is .doing ,nicely nor% and the doctors are qdite hopeful. Miss Hogan, R.N., IS taking care :of T. A. Cameron; Pres. ' Mrs. BisJean' asett and tient the_ week -end with friends: An, Licknow. itnacLESS DRIVING CBABGE toismiSSED With the-- Crown Attetnek .tiot. '2 sent, to proceed with the case, Mag- istrate •Reid promptly dismissed.) the charge ',Of reckless driving aainst Walter MacKendriek in Goderich 'Pollee ,COurt on ,Saturday. This ease , .b4en adjourned frena the pre- vious Saturday... When the": first . of the4two 'charges arising • out. of Meter._ accident , neat Goderich • ,was Also diamissed. New Hosiery and Cloves for „Anil& tea, women .and • MAIMEV STORE, , The Presbyterian W.M. S.. meets this week at. the home Of MM. Neil* J. MaeKenzie. ' Ghthrie ,of Guelph preached in .01-6-7dOlifiel. Hall kin -Sunday last.: , • .. 'The Kintail branch of the Wo- m,en's ` Institute met at the'heme of Mts. Ribbon for their lune meeting. Mrs.,,Ilissett, the newly 'elected pres- ident, w,as,in charge of the Meeting. , . The farznets. ate ',AMY at -their Work. - The ' th-WrithiPheit' l'atinn: crusher at Wiirk. in, their lilt lint they are: hauling ,Irdiri' 'iti The eriniity' truslier has inoked int° the,pit •ildthe 1VIneLean,fitnn and the tounty,..trUck is hauling from this Maci4e. An • . • afternoon tea and - Sunshine Market was held it the home' of .1l1ti. .1•:` W. Joynt. On Tuesday. fast.. AArs. Henderson and Mrs. Jessie )/lacinnes had Charge Of .the .booth which -Was prettily , !decorated in yellow and mauve. with baskets of gold' and purple Iris: .andat which 09114tittll tsupply of lioniezinade aking .,and numerous'. ether- ii,rtieles were, sold. Mrs. .Turner and Mtg. rucken-Lreceived the, .ladies. ;. After- noon tea was served in the dining- rooni, 'where the table was decorated .vitzt lily -of -the -valley and forget- MrS. Thomas Ants, Miss. rcGregor and Mrs. Rile poured-tea, Atli Mrs. W. L. MadKenzie,`,. rs. Ilarvey Treleaven, Mrs: Grant' Mae- Difirmid,, and Misii Martha McCallum serVing, instrutnental.'numhers were given. by Mrs. Newton and I Wash' Dreases. Special at $1.00 each.---THIE MARKET STORE., . . CATTLE TESTED • • .. George Kennedy, Andrew, Gaunt and Hugh ' Rutherford, had 'their catili herds. undergo another tuber- cular test on Friday. Thetic.iver*. no reactors in Kennedy's or Gaunt'sliera which Will he `subjected to two more tests .during the next` twelve months,: before'. they will have accredited herds, provided no reactors nppear. Rutherford's herd, --'which was -so badly infected on a ',:preiriou'd.' test showed,- only three' reactors among the: remainder of his herd, Which will undergo, another test in sixty days, *hichwill' be Tolle wed. by. other tests \ at later dates; • The Bread - TheBrea . of- i-iea!tli ' of fleaith- , QU'.411TY #$P SERVICE OUR MOlity 4 , • '.; --Saturday Specials.... DATi..,-sAinnetiOtEs :,....,RApBEI,i.iiir .iArrELETs ` ,iBillir-BoLLs, ..,. s , 1: , -; ‘.rCgitsEA lifulvia ' , ,BouGHNuls . ,,, . : : 4.. ;;- . TEA bistuiTs „ , . LATER CAKES • ,,,,, , ICED ROLLS OUR WHOLE WHEAT' BREAD IS 100:- WHOLE WHEAT .... _,........ , .....__,........_ . . , . --- - 'DELICIOUS AND HEALTHFUL • - ' 4 , , HOLLYIVIAN'S QUALITY-. BAKER Phone 36 LucknOW versar • l'"•.,91,00•• ervi eter' ur 1LIJCKNO REV. J. H: GEOGHEGAN, Rector. 1 Rev. J. C. Coley, Assistant. Sunday,: June ' 176,- • A.M.:74101y' COMininiien. il M.Matinii. •—Venerable ::Aiehdesqon. j. Doherty, . ' • ' .P• 1.444*.ve0son 11.4, L Th.'" -Saturday, June ,23rd --Confirmation-„ servieen . ' Rt. Rev. C. A.i Seager, p.p., 136shoii of Diocese . • . • Sunday,- June 24th, s' Al--Bo!y ..Comniullian. 11. A. M., Matins—The , .1,dasontel)rder. attend' nerviee., ' special, music At 411 services . . . , . . . THURSDAY, IDOR GARDEN PARTY.,INkeikliEDONIADIT 'POL. . . 7,!;•.:" Advocates ',. Of Blue: Water Route Fail Ti • Get : 'Support „ Southampte • And Reeve --A.'- W. .Hamliton, Luck - ow, Were .principal. Speakers In: 'COunti Council Discussion: ' • As:it: was apparent. in n: tato-hour. discussion,.in Wriikirton. last ,week, that . there was ,OliPOsition aniong the inetaoprs' of the Bryce op.nOSitithi• StrOng enougn to, give the Ann's. of. the 'Rine Water 11,ighway,..Astritiation.,a • ser- ious petbriek, expressed in a vete-L.4 Motion to ask the Geyern-.. ment:;to•take over this route'wao•fin7 fin- ally , withdrawn; .by Reeves', '4. C. Tonnie And Angus,t'irahaM, of •Sciuth- ,zuripton, and kinaardine reapec-r , sponsors.. •• ' "The' .abil a those who introduced the inetiOn. was to get Council to.re-., . afurni the stand taken in Nevenilier 11Kiui• majority:,of the:Reeves favored' the Goverrnikeet talciiia over the . Water- . highway.' . Earlier tlika.'Year a deputation; /rein munici- palitieg comerned waited-. On Mem- bers' Of the . • Major 'Telinie' stressed 'the fidVaziL Loges .of .the Blue Water 'route ahserhed into the Provincial high- ways system,. his 'principal atginnent .being 'that it -would encottrage a far greater handier, tourists to conic to, the silintiler. .Colonies 'along.. the shores of Lake Huron 'and ap.intu the Peninsula. Ili ,the Past agricul- ture and. the ,manufacture of futii14, titre- ha*e.. been ,Btuee, County's chief trilistriet, and at Many bebevethat ' DIED IN' ASIIFIELI) 'JaCk Murchison of concession i2; Atlideld;!,Passed away at his 'he*, on Tuesday morning. 'He, hai been lifelong resideneof, the township and made; his home with a sister and his :brother' Hugh. He ;,was seventy-five years of age, The funeral service is `being held' 014 morning -(Thursday) ------conducted by ,Rev. Father MeAtdle, fucker and vocal sole by Mts. Withl.butial in Kingsbridge cemetery. Almer Ackert and Margaret Rae. FINED AND GIVEN' ' ' SUSPENDED SENTENCE .t -leading guilty, in pollee court in Kitchener ' on Monday, to offerin., 0gus mining shares for sale jairies. _seated in, abodyin the ' church, 8allbour of Goderich was fined $100, orilnee service was held in the .l.Tidted and cost and given a›.year.s euspen.. Church On Sunday morning, When profusion of lieinnet, poppies and, other flowers added a tett& „Of beauty ,to )the setting.' The superin- tendent, M. A. E. Buswell, assisted Rev: S. -T. Tucker in conducting the service. Rev. :Tucker • anditOded. the studentg on the story of. DaVid Goliath, " 'stressing the iniportande Of the youth Of today perfecting their talent, jest as David had, perfected the use of the sling shot Which saved hid,peeple. tro.,,tha congregation; ,Rev. Tucker pointed out the importance of Sunday Scheel teaching and iurged the patents "to get 'behind" the Sun- day ,achnol. Special .nitisid was -nro-• vided by the‘ choir, and in :the an, - :then' "In the Garden" Margaret Rae ..took'a eohi• sweetly:116ga SUNDAY SCHOOL HOLDS, ANNIVERSARY . . With a Sunday School choir of twenty-six voices • and seventy rilem-sk' bers .of the school and their teachers ded sentence. Character evidence wag given on his behalf by_yarieita_Gadert ich citizens and organizations. trommotatetommmatrumottomsmoto • •••••••••• ONLY YESTERDAY" , „ COMES. TO LYCland EUM The special attraction at the -Ly- ceuin theatre this Week- is ",Only Yesterday". starring Margaret Suiai- vn And John' biles; 'supported by feature players. Greater than '13aCk Streets' is the.clitint this ,pic.", Lure, has merited' and.4is said to he "one of the ten hest Pictures Of all Lime',`: Adams is confident this Preseritatihis' will: be delightfully t‘(1.- W.,et.i: by 'the44e;g9erS of this dis, trict: The, show starts St eight- thin.' he best, days for the, manufacture furniture, are past, -Iteeveliihnie tged the Council to awl at lamed - d tourist traffic .supplyinec. reVenize hich may be lacking fibui Alas ' - , -Major Tolmie was ' supported in he disCiitsiOn by Reeves Graham, unn of . Gedded 'of t, Huron; rid Tyson ,of WiattOn. -Representatives ,pf some Of the -- uiieipalities indOrdireetlY—concern- ci, licking in support of the Toltnie- reborn' motion, were Reeve Well-- gtori Ard'of Aniabel, Reeve W. B. bite •of , Albeziniile,.. who hesitated account of 'the, and Reeve Of ,Sinigeen, •who Spoke :Of a aved highway ,not betng necessary. 0 a in of. the Sunday school acted et: Uslig- but, (-)iviiig to length of the Picture cr. in the evening'', a special young ,prcceeded only by neWS. reel.`qee'l Tucker' cVpliVering, apppOlirlate Pa adtiertisettiefit: . in 'this addtess,,,4wifili the ' young people's th ftire will Start about s icsut.eat"‘ .:in ; people's service ' 'Iwas held with Bev, *talk Wndoilag.seaJ rilOS.IA The Opposition . .,Favoring an all-purpose highway satiated so that it would benefit the greatest number of the permanent residents of Bruce, as well as Visiting inotorists,,, was ,a group led , by Reeve A. W. Hamilton of Luekith*. ThniReeves of Paisley-. and"- 'Tara; Wlessis. -.T: A. Lbgie and Res." Vail*. Usen,. spoke -Oter Mr. llaniilton's speech. Mr. Ilamilten did not advocate :MY rtierilar route, but • he explAibed at the pro'posed route from GOcl, aa04. ua S••• great occasion' in life with a listing 'Mien of Your esteem, slake your '. Choice from the Many item, cur414WOok, our neiection ,fine. :quality, yet ntoderateli. priced., -• , . . • GIFTS for GRADUAT/ON., LADIES' illINGSTr lit white nt green glad.' with Birthstone or Dinner Ring. WRIST WATCHES-. in. white and green gold • Priced from up. Graduation 'Special $15 00 A solid Gold Bar Pin ,or ' Lavallier BOYS' • RNGS- Signet Rings in silver with., a gold top or all gold, $3:00 up. WRIST. WATCHES, for Boys" . ..$5.00 Young Men's white and green gold . up. Gifts For Every Occasion. Armstro Jew,eller. (lust Arrivpd... --ANOTHER SHIPMENT OF Barb Wire Seconds • 4 ,4 4 _1 Will -Be 'Sold At' ' DEPRESSION PRICES 016:fitordie* HiGn stiffoob. ISTATUS . .NOT GRANTED ligkE , At 'rtruggo `County COtincit` last 4... Week, Lnekncriv Continuation school Boardpetitioned that laicknow and adjoining territory beerected into a • high' school district, but this was not traned as the ...4)SotoatuitioteLre "traigt11. Signed by the rate and I, 3 • BARR Adt, t'hIt'llo°Yibit:r°11.°clind4trf. °,n147ellneehsn- Hark, a sop, • ••••