HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-06-07, Page 737 lbs.; of Fat gee -
.No Wonder $ he. kooks
"How much'piriger you are 1001E7.
• ing! Whtit'a pleasure to 'hear that
' com liment from' -your -friends'• lips
'is this woman did, ,u •
"started taking
"Since a
�� g If xuschen'
S ts,. she writes, I have.
myself'b 37 its.amstill going
n and .bo
e spoil e • n6rmal
weight. My' health has;'greatly iln-
;proved.My' friends see•such a; ,dif-
ference in me.new f, look youtiger,
and I' have such a fresh,loolt.always
about my face which I never used, to
have. . I take' my, usual' food,.: bit;
Amy first, drink:in the morning is iny:
..,., Kruschen ;Salts,. which
,1 will` never be without." — ' (Mrs.;'
,'T.healts i
• n kruscheiikeepthe
organs of elimination in perfect 'trim.
so � ensures a regular, 'gentle. an
1latural .clearance of all 'fatformin
food efuse.' ' g
p� to 'Mise
lsles .of''.;Rest Vet a Bill' for•
Daylight 'Savin : Time.,
e• '.C. am•er" b e-
] CiB..
eruda-.Tb ...r st o
�'..e f
the;world'can' get, up an, hourea'lier
Bermudians ans 'h
ave' no
e f
-Landawn all day i. they. want to but
:�-' ]ight•saying time;.according to mem
_ bers of the, L_egislative_polinell..:..Who_
turned down the bill' amending` the.
• Time Zone Act;. giv"ing it "six months?
hoist." : ,
&,against the he bi
,: F.
-(.Gosling said ',that ': Bernindawas
lsituated.rougblY about;li 1f' way ',be'• -'
latitude: Lon na„dthe
,,latitude' •i;f countries• ••to: the sent
In •.London; ,adayligkft'saving Ymiglit be,
lbeneflciai,•••;bttt: ins- teountr-ieswhere.
- there -was, an-,excessive`amonntof--
it was found necessar • o- de.a
l r
Y., declare
siesta :in the middle of 'theday..
Majorry . of. TWO.
. "We are perhaps as: fortunately' alt_.
'uated as';a�ny spot.�on earth With re,'
Ord:0i 'matter," he said. .lt''had
been 'trie'd',•in 1917 with .resulting in
conveniences, Mr. 'Gosling Continued.,
Ia. Major the-i3on it W Appleby, •sup
Tt;AVt[ fljrKt35f05 •.
. - •CAPT.- F'; }i..REID
• Markets of Lor Veit;
Many, Incidents 'occur•iu the ;course
of travel; unexpected p perhaps
. happenings
that give zest -:to your. tri, Pe a
th'ebestof. •these are. the trivial: things
that you . stumble tupon,'.but- in which
there ° is much ' of human interest. A'
sojourner :In London,..for •instance,
wI11 , it° he has ores;' : tri see -find
-miieh' that is u Kern on Whether it
be a visit to Caledonian i. an .•Mi:rket—the
omciat`name ,et which 'Is• the' Metro-
politan Cattle' :Marketi--or- to
dlesex,'Stre!t .colnnion! known, -es.
�,,. Y, n
_ t Lane,--or� to,.a>;y ;one`of the
street • markets;here'"from barrows'
at the side of he•
r{urb, every con-
'ceivable article .is sold,'. you .will .meet'
queel• ' characters• and„ see strange,
Sights .ln abiuidance. , In) other. words,
you are embarked. 'open a personal
voyage of discovery. '
Caledonian Matket
'Caledonian Marketi .
e ar
1 gest.
cattle market- in the ' kingr!tim; r•'Mon
'day Is ;market `s in,
'and normal, -. ar
ivels•,FompiTi¢q aiiout;;l3t)0'•cattle and
oyer 6000 shoe gent --
p e
from the as`'
xd h
tura lands of 'E ellt'ri';(-'§Scotland .and
Fair in Danger Street, Notting Dale,
and for dogs •bis errand' other pets,
',there' is Club' , :, .,.. other Pet..,
. , w t Sh;..red,itch,; This.
is .not far from petticoat, Lane; ,the,,
market 'is . also'' held on. Sunday mein-
ing and terriers and: etherdogs 'm
be Pureh.asetthere,; • With •
,lbgger,'than,.any in':Burke The yalue
qt these,pedigrees, ,is,. • perhaps', ` an-
"other,, matter.;
All these markets are touthes..o`
London behind the soenes,;' I, haven't
mentioned Billingsgate) , the fish -
market; Covent Garden, . the • flower,
fruit and vegetable market; $mlth-
field, the meat market, • to, say noth-
ing of others- of lesser' importance,
Pin. • Punctures •�
'Cardboard .,
• On
.ever;,the great square is thrown open
.to pedlars who. expose; for sale evgry.
thing' that chn be Iiaid:,for.•and, taken:
away„ On the. pavement is ,spread ,a.
conglomei att.
on oP art,c.a
small � and
large, that defies description. Books;
pictures; hardware, „plotiig; ';old
tyres : (as the •Englishman ; ••spells
them),:• ric;a-biic, sx7verware, . gold
rings;. tools '' sporting ;gen ?s,, `anima s
and' birdsrtpmany; thinga to en-
u.'merate At'various pis:CO. in the
Market. .are, e• who celicacie
r s
Snell as•' snails Wrinkles ' and,. .eels• are
sold an
d tbepatrons of shelf booth
sprinkle •these with vine lr and 'eat.
them on, the• . P , s of with' 'much 'relish A.
'stange..set• ,of conic • cosi. regate in'
o` t be market• �muel'i..., _xl
hu 'our. is esh Cited• and .it. i' 'certain -
m s
inter,estin • cross sectio :of
y. g n
London life.; . There is an rinwritten,
•law -concerning • •Caledonah Market
you mu'sOt enquire, regaiding'the'
origin ' o9lf anything .exposed for. sale;'
it you'want it, hate the ntone3,,to pay
:for it and, can take it awir,it ask no'
questions: f •
4 Petticoat -Lane
porting the bilk repeat -ed-' "Early to'The 'Sunday' niornin n afl€ L tlritt`
1z..ea;?� early tali ae,�.nitek.es—any an�reyoi ees-i n--€he-�-iia�ne'-�-ii f-:-�'�ttiena•
Lane•' • is located in and .around Mid•
'dlesex Bitreet' :.A seething mass of
ht nianity--as .as packed: as' an
Exhibition Midway cross'. pr.. Labor
Day ---passes• along the "centre -of the'
street, -en ,each• Side. 'of wbieh, these.
are ',stalls and ''barrows, closely set'
together and '.presided over by •sh'out
irig salesmen.' and_ women wish;:
to araw attention to tbeir.: wares'..
Here •th.e articles are for 'the Most.
pant, 'new' but.:the• variety off things'
being.•offered :is' as. gre0 as in 'the'
„•taw—;at�rirnf>--it—,R--si .'veritable
bedlam',: and if' you do' 'not • enjoy,.
eroWils, • noise and excitement, stay
away:hboth. places' lir iiy :bargains.i,
may' be had if one .ls prepared to .do
'a 'little. dickering and atit .np w01'
some bantering talk. Ail this adds to
theen I
o rent. and J. *mild personal _
l.y advise anyone visiting Landon . to
go 'to one or ether'ot;these most ing
triguing SOW', • •
' Other Markets
'Berwick' Market •in.'• S'etio is much
healthy, wealthy and wise " '
'President 'Sir Sydney. -'Rowan,;, • of
(,Hamilton' -"The world has beeoine no
'wiser nor better 'since• that Was sail":
And• the bill ' was thrown out—by
a. 'majority ,of two.
1VLollisons E>ter ' . -
LONDON•—Cape James , Mollison,
has. ' entered : In: ' the England-to-Aus-
tralia'air'race.'- He v3i11 fly 'with':::his
b Johllsnn' •,"
Learns to: Fly
TORONTO--J:'A..Wilson, controller
of."civil. aviation .at'Ottawa, arrived
Toronto recently'. to learn that; his
daughter. Leotlt1a, bad, taken:her',flrst
flying lesson=,at, the Toronto Flying.
Club airport /go discovered ;;.his
daughter was learning tofly when he
received a '.certificate for .her. medical
examination in the usual Official 'man-, patronized byl the' foreign , elem nt of,
iner.; • London, and .also, so far as millinery;.
tura and drapery is, concarlied,. by,the
young ladies of;,London• genp'`ally; It
is aisd a street !market, :located not
far from Piceadllly, Circus, in the'
heart' of 'London, Another curloUS
Sunda3t.'morning market is",the, Reg
Relieved at Home'
Most cases.' of stomach :ulcers
:caused. by ' gastric hyperacidity
-acid stomach,'. constipation,:: gas
distress after: ---eating; ,stomach
pains, Skuttstomach, indigestion,
etc., respond to
VON $ ,' c'A IY A D 1 A4
9. help), ABLETS •
The . p,re-create the, proper �e-
micali balance'' —thus freeing you of
pain and ,distress. No, rigid diet
• you can ;eat all wholesonie,foods
regain your strength. •
Send' 100, for Trial Offer and • til•
pa.tteulare '
,446J Security Bldg. Windier, Ont..
'Have You Any..
• Non -Interest •.Paying
Monde •or ' Stocks 1.
We have markets for, a'number of '
defaulted real estate, municipal" wird'.
Corporation Bonds and' ' Stocks- We
'hake Ouiid�ln.'maty. instances that.:
our Clients have' had defaulted bonds
we were able to convert into
interest bearing..seeuritien, Hon, ab.
opt•your holdings? We WIlt'be glad
td make any Suggesf ns if yell; send•
ua•a lfst Of your securities; or a rep-
resentative will call If You so desire.
we epetialize in Governinent,.,Mu-
nicipal, Rest Estate, and Corporation
Securities:Quotations supplied' of >
`request • •
Beaus, Debentures,` Stock; "
Suiten 15;11-O2-03 iVlcttropol tan:
f Building `
Of' Dull 'Mentalit
y Caused
ByFaul.t Vision;.,
CAMBRIDGE --Eight pinholes : n •'a
g o in
pieceof cardboard are, proving that
some _cases of mental ,dumbness
merely unsuspected •poor, eyesight.,
The pinhofest-corm, the, erux of a new
eye -testing device., They reveal dhow
a visual image looks in
mthe ,brain.
When the image fro••each, eye. falls.
upon, the retina,. ;if :sight ie perfect';;
the tiro"images appear to Ile in abso
lut ;r. eter,' ....e i. t
lute egi to , .,on d sec ly on' top:`of
the ether
ut ''aetuall ',the
t e
two ,.ma a '"a •
p. Y g s m Y
have various .differenees..,Ore:;may 'be,
wider'_than-.the.. other, :or•Atillor,
:bigger in .all 'dimensions, 'or smaller:
The, technical-'bame' fo'r thug.edr_ditian
ie dyslexia. It is. sometimes exceed
ingly 'difficult to 'detect, particualriy,
when the faulty image is wrong .at
only one angle, which, may have any
direction:, ' •
• •The new; device "has 'revealed. cases
of dyslexia 3n fndividual3 whose eye-
sight had not. been under s"uspicion.'
It is described to the Aoierican. Asso-
ciation for the Advaneement of.Sci-
ence by. Walter F...Bearborn and For-
rest D. Comfort, et' Ifarvard Uniyer .
sIty. They
creditt thepi.
Prot sor Ames staff of the
Dartmouth jl3edicalySehp91., :
The eight pinholes are set 'in a
circle .around a hole three-eighths' Of'
an inch •in, diameter., Behind ,the pin-
holes are a series, of tiny lights, and
a' series of black backgrounds,
'These are arranged, so that,: when
a, person: ' looks `ut 1,11,9' large., central
hole -his right. eye, sees the:, tiny:•lights'
bei d.the • 'in holes'• But, .the.- eft ee
does not see these•lights.at ail • In
stead,' it seer only the black'' back-.
✓,: motspand Light Di s l
c e d'
the result is:.tha�•`ona.' ey,ese s a
hole surrounded hi -black dots,:while
the other sees the, sane hole sur-
rounded' by pinpoints of light.' If
'Vision, pis perfect the black dote and
the glowing• points superimpose and
to. the..,brain they 'appear to, fuse
Y. ••
if there is. Suy.ofthe' distortion' •
of dyslexia,.1ace dots and the brisht.
points separate. They separate -in the
directions in. whicb .the vision is faulty`
whether "it 'is at one : angle or a • „ gen-
.. .
s r ion.
d to t
Lenses :are placed in, trent of : the
•fuse and that gives the;,ecrreet' pre:-
scription: tor.' cor{ective eyeglasses.
• The trolibieS• tins corrpected i.nclade
'complaints' Of • sleepiness • when read
Mg; ,words' jumping .about and biur
ring on a:page ai d skipping(of lines.;
• A: S,MILe
m ted
The• `clerk had� 'lust cpfe
•. p ._. a
quarter^ century of faithful. service.
At the end, of the',day, the bosS hand-
ed him , an envelope inscribed;'. "In
token of ` this, memorable'' sate'
aned the,
v,elo a:
inside it he found a'?ortrait of his
employer. ;
, • ,
"Well ; What do 'Yoh . hink'-of my
-gift-toyouan- recpgnitionof-'your-de
voted . service'?" :the'pproprietor eked..
"It's jiist:like you,-" was the .reply:
Unique Display •' Will
Draw Crowds at"CNE
Ceylon now-. ;joins numerous other
far distant countries, whieh.. ill
come into the Canadian National Ex-
hibitic, in a;,.big way.this,'year With
a government-sponsored, elthibits.
The .Ceylon Tea Bureau, which is; a
governmental 'department, has enga-
•'four 'thousand s feet
space in the. Governments Buildings
and h hate, a display which. will be
,altogether ui i; us' and quite unlike
anything hitherto , attempted:in that
in erestin structure.
t g
hu a shi ment o.f emeralds
.phires; rubber and
'rubber products
cinnamon Tice,native handl:-
crafts such,as. pottery, fabrics wo'ren
grass',; hand -hammered brass in ad=
di i nto: tea,'ha's been shi ed' ;from
tR pp
the ort, of Colombo en route to, Tor-
a i'
i � accom n e
o. .• Tkie exhibit d
by English-speaking ; En lish-s eaking natives . in • cos-
fume and aside from " being designed
to stimulate trade .between Ceylen
and . Cana"da.: is. highly_' educational.
'Appropriately 'enough' this year
.sharks • the •100th anniversary' of a
..concerted campaign; on • the 'part " of
growers of Ceylon to .introduce . tea
throughout the British Empire. In
eluded in, the shipment which , accu-
pies fifteen huge crates, are ,two, di
oramas withlaborate lighting' - and
ft depicting lei
sound effects dapi c ng the, tea p nt-
ations with Cingalese natives and. el-
,a; an . owinga plc
king. curing and, •shipping'processes.
Your Livers Makin
You Feel Out of ,.Sorts
.Wake! up your.' Liver 'Bile -
No'.Calomel needed'
When you feel .blue depressed sour
on ..the world that's' -your ...liver which,
isn't pouring • itsV'daily two 'pounds. 'of
liq{tid, bile into, your' bowels:.
Digestion and. elimination 'are'lieing
sloc�ved-up, 'food' is accumulating, and';
•decaying --inside- you 'and making••• y. u
feel �}Retched•c;•
• Mer, bowel' -mo :ers ^ 91ke ` .salts ..,oil
m.iner; wote ,'' 1axatiive candy:or or •'chew-
2 r
� 'ha'e. don:' .. o a
'i o'r ou t
n r
'p� . g
g g . .g .
enough. " ''
You 'need .a ,.I k•er• s imulant. Carter's'
gd . i t
Iatt e Liver Pills is, the .best- one. Safe
Purely vegetable., Sure,, Ask .tor :them;
by 'name. Befuse substitutes.• 25c: at all
druggists 82;
Rwalre of
d See
4 '
Weed' seeds find their way to" c
irianure;�pile, -nrough the digestivf
systems •t' animals and:' in bedding
When fresh manure'isrhauled•oat and .'
spread ,on, -the land viable ,weed seedii
niay be,spread'With ,it:,, If Wee$s,;IT .`
present allow 'the manure: to 'remain,.
in the pile ,for • at'least orie Month he.' •
fore 'spreading and.thereby avoid
e ncr a '
r e sin weed i f to
o n s t
_g fi. a do
g ..i i,:
tality will run much higher, pit'
feel reasonably certain .that•in all Ong,
tario apple orchards sufficient larvae'.
will :have survived in sheltered spots'
to; necessitate the_: applicationp lN:, f- t - .
sprays outlined in the Qntario. spray
OIli5 ui s Cost ,.,
** t Cs n
C sLa
" ,'• ••' ss
Ottawa --,-Canada.." imported :1060,
463.853 gallons o' etroleti :in. the
g-.. i s . � P 4 _....,_111.
flscat' Year endingwit
March value'
at $25,1,73,238, an':' nerease in ,gallon..agebut a decrease, in 'value . compa
ed with the previous year: • •ltnporte
were; up' sharply in; luareh,, 73,981,459,
gallons coming' in compar'.ed With ,
$4,657,687 gallons in Marco last year. '':.
•,., It
Blue" Spells'
,Reduce some woment¢••t}e
;petulant Shadow of thhir, own •',
smiling. selves: Otho
rs. e
•when . ey' feel the. "blues',' •
coming on. It.steadies quiver-' • '
in nerves ;: helps to tone
I` the general. health...givesihem
more pep ; ; ; more char>Li
LYDIA I. iii' itNAM
, � s
' •
C ass filed Advertising
wzLD a1s>zae<A S WANTED .
ngH,o$l5d 0 w✓. pa
above.:other buyers: ..
Crowe, Wayne.` N.J.
Fob QLjxCS BALE=POWFB • ibustPi"'
1LEVBN only` left' at•.special tubilee
KA -
- Price. Greatly reduced; Cost; tar,.+'.
less. Yuinp' water night ' and day Ex
ceptional• value: Write •to=day sor pprices t <;
Well:- ' Mr. A.J.3'FIo1-,.
giving. depth' of '- For
brook.: `, Beatty Ergs. Limited;-
Ont. Box? 239-W
• . � ::: ... �he citaz'� ens�hrou hour Ontario, Ls ca.
• '• tin ' ''
or n
see>tn that!be>r riaines:are moorporated o;n ,,the V f
ersL•sts forte Provincial June'Y9tliChief
Election Officer Hum hr es takings ' ecial" steps to ,see that
p, , p p
ever , y •, xercise it at
yoke• en�oy><n the,franchse will be in a ositlon. to e . ,: ,
the' polis.
Minie'ter•'s' Son Invents, -
Inviabl'e, ,Ear. Drum
T'lie-Inrislble ;Ear Drum invented by:
1 A. Q TLeonatd;Ia soir.ora idely:
• known Methodist minister, for his own
relief ,from extreme deafnese.'and head'
noises, has so' greatly, imprQyed . his
hearing that he can. joIn In any ordinary;'
'conversation, go to theatre and hear
,without difficulty. Ihexpenslve, and has
proven a blessing to:many people. Write,
Eor •booklet to. A.O Leonard, Inc, Sulte
i89,, 70 •Fifth'' Avenue,' New York •City,
" eat
Anticipating' a busy • suriimer,
young','boy is ahead§ soliciting busi-
nese ' incleaning white shoes: 1418
plan is rather novel, 'for the present
`.time' and is Meeting with enlhdrlasm
among many •' busy ; people . of ' his
'neighborhood, lie collects 'shoes left
in boxes outsidel.the door, cleans the '
tshoes, , and returns them • early the
•neftt morning:
Are--Yoi Sluggish
ToT'hrow: Oif'Energy Stealing
Impurities, enioy P' glass or two . .
• each week of
Energiziag,,Effesvescent „
in TI iS--3Se end title •
Is4{te "No. 22 '
..; .. ; ..: _ , _ •, . ' •all the elec-.
e Voters 'Lists :have been ste •'conspicuously' in•,
r , video for' indxvid als.
to al distrtc�•s and .abundant. opportunity, >�s pro . , �..., • •
to examinetese lists and: learn -if Ieach dis4.
trice s ecihed dates.to consider 'a Plica
t. ons or cornplaatsm � regaard nhnies, • It: js •. Yncumbe
• ;upon 'each.'voter to sat; -:. himself • �'or a erself that'their name is includ
ed; ' :Incases where: names are lef t; off or corrections are needed such
persons are advised to attend:the Revising Officer's,sitting,. in•person
or to obt•ain.•N•otice of , • I• •and to: ,,, e, two .a ys
vane f :' h afore • enti ned .antra s
It ec
is es ially:. ur :d upon t e .electorate that eaci. ^voter should
•.p•. , Y gep t
make:. the inclusion of his riarne on the list a: natter of'personal'
porisib lily. Ad uate. machinery( is provided and every care will:' •be -
taken;:but individual co-operation is sought:
re. Humphries
Chief:. Election Officer issues a message to, be pu
lie nn teeolia in terss.:
You �en o the _franchise. E rercise it.� You,slould'co-operate`
•.a"�� 1 .ln
. the—Y tees LList,
r-deL••to--see ,th�t�-��ou�..name.�•.�s�.o�.
' • The responsibility is yours. Do not delay. on't, put it off anti
Election Day and:then blame someone. because your , name is not off'
oters' List."' `.7