HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-06-07, Page 6e
Voice o
c.4'pad4. the, EMPire and The World at Large ,
TkO.VPg.,gP,l'Ar,igSTRIANS7 • •
' Petlestriani en ht higtivnty are at
•a. loss, -to know: whetW'te, walk on
theAight or the left aids for
, greatest safety. Seine: advocate .tha
„ pedestrienS should 'walk on Aire left
side §Q that they,,Will face '411-eWs• '
that: are approaching ' If they walk
on the rig* .be, rue
•down by the traffie behind them. An
insurailEe : company ' ia , the United
• 'States' has Made a ,siarvey of this Mat-
• terand atai'istica•of .accidents Showed
that, the greatest percentage of fatal,:
itigaecetirred-aineng those:who walk: -
ed: facing traffiC rather than -*Ong.
"theae who walte'in the Same direction.
with it. • :What , eVef side you Choose
youneed to keep both eyes peeled
' for 'ell". autos. --• Walkerton .fferaid-
The grasshoppers'retist Inlye learn -
.ed, Of the surphis of wheat. In any
• eine they are preparing o' reduce,
this- year's crop. Net oniy is West -
.ern Canada *serried over a grasshop-
per invasion, .,lnit 'ill' the State of
Illtieh they .have -a plague, of the
•:ett':•••ThetLare.:_sai to. hew:Sol-1nm
„•ans. and:r:rio • IningrY thif theY, shirnd
',Leaden Free Press.
The 'Hydro 'woad for rural sections
• haa'inereaSed 68 per cent, during the
• depression' and ;is now greeter, than
that' used by • Kingston,
:East -Witrilsoki.ChatheinITWellentl, St.
"ThOrnas, WOOditoeltand Owen Sorriid
.ebniblaed. Sir 'Adam Beck was laugh-,
e&itt when he foretold all this deVel-
Oppient;„14t ik.i6XepidlY•ceming true.
-St-Catharines" Standard. • '
One . the moat reinarkabje
pieces of. news • comes : from -'prinn•
- • 'The •=city.;., cotineR.' has vetted ,
„money . to • ,erect . as!. 4:0 -foot hitching
raelt for horses It is„r'inany Years,
• sinee • the • old hitehirig Xack,. driraiL
• neared. f'rom ;„:Drumheller, ,buit. is
•, said that: • "Since more horses are
More. than, .4§3.2000,000 Was 'paid out
•gpid dividends: • These,. truly, are
figures for. PesSiVat.F:—Ottawa Jour-
. ,
perhaps it is time that someone 111.
sued 'an appeal to 'be kind ta,, dumb
parents. AdjudieatOre, teaeherst
thora and the ubtMust he aware
that by andlarge.thy mean well.—.
. .
One .of grOritest. enginee,rin
feats of modern tinfes, the ...Meisey
Tthriiel;has now h,cen, completed' and
thousands of PeoWe walked ,`through
it at ,the Easter weelszend. The tun-
nel is' to he fOrmally 'opened.. by the^
King in July, -I takings together'Liv-
erpool and Bootle cm the Lanett -Shire
and Birkenhead and Wallasey on the
Cheshire side, four boroughs with a
totdi population of eloge on 1 34, mil-
lions. • On April 3rd, 1928; the pre-
liminary tunnel from •Liverpeel met
fromBirkenhead under the middle of
the river. So` accurate was the' sur-
vey Work that thedivergence for line,,
• length and leVele,averaged,' less than
one Aich.,I3rockville Recorder and
Thnes. •
, The shnidetruth is that the nation
lute:got the. money for both more
warplines, and. more warships. The
need for warplanesiaparamOunt and
that for warShips, Secondary.- .It is on.
:Warplanes' that those responsible for
the natioe's safety Mint concentrate.
—London Everting News.
„ •:
London is Safe from earthquakes -r
• Or,';at least, i.f one did affeet'the ditY
it Would be so serions that, the,, rest.
Of the Worldwould he destroyed. Dr.
. .• • -
Winton, the seismologist, Made
that statement, anal exPlained it IR a
The ',reason London's city's, • safety,'
is that it aits on a "soft ',ct shion. of
clay."—London Express., •
No more trinmphant example'•of
noweing used, by,farmers, the clif- a the British genius for cork:non-Ilse
fieulty of hitehing them to some van be imagined than -file proposal
solid,• objet ha'arisen and the re- to impose a speed limit for just 19
turn of: the hitching rack has been: „hoUre, day aed Only, aii_roaclaJhat
_ deenied..':neeeesary; I.,. Staintil: John • rare'lighted by Street. laint;;. As 'Sir,
Telegr' aphtJeuenal.--, --Atis-teli7-.Chliei1iiin ,1--prin4ed; - Out
..GR:1;,TI.4.G INTQ., Rtrrs ' Ihtiter. day, • our t 'ways a_re beyond
. . .
the comprehension of, benighted •but
r , Someone, has ,Said that the 'iOnli adiniing ' :foreigners. —' ,Manheater
. ' difference hetWein a rut a.nd: -a gratte' r .
, . ,
that„ the latter is a httle deep'er 'Sunday Chronicle. ,
• thaii^"„the TIMt.,..th.ere-, is. , •AIRW.A178 • ' iN 1141?iA ,
inabedlocf,ie otheiiiiying will- • Air 1. T..1 'in India has been
he evident when' we give the matter of disappointingly slow growth, and
a little thought. Ruts tend to get even. nearly:ten years have iiassed einte
• deeper, and getting out of them is Sir Samu• el- Hoa • re and the: late Sir
likely to grow,More and more diffi-' Sefton Brancker used to rouse our
calt, • and keeping in them 'less and hopes With talk of • ai four-day mail
less 'satisfaCtory'. We ought really to service between London and Delhi,
try very hard not to get into rats. and of feeder services to all_points
-------43-ut-the--fronbleis-tinitthis--is-al= of the comPaSs in India. But in,1883,
ways se hard to And it hard for despite -the eeenornie'depression, :new
- the verylgerod reason that there 'are- and Substantial ' advance was "made
so many thingi,;Which we learn to-do and .0 the ;'beginning' of ' 1934,it is
well only as we do them, according to possible to feel that this Countryhas
a flied or regular pattern or Method: at last begun to have 'a eivil aviation
and regularity and routine, are very, of its own and that • development
- mach -given .to the 'wearing of :ruts henceforward will . be . Steady. The
• Somewhere; occasionally ^• even in a weekly Karachi-Bombay-Aladras ser-
man'a sOul., For *most of us it will ;vice has proved its worth i in. 'et:armee.:
. take real, -if not. Ininie, • effort to tion with maiI but the 'tinie is ripe
• , .
Get* w
3ft. „ •
•• •••,. . ..
President Wham, Lang. of the Toronto: 'Anglers'Asseciation preSented Mark with a traYftii of
beautiful speckle&tionticaughttlie_same_ino,rningwatUaledon Mountain deb:- The trout•were-uncooked,
„ heiutifUlly garnished with 'colored butter and par sley, and Mary had them cooked. in the aeroplane
.that carried her across from St 'Louis to Hollyw ood. President Lang and T W Jull got up at. 4
OW, .caught twenty trout -weighing 16 pounds an d were back Toronto before office hours.
. •
edged stocks .is the new life in indus-
trials, 'a rise' justified' by an. increase
in profits Jest year of 79 percent.
Reigious Leaders
Wage War on War
• • • New :York -.-Believing • that -they!fir
•ed •"a .8114 ',which..', will ...be heard,
areund. the world" XeligiOps • leaders
closed a two day Conferenee,,on:,War ,
'end:OcoliOiniq jtlEtpce 'here..reematly.:
' Other conferences ' sire tin'lhe 'held •
. throughout .thetrtielted+Stes-,-04,
nehhi Edward L:
Mei '-e^ 'organized "Other 'than. the
pious good -will 'group, ' who .Would
stand together r in oppoSition' .t0 wr
and in • any - econoinie• . eontrOVeriY:
and as e group to.; disrupt thW cern,
•.nienityon that law' le- need' be.". ,
The'. Rev'. Eq .tain*,:iy. • chin ee • or,
'the Labor .TeniPle• 'elated thet.sucli
greupiw4,itti'.,In the ^ininieters'. unicati
'of ,89 Members,. of Which he Is pre-
sident Dr AlIen R•night,"Chalrliers;
Snail:a/fig:up the eonferehee, ,Eiald that
the', Whole. ',emphasis has shOWn • that
' inistere-ase-threaglie:wit-e: war:
. •
,Iceep out of rut, some of theni very for a great increase in passenger
dangerous onea: to 'get• into.—Brigh- traffi• c by air,—Calcutta Statesman.
ten' Ensign. •
. 'AFTER",'THE FLOOD ' The face of 7Johannesburg changes
The spring flood has, tarried in as rapidly asthat r ,,of any other city.
numerable fish,' including black bees in the world—and 'more rapidly than
and 'speckled trout, ' into 'midi, Po„..nds Most • Anyone: Who"' visited the Rand
, in ifields adjoining 'the river : When tvarenti;ten,•.Oreveri five years ego,
'I the :water receded the fiehavereAeit. and '' had- not'seen JohanneePtrk
Auburn folk are wading in With king Sinte, would scarcely ' xedo nise it to--
, ,
,ruhher---bOets miii--eainingit . •, •Ardi now a e •trinirTri;
:i asketa P. of fish,* 'caught with the building trade caused by the depress -
an ds.;-L.Exeter 'Tnnes-Advoeate. ' ion is over, expansion • is proceeding
PUBLICITY ‘^FOR CANADA ' More..rapiidlir than eYer; It is nI*o4
• `
Thatitis worth while going out ,impossible, to open A Rand newspaper
- '
nowedayi without coining across,' a
of Our way to bring tourists from all repOrt of some big property •deaI or
over the *
, Arid, and especially from an 'a-nnaancernent af the impending
the United States, to 'Canada, no one
-wwhich-erection "of another large- bleak of
. ill ellestkil• An industry bats or business premises T
. heSe'rare
., • brought us $366,000,000 in 1930
en news iterri Of Public ' interest and
even admitting that thiS is a reeord•"
find their way into the Press.' In ad-
figure, merits celtivatiop. As Theo.;
• (lore Morgan well said before • the
Senate committee, -the inorley spent
On publieity Jur mike Canada 'known
•outside is -one 'elf the hest . and most
profitable of iesttnentS. .
hava ne fear, 't herefore, to appro-
priate adequate ,sums of meney, for a
vast ' eaMpaign' of pehileity to Make
• known the advantages of Canada,
both tor bUSiti68.5 indRitrial astablish-
, , •
.4nent, larreirig0 touratig,surptime and in an attempt to correct her ecencintie
Winter sports„ et We will not re-;•disecinilihrialin, Vet it • was: well, un-
.gret„it; for it will: bring hack n thOina detrained that, although. she should
andfold return, --7-1,at 'Press'eMon,Ifot neglect ,stich remdies' ,aS, She
•• • • cott:e epply intern -111y •aect V as for
'0 KING 1FORWA Ea' • ti t rt t e-
- R , g -4 er pa epen Upon r
Who ,aed inevitable in a coniatty that re -
dition, the building Of 'plate houses
in the outer suburbs is goinr on'
pace, and Johannesburg is nOW
City of 129 townships, coveting-- 82
square" • miles, and pnsSeSSing '832
miles Of streets end -a popttlatipn" of
:3910830, :•
the lust three difficult' •yetirS
New Zealand has done many things
thet th(j eo,y wOloonie whe lied on le;ego prrlicatbren of
:•Doulthohost%4 ,vvit have to put, on' their 11' r Pt'i.in°i1911"111 tWw°171'1's inar:„^:
olotho to otti„.00t 4ittootwo, keta, anti pal tieulai ly le the Tit dish
• toe 'Spectator. ,
• . •
years ego (),rkfarros;pt'otIttoi•
'Lion; 'of all trietalItegnii.i.
, Was $5060(4007', lwatat •Yeat its gel&
prodnetIon alone-iltitt-14 400,606,000;
end' 'Ante 189'1 it Ifirs .1"ret,n• $.901.0000.!,
• "000'w .n "trip of that We ant
ilttr rki at tivia 1*W. Of $261060;000
tt. yott14,e'04fter I1I theilate ot
.(yyty.! "1> the.;Ths fetir 'SrpAtttl , $1.0p,:k
Pg0.,00,0..i Worth Of geld,has heNt taken
"1n7rektpiric-- ,
tettailtr-t, ,..ittela • beteg the '04se,
/0eatieno (ma fairly atol cenfidently
expect', to share,. i the ,tirevae4 move-
meht recorded. in 4thati'Y ,r^..tiice:t:t fermi
ovetsensf, ancl especially frOrif Great
'1411e4.fitt'ore'''• tone^is UrallY
shiest speotirry tredStratted an flint ,eloak
intl'Clirittl. Of tali_berrenettlete titt)..s.thek•
11t.titt.1 Tnt "ir tins also '$pread
ihrtartgiT" the niark•izte, 171,1ato
'today beIn* iftelior t holl thtise
931). igere et1l'atit1Iei110 ;pail iigeltir-
tat 111,101' ;thiz: Otatiti2O1 gHt
Oder rong Place •
GOderick-I3e.Cause he: did not know
,the 'fine. "jointFient the law; •Thornai
•Day, .1.16wielc.:,.,„township': farmer, `, hid
his suimiir,Of eider in his barn. Police
f�und 'U under Six feet of: straW. This
cost'. Day $28 • In county' magletrate's
. „
coint-Tipay, people •elitergin;from
the barn gave Pollee then' thie. Atm-
• ever, had 'lc* ,keot. his cider in his
tesideneklie would, have -been. with;
'in .the' laW; the court
to End 'Reckless
Waste of
••• •
-13ellyweed, rtii•ended 'kid.' of her datighter','Guarde. are ahmit.the
napper finds many,: barriers raise„ii estate .24 hours 'a day. • . '
,against • him la the ,movie Colony', • ,..Similar:preeautions haVe. ,beep talc,
'• The. late' 'of,:„William • F: Gettle, ell en by Bing,Crosby:'•Mae • West he,* had
niilliOnaire • Who was ; abducted frona. triple bolted • doors installed ht.. her
his summer home ' Arcadia horn, •and.:ke•epa • two special guards
never :his :befallen a.„inovie iretor ..er, fitim'. the 'District. Attorney's. Office;
actress;.. hitt the peasilinity- of it' has .,aadime.veltscinal• guard or. hand
put meat. of tile* on the:,alert .stiWed.eiff • shotgun. „
le -the -homes --- • Edward:rg; "Rebiesitin„ ',whose. „,gang
' WhOni_are,neighltiersw:of-the..Getitle ,,e,harrtetere4reteifOrertiest4nAhe-c-Yele-
,:fc_ifiilyeTait'r,Oardieieberatet,....altitin 014**(Ltiie.„-.1416-„
ayetems:.•:viciOns.'doge; •steekerl• raenz.:„ Aire Wing?of-:his home mitth Jus
'als,heaviIy..bolted doors,. and rein- 8011 sleeps and plays and • attrrqiiided
forced .window • with guards • : • '
No ;Dire' lar-reanhini: precautions Likewiseine 'Ann' Harding -protect
have . been taken .1n HollyWOod,• than ed 'ilietisatety .of her dinghter..;00,0e.:
those employed by Harrold •Lloyd, -who Swansea refine's, to ,ae.W :her Children
once was threatened' by: 'IchinaPperta. ,to live in the •United'States and keeps
His great estate Is incOisedbyTan un- thein: in • Switaerlaiut : • '
"Wall.4. At the .iiitty foitilante, : .palcte'r, has • an ingeplous
gnard, liedinit • alined, is 'dtitk. 24 aystein,nt firiitection.' The loandation
.1164S 'a day:',A..nUmber- of 'Great Dane of it.. a, photo' electric cell and only
dogs roam.'"„ the groundi., • • • those-whO'know Alp combination, and
' The home • of Marlene bietrich is they're • few,•cati enter. his,".Iionie • slid -
width alarm Sytitetne•—a.ek.-1'. uff a ltilat",
windows arahar,red for the protection Of- alenria. ," • .• • • ".: •
esunies. Canters Park •
•Engtvor hetirst time -
since 1322- King George has resumed
•his ,early nierning canters in ,Hyde
-. 'Astride lile afvente horse His Maj-
• esty...rode about the bridle 'pathe4f
Hyde Park almost •nimoticed:, •
The kind I's believed' tb be training
himself for. the more ardeene: task tf
a big ,militarY' review Planned !dr liis
,birViday," June Ath. .•
estrict Hoboes -.Diet
. .
• , , • .
NEW :YORK ---The use Of ,pabliC
• funds to pay •the tOit Of' childbearing.
to end a. lsreckleSs • waste ;of lives"
Was itdvOcated 'recently by Di. „Thee
Parrett' Jr., l'sLew York State .Goinmis-
He told' thie-hfatetnity Centre 'As-
• 'sheiation' that - there obetir in New
York State 'each year, morel than 17,-
000 deaths as ,a itestilt ef' "our
management the' childbearing
" His, plans °would prtivide„wttate
money to pay the , ,eptire medical,
hospital • and ' nursing , costs of Child-
betintig, for every :woman Unable- to
provide "the. best of Care" for her-
self. There wcitild . be no • pauper's
oath .orr',Similar hMeiliating Condi.
•tiona, he said,
Annapolis Roy,a1,'N.S.---Nine hobdes
lay In the town jail,: restrietett. 0,41
'diet, ot bread ; and waterby . Oder :of.
the Tow;n Council "tia.aa .example to
Othere, 0! their kind' who may think.
they can blow Into -Annapolis Royal,
andAtake 'Possession of the •Plaee." •
___..., , - _ ,
•Canada 'Lea
Buyer in 13rtiain
LondenTiir'cliases ,to prifitin, at;
cording to th� latest retanns-Of the
4'13eard of it'tilde; 'show" Steadily,.grO.w„
ing,. inefeases, WO:Canada leading
all. the ',Dominions.The purchases of
Canada Made here in tile fir,St guar.:
ter' of 1934 ambuntedjo 4444,000 as
cbmnareewith z260,00II, tor: thio Arai
quarter of, 1,93. •
• levet Lit -The state' of
'',Arttore ,tthtrrtire :hit 1i 'as
s -as
• lieetieatited the Toronto ' trio'thet
:giving. birth • to the ineSt 'children, in
the' 10 -year perind • feuowitt • his
,0561:h; has' bine, literettalid by a eheh-,
ti6,yrnefit .0,5320,000 'bY, the 'Brewing.
,Corperatioe pf.. Canada, "in part PliY-
Mont ,for th0 tlintlaf 0.gtat4J101di1)g:i
.0lKeefe'S Ilrewery whioh hav.heen
Purchased, by„ the CortsaNition
• It was' Warted • Ih tltH Pfir5 new
Geepted fear the, 1\l'i11er lint/1it:1gs was
1.9400,i1ed caul -the tentaitniag .1:4'9;900
1:ninst he old' Itt ,•'r:astt tvitit;•,1sL
4 '• w .
• ' When Ale,tiIlr dive. 'atteld'ettly„
tast•iniefif hitt 'Will PreviSatt Wide
o'r..14.00,vory. ;nod.- Outatio
w•• •....,;,•••-
jOekesi altth sick wote 1.9t to 4110ill•
nen 1 iurio clergymen, while .the,
elause't has Otte 'been
,the ,stihjeet of 'Much distension, "
• reivo •Yeara ago., the „Ornate() Obi,.
ertitrient. tried to .estreat, the will and
turn', the money over' to tiniVersity
sI Torofitcl. A bill to that eff0et Was
:witiltdraWn • in tbe it:gists ture rolletw.
ing pretest% • ' ' '
Mra, di‘eee Ilagnetta • wife. eof
poife-e, eetitt interPreter, ita new be
'he leading eleitnet4 to. the
tntate,,. She liitsglvon" birth sik
Chliditen iti the, peat Iglyeets to
thitto, and already hatt•W lets, Innilly
,.rho oRtitto ,ht lbfI ttititeal•;nvet, bop,
ring linfOreiteeti 011 ttitl'41!t110" 15
•••• %Av... •
Ontario Girl,'14,
Dies From Lockjaw
•-Landon, oht...Lockjaw infeetion
JolloWlne miner hand injuries,
fared 'raceway ina sclieblyaid ads
h4.1), proved fatal ..to;•14-yea1-o1d Ruby
• Veale; of ',Mount. Brydgei: • liphy' fell
and •another pupit':'stepped • on her
hand., She (suffered cuts .04 the dis
• iecaiinii of 'one:linger. ,
Pulpwood Cutters,
Given Pay Increase
the lakehead diettect. 'have. granted
an Increase Of 40.:centa7ii cord .' .fot,
'cutting ;and rpedling ,pulpwood during
the • anninter, and: Workerp In return
have pledged' that n� strike..Will be
. called in district thither' 'Caints he -
to p: A.,cleth,preekleot of theitake..
head. , Timberinent .Aseeention, :
• More than 1,000.. Mee Ate. affeqed
'hy the' rate rite... • '"
Britain'sliiiPorts .
...And:EipOrts Rise
• I4endon-•.:.!The • has
annatinced. that 1mpot Into' the
UnittO kingdom dtiring April -inereati.,
edby £5,193,173. or 10.1; per cent.
over these Of •April of tag year: -lit
the setae: month exPeti.4 increased
by the ,value .ef• :c3,7e4;40 or 14:Per
cent., 'while ra.expOrts Showed an in.:
-creese Of '$1,48.1;909 or 4t,43 nee -cent.
.0! the indicartS .80, f•et.' ceht.. wero.raw
•iiiateriai , While 10 per: ont ef the
exitOrts 'Were insintitaatneftl. artieleS..
*TEM.:CHINCH ,006'.
'14he. Chinch hug Iran, beeti
North •A,riterice gate ' tiarliNg*-1
the years 1850 tO,I.011if it has cauSed
168808 in 'the 'United .sto.tq8 amount
'trig le the .enoritionS Sinn of $$5.0,-
o00O00, Fdyuflatcly tlic 1iincIi htig'
lueenitat develeverl to anytliin likI the
sane 'extent in :Catittila," chiefly
through?: the e'ffOtts of 06 Oltenia-
IChtittnt thp .PCiminion tp
Pertinent Of irut (10)ifig
iithO YnitrA, has' It•!. -en reSpeals-
iblo for iMportatri l'ilttryk? meetiew.
pitVittee 'or oritt.krlor
Women ern rig.
of Britis Legjon
• UnderCriticism
'14ONPON7-The, deportinent or
:men members, of the British Legion
when they. take.' pert in parades pro-
voked a livelY 'discassion at the. eon,.
• ferenee Of the :wewitee leetioo ,ftf-
London,. ••• - •,. • •. •••
Mrs,, F. Hilten, Moore, moved a res6,0'
Itition eaggesting that ,a certain •
Mnount of drillin rbeferehapd would
'improve matters; •
She said :theist/ r some years' she •
had been inthaPpy about the •litapres.,
idoe parading" women Must Make upon
•-the ordinary man in the street; wwho
had 'neither. the„iinaginittiOn per the
Opportunity Of realizing 'the. wonder-
ful •work. Mine by the Women's sec-
, , •
tiom.40fIn my ,bign..bra.nch.?' „Mee?.
Hilton Moore, '"a„ member,' of •,.inas ex^7
'ecutIve, a sergeant -major, has '
taken 'tis in, hand, and In a 'Minnie
mannef liaa',,taught us' the :right. wept
dealing -With the: etandard. on air&
occasions, and, at any rate, ' liqw"„ to •
keep in step while niarching.'t.
, • x-,Servico, WoMan •
Mrs„ MacGregor Whyte Bei& that
She was. an tx-aervice 'woman, and .
stie.h liad had a certain amount ot'
drilling during the: war. "I iveht •at
short while agnto.a; dedication cere., ,
mony. with my legion bneh," the.
• said. "A •number ot •tvieniee • -mem
beta were invited, and.We were, giVen
wa ele_e_scl:_el„.thetle. • We were' supptia- '
TeAr .Trow
:Men haVe not :the remotest idea : 'Cif: . •
forming fours, and lestee&we
e& In threes, and ..We are, ask-
ed, through. the -.ConrtesX101,
'eon terjOin in, -their parades, And We :
:have :mi. right. to make thoSe'neradel
lectit7ridiotie'4W3i4-1.'eVen Saw -one "--
proctiarthin Which .a •was '
,Wileeibig a. peranihniator."., .•
.Mre Davis said,' When•theY'had 'wo-,
Mew of :60. and Mter,, 0: their had In
lier branch,' it',.'wee- ten lite to begia.
drilling. them.' have a , eertain.
iiiiMber Of WeirienTVInt • have *eat.' In
'good frirni..byteuehing their toes, ami
they, coild. match, but we •IiiiVe ouF
"ranks the:Meth:era' of „ladal_Whia-Weat
"tit the•war,' and it ht.Only,oir 'to, re-
nieniber tliatjhe -Older woree'n can
not step mit. Ilk "the younger 'people.,
• .4...4titer- • a W , an • has 'reached , the'
middieage enread.•• it' :not,
Possible. for her."' • • .„
'The, resolution
• . 4
King 4eorgellears,
'So_ . ing.
LONDON, • En.-SoPhie• Tucker
•gave King George V. the re-
ee,ntlY on ' how' she, •ati the, original
"red hot ',mama" • sing'er, put, over the '
,Old.tinie "blues" tunes' Of '15 and 20'
• Years age;:
- She appeared as .0 surprise• num,
.ber .at comniand performinee In
the Theatre...: Her appearanee was kept secret: -Until :the -last .
minute; when .Misa.)Tacker ;romped on
the stage 'In old style Meitner and
andi_.•in.•,a..: way, •
-4atlee7. • •• ." ' '
The objective of "he" is "§he.,,,,•
. .•
A plaganstis a Writer of plays., ,
• A compliinentis when-, you .say
something to another that he and. you
know is not tine^. •• ' •
' Chivalry • is the attitude of a man
to a strange woman.;
• A deacon isa Mass of inflammable
material placed in- a prominent pcisi-
• trpi.e6Injilstee Wofartnh`
What :liappeni7 When ' there is ''en,
-people come-Opt:to- look at it.
• The animal which showS'the great-
st foi man is' women..
., trinities are imperfect " animals ;
„Alan alone is a perfect beast.. . I
,Eenir FON . was the , • inventor of
perPetual. motion. •
A 'rinhiriaUt is an . aniMat that
•Clietea :its 'cub: • . "
Heredity is a bad thing enclitOtight' •
to • be prevented. ' •I
I. -The atomach_is-aAoWl,ahaped
ity. • Containing; the organs of indit
gestion. •-•• • I.
- To be healthy, don't eat any kind "
ider food.' SI j
e .e*f infea"nal or -
One :of the ,rnain :catneS •of dust is
gain Of the body.
,A Scoutobeysailto whom obedi-
ence' due'lind restieCts all, dulY cen- •
stipatecl atithOtiti. , ••.,,
• .., k:person sholild taken hath °nee
in the" Suminet end.'hot quite .s4' oftenin the winti, .
'Of elehangew, 'a' a
derstantl it, is not very well
• In ,Milten's time England - wonia:
have been; a Tniich hollei 'plit'cc it
.iieryhoily heti belonged' to the03'atite
50". • • a •
"Wilto ell Vett ininaw iii�ut roeoif.
"The 1hs saittabent ' Nero the h•etz
ter.° ", • , ,
•••,?,ero 1.:$ the kiiiit;..ot
the fkldk-
• A tionegogue is. a `Vtaseel• entatatii:, ,
• in Spiritimus • '• "
' Now a tits el', 'use:feller e0ii,c1tey.
ng ertlamittes ,stte • sell&itias, arid "
niarriag6.8 ,
test :year. :tiany livos wnrt .efttlf390
by iteeidents, • '. • '
'rho ne'itii•nsteteretaieltl it the peat- .
(I ;girt( *••,• • •
11 s esSe..lt" tate said to be 'girt
, N'orlucednt . ttte
f..h.ttntati. .irti8„0:ry-rtrO•strothiogi__
'• 6'1 roset in sheep's Clething,
• • „