HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-06-07, Page 5' µgA,•R.,•.w»N r, 46, 41 amu» . •y>r ^i.r1w •f/.aNtwN*.. 4
TN�11t15DAY 3IJI E 7th; IOM.
t �
_.sive Victor
' ' • After two hours; and • twenty.
twent : mi>;
utea:' of weirdbaseball :had:•ueen
.plaxfd here onyThursday,. 'Sandy
."; :Thompson, •-ChesIc: umpire. awarded
„ ^,,. the.a ,. g m#'e to, rt -Irlgrn in .the: last
. hulf at the. ' eighth finning;, 'by a score.
of J•. to 0; ills decision., came , after
a prolonged argument when'. • h. e ord-.
eyed ' Clark .Finlayson back to third
:' be had
en ,.h '
ome.-Thompso ,nam' called,."Play::.'bill!,!, clai ed Jack; ottrth, who, ,Was
.replacing".G. ,Sturgeon
on the !'mound
'teas, not i:► h.s box
... '
.V •
• orou, Irvin!, ti a �ore
' 'arra;
. Mound for a
1 Luckn w `;fo
third -game "'in eight ..days,..
s, and
, Was ;pounded freely by Port
' who collected' a total
:o f. eiglitecn.
hits. off the' offerings of.'he and Mil
ler, who •pitchu;l for about two in,
Pings. G: ;Cottril, carried elf batting
honors-withfour=hits-1-0•six trip;s,.to
the, plate. Two of his smashes were
..; 'circuit drives; ' his second'
seco d'
conning in, the seventh inning 'with.
Miller, ,'3rd basemah for Southam A-
' ton last ,year, played his. airs, gatrte,
Of the Season with :the local, . squad.'.
Ile. replaced Irwin ',On the mound: in.
th.L.sixth' inning ::.h
.7 -7 -1 -97 -the rubber in tie seventh,. after
Miller` had walked three hien', and
ullowed'three-hits;-one of them being
' '';Cottril!s second home .run:
Irwin's .support was : not • good,.
either, his teammates. making,,. six
miscues. Two fast .double tplayi ,were
started by. Roy Finl'aystiii. and.. Art.
:Andrew and were :.the fielding high-.
" lights of the game;•: -Andre* had • a,
busy. day ,in -the -out field -and -bad -to-
vault the fence in deep left on more,
. than one •occasion: • ';' .
,x'ort.t'Elgin scored ',two runs in the
first innini , i nin the ,fourth . aria'
s.xth',innings en,iy;: were: iettiwu
wxtnout scer-i g kirerr-big-• iiplu va
carie in the- seventh, • Wh(n ,Weii.e
men went to . the . platter, before the
- side' was retired witn'eight i;uric .TH u
walks_.._and_: an...ertor..gave-.Lucknuw-
tiieir•first run. lney"aulied two: mere
.in. `tie :Seventh „When , ittoy 141nlayson
singled, and went' 'to second '.wren
• tiie centre, fielder, threw wide • i9
rust• trying to catch' him off tie, hag
alter l,'lark;: kiniayson had• hien." out:,
ltoy ; "scored On. :lioug:ii single,• 'Who
• -. Ynt. to 2nd' on the .. thi•o.w • to = the:
.1...»...e, to third on .a' past , ball .and
•' scored "Oz1,:;a: wild, •pitch:..
Starting -the °eighth..._innin" with u-
comfortable <fifteen -..rtn. -read, „Yur.-1.
4,g,n shook up their.1ine=up .a3idsent
.. sturgeon •'.to "the 'mound to relit.vi;
ottril. 41iller.'dre'w a, pass'' and lr iwin
smashed out. a•• circuit wlow: ..it. hili=
`aayson''•'singied' and Clark',drove .hint
•irkwith. a trij'4e (,ottril then: strolled'
:".back • to" do ....the •hurlrng:'`aa¢ after:
the: change . bad,; "bee T;Vntajde, . ark,
t•anlayson `stole home rand Thompson,
• orderedhim. back. With arguments.
getting `hotter and the fans and play
.urs, infill ng around, Thompson called':
the. game: : According to ; the .rule
•ibook,' it appears that -the: umpire was,.
• wrong ip,-.pis,,,decisie •-wing.-Am ie
grounds for a protest hi,:.' the • local
grub, but as they were t soundlyi Beaten.
it was decided, not •lo' proceed with
such steps,•
y1411410 ab A r-, li'.po n••'.0
Andrew, • If, 4 ,'0` .1 ' 4 1: :1'
i'1cCartney, '1st 4 - Al 'Al 3 0 Si:
Garton,. rt....:..—....t.....-.8 1 •0..1'•.•0' '1• ,
Miller, 3rd • p., _....:...:1 1 . 0 d 4); k.,
Itwin; p, '•3rd, r.4 1 . 1 .1 2 . U.
'1t Frnlaysein 2nd .4 2 '2 3 2 •0
V -Finlayson ss.4 0 1•• 1 0•1.--3'
c.larke',:' ef.3 1 1 1• 0 • 0•
.Curring, e • ' 2 ` 0 a . ' •0 0'
' 29'::,6 7 24 -5 6
ab, , r .h. pd'':,`a ,er
Port Elgin
Sroirei by. Innings " '"
Irwin 4,t; by Miller'.9,.`by. Cottril
:base bn Off COttril .4, off Stint
drew to •IrWin.; LUcktiOW tilts batted
in, .Clarke, Irwin Z FinlaYS90..
VifilArea,..SanflY sod "Pio" Th6'114150;1
ctionglorit., Goo
Oth..01.' Art Dir6bottniit, d06104 to
mend '20,Year-Old'110-kh cohrat t�. the
'kent thein. dittribtited. and 'rap,
ihat Wan dlttbt. the. Way
'that the trearilf 40414 Mr the
zyioveo• dm#4,,,ta shot stop,
, lace a in the batting 'order ,aril camO
..,rough , ,with •:3 •.lugs , in four tripzt.
tie. plate to drive. in, ty:vn runs. It
e,nalnod with Gord trwini the,,veter-
an moundsrnan,, who,,.play4e4 tihird'
pase in Monday's, game, to. slash oiit,
hot mingle to score Garton, with
ch'e1 winning run in' the eighth ihn-
ins,: Irwin went to. 4econ{t on the
throw . to the ,plate,; • atteriMed to`
steal 'third and :scoredwhein.sGroves
threw wild . to. thud- :ata: catch him:
Groves pulled' the • came boner°"'in the
1st inning, ;which let.°, Artv'•'And .w
score with the :first ,run of 'two that:
were scored ~ that pray 'e .Mille 's
ajngle with 'Ginning on'.secon d drove
to .the etecond'one .-.''
Winh d'"
a �°
two une rued' tuna'
n. Qr' . r1}1 5, t _,.
out of.three runs,- they Scored, in the
third inning when .they took "a 3
d lead,' se ,..:. gm
led to put runners on•2nd and third
With . Irwin,. , n and ' Miller •� making. auc-
'cessive errors on Alin next two :plays,
:both • runners were, safe at home.
Johnny Garton started tall*
the. ll
h,,. Y
itr-the fifth :that• ipiott� •the;.;score
and again in the.' 8th, hr$ •single
Started the rally: that won the,game.
In the fifth he. polled ;tout :a `' long
two -these hit. Ir '
w 9 . sharp single,
drove him,, in.,. Andrew's single put.
i;win on, third and. Andrew tient to-
second. Cuming., centre,
I'i. singled • entrled toe,
driving, in Irwin; but, Andrew was
cahght : a '_ the_.; _ e
• n e'seven ,,: ingham took the'
lead on a single' 11.3Y. Mellor, a ',sacri=''
flee. by WW Tiffitf and, a sjn'gle+ by.
Groves. Lucknew got, it right 'back
theii b9,lf in -=the -.same way when
R. Finlayson and . •Cuming wrapped •
1,raz: LtIC8;N0W':ALNT>IKiL
Put i�
. gies ,with Art Andrew' laying:
down, a 'bunt in between. Lucknow
:went right after. two . more in, the
8th, to :put, the, game in, the. bag.
Lucknow ab a ;h Po a e
R. Finlayson, *nd, , 5 1 '1 8 tt 1-,, 0
Andrew, .1 1 1.' 0 ; .0.
1 '3 0 ''1 ,1'
Miller, se , _,4 " 0. .1 2 5 2
MoCartpey, 1str ° .. 4 0 ' '0 10 "0: Q
C rice,. c :'.r »: _. _,:4 •0-' 1 0 0
.f 1
Finlayson; C ,:1._4•' 0 ' 0. 4, ;"5 :0
Garton, rf: '�, 4 2 . 2 . 0 0 0
Irwin; 3rd; _n .,. 4 2 2 . '1 '.'.1
? • 1127
ab: b 1?0• a e
3 '• M
Summers; cf. _ 3 0 . 1,- 3 ••••;;.2 .
Groves, 4 b •�'° 6- 1, 2
Leai'e t,: 3
. , rd ,,• .
'J. . Tiffin., TV, ...3 0 1. b: 0.1.
Peterson .0; a, ..,
Guy ey, 1st'. ,. 4 '0'1 10 .0
Rae,. If. -T4 -1 . 1 , 3...0 0
Mellor, 2nd-.
-----_-.,.3 2 2 0 d% 1
*Gray , ' • 1 .0 'a0 .0 •: 0 a
. 35 b 12 '24 11' li
',batted for
. Mellor:m
Y 9th..
Score. 11 ' W'
• . -,. 003' O10 100--5
• SinitiMary-W94base .hit, 'Garton;
een .0; .Base :on 'India, Cumin's 14 'Mkt
Left on bases. Lucknow 6.. ti gham
8; Runs.batted in, Igiller 1;
Diable plays, Roy FialaYson, (un-
assisted), 'Umpires, Wore and Ray -
.�,..t ,:...,
Tribute T
Fnn r:
S. :H.
• e Teacher,'
Lite .Ames W Morgan, Tau ht.. At
". St,- Helens For Eleven Years .nd
• -Previous To Than At. Holyrood ,and
an s'
L g tde.,
• Following own tfia of Jajpei 'W;
e e th
Morgan, fernier' St. H'elens school
teatther;. Mr!„. John; Elliott, of Londoa,
penned the following tribute, tp his
longtime' .friend : whicha red; ;in the
PPe� . e
Goderieli,, Signal;; ;
"Of '.t ,
he ' •,, a 'e ',
. . many t,, ach rs 'whom I
have riser and ,kfoWzr° •du'-ing chore
than half a Century,: two . stand, V out
pre --eminently in- my ;;memory • One
is the late 11.` I. 'Stthe." o
'Strang, e- termer
beloved "principal.'"of Goderich%!:High
School,. the Other:IS r ,,� . s James
San, fornjerly. of, St. ^Helens; who
passed. away ,at Port • Arthur, Ont.,
on '• Tuesday, May ' 88th 'o: 1934.
de. an : ' o
H o
$ a o
d `" i '
t Yr n ss
.1 o
Bruce '.•.county, and .then, for'"
Years he was `in , • charge • of . ; the
school 'at St:.•13elens . • ,l•
1 'followed hini at 'Holyrood in my
first attempt at teaching, and later
I'teas his neighbor forfur years in
the school adjoining biro at 'Belfast.
Though, ''our paths 'separated. our
gifts as a., lr
a er.
e c I 1 nos
t... t t�v., a
marvelous what be accomplished ,with
his classes..' In his clay Morgan of
St. Helens 'was ranked' asp, ole of, the
outstanding rural :school, teachers
not only of West Huron. inspectorate
but , of Western Qntario.� - •
He, was almost iholly, self=.titught
The. only -high n h 'school'
,, - .. Y gh ,or college
training he ' ever had - was . a brief
ter o
f a e
m few week .
s ozl..tprofessional
work' at .the Hamilton �Txaining In-
istitute. By pfivate„stud Ir. pre ar-.
ed' hiryself 'for: the ;different .rages
rof • •€eac ers'•certificates,i i >'
. h ..,, attaining -
a, ,r. _ h
fist class � g'rade�',A certificate 'with
specialist . standing. „
Gd'ing ,'from St,,-' Ilelen vuith 'a
re .
nutation that has' nev r;''Been sur
•.' ssed, he, iv
a ent, to. Ha; ...sten H%b
{' g
c of Where i ”
'his s r�c � •a'
e eo
,�. d snih
that '.he was Chosen as one of:•the•
two,• •teachers ;who opened` he' new•
high 'school Por' •Ar. r. Here'.le
Port xhu Here'.
,,continued' with the • same, uniform'
success till" his ' health gave, Way.
He +;�ecouereil; �so
many years as• secretary :treasurci
o y
i the board of a uc o
..ed ata n..; When the
ostt o
g , . , f mining:.recorder. •ion the. Port,
'Arthur district was to be 'filled years'
'ago,. such • was the, esteem... .in which.
citizens•.held,him that, .without solici-
tation on his part,•: he. received -.the
appointinent over -a. host of appli-.
cants :for the position:
On„ Thursdayeve . n
iu, g:.last. the Y,
W. A. :held tits• regular,- ineeting at.
. the, hone of ,the Mises ;Feria and Ida.
. Reid, with a : large attendance of
mertlbers • and visitors present; With
Mrs; Will .Fisher presiding,' the'
be meetingthe ti'.,opene
ethatdbindsby"- 'singing-and,rs f "Fiah-
er read the " Scripture, +lesson , and.
also offered prayer..., After bUaineak
roTllhopYpaon. call• . ndon' doffucetcd{ , thrig, Mees. ave
.P . FteBible.'
stud nd Mrs;: Peter;
an interesting readtrig: A - ,solo. by
Mrs; aPllrillkp . Stewart, accorrr anied
by • Mrsi3R'.:. J ,itt' w s n
a :puck- enjoyed,
by alt. Hymn was: : s ni
,., s , u g _and :Miss
May • Davison' clo4e4 .with •P raY er. '
Fte was honored and!,beloved by all
who knew. hint.' One of the most
Modest Of men, possesSed of a keen,
thetic nature he had withal ' raie
few", years.. ag4.• :Lately „health
failed, and he , passed away- peace-
fully on the ;morning !of May 8th, in
his "eighty-third year. -
"teaehing "' in Iirtice county,
los` o
#. wns
st hi a.• lad
p, o ho
Y. fs
ld„frteirds: •han�e • leas,` '
P nt.-nrBrijq;iesj.
.Il y ,1I.1a large. #atntlY..•.stnd�: 1Kr: • „
.Morgan• was • survived', byfive ' Son
five dau to
children ; and fourteen, rea ' ,
� $ t. grand,
_ d hiss •
,, r mqtrere. ' ° rhe '
Was prism n tit`' in the, Masonicorder;,
and he .was a'n •ardenaniA-teu.Photo-
grapher and: horticulturist. ._.
Manyof i
;. , his old, St. Helens; . sill., •
dents:, Will be saddened to learn -of
his ''death.',Mr. J. IL Cameron of the'
Central. Collegiate staff, Londo .:..a
g -w • m .. gn
knew 'as Johnny Cameron, ems . me.
n•this tribute, to, the man w ose, fife "
and: teaching rnearit so much to him:; ,
I think of him ,as a' true •friend, a
rare : good man, and a great teacher"
London,,,. Ont. JOHN•;ELL!O7rrt
and resoutcefidne!ii; iliafe-guardini ',the liVes of the
Now 'vvith the storni of ecOnontic hardship :and
headed towards the harbor of better timeS, it is being
suggested to the people of Ontario that they,transfer ;
Ontario s resources from the capaole hands which
Is being suggested to the. piovince-thit it sliould
temove:ttom the etperienceci hands Of the tietfry
The voters are being given a suggestion. that they •
rt e
rovince nee s „t