HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-05-31, Page 6°ice
...',C4pad4,. The EFIOreoand ,The World at Large',-
'it is high time for the Itlit'of the
crepe hangers to qui Buemess li
geed, The depression is ft thlpg of
the past By this we donet mean
that there as any dem.' Not by any
meat's. And that in itself (Due too
thing for a boom Is about the worat
thing.that could, confront
&n iwv1d-
ual. oemmunitir,or'i nation,
' Times are better. These Are fie*
.and facts that-raust cbaile.ge buai.
ness people td, make the meg out of
present- oppertunitleig.. TodO77-4S,
day of opportunity ,for thu'e,getters.
, .
Cortina, is the latest .manielpality to
join the ranks oftowns and cities
having: cemPelsory pasteariziitioa,,, of
for its deelaiert!..andwe hope that in
„...the near future Stamm will folio*
' its' ,exadaile. Evidence shows that
from 15 -to • 25 per cent, af_tubercul,_
.aSis in children is of bovine (origin.,
and that scientific •pasteurization ab-
solutely prevent tuberculosis of this
• nature and 18.:addition, prevents all
• milk --borne eilidemics...••Contrary ,to
somewhat pop-Mareller, tutsteunza-
lieu' does' not 'Alter -othe iuitrltlonal
• value of -milk: Scientific- experiments
in many'parts 'of the World have prov-
-ed this fact beyond doubt 'Even if
pasteurization did make a slight dif-
ference, it is fat outweighed by the
protection afforded to the 1. younger
generation. It saves inani pre% nP-
metous cripples and much money .for
CePt all these things as, a coming'.
place. Whey Amply are an ordinary
'part of their world. Vi1t they. In
turn, be able•te exclaim -over as many
Marvels and Illira,Oes, in t4:1 next 40
or .50 Te4ra?"-Edmenter! PTIrri•
wili be remembered," 'writes air.
A., G. Gardiner In the PMle.,4
"tbat, not- ate the made
the sexperiment of employinga, woman
announcer. thie ,apaointMent ' being
given to MIA: Giles Boriett • ,The
experiment had 11, *ery brief. run. At,
ter.* few w‘lcslits. Borrett vanish -
ed 'from theTinierophoge;,-fer wluir
reason- was net ezpIainet. but cer-
tainly net:because she was inefficient.
"Now Mies 'Sprott., lets ' the Cat out
af the: bag. • The only Persons. who
were to blame, for the tertilhiation at
Mrs Betrett's engagement he says
o en,of this country. ',They
wrote to us 1111. $11.11. large • nuinbers
sdying that they did net: want a
wenn:a:Anne-Sheer till at lag We had
to_rethoveher.! It was net a personal
obJectioa, ;founded:onthe toneof
Berrettas voice; nr:-4er. accent, or bet
competence. It, was a eeW Objection.
They did not want, a Woman announ-
cer at .all. • They preferred men." -
'Loretta Young started hr sereen career beCanie Of. her resemblance
the; taxpayer each year. ,It -le only a
inatter•ef few :yeast'''. until every urbeti
'Municipality will .have, 116kPer,. „cent,.
pasteurization. Therein:I.% why' delay:
,when the Atealth:',of ,young boy. s•,: and
girls,.18 at stare?. ••••-ai.inCtie • Reformer:,
It has been. decided bY the•Oougeli
• of•Setr 0..Clubs e, ..
Service for :th anti that'
,another • survey •.:or"thr. Tylkete county
will be held again this.yat to eittain
coMplete, regard .Of all thecrippled'
chlhlren ig 'older that c000rcricthuc
May beheld awn. this year, this time
.At •;Alniettio,Catletiia ',rice' Cana-
_ ,
"If ielergIsien. OnlY knew what some
• of' their •parishionere, think And tali
Of thetriciviten.;they.S:giye,Oicei 't0.•= long!
iteri000.•-1,eng/ prVerS::1041.-4-1-efio
7-4441,,paifegyrice,-,'theylmigh t • forego - the
temptation indulge in theniiitreclt;
• . , .
Tine Recordei.
A Iandable nioy'e has been 1111100r'
ated in Perth within the • Piet lew
days whereby several local Boy. coats
under tho klndly direotion.q. Chief
• 2 tion • tbeinieiVeaatthe corner of Oore
• and 'Osier,. Streetir-endtHerilet and
.-DinM*ond' Streee,:tO.•prOteet. sehoet
ebildren.„froin the ..danger Of: .busy
street traffic at ,thiii,a0on hour. Tho
„ .,„
.:Two.,areat*,agor;everybody' Was.
iddee.,Mage,euts,: Now nearly every-
body' Aeetnii ..ttO bo. discussing wave-
kiereages. That, in ltself, is A.nretty,
good sign. -Ottawa Joarner: •
IHaevefit Isthree•and'a bait Menthe,
atiiii,..but What -dtatha and:
. treacly • those. (MA:hundred- and five:
days ..may., ,'le. tli,e Mast
important ::UMO of the :Year ifor ,the
.Prairie Prevlec4,
• pro-
duced fro:in:the:soil, between now: iod..
,the: drat week in August .depends : to.
; A:great:: extent what the welfare' Of
the ,peoplrWill*be for thi iliOceeding,
.year. :.::After. harvest, of cOurse,:lceirtes
iythe werrY .of prices and teal e,s,
-Calgary HeraW
' • ''
..0olY 24 'years Ago the Hallfat mat,
• idelpel goundi made. ir legal for Mite.,
fe tun two deys- a:Week. int
..the connlyroads. entratt •
the, Situatitm .today • where .tbri Motet,
car goes on, ite Wkar's'aminer,and
tr What' has .balMened 'fp' this field
'exlieeted •In teleiteloli within eve"'
4. Shorter. perlod.-lialikt. ,ChrOniele,
, •
A t,ery 'geed friend ,Of outs who
;recently:had (A:Cf18ign Urtialtfest on
.railway train found .iitat, the one
breakfast:: eopsIst.ett'of tittit or•
ham and: tWe ege,.:Ottst atid
• eeffee• ourselariat, a man"'
Of:inost abstemiouh habits in (he ear
ty horning, he ,ordered .btetiltinat,'•
but with.',the qualificatioo `that •tbe
Mani inshelftruttni ;Centniti One
."-• 4 :lit •• 1 ( t ti.
egg, „i e o oet r IN, it, le
, one ,deliati arid tWeitty,ilye
cents, Upon rettilesting eoplatie,
' tea lie wait infbrift0 thrxt.•tchlie haat
and two eggs Wns pan or. the dollar
• beet:Licata, am' and tare "r• o 1 d only
be sei:ved.. a 1 'tat eta, -.and his, Oaten
. Volt was drawn • ir.6 110.0 Og • fat
items canted. ivt,:•;11to table the
inetiuCard:. !'No, variation :fritil tlienea,
PP On It tear'? '..1q1114d q41) If:M(0
' 1110 r" , ' , • .
• .
. "Pio :ptescht,...ApnorAittni, tqw oxttort.
enced ;mere thrillif'ibtor lt.. llama,.
probuidy, .1\lavie and hilliti?s,
til101thElli"6. el ec tric I till I a liet elet.trci:
ea etitti emelt t• n sorta, • Itirolitifns
and 'Ike: radio, IA" oth,
trosinty,.. °T7iv, eirlf4714 • tvt" ..'reftiVY
✓ eran -to -la
, .
In Maine :a. roadside beautification
.program hi 111 .progress. its 'purpose
.Is to dean. lip the approaches , to
towns and cities, :.plant. floirees :and
.elltabs and:Make,. the.: whole, scene
:mere, attractive. .: • •One. iMpOrtant
effect Will be a greater' tov.0 of the
11 entail), .for;its ' Garden
clubs' Will be formed,' ..service ,clabs
Will. aid, and bey, 'and...girt •Scouts will
assist ,the •Meieinant
18 oie .that de-
serves "Universtit:, efiPParL It', is not
eiPellisi4e; ,•and ' Malte• the road-
sides 'Or the tittite. a Joy to the .visitor.
The:result Wilt•he' more 1Mpreesite
because this Is an ,etgaelzed. effort. -
• '. • '•
The. Tiines,Joureal has
tion whatever. iii,.''Pengratulating the
.police-Iocal, county and provincial.;
mounted Polite and .raliWay.
on the very :efficient' •WaY • in: which
they 'handled- the ever* inatitutecite.
'CaPtute, the man Who ts:. alleged'to
nOre. giain: Pewee Constable. Colin Me -
Gregor here last Week The
•iiiie,4**tery prouiptly taken up by
Police hie! Ketchabaw, cbperatlng
with (Jrown and-eivitrauthoritles, an
aspietehenfrein t1e pretiaciatfailleers
and Other .ofileera: located' in or -re.
Ona in the county eaine, just as
promptly .and, as readily. -St ThomRs
DiSceSeing brittle and lair 'enforce -
Meg, a United States, editor Makes
this observation: "Scotland ,Yard
would function no better than the Chi-
cago,.peliee if Scothind•Yard were sub-
jected to the same kind ,of poiitical
„pulling, and hauling that,'COnfrents; the
,the test , tribate,that conld be paid
to latv enforcement In the 'United
Kingdom.7•-lialiftpt Herald. •
'Makes her debut ,alongside -Loretta.
stated in simple et:guar.*: .how can
they adapt What ",thtar' haveto the
changing,demands of our tinte? That
the ecunpanies wilI find the answer to
this question I have no atiubt .what-
ever. -Ashley Brown in The Niae-,
.teenth Century, (London).
Weare fated with the feet that the
stwerioth Of the army in Indialstgreat-
er than is necessary for defence Pur.
poses because the army is ,required
for the maintenance of internal PeaCe.
Sparrows 'Chased
Off Busy Streets
Cincienatti, 0, -,-After six mouths
,of ilwar". by the cit. Cincinnatti's
..c.10w,14awa area is. practically, SW-
rowlesu, but leaders ofthe ouster
movement cannot boast of victory.
: Anthony Sauer, Workhouse super-,
.ntendent, who 'headed the attack; ,ad-
mitted the ,birds retreated merely be-
cause the weather had become mild
It'll" not an army's proPer, function enough for them te.'"MoVe-ent"'
of 'frontiers " -ageing fereign, • aggres-
sion. But iihetner-the aretySli 'kept
above purely defenlie: Strength. .for..pe-:
Roe purposes or whether ' the •eXtra.
ritieney Which it coats is ;Spent on ad-
ditional armed police tobeplaced nu-.
der ,,the Oita agliOtity,'theYnet :result
to:. the taxpayer' is the' same. The 'not -
at :IS, therefore, that efie,o!the„most
.fmPertant WaYa. of :Saying money on
Jhe-army7Andnot-ptetendmg-tn save -
it by2.Opeddintli•e"Wice.:
•stget rid of all those inci men s
to disorder Which lead,PrOilaelal:.007:-
ereinehte to /Otest ,agAinst
the re-
moval ef. trtioPe; The ideal before the
people iste:Centeetrata.Upon,thiking
India , united nation, -free • item-, the
virus of'...extreme • eennielliell3m •
TiMei'. Of liidia.' • '
Sheffield Steel
Production High.
_the.parks....and_auhnehan _home*
Sauer said, "We were just devising
some new equipment which would
have wiped all, trace ofthemfrom
the earth, but we'll be ready if they
come ‘1....;.4.,,vn 'again in the fall."
oroiitO -if0d
The : Rae:
For one hundred ' years ,Toronto,
• Our greet Empire's flag has flown.
'hat stately .flag The Union Jack,
Is the flag she is proud' to own. :
Its three grosses stand .for union:
The Ted for pure British blood.,
The 'bine stands out for tilt, that's
While the white loam rides the
Men, let's nail itto the.masthead,
, That flag of.'asthonaand yeers:.
• . ON-',---ffite-s-Lerd • Mayer , "-The7flarthet-itands for freedom,
Sheffield declared in, a speech delit-' • : And never a foemap fears.
eted last week that • If the present .. •
irate ofproduction, of. geei Is Main' • It stands for our.Bang:-and country:
wined the year 1636, Wilrke. a , record It stand for • our home" fireside; '
tie for the et,10104-Menthly-teterns,,s0-1 •It---standarto-fight-agairistrivil-
It stands that the -right may
Se:With, real eatareb-c-t--eat -Th-von7•1-u
derful,buiel.K.,'Market 'today: . Frites
are still yeti lo*, low out Of all pro-
portion to 'real values, just as some
O f,the,pre4lepreaSiOn figures Were out
-of all Jproportion, 18 theimpOilta-a14-
rection! to .1'01 valueS. People Arlie
have Money tninveett-ilad there are
still plenty .,of them in Caaada '.4:;.Ctsre
plikifigiii;;;plecee ot real 'eetetebete
and there:: They . bneW frOMI past
perietice tho:'iiiimiperity., Period
folleWhig every ,dePreselot" 'alWaya
bring* in Ite 'train; a Wertli,Whiie and
perfectly reaitnitable recovery' Of real
.estate va1ue, too. sorier„ Cities
Star. ,
• Apart' •altogether: trentthe. question
•of ..war, whlch Is rentote, Britain has
"iii-Eiffrite to, .polfee;tand-libligitt,Ritt'S
greater'thant,thOse et ,..ah7 Otheiria-•
tiOn: .By tertleing,.tO jOinin an 'aria*
Monti" race she lis!mide it •piaiii; by
exaniPle„ Whet '..her desiteeare; it MO
he negeleatat now for her declare
'h eis el f? mere Poliitedly,'...1t -the TIC *ere
'catinet' be argued into agreement, they
taiY• be 'frightened into, • agreetrieht.
'Britain still tiat, a truitip Ord eon-
: teal ed.' !there is a p�ssihility :that
expeattlatenetat 'et an %aro" vi t s , race
:by Ettreatening to .patticipate to -the
That would be
datiaercims •.ewpedient. -britit might he
a 801t110; ei:itteXit.AVO. Britain Woes' net,
4111100y.'Seek'thift leg ratzt.ge; but 11
nTily he rotated 'mon -ber, It •le,,•the
other , Powers 'hit's" •aetnot. tita;
•Awnralasiti.6..• '
, ,
I 01.1:„. re ..f!tti 11 • •thilyip
titter*, fitig Mt iiistoiofi he east •ft,
3;tetr,:1,in tli`eir ilotes- to tlai ,tbility of
t penguin -les' loCettri'Y' pag,,,eigers
eerin, I hxy-iontilt or au. I he ,4tr..allteitt:
44411y ',twill' forum, of trolorpoli, on!(11
jIiI bit ce,est"to thiy comm.:hit s.ne..ail,
jumi.1.4 to iratotoma 'rail, :hut More
lima title itio minute:Jo, Thu 11 pi.
'tat iho
• pot,. NIA nt. pi, I ittillotti w4tv, • nt thl;
Ar,;!,itoialm, of liwointrivo; nett
Iron, ' In .1107s irtra:., rittpttt fIiiiL
ht. !trial tat . to n ot.bi tee reit;
ways are to pap: villerid.r, preh,'
far .have 'shown ,that if the rate, Is
maintained,. 1,006,000. ifotri tons.. will
,produced tills Year „: than.. .have
been in any ..pretiOes year , nof the
City's. history. • .
Eye 'Cancer Growth
Cured with Radium
LONDON--,StItgeOns • of Cardi
BoyalInfitnisita:.,:taties, annottnee,:tlitti
they' hate_ cured 0, 13 -year-old girl ef
'cancer iu' theeyety, the' application
of radium: The life and the sight of
the gir bo • of w c were,:endang-
ered by the disease, were saved:titer
.17 ,days of treattneet,An which ra-
dim'needles were : used, combined
"Vtli a,rubber-4eked application to
the eye,ball. ' " ' ," , • '
obacco row"ers
Cut Acreage
90 Per Cent. sign in Norfolk
District, gays Prof
• .•Sieoe.-4 "deadline" will be set by
.inehibers ,Of the tebacte." tech:CUM"'
tOrinnittee,, after Which, 'gte*etit will
be lbeAs loige agreements restrict-
ing .crOPS by 26 per, cent., • It
was "announced recently. The cern-,
thiftee: Plans ' aft :all day meetirig
tier special eases' to he -affected liy
theregtietien• and to prepare ,a list
of .these,..etawits who refueed to bia,
operate in •tbe,..kiatter • .or! tedueing
.their aereage, .• • ' '
Prof. A. A. Leitch, otilstatidllig'
bacci, .authority, before leaving for
Ottakika„, declared, that' • the cainpaign.
had' het e an unqualified.
said.that clOse`to 96 per colt:set the
aercage had 'been rePteiseeteti la
th'e' agreenteiits.: • „ • . •
• •
"t,VI,at. we Want..I Iii yoni is a Yield
et good ttlbeeco setneWitet'e near the
'size . of tag year'AL etOtt.. We weald
liot linVe had difficultY ln 'disPosIng
Of Ingt kite's tobncc� if 11 had been
:Of goed .1Ie Added. ,that the.
1983,yield was t about' 24
tiOn1141s,,•,Of Whiellyalthrtetintateiy
' tnitiroo0 is 8t1)1 tieing' held' for 'aide
pending tlio eitcohil oS the Ottawa
Then men of Toronto shield it, : •
No loeman 'shall trample it dewn.
Symbol of British freedom,
• It stands for the Britisli'etoWn.
It stands, for our sena and daughters,
:And their children Yet to tome..
It guards our rights On every land;
That may lie beneath' yon sun.,
Then rank high on the standard;
, Let' no feeraan‘bririg it downy :
Per the sons of fanned, Toronto,
Estate of Gaiety ,
Idol Is $1,500
, .
Killed Half of
Bees. at—St
Stratford, --Approximately fifty
per pent. or the bees in Stratford and
district . have been. iaat due to the
severity of 'the winter, according ,to
10;4 aPairi344 Some of, the keepers
suffered even greater kisses, one de.,
'glaring that of, his eix hives only one
contains bees which survived the win --
ten:. it was the apairist who had made
Preparations • for a. severe winter by
properly' packing his bees. Who is able
to start the beasen suecessfully.
Bettor Days Ahead
For Children's -Library
Montreal, ----There are -bettet, days
ahead for the -.Moiitteal
Children'a Li-
brary, Miss- Violet M. Maegall,.
rarian, believeo. She has been at its
•asd. aafiardaifejlauipkeyapfeatrhfsinwdosrAk'nidatpiy.:bio-a‘orkas
had Closing down %Ninahinted at. This
news calmed mach consternation a-
whom came with their giftsof books'
and 'money saved the day, she. said.
• .
Tourist sh.Nn.u!n4yb,rarb4to,
' •Fla, -If you want to cheek
n•epa7imFlanIttanCtf°unrei'seit;Ya'satilY;e4r'slthrse Itra. Titania' Boswell:, of Father' •
He has the figures that Olio% who as
yearldiemi had 20 per cent. More ,..1"
cleaning Statistics 'tetin4;iitellaiinb.yevcrombelltrtee'e ;:t7e0YDRise; 14telret'a\haac:, tloelfdt..at4v:rus£75,dof
Florida ,publishers who •sponsored '
the•FrOrn a, livestock emporiim ial
'statewide celebration honoring • Atariche'ster, .• thieves :stole- l50: 0044
COI, Henry L. Dohert$, for his . Work fish; Ore rabbits, &ire !doves, and the.
10 • bringing prosperity .to Florid:a via watehalog• guarding, the premises
the:tourist show that .altoketh- • •
er i;roo ions of refuse Went up in
Smoke during January, February and
Meta; 1034r-3;516 •tons more than
Zit. :the 'same ,period last. year, and
More than neY ether season . since
the incinerators Were installed, '
. bway:
P .
Brantford ,„ i-lanillton Radial
Right of Way : Will,. •
Be -Bought' • '
BRANTFORD-The Arantford Ham
Moe Radfa1 gailaraY right of Way he-
tween the city limits and where the
railway reachert--flighwa. 1'14 -
be purchased by the Gefarldr-PP-Pa ,
ment of High*Cye, It will be mads..
into" a highway' te join Brantford with
.Highw,a,y ',Re. 2.
• .
Brantford requested such e step be
taken some time ago, and, recently1
Hop W.. O, Martie, member in IAA
13,egisleture, for vbreetforti..and
ter: of. public w-elfare, announced the, •
purchase ofthe right' Of., Way., •-•
stated •the government „would haedie" '
the building of its' eeerien p1 001
hlg waY. ' •
British- . Sorts
• ,
Oae. of three bens, pteduce, 43 ..411
hibits ill• ,a Cade !!t 144igOtert• "
lald attl.egg., While 'tbe Magistrate; • -
Were, cOneidering their reMiot, ' •
, — •
.41r p(.)4t'4teati>s fag, grew iu Yaii#0,•• •.'
A 3.•cent bi own. Newfoundland -gimp
Of the first trans:AO:tune Poet 4,4'
Miter 18..,1919 ,fetched g210.
Real Cow Shown
'TO—City Children
• , , , '
A Mansfield J.P Maltby ,a. lay
preacher, claims to have delivered,
4,000 sermons in ¢0 Years. • '
London's • r teable,. value Increased
by • over 1.£5o0, 00 .last year, and now.
•tOtals well abo e 4600,006.
-- Fourteen -ped'gree wortb
4454; were eleetroclited in •'a Dm:
hath byre, Five others were enharm.
C'eveland.=Many of the cit$
child's myths. and illusions concern-
ing the ;origin, of milk and whit a
cow hi* like, were dispelled here:
when a 'reel "bossy, with tccalf, made
• ' `.`personal ' appearance" before
school 'Children here. • ••
A -preliminary survey by the Cleve- , -` Every : person sentenced id- a, term
, •
land- , District --Dairy -colleen had Of imPriamllitent in the 'tinned King.".: -
shown .thit seven outoften puinis In done costs niore„Jban -Use a4e6
oneTiihiiiil'ifqver •had seen a cow at maintain. .
close range.' Their descriptions of .One;
had left the dairymen stiil more • Every n r t, 18 the. :rhubarb F.•eason
horrified. ' Renee the exhibition. A train heath: sixty teal trivelsPfromi ,
Four • "bovines" were on display, .Yorkshire to .1.4 dou',
While the thildren acted as hosts •
The .calves' roles were 'simply deco, British insliranc companies have.1
tati,ve. While their- mothera were at present, no few,e theta '85,000,000? ••
milked in the latest approved ..seien-,- -industrial , assurance • &lee, In fare,: ,
by .'• Trips from school to school were There are now :30,200 • re persona,
...erl they lolled contentedly ' •
by !track., ..einployed in m
the Making of all:
-clothing than there were ten years.
are Malady Claim' s:ago
ife in Trenton
e(.. • , • • • •
After the heibt of a.'6yeat-o1dinan
had stopped', for ve minutes, it wait
Pet .going .again by massage and • ,he
lived or 25 hours. ° ' •
• Belleville -Mr. Melvin MolintneY;
of Trenton,died here recently in hos-
_pltuttlatie rare -disease thatAtteeki
the throat...J:0r. 'G. S. Stobie said, the.
Matadi!, Ludwig Angina; was net con-
tagious. The woman was in in ad-
vanced gangrenous ” condition Caused
, • atrangalatien."Irem the strange
disease. ' ' ' ' •
'.First- appearance of the, Malady,.
which 18 caused by a gerin 18 18 the
glands ' Of the throat, :said Dr..
This is followed ..by coloring of, the
tongue. The patient suffers 'horribly
until death:, , • :
31frs lthitintneys tongue was a dark
purple, :and swollen so 44 she earild
not swallow or spealt. • '
' in a quartet of l.;centery more thee;
1.2000 060 lbs sterling- has heal
spent in. 'dredging- the navigable .
teaches of the River, Thames. •
National Savings Certificates to the
total. value, of £480,000,000
£10 per head Of the PoPutation; havei
been Issued. ; •
. Among the items in the 'anunal
bill.for the London 'Zoe are six and t4:..
alfaons p1 ifaenkey7nuts,•134;000: baa
stitaa,:.. and. 19,490. eggs'. •
•Only two digricte Lentdon, 'Step.
. .
nOY and Bethnal Green, *show . a drop :
ratettble.valee; in every other'`ease
the value shows an hicteagel
• .Roses Few
Bidgetoyen. --Roses, •shrubs • and
peonies are being distributed to mem-
bers. Of tbe Ridgetowil 'IIorticultural
Society. 'Owing to the. ShortagnZat
lirghtonring.---=-0riffite-EdIK-l'O-1--t- rose bushes this spring* the number
mer Gaiety Mai; known in the thea- for each, member 18.,1yeing limited to
&leaf -profession as "the weteall wigi", according Peddis, see -
'a heart of geld,,' because of her gen- ritary, and treasurer., Premiums may
erosity, died' leaving only $1,90, a1 also be made tip.'of shrubs, peonies
though at"the height of her fame OW and annual Planta froin, the Ridge -
had received $1,700 a *Week: ' town greenhouse, he aftid•
. . • '
Wind GolferPlays BetterNow
at He Cannot See the Bunkers
' London,- ...Captain Gerald 'LaWrY••
the first British ' officer to lose , his
sight -9n the: War has taken up gelL
He has: been playing -Only a few
months, but already 18 as. good. as the
aterage,Affer, 1i1 latest lett, 44. a
!tottwa iri sevday.ieve*
oli.i.viO6ittYr.'.s11:104rtatieithit thee; thgeit'enei,Siii,i'gtitillit'
Country citih,. Dne profession -
ills there, Mr. Respell 1411y, has ta-
ken It •in, hand, and gOes. Withhilt
wherever lie plays,
, imiNpRotptil
All Mi-'IKelly 'does .is to place the
Aub 'behind the hal. Captain' Lowry
dots the test,' and: dets it ,,ssiOnish7
, • : •
atom reeentrsr._th within
three yards of the hole in 'Oro
To leatitliOtt. to teach a 'blind Man
to .piaki Mr. Kelly bltndfolded*:httn-
'..s94!: COO) 0111)
needd0 to be placed.
_ .
The driver, .for instaric%. ia ,placed
about ,three inches iasidee the . bell; '
For, tee ,Shot he puts . COO -fain
..Lowry ' In the tight ,position and belis.
hiiii the distaziee from the ?bole. ..'
, "I'm Playing better "golf now than
playee: before 1 Woe, "said
!Captain Lowry,.. •
..-"tn annie .WhyS" I have the .advOit7'
'age 4f, the:' seeing golfer, 1 diti not:
frightened' by bunkers and Obstacles'
because 1 deal' know • they're there.
• it takes ineltolonger to ge, touhtt
a cOUtSe than it deiee .any 6116 els&
• enjoy Myself renitudouily,' in
'fact, golf Vas' cpeffivtl. IT.'1.1 lid* HO'
, elle Pint Unit I. but • you
get ttie 0.,1d tor ,:thi?se h
• "ei_Olf gs,
email intO tb011 With lets ot.trehide,
toittiP -I•
The Peri' of London Authority con. •
trols a "special police force 300. strong,
whtikWerk lies entirely ashore. Thee
"river itself is 'policed by a division et
the \Metropolitan Pollee.
Britain 'and iIreland and atallabli, ifot
London is nly sufficient to supPli
the metropolis', 8.000,000 people With •
3,2 ()Zs. of beef, 2:9' ois. of mutton and
lamb and 2.6 oia. of pork it week.,
Ring Lardner Estate
at $192,927
• .%.
•• East Hampton'," lard-
ner, anther and humorist; ,who, died
Septeniber 25th last, left a net es-,,„
°tato of $162,927 a ttansfertax ap
praigal filed recently showed.:
The gross estate was 'apPritiSed at.,
$247,083. The bulk of the ,ettatewee"
left to the widow, Mrs. FlIrs A. Lardv
neri. Whoalso received ; insurance
mounting' to $169,150. •'
e.lowers Fresh 'Longer
In copper Containers
. • „ •
Xe/Iir YOutr,-.4f . you Want 16 -keep
cut flowers -for along time, tO keep.
rngtlieni in eoligee containers: John '^
i1at'd £Ioricttltulhtt, oa the .,staft
o'f, the Net Yomk Sta,te Col',eie of Am
00411111re, placdd snantrragons„ stocks,
o8ei, nriinroseo trid othtt flowers in
slid: c'entain"ps, tt.n1 by'so doitit ht
fOond, that theirlife.spuirvUs ihe'rea,
sod 1.)P' 'otu to three: thtks. ,1e 0\p1in
;w"etild tleP6 the Powdia.,‘
, ,