HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-05-31, Page 4lee "WHITE" it:. flight • S 1�` CT1LY fact s!s applied to "WHITESHOES" itls RBGTrr es thedeina d for"WHITE" ' HOES,evTeia thes Ce arl Y 'sani■trr date ii much beyond expectations; • , Whit,* .e are • worn b QTH L l)tES,AND GENTT.E MEN land our selection partic by: fox . he women is, (as far •aa information,. ouris. concerned): mush superior aid more. ' comprehensive than spy; shown in • this; section,, of. Western Ontario: •• • Prices start at ..$1.98 ..per pair in all -sizes for Women And we have"a variety'. of these excel - ie •makes-=" QUNSTONS"' `•GALES":: "S Cris O G. C 1 N S CHATEUAINE "MEDCALF'►� ' THE „VERY `LATEST and .NEWEST, IS :WHITE; ILLIS SHOE STORE TBE ,h$ARING., ' SHOE STORE:' OF SURON• COUNTY=-Wingham raroW r,it- , KINLOUGR Mrs, Abe Stringer of Kincardine has. been visiting her sistQr, Mrs. WmKaake'- ... : and Mrs.' Hur : Ba11 Mr; and _...14,.rs.George ,Haldeynd fa ly, visited; ;Thursday at '11. McGuire'$, Olivet, Mr, 'Earl Percy' left en Mpnday. ' for Verthern Ontario; :where he ip tends, spending some time: • Miss Evelyn !McLean 'was: a week end: visitor with. her friend, Mis>i Belle 'Hewitt, Kinloss. Mr. W. Tweedy returned home of ter spending the past few months with .,:relatives at Porti; Colbourn Mr, and Mrs. B hnaton'9f Lis towel were recent rsiters •agit'h, the; latter'a'. •parents, Mr,_ nd ,Mrs. •H, -A: Graham: • The .spring meeting of 'tie 'Bruce Deanery, will •be held en, .Tuesday,. i(N For the as four: weeks' Mr. Jno. " Helm has waged •a' stubborn battle against pneumonia . and the: attendant heartORections-,whichfrequently accompany it: or. •follow 'in -the,, wake of this • disease. Considering .his state of health at the outset of the attack, his resistance has. ' been . re- markable • Ipiurt Albert; -this -Week,-after Spending a., week at her -home •here:`' The Zion softball team,' has organ- ized for the' coming''seaaon with the following • ,officers—manager,: Fred Anderson; 'ass't. manager,: Wes, Rit- chie;' 4ee'y:-tress., W. T.. Gardner; coach,' Jack Gardner; captain, Will ,.., lunter;g __com,,. Andy. Ritchie_n .and Cecil • Gardner. A group. compris- ;int teams from St..''Helens,; Dungan- 'soil, Belfast and Zion, has beep form- ed again this .year.: ,Home and home games -„will be , played.,” Zion's first. ' game 'will be on Friday' evening, when, they entertain their, old `rivals —St, Helena ,. at: `Zioi.. �. Miss •IIs Saunders, 9th% .con.,is assiatingMrs: `Will ; Gardner th-is` week.'. • 11f essrs, • , Charlie Andershn) "Sidney nth, Jim Gardner, Jack ititaie'and Will. Hunter, spent the afternoon of :Slay 24th, in ' Goderich.. will beheld at Hackett's Church on lune 21st. Reserve. the date and: wa .ch for further announcements. • • Word has:been been. received:" . by his friends here that Mr. Edmund Gard- ner, who. has• been attending the recentlyi , received- ' degree --a• nd is now a full fiedged.ehemist. CAtigratu- lations: r• The s ' of ; aett'$ M:.S; entertainedladiethe • zneHnvckbers of ; Nile, Port Albert,' Blake and ,Zion , auxil- tares,' on -Tuesday : afternoon, 'last week'. A . very enjoyable arid. profit- able „ rofit-_able.. meeting„ is'-:- reported 'by..,those. attending. A hfi Id•Lade' Aid Garden ,Party A 'PP ointed Returnin Officer # ' 1 g• O r Mr. 'McKibben . of... Winghani, re. ceived the appointment aa• Returnin_' Officer. 'for Huro 'a-Ernce Electoral District last week. Mr. W , H. Logan Teeswater, ,was•'chosen as his secre- tary :. 'r i! • Mrs. J. ' B. Hodgkinson, Messrs: ,Wilbert and Joe were to London a aylast week; Mr, B. Hodgins of ''Centralia • visits 'Pd last week at W..` Boyles. • • CREWE. Mr:.George Nixon spent last week. with' his sister,. Mrs., : Whitley. A' nurriberfrom: here. attended the "r o opper.-apt. runny �ts�- on 24th. „ Mr. and Mrs. • Rob,,. Reed, of Port -Elgin spent the week end with, Iriends here. • Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Gray of Gode- rich; are spending a few ''days with their 'daughter;' Mrs. M. Shackt eton. . Mr.' and: Mrs. 4t brey, ,f•Iiggins and -son ark; 'returned . to -Detroit' on Sun- day, .after visiting friends; ..here and in I:ucknow. Mr. ` 'Spence' Irvin:. of . Go-clench, called ;on. friends' here on:' Saturday. The CreweLawn- Social will-, be held ',on the Church' lawn, on' Friday. June: 8th: Tea. served from 6 to 8.: after..' which ' a play _l'Listen ":Ladles" will , be rase ' edT'by_GQder:a eb . T)raY tic Club. Come. and ' enjoy a real THE �UCKNQW ' SENTINEL PnbUahed artery. Thursday• morn/ st Lneknow, 'Ontario, %firs.' A. D. MacKenzie-= Proprietor • .'Campbell ; Thompson—.Publiaper THURSDAY, MAY 314, 1944 The_se who ha're not been follow•. nig; the: Ne TCanads"-Mevement may lisle— "Just what : is it?" Itis a movement ,to . band ,together 100,000 •of ' Canadian Youth to; 2' study ' our (present economic. and . social pro- I.ileina and, :through. study, to . take actio : It is, as, yet, in , its ',study phase but a program of 'action: is being gradually built; Believing, that '1ark.C4e., 'aa a clasar.. •,li±}ve purtekeu• ., 116111 I II III Ililllh►� ►� I IiIIIIIIIilllilll . llll��������1 lllllllll�l�� .1__...... I I II IIIIII II II I III I I II -' IIIIIIIIIII��II[iIIII) II� IIIIIIillllllllll l� I IlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Illllliliiillll lid1 I i 1111111 I ( I _ ._ .-.ti:_.: •.:urs ry, ' __� , , Proof aga i rest Lig htn,Fire, ind it permanent payiny invest`.went neemenevamen ummeteessemena ;fir 0E.S.K Biwa. VeirMWod ` )Fervent apootane4w ' eombei on.:• :• ydoes, tree n;;Sup., 'rimer ecoiloneic'group thea: Brie termer, needs, an: eiiwrery "new .tear i ' the ;t}ovement ' takes - as ity. slogan ',iSave Agriculture wave: vanaua". , • John_ Martin's radio ' talk .'..last 1'nursuay night on ''The'„ Challenge. of. the, presen>:'Crisis" • gave .us seine. Fiery ^ interesting' thougnts. in intro- , , his. subject. ,he : reminded us: -A crisis is .a • cOndition. where: the Forces Of iiia and . the: forces ells .teal.: are' :,present at :the;'same, time aut;ir• wnditions frequently'occur .r.e rn ysical rives. of individuals. .ory records , 4}10414r,:,,crises"• in ` the lives Of nations ;, and civilizations. •sometithes--the-forces-of---life--trium= Dhoti; sometimes; £fie • for.'ces of ; death • Lren>. Today wire' -are. faced with :such a'cri- J. "Pontiac is .the best -riding c*r in it's ' price class and I've 'tried' .them ° all.,Knee-Action Wheels make,.it-___ • .feel like a much, larg'ercar. Stream lime is ' modem _ but • not extreme. I'm perfectly satisfied with my 1984' Pontiac!" LK Til THE UNERG ... AND HERE'S WHAT THEY 5AW0 14" dr. •rr WlyWEconducted a survey . actual inter- viewed owners of the 1934 Pontiac, We even.Prepared a list ofq uestions to ask .them. • But we never had a chance to ; go through the list. So enthusiastic were these men and women • -that e-just-'"lieEte ed-in"1- li eralt`w ote this. advertisement., .' ... , Why; not benefit by the'experience of . -Others? Geta Straight Eight for your money' . a Pontiac ..•,.the: safest investment in the lower medium- rice field • .44 '►ices ail Pontiac' revs, delivered; /uI&y egaijped„ • es fir 4ory, Oshawa, (freighl and •Gooernrenl lfcesue oei extra)6 Eery Cbl AC Tenet 1 sis. Our''best minds tell : ua ,fiat• 'Ito. survive and: go rtorward into a. period :of- greater "growth, certain necessary adjustments.,have to. :be made:" ,Lucknow'. has „one• ;:'of the • finest public libraries in. this ' part of the province As 'well ;as themany fine books ofcurrent-th'oughtithe:reading tables carry the beat magazines' ' and perioiiicals..'Besides other times;' the library' is -opens every. Saturday., af- ternoon mull evening Cultivate :` the rliorary habit"; yell' will be Well;re- • .One of th e most fascin ti ngstud- ies in current history is the •growth :find in Bence of. youth.' movements throughout the world. "Youth Move - Merits .of other Countries"; will be the .Subject: taken ' in the NCM • radiotalk this .evening; (Thursday),;: over Station 10 BP, Winghaiin. Don't ',forget to tune in from 7:40 -to 8.00. "Very .well pleased with:'my ,new Pontiac. It.' gives • excetlent gas mileage and.has comfort.'and room iness After driving; in the Pontiac, 'my other car,'which, although';, an older model, cost over O$4,000, • Seems like. a l urnjer Waggon.""'., "My new Pontiac actually' gives,me' mora 'room, better performan'ce and,. greatet'comfort than other. cars that cost me thousands of dol- , ,Jars; Yes, Sir, Pontiac does every- thing 'clainied verything'clainied for it':and does it , . economically/"* , "My Pontiac is simply marvelous."' ,It's not only'a Jgvely looking car, but it's so roomy,,and s6 beautiful inside. •I'm particularly pleased, - tpe,, that' Pontiac' is so easy' to ; handle!"*'• • "'Pontiac's Knee -Action Wheels make riding like sitting on a rhes- tteriieid. There's no energy requir- ed to drive it Fifty miles an hour seems like twenty-five, and best of all, I'm getting splendid gasoline'. mileage/"* • �. . "Smooth! Driving my new Pontiac'$ like travelling.in a Pullman' car. I ' never had another 'car' that was:so,. easy to break.in,, For an Eight r ;': think'it'gives wonderfuleconolnye* *' Habit ON RI Q r1RsT., /mow' THE ECONOMY �! �i^rENERAL MOTORS ALES P•74a • • PRf�D11"CE,T)• ll� C'AM4; rl)MONE 141 .4thin-a eser-weeks,- we will,- called on to' elect. our • representative to :the Ontario Legislature: j;I7ndeubt- edly . there. will be . campaign;, meetings with •some:_''very• good speakers.. NCM inenvbers .should ,take advantage' of :the 'opportunity to hear,them, espec tally those svho are, willing tq'discuss our problems as a •people' rather than ' taking our time. and theirs in telling us what a 'badlot • their •' op - Oneida are. . • HOLY tOOD Mr. and :'Mrs:` Wes. ' Wh tock and Y 'en- of Te'eswater, spent Sunday "at ilir...Richard Elliott's rs..LRacheI-Cullier-t,--Evaeflnd .Lorne, ' , Mr. and ';Mrs. Jack;, Peter bough and family and Mr. And. "Mrs., Dan McKinnon were the. guests • . at Mi.. Wm. Eadie'$, on. Sunday Mr.'' and . Mrs. Fred y Johnston of Lestoivel• were recent' Visitors ,at: Mr` Mark .dohnston's.. Mr.• and Mrs.' 'Eldred' Aarrib .,and family • spent:' Wednesday evening at. Mr. Thos. H. Harris. • Miss Ilene . Valad 'returned home Sunday af`ter'.spending'the past week with ,friends`. at Riversdale. . Mr. Chris :'O'Toole spent Sunday' at Mr. James Valad's ' The .'next'•' 8 W. I. ;will be held at the home of:. Mrs. Richard Elliott on Thursday, June '7th. Dr. D R.°: .Fin- 1'ayson, of Ripley will .address— the meeting. '' ST. ..HEL ENS „ Sunday Was• an important day for the Young People's Societies of this district, when Mr. ' Aubrey' Oldham of Sarnia, who It" president of the - London Conference Young People's delivered' an address in the united Church 'here Mr`. Oldbanr,. who ; it, ' a particularly, interesting peakef, •chose, .as his subject "Youth ,..nd its' relation : to World Peace": "Home" ' he ..said, "is the training ground for' peace -loving 'statesmen.". Then he spoke. of business and' Indus: trial ,' harmony, political harmony,, social acid racial harmony' ands re' ligious harmony and' peace with 'God: Only the'' admission of 'Christ' into their innermost 'life makes for' per-. feet harmony. Mr. "'Oldham was •ac= • e ompanied • by Miss Marjory Jena, son Af Grand Bend, who - is president of the Y. P.S. of Huron Presbytery. Visitors worepr5.se from • Whited ,j r . 1 e : eiraui a un'gan noes' Mr •Oldhain spoke in Brussels in the afternoon '•on the subject, "Choosing a Life When and at:.'Gor- !'rio !at` night, whn ; :bier , subject, was "Why a Young. People's Society?" >•Stairley Todd Mr. '•Wtllloicg % P s.lerr Gaelaalz d • T,0410`. aluw /role.' for • rtes price. D• Neaten Btem .. Nor • Hsrdwara ism ;; ,msney 9. s your. then 400rbail-.; were,. wilt* for, D • (P 'lli$01 11a►), A drivasorew nal! latest developmsot' o the `,Preston'Led-lied: '•'; Nitta Take, five as much force todraw it` .out of aabeitbinsbosM as; a A$taudaid' barbed, • '.. /09$4a ntlil. .; „ 'In the twenty-one years: that we have .beet. building Preston. ,Steel ; Trued: f'... Barns;'Tncl one o'' .#hese ,barns been destroyed bj! lightiTang:o; Y :one :Etre can wipe 'ou't a lifetime's work and• savings so that if is; one, thing you, must :think about when building a, barn. Preston Steel Truss' barna are. absolutely .• fire -proof from without. They'are li htning • f; too 'when. ed; -to Fire Marshal* prat lobo W fine a ns. PRESTON . STEEL `TRUSS BARNS'; are the etron et barns you ,can ' buy. Side . a y structural'. steel rivetted. • 'a of he . ts'ysaea . re_ , .. vy.. With pneumatic tivetters. Sidea and ends.arer' • bracbd,in:all directions, : Ro'of has a„pleaeiag : r with O eas ro wi tr n 'doors s uilt oo y rte B "to b •fat -_ _ re ,: _.. entalato a� hardware.: Large handsome, V .._ :.. openable,Gable Windows keep, the loft'cool.; You are ' fudged by your- buildings.” Buy ; a' : • ' Preaton•Steel Truce Barn andyou..will always): be proud of it; distinctive n appearance Ij llow in cost r -erected by one,' of our crews. in a few working:daya ;without any "Raising Bee" r Sann,:Ci lar • •Write for ou; . rco • Glldpl.5tnse> ' n.it PRESTON. OK. Fectodu.1,0 . ` Montreal and Toron'io "1 e,. Lp" applied;; wlthStitite Lsd-Had Note riailins space4.= inches appartacross end of sheet. '•Tito-. Lap!' is especially suited for •re -roofing. ' Absolute. weather tightaeirassure& • ler and Miss Hellen Miller attended; these meetings. Mr and Mrs. Robert Reid, ..Mr. -and iSLrs: L`-Rerd-.-and-daughter.�o ;Port l;lgin, were visitors on:,Monday at. Mr D. :B. Murray's. - " Rev. T. C... and 'Mrs Wilkinson -at'-. tended'.• the funeral •of the•., late Mrs: Pentland.'at Dungannon ;pp t Friday:.. ' `itev. Wilkinson . presided mat ,:the ' meeting '',Of 'the- Y �. S on. bun daY eyenrng : ,when Mclt.iniey Itri.mage's. arae nod cha. MWilkinson .,�cr su prayer andrge•, the rs. scripture` lesson was' read by Charles. McVonald .hers: .Wilkinson and Ars; Stuart sang. ,'a duet. A paper on the "Life . of • blob", 'was react 4y; Neely ..Toad and .one:,,on Chant s' Dickens, py, Drck' Weather,"-' 'head.. ' The. topic on 'The :Literary. Mci�iney itainage A :piano' solo Eby 'Adis.'Scuart`,was 'enjoyed. Miss .Gorotay • McDonald: has re- tallied' • 'from : ri Siert'with ,W inghain friends • „ ry e ire • 'sere to report that Mrs., W. J !'scat}` V taken .to Lonuonl Hospital' on urday, where, --her conualon -i causing ;;rave concern. !to nes friends `here., '' Mr. . and ' Mrs. Dougherty and: °Gwendolyn and Mrs. ''Tyson of Toroit to wets. -,week`-end visitbrs w4.'"I'' th Mrs; lt: J Woods :•0 The J,une meetin\of the Women .s. ''Institute' will. be.:beat. at, Mrs.:.Waliace *tiller's: On '1'nur4sday; :►ane I7th. Itoli raail ," laiy Favorite Kook": • Subject; 'Libraries mad. .heading Matter.: 'for :a2tzral"iiistrrcts": 43—ladies4 =oi the community' are invited. el: 'Mrs.- Mex • Leitch,• Mr:. and Mrs. Am BOwilenland.Jiminy,Mrs, Howard dowderr: or Letiroit.,and Mrs. 'Leitch and Kenneth 'Of lielgrave, ;were visi- ,:erg with :. the former'$ brother, Mr: IL. J.,'ihom..and : Mrs. Thom en. Tues, ire ituge_ oi'lflngiaiid", was taken •by We are'sorry to repgrt the death $f. Roy Aiteliisen on 'Tuesday atter- noon at his honehere, after,a.leng- dry :anise. ,_ • ; 1' , Rev. '.. C. Wilkinson and '•Mr. ^ W. IL, Farrier of Whitechurch, 'ere at- tending . the meeting -,.of the London Conference, 01 .the United.," Church, held Le Sarnia this week. Mr. Mac . Grant of • Toronto and Miss Will of Teeswater,'were., recent visitors', with Mrs. R.; .L Woods. • .Mr.• and Mrs. James Irwin and daughters'. of Huron and Mr and Mrs. •Frank,; Cole of.' Lucknow,. visited re-` cantly with Mr.'; Wm. , Woods'' " • Mrs.. D. Todd, Mrs. R. J . Woods,. Mrs. John Swan, Mrs. .D. Phillips, Mrs• lt: K Miller •and: Miss. Greta Webb , were among those 'attending the •distr'et ,nal ineeting :of the Women's; nstitute at Dungannon on Wednesday, ,. ;Mr _,1. L) i Anderson was a, .week-: end visitor • with his son Torrance and Mrs Anderson in Toronto, who had ea; their• guests also; 'Mr. and .ISIrs. Wl iii ; Biuo'`of Detroit., &EL,F`AST Mr; an'. Mrs.:ltobt. 'Cameron, of Lanark' a e t.a. l' w a_. �. e d ys ladt,,.weelc.' 'i~ With the''forldeX's brother, Mr. T. A '•Miss -Elliott of Wingham visited recently with Mr..and Mrs Sam „ ...Mr, d Mrs: IJd 'rlfom ref, Sir. Hefensspent Sunday with Mr, and Cameron, Miss Virginia MacDonald, Rei hl'., of •piplcy, spending' •a • few days with Mr..a. d' Mrs. 118ays. '444 •"`• t lxel,• c�fur.4:trtl :LY�th10Yu KAYSER HOSIERY` '111,ir4liieers' • in all summer.. :shades it . , . b100 .k $1,25•.• :S1Th1MER• FROCKS Lovely`'mateuals• in the smart- est and •CQolest styles, for, dhy -brine and . party wear,. Mess' ses, •.ruiirner,alid Wom:en's • sizes: .88.7b1d.5U • $15.00 • COATS SWAGGER. 6UITS' Unuahally becoming`; styles .for the 'women who have net as'' yet ' found . it ' convenient. ;Lo.. visit King's s, how rooms. fil.avy's Os ►, ' ;e; end--;lever=-TWeed:. is A 'ids. rho: e t $1195"— ,15.Uu to' $29 ;,U ';''17,111e'tvi lig HA-' . ,: Always ll favorite" for summer 'wear., Crepes, Felts, Braude, iu ,rlerity of sizes. ihtIDAI LINENS The finest Irish makes from ,- d ohn S, Brown and Old 'Bleach. 0 Kiij1s41)ouble • Damask' Table . ets— )amask Breakfast Sets. —Oyster -••and 'Colored Separate'.; Cloths. One Silk BedSpreads A `L yers Bed'; .!Coverlets it is . Irish S he e. 'Thai ' oke 'the loveliest gifts"; in g. • It - Pays .to Shap at King's 'for, +your'J, line -requirements r K� ;B I G RCVS. LADIES' STORE,. WINGIIAM Lyceum Theatre WINGHA 1 Show Starts 8 P. M • . ' Thursday, Pride y,.Saturday. MA'il'' 31, JUNE 1-2. Will Rogers . In Dr Bull with Louse Dresser and: Marion exon WILL' R(1G'rERS"' ad* the : Village Doctor,' . . presents • an intensely' human story yin hie own ,peculiar style. , ' ' elso ' . ' GHAl iLIE CHASE COMEDY -•-- 1 ",MR. BRIDE" • ' And PDX NEWS X Rev.. Mr. iTavener Alton ; are attending Of the UniteYI'" Cltui'C)i Miss • Olive .lt'eitnedy anent last week With and ;Mr. Will the Conference at Sarnia" Of 'Whiteeirerch' /Mrs: i)aViSS