HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-05-31, Page 30 }:i . b«•�MM • • r, raw Prefers 'Em High'. Mair- Morgan PODDINGS • Puddings' are always good. Very families .ill,say " o " 'w zen" a• few fa w . N . pudding :still warm from: the oven, with'.a rich ;sauce trickling. down, over the sides, .appars on the table. Here are some interesting variations. Favorite Prune. Pudding 1 clip .cooked prunes • 1 . .'chy sweetie ed condensed milk.. 1/l cup graham• .cracker' crumbs; 1 :teaspoon baking powder o 1/ a teaspoon salt 3z cup chopped nut meats 1 tablespoon .melted: butter 1 'tea`sp"oon' vanilla Rerizove pits from. prunes ;;and cut. In quarters. . Blend:' prunes; sweet-. "•`erred condensed milk,'.graham crack- er • crumbs,:. baking.. powder; salt, ,chopped nut ;'meats, ,• melted butter and 'vanilla. . Pour. into. a buttered. baking dish,' Bake 35 minutes; or' .until firm, in a moderately slow oven ;(.325.degrees. F.), •May.be garnished •Modern Steampd:Puading_ 2 eggs •: 1/a ,cup sweetened ;condensed milk' 1/ ;cup bread' crumbs; • teaspoon' baking powder•' pound pitted elates (1. can'', lis, cup }int. meats . Blend together wellbeaten eggs,' aiveetened cotrdensed--- niik,',; .bread '' crumbs, baking; powder, ''finely -cut. dates':and chopped. nut Meats. Place in top part .ot double:boiler. Cook • Over boiling :water 30 'minutes: Chill. • Serve cold.' • with .. whipped , .cream. Serves sire • - Apple Pandowdy 6 tart apples•, 1/4--ig zaitt'lated ar• ^ C'nnamon . . 1p tablesparin butter ;• 3 tablespoons water ,.r 1 •recipe Short -cake, Dough, Pare: and .'cut apples • in :quarters, removing cores: Place in buttered baking dish.'. -' S.p g rinkle with ' su a r • and cinnamon.. Add .butter..; in small'. pieces, . Add water and cover .with short -cake ---dough .(make' by': adding one -tablespoon. -.sugar to -.regular -his - �..cuit dough ,;.rolled _to ; ab'out' ' :in 'thickness.' Bake 20 minutes in a moderate: oven (350 ..deg:` F or.' until apples:"are done: • Serve' with:. • leinon!o . hard •: sauce,, if' desired. Serves 'six. Magic Lemon cream Sauce cup sdbeetened •:enndenee ed milk. . i c demo - 'ui /4 p nJ.ce 1 -teaspoon grated lemon rind Blend :'thoroughly,sweetened con; •:dense • 'milk 'lemonjuiceand d a d grated Ilemon•:'. rind. ' Stir until mixture' thickens. ,Makes .'.about .' one cu.P ::• MaY be thinned dowwitl water to• any desired 'J creat cheese blended with '2 table- spoons orange juice and,.pulp sand' tWo tablespoons, 'finely . chopbed. ' nut -meats. , Makes'.1/$ 'Mix, Very good spread on: thin slices of;Whole 'wheat"bread .which have, beer%'.}iut teres; - r -__Z ,,. RHUBARB DISHES' Rhubarb days :are. here. If-; you; want a, new combination try this; Rhubarb pend!Orange 'Fool 7Stew`',same young 'rhubarb, drain:' off. , the' •syr? p, rub the . • rhubarb through a hair ' sieve, ',:blend • • with 1/x cup pulp one large spoon marmalade, and `add pint : Whipping- cream.; Whisk Well 0,11 it 'Will stand up ' points, but da not let it : get •buttery. Serve , .e. i lase decorated g s s, deCO stied with ,a °few, petals of, sozn fresh. #lower•; vio- lets perhaps or, , failing 'them, some crystallized :rose, petals. Only •a'very 'few are needed `This' is, also suit- able' for, a bridge luncheon.. With Banana s a silVgr knife and .'";pace . at ,the'bot- tom of a' chinafruit -dish: : Stew" some rhubarb and when soft, mix:in to it some. hot thick custard and. pour. over .the .bananas: Top; with cream if you like and serve with finger 'bis cults or wafers.; • Baked Rhubarb: -Cut • 1 pound ' rhubarb:. into • into lengths. Place in a bakingdish which has a, cover. Add 1 cup su gar and •%,• cup cold water. Cover a •'in- mod and ba e' k rate •even till tea„ der. - Various 'Seasonings, or flavor-; ings may he added: to '. change the taste.'of the, rhubarb Grated orange or'enion rind, •ginger root,' preserved ginger, raisins,,,00-•prunes;_.figs-cut fine;; all or;<any-of these, make inter- esting variation in flavor, . Rhubarb 'Dumplings Cut rhubarb into inch lengths:' with out paring:. Place with: very little water in'.a'covered casserole; plenty lent . .., pY large enough' to also: hold- the dump- lings um - lings, , P g while• they are cooking. Add sugar. :--Mix u ai.:dum-a .P n do p. g ugh,.....• BaIf elf flo 1:.teaspobn`bakin .. powder, %•;cu :-fine: bred ' crumbs . p d , ' les' oon. ' melted .sh . P d , ortening,, 'teaspoon 'salt 2 table ..; , spoons. sugar; .1 `slightly : beaten: egg, 'mills: enou h to. Moisten. g Th"e. quantity- of milk re. aired will depend on the .eta'leness, of the : bread: cruorbsusually abo ut . 1a_ cp Com= bine the'itgredients, adding• egg and -milk last HOP by, 'spoonfuls over: cover, :bake in. hot oven 15', minutes; until rhubarb is. cooked;. and d.uinplin s done. r Butterle i, 'Hard ,Sauce •' 1.. to '11 . cu s •ifs 1/4 /z ps• s ed finely, Iiow-; dered .confectioners' sugar ti teas ooii vanilla 1 . /4 cup weetened condelised;:milk Cinnamon, ' half '• sifted Mix the s ft d confectioners eiiger with sweetened condensed milk Add vanilla. • .Then add enough, of the ,remaining' 'confectioners' • sugar • to make the •desired consistency. Form,niiktureinto-a.-to„ll--and-sprinkle: and rtances- 111 6 1 antes off: Scotland • o Wri I. Loin ` . do A Scottish travel s exhibition i o t alien , in•London toward the end Of, this month. i11 is to: •d.e irlons'trate that: Side of Scotland which • is Britain's •playground..The 'exhibits will range from tartan.g. •oo d to �, • ,linea models; an Inquiry *weak .will glib • visitors information abppt holidays •in Scot land. • In :the evenings lectures,' • lconcerta � e.g 'Ven;; aiid Slms �• tpp with` cinnamon -Che in' slices just . before serving Makes' 1f cups . ' SANDWICH' FILLINGS Soixre, new fillings for saiir I iches, Will These are. always acceptable: :And if i , yen---Bare-no---call=-for•-thein -at-th • moinept -they are wortli : cutting out . and filing', away for some • future ': event.; , i One three -ounce package of t m crea' cheese blended `with'•two halves 't of steed �:t ed apricot finely. cut. Delicious :on thin':slices 'of:!nut;b'read.: '•lyl'akes. s of Scottish 'fife the Master. Of • tare athong, the' lectures, :and Mies 'Jean • Brhee deal with. the .h6iiii • ain will, to detibt „find :extra iiiicety' eat* that the King and'•Oneeti are ,t9 when they, Will, Stay., :at the fanienS Arden, party, The' .iinnintik, Alb congrets' is also 'to ,tie..'held 9 1.. s • ...Mark Hi I�11 ,. 70 -year-old ' cyclist; who has been doing his ridizig,'for over 58•years spurns the modern.' machine for his: ancient model.` .' dAter Aids The Flom 1 'Tepid Water V 1iI Quickly: Remove'Sand oriGrit From •Vege ,t0bles; Try it for Spraying; Yonr Plants It seems :that the temperature of the sane damf#nesPs,, .a1i over and iron water is a emall .point to .emphasise. as easily - as one 'which was dampen but 'the• woman \ho has kept house ed, with cold water old, allowed t for, years knows that it's attending to . stand, d over ,night. 'Try . it some d the small things that .•makes for ef- when you aro; in :4'141.'00 to. iron an ficiency In household affairs. , , can't.. wait to • "daurpan'. down'+ th Of. • • 'course vegetables must be laundry, • wait . • "crisped" in' very cold vuater `b t or , t ; 1 , , ..11: Air- Alawys put, fresh vegetables,* on .he' first v+ashing to remo}e the, sand ng water; Thle ebok, and",,grit you will.find that tepid water , t me • in • boils p w. , •time, is shortened. there:is'.lose,, to does .the ,trick ' ill- half the. •time, . Or food, value and their, color is.,Uret Spinach; leaf' lettuce ..broccoli;• all; the'.`ses r ,, ..,. veil when they are -started in bol .root vegitt,0l.es a,sna}aaus.„,arid beans i wa F; are more easfl Was $a IN. . .. A'atei• that . Il\! GTaLATI1V ,Ip.ESSERTS .,, is;•luke,warm,:or even warmer•;.. - . - . _ . • � , � . , .• ,Moulded :geiatln des erta and.. eal:a• -.-.:.-warm., water, should. be.. •used�to _- ae:•:weli� those froze�.:in mo Id spray house plants•,.- }n order, to 're- eaeil' : ,removed o ou . s 'move the accumulation o :''Hirst ''from ; e • Y � 'Arent the, moulds f ...f, .serving. ifethey:.are plunged into a'pa the leaves. 'Here...again •tepid' water o>' hot water for ,a few, seconds; The is mere efficacious than gjold. should:be, ketit 1n trio hots water ju „ II' ;WA'SHINO VIM. 1TUR , long n .' E ... g ,eough to .melt the gelatin •o • For'''the washing"of paii;ted` Secs frozen'' mixture against'. the metal o work and furniture, warm ' soapsuds the''mould, and' this. wont take .eve is used. A heavy lather first;. then a minute:• • ' • a• cloth .wrung out of .warm, •clear. You can hasten the risingof you. Water . aafln '' al r andpolish with i o :r .• . a soft. rolls:If,. o i aft w f e they i h are, shaped: �. . a ed and l Y .p n d ager, mark's and the. 't ' cloth an •all fi pans, you place. tlrgm' fn a ' cu smudges ;disappear like magic. 11 or board near a van, of st'aminp water finished natural woods, complete' the' and close the doer' ,tightly. The moil cleaning with a: ilibbing • with • fur- warmth will penetrate ;the, dough an niture polish ...or liquid .wax. For ma make the. rolls rise quickly. Thio' i bogany furniture; use chamois' la particularly,well worth .• keepin: .i +.' e ----box, ro s •cause these take. doable the time for rising that ordinary rolls do. . ' The ra* taste``o•f -s-o many uncooked icingsle. overeeni. F,.the, icing 'is per- nutted to stand• over, hot water. for fifteen or 'twenty minutes.•• Also you, `Gan keen';icings•iii`.•a pliable condition, s 0 ay., d e the hands of.srnnerat." Fftesus had come to his holly, $e was `the centra; figure: in the s_u,Prente paradox o. ; "Arise, let ns a be going;; behold,, In is at Band that betrayeth; hie.” f'Wi have n suggestion here of the calm, nese,: of tine courage. • `Bean Weevil : Dislikes Canadian,? Winters Thee bean.;vWeevl is unable to eui� W vive when exposed::to, w'ter tem, ' n.ln. fi peratures ; in:: Canada, say$, Alan. G Bs: 'Dustan of, the, Dominion, ;I ntomolo g cal Branch. " •Accorrd4ngly beam, 1' should; be , stored in ` un heated rang " ; • "= ries'. or eed e house's.,, wh"erp..ttio ti perature ° inside the .building .: y 11 ds closely a proximate h ` P .. . ;� t at.._ou,tszde,';In 4 .. ro'. Tested "seed .should: never: or be planted,.. • witfiout. previous treatment. If beans, P••••0.414 n. contain weevils; 'th'e should • Y . ,,., be frumi � • Y -- gated with carbon.,' bisulphide. The - st greatest carp, however, must'be oxer- ? n cise in the use ' d of carbon'bisuh hide, . f as: the: fames;,are poisonous to hu n' ' bein s and de g quickly, ignite and,'explode when brought into contact with ,fir r in any form.` :Athough this fdni grant. in , can be P urch ' P seed at most seed houses • • � ;. P, or .wholesale. dru stores, its ,use . .;••.. °'' r,; should be confined. t expert arid. ex- .: d perienced men', . s' n a , . • ' and another for the rinsing. • 'Very hot or boiling• water • Is, • the •simplest and quickest,way to ;remove: fruit stains 'from' table cloths and napkins: If the ) hole :cloth. does not need laundering,, stretch the place With...the stain in .embroidery—hoops: _ '_andTpou hat water . hrough: if they" -are put over" •hot-water`while- o , f u ase' hot water to : s ." I, ,• Yea' Arinkle frosting the canes. So'inetiines.• merely: cilotbes .they' will be :ready for ironing dipping the spatula Into. hot' •.water. `within fifteen • or.' -twenty'' ninutes..` A' makes.:the• frosting :spread easfl..� ' Y garment a1 piece of linen .dampened` When tutting Hinarshmallowa. for with' hot water and: rolled' tight is et aserts, .try dipping tlr@: shears into. how, easily its done •war •Witter 'betweeni m sn psA`and' 'see• Y undoa..- . cls ool Lesson Lesson' X. (22).-40ne '3: 'Jeans in 'the', •Sh'adow of the .0 r!os:=Mwt=' thew• ,26 1 75.: Golds 'n.Text. i : He went ° forward a little, and ,fell on. hi s face;-and:pr;yed'sayirig; My` ather, if it b F e possible, . , P -.-- - let' this cup pass, away' from.:.me,,neverthe less , of as •I will s o.: , but,:',aa thou wilt. —Matt,"26 39:' x, . l' 6e. Lesion in its Siettin • • .a 'TIME ==Thursdr y,:. April • 6;• A.D. 30,: the d'sa iefore the'',crucifixion, _. LACE — Bethany,, Jeru ..1 the Yr. sa em; the ltd: nt , u of 1' , O ry es _ .il: PARALLEL:.PASSAG S Mark' >E 1'4;, Liike 22; Jolizi 13 :,1-38. 1'4 :1.18 :. "`Then .saith Jesus unto "them, All 'eshall be offended tided in:m' a this: night" 'The shadow :of, Gethsem ne•js, begin fling� to `fall • on 'Christ's. '' ' .gown spirit and he' knows hew "For itis written:", Christ who; found- the Old: • Testament an antics Ito •. .P ry. biography,. qugtes:° from Zech. 10:7. "1 .will smite the .shepherd; and • the, 'sheep of the. fioek shall•'e scattered: tt b, scattered 'abroad." Jesus was the: Shepherd who was -about to '.be' smitten,. and: he :foretold the he scattering ter} n fees o h li g cep "Out of ". after I m• r aised u • Once more, as :so often before; aur' Lord foretells his zesurrection• . "I•will go, bio_,_._ foreYou : into�Galilee;'' f Still the Shepher�c of the sheep, our: Lord would precede• his little flock;. as ' an Eastern:: shepherd. •• goes .. before flock and does' not drive it .'before' ng oto Peter's - over -confident spirit "That . this. • night, ' befpre.' the cock Crow," . "B:efore 'the cock ` crow :twice,": says•'.'Mark; '14:30.: Peter,. who ,was Mark's inforntant accord Ing ao tradition, would remember the • exact words. ' "Thou shalt :deny n e thrice." As • acttiall : happened;�read ' Y,, , Mark 14'• 66=72. �, `;,gib "Peter saith• unto., lirm• He: s ke �? pa exceeding vehemently." Mark 14 ;31) ven=_if_.1 _ u t•. ie' ' . m s d .with.• .thee----.' e't- Y , will'' I not en' • thee. . " ri ,. y He wanted. ;o set out at. once • far martyr om in Jesus' .behalf! • "Lik'ewise.also . said all the disciples. • Thedisciples • trusted " themselves: they. did not mean. to fall:. "Then cometh. Jesus ' ith them u }� h "Gethsemane;" means, - significantly, oil.: press."` Our. Lord..tvent to a place called Get semane there that nightprimarily for prayer 'before ' his •terrible ordeal, And' also to separate froin his trouble the kind- ly family ;who' had. given • him their, hospitality "And pltality for the Inst. supper.. And saitlr unto his 'disciples; Sit ye here, while for what as coining: axe-sante-acts-�f--life-in which ever g Nevertheless, not as I •will' but Liao, p 3T ese,rvere_tke-'tv�u7►. orae of ,.his :pra'yer •;r-- `If.-it� 6e: possible. and `nevertheless:' ' An eoine d. h ., t unto thedi'ci e h s pies; and flndeth them.sleeping." Sleeping with the Son of . God • agonizing for_ them only•a stone's 'cast away! "And Y, saith unto Peter," ,Peter •'was the one: who.' had 'made the loud rotesta-,. do of• fi ,;�1 d"lrt , n e y . "What, could:ye • het -watch -with -mei one `hour.?" ' o In the .last •;great :service :peter, did not fail: him, for Peter was crucified for .Christ. '•, Jam` es, ';too, laid down :his life` for 'him, find John went') into exile in . the. isle of Patmos;, Where 'they all failed was in 'the lesser thing in the duty that u y was'comparatively amen.. Neighborl'iness is ' a . trait , that' ' ' ,'is • predominant :in ,Canadian character. . Perhaps it isbecause the :Mull town. forms the •• background , for • so many. 4: Canadian lives' and it is - in the small'. town neighbourlines '' s„ reaches its `:. Rhighest.. develbpment.-.-Yet leve i , . in the crowded cities, there is,. -fu's? beloFv , ,`,.;. the .surface --a golden golden vein' of neigh- borliness, .•The Sums .raisedin citie or:. ,u f nempl Yment relief ..' P.. and , she. splendid :response .to ?. a. 'benevolentp peals, attest •:th'e existence` of ai feel's ins of affection and -responsib lity for ' triose who litre -nearby.. Y All too often we hide an interest in: -others-behind a sk-o s ms ru- "difference, We ate':'afraict someane will„ think us • soft , and: Sentimental,.. Never has there been,•a: time :in:.the< • history. of our' nation • when .true ;' neighborliness was !,mo :imlio rtant.. ' Nev# er has there been aa :,time 'when.. ` our neighbors •need :our help l p toad .in•: terest' as• they ••do z "Watch and 'pray,• . that ye,: enter not;` into temptation.'. ' •We must. either • be, Christ's' soldiers or , thede-: vil's shaves. "Thea spirit indeed is willing,•. but the, flesh is weak)''•Row ready was Christ to .make allowances! "Again ':a second time''.he went a way; and • ra ed'' saying; M• prayed,' ► s y. b', y •Father; ow it :mst fare With - .. I''go yonder and pray.,' ,"There if this' c' nnot .a . ` ` a p ss away, except •I peter-ansWered and said on7 71YetTieus; ;the: outspoken, • who 'may have said.orily *hat all the others Wanted to say; ,but, did apt dare :to. "if %ell' shall; be Offended ih thee., in Peter's Words.' a ,Vanity, •whiCh yvould. set bim Abeve all his brethren,, valorous James: They might forsake the:Vaster, but he never ,wOuld.! Yet, one • :of us : must , be aro ." , And he took with 'him im •Pete and the t : � • Sons of ' Zebedee." kle e Th ee s. Were ,James, "who was to be' the .first martyr •among• the ` discip les, •.an p : John,: " the; disci ,le; whom Jesus loved, . as he designated himself, in pzoud 'and' glad humility. "And began to be;. 'sorrowful. and sore troubled."The' reality of Christ's Y drink-zi, shy wilh r e ; one. ssen- tially the 'same as the :first 'prayer, of because.'Chri n st did•°no •• ' t mean the first t' s 'prayer, bli.�. . t because r b P Y se �h 'meant .�. e giant it• so much.. 1 � d l "And • he ' came : again '._ and ieund them' steeping;-. for their ;eyes :were ; heav" .. p. .noteven ven;: them:•Lords ten= •der. remonstrance• had served to 4-,. rouse thein front 'their . slumber, • and , 'keep, :them awake; , ` • sufferings sets forth," mere elearly unte • them -My 'lag again the same words." We', sold IS exceedingly sorrowful; even read ,(Lhke 22:40) that at the height Unto death." No ono Of its can :of' ht.lat's ogeni "there , appeared, IMagine.,the 'iwful, weight ef. the unto him an) ang•el trim* . heaven, wprld'a iniquity: pressing dawn upon strengthening him." 'f'Ob, What do: the :`",pure• :spirit of the SaViour .1tAwb!adse"a37,vhe;yre'bOaintin*atfellerinigtb ..nithPa2":'t '37-1:1"T' hen conieta' he te the 'disciplea." Christ Showed, this need. of COmpan- His hour 'of .trial' Was over •and bis • ."And hewerit,forw•aril a'•little, and, Lir Companionship. "And. saith Un.... .fell eh his face." Thus, he 'shoWed'his te, theni; Sleep 'On now; and take your , litter, abandonment ta'grief and en, rest" , "Shch_uncencera, thrice re - treaty: "And prayed, ' saying,' %My .Peated; *at Surely aw:macif a denial Fathert12.-AlWays;-boWever- bitter the_ ae that of §t.. Peter Afterwards; and gun 'extended..to. ,l'iil,..he kne* that the depressing sense of the discii)les' if ,vvaa in his loving rather's 'hand. frailty and' leek of syinPathY Must "If it be 'possible; jet this cup pass have added 'no little to the•hittei load Mit the Bible, is meant "fortune" or bear." "Behold; the hour itoat hand, "fate,". coming Woe 'or cbming joV., and the Son of, man is,betrityed i'nto )W - .. els $r_oardcara l 0' mono* 'bells' bells To' .Bowl'• To me' you show the `s n1 of:I n o don . > A vastness going back ;to open mead. And• little cots with rose .encumbered porches And see ' ad .,h' y..omelY4:.:rk, 'God-.fearin To me ' ` e you bring tris? mighty' thing; The sudden recognition of ; s birth- . right! A second eaF:and bare ' er> ,the tixffic and the surge. : f' • v.o man`•:.: feet;'.':'. ; •y . e' 111W OM .busy markets-and"a re chine, • To l aces di s tan? P nd tr a ibex to be So in the noiset,,and 'glare and clam "Comes.,aiiever- . sweet resurgencee- ; A> back :ard and . 'forw ar d .moving , a rhythm, Of • the glory',of :that, Mighty *Vier • oity, . W ithin:, whos @ heart th.'refugee, e en folded, '`M ,fr-find Sere -ease from' •tyrann' fear: Y .And 1, Who as a child, have steed. enraptured. To hear >'your 'peal 0 • bells of Lori • don'' town, :•uld-ask,a heart--enlarged7arat'vis- • ion clearei," That", eoithily' ;my concept 'of -your greatness " May show to all •a•;Londbner: indeed. Who.'.1;o5'eth and receiveth all: ma a - kind, ' ,3 O gr,•aciaus befit,, deaf bells Af• Bow* Marion .Alice Bowers: SURI'Eo TOGETHER' 'Richard Hayden aged 03,, and his wife, aged 82, who. died within 'afew. days; of eiteh :other, in Bristol, Eng- land, were' buried iu 'tire aiiie grave. out OF A '110A0b: Be. SE ArEb; IVIATLS 731, PRorestoit Be itiE. WRINKLES,' ARE, ALL 'GONE our.. PRMANCNV JAMBI