HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-05-31, Page 1r • r 133` • *200 PER YE4R 111,4, ADVANCE; 059 HERWISE LOCKNOW. ONT. THORsDAY,„ 51st 1954 fil'N LE COPIER 5 CEN WILL • EXCHANGE ,-- Year - old Perclieren colt foK .young. Pigs. -tr W. L. Ft'anceYi:-W 3.4 Lucki 11.0U/SOW•OEK •WANTED,4- oirr desires ,lionsework by the month. Can eomn ence duties at ,once--;ApplY , at the Sentinel Mice. '. FOR !SALE: OR ON SHALES - Black •Clydesdale Stailion, 8 -years oldrfor sale Or4ill,put �ut on shares 50-50 basis for year. _ . :Samuel MCCom'h," R. R. 2 HolYto24,1 EEL.uy Vance Bros 'S. Ontario grown grade ,No, 1 Improv- ed Learning, , White Cap ,-,,yellaw ;Dent..Early Bailey.Golden Glear and 'Genuine' Vance'S. Sweepstakes at - W. G ' • Attend . ,spatiNG.LABW:--aie now a good price U over fig pounds and fat. 1 ' be abiPPing them eaCh Wednes day. Bring them in with 'your hogs. •Rod 'MacDougall; tOroperatiwe „Shipper. TENDERS '4WANTED • '; 1. June, /1t1101934;:lOr the Construction of PK,. '''S.Te'Vek-f0lit::::'-hrldgeo,t-fiiii7en Let 6' ,"And .Mie or Monday , . aideroad 3 and 4; Com, g at Let .44; , (ebinit '30,, yds: in 040). Centkiketor to furnish , everything' ,except re infOreing steal and to leave road- way ready ..for 'traMc. A marked cheque for 10 per cent. to iie'compting. each tended. The:lowest:or any:tender not neeessatilY. accepted. , - C. E. 1VIcDonagh, • iClerk Of 'Ashfield R. R. 3 LtieknOw,-Ont.1 4;- .114M11•0141141114111Millo- 4 wing Evefft-s- lint Insertion, 50c. Subsequent • Insertions, 2.5c. LADIES ATTENTION • ; We will supply your wants in bak- ing and uStg.id articles at the Sun-, shine Market. on Tuesday, , June oth, at Mrs. J. W. •Joynt's; r; GARDEN PARTY ; South.- z.Chnrch •?Garden Party wilt;lie held on Friday, Jape 1.5t4 at D.' $.: MacDonald's,. northoi C.4; R. 'Station, 'Supper served at siic o!clock...A.dmikaimi '36e and 20c.,•., virren.• It 'may, be ao alight:Ste to • BASEBALL 'TODAY At 5.00' -o'clock this c' -afternoon, •Licknow. and Pert Elgin meet in a' scheduled Bruce League ;baseball' game in the Caledonian Park here. The locals have wait . one game, and lost one to date and .are hopeful of carrying . off the verdict today. Sc • thein in action for 25C and -1,5c. DANCE 4 There will be a dance in the Town •Lucknow, ' 'on "tile. ,evening of Fr.day, June 8th, under auspices ' el No, 428, Music by' ,the Sepoy - Orchestra; 4 -pieces. General 'edam-, mon 25c.'Remembet its in the,.,]1'eviTn. Hall.'Lucknow, " Friday, June 8th' BASEBALL; 'MONDAY Winghant; and Lucknow .will clash in a 'Bruce lieague Bazioball game in;the Caledonian Park, Lucknow '• Monday; Jun e o'clock. This • is almost-vertain to be a keen and :eloeely'-tdOntestaid'-:.fiXture;;'•AditildsriMi ,. 25c.. ,School children ig.c;/' under 10 • years; •, free. ' . , 11. P0.' NOMINATING ' 'ONVENTION; The annual,- meeting And convention of the United Farm- ers' Organization of 'North 'Thiren will : be ,held, in the ,Wirigham Town hall Friday, ,June lst at one o'clock for the purpose- of Selecting a pro- vindial.:candidate for the riding:" of Mimi -Bruce, "- , _ T. A CaMeron;`' Wm, Rutherford,, President, Secretary. WILL . LECTURE ON , • ' ' • 'CRIPPLED CHILDREN, WORK A. lecture and musical 'program" in the interest • of aick and crippled children will be , held in the Lucknow Town H'all; June 46th at 8 P.M. Dr. Ramage and Pro Skinner of the Wer Merrierial Hospital, London, wish to , bring this work before the general • public. A special invitation is par- ticularly extended to, all local we- : men's. organizations in • furthering this maiiithy" minim in this 'tonanninitY DIED ' PENTLAND-4n . the village Of •ThingantiOn on 'Wednesday,; May.' 23, ,1934, Catherine Cantelon; relic of ; the •late Samuel 'Pentland; in her eighty-second :year. ' The 'funeral Service was held at her late residence .on Friday, May 256, with interment in Dungannon cemetery, „ , , Fleas of New Wash Dresses for Girls and Women.' Good pealing .Broadcloths, .'Percoles,', etc, Special; $4.00, -THE MARKET STORE. , ,ENGAGEMENT ANNOUIVEH,. The engagement is announced, of Alma-,Winnifred, the Youngest (laugh" •:01,40.44a/almahde Blake or. Crewe, to 'David. Stanley Fines, son of the late, Mr.. and Mrs, Wm. Pines of Grand Valley*, Ontario, gigtoriller,t01040.01,.to In Oittle. , Opportunity!! Address Dell erect. By'' Rev. Geoghegan.' • • -Members Of the local troupes �f ,Brownies, Girl' Guides, Rangers and '43eir,.;Seouts, heldtheirannual chureh parade '.oa, Siindsji , morning to St.' 'eters.,-Anglican Chute)), -where .the J. 11.: 'Geognegan"..deliv- 43ted an-addrees. impressive by iti 'iimplieitY,". to the Yount Welker° 4_..these-orgaiigations-and--the-con-', gregation. More than fifty Members represented , the four ' troupes in hargd of their • respective leaders. In welcoming the group, Rev. Geoghegan Commended' as worthy of admiration and support ' theae. or- ganizatiOnA ' which within thirty,fiiVe Nara have ipiegd---thipiighouV, the aritithr Einpire" and to every Ch hi- A Orship At to,*.O.htiroh one, "Of: ,Impressiye PRESIDENT .OrST, PETER'S: -„ GUILD, PRESENTED Flower Basket[Preertted To Mr.: Wm. Connell BY. Anglican Organ. ization.' • . Taken' much by .stinnitie by a 'pill attendance Of the ` inerahera. Qf .Peter* Anglican-Gtfild who at herhome kit VireduesdaY qven- ing, Mrs. Wm. , Conguill„ presioitT ed with a bettutifuL5,.,slive, lower oasket, Mra,' Connell, who will10sve, ihortly•With:',. hOsbend '&n410113' Wingliani; is - president of the Guild this', year and for nnuther•of year* hitaj_kw,, n_a_valued.;and_-aetiva. Mmemberin all t1e idimtions; of. this organization.. The ,preseiritation':.Was made by Mrs., Moorelloiale,Miteltell. vice-president :Of the 'Guild, and was a sincere expreasn ef APPraelatian and geed wiahes , toward one of their Members,whom they; with wuh willregret,.soon see relinquilh, her ° Mee; • presentatOlade..'TO ••• PLiblic.:§40:01.4nspecOr 4,k1any a.t Faithful •S. . v.rice l!. ,Y l474ce0'1XY:' LeFTeachersitin4t1Cal3 Year ,eetstide4rtment"Oth: ervs: 'Bald; Public Scheel Inapeptek, die0: the 'feathers, and. ineinloets "„ of School Board after "four on Weth 41°014°Y, last, When .:Iritriolis °mutters sea09l. interest were. dismissed, lie ileNeatended---thet-mnaie7L-be'taaglit • the achooli'mere. exOnsiVely ,and the advisability Of getting a teacher Rectally qualified.. in music, who 'Should: teach, it here , and' in adjacent drools :wee discussed. suggested at the 'hoard meltea decided stand regard to eigarettaismoking0' And was ,Pleased to And: that. the.; local 4lergraetr came every week to 'give 41.4 t..13. From his Well-cboaen :text fel.. . HAVE YOU A 'PERMIT? oecjon As. we have therefore pp. . That'S'whatLConstable..,Moore.:.44111 dorttmits,; let,us de good uito •ap he asking "inetorista ftent'ino* Vh,„ �s Alen", the speaker stressed the: im- he advises us' that he:4,# g�ing to portance of grasping our oppOrtlini- make a.' check-up in thie "regard and ' tieO• lest" they Paso,. Probably Inever ad*isenthose not now in possession to • return.., 'Great opportunities lie Ofj permit, to seeure, it at .'ome: 'before the young people in our ()WU' 'commUnity in the privileges ,•offered DISTRICT,, DEPUTY .7 at our pcheol,whichheldann pnviRhI. VISITS . OLD LIGHT tanding as•A .Seat of learning; and, ' 'where', the knowledge of •cin . able W. H. Logan. Maionie :Distriet De - teaching , eaching, staff can . he used :by ' the poty. for North Huroh; District:Is pupils. as stepping stones , to, great Received Here By . Large Atteti aChievenients. 'There is no . More -rallce..- bittor Cry',Rev, 'Geoghegan said than . "it Might. have 'been". , • • -:Meinbera of Old . Light Ledge and • Speaking- of, the, bidets represented 'Asiting Members , diattict he •pointed out ' one of their , most •:,odgee.: nuMbering' ever-, 'seventy; it:- Imble-demands-*.ta-that--of-doinely. ..ended tne. blationie meeting here on, hod. deed daily. "How many Jive UP .,...hUraday night te o it V, be ..dnestioned. To 'do so rd" Ito Logan of Teeswater, Distriet .,.)eaterlly makes it easy. to .do; not. -.,ieputy virand Muster OL uru, 'lost one kind act daily, but several: ....Auten district' visit The choir :'rendered well the . antheir .,ere. gem:were in attendance , We'ke :`..11iSt, As .1, :AM": • .ft agreement; that ..the eVening, was of highughta ux maSohic 4ctivities. in Lucknow. 7 Mr. David MLay, an • incoming. _ember 91. Old Light Lodge waa ,,iven his second.degree_hiLiae:Joreal., .4egree .tea, after wnieh Mr. Logan' .4.4drersted the meeting, advancing .ome ',helpful and constructive ,1131131 'of lodge room Procedure and ..oncluct, . r' 'Then adjourning to the ,kanquet DEGREES OF sgaoas'oti,viiiiOi4; As hits been said, most.persons have some degree of... error of be-ighored, or so , excessive that the individual Is forced 'fel-seek. aid in order to see at, all. Bi-', twee% 'these two extremes are .., Counthisa PareOne whose. Ws; Ueed'-•-4144eatilisuip'At A -,1e4.4 -to class that otir articles are es- ..„ pecially directed. '" • 'ARMSTRON'S Eyesight lerviee W L DISTRICT MEETING' The Women's Institutes of South Bruce • district held their annual ,24eeting-in .the 'TovinaliiP hall, 1.14- -ood, yesterday, ,With the . district president, ,Mrs: Almer Ackert- presid- Ing. The Lucknow branch, ',one of tht twe'lie in the district, was well re,. 'presented at. this "'Assembly, - whieli .was addressed.:"by *r,..G. A. Ptitnarn• ;If To onto, -superintendent of Wow men's Institutes and by Mts. J. T. ,11cI•owell of 'Milverton.:. CznyentiOn To7,1tiorrotv: Wnighaiii. • . . When -Walter MclCiiidrick of • q- Extfintatitin By Organization Presi .roit. appeared •.• before Inagistiate dent c lei", up Erroneous farms .teek in Goderich on. Friday, lacing , wo charges arising offt of a motor Sion An•A Result Of A Statement ' • ' ecident ten days previous, the ease --A In • ese 10 1s Lam -Nits again, adjourned pending further -.- e y ef his aged mother, who severely injured in the. accident. .vIrs.' McKendrick Was a • patient in Joderich hospital for At.. time follow- ing the accident, which occurred when the car driven by heron overturned on the Saltford !forth of diider- :ch,, but hasrecovered sufficiently, to )e,,,removed to the • home of her son, 'tames "McKendrick of Lochalsh: • The liread The Bread of Health 0 1 of Health, QUALITY AND SERVICE OUR ,MOTTO •--Saturday DATE' SANDWICHES JELLY -ROLLS:. ---' DOUGHlkU,TS" • LAYER CAKES. • " • SpecIals-- RASPBERRY ' TARTLETS 61404 BIthS TPA 'ffiSceiTS ICED ROLLSJ. , OUR wRoLEA WHEAT 'DELICIOUS AND IIRAIITH.F14:: • HOLLYMAN'S QUALI1:Y Phone 36, BAKERY .Lucknow SECURES ..10B AT ELMIRA Ace MacDonald, left. on Satur- - • c then'. spoke, saying that .it was re- a inechan_ie's positionin a, garage. town-,Areities,- job -is a year- round engagement and his departure, takee'''froni' the ' vlllage a hockey Player, Who has „:been of , invaluable assistance to the local' thane 'during the Past two winters, :since he , .and Mrs,: •Mac,Donald. and children :re- turned to the village, 'W,here 41,1ey took up residence in the MacDonaid home, north • of the C. N. R.dePot. which- was at that time Unoccupied. .' With his engagement,' 'the duties Vitniiin here fel'. A' time, We under- , ‘. swomtfaar s4n*,:d h, which obligeduectn, omtimenidnied khet; ;aaat o . hurriedochildren e will ahv le 4roin his . duties as ;inspector this Year, The, latter • replied that if , the, ruling Was cdrried out that inspee.- tors: .automatiCallY retire at theage oft Serenty, he would be forced to withdrew.", but, a petition, ', had ;hem- a'ent in to. the Department, by- the _teachers of his inspectorate asking ;hathe he retained. .Mr. Tii145i- then spoke, highly ,of .Mt. 13akes work and. pleasant 'relations that away eiciatO .between, ,•he'' and the teach- rs. it begtatifying fOr hiin to observe the progress in citizen - .hip, -and : feel that in seine 'measure, iais work had been responsible . for 'that, in reccignitiOnoIthe good ,wishesof-the-stalf-;and beard, Mr- raylor".asheci Mr., Bald to 'accept, 'Wintet-Killing May Mr. Bald- teplied tkat ••this was a Aiinte 'Famine red letter 'day in his life, when he . ' .ihntild receivesuchan expression of tde. services. He commented ' on the Baldwin Trees Killed.By ,Frost Are work ;that had .been done intii- I3eing, Cut Down This, Week In hbol attributing it to the. ent bodY :of trustees, the ysi,e:fil_ The Orchard Of. Kenneth Caineran Cietit .prineipai of ;the, continuation.. • -3ebOol; :staff-- of capable aisistents-, and a.-clitsp-7-af-Lchildren--of7high-m-en-- tality.' LADY BOWLERS • ELECT SEASON'S OFFICERS Jtea.e--seigthi., •;u4Oh—WAS served' and .an intereSting WO Sean be Underway; an: en - or toasts and teinarlfs. was given thiisiastie. ;meeting of the ('Ladies' , y seveial Able speaker. With Bowling Club; was held at -the, clab- 'aiedee .::Of Sviignam, Washipla hohae on Tuesday evening, :When the presiding as aisiater of cece4 lejloWing officers iwere -elected; tee' gathering4'..i0e in sin& Pres.; 'Mrs. ' David Huston; .ng the -least' to Our ling',. inc Mrs., J. W. JaYnt;,' Nice -Fres.; I 'Mrs: ...Oast to ?*tir'COUtitry" was proposed !lathes. :Geddes; Seey., Mis Well. W. B. Anderson and responded to fleiidirsiin; ....,Treas., 'MI'S.. 'Hornell; *).5r Wni. Mair Of • lian the Ganes Com., , -Mrs. .Eohert Fisher,, „raft" was :proposed,. by -Dr. W.4. Mrs."' Charles,' Steward, Mrs. A. W. Johnston and responded.' to by Mr.. kiainilton; Social Corn., Mrs. Tenipi D.D.G.M., Our ;Visit:Ors° was Clarke., Mrs.', MacKenzie; Mrs .4t0Poseci by,. Rev. C. H. -114iiel3onald iid in • reSPOri#, Pollock • of Viiiteehuich';'"T M r. Tichbane o Mr,,t'Foster 'MOttnt; M. .tdains, of . Wing4ain' and Mr. Holier t of Brussels, Were called '..pon,„.each :apealcing? briefly. . .twOuitNmEMT „ AcciDEN't ,cAss paocasoniq's . • Tbe: United •Patniefie orgsinizitiOiv 'of North 'Huron has', called aitontin- atirig convention to be held In the Wingliam Town . Hall , (tomorrow), Ja-May, June lst, at One o'clock, with a view toward selecting a candadatt o. contest the provincial nidin 01 Atunti43ttiee. • • • •Mr. T. A.. CanterOn Of Ashfield and President Of the organization; has taken ' exception; • to an efroneoub statement , appearing in: last week's Sentinel ,and latet, ;from ' another 'source,in the daily press, to the Lyrimit mIs4/$4,1intigN . el -feet. that "111r. With Rutherford is' .• !FORDdARAGE ,EI4TERED -the choice of. the • U. F , eXeCutive • Arrest Of of Ashfield Young man rot. • and is not likely ,to be ,opposed.,,' • • . • (The above 'Was, assumed as Ilaellr 10ive ‘Ylio Admits Theft Of Tire arid se expressed by the .publisher •Last y: of' this paper aa a state-, 1 est. ment „Made by Mr. .Rutherford.).;: • • Mr. Rutherford may be Por the third time ,a year oer4ohai-iy,. endorsed by individualhe Ford, Garage. 'Of Garfield Ostran- iiieinbera Of the executive, the ,presi, der has been• broken.n't6. The F-Ost dent -points, Out that he hap not been recent 'occasion **F.L. last Wednesday 'Aelected by the executive as a body, gri!ohk‘t'i-nwg.1.1:0,sZatiriaii.g5ea.sw.8 arn gtalli-ene.:ddfe‘ 134 and has Uri more claim to the Older- sation of this btkiio than any Other and sto,clirebny"*.indew, 'enabling' the. member of the Partners' organization P4itY. • to unfasten and . rAise. the - Mt. Cameron father points out ailri-d°wA;;-'4" 'brick and °Id hat ..laYin14' Outside the window, tette thought to that the cdiiVention tomorrow Will, be thrown Open to all electors Of have been used in Sinkahinir • tina lass. Only, a pair of battery . 'independent non-partisan ' thought, wishing to place a candidate In the anda flashlight *ere'. failed to bc field I pledged to take a definitely dry thigsing. *SO 66' '-`41ge°v011r' sv° Stand on the .teitipekikeed question, nagicle. ThIlt00111t.. ino*ninge' :- one Who is not tif the present iirn6 PrOvincial Officer MeCleyis affiliated with either of the, oldftted" the affair and •.°n: clnOtitming' Milvert Reed, he •sidniitted 'the theft' deal 'patties, and who :Will. Strive to of a, tire froin thiagiqiige last yetti% secure legislation mowe ,, favorable' andwhich was hid in the swamp „West or . fair to the working eltisfies and. , the village and found And retutnoi*, Mr. , Ostrander, However; ))6, ile- Card Of. Thaiiki• •hied tiny Connection ivith hiteaking ; into the garage Iat..r`701e.„315t,„4,irs.t„,k,,„.al,„,..e,,,,, aPPreeiation fel; the ',Mani* :kindlietiiies Welker' in, ,Walkerton .on —Saturday 'shown u friends and neighbors -dnr- iiornlng aeCtited, pleaded ''Efillty to ing Our recent 'berVeiiiititient- the tire 'theft:tend ,Witi; •lieriterieed to Whir --1404044-4014P,' • 0, t ' Cool, Underwear Or every menibei of the faniily. • New Low Prkes.--'- THE MARKE'r STORE., common people. An apPle-famine--this- .fall,' in this oy` Mr. KennitILCarderoni7promment Nest •Wawanosit apple. grower. Winter killing through;,a long •cOn- tinned .period oflow sub Zero , tem- peratures hasdestroyed ot •partially destroyed j ether, .440 .throughout the ' 'district' and Mr. Cameron is one of the heavy ;This damage; ,which was not only 2.9nfined to fruit, trees, has been: generally knoWa.for some time, but it is only as spring growth . is ; getting well 'under -way that the real extent of the damage has become •apparent. In r' the Cameron orchard, --work down the Baldwin trees,- ,which ;suffered most and only a few; show any sign of life .and these only near the tree Win. Porteous, . 'Mrs., Whaley, Mrs. Howard 'Agnew and Mrs ;;Huston. • , — Long Iilness End U n ntimely Reath Roy Aitchison Of West -„VirtiWanosh Papied-•AWay On Tuesday .M. The , Age Of Forty -One. After an illness bf two .years from a serious itOnitieli Ailment, which of late had caused him 'zituCh Suffering which'. he bore , without, eel/114MM, -caused-,the-7cleattr--Of ROhirrWilfred 'Aitchison. 'at the family' 'home, in West WptvattOsh 'Township on Tues- day. Roy, as he was favorably known throughout . his • community was 'a popular, and esteeined resident. His condition was not causing mote than the usual concern until 'Friday, When suffering a bad 'turn, the end came rapidly. • Rey, . Who • Was forty-one years of age; was born in Grey. eeulitY; near Durham,, the son of the late ,James and Margaret . Aitchison,. who ' Crime to WestWavy:Mesh in 1896, when Roy was just a child. • As a Ayoung man, he Went West about eighteen: years ago, returning to Elora where for ''ainnit eleven yinitii he • wag en- gaged in the harness and shoe buoi- ness,• until in failing health he, re- turned to the home of his brother Celina, last October. , The funeral 'Service 'Will; be held this afternoon' At threc. o'clock at the farnilY'• residence, conducted • by Pollock of , Whitedinirch. It is expected that, Rev. T. C. Wil- kinson will ',Assist in. the service if hereturns item ' 'the Louden Confer- ence at :Sarnia: liiternient will be in Greenhill cemetery. : The deceased, :who was not Mar- ried, is survived ,by two brother and two sisters,,Caltns, Jiiritnie, Miss Hannah and 'Mitis Gertrude Aitchison all at :horde; Where lit:Z!iy had been during: his illness and two ether bretbers'Orick and Azvhie, who fnrm. in the 'immediate vicinity. . The pallbearers will be his too brothers, ' Can*, Archie, Jack ' and Jetties; Joseph McFadden of Elora, _ and John Milis of Durham, ' . PLANTS. PLANTS ' ...:-.4t0444.4404,416‘40,iati;YO-044,14,6144-er. your ,gardeti.PettiiiiaS; Zinnis, Stittp diagttgia; ' Soaks', Asters, ..Begonies, Cabbage, Cauliflowers, Toniatens, and Prehipt'-delivert" 88, ?to( tfRrit4 '9ISAW;19s.§,g top. A. slice a bark„removed reveals the ;vied' beneath is 'brown' in color, with' a Sotir, odour. ' SPY trees suffered badly 'also, and Oddly enough the trees withstanding best the -rigours :Of' the winter ;Were these beating fall apples. Mr. Cam, eron's;• McIntosh ••trees and his prized "Delicious” have wintered well:. Ask- ed by the Sentinel it he would have a quatted Of , a crop ' this year. Mr. Cameron replied "14,2, nota fifteenth of ,a crop". S9, lightis the yieldhe expects; this year, that •the revenue will scarcely warrant ,,..the Cost , of Spraying: the trees. • We be ' to think that the winter killing more than , • hrlarge---finaneial loss;--will---be re gretted by Mr. CaMeron, as it does permanent damage to a prized pos- session, the developthent of which has been a life work; and, study of the owner. , FORMER ,ASHFIELp RESIDENT DIES IN vANC0UVER Wm mcnoktio Left , :Here ,,Soine• Forty !out Years Age:. . • • Vora has :been 'received' ,by his brother and sister here, of the death of William McDonagh, in his /1st Year, Which occurred in Vancouver ; on May 21st. A sonof one of Ashfield s pioneer families, ;the late John Mc; briagh and Mary Ann Andrew, . :the, eCeawa left:here genie forty -feta Yeats age and has inade his home in British Columbia ,almost 'continually since then. . • He received his Continuation school education • bete in. '860 under the tuitorshiti. of the late D. D: Engaging in the teaching profession, Mr.' MeDelitigh followet, this occu- pation nail his Superanuation. His death was theresultof a. stroke, Whieli was followed • by 'a lengthy period of , failing health. , , Surviving' are tiVo siaterS,. 'James. Cook of Lucknow,' 1VItS.. Tone of • Toronto, and two 'brothera,. Alex of Manitoba and Charles of Ashfield Township: The deceased was not married, . . • AT KINLOSS MANSE A quiet wedding • was solemnized on Monday; May -14th. at the South Kinloss Manse, by Rev. J. L. Bur- taa'41,Wheirt440rtnttitlikielf;1011*" est','!datighter,. of Mr; Mid, Mit': J. B. MertiSon Of ItinitiSS, beanie the bride , P Of Albert Taylor Of Kinloss, gen IL of ,me, and MtS, Geerg9 Taylor .:94. 'esti t e ome n Luckho ...the... airdressin Parlor ---wiTH ALL LINES OF -BEAUTY, CULTURE Evelyn Nixon 'Phone 19, for Appointment 1 •• - • , e • • ,Edmund--Gat-Wier, son , of Mrs. Brush of Harrow and ' formerly ' Ashfield and Lucknow, was one of the successful students to write viler- • niacy Exarninationa-recentlY:'Edmund who. recetygd his High School educa- tion here, served his druggist's ap- prenticeship with the Pond's, 'Drug CO. of Windsor, and his friends here will be pleased to hear of his suc-1 cos at the ,receat examinations, by which- he new beconie a fg11-41edged , druggist. ,Succumbs SuOdenly To Heart 'Attack 'Mrs., Jacob: Passed : AwitY Exactly Twelve Weeks Following Her Husband's ,Death Funeral • Held Saturday.. 4.: • With a suddennesa.that,i'Was a dis- -tinet-ShOck-10-7herfamilylindiriends Mrs. Jacob Miller:passed away at her . 'soothe here . on Wednesday: last, about " meaty ninutes after she had been , ;Seized w.ith an acute heart attack.. gr. Mideee death ,:occurred exactly welVe..WeekaLpievions His.wife was laid to, rest in Kinloss cemetery on Saturday afternoon, with,, service's conducted by her pastor, Rev.._ J. L. , Burgess ' of South Kinloss, Church of , Which Mrs, MiUerhas been long a faithful:Member.: Mrs. 'Miller was :else (valued,', imentiber of South Made 4 lifeimentber• in „1927. In her 75th year, Mrs. Miller was . letinetty Eliza Margaret Walker Of , Con.. 5, liuroh".townsbip.. Mr. And ' Mrs :Miller had; been ' lifelong resi- dents of the district, and since re• • tiring from their farm on the Second of IiiniosS, had lived for the past eleven years in the; village, ,Tailast- riousness Marked their lives, and the , Untiring efforts bf Mrs. ',Miller in , knitting and Making shirts for the Soldiers daring the ,Great War; won Lor her mall commendation". Follow - ng the war it was her 'privilege and pleastire to'personally be 'greeted by the . Wince of Wialez on 1i yisit. to London, Ont. • : • • • Mrs. Miller is .SlitrVited by tWo daughter, Nina at lone and. Mra.. C4 •• L. Andrew (Minnie) Of Wilkie, SaSk:., and Ave sena, Frank .6if..Kinloss, Sam f Toni of Battleford, Herb of Winnipeg indjabit of •Mayment., The entire faMily living in the West,), With the eUention Of TOM; had been omeduring the peat yeat and were nable to , hitake ' the return trip for heir mother's funeral. • • 4 Mrs. Miller is Also survived by tired, brothers, Robert and SAM Of Michigan and •T9M of Washington. The Pallbearers' were George Mut- ay; Adam McQueen, K. R. McKenzie ohn S. MacDonald; Dr S. Madjonitler. and ; W. W. HILL- . Those froth n distance attend the funeral included :Mr And MtS, AFvelqR"4v*igh rdand " s s lcit ondon; moty sane. moeto, of ,\N ilton Grove ,Mr. and Mrs. eof,eodr:`, • , 4.