The Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-05-24, Page 846, 0. • • P'„ ° IF:otr The. Men Ali L WHITE. AND BLACK' a lad WHITE ARE IN VAGUE; N! .c owning SM.r'.; Now . is tke base to bay while#- ear : is •BLACK`"'.alters WHITE SPORT oXFoj!s At $11.85 and 4445 AU. WHITE SPORT OXFORDS, `M ,iistto' ni" IT/OMEN'S White Ski‘ 04 is colmpiete as t° 1071°. .smite Will 'be, *OM' there than;ever 'this sae ihter.:, r+s: tbsa as Serena, Ties : end 'Pu>tmps,, •d a PRICED AT , • $2.51 $2,95, $3.95, $435 and $::•$6, I* Ink Otis WINDOWS FOIL •SUMMER SHOES., • 4"•Mk,M mite "was metre *WINK Yet4't 00•4011.4.0" ,. eMiwim►ssaisisstiibyli cLormic = *sr;� close • ear Mower' *r anxious to have all °Cour' friends see, the ' New McCormick -Deering` No.. 7 Enclosed -Gear We "tliink.it is. one of the finest pieces' of farm =-t we: have ever' soldl. vsrybody who has seen it says they never had .r.any Mt 1k could uld be built as.,tha:one ifrf._. A . *ample fht. entire o satin mechatiis><n tuts* $ i ikit►e gears. difterenti . and. couiti ifihafts, is compactlyy in an oil -tight;. gear houling r said entb of 'oil . There 'err. four .h` h• ' °de e reit• tio>n'. rs so: `smooth -lid: noiseless that sato•* hear:the ligbt',hum of the sickle! •slam:.seali at the:: ends Of the main. axle' .. , . , . • !lain ... i and ify, Mad: the;orl-fi=ef gear bon prevent -•les p. feet all working :pinta against the entrance of rand other. abrasive.=mRtetihh.; F1o`ati ' action.. of enface, , . bar ro , p vides maple: play without .duturbing knife i .WHEN ou finest land the : ob frsen after n a d t�.ln9a uchb Ioolt . ,. 0 ghttr' :..and yea's feeling v1 appY . _._... • ✓ T II''yo. r famnHl •,•b L'on'- 'Distan• it will nilake`'•fkem �ha too eSprssd good news, get help, vanish. lonesome- - gas. •a•by telephone. Long Distance takes yon , where ,you want to go, „quickly, , dependably,. tcbaanicall -- 100 y miles or so for �'as little' as loc.. See 'rates , in'the�front of your. directory. • • y'Iiaaut' 'riaid 'little Elsie, 41' never ', .ant: pictures • of angels: With rrieihlCess. Do s,►en ';o t0 HUUvan t" 11 ;In .p: t>we . ,t11•r:,.t� "so!> a main'go go to: SH`e isni. 1 tJ1ey►' et, there br .s cjoso /have." w,. ' All Congoleum and ' Linoleunn at Bargain Prices'. ,THE MARKET STORE. ',v,; ti ;r; r;� • 't‘r W C144-i.R �PO'wi3=?•.uwhiats aca-u]t..,+n: p. C•T�•af�Ffi9, t4+WR rytsn iader the warbl , O e Aidea it ot 'previously only first and second • rte T unship lif West Wawanosh at '2.00, p.m. 'on. May 31st, 19 evi 0 34. R ai ofh er i We - voted n c a clerk �� D rn n ed X u toward ark improvement $40. p cases' a third Prize was aded., where' At the Township Hall, Weat We- wand h s fo �h. o. 'prizes pr ze were given. ' The local New Cnrtaias and Cprla iu. Ma4ter- hal at THF The jL u' yce .m► Theatre ,ad• . page to4;4 ' ofhtehsese,is:p v,isMited.rs. Geothe •'firgnerstof Chamrbera of Dresden. : :the week with, Mitts Pearl. Nixon..' - Mrs: F T. Arznstr�1R:. is 1+iiitirte bits, week in Toronto, with her moth•,!' Mrs.. John Murchison. Mrs. Weltie;,. Jones of Quebec City is a visitor with Mira. D. H M*e Kenzie and; Mina Lees. a LOST—A brown ; alt .with ' 'silver buckle off a new dress. Funder ioieased retu ii' to .Sentinel Mrs. Ti; J. Lotaus::o%"Wr dlaeobu 7 •pent • toe Oast week with her mother., Mrs, :Aegis ltac8ints•on. ° Several, tables of mints Mind Gins.- et ime Hama et'° l0c, l5c a>ad 19e her .yd.= -- 'ALE 'MARKET OTORE Mr. and Mrs. J` I�; `MeLennaa of Glamis were '$iinday viisitora with Miss -Yate- d- f dr i Da-nj deG;elcor; All lines iten'S. Boys'' Women'•, and Children4a ;dntirig' Shoes ' at, clone•. prices at W J. LITTLE'S. Shoe Store Much of Yodel:intereit is containgu: in the N.C. M.,' column, of activities which appears wiliakiy in the .Sentinel -Mr. W. F. ,• Bald, Public' ` Scheel Inspector, for Weat .Bruce, paid'.his Wednesday. • .. Alex Smith :addressed a .hell at-, tended meeting' of ' the' Youni�. Ceople's'Society of Teeswater, .United hurch on konday evening." ; Display of ' Ladieis' ' Ready -to wear on' Tuesday, May 29th at TEMPLE=' TON'S. 'Mrs. Campbell of .. Toronto will assist you in.youur: selection. ,. +Miss''Willi aa` Chesnut, '.wins a• mem-: ber• of the graduating class. of St. Joseph Hospital, London, `'where graduation' exercises 'were held last Mr W. J. Lane ofj pley was ,t winner. ' of a . congoleum rug, in the, " recent guessing contest' at Eminer_t ton's Store if.'that vtlfage.• +bis is the second congoleum 'that :,Dir. Lane has won ii .tthiis manner ' Mrs.:G. A. Siddall;'who has' spent the winter in Toronto 'with her; daughter,` Miss ;Frances 'Siddall, •• is visiting" at the home of : Dr; and Mrs. G A. Newton. Frances • accompanie+l;. her , mother here on 'Saturday and returned' by motor the following day. „, ,.•� Little: Joe gnew` is: feeling a s'_fa ` his_ _ rett'-�b tier --•these � r. h girt-- wise; bar -that way owns a tricycle, is moving away Joe thinks Mary Louise 'P,orteote. is Pretty nice though, '•but; she lives .so much -farther' away than Mary. Lou. • A deluge of. ram fell in this tits, trict . on Mo iday' evening and , esrlj Tuesday, morning, ` which ' ,brought cooler weather,'' following an extrezne-: ly- watm week -end.. The rain ' °seats accompanied by an` electrical: ',storm.' ' which disrupted the hydro service for; a short time early in the evening. Will Parade' To Church ; ,;;' Rangers, Girl " Guides, Brownies -Buy--°Boy Scouts • will.: ,'hold thein church parade , to . the Anglican Church this Sunday morning, where they will; attend'Divine' worship. Ail` members .of these . companies are.: - requested to meet at the;school at 10.30, 'a.m. ,The Electoral DlatNst °: 04' BRU C Nott t 4f Slttiag, el R .Wag:'e/cers; ONTA•RIA ,.;ELRIION HAP.. $, AND 'ONTARIO: YOTIIR$' LISTS 'ACT; 10274 CHAP 7- TiN Outssrii,'Electlow, . ,19th.; '1034 ONTARIO ELECTION Womini at Fer g* :Hirth' who kave bice Verities ': ubjeet by Marriage or ',kr, the •:Naturalise on their �!t while they _Were ,tmiaors., re- quh s. 1' certificate . of "tbsludga to. ten**, thein to: vete, anel .they.,aksir iaet be ieatitled to be entered : psi the Vete s' Lint: or te. tote withowt.wch. certiicate..: Apply fer ntell'. certificate- at arky Court ° , of. Rerlsioa'-where, 'Judge ia,,Retlsittg O0icer. ` TAIM NOTICE. Oa., the sittings of the Revising Officers for the pur Poet of .' hearing complaints or 'ap- peals to bwith,•e regard te'tto° .the the pVoters'ending Lieu '' election of a- member-`ofthe ^Leycis latiye . Assemblyfor the: Electoral District ' of Huron -Bruce._ will ,;ripe ;held for the- reapective municlpal'}- hea in said District;at the: following times .end -Places." :mentioned in''the acheddle below,, with the name of the Clerk ,of'the•-Revising Officer `for each Municipality; and the_ last date for , eoait4l , or `appeas limaki,=e .=e . By Susng HonocourmplJnudge Costello - At the Township .Hall, Ethel. for the Township: of, Grey at- 10.00 a.m.. on May .28th, 1934. Reviling ' officer's clerk, :J. H. ;Fear,. Ethel. ;; Last day for making ;.complaints, May. .24th, 1934.,' At the Township Hall, Gerrie; for the :Township of Howick at 10.00 _ a. m on;May,29th, 1934.-'Revising'.e - eer's clerk, Isaac Gamble, Fordwich. Last day ,.for making complaints.• *lay 25th, 1934: At the Town Hall, Wingrham,; for, the ',town of Wingham. at, 10.00 a.m.. on June 4th, 1934. Revising officer's tele k; W.', A. Galbraith, Wingham. L'at day' for' 'making complaints, May�3lat; .,,1934T ' . a �.fo v c Ripley. pl th D t 0 L cls T b'" A hfiel Purchases' Property +� m ▪ ion June 2nd,�'1934. Revising offs- A real estate deal was , recently cer s clerk, L. L. McDonagh, Luck- conipleted by which Mr. Jack :.Mur mow' Na;' 1 Last day for making At' the. Tovlin . Hall, ' Brusse18,. for the Village of ?Brussels,; at 2.00 ,p.m. on May 31st, 1934.Revising officer's clerk, ' A H. . Macdonald, Brussels Last day for ` making ',complaints Muy 28th, 1934. At: J.A. Johneton's Office, `,14lild- may, for -the Village of Mildmay. at 10:00 a.m. on May doth,' 1934. Reds - ng officer's. . clerk, ''. J A., Johnston; Mildmay:: Last:dityfor--inaking;com-. Uinta,- May -26th,- 1934: • • ?,: At J. A. Johnston's Office; Mildmay 'r the Township of: Carrick,,,at 10.00 a.m., on• •Juno 2nd,,. 1934. : Revising fieer's' `clerk, S. A. Johnston"•Mild; mar. 'Last day for making coinplaintt 30th, 1934 �lt',the Township., Hall, :Ripley,,for }lie"`Township of Huston at, '2.00 pan,. oil"June ,let,°..1284. Reuiaing officer's Ierk; "-Donald:, McKay, R. R :No. 3; Last day -for 'making 'coin- amts,. •May, 29th; 1934..>' At the Councii'Cbambers, rRipley.for e', Village. of Ripley, at '2 00 •p.m., ii. June 6th, 1934. Revising officer's Uric. E 'F. 'Martin,. Way; Last day or making. complaints, 'Juife. 2nd. •': At the Town Hall, Teeswater, fox he Township of Culross at 2.00 pan n , June 7th, . 1934. 'Revising officer's clerk, . J, ' 4.- McDonald,' Teeswater. est day for. making , complaints, Jtine 4th.. 1934. At the,Town .Hall, Teeswater.`; for. IS Village' of Teeswater at 2.00 p.m. n June 5th,; '1934: RevisinsA officer's " rk; W. 11. Logan, Teeswater. :Last day for making complaints, June 1st, 1984: • . ` By _D. E. 'Mobiles, •Esq. :At the Towns ip__Iiall._Ashfield,._for e ' awns ip of ,Ashfield; at • 2.00 p. Put' On Degree ;Work. Twenty ;members of Kincardine. lodge„ 1.0.0. F.,' :.paid, :a fraternal ,. visit to Lucknow lodge on Friday evening, when they' presented' the Second Degree ,•:to.,the ' candidate. Eddie McKenzie.'; With -over twenty local members present: - a pleasant evening was spent which Concluded h with. the.-;stervinir; of luneli • TR1SRSIAA:Y •. fi er zv• N W O$GANDYB '• .11,11N.Piirif •, '., . - 1-� r.: IN'PLQ,IN. AND FIGT,TiItED: MATERTA,LS.' NEW VOILES IN, VERY DAINTY' DAN Per Yd.,.5c, 29c, 49c PIiNTED LAWNS- , , SUITABLE F Q R CI LP RENS' - .DRESSk S. SPARVi4 . , " ; -' . TIiE'. POPULAR •MATERIAL FO'R STJI , Ef SLiIT'S,, wimps AND _BLOUSES. I'er Yd:..- ,,39c and 50c PRINTS '• '• •ZN TIiE, aN4.$ST• FATTER th• ifmpi><city, Patterns : •;15 Ie on: She gas: 'ed: HealtI Strength. •and Vigor wit No loner is it necessary for • o n u esu to =moo= around 'feeling sic1�, • Winkle and rundown.' C: Q & 11. Tonle' Tablets have proven ` in thousands of oases that they' bring. quick relief to, the many ailments which re- sult trout's rundown system. Here' is what; arra.. Wm. Priendt, Elmwood. ,Out., vrs3tee: , !'I had been suffering for ove a year with' indigestion, head.' aches and'disay spells.I was nervous,lacked pep. couldn't sleep:. After taking two boxee of C. C..& B.• Tonic Tablets I felt entirely well. again. ' They can't be beat as 'a tonic." • If you are Rundown. suffering with Anaemia. Stomach' Trouble. Indigestion, Coated Tongue. Headaches, Poor Appe- tite, Nerves, Can't Sleep. Thinness. Pimples, Weakness. Blues you surely need C. C. &; B. Tonic Tablets,right away, You' 'steed plenty of. rich, red blood, and C. C. & B. Tonic Tablets. restore strength and fibre to:the; blood, build you up in even Nay, steady: the' nerves. Don't' gamble with your;. precious' health -gain amazing new' strength and vitality—look and ,reel year younger. Sold at all'. Drug Stores -500 and 51. GET CSC & B TONIC TABLETS STO', doch purchased 21 acres of village'• Somph►ints, May 30th; .1 34. -property,j,formerly.....ownedmbaLthe- ---A-the_xewnshiP-Han Grim for late Jacob Miller. The land, without the Township of Colborne, at 2.00 ':p. buildings,: 'lies . at the western out- ni• on May 29th, 1934. Revising 01E - skirts of the •village. 'west 'of the cer's - clerk, Wm: Sallows, ,Godericn+ fernier • Archie Barbour' property and No. 6. Last: day. for .making corn - adjoining Robert Button's farm.' plaints, May 25th,;' 1934.. , Gives Trsivelogue.. At the Township Hall, Morris, Members of the Dungannon Juniox for the Township of Morris; at 2,00 Farmers' and Junior Institute :organ p.m,. on ' May 30th; 1934. ''Revising izations, listened with ,interest iu�tp officer's clerk,' Alex MgcEwan, Blue- week to -a 'travelogue - on Quebec vale. Last day for making complaints given ,by Mr.'Hamilton :Clutton. May 26th, 1994. and Mrs. Clutton (n'ee' Isabel Ches. At the Township . Hall, Bluevale, nut) toured this historic 'province on for: the Township of Turnberry,' at a two' -weeks' wedding trip last July. 2.00 p.m., on June.6th, 1934. Revising The address ;was illustrated' ` by a:.ollicer's clerk; •', W. R. Cruikshank, aeries 'of elides. Wingham. Last , day. ` for. :making complaints, Juno 2nd, 1934. AA Meetral',f Directors' ofet ' At .the Foresters' `Hall, Belgrave, A ineetinq of directors of the: Lusk- for theTownship of East : Wawanosh, now Agricultural Society as wet. attended ,en Monday evening, wileiii at :2.00 • p.m. • an June 1st.'' 1934.. Re - the chief. ,work way the revision oz vising 'officer's clerk, Alexander Por- the 'prize dist for '1934. ome ad: terfield, 'Belgrave No., :1. Last day for snaking complaints, May 29th, inion$ ' and.alternations 'were .'shade l_ A.; to last years list; and' in numerou° ° • 01* Society work., •,' '.Phillips, Lucknow.Last day.,for making complaints, May. 28th. Friday, rather than. Thursday, May,24the owiil be observed its. a boli, day in the • Continuation Sdiool. This, decision was arrived at by a vote of the students, who by a - large major- ity ,favored' Friday for I the holiday, This ' does . away with' the necessity of parents in the rurai,.pection com- ing to town on Wednesday and again on Friday . to . take" the students•, home: Two public 'school.' rooms . will. have the holiday today , (Thursday) and two rooms, will hold it on Friday. Public Holiday .Today 'Today, Thursday. May 24th is ,a public. holiday in commemoration r en Ati d o to i fax u i b � Q who later,,ascended the throne ' of as. the Victorian -et Queen. victoria 144 tie om son' s Specials HAVE YOU' TRIED,--HELLIVIAN'S _MAYONNAISE., SAND 5 .. -"'RrICH-EPRL�AD, SALAD DRESSING, BAUMERT: CHEESE,*: ROQUEFORT' CREAM' CHEESE... TheyAre• Wort . h . Trying. This. is the Weds for- •PINEAPPLES, Large Sizes, , hard ;to get. CAMPBELL'S '.SPAGHETTI,::2 CANS ., r19c PORK &BANS, , 4 CAN , E , S � ...... 25.. c 25e SODA BISCUITS; 1 'LB. PKG., 2 FOB MAPLE : LEAF BAKING 'POWDER ., ...�....'., .15c '. PEARL SOAP, `10 BARS ..:. ; .: a .. ... ; .....: 33e PALMOLIVE' SOAP, 3, BARS. �........,:..�. .. ...15e 3 ILS: 84C—SOAP-CSii?a� ... . _. 45c. • FRESH FRUITS . AND .VEGETABLES • ALWAYS:, ;QN HAND. TOMATO .'JUICE,, 4 PETUNIAS are 'the'most popular and.valuabl ANNUAL. They are so adaptable — Santini} and Useful,' " for Beds,' Baskets Siad Bouquets. They .con- tinue to bloont-tno matter. how ,'hot. or dry the season—right up to hard trosts:. NO BUG$---NO;DiSEAS Just one :glorious. show of.' color all tie'ough-the`-'Sumrner and Fall. 'We, can bupply you ' with the, best. Our II Giant PANSIES and SNAP; DRAGONS are unsurpassed. LE'T'TUCE, delicious and 'crop. -S1.E WART 'BROse Benailler Nurseries 'Phone, - Carlow 235. At the ,Township Hall, Holyrood; for the. Townshit. of Kinloss at 2.00., pan. on' June 5th,' 1934. Revising. officer's clerk, J. R. Lane,' R. R. No. 2. , Holyrood. Last' day , for making complaints; June 1st, 1934. All persons are called upon to ex- amine the • Voters' Lists to ascertain that their names .'are `corrcetly'enter ed °'therein. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any voter in any • of the 'said'• municipalities who desires to coin-, plain that �' his ' name .or the name of .any person entitled to be entered on the said list:for that municipality has; been 'omitted from the same, or that the names of any .persons who' are not, entitled to he voters have been. entered,. thereon, may as above. set ,out apply, complain or apjleal. to have ' his , name :or the .,name of anyother, t r, person entered on or re- moved from the list'. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that such appeals must be by notice At the Community Hall, .Blyth„ for in writing' in the prescribed ' form the Village •oLBlyth,; at 2.00 on June (in duplicate) 'signed . by ,the . com- 7th, 1934. Revising officer','' clerk, plainant,' and ..given to the. Clerk' of; J. ISI.' R. Elliott, /Myth. Last day for the Revising Meer, or left al- making r . making complaints, June 4th, 1934. him at.his address as stated above+. At. the Town Hall, • Lucknow, • for The . lists • of -voters ' may..be seen ,the Village of Lucknow, at 2.00 p.m.. at the office of the Clerks of the - 'on ; June 4th; 1939. Revising officer's Revising "Oflieer.-in-.each municipality .clerk, J, ` E. , Agnew, Lucknow; ; Last as above. ' flay for making complaints, May For' further information write'„to •31st, 1934 Mrs, TJ. B: Reynolds, Box 444, Goderich, `Clerk . for the Election crowned' in 'Westnsinister Abbey In Board, of the County of: Huron. 1838. Her period on the throne wa# COSTELLO, • SO 'marked by 'literary progress' and , T. 1H:. n:Chairm O ho, -Election, Boar o su► Or d... it c 1;:qua d-.;;irirl ri d a t .... .:�, �h l did eXJC A » Con a Dict ed at Goderich the 1�1t14 day of May; •'A. D. 1934. ' 1 w o'waa"'.born "on" ay'2 til, 181 ..and.'that h Is spoken of ..appreciatively [ ...:«.. w. OreBritain ' li' Ireland 'and” was died January 22nd, 1901., • ... r ....:.':.. -(4) r;+.._ �.+.1•w • • f• .7•.taapM' s' e1' )o you like .a as'sorttnent�a choose froth Ygsr Then' See c 45'c,5Oc, 7 This range ; of socks w 1 give 'you, the best values the' Canadian factories .' have' to offer See them on display. ay'.•.' rt�''y ett.tr, nuswell 't3diM1w 4 14.