The Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-05-24, Page 4Prrl ; The aliavtl' i�r **We atTHE ant SUMMER . SUOE FOR. • saw ( or big) lit, wR t. do We: Trade Tker ` SUPERIOR. to the. Usual S ireolor Shoo in More ways., this'° -ape --for igstante . Astra ;Ulama sad Sales. Genuine Relaiosr Hair iwsolera-4401118 o; perfect Cnsbloa 'to walk , on., ' Hied C.w.M.rs sof• ,st Ie�za-wi4ck are very Hoch •uiraerier to tke $a*tal ,soft task'• ,41111 oar ,rices are east,, as low ' is tke, - ordinary cheap 410t0. { ,licit are . liens fella -4041 site '5 (for ;WA- a two-year old sltl4) ap to side 11; for n•fedl, grown Gast. • • The MEN ` .Rile' then -the :'BOYS., -like :tbeaike KIDDIES Wte' tYsis--Tirol► Sri *SO': COMIr1ORTABLE for "Summer Wear.,, W LLIS SHOE STO TH$ - LEADING SHOE'STORE OF HURON COUNTY°-Wingham PARAMOUNT ASHFJE:D , .. P1 y 84titi ,18841 Mts J N.L MacKenzie-. o R pley spent the'week end at the • home 'of her son, ,liar. Henry MacKenzie. •. Mr.. R. A. Giant spent a few.days with his sister, Mrs. Margaret Mac Kenzie of Sarnia.. Mr.t;,Jack MacLennan had' the mis Airtime to have the .'bone in his arm splintered by a kick from a horse In , looking .ovef, the names in, .this year'a graduating class at St. Jo seph's Hospital, •London, we notice the names of two, 'Ashfield young `ladies,;, Miss, Gertrude J. , Foley and Miss Loretta M , Myers.. We extend congratulations,," •" Mr. and Mrs. JamesMacNain have returned to their `. home here'. after, spending "the . -winter with- their' daughter in :;Toronto. Miss • .Saab MacAnley,; Stratford, spint the week -end at her home here Mss... Tom_. MacDonald, ''Lochalsh, spent s fav days with Mrs. Jack Mc- Intosk; and' her mother, !tn.' •Mac- . Ckis1M. lis asd rs. • Spindler and, Mrs. TGiIHnte wjtb, Idr� * id` Mrs. W*n Mc 11 [r. and Mrs. Grant MacDiarmh and Douglas : were visitors .,,with Mr. and MILD Blue: Amberley recently Ms. Joke Jamieson' *pent t'be week -end With Mii. Campbell and Gretts. in . Locknow.; Hr. "'Ma. D. Martin spent ' last Weak witk his, friend,, ;-Mr. Adam' Laidlaw at'Hanover.' • Mise M Cook spent a few days with :fried in Kincardine: o Mr.'' 'Fisher. Mr. •H�Wers n..m►d ..F� Lueknow are doing some work .for Mr.' Grant MacDiermid this week.:.. KINLOUGH` Was, Mildred Montgomery and Mr. B. Armstrong of Detroit.: spent the week -end 'with- relatives here; """"" Mr. and Mrs.. Art :Ealdenby and family'' have returned to . Toronto after vis tr 5T. HELENS Mr.,, and• Mrs. Jas.: Douglas: ' .and children -and -WS. Cameron orMits chell, were recent visitors` with Mr and Mrs. John Cameron. , Mr. Ed.. McRoberts 'of Wingh in called on friends here. A meeting; of_„ particular interest lb 'the young people, Of the' neighbor- ing congregation, as well as those of this community, will -be held in the United Church here;„ on' Si nosy. the past week with •triorning next, ' *hen Mr.', Aubrey' Old= Mr Bal Visit to-: sc weeku•.1 The ,'spring`, meeting of . the ' Bruce . S ''- paid his .official oor on.',Friday; of last Deanery isto ,be held in the _•.Angli can Church here on Tuesday;,June. 5. Mr W' Boyle attended 'the" Synod. *Moncton Dist -week. Rev. W:• Townshend -and-:family renewed'.,.old acquaintances. • here on Monday. Mr. Bert McLean'has; purchased a new ; Chevrolet Sedan. Mr and Mrs.' Geo. Haldenbyand family, 'spent' the week -end' aTor- ' Stanley Todd, whoa also led a discus - onto. onto.. • -.. g sion on the , subject; • 1,7 *,NOW ��, ENTI31TEL FubWbed every 'Thursday morning tit' •Lncknow Ontario. Mri. A. Ii. MacE f nsi,-pro for • .Campbell Thompson -Publisher . • THUItSDAY..MAY 24Itk, flail.. GRAVELLING AND HAULING TENDERS ARE • ACCEPTED Wet Wsw nosh, Apr11, 30 ' 1934. The -West Wawanosh:.couneil !let. on Abe ablye.datej with all .the: m m hers present, and' . Reeve SteWart, 'Freehling: The- minutes -of .last• meet ipg: were read and'aceepted on;motion of co$ncillors', McQuillan and • ;Sn'1yth. The, Collector•: was present' and thef. ro11 m:..iwaa.. accepted : on ' motion of ' ;: ceuacillors .'Gammie and McQuiW and.the'arrears of taxes mere.noted. The," tenderi for the crushing : and hauling of gravel ' jwere.' opened by the, road superintendent and that of Lorne• Ivera.for--crushing•at_ 12c cu., ;yd. yd.'' `per mile was accepted. The tender of, Jas. -Aitchison for .' hauling at 10c per ydd..: per mile' was. also ac cepted. ,,The council adjourned to `MeeLP:1Mt_- president of: the ,.Young People's, Society will be the speaker ' With an: attendance 'of" over '50, an interesting Young'People's meet- ing was held on Sunday evening; when Mr. Stanley : Todd's" side hail charge Mr Earl Durnin • led in prayer and the scripture lesson was read by Laurine Miller. Isobel, Miller read a' character• sketch on , • Jacoh , A duet by Murray 'and, Vera,, Ta 1or and a,'' chorus by Helen, Isobel nd Laurie Miller,' were both 'en?'oyer; The topic "Is' Saving Money., a bugs: Hon .:'Virtue?" was taken by .: Mr. MARRIED 'AT LONDON. er eu m WINGHAN -25.26. urs., Frda►y � .... �Y Show Starta8 P* M. etas' than „ DeddY ,ong,egS= T H%HG' THE: NEXT•: dES ,. I • Harry Lachman •Irecttd r bY ,.tea------ $ee*. ev.l br • Poll Bushel - Hodeldneole A . quiet ' wedding took . place.• on Saturday. May ` 12th, ''sit the home of ltev. W. M ,Townitnd, 'pastor of the Church, of the Redeemer, London, when 'Elizabeth,. -second: daughter . of Mr.. and : M : a. B 'llodgkinson _of Kinlough became the bride- 'of Wil- liam E. Bushell, .son "of''Mrs.'.and the late William .. Bushel,.' St. Thomas.. ,The ' attendants • 'were, 'Miss Greta Hodgkinson, sister of the bride and Mr. • Fred Cox of London. as ;MENTO..NE MUSICAL .--..“ALL : AT -SEA"` OSWALD THE .RABBBIT , ,AND.. FOX NEWS:.;; ADMISSION,•- . Adults 35c -, Children. 20e 2C i GREY. SAND:'BRUCE BOWLERS SET DATE The /annual meeting of the Grey and, Bruce 'Bowling 'Association .was field ;in -Chealey last_ week ' `.There were •;14 clubs `.last year in the, .as=. sedation, this year; there :are ,eleven with .Lucknow, , Meaford and W.iarton: stilt to be -heard from- at the ' time= of the meeting. The entry • fee of. ¢6.00 mustbe paid by June: The;. G di B. tournament; to, which two rinks from each' club are' eligible will. be herd' this year on the greens' of. the• Owen , Sound Club on Wednes- day* June 6th, commencing l'at 1.30 pm. Tentative . •tournament dates -.were set ss . follovis. RINKS 'Walkerton June; 20. , Owen Sound'. North June :27. Paisley, --July' 12. • CherleyJuly 2. Meafor-July 4. Port Eln=July 5. Wiarton-July 11 ne 2 Southaiiiptcn- July 18 • Mount Forest --July 19 Owen Sound --July 2ii:. Kincardine,Aug.- 22. Hanover=Aug. 6 , Lucknow.-plug..' 23. . DOUBLES Lucknow•-June ;28 Owen ' Sound • North Avg. 6. Southamipton=-Aug ` 15. Durham Aug • 16. 'Chealey-Aug 1. Owen Sound Aug. 29 Port . Elgin -Aug. 30- Meaford-•Sept. 3. Mount Forest -:Sept. 3 ' - ' Walkerton -Sept. 3 • Paisley=Sept. 6. 'Wiarton--,Sept. ' 12. Kincardine June 13. Hanover-Sept.'21. There was a fine.- turnout'' at the Rapid ,City meeting on Monday night ., -about thirty-five t'being present...A number of short 'talks were given. . the best "Should Canada have an. •' N R. A.?" by Harold .•Campbell Be sides the NRA, a -number of ' exper- iment' being tried by different coun tries came' up :for discussion.'' It . was . . agreed that: none of these, es they are ' could••beexpected`to' work• in Canada; that we -must'•.'build"a system suited we may : be a'We...to borrow _some of:: the` good 'points'' from other systems and profit -by -t'heir. mistakes. • ; THE HIGH POWERED MOTOR FUEL ... AT RE9.11441 GAS PRICE DON'T FORGET -the; NCM' radio -talk'tonight (Thursday). John Mar- '' tin will lbespeaking on '•The. hall enge of the 'Present' Crisis". , Tune in fro,n '7.40` to 8.00 ,on the Wing, ani station..• MAFEKINGG Mr. anrd•„• Mrs.:Harvey Webb. and Lois, Ann: visited me..,and:' Mrs. Thomas Anderson, Sunday. Fred Wainwright; who . has been employed 'An Toronto for several months is at S Kilpi<trick's;:at' present. Miss Dorothy Curran is quite •ill from • .typhoid fever; Miasn `Madeline Johnston,• R. N. is in attendance. Her Many •friends';hope for - her early recovery. ,The Ashfield Circuit Ladies' Aid have set •the date for their annual Garden Party for, June 21st, at Haek- ett's 'appointment:.Watch . for adver- tisenient, , Mr. Jiin Drennan of Kintail spent 'Monday with his son Wilfred and "Mis. Drennan. Mr ,and „Mrs.__Sam'►Sherwood spent Friday in Coderich., They. were ac- companied home Mrs. Chas. Tawamley, and `family who will . re- main, for sometime. Mr.',Hardy, who is employed with Mr. S. ;Sherwood;/ visited, his • sister Mrs. Sholtz'of✓.Dungannon •on' Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Victor Whitley, Mr, George Nikon and Mrs, Margaret Stothers visited 'friends at Thorn= bury over ,tho' weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Wm: Crozier visited Mr. and ' Mrs.Wm Campbell, Don• nybrooke, on : Sunday evening. Mr.!! Will„ French visited his; . old acquaintances in this burg onxSunlati r. ssr+av4i '"'i�•i3•ir +r+i"rr t '8,k%S �in », "r i yy. and family .„ ot., ' -1 uCknoW, visited friends here`"on Sunday. Mr, and .Mrs. Chambers' of Wood- stock were recent Visitors' with Mr, and Mrs. 'Matt,' Shackleton. ' Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Webb and MSS We are •pleased to 'know•;that so many'' heard _ Mr. Hutchison i st r`hursday : might: on'"War•' and the Armament Makers". His whole talk, would well bear. quoting; . we can sivof;etoday:-only',his 'challenge to the youth "Fifteen years have.come and gone. since the most tragic conflict in his - 'r `. w - bre g to a c .ose... That, ,{•vas, we 'were. 'told,. a war to end wars, a war to make the !world safe:. for democracy. But to ' our,` grief and disappointment, it has dismally fail- ed to achieve either. in vain have those ' Millions died'. on ' Flanders Fields,„in 'have,w.e .sn :to;. secure • a: better • und,erstatrivending. ta• purer atmosphere and nobler -ideals • a'm'ong the peoples of .the world. The .:ought of • war and its possi.blity is' ever present. Despite the obvious' opposition"of .the masses to war", We standapparently helpless ,to cheek, the slow but inevitable advance of . the dark, the dismal . and the death enveloped :`.Clouds ,of war But why do we stand thus ,helpless to see our . cherished hopes, 'the • slow ' develop menta of civilization and 'the' pro- gress of the ages, snatched" from just beyond the ' .reach of our • eager grasp? Must we accept, in a fatal- retic fashion, the ilietuni • that war: is part and parcel of our civilization,. a necessary evil'?, • The New Canada Movement.' has. received a' donation ` o'f ; $106.00 Iron.' the lucknow Joint U. F. 0. Club; • This is :certainly appreciated, es peeially since•it•was quite unex,peeeted At ,the general meeting in the Orange :Hall' on 'Tuesday night, a •',` temporary.' "storining" cotnliiittee. was appointed and plans laid for holding. N. C. IVI.. Meetings 'at St.. Helens. Holyrood, Kinlough; Lang- side and Whitechurch. Further tear titulars will 'appear text week. emernber that this is your coltii»n- ,Send your contriibutiolis to Ther, M.:Co)ump', ego The Luckndw Sentinel . Canada has three seasons thlli' year -winter,' summer arid fall. .The depressiontaught. tte a thing it is nice to knot. Y;ou • esti `liA*0 Dorothy gray of Gordsrich, *dottedjust ,tr ipaor a holiday 'without•s` I0 ►1 ap 8034 14. Q�{ ' •