The Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-05-24, Page 2• fr1 •i„ a .; CANADA ST ' OF BRINGING *Ir 'CHILDREN Mach' IS- hell* about the high Celt • '': of education; but figurerePared by •-the Dominioh Bureau, of Statistics to to ohOw Oat it Offt* only. about 755.to keep., the average child,* school for eight years,- but ,it costs • more than that. for clothing, twiee • as `thoch for food and three times ag much .for- Altegethltra it is Said to cost" $0,756 'le bring uP 'and ,to ithe 'age .when it is1)3.eltsup- • Pnrting; Next to,„. laud •,health, a good education is the•greatest poet a youngster Can have.--LFergns "NeWs- ': Peeord-' •, ' YOU sEg. IT ,EVERY 'DAY ' What chances Men..take of tieing .. ileirerelY burned, .andeven.... losing , thete li7.0.1.0.- Seen at elinest 'every serViee statioh Where goiolineis fed to the tank Of. a car,. ....The *owner :. of the cat will stand over the tank and watch the infiammabe fluid Ise, liig-teured in With'a -lighted ,cigar or ' -cigarette - -. 'hetiteen4. his '11.0-'-' 04 we • ' have even seen them atom a mak* to light their pipe. In the °petal* '''- . ZielivithAiii,...a,' great danger and. . *Ace Ilio. %awl; of .11i'o: gasoline be- come .•'iguit0, -th'P- 4006* 'o*•,4*,, and the man ' Standing nearby .iii liable' to be .incist :severely IiiiiheA .1We ..have ire/faintly , noticed :Young ,t4e4,, While- the gas tank. was being • Ailed; *lice a ihateli:' and :light -A : ....,Cigarette, ,Accidents dii,14iceliri and -often lives are lost, by such carets:se: Eel* but those who de 'escaped° not I eeeti , toheed the Mani. warhingii. . Recently -We read of a ni.i4 who was • . removing ',gas • frem..4 ear ' With a . '•lighted. pipe .in . his. mouth. . , In 4 'few hours he .waSbeihg..,„e0ed,;.,.for ..: .211n an. hospital, .and .is probably 'Clie,, 'figured for life; . :, Fire :gua gaaaliao, '•Oht-• iiii-_-nicire-.ihai-r--ilecihot. -. , . . .', • : and geselitie Wili"nnix,4--..Winchester i .,rieSt.', ::: .- ' - , ':. :•*. ',;. ' ' , ,.. • ., -•-- - . , •, . • , , , ., . ' 'WEED. DESTRUCTION - .... , , - - Farmers can de nuieli: toward the • elimination Of...Weeds-Irani, their. pro, pertie4 'end., their, district if, they wili '.; give more , 'attention . to : the •,destrue. :Akin of ;this Menace,' to good 'crops.' it was • pointed': out: at a, meeting ,o agricultural men ..; at .. Essex. '-receptlia.- ..i;ilrliile.,:aoMe-,,,,farnaen .tealize•the, ,x/&,: •--;',Oessity-07--(lesttelying:-the7WeediTen , • ;their farms, others .. are la*, in this, •' e'ettid...tendeediiieffective•alr.the Week' that hu been :done '.. . The ; poW. this - (le • and • dodder are the • enemies . onz, '.....:WhiCh...`the farther ': She* .Wgge ,tiar '.. afriii.lii0:, war will,. not be-Wott. Unlessi. all farmers do their' *Mold .to 'pre,' •• Vent .the. *gods . from gaining a foot - held -Ori' their 'fetal's: '... 'It 'is to their. ' own advantage to de so,' for it means . Jess work and -better. crops :in the end.. • ;' Meeting': their- seed-. before sowing is , ,One way ,of preventing the 'spread' :of weeds. ,„,,Destroyine,the Weeds` as an-Y-rieseS-ul-Yeae-.-airit--fe necessary ' Ii2, emitter :method. ---It. is 1.4i. . to . et7,. .ery...fariner to 'co -Operate ...with the Weed '' iiiiipectOre as far as :possible „an(I ,help.malte ,thele; land. cleanet.-. • : "Ainlieristbarg."Eeho. 1 ' • -. • AERIAL FREIGHT !.TRAINS,, ' .. Who hfiews; but that, as ne* pow, . erfal engines.: pidl.'th-, .. freight cars, ' koine -day a powerful plane will pull ...ihnike? dozen gliders at its hiela :'''.,. theleeight tralif:Ottlic air. -Halifax • throniele.: .1.1. • : : ' ' ' ' ; :f ' . . . .LIFE •AND 'KISSES . . , ..... tA. Would.-lie---drepe-hanger, has in- formed in .indifferent and uhresp,on, ..),Ve• Worldthotoverykiss indulged . in • )1hortena;One'S life three, Minutes.. If his chap has the correct 'thine: he has •" Xeiteirily,AtAtelted :a' delightful-rne.,- , hod, of leaving tine iiiileOf. tears. If • he ,,pleosiiies of 'kissing must be .11tiVen up: in:, order te reach 4 ripe old• . kge, a referenduin.... on the , subject; ' :.leiotild encionlitiedly- he Unahimeusin, c IfaVer of an early but blissful demise: '4.--kingston Whig'Standard, ' . .r/...;.• - -,. -,',. ...... • ..,- -.'.. _ . ' ,• .. ON., THE HIGHWAYS , There are just a many Malik ,diseoUrte- ous driven in Catada. 48 anywhere leiSe., We have ,the toad hogs: ,,We, lha.vaJ , the reckless ..,driVers.We• tia•Ve the people Who ,never 'S,toti * a lred. light,hut exeect everyone elee. ' to,. We have tifti', "fender seeeperS?: anti the .ohnekidus horn-bowers.alid the' , unteasenallie..'eutters-in and all the test ..ealio inake. ''driving mord or leSS Of a hightinate for decent eiti. , eteroi.' With eciine 'sense if thelia.,ebli, •gatien to. modiety, f 'Meter*, dont,' tesy -,- what a change. its, :,generalt .. adoptien 'would Mean to: the whet. lbesineeS of driving;:---BOrder. Cities •Otar, • ' ' ` '. • ; . . . ' „ ,t,,. „ FAMOUS PAIR. PASSES. PaiSitin ,feolp the donteinpOtheY Ileolle' Of Solite of Old -Ehglend'il Meet ' lencielit traditions . lihd enstoinii,,t. An .lisample. Is the pending abolition :Of bile ininous Stout:hie:10e Fair it Cam - 'bride. The' fait dates hack to: the . year- 1211: in the, Middle Agee, It •Areal: oha Of . the MOJA &Meng. /nits .In' , the weed, bringing' merchant/I, and . , revellers front •all °Vet, Europe Milton mentions it in: "Paradfie lsist": I .1KingIlienry VIII. leided on the'filli's rofite in 16119,! to relieve his owe I ' natielal . stringcmiy„-L.Onelph Met.- _ .. ..., . , . .. .. ! POISON FOR PESSIMISTS • • `. i Prot*: ii Int.ttkiiit of 60.9 lalkii. :1-4,,,.•74'''',444,;t ' , , LaLJarL • .. 4ustr4a, reincliktion roan to 86.8 in iattnanr. of Vlis year. From a low in ..••••••• j)wlainotitinedg.whY4-ben- e.' ' wantedi. hav 'etotealtelid -Stu° 'less commercial failures than in the firit half. -Canadian Ilnidness. judge 'in, Seattle informed President he. be given the privilege of re, ntiill- eciiisiderabIe : reputation. ' 'Pe ex-,. playi" .he said. • "If I should quit .,bare ShOwn • substantial gains- in '..' January, 1934e autotnobile Produe- • Last spring a 72 -old federal= W. - a field in, Which' he has made it rualP191+174u1111711.:tiA9hia:lira3::jallonri:::°,14004,437111.4niaatlin*linw7n1,1; nian,, Calcutta. . BoOsevelt that he 'wished to be _put on the retirement list, but asked that • ng to Preside Over admiralty rases up to 80,7 in Jai:mazy, '1964. Con- l'.14reY:11:ti:r:771:Plei!-8;:n:fri7.114;: tion in the total of trucks, and Par stage* ears was over double that of op- eating;XisVonne:- . During theSetOnd half of 1933; there were 20 ,per tient JanuarY, 1933. Both the railwaYs has made steadY Progress from Feb' ' .1-PARN TO PLAT ' '7. wii:1:c1187/nmee''1)`'edYirbe. withinPen:°d,_9,°thadat.Ybessg:rt° NaFtir°e3D.E.SeemskiPIoNlo6seRC;)UnOG:.PrPo. r - with: retirement-0mila' be one o.i. !Jaz taxa.; for an ironical comment on happiest and most fruitful frt a rein's • utii,"j" for an 111 the midst whole life, ;It is tragic to find men : w be_ of widespread' flooding we are in eausel° look with to drought- , At the moment when play! -- Chatham News. • Parliament is conferring drastic, em - MORE ..1.085 ' . • When , circumstances eliminate a blacksmith..shep it is replaced. by ,4 garage' or a service .statioli employ- ing more men; the tradition of,the the proposed emergency powers lose cross-roads carriage shop is continued none of their point. -Glasgow -Herald in the automobile factory, ad BO Oil THE Biter's") MEAT mAitiiitT down the roll of 'indiistry. , Am ne. ---13--, The Bingley Reorganization Com - them the engineer, the inventor; the mission, wb__ , # appears is_n eose report ,is ublished• 'scientist' a ' ati 4sbundanti proved, have 'made far 'more jobsw• ithaY'f although nominally stack, has,1:afilaYetc°m"nceelurndell' , , , thanthey have added enormously to ` the eoniforte and,:luxuries, available the whole' Of the meat suppliesof to the masses' of the people: s-Otta-. E• nglind.' beet' mutton, pork; veal -- we Journal. ' in its survey and has drawn up • , • It isn't bothering the young,fellow in the centre one hit. .The keepers are just playing safe while they ttansfer)lie ugly-teiripered vulture from his winter to summer.quarters at the Philadelphia' zoo. . „ . pig iron and a saving in coal of not less than -,f,1,340,000 in the piodue- . Empire Press ergency powers to deal with water -shortage, Nature is uncomfortably profuse in her -assurances of water. in :abundance. , Yet , the fear of Shortage is real,' and justified,' - and a, far-reaching scheinc,...for;.theit: .con - WAY FOR THE wAILKER'_,-,. . trol.. • .. The • feceinmendatiens. 'are . , Walkillg:ill • becoming almost 'Obtie,.- ' that a• Livestock • Marketing .:Boatd lete on this ;Continent,' with . serious ',Shall:be established to .prescribe the Cohsecthencee.,tn:health. and loss Of methods and :conditions of all sales 4' delightful; forin . of ,:exercise. ' There of meat --------This .. ..,-Thie country now pro, see "So few placee,-Where'the practice duces- ....lei§ . than half its supplies of -MaYlieitidulgetrTin4ith...cemfort-and. •,-bset-.1,-apd,--..-mutton.-, ' 4 Cliineir -Ineil- Wit400 . risk.' ' Paths along the high- ciimes.,. from Seta . America, •• and, ways are the solutidn --,-, and the cost 'frezen•ineet. from ' Australia, New would be negligible' it undertaken in Zealand, and Canada.: :...Since OttaWa connection. with . ditch -filling . opera- .fairly si(ccelisful , restrictiOns. have thine. ', ' ' ' ' , ' ' • -;been imposed on the import of chilled Meat, but despite certain ' Yoltinti-IfY , . .. , _ . agreement s the drillierts: of frozen meat . have _increased: The. com- •:,inissiot adviseEl; that: when the 19t - .1t1 , . 'Tit' T1'.TAT. ....' . .taiiii arrangements come to.. on . end. ...An'. amusing .."Sundiiir .. obServance". 'ih June the ..-Doinhaiona. shall he asked,: . , . , .. .deadlock lies occurred in the little' ' to accept voluntary .quotas. If not, Berkshire town Of Farringdon ' be,' .compulsion may have to be ,applied •tween'the, 'butchers of •': Fareingdon, ..;-• e threat to which they are I at - end the 'local 'council. For • year's the 'read • -, ere .ii e evan ave '• e,en in thellahit'ot . killing -*flips's on Sun- day, but the .District Council are Con- sidering!, taking action to stop ..- • the piudtlee, ... They quote . as their.' au- thority On ' Act of Charles I, Which imposes a 'penalty of .6i. 8d; but 'the. butchers have:threatened loretaliate, King Gu'i, f: -,I, Sees- Itigrki and .through the medium of the same eet; ; • 'Which inipilses' penalties on those Who ..0artner • Delfei Op -1 do .not attend 4 place of .• Worship:. _ _ • Lpcinents ' .The. butchers say that I theyore . • ' ' : . prosecuted they will keep a. Watch on Stockholm, --. PrincesS. Ingrid Of , members of the council, and.._. will f Sweden .:tookpert in an opentennis turn iiiiiirniek: againtLtheSe.Wii0._iint toUrniiment-40,----CainiesHredentlYtfor not attend oniro.,-tantfghlie,Joit- . the first time . She was ,•-visiting her ;hal... ; , ". • • 1 ' .. • .: . ' , grandfather, Eine Gustaf. The prin.- -*kit cess aPpeared, under the name of ' :AN INDUSTRIAL BARONE . . . : . : Facts and ...; . , . , - . : ' Mlle. San, an abbreviation of the , , figures show.beyond, Swedish `Sessazi,'.."_whiclOsAlieLprin'::. 4(liapiite,1hat-Greet-Britainhi-progrelis, cess' pet , name among her intiinates, over. an. area ... which is constantly :- in , Stockholm, ger: .partner' wee.. . a .vvideniag., .1*o of . the 'sprest indi. Odors' 'of, trade are :the : outpue.of Count Shivery, fi`ted-their opponents ...steel 'and ' the production Of Coat. The were -MISS Albert gild., •I-letnebir. output of British steel, Mit '.••nienth W.1.1.1g11t. ' . • . . ' ' . .. 7 'i reached the • ... 4johe4 .4guiaa that ; it !rincesti, Ingrid • and ,the. Count .1hit 1140'. attained !Ogg October 1929, •, be_ the Ant set, but in the -their Ore; the; shin*, ahrOad ' became :Amite. -luck changed ..and they ,won the match The production of. coal for the iiiit King. Gustaf • who. watched . therganie quarter Of the year, 'though not yet rewarded his grandchild with a' kiss published in .detail, 'iri.known,to have She appeeted. Onthe chili+ in skirts, been iriarkedly in .4c1Vithee Of that Wheeets. Milk • Albert were shorts, a for 1993 or 192.2. - London -.1.1)tilly gaement that Xing Gustaf tece•itlY Mail; ' ' ' ' ' 0.• froWned upon 'as,•unsuit'able'attire for • • .• l iiiiis. • , .• t , . . . • • . *ow RESEARCHPAYS 'I „ • Princess Ing.rid s name again , has To these who areetill sCePtieal. BSI, •/„,,,,n lie..41.:. to the practical value ,of Scientific 1 ''''" Kea With that . Of Crown research in the development Of - Prince *Frederik of Dedititt*„ but so . in. dilistty -,-- and the niggardly nature ii:It no official enhettneerhent M an en' prothat i &gement has been fortheoming• ' OP the 'ovisin s made for . . _ . . such week by most industries aim - gelds that they are ihailia--,=• we tom - mend' pettiest of the Report Of,. the Departinett, Of Stientific and Indus- Two Sthall bOYS *erettaVelling trial Research In it there is • teld from toWn to edict)* by ,train. ' They , . ._ the arresting 'tale of ho va the grant • hoped to secure an enipty. • eclinnert. of $1,000,000' made 'by the British '1'metit wherein.' Abeyr,tiiiglit snioke, to , _ , Government in 1917. for the •ehdoile.: theft disgilit a Wailint* entered:, The agement of industrial '••I'eltelitch, bon innnedlately entered into Mott whieh ii now OrhatiStek Wasi'llot only chnsPiraeY tO irseilei.her- out. • ; ' well litit Most profitoblY, dpent.....,. ' One Said, - iiiiiiibly: "I 'think i'n1 Itis admitted .in the. report that it is alekening for einaSper'oi4 sehietbleg," impossible as a rule to asses*: in "Yee," _said the . other; playlet tip tering 10.f Monti' the importance of the 'Dart Played by research in .16d0- .1.rial ' Oteittell,- bat. Seller* *tilting concrete examples are. quoted. • ' All' I Yeatilt of experiments hy the Elea - trice! : ReSeatch Ailsociation Coating ,£80,000, annual savings mounting :.r.n....P,eving.,Itheut .4,tano160,.',Aorth lit i to 11,000,006 have , ',accrued; . while tire ItedfUltd,Stdel ttekearch Countil'e itirektreatierie Are expected to result •Pt -ea 4 - ,-.`-iliVr14.4tg . :. .. .. E EMPI nncess Plays In Tennis Meet A Smile \ • Be :Held In ? • Toronto. -Canada Will be invited to send.. eight • delegates to the fiftb. Imperial preps conference, it was an: nohnced at the annhal..theeting of the Canadian section, Empire Press Un- ion, 1 here. • The conference Will be held in South Africa fix* May 6 to June 21, 1935 . Detailsf of the trip %Vete eipleined. at the Meeting held under -the chair- manship of J. H. • Woods, editor of ' The Calgary Herald, 'There _wfltbe_a_ tour of South Africa and Rhodesia, the delegates to be the guests of the ,South African' Section. Preliminary arrangements for selection of dele- gates were left in thehands_of_the. executive.' ; The following .officers;.were ed: Honorary chairman, Rt.' Boil. Lord Atholstan, Montreal Start ,chair - Man; J. H. Woods,. Calgary 'Herald; honoraria 'secretary -treasurer, W. A. 'Craick, Indastrial Canada, .Toronto; executive • committee, ; representing daily newspapers, J. W;.:'Dafoe, Win- mpeg Free Press; Henri.' Gagnon., Quebec 'Le - Seliel ; 1'. D. Ross, OttOWO. Johrna4,-_;_repreSenting--weekly.„ peWs- Tialieki; E. R�ySayles, ltiarer Mer- cury; representing trade and does -ter ears DoNoi Know ,each Other Un- til introduceci-- Separated , After.?Ru Yukon Gold :NORTH SYDNEY N.S.-A story ot !IOW two :brothel's ;bid..inet. in Nelson,' B.C., Without lire:Ting each 'other um: 411,7 -they were introducet‘,13 told in a jettei; received here fFinii •Duncan Johnstone, a 'former Cape Bretonero who- recently visited his home. ,Tho brothers, Duncan and. Daniel, Johnstone, left, Barraehoiii, -wen They helped ,clear the land, where the Vancouver 'pOSt ..Olfice; new Stands; and 'then oper- ated a legging camp in British Colum- bia 'until the Yukon gold rush, when they separated, Denean, following' the trail of the sourdough -prospector in- tothe gold fields, and Daniel going to • the . interior., 'They -.did not , meet' again for •47 years. •• Since then Duncan. has tesided: - at 0, eine Contribute. to GObd Citizen- ship Says AtItherStblirg' Echo ergaFeliwii-eir branch at oa garne of anyf amateur aort. realize the time and effort thah had. beeri-, expended to bring eubs 'mutiotPritYa ocrnif'''aPeMtaitteivullr Ma" :dirgannizag-iiTelti; are CemliOsed' of Men who are:, en- thusiasts in a Psttioulai Wit and are wilting to do interest iheYof the geCantaatiniulate the n_ •etal publie.:•-•When there IS net an „opportunity ' to raise the .money :Onfecess, 04:1"teehltPthdllf!'aolialrait*h.eleOxPeralirom . the f citizens Of ,the town '• To 'some. people thii il„ an imPoeitior Sport* Orgisiuzatione are aiwayi••• crying - for . money,". they, • sa) ihTloi3talLatitget. all thpeofyiljle _be outiluof, can't those ':birdsrun their game • • Without begging Money? What ti6 wi get for all the reeneY We give ts them?' To the list queetioli the answer is .`ffikla Citizens?. We do not mean ' to bulgy that every_ man or boy who • PlaYS' a rinse/ si 4 good citizen, But the Majority of 'people , who indulge' in s rt have a clean • ea y y y ave , propetly. absorbed the aPetting in- stinct they are milling to play tha. game at all times, not only in sport but In the, aetivitie,:of life. Sport attracts children frail) Lha • time they pen .shake, a rattle of toss one 04 their Mother's hest 'china dishes on the „,:loor . Whether the child's attitude in eport is of e later destructiv, pastime depends on how It is brought up. If the ePort- ing .instincts are cultivated by an organized body they • Will . develop into an asset not. only to the :person 'concerned: but to all :with; WhOzerbe.--:----- "compa,,„ in contact .• If • left to follow his••owniiiiBimtibn5'there might ue a tendency to indulge in the ,lower , • . forms of -an -inseam*. _ • ; A sport ' organilatiOn is operated solely- on the enthUsiagin. Of its tneM- hers. They wialf.te see their favorite ' sport prOsp-er-oheto added to it: They like,to,, see boys 40i/eloping-into strong. and • healthy men. That's Why they give' theirstinie publiCatiens,••11. T-..11111.1ter, ,maelogn Whitehorse, Alaska, *-and .befote-,,,Com.. and. effort t4) ., peel/siting it. ' ing to I11 old_hOine • inCapeBreton _Of • •he, went to Nelsen; B.C. wliere should • be. interested in developing brother lives,, : -: and they met, /leper. the ndnd...Und body of the young Irian recognizing the 'her. • After- ; being Within its environs. It is, a''dity.. And. Publishing Company, Limited, Toren,. ' . , .kie-troduced'. 'they swapped storliii Of it •••ig a service that everyone can to; ornimnie,isaint John Telegraph -John's!. • Mr.' W. Rupert :Davies is l a member of the ' help to perform' by allying themselves come organization or by iissis London (Eng.) Council. tint monetary' Wey:The returne'H Toronto skailivay from money and efforts: thin • WithOut.* Station •Self -satisfying. • expended are great, glorious and. Blind Woman - •To Get PhD Declares Airman TORONTO-"Itt .v.ley, Of. the fact Sightless Since . Since Biith • Thesis t et- it; • 1 irtherh' mining 'en '. , ntittl;d: : , semiio,ii; .. ,. ,: that airplanes form the only.,real--.celil '.,131firidilea-i".-- tres, .1t, is important that. Toronto's airplane' landing 'facilitieS. should be , • , . ImprOvecl,” J. R. Caldwell, member of • New Yeti-LAilss 'Eleanot 'Gertrude the Toronto • Flying club, 'told the Gyro Club- bete recently. i , '"Toronto,' he said, "is like a. rail, way: Without, a statiOe. What .we Brown, . Of :tieytely sinee childhood and Itirdeted,'"with' illness. ,and.'POreity in her eakiy,:i!ears,:will .00014., th'e, degree; Of Doctor of Phil; peed le,• anadequatefield .which :will other ,..niel4ers: Of..the s. The. 'OSOPIty 'Teeth ColuMbia. University at: beaccessibleall the; year round, In', amounts :Willed; to •eluititiera.;soeial the poesete0einent next pro.; stead of being .. finnsali10-.. for two :eetviees; and. faintly servants were :Wile. the; Sri( . woman, to earn such ,months ' daring: the • *Intel... ;Also it .-relatively :;sinall:•'•', • ' ' Scholastic honor ;while 'blind, Sul:hided ;and :lighter; •viltb The tax appraisal, of'. the 'estate ef.; •.' .§be • •• " „4.;; • ; ..s. groutiCstatt..tO leek after. it,";,. •.the Wait • Street. Imilicer,•• George. F. . • •• 'Poblicatien.: of the rtheSIS for her gr.,.caldweiwalSo- asked 'it Canadi.13niter,, sowed. it to be 'Worth 7: $1.7).'.• • _decterati';.: 'Blind' Was---gehig40--droti-ont-Otaidittioirr.'542kgea: Attilie, time; 'Of -Ira -de' natv"- ness,'. has alreadylJeeti'annennced 'bk. 00. tainted: out the mem strieee the ,1,901, his estate 'estinieted. at 86y - the Columbia • University In U.S. :had made .and how. :this will •:eral hundred. . from the point tif:tietr 01 "one who knows what bllndness h.". she oppos- ea the :eonVelitionli, Of generations :of seholars'thaVthe blind Poet laitientee his „aliffitien..., "NO. one,' She: Wrote,- "would: deny that. 'blindness Ilea' ft. „defeiVationt: That. it ;hos ite cOmpeniatiene In ree •,:ognize,d, by every sightlesti. persOn•-• it is; I ,believe; the theught, of these -benefits the reader. :. : ' •• is not miserable ,' to be blind: :It 18 ineonvenient.. The blind 'need . to exert , undue patience with 'reference tO.their',alflictIOn; , elilee:On account of their . dependency their• lives are closely, keit 'With their' helpers: The :blind make the. adjuitinent, .to thelr iiindicap.,perhops ••,/iappiif, is any.. gout) Of aftlieted ,00.01AN To clinch her argianeetPahe enoted • booth, "Yarkin,gion, whO 'elide was blind for six ntontbs Ind. has had ..sey- etal oPetatiOns On his eyes: ..,"It , Is hard ,fet any. one whe, befi not been blind Ito teillize, what it thtill it is hot ta, haye to see everything," • While Miss Stevan motked ,for .ber. .claictonite; a -Printer lit the NeW, York institute!. /of the Stine, copied ,.,.het *Kee' iii, Bennie.- ' • _ , . . Wills. Bulk *f: , Fortune to Famil New York -Two Anierica"elarg,.. eat. fortunes figured' In the news re- • • _ gently. • The. will of the . late dowager ;Of' ; the Yanderbilts; Coriellas :Van. •• derbilt, filed tot. probate,: paised • 04' het She .e Of the fain* fOrtnne to feet Canadian commerce. At present, mail can betransPorted from Halifax to :Califernia-xlii.:.NewYetl< hours, whereas it takes .four days for _ it to be: transperted across Canada by roil. ' :. • To Be Evening' Pa , Mrs. Vandetbilt"e will righted an • old "injustice." •Her eon,- Brigadier-„ elleral-GOrriellits4Vanderhilt-:mapried- against. his father's Wishes and iiirheit the eider Vanderbilt Ldied in 1899. he, was cut Off With, *1,00,000; the hulk • of the, $80,009,0.00 'estate 'going, ' to the "second son; Alfred GWYnae van't ' derbilt. Vanderbilt • Willed 'Oefi'.; • •--• In tenet the rekilluerV TORONTO --With. the consent of J.: • of her estate. The value was. not :et• . H. Woods on behalf: Of. the Calgary Herald, the • board Of directors' of the Canadian . Press ' .have 'authorized transfer of,.the„ Calgary Morning bertan t0. the evenizig paper -fiehl. The Morning .Albertati. ceased publi- cation' on the: mottling' . May 15, and the efehihg...paper:', was ;issued' the fello*ing,%,daY, ' Never Refused 'Call,. • , 'pro. Leavei;$1.'60,000 , , .1.4.YrIoRyILLE, ni.--servipo pays. . Dt, bampheii.A. Stokes; De:ttif: Ed- inburg,. Who, had . the reputation of never 'refesing a dell ,fi.oni the Siek, 'leftfaii. 'estate Veined at $160•060. - . . When he died a ittiohtli. age : the . .. . . ,. . PhYsit.4ari was . at tlie- „bedsted of. tir _ ,.. ‘,, .,,, . raining Girls. at Wives been broken. flveyearolu boy: 'whose: . arin had ' Hamilton, unt.-Hehry ...e.,UWarils, ` . . ' N . bundas, never eXpecti to ,inake • UsC . Rerlin,rtance et: - training • of the additional education that. he • gflietill'iletal.rYi'elt'aftiClil.,''Itle.'61)hittlfi?.;.tlo.Yit..0.44.re.. 1'..1e glide tla WiNtei yVitfj. 'i.k4U'Ott ' ,' • . • - ° Pants ' ein• Men . •Skiitis, .is acetlitieg at 12, but in A back. mote •'; of the 'Beard 'Of Eductitier, •'. offices: , The •woman .ektittded .4 •okoeite: authoritiek last '','Yeek;'''..- 4 • ' . ': FOt‘ W0iiii"-Helq”' i DOiritP6' .ohTiTiidlitan't.'iliwsttlit,s11,'.got' ahrnifii)littiitoinshilita ii froth her hitho,.,,he.4.,: mid,,to4the , The ,,FedertiC.ttnnloyinent, b,ureau - . . : --,1-"I1/46t • belle Of ohtitinitig: the IfA2ilegTet. . at , oo. boys; oaidt, "Have .eittiot . or., 'app,ioiledto youowistehs:to.take toitPasand skirtshien. in 1-tailtielldyes Of the Igoeexatilinerfor the kc,!tehaod-.. 11ADD,OPIIV N/,' MI.- refits.' 18'1 Mei ;61v:tilde' is studyirig under the ,' s i . .. ' , , you young lepers ictit• itatell?" ' . 141"ee run? public schools , ,. ' Inn .t.arrant tit ' s,out. beink set.'imines for ono , Yeail"tttaining thein' 'in 'tOwnAti 0, Where the celluntiiiitY. ,ro.. tihiesisity. (if. Turouto • and bus 1.1e 'Let.. , , . .- eekiking, ,IMUSe-keeping,, and C:F.g ..,' 0..e . 0 ets haYe tiB80,(1 an ,eri1tira06 "to 0.,s.,sulty .mtilten. On a nuinher et:the .., --: towarde dad, 'then your life will be 612114r0i; , -',..` , • • ' . - • empliaSiZe the diatinetion, ',A jail, sout,. ili.4oe stiVjeets. It .mill take •fillet and calmed by One inailfer4ii. Most. Of the ;400,000.sik!i being.gtai, enee Of. Pi,j,,itayi OP a Vie 1111' ,l Pre- . siitiai e 'Ye/it 'fel.: hlin to cempiote tha',' , ..'4140,:niiiitel..-#0. •..ottilts.ljgra Jtti_t_ '....4 "PO ,...hia.Anniftit tiiiii.it he eligible titletl-fei. ',:the;..iliate Y.h..9......mi,rs..• - 4i'4,-4 • . ' ••. *14. , i'il,Sii ,jp."tc.e.,;„„j4,444y.i,,,,.ittor, Y4pi .;i'ivi'' ' ' ' ; AV iiir:'A,',EAltirttir, '.1'.ff'•'h"T:'•'••': or le. ciii'avt%Ii•O.'Cipri:i' yii)tt,1 i, ,f p jaii:.:-.7,- -'' " ' but :it estilnated :to. be...$10,000... The Vanderbilt '.maneloh vahied at • $6,000,00p :Went to her 'dliegliter," the :Countess Szechhetiy1,` Mho ••also re- ceived the 'lemons Newport CounlrY' home.P.,The Breakers." •MrS:„ Cei•- 'trude Vanderbilt Whitney;. widow 'tkl' Harry Payne :Wilittiey„.:,,teeeived • , 400,000.•: Allbt the grandchildren Were Men. • tionee :for Spedifie legacies • except 'Cornelius Vanderbilt, jr.; • former,' ,. newspaper reporter and publisher and: lately author of books. and alt 9-9' "exposing the rich. . Seeks ,Arti Degree Ai 72 Years; of Age. • . , I -.sok* •